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Socrate 2013
K. Qian
Axisymmetric Shafts in Torsion
Loading Conditions on each Section (x)
Applied loading only around the axis (x) of the shaft.
The only internal resultant at any sections ┴ x
is the axial torque T(x)

Find T(x)along the bar (axial torque diagram) by

cutting the bar at x and imposing moment_x equilibrium.
For the example shown, equilibrium at x gives:
for x<xB :Σ Mx = 0 = – T(x)+QC +QB ! T(x)= QC + QB
for x>xB :Σ Mx = 0 = – T(x) +QC ! T(x)= QC

And the entire axial torque diagram is:

For distributed loading t (x), with t (x) [in (N*m)/m =N]

+ with right hand rule along x, obtain the torque T(x) by
integrating t (x) along the shaft. For the shaft shown: L

The differential relationship

T ( x ) = ∫ t ( x )dx
between the distributed torque t (x)
and the axial resultant T(x) is

dT ( x )
= −t ( x )
Kinematics constraint (geometry of deformation)
Cross sections ┴ x : stay flat, rotate by ϕ(x)
Section deformation
Section at x has rotation ϕ(x)
Section at x+dx has rotation ϕ(x+dx)= ϕ(x)+dϕ
Local measure of deformation dϕ
at section x: twist rate
Strain "! section deformation

sections rigidly rotate! strain γ increases with radius r: γ ( r , x ) = r (x )

Structural response L Sign Conventions

dϕ A
Φ= ∫ dx
0 dx “with x”
Angle of twist
x Rotation field : ϕ (x)
dϕ x-component of reaction torque : TAx
ϕ ( x ) = ϕ ( x0 )+ ∫ dx
Rotation field : x0 dx

with ϕ (x0)=ϕ0 determined by BC “out”

(e.g., ϕ0=0 at wall) Angle of twist: Φ
Internal Torque resultant : T
Section equilibrium
The Axial Torque T(x) at section x is obtained by
integrating the contributions of each elemental area
dA=2πrdr, at distance r from the axis, which carries
a shear stress τ(r,x)
T (x ) = ∫ r ⋅ τ ( r , x )⋅ 2π r dr

Constitutive Properties
If the material is linear elastic and the
shear modulus of elemental area dA is G
the stress can be obtained as τ ( r , x ) = G ( r , x )⋅ γ ( r , x )
Section Response Constant over cross

T (x ) = ∫ r ⋅ τ ( r , x )⋅ 2π r dr = ∫ r ⋅G ( r , x ) γ ( r , x ) ⋅ dA = ∫ r ⋅G ( r , x ) r ⋅ dA
A A A dx

dϕ dϕ dϕ T (x )
T (x ) =
∫ r 2 G ( r , x ) dA = dx
( GI p )eff ( x )←%%

( x ) =
( GI p )eff ( x )

Effective Section Stiffness: ( GI p )eff ( x ) = ∫r G ( x ,r ) dAx

If only 1 material, G(x)! (GIp)eff =G(x) Ip(x);

If 2 materials (G1, G2) ! (GIp)eff= G1 Ip1 + G2 Ip2

Special case: homogeneous shaft (shear modulus G); constant axial torque;
constant cross section with polar moment of inertia I p = ∫∫ r dA
Equilibrium (moments x)
ΣMx=0 ! T =Q (constant along shaft)
KT = = : torsional stiffness of the bar
τ ( r ) = r : shear stress (at radius r)
γ ( r ) = r : shear strain (at radius r)
T τ
G = : Shear Modulus of the material
structure γ
KT = G #
π R 4
1 L
 %
material ,geometry % 2
Φ %
τ Φ= Q %
GI p % 2π R 3t
 2
I p = ∫∫ r dA = $
material 1/ K T
A %
G %
π R 4
π R 4
% O
− I
1 Ip % 2 2
Q =G Φ %
γ L &
S. Socrate 2013
K. Qian
Symmetric Slender Beams in Bending
y and z
Loading Conditions on each Section (x) are section
Applied y-Forces & z-Moments symmetry
The resultants at any section ┴ x axes
the bending moment M(x)

the shear force S(x)

