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Lauren Mitchell

Mrs. Layton

English IV, Period 2

17 January 2019

Revised Thesis:​ Before going into a career in education teachers should have more information

to help meet the needs of each student.

“Teaching to Every Student's Unique Learning Style.” ​University of San Diego​, 5 Jan. 2018,

The University of San Diego wrote an article providing strategies and information about

applying different learning styles into one classroom. The author started the article by giving the

reader methods how to start incorporating each student’s learning style. There were three

methods of starting. First getting to know your students, second create a safe atmosphere to

learn, and lastly be flexible to offer other choices. Two common teaching styles found in the

classroom are teacher-centered instruction or student-centered instruction. Teacher-centered

instruction was mentioned as not best since there are more effective ways to engage students

with different styles of learning. Student-centered instruction is split into two categories of

inquiry-based and cooperative based. Inquiry-based encourages independence and hands-on

learning, which would be best for kinesthetic learners. Cooperative based focusing on group

work and more social growth of the students. Howard Gardner’s multiple intelligence theory was

described in the article. Gardner’s theory involved the seven intelligences: visual/spatial,

bodily/kinesthetic, musical, interpersonal, intrapersonal, linguistic, logical/mathematical. To

conclude the article the author provides strategies for teaching. The two recommended are
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UDL(Universal Design for Learning) and Blended Learning. UDL incorporates student-centered

learning and multiple intelligences to engage every student, including their needs. Blended

learning focuses on flexibility in the curriculum, relying mostly on technology. Students

introduce the topic being taught at home for homework, while class time is used for

problem-solving and teacher helping answering questions.

The article was helpful for teachers to improve their teaching style for their students to be

engaged in lesson plans. Teachers could gain more knowledge about the different learning styles

their students learn best from and strategies to meet the needs of each student. Multiple

intelligences provide the seven learning styles a teacher must know to apply in their classroom to

engage their students while improving the student’s educational growth. Knowing the difference

between teacher-centered and student-centered instruction is important to know as a teacher.

Teachers need to know if their class is listening and absorbing information or engages with

different learning styles. The author provided useful strategies and tips for teachers to teach one

class for different styles of learning. The strategies explain ways to engage students who are

kinesthetic, visual, auditory or any other of the seven intelligences. The author of the article was

slightly biased when explaining student-center and teacher-centered instruction, but other than

the instruction section the author was not biased. The goal of the source was to explain methods

of implementing each learning style into the classroom for future or current teachers.

The topic for my research project is to learn about learning disabilities, learning styles,

and the development of a child. Armed with the information I received from the research topic I

will be better prepared to become a teacher who can help her students learn to the best of their

ability. I thought the author provides helpful information especially when they mentioned tips for
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getting started. The information described in the article had detailed facts from experts like

Howard Gardner to back up their claim. The topics I read about in the source will strengthen my

argument since there were strategies the author advised teachers to apply in the classroom to

enhance their students’ educational interest. After reading “One Classroom, Many Learning

Styles: Strategies for Teacher” the view I have about learning styles has changed slightly based

on the styles teachers use in their classroom because I never took the teacher’s style of teaching

into consideration.

“Role of the Educator.” ​Children's Choice Preschool​,​.

The Children’s Choice Child Care Service website provided a source about the role of

teachers in the development of a child. When a teacher is teaching a class they must focus on all

areas of development, physical, social, emotional, and cognitive. While planning activities and

lessons a teacher is recommended to include the interest of the children, participate in activities

with the children, and ask the students questions for them to understand the material being

covered. By doing activities and lessons that will engage students, the teacher is also meeting the

students’ needs for development. The author of the source is explaining different methods for

teachers to follow in their classroom to aid in the development of a child. A few of the methods

are a new vocabulary for students, problem-solving scenarios, being a role model, and providing

resources and materials. In the source, the author mentions experience from teachers aiding the

development of children in the classroom. One of the teachers mentioned would observe the

students to find their interests and gave students opportunities to explore their interests. Some of

the teachers in the source do not use a curriculum made by experts, instead, those teachers create
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the curriculum with their students. To end the article the author expresses the idea of teachers

being researchers, co-explorers, learners, storytellers, and other titles a teacher may play a role

during their time teaching.

The source was helpful for teachers who tend to be more passionate about their students

learning then a curriculum made to teach a group for multiple years. For a teacher going into the

career, the source would provide useful information to implicate in the classroom. Learning

styles and the development of a child both have a major role in teaching a class of students since

every student has a learning style and develops as they age. Readers can relate to the information

presented in the source because most of the readers would understand the development of

children by going through the same development when they were younger. The author does not

seem biased when presenting the information but is bias towards certain types of teachers. The

goal of the source is to explain the role teachers have in aiding the development of their students

and methods to meet the developmental needs of the students.

“Role of the Educator” contributes to my research by stating the role a teacher has to

teach and help their students develop as they grow up. For this research project, I want to learn

more about teaching before going into a career, while learning how to be a teacher who can meet

the educational needs of their students. The source was useful to learn strategies to include

social, emotional, cognitive, and physical development into the curriculum and activities during

class. For my argument, the information about the developmental role of a teacher, mentions

about teachers who have created a curriculum with their students to cover the necessary

information and discussing the interests of the students. By reading the role educators play in the
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development of children I have learned about methods to help students learn and develop, like

learning their interests to incorporate into lessons.

