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Media are the collective communication outlets or tools used to store and deliver
information or data.

There are two major types of media:

• Print Media
• Electronic Media

The mass media is a diversified collection of media technologies that reach
a large audience via mass communication. ... Print media transmit
information via physical objects, such as books, comics, magazines,
newspapers, or pamphlets.






Broadcast or storage media that take advantage of electronic technology.
They may include television, radio, Internet, fax, CD-ROMs, DVD, and any
other medium that requires electricity or digital encoding of information.

*From Graham Bell’s Telephone to Mobile listening

*From Marconi’s Radio to Television


*Advertising: From Clay tablets to Digital tablets

*Audience Measurement: Who’s listening? Who’s watching? Who’s surfing?

*Social Media: Private conversations in Public places

*Entertainment and Media Ownership: Cartoons

*Featured Films: Movies

Any history - any narrative of past is itself a reflection of particular ideas.

Hennessey (1993) claims the historical narrative “Always issues from a set of
values that support or disrupt a particular social order”

In this way history can never be about the truth or about how things really were.
Rather historians use facts to built certain stories about the past.

The media/society continuum is one such idea, but within the formulation, are
ideas about freedom of press, Commercialisation, Social responsibilities and
individual agency.


Libertarian theory or free press theory is one of the normative theory of mass
communication where media or press is given absolute freedom to publish
anything at any time and acts as a watchdog.

The theory came from the libertarian thoughts of europe during the 16th century
after the invention of printing press and after the press movement.

The ideology that supported freedom of the press is identified as the libertarian
theory. Libertarianism, as Siebert (1956) defines it, is based on

“the superiority of the principle of individual freedom and judgement and the
axiom that truth when allowed free rein will emerge victorious from any

“The basis of our government being the opinion of people,the very first object
should be to keep that right; and were it left to me to decide whether we should
have a government without newspaper without a government. I should not
hesitate a moment to prefer the latter” -THOMAS JEFFERSON, the 3rd president
of U.S

Further more, the means and channel of knowledge and communication should
not be restricted by any individual of Government.

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