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AUGUST 19 – 24 2019

Tuesday South School 9.00-1.00. Augustine: Conversion and the Confessions.
C. Köckert. Augustine’s “Milan Circle” Reconsidered
T, Saeteros. Amor y creatio, conversio, formatio en Agustín de Hipona
K. Bouwman. The Mystagogical Function of Divine Motherhood at the Conversion of
M. F. Di Silva. Augustine’s concept of materia spiritalis: Confessions, XII-XIII
J. O. Velasquez. Augustinian Interiority and Platonic Dialectics: From Cassiciacum to
R. Teubner. From the Psalmic to the Lyric: Transformations of Genre in Augustine’s
Confessiones 9
M. Osseforth, The One Tree; Hiding in Plain Sight. A New Example of Contextuality in Saint
Augustine’s Confessions
J. Fan. Saint Augustine’s Confessions and Speech Acts: Schleiermacher, Sabellius, and Inter-
Trinitarian Equality
K. Mizuochi. What is libri disciplinarum in Cassiciacum --- From Licentius' Poem in
Augustine's Epistula 26

Tuesday South School 2.00-4.00. Theological Topics in Augustine.

G. Wiebe. Deus and the Monarchy of the Father in Augustine’s De Fide: Comparisons of
Latin and Greek Traditions and Arguments
G. Kendeffy. The Theme of the Nothingness of Man in the Works of Saint Augustine
W. Hirano. Substantia and Potestas: Augustine’s Theory of Persons
A. Trettel. God's "ostendere": the Development of a Theme in the Later Augustine
E. E. Houth. Text Mining Augustine: A Case Study of ‘God' and ‘Will’ in De Civitate Dei
K. Kambo. Theories of Divine Punishment in Augustine’s City of God

Tuesday East School 9.00-1.00. Basil of Caesarea

T. Langley. Polis Body and Body Politic: Bodily Metaphors in the letters of Basil of Caesarea
A. Lida. St. Basil of Caesarea’s Christological Understanding Pertaining to His Rebuttal of
O. Alieva. Moses in the Wilderness: Basil of Caesarea on Formation of the Prophet
M. Hartman. The Art of Soul Hunting: Basil of Caesarea’s Letter 10
A. Rasmussen. “A Vessel Divinely Molded”: Basil of Caesarea on the Goodness of Human
V. Marchetto. “One Heart and One Soul” (Acts 4:32). Past and Present Unity in Basil of
B. Gain. Le propre du chrétien selon Basile de Césarée: imiter le Christ ou renaître de l’eau et
B. Yam. Basil on the Souls
M. A. Valdes Garcia. Homiliae Diversae de Basilio de Cesarea. Estudio retórico.

Tuesday East School 2.00-4.00. The Cappadocian Milieu

A. Perrot. Basil and Amelius.
T. Tatterfield. Basil of Caesarea on Stoic Sympathy and the Body of Christ
M. Motia. “Language is the author of all these emotions:” Greek Novels and Christian Affect
in Gregory of Nyssa
T. Valgaeren. Moses’ Multiple Personalities: How the Cappadocians’ Literary Goals
Influence Identity Construction
R, Edwards. Spiritual Busybodies. The anti-Anomoen Polemic of the Cappadocians and John
N. Howard. “Epistolary Agōn and Exhibitions of Manhood in Fourth-Century Cappadocia”

Tuesday Room 1 9.00 – 1.00. Cyril of Alexandria

E. Artemi. Cyril of Alexandria and Julian the Emperor in Dialogue for Ancient Greek
Philosophy and Paganism.
G. Siskos. Fundamental differences on Christological expressions of St Cyril of Alexandria
and Severus of Antioch
B. Enfrein. Manipulating Cyril of Alexandria’s In Lucam : Three Texts for the 3rd Homily
between Selecting, Rewriting and Preserving.
A. Streltsov. Impassible Passion: Cyril’s Unitive Christology at the Crossroads between
Christian Tradition and Plotinus’ Psychology
M. Magee. Surpassing Mere Logomachy: Theodoret and Cyril on the Second Anathema
A. Mercer. Salvation and the Soul of Christ in Cyril's Early Writings
C. Beeley. Christology and Metaphysics in Cyril of Alexandria

V. Tierney. The Gift of the Holy Spirit: Pledge and Fulfilment in Cyril of Alexandria

T. Tăbuş. The Imperial Reception of Cyrillian Christology in the 6th Century on the Basis of
the Theological Writings of Justinian I

Tuesday Room 1 2.00 – 4.00. Hippolytus of Rome and his Enemies

X. Morales. “Modalism” – Critical Assessment of a Modern Interpretative Paradigm
I. Bugar. Hippolytus on the Virgin
K. Bracht. The Aroma of Christ. Hippolytus’ λόγος-Christology in his Commentary on the
Song of Songs
S. Hanstein. Advertising the True Faith – the Refutation of all Heresies in its Roman Context
J. Cerrato. Hippolytus as Homilist: Aspects of Oratory in the Second Century Commentator
M. Flexsenhar III. Seeking Death in a Synagogue: Satire in the Refutation of All Heresies

Tuesday Room 2 9.00 – 1.00. Clement of Alexandria

D. Crosby. The 'New Song' of Eunomos: Dragons and Materiality in the Protrepticus of
Clement of Alexandria
D. Papanikolaou. Clement of Alexandria and Buddhism
J. Heath. Paideia and Politeia. Clement of Alexandria and Plato’s Republic.
D. King. Widening the Eye of the Needle: The Peculiar Edition of Mark 10:17-31 in Clement
of Alexandria's Quis Dives Salevtur
L.-F. Karuhije. L'ecclésiologie de Clément d'Alexandrie à la lumière de sa doctrine de
M. Akiyama. Prudenza e lo “spirit del senso” secondo Clemente Alessandrino
A. Edewaard. Wine: Peril or Prophylactic? Ancient Medical Theory in Clement of
Alexandria's Dietary Prescriptions
P. M. Reaves. Dressed for Transformation and Transportation: Heavenly Garments in
Clement of Alexandria's Stromateis
A. Paris. From Wittgenstein to Clement and from Clement to Wittgesntein. A Few
methodological leads for a Literary Comparison including Patristic Literature.
Tuesday Room 2 2.00 – 4.00. The Dionysian Tradition
M. Vlad. Pseudo-Dionysius the Areopagite on Initiation and Divine Inspiration

A. Bama. The Gnoseological Function of Symbolon in Dionysius the Areopagite

F. G. Calian. The Inherited Duality of One in the Corpus Areopagiticum

W. Hakamada. The Dionysian Doctrine of Love.

S. De Groot. A Cycle of Three Book Epigrams on Ps.-Dionysius the Areopagite

Tuesday Room 6 9.00 – 1.00 Origen and Christian Tradition

D. Fanous. “Christ formed in you”. Discerning Paul’s “Theotic Exegesis in Origen and
O. Munnich. « La clef des textes : la tradition de « l’Hébreu » rapportée par Origène
(Philocalie 2, 3) »
C. -I. Mihai. The Pagan Gregory and Origen: Polemics and Apologetics in the School of
A.-C. Jacobsen. Possible Traces of Origen in Cyril of Jerusalem
A. Cain. The Greek Historia Monachorum in Aegypto and the Origenist Controversy in Late
Fourth-Century Palestine.
A. Miller. Origenism and Cyril of Alexandria’s Sacramental Theology
A. Villani. Leo Allatius and an Ancient Exegetical Debate: Origen and Eustathius of Antioch
Interpreting the Witch of Endor Narrative.
A. Tzvetkova-Glaser. The Allegorical Interpretation of the Song of Songs in Origen and John
of the Cross.
P. Ciner. The Problem of Life after Death in Origen’s Theology. Repercussions in
Contemporary Neuroscience.

Tuesday Room 6 2.00 - 4.00. Fourth-Century Greek Theology

A. Morozov. Pour une édition critique du De Resurrectione de Méthode d’Olympe : enjeux et
M-N. Vignal. The Virtuous Life, a Condition for Resurrection in Methodius of Olympus’
M. Danezan. Didymus as an exegete in Contra Manichæos
D. L. Dusenbury. The World a City: A Reconstruction of Nemesius of Emesa’s De Natura
T. Heyne. Nemesius the Neurologist: Dissecting the Brain in De Natura Hominis

Tuesday Room 7 9.00 – 1.00. John Chrysostom

M. Durst. Compassion in John Chrysostom
P. Molinié. John Chrysostom on Philippians: Connections Between Exegesis and Parenesis.
C Bozinis. John Chrysostom and Democracy.
J. Strawbridge. Dimensions of Sightlessness in the Writings of John Chrysostom
A. Naidu. The Adam-Christ Typology in John Chrysostom and Cyril of Alexandria
H. Stander. A Rhetorical analysis of Chrysostom's De terrae motu
P.-W. Lai. Rhetoric and Therapy in John Chrysostom’s Trinitarian Discourse
M. Tishel. "Suddenly We Have Become Saints and Sons:" The Centrality of to exaiphnes
(“the sudden”) in John Chrysostom's Homilies on Romans
B. V. Ang. Virtue in Leadership: Examining John Chrysostom’s Ideal of the Ascetic Priest

Tuesday Room 7 2.00 – 4.00. Philological Questions

F. Minonne. Early Christians and the Debate on a new τέχνη γραμματική

T. Dolidze. Advocating for Theological Language as a Special Linguistic System

M. F. Rébeillé-Borgella. La traduction de παράκλητος chez les Pères de l'Église latins

B. Wolfe. The Goths and the Holy Spirit

T. Gomelauri. Exegetical (Ex)change: Jewish ‘Satan’ vs. Christian ‘Demon’
B. Guevin. The Meaning of Lumen deificum (RB Prol 9) According to Two Greek

Tuesday Room 8 9.00 – 1.00. Tertullian and Early African Christianity

K. Honjo. Tertullian’s Theology Based on "the Rule of Faith" (Regula Fidei)
J. Labendz. Eschatological Laughter: Tertullian and the Rabbis
R. Tomsick. Not Just a Clanging Cymbal: Tertullian’s Credibility by Association with Paul.
J. Dever. Prometheus, Creation, and Christ: Tertullian of Carthage’s Defense of the Christian

J. R. Combs (En)gendering Christian Dreams: Tertullian, Authority, and a Visionary Woman

in Carthage
B. Cabe. The Engendered Soul in Apelles and Tertullian

N. Chen. Tertullian’s implicit hypothesis of Scripture in Adversus Marcionem

A. Fogleman. Tertullian as Catechist

A. d’ Incà. Forma feminarum. "Feminine" ideas in III century Christian North Africa: an
occasion to rethink Commodian origins

Tuesday Room 8 2.00 – 400. Theology and Aesthetics

K. Kwak. Scriptural Interpretations of the Biblical Tabernacle and the Architectural
Contemplation of the Cosmos through the Hagia Sophia
S. Harvey. Why Sing? Music as Pedagogy in Ancient Syriac Christianity
M. Miglūnaité. The Sacrum-Profanum Distinction in Church Fathers’ References to Music
L. Hellsten. Dance in the Early Church - New Considerations of Patristic Resources
T. Arentzen. Early Christian Trees

Tuesday Room 9 9.00 – 1.00. Eusebius of Caesarea

D. DeVore. Useful Heretics and Textual Pragmatism in Eusebius’ Ecclesiastical History.

A. Serfass. Maxentius as Xerxes: A Herodotean Echo in Eusebius’ Accounts of the Battle of

the Milvian Bridge

M. Hollerich. "Reading Eusebius as Political Theologian: The Peterson-Schmitt Debate"

R. Lyman. Arius and Porphyry: Eusebius and Athanasius on Images of God

G. Robbins. “Finding Similar Things”: Anomalies in Eusebius’ Sections and Canons
N. Virenque. Memorizing time and history. Eusebius' chronography and arboreal frameworks
at the end of the Middle Ages
W. G. Rusch. A Bishop Writes Home: A Letter of Eusebius of Caesarea to His Diocese
M. G. Toussaint. L’interpretation du chapitre 6 d’ Isaie dans la pensée théologique d’ Eusèbe
de Césarée,
M. B. Simmons. Un análisis filológico comparative Griego-Siraca de los fragmentos del
Libro V de la Teofania de Eusebio de Cesárea

Tuesday Room 9 2.00 – 4.00 Historiography of the Fourth Century

K. Mackerras. Judgments Present and Future: Providence, Theodicy and the End of
Persecution in Lactantius
G. Zipp. Tyranny and its Punishments in Lactantius, Mort. Pers. 13.1, 14.3 and 42.1-3.
J. Schott. Reading Ecclesiastical History in Byzantium: Towards an Edition and Study of the
Scholia in Laur. Plut.70.7
S. Carlson. Rufinus’ Origenization of Eusebius in his Translation of the Historia
S. Parvis. Gelasius of Caesarea and Early Nicene Historiography
T. French. Philostorgius and the Construction of the Eunomian Holy Man.

Tuesday Room 10 9.00 – 1.00. Ignatius of Antioch

J. Leavenworth. Wisely Receiving or Foolishly Perishing: Sifting the Variegated Audience of
Ignatius of Antioch.
R. Bowley. The Letters of Ignatius of Antioch in Ancient Liturgical Context: Parallels with
the Oral Recitation of Greek Hero Stories
A. McGowan. Ignatius and the Invention of Sacrifice
B. Bunnell. The Kingdom of God in Ignatius and Paul: A Social-Linguistic Comparison of an
Early Christian Stock Phrase
J. R. Davidson. Ignatius to Polycarp: Psychagogy, Pastoral Care and A Manual of Care
F. McMeekin. A Stoic Reading of Discipleship, Patient Endurance, and Learning by
Suffering in Ignatius of Antioch.
Z. Guiliano. The Unrecognized Christ and the Influence of the Pseudo-Ignatian Epistles

M. Berg. In Pursuit of The Perfect Bishop: The Short Recension of Ignatius and Syrian

M. Vinzent. Ignatian Recensions: What are these and how many?

Tuesday Room 10 2.00 – 4.00. Syria and Syriac

S. Toda. Damascus in Ancient Christianity

J. Shire. Wars in the Stars and Earth: Astrology and its Application in the Late Antique
Syriac Chronicle of Zuqnin
A. Sciubba. Jewish Wisdom, Pagan Authors, Christian Monasteries: The Sentences of the
Syriac Menander and the Preservation of Classical Authors in Syriac

U. Possekel. Exegetical Perspectives from the School of Nisibis: Michael Badoqa on the
A. Westergren. The City of the Saint: The Monks of Syria in the Late Antique Polis
D. Gronnet. A Syriac Life of Symeon Stylites (Ms. Damas 12/17, ff. 52b.1-71b.3). Edition,
Analysis and Perspectives

Tuesday Room 11 9.00 – 1.00. Early Apologetics

P. Morris. What is Apologetic Literature: A Proposal

J. Salminen. Urban Asceticism in The Epistle to Diognetus

T. Georges. Justin’s Dialogue and the Search for Contemporary Discourse between
Christians and Jews: A Closer look at Dialogue, Chapter 47

P. Parvis. P.Oxy 78.5129 and the Transmission of the Text of the Apologies of Justin Martyr

A. Petrin. Liturgy and Apology: Justin Martyr’s Discussions of the Eucharist

A. Blaski. Christ Our First Principle: The Dynamics of Persuasion in Early Christian
Apologetic Discourse

B. Pouderon. La Cohortatio de Ps.-Justin: doit-elle être attribuée à Marcelle d’Ancyre?

Réponse à l’objection faite par P. F. Beatrice.
M. Rekinová. The Influence of Xenophanean Philosophical Theology on Athenagoras of
Athens’ Legatio pro Christianis
R. Campbell. A Conversation with Melito of Sardis and Dan Brown

Tuesday Room 12 9.00 - 1.00. The Iberian Tradition

R. A. Brumbach III. Gregory of Elvira and the Evolution of a Spanish Pro-Nicene

T. Brauch. Spain and the Young Emperor Theodosius I

J. V. Rodriguez. Tajón de Zaragoza como teólogo e exégeta.

A. Pilarski. Blessed be the Sick? Eugenius of Toledo on Suffering, Sin and Salvation
(Carmina 13, 14 and 14b)
S. Vorontsov. Ecclesia in the Works of Isidore of Seville: Meaning and Usage
J. S. Carbonell. The Establishment of Monasteries in Hispania by Means of Patristics
A. Ferreiro. St Vincent Ferrer’s Catalán Sermon on St Antony
C. Sweeney. Potamius of Lisbon's Return to Orthodoxy? Reconsidering Potamius' Career in
Light of New Understandings' of Arian Identity
Tuesday Room 14 9.00 – 1.00. Evagrius of Pontus
K. Harrison. Passions and Rationality in Evagrius Ponticus’ Peri logismoi
S. Parsons. The Coherence of Evagrius’ Scholia on Proverbs.
R. P. Rivas. The attention (προσοχή) in Evagrius of Pontus
B. Dahlmann. The signs of humility: Cassian’s use of an Evagrian text and the question of
authorship and language
D. Schenk. John Cassian on monastic and traditional education
D. Opperwall. Chained to Grievance, Rotten to the Roots: Evagrius and John Cassian on
M. Tobon. Reassessing the Orthodoxy of Evagrius’ Christology

H. R. Johnsén. Reading kephalaia: The composition of Evagrius’ Ad monachos reconsidered

K.-Y. Tsui. The Body in the Ascetic Thought of Evagrius Ponticus

Tuesday Room 15 9.00-1.00. Augustine and the Bible

D. Shepardson. Augustine and Plato on Recollection: Essence, Genesis, and Mechanism
L. Dingluaia. Genesis as a Test Case for Augustine’s approach to the Vetus Latina
M. Bellerose. A Theology of Hospitality as shown in Augustine’s understanding of the
Theophany of Mamre
M. Boone. Augustine’s Theology of Desire in the Enarrationes in Psalmos.
M. Glowasky. Augustine on Exodus 3:14-15 in the Enarrationes in Psalmos
M. Rakotoniaina.The Circumcision of the Heart and the Making of Christian Identity in
Augustine’s Enarrationes in Psalmos.
K. Hubbard. 'God is Love': Augustine of Hippo's Reading of the First Epistle of John
M. Cameron. How Did Augustine Understand Reading Texts ad litteram?
S. Rosenberg. Before Pneumatology Justified Translating Scriptures: Augustine’s Theology
of Translation as Revelatory and Authoritative

Wednesday South School 9.00 – 1.00. Augustine and Christ.

T. Clemmons. From Cassiciacum to Thagaste: Augustine’s Developing Christological
A. Pierce. At the Crossroads of Christology and Grace: Augustine’s View of Christological
Union – 411/12-430.
A. Hofer. Augustine’s Mixture Christology
E. Eguiarte. Christological Insights in Augustine's Expositio Epistulae ad Galatas
G. Cruess. Augustine’s Biblical Christology: Re-reading the In Iohannis Evangelium
M. Claes. Reflections on Augustine’s Evaluation of the Body in his later Comments on
Genesis: A Christological Perspective
K. Baker. A Preached Theology: Augustine’s Doctrine of the Totus Christus
C. Kim. “Unus est magister vester Christus: St. Augustine and the Transformation of the
Magister from the Schola to the Ecclesia.”
M. Pauliat. Tradi pro Christo, tradere Christum : Mt 10, 20 dans le De doctrina
christiana d'Augustin d'Hippone, une interprétation isolée ?

Wednesday South School 2.00-4.00. Augustine and his Interlocutors

L. Zwollo. Some Considerations on Augustine’s Refutation of the Neo-Platonist Porphyry in
Book 10 of the City of God
C. Nunn. Come to an End – Typology of Closures in Augustine’s Correspondence
J. Bruce. Schisma Inveteratum: How The Donatists’ Theological Schism Became A Legal
C. B. Perez. Augustine and the Vituperation of Donatists: the Strategy of Animalizing the
J. Merdinger. Augustine at a Crossroads: Acceptance and Repudiation of Donatist Baptismal
T. Monroe. Family Matters in Augustine's Early Response to Donatism

Wednesday East School 9.00 – 1.00. Gregory of Nazianzus

P.-M. Picard. Dans quelle mesure le classement mauriste des poèmes de Grégoire de
Nazianze peut-il être légitimé ? Le cas des Carmina moralia.
R. Ricceri. Self-representation and Personal Poetry: the Psalms in Gregory of Nazianzus'
B. Harris. The Spirit as Creator in Gregory Nazianzen’s Or.41.14
G. Huian. The Human Being in the Theological Poetry of Gregory of Nazianzus
G. Thomas. Garments of Glory. Re-Examining Theosis in Gregory of Nazianzus.

M. Guise. Engendering Difference: resonance and dissonance in approaches to gender within

the writings of the two Gregorys and Luce Irigaray
J. Bryant. Cosmological Trinitarian Polemics in Gregory of Nazianzus’s Theological
R. Ricceri. Self-representation and Personal Poetry: the Psalms in Gregory of Nazianzus'
O. Langworthy. The Holy Spirit and the Synod of Constantinople (383)

Wednesday Room 1 9.00- 1.00. Irenaeus of Lyons

J. Simons. Eiusdem substantiae in Irenaeus: 4th century Adaptation or 2nd century Context?
H. Lyons. Irenaeus’ Ontology of the Trinity. Rethinking Contemporary Trinitarian Relational
Models through an Irenaean Focus on Unity.
I. Soon. “Medicine to the Weak”. Irenaeus, Disability and the Biopower of the Ecclesia in
Adversus Haereses.
G. Gasse. Making Manifest: Irenaeus and the Plain Gospel
G. El Antony. The Influence of Irenaeus's theology on the contemporary Coptic theology in
the writings and teachings of Fr Matthew the Poor
C. Thomas. (Mis)Naming God in Second-Century Christian Polemics: Irenaeus and the
R. Lane. The Relationship of Structure, Occasion and Purpose in Irenaeus’ Demonstration of
the Apostolic Preaching
R. Scruggs. Giving Gifts to the One Who Needs Nothing: Irenaeus on the End of Eucharistic
N. Betz. Beyond the Millennium: Surprising Conceptions of the New Jerusalem in Justin’s
Dial. 80-81 and Irenaeus's Adv. Haer. 5.35-56

Wednesday Room 2 9.00 – 1.00. Apostolic Fathers

T. B. Sailors. The Apostolic Fathers: Textual Traditions and Literary-Historical Connections
C. Jefford. Why Are There No Manuscripts of the Ancient Didache?
T. O’Loughlin. The Didache and diversity of eucharistic practice in the churches: the value of
Luke 22:17-20 as evidence
J. C. Edwards. The Epistle of Barnabas and the Origins of the Accusation that the Jews Killed
P. Hartog. “Faith and Hospitality in 1 Clement 9-12: The Case of Hospitable Noah”
J. Peters. The Crown and the Games in 2 Clement.
M. Monroy. La tradición juanica en Asia Menor y el martirio de Policarpo
C. Bobertz. Social Ethics and the Developing Doctrine of Incarnation: The Gospel of Mark to
L. Holsberg. Saving Hermas (and Everyone Else): Everyday Soteriology in The Shepherd of
M. A. Ramírez Batalla. ¿Vino nuevo en odres viejos? Sexualidad y matrimonio en la
literatura patrística de Hermas a Clemente de Alejandría

Wednesday Room 6 9.00 – 1.00. The Roman See

D. Bumazhnov. Killing a Bull with God’s Name. Some Consideration about Literary
Relationships among the Actus Silvestri and the Toledot Yeshu
J. Lee. Petrine Authority in the Ecclesiology of Leo the Great
M. Hoskins. Law as Theology in the Letters of Leo the Great
A. D. Litke. The Anthropological Analogy for the Incarnation according to Pope Gelasius I
H. Scerri. Gregory the Great Warns against Simony in his Letters
M. Doucet. The Autobiographic Aspect of Saint Gregory the Great's Writings
P. M. Capdevila. Germanic Identities in the Gregorian Dialogues (and Letters)
B. Lupton. Gregory the Great's Development of the Virtue of Patience
G. Zakharov. Primauté dans l’Eglise ancienne (IIe-Ve siècles): typologie fonctionnelle

Wednesday Room 6 2.00 - 4.00. Ambrose of Milan

M. Wysocki. “An agreeable present, but...” (Amb.Ep 43,2). About the Gifts sent with Latin
Christian Letters of the 4th and 5th century
M. van Willigen. Was Ambrose’s Joseph-Christ Typology of Genesis 37:13 already Well-
known in the Fourth Century?
E. Kirsh. Ambrose in North Africa: the Vita Ambrosii through the eyes of Augustine
A. Thomas. Divisibility, Indivisibility, and the Triune God: Ambrose of Milan’s De Abraham
and the Dangers of Applying Philosophy to God
D. Voprada. Diues misericordiae diues est deo. What makes Christian rich according to
Ambrose of Milan

R. Franchi. Ambrose and the Immaculate Body of Christ: Its Theological and Soteriological

Wednesday Room 7 9.00 – 1.00. The World of John Chrysostom

S. Manor. Did Epiphanius Know the Meaning Of "Heresiology"?
M. Mitchell. John Chrysostom Creates Christian Magical Handbooks: Two Case Studies
M. Olver. When praying shapes not the believing: Ambrose and Chrysostom as Test Cases
for the Tension between Liturgy and Theology
N. Yamada. Pelagians' and Chrysostom's Similar Ascetic Counsel to Christian Women
S. Tellis. Justice in Augustine of Hippo and John Chrysostom: Comparative Analysis -
N. Kavvadas. Chrysostomic Trajectories: The Homilies on John in Syriac Exegesis from
Lazaros of Beth Qandasa to Dionysios bar Salibi
J. Kreikes. Grace or Joy? Chrysostom’s Contradictory Reception by Calvin in his
Commentary on 2 Corinthians 1.15 and Philemon 1.7.
K. Baney. The Numinous in the Fourth-Century Tradition: Abraham, John Chrysostom and
Rudolf Otto in Dialogue.
I. Bekos. John Chrysostom on Genealogy: Implications for a Critic of Late Modernity

Wednesday Room 8 9.00 – 1.00. The Church and the Philosophers

G. Piscini. Ἄλογος πίστις : une manière païenne de définir le christianisme ?

C. Hovorun. The Figure of Socrates in the Patristic Culture Wars
F. Hadjitoffi. Revisiting Plato, Defending poikilia: Asterius of Amaseia’s Ekphrasis of the

C. Klingelhöffer. Stoic Doxography in Early Christian Sources.

A. Johnson. A Conflict of Interpretations: A Response on the Bible in Julian and the

L. Niccolai. Laughing at Holy Bodies
A. Coleman. The Ends of Euhemerism: How Ancient Authors Employed a Theory of

I. D. Bancila. Ancient Esotericism in Patristic Era and the Making of Patristic Epistemology
K. Carducci. Pregnant and Gendered Minerals according to Pagans and Christians

Wednesday Room 9 9.00 – 1.00. Cyprian and Africa in the Third Century
E. Murphy. Fiery Trials and Salvific Water: Cyprian’s Use of 1 Peter
P. Brown. Augustine’s Appropriation of Cyprian’s Tradition of the Tropes

E. V. Blum. Who Owns Cyprian?

C. Bounds. The Doctrine of Christian Perfection in Cyprian

J. Lenow. The Mystical Agency of Christ in the Letters of Cyprian

M. Esquivel. Penance and Ecclesial Purity: The Divine Urgency Behind Cyprian’s Response
to the Decian Persecution

L. Ciccolini. À propos du quod idola dii non sint. (CPL 57): quelques considerations sur l’
histoire du texte.

H. K. Komline, Arnobius and the Argument from Antiquity.

M. Vercesi. Rev 19-21 in North African authors: chance for reconstructing the most ancient

Wednesday Room 10 9.00-1.00. Origen and Scripture

H. Lines. Origen of Alexandria: Scripture as the guide to its own exegesis
A. A-Milhaud. How to Build Exegesis with only the Particle kai: Some Examples by Origen.
E. Dively Lauro. Origen's Relational Trinity: A Study of His Fourth Homily on Isaiah
S. Salemi. Rahab’s Scarlet Cord - Origen and the Cave of Treasures, a Soteriological
Exegesis of Ritual Sacrifices and of the Cross
T, Interi. Origen and Eusebius Interpreting Psalm 77
R. Somos. Theologia naturalis and theologia relevata in Origen’s First Homily on Psalm 77.
J. Solheid. Purity of Heart in Origen's Psalm Homilies
M. DeKock. Origen’s Homiletic Discernment of the Voice of God in the Old Testament
Psalms and the Prophets
B. Edsall. A Liturgical Update in Rufinus’ Translation of Origen’s Romans Commentary?

Wednesday Room 10 2.00 – 4.00. Syriac Authors

A. Hobbel. Creation Theology in Ephrem the Syrian.
E. V. Rodrigo Gómez. Reconsidering Narsai’s Rabanutha: an Inquiry into his Life’s
S. Stadel. The Biblical Sources of the Eschatology of Aphrahat.
J. Childers. Jacob of Serugh's Memra 9 On Praise at Table: A Newly Published Syriac Text
E. Walsh. Brazen Faith: The Theme of Boldness in Narsai and Jacob of Serugh
N. Sassi. Towards a New Edition of the Book of the Holy Hierotheus?

Wednesday Room 11 9.00-1.00. Maximus the Confessor and his Precursors

Y. Tsunoda. Composite physis without Particularities: Leontius of Byzantium’s
Understanding of Severus of Antioch’s Miaphysite Christology

B. Gleede. New Arguments against Theopaschism. Introducing a Hitherto Unknown

Collection of Capita against the Miaphysites

M. Portaru. From the Hypostatic Union to Hypostasis. On the Interplay between Christology
and Anthropology in Maximus the Confessor
A. Papanikolaou. What does Deification Look Like? Maximus, Virtues, and the Architecture
of the Soul

J. Börjesson. Maximus the Confessor and Augustine’s ‘two wills’ in John IV’s defence of

A. Summerson. Christ the Snake Charmer of Human Passibility: The Passions, Apatheia,
and Christology in Maximus the Confessor's Quaestiones ad Thalassium

A. Cooper. Drawing Water without a Bucket. Maximus the Confessor’s Scholion on Thal. 41.
D. Prassas. “Peace be with you” (John 20:21): St. Maximos the Confessor and Calming the
C. Barnard. Arguments for a Dialectic of Good and Evil in Saint Maximus the Confessor

Wednesday Room 12 9.00 – 1.00. The Cross and Other Images

D. Cardo. The Centrality of the Cross in the Eucharist in Patristic Writings
R. Button. The Figuration of the Cross in the Material world: Cruciform and Thingness in
Christian Apologetics
K. Gibson. How the Cross was Lost: the Transmission and Reception of Syriac Legends of
the True Cross
D, Moschos. “A cross of light” - The Sign of the Cross amidst Competing Eschatological
Views during the 6th and 7th Centuries
D. Woods. Explaining the Cross: The Meaning of the Issue Marks used in Association with
the Cross on Early Byzantine Gold Coinage.

V. Permiakov. Temple, Cross, and Jerusalem: The Old Georgian Homily on the Dedication
of the Holy Anastasis, Attributed to John of Damascus

R. P. C. Brown. Outsourcing Holiness? : Cuthbert, the High Crosses of Northumbria, and the
Sanctification of Creation

G. Konstantinos. Reexamining the origins of Byzantine Iconoclasm: Docetism in Hieria

Council’s Florilegium and Definition (754AD)
C. Bordino. Epiphanius of Salamis and the Cult of Images

Wednesday Room 14 9.00 – 1.00. Themes from the Primitive Age and New Testament

M. Wallraff. Prologues to the Gospels: The Origins of a Literary Genre

S. Sasse. The Preliminary Edition of the Greek Didaskalia of Jesus Christ.

A. Urbano. The Wardrobe of Jesus: Early Christian Portraits of Christ at the Intersection of
Art, Philosophy, and Empire
D. Wilhite. Jesus in The Infancy Gospel of Thomas: Thomas "the Israelite" and the God of
A. Pessina. The Use of Patristic Literature for the Reconstruction of the New Testament. A
Case Study: Matt 27:51-53.

M. Azar. "New Israel" and the Israel of God

T. Hein. Magically Satisfying: Matthew’s Magi Came in Order to Fulfill what was Written by
the Early Christian Interpreters

C. Coombs. Ancient Antidotes for a Modern Poison: Irenaeus, Eusebius and Augustine, and
the Interpretive Problem of Mark 16:18

J. Mihoc. People of the Garden: Towards an Ecclesiology of Acts based on an analysis of its
Patristic Reception

Wednesday Room 15. 9.00- 1.00. Pelagianism.

D. Janssen. Inimici gratiae Christi: The development of Augustine’s Construction of
Pelagianism c. 418
A. Vanspauwen. Between a Free Will and a Divine Grace: the anti-Manichaean Treatise De
Fide contra Manichaeos in an anti-Pelagian Context
D. Cho. Theological Continuity between Augustine’s Anti-Manichaeism and Anti-
Pelagianism on Predestination
A. Persig. The Citations of the ‘Pelagians’ from the Catholic Epistles: Disunity of Thought as
well as of Biblical Text?
J. Papsdorf. More than Just a Foil? Julian of Eclanum on Marriage, Sexuality, and
P. van Egmond. Biblical Argument in the Libellus fidei Ascribed to Julian of Aeclanum (CPL
M. Djuth. Defending Augustine: How Augustinian is Faustus of Riez's De Gratia Dei?
K. Wilson. Early Christian Views versus Augustine of Hippo on Divine Providence
A. Bonner: The Impact of the Myth of “Pelagianism”: Gildas’ De Excidio Britonum.

Thursday South School 9.00 - 1.00. Augustine and Christian Life

R. Watanabe. The Improvement of Concupiscence in This Life with Reference to Augustine
M. Thomas. Righteous-ed by Faith: Justification as Factitive in the pre-Augustinian Tradition
A. Knight. Augustine's Two Lights in Vision and Divine Illumination
E. Moro. Sensation, Perception and Levels of Consciousness in Augustine’s De Genesi ad
J. Mercer. Losing Our Innocence: The Spirituality of Children in Augustinian Perspective
J. Marcantonio. Speechless and Searching: Augustine’s Understanding of Infancy
G. Heidl. Saint Augustine on Singing
M. Benešová. Desire and the Sacraments of the Church in Saint Augustine’s Sermons
H. Hemphill. Clinging to God by Works of Mercy: Romans 12 and Psalm 73 in Augustine's
City of God, Book X

Thursday East School 9.00 – 1.00. Gregory of Nyssa and Christian Life
K. Tzortzopoulou. The Emotion of Envy in the Works of Gregory of Nyssa
A. Vella. Gregory of Nyssa’s Understanding of Humility and Detachment in His First
Homily on the Beatitudes
A. Kutama. Light and Likeness in St. Gregory of Nyssa
K. Anderson. Christ’s Subjection and Human Salvation in Gregory of Nyssa’s Tunc et Ipse
D. King. What is an Image for? The Functionality of the Divine Image in
Gregory of Nyssa.

J. Wellington. Love Intensified: Exploring Gregory of Nyssa's Noetic-Erotic Revolution

E. Ene D-Vasilescu. The epektasis [ἐπέχτασις] and the Exploits of the Soul in Gregory of
Nyssa’s De anima et resurrectione
A, Conway-Jones. Caught between Exodus and Paul: Moses’ Transformation in Gregory of
Nyssa’s Life of Moses
F. B. Harriet. Jewish, Pagan and Christian Compassion: the Shaping of a Virtue in Gregory of
Nyssa’s De Beatitudinibus V

Thursday Room 1 9.00 – 1.00 Second Century Vindications of the Faith

L. Perendy. Tatianus Grammaticus? Tatian's inconsistent attitude towards the experts on
Greek grammar
I. Mills. Tatian’s Diatessaron as “Canonical” Gospel: Walter Bauer and the Reception of
Christian “Apocrypha”
A. Guffey. On the Existence of "the Encratites"
D. Buda. Holy Spirit in Theophilus of Antioch
A. Istok. Subverting Fatalism in the Second Century: Bardaisan’s Use of the Stars
R. Sokolowski. Echoing or Anticipating? A Parallel Study of the Epistle of Diognetus and the
Works of Irenaeus of Lyons

C. Mooney. Necessary and Sufficient? Irenaeus on the Rule of Faith, Scripture, and Apostolic

C. Kaas. Some Considerations on Construction and Schematization in Irenaeus of Lyon

J. Thomas. Is the so called “Irenaean” Theodicy Fictitious?

Thursday Room 2 9.00 – 1.00. Early Christian Poetry

F. Lubian. Between Epic (re-)Narration and Typological Exegesis: the role of Moses in
Prudentius' Dittochaeon

S. Arrigoni. The “Secondary Biblical Paraphrase” in Prudentius’ Praefatio to the First Book
of the Contra Symmachum.

A. M. Laato. Noah and the Flood in the Cento of Proba

I. d’ Auria. La distruzione di Sodoma e Gomorra nella poesia parafrastica latina di IV-V
secolo: alcuni esempi
E. V. Mulhern. Militia Christi: Warrior Virtues, Virgin Martyrs, and the Feminine in
G. Demacopoulos. Romanos and Violence
A. Prelipcean. The Kontakion Εἰς ἕκαστόν σεισμὸν καὶ ἐμπρησμόν of Romanos the Melodist
or about the Theological interpretation of the History
B. F. Fairaday. Romanos the Melode: Biblical Exegete and Advocate of Intercessory Prayer
P. M. Blowers. The Vanity of Human Life in the Poetry of George of Pisidia: Echoes of
Patristic Lament

Thursday Room 6 9.00 – 1.00. The Gallic Tradition

S. Raisharma. Social Trust and Early Gallic Monasteries
C. T. Djurslev. The End of Exile: Sulpicius Severus on the Edicts of Cyrus and Alexander
T. Hainthaler. Christology in Avitus of Vienne
J. A. J. Sánchez. Body and Spirit's Health within the Thought of Caesarius of Arles and
Gregory of Tours
M. del Fiat Miola. The Female Monastery of St. Caesarius of Arles: His Hidden
Collaborators in the Christianization of Arles and Beyond
D. Quinn. Defeating the Devil: Demonology and Soteriology in the Libri Miraculorum of
Gregory of Tours.
N. Vos. Hagiography as Argument. Narrative Technique in Vita Martini 7.
C. Taylor. To House the Burning Heart: Sarcophagi from Arles and Women's Strategies for

M. L. Ostermann. Les échos de l’Eloge du désert d’Eucher de Lyon chez quelques auteurs

Thursday Room 7 9.00-1.00. The Latin West

F. Zacher. God’s substance, will, power and action in Marius Victorinus, Neoplatonic
philosophy, Eunomius and Marcellus of Ancyra.
G. McCashen. The Date and Context of Fortunatianus of Aquileia's Gospels Commentary
R. Twele. Could Homoeans still be pro-Nicenes? The case of Fortunatