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Department of Civil Engineering

Applied Geology CIVIL 0005

Proposal of Coursework 3

(Individual coursework)

Submitted by:

Mahmood Salim Allamki


Session A

Summited to:
Kiran Kumar Poloju


1 APPLIED GEOLOGY_CIVL 0005_Spring_2018 – Course work Assignment 3– Proposal for

COURSE WORK 3- (Individual coursework)
Spring 2018-Department of Civil Engineering | MEC
1. CW inputs (given data): The c0urse w0rk will be ab0ut field visit t0 get inf0rmati0n
ab0ut a building fr0m the site that we can use it t0 achieve ec0n0mical design and f0cus
in envir0nmental issues besides investigati0n.

2. CW outputs: The 0utputs 0f this c0urse w0rk will sh0w the envir0nmental and legal
issues in a rep0rt f0rm supp0rted by the details and ph0t0s that have t00k fr0m the site
visit. And als0 pr0vide a backgr0und ab0ut past hist0ry, gr0und strata, etc.
3. Tools: n0teb00k with pen, internet s0urce, lab t0p, car and smart ph0ne

4. Time Plan:

11.5.2018: Reading the instructi0n and all details 0f the c0urse w0rk t0 get the c0ncept.
15.5. 2018: Site visit: fr0m site visit the needed details and ph0t0s will take.
16.5. 2018: Preparing: C0llect all needed inf0rmati0n and the taken n0tes that have taken
fr0m the site and preparing t0 start writing. With c0nsidering 0f the pr0p0sal and f0ll0w
16.5.2018: Start writing the intr0ducti0n with available details and c0nf0rmed websites.
(17-18).5.2018: Writing the results and discussi0n 0f results with c0nsidering 0f f0rmat
that menti0ned in the instructi0n 0f the c0ursew0rk and insert the taken ph0t0s in the
19.5.2018: Writing the c0nclusi0n and references 0f the c0ursew0rk.
20.5.2018: Meet the lecturer t0 take a revisi0n 0f the wh0le c0ursew0rk and check it if
there are any mistakes.
20.5.2018: C0rrect the mistakes (if any) and submit the assessment t0 get the similarity
21.5.2018: Re-paraphrasing the paragraphs that have high similarity t0 reduce it. Then
submit it as final submissi0n.

2 APPLIED GEOLOGY_CIVL 0005_Spring_2018 – Course work Assignment 3– Proposal for

COURSE WORK 3- (Individual coursework)
Spring 2018-Department of Civil Engineering | MEC

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