“How to Adapt Your Teaching Strategies to Student Needs.” ​Reading Rockets​, 27 Oct. 2017,​.

An article on Reading Rockets was written by Kathleen Bulloch, “How to Adapt Your

Teaching Strategies to Students Needs”. This source provides tips for teachers and future

teachers to implement into their lessons and classroom to meet their students’ educational needs.

First, the author separates the strategies into different categories by difficulties a student may

face. Each category gives advice of alternatives, activities before and during the lesson, and

methods of approaching the student’s difficulties. A difficulty mentioned was learning by

listening and then applying, which provided methods to use before and during a lesson. Before a

lesson, the teacher could provide the lecture outlines, the challenging vocabulary that will be

mentioned, the reason for listening, worksheets. During the lesson, the teacher could show visual

aids, have students close their eyes and visualize the information, ask students to take notes,

explanations of information, and shorten the amount of time the students are listening. The next

category was when students have a difficult time expressing themselves verbally, like a

presentation. Some alternatives a teacher can offer the students are written projects, a recorded

presentation, or a showcase of their project. For students who have a challenging time with

reading content, the author recommends to find the article/passage in a lower level, rewrite the

text, allow a peer or adult to read aloud the text to the student, and extra time to read. If a student

has a hard time express themselves in their writing the teacher could presentations, record the

student’s voice to present, debates, and access to examples of the assignment. The source
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recommended tips to a teacher and future teachers to be able to meet the educational needs of

their students.

The article by Kathleen Bulloch was useful for people who are passionate about a career

in education and for their future students. Bulloch provided information about challenges a

student may face in their time in school and methods for teachers to implement in their

classroom to aid the students. Teachers adapting to their students’ needs relates to meeting the

needs of multiple intelligence and the development of children because of all three focus on the

strategies that will help students to advance and improve in school. In the article, most of the

information given is reliable as a student or a teacher. Students may have had some of the

accommodations mentioned, or have been offered the different options during a project or

assignment. Bulloch is not biased towards any information stated throughout the article, she is

giving advice about small changes to implement into a lesson or assignment. The goal of the

article was to advise teachers to adapt their teaching style and curriculum to help their students

learning needs.

The strategies mentioned in the article aid my senior project, since the information gives

me more knowledge about lessons and assignments difficulty in a student’s view. The

curriculum can be adaptable to help the student have a better understanding of the subjects being

taught, while also providing options for assignments to students who may need accommodations.

Bulloch’s article was very helpful as a future teacher to be prepared for the difficulties the

students may face and gives methods to implement into lesson plans. For my argument, the

information stated can aid as evidence of how learning more about teaching children is important

before becoming a teacher. My senior project could use the information provided by the article
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by applying the information into the presentation and research I find along the way as the project

proceeds. Bulloch’s article has changed my mind after reading because I never knew before why

teachers have students do presentations in front of the class or why the teacher give worksheets

while watching a video.

“About Learn about Our College.” ​Walters State the Great Smoky Mountains Community

College​, ​​.

On Walters State, the Great Smoky Mountains Community College’s website there was

an article with presentation slides providing strategies for teaching students with learning

disabilities. The first section in the article is about the impact of learning disabilities academics.

This section goes over the different subjects taught in school and the signs of a learning

disability. After discussing the impacts on academics, there was a section about strategies as a

teacher to help students with an expressive language disability. Some of the strategies

recommended were to give notice ahead of time for written assignments, limit the topic of the

assignment to fit their needs, show examples, check-in with students, instructions written and

verbal. For students with a reading disability, the article gives tips to create checkpoints of the

passage being read, create questions for the student to answer while reading, provide vocabulary

words from the text, and allow access to notes for each chapter. Next stated section after reading

disability was a receptive language disability. The strategies provided on the source were to

allow the student to use a tape recorder, seat student near the front of the class, notes of lecture,

allow the student to test in a room alone, and limit distractions. The last section in the article was

mathematics disability, which went over methods to allow calculators, recommend the student to

use graph paper, provide practice problems, and visual aids.

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The article about learning disabilities teaching strategies provided useful information for

people who are interested in a teaching career. Teaching styles revolve around strategies to meet

the educational needs of students, which articles about learning disabilities, developmental

stages, learning styles, and methods of accommodating all relate to teaching styles. Information

from the article is relatable to a student who may have an IEP and teachers while teaching

students who may have an IEP. The source is not biased towards any information mentioned.

The goal was to provide tips and strategies to help students who have learning disabilities learn

with the class.

In the article about techniques for supporting students with learning disabilities relates to

my project based on the information given throughout the article to help me gain knowledge to

become a teacher. Some of the content in this source was very helpful for when I go into a

teaching career and for evidence for the senior project. For my argument, the content provides

evidence that teachers should learn before going into a classroom as a teacher. This source will

be part of shaping the research I find throughout the senior project and will be used or mentioned

in the research project. The article hasn’t changed my view of the topic since I knew some of the

methods stated as an IEP student myself.

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