[ for slender beams stresses and deformation
due to the shear force S(x) are negligible]
• S(x)along the beam (shear force diagram) by
cutting the beam at x and imposing force_y equilibrium.
• M(x)along beam beam (bending moment diagram) by
cutting the beam at x and imposing moment_z equilibrium.
For the example shown, equilibrium at x left of B gives:
Σ Fy = 0 = – S(x) + FB – FC ! S (x) = FB – FC
Σ (Mz )x= 0 = – M(x) + MD + LBFB – LCFC ! M(x) = MD + LBFB – LCFC
Note pivot for z-moment is at x to eliminate unknown S (x) from equation

For distributed loading qy (x), with qy (x) in N/m + along y

obtain S(x) and M(x) by integration.

Differential relationships:
dS( x) dM( x)
= −q y ( x ) ; = −S ( x )
dx dx
Examples S(x) and M(x) diagrams
• start at x=L with S(x)=0 , M(x)=0
•  walk the beam
from right to left: S S S
x x x
(in –x direction)

the vertical forces (applied and M M M

reactions at supports) point to where x x x
the S diagram is going:
•  a concentrated load up (positive)
means the S diagram has a step up
•  a distributed load up (positive)
means the S diagram is sloping up S
•  a concentrated load down (negative) x S
means the S diagram has a step down
•  a distributed load down (negative)
means the S diagram is sloping down M x M M
x x
the S diagram and concentrated
moments (applied and reactions at
supports) point to where the M
diagram is going:
• a CCW concentrated moment (positive)
means the M diagram has a step up S
x S
x S
•  an S diagram up (positive)
means the M diagram is sloping up
• a CW concentrated moment (negative) M
means the M diagram has a step down x M x M x
•  a S diagram down (negative)
means the M diagram is sloping down
Kinematics constraint
Cross sections ┴ x : stay flat, rotate around z by θ (x)

Section displacement in y-direction v(x): deflection

Section rotation = beam slope: θ ( x ) =
Section deformation
Section at x has rotation θ (x)
Section at x+dx has rotation θ (x+dx)= θ (x)+dθ

Local measure of deformation at section x dθ NEUTRAL AXIS:

dx no change in x-length
with deformation
dθ 1
ρ ( x) ⋅ dθ = dx → = ( x) curvature
dx ρ
Radius at neutral axis
Structural response sign convention

x x
dθ 1
slope θ ( x) = θ ( x0 ) + ∫ dx = θ 0 + ∫ ( x)dx
dx x0
x x

deflection v ( x ) = v ( x0 ) + ∫ dx = v0 + ∫ θ ( x) dx
dx x0
with θ (x0)=θ0 and v(x0)=v0 determined by BC (e.g., θ0=0 and v0 =0 at wall)
Note that for simply supported beams, must use instead two BCs on v(x) (zero at supports)
section deformation "! Strain
• sections rigidly rotate! strain varies linearly with y
• for positive curvature, top of section shortens, bottom elongates
• for cross sections with top-bottom symmetry the mid-plane is neutral
no change in x-length on neutral mid-plane! set y=0 at midplane

ds − dx (ρ ( x) − y )⋅ dθ − ρ ( x) ⋅ dθ y
ε a ( x, y) = = =−
dx ρ ( x) ⋅ dθ ρ ( x)

Note: εa is a function of y: larger strains away from the neutral axis


ε MAX =

strain distributions on cross section x for a positive curvature (concave up)
Section equilibrium
The Bending Moment M(x) at section x is obtained
by integrating the contributions of each elemental
area, dA at distance y from the axis, which carries
a normal stress σn(x,y,z)
M(x) = ∫ − y σ n ( x, y, z ) dA
Constitutive Properties
If the material is linear elastic and the Young s modulus
of elemental area dA is E, the stress can be obtained as
σ n ( x, y, z ) = E ( x, y, z ) ⋅ ε a ( x, y)
Section Response Constant over cross
M (x) = ∫ − yσ n ( x, y, z ) dA = ∫ − y ⋅ E ( x, y, z ) ε a ( x, y ) dA = ∫ y 2 ⋅ E ( x, y, z ) ( x) ⋅ dA
1 1 1 M (x)
M (x) = ( x) ∫ y 2 E ( x, y, z ) dA = ( x)(EI ) eff ( x) ←" "→
( x) =
ρ A
ρ ρ ( EI ) eff ( x)
Effective Section Stiffness: ( EI ) eff ( x) = ∫ y 2 E ( x, y, z ) dAx
If only 1 material, E(x)! (EI)eff =E(x) I (x);

If 2 materials (E1, E2) ! (EI)eff = E1 I1 + E2 I2

NOTE: I, I1 , I2 all calculated with respect to y=0 I i = ∫ y 2 dAi
Section moment of inertia I = ∫ y 2 dA

Moment of inertia of rectangle and circle with respect to their centroid

bh3 π R4
Obtain I for more complex sections by superposition: I=I1 + I2 +… I= I=
12 4

π RO 4 π RI 4 BH 3 bh 3 BH 3 bh 3
I= − I= −2 I= +2
4 4 12 12 12 12
Caution: for simple superposition, all areas for I1 , I2 … must have centroid on y=0
if not ! need to use parallel axis theorem

I = ∫ y 2 dA + ∫ y 2 dA + ∫ y 2 dA
A1 A2 A3

& bt 3 & (h + t ) # 2 # & th3 # & bt 3 & − (h + t ) # 2 #

I = I1 + I 2 + I 3 = $ +
$ 12 $% 2 !"
(bt )!! + $$ !! + $$ + $ ! (bt )!!
% " % 12 " % 12 % 2 " "
Ii = ( I ic + ( yic ) 2 Ai ) " Parallel axis theorem
I ic = Moment of inertia of Ai with respect to its own centroid
yic = y-coordinate of centroid of area Ai
Special case: homogeneous beam (modulus E); constant cross section with moment of inertia I

Bending moment M (x) obtained from

ΣMz=0 ! M (x) (may be NOT constant along beam)
1 M (x )
( x )= curvature along the beam (at neutral axis)
ρ EI
y M (x )
εa ( x , y ) = − = −y axial strain
ρ( x ) EI
M (x )
σ n ( x , y ) = E εa ( x , y ) = − y normal stress

$π R 4
! 4
I = ∫ y 2 dA = #
ρ(x)$ A ! bh 3
x !
" 12

Stress and strain distributions on cross section x for a positive bending moment M (x)
Uniaxial Loading Torsion Bending

ΣFx=0 ! N ΣMx=0 ! T ΣMz=0 ! M

Sections ┴ x: stay flat, translate in x by u(x) Sections ┴ x: stay flat, rotate around x by ϕ(x) Sections ┴ x: stay flat, rotate around z by θ(x)

N(x) = ∫ σ n ( x, y, z ) dA T (x) = ∫ r ⋅τ (r , x) ⋅ dA M (x) = ∫ − y ⋅ σ n ( x, y, z ) dA


du ( x) dϕ ( x ) dθ ( x) 1
= ( x)
dx dx dx ρ
du ( x) dϕ ( x) dθ ( x) − y
ε a ( x) = γ ( x, r ) = r ε a ( x, y ) = − y =
dx dx dx ρ ( x)
σ n ( x, y, z ) = E ( x, y, z) ⋅ ε a ( x) τ ( x, r ) = G( x, r ) ⋅ γ ( x, r ) σ n ( x, y, z ) = E ( x, y, z ) ⋅ ε a ( x, y)
du ( x) N(x) dϕ ( x) T(x) dθ ( x) 1 M(x)
= = = ( x) =
dx ( EA)eff ( x) dx (GI p )eff ( x) dx ρ ( EI )eff ( x)
( EA) eff ( x) = ∫ E ( x, y, z ) dA (GIp ) eff ( x) = ∫ r 2G ( x, r ) dA ( EI ) eff ( x) = ∫ y 2 E ( x, r ) dA
x N(x) T(x)
x x M(x)
u ( x) = u ( x0 ) + ∫ dx ϕ ( x) = ϕ ( x0 ) + ∫ dx θ ( x) = θ ( x0 ) + ∫ dx
x0 ( EA) ( x) x0 (GI ) ( x) x0 ( EI ) ( x )
eff p eff eff
v( x) = v( x0 ) + ∫ θ ( x)dx

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