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Rock School of the Bible FAQ’s

Q. What topics will I study in Rock School of the Bible?

A. The 2-year Program covers 15 topics including:

Knowing God’s Will and God’s Voice
The Church
Christian Character
Christian Stewardship
Christian Ministry
See Course Overview for complete list and descriptions.

Q. Is Rock School of the Bible right for me?

A. If you are a Christian Believer, 16 years old to 116 years old, and you want to learn and
understand God’s Word, and put it into practice in your life, this School was designed for you. If
you have been wanting to know God and the Bible better, Rock School of the Bible is an answer
to that desire. If you sense that you are called to the mission field or vocational ministry, Rock
School of the Bible can start you down that path as well.

Q. When and where are classes held?

A. Classes meet year-round (with some time off for holidays) one evening a week on Wednesday
from 7:00 pm to 9:00 pm at Church on the Rock. The full 2-year Course will begin on June 5,
2019, but for 8 weeks, beginning March 6th, we are offering a SAMPLER of two courses:
Christian Leadership 1 and Christian Leadership 2.

If you are interested or curious, but unsure whether Rock School of the Bible is where God is
leading you. If you are concerned that the coursework may be too difficult for you, or that
classes may be boring, this is your opportunity to see for yourself with very little risk. Complete
the courses in Christian Leadership, and afterwards you can decide whether or not to register for
the full 2-year Program.
Q. How much homework is required?

A. Each week we will study two Lessons. Students are responsible to read the assigned Lesson in
advance of each class, and complete the Review Questions at the end each Lesson. This
homework will be graded, must be turned in at the beginning of each class, and will be reviewed
in interactive discussion. Although some Lessons are longer or shorter, and different students
read at different paces, two hours a week is a reasonable expectation, occasionally a little longer
and occasionally a little shorter.

Q. How long does it take to complete Rock School of the Bible and what credential will I
receive upon graduation?

A. Rock School of the Bible is a 2-year Diploma of Christian Ministries Program, focused on
knowing the Bible, and the God of the Bible, becoming equipped to serve faithfully in the local
church, learning to be an effective witness for Jesus Christ among your family, friends,
neighbors and co-workers, or preparing for missionary work or vocational ministry. In terms of
obtaining Ministry Credentials, RSOB Transcript will count for Elective Credit with the
Assemblies of God Global University Accredited Degree Programs, and is pre-requisite to Global Ministries and Relief’s
Accredited Degree Program of Global Theological University

Q. How do I register?

A. Registration is open through Sunday February 24th, to enroll you must complete the
Enrollment Application and pay tuition and fee due (see below) at enrollment.

Q. I have young children and it’s difficult and expensive to find babysitting, what do I do?

A. During the March–April RSOB Sampler Childcare will be provided by Church on the Rock.
We will conclude classes promptly by 9:00 PM, considerate that it is a school and work night.

Q. What will it cost to complete Rock School of the Bible?

A. The purpose of our Bible School is to make Disciples, not money, so we have kept the cost
very low, so that almost anyone can afford Rock School of the Bible. There is an Annual
Registration Fee of $35 per Student, and a Graduation Fee of $25. There are 15 Course Manuals,
and each one is $40, so the total for 2-years is $695. No kidding, that’s it. Unless you elect to pay
in full for the two years in advance, in that case you may deduct 20% from the price of the
Course Manuals, reducing your total cost to $635.

If you prefer to pay Rock School of the Bible tuition in installments, your Annual Registration
Fee of $35 and $40 for the first Course Manual must be submitted with your Enrollment Form.
Each subsequent payment of $40 must be paid no later than 3 weeks before the conclusion of the
preceding course. A course may last from 4 to 8 weeks.

In the case of compelling circumstances, some scholarships can be considered.

To Register for the March 6th – April 24th RSOB Sampler there is no Registration Fee, just
$80 for the two Course Manuals, Christian Leadership 1 & 2.

If you have other questions, please don’t hesitate to contact Rock School of the Bible
Director, Larry Naselli, by email or phone 815-909-6687.

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