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Screeningand Diagnosisof DiabetesMellitus (DM)in Primary CareSettings

Consider screening for diabetes (Module 2)

1) Age ~ 45 years old, OR
2) Anyone with risk factors for diabetes\ OR
3) Anyone with symptoms or signs of diabetes

+______ +
ICheck fasting glucose (FG) I or IGlycated haemoglobin (HbA 1 c) 1----------,

FG < 6.1 FG 6.1 -6.9 FG ~ 7.0
I HbA1c
mmol/L mmol/L mmol/L * ~ 6.5%*

Consider oral glucose tolerance test (75g)
FG< 6.1 mmol/L FG6.1 - 6.9 mmol/L & FG< 7 mmol/L & Post
Post< 7.8 mmol/L Post< 7.8 mmol/L Post~7.8-11.0mmol/L ~11.1 mmol/L*

i i i i
Impaired Impaired
fasting glucose
glucose(IFG) tolerance(IGT)

Lifestyle advice (Module 1) Management of diabetes in

Lifestyle modification
Retest yearly if high risk§ primary care settings
Annual review with blood test
Retest 3-yearly if no risk factors (turn over to continue)

§ Risk factors for diabetes (Module 2)

• Age 2::45 years old • Metabolic syndrome

• Family history (first-degree relatives) of diabetes • Clinical cardiovascular diseases (e.g. coronary
• Overweight or obesity heart disease, stroke, peripheral vascular disease)
• Previous impaired glucose tolerance (IFG)or • Presence of other cardiovascular risk factors
impaired fasting glucose (IGT) • Women with history of gestational diabetes
• Abdominal circumference : ~ 80cm in females, or big baby
~ 90cm in males • Polycystic ovarian syndrome
• Hypertension (HT) (blood pressure (BP) • Long term systemic steroid therapy
~ 140/90 mmHg)

20 17
Management of Diabetes Mellitus (DM) in Primary Care Settings

Management strategy "HbA 1c goal (Module 5)

• Promote lifestyle modification, e.g. diet (Module 3), exercise
(Module 4) and smoking cessation
Individualised, balancing
• Check HbA 1c half yearly or more frequently if necessary benefits and risks
(Module S) and arrange regular follow up
• General: < 7%
• Measure BP every visit. Start ACE/I ARB for patients with HT
• Young and fit: s 6.5%
(BP;:;::130/80 mm Hg) (Module 7), microalbuminuria or
proteinuria (Module 9) • Frail elderly, severe
hypoglycaemic episodes
• Consider statin if lifestyle modification fails to achieve
target LDL-C < 2.6 mmol/L (Module 8) or advanced disease:

• Consider referral if indicated (Core Document 8.1) Lessstringent goal

HbA1c ~ 7%" after lifestyle modification

Step 1:
mono- Use Metformin as monotherapy (Module 6)
therapy Consider sulphonylurea if :
- Metformin not tolerated or contraindicated
- Rapid response desired for hyperglycaemic symptoms

1HbA 1 c still ~ 7%' despite monotherapy

Step 2:
Add Sulphonylurea when Consider adding pioglitazone, DPP4 inhibitor or
therapy blood glucose control remains SGLT2 inhibitor instead of sulphonylurea if:
inadequate on metformin
- Significant risk of hypoglycaemia
(Module 6)
- Intolerant of or contraindicated to sulphonylurea

1HbA 1c ~ 7 .5%" despite adjustment/

addition of blood glucose lowering drugs

Consider insulin (Appendix of Module 6)

Add Pioglitazone, DPP4 inhibitor or SGLT2 inhibitor when insulin is unacceptable
or inappropriate
Add GLP-1 agonist if BMI ~ 35kg/m2 and weight loss would benefit comorbidities

Annual assessment and complication screening (Core Document 8.3)

• Glycaemic control • Complications
- HbAlc - Nephropathy (serum creatinine / random
- Compliance/ diabetes knowledge spot urine albumin: creatinine ratio) (Module 9)
• Co-existing cardiovascular risk factors - Retinopathy (Module 1O)
- Obesity (BMI / waist circumference) - Foot (foot pulse/ foot ulcer /neuropathy )(Module 11)
- Smoking/ alcohol • Medication review, dietary assessment
- HT (BP)
- Dyslipidaemia (lipid profile)

Extractedfrom the HongKongReferenceFrameworkfor DiabetesCarefor Adultsin PrimaryCareSettings.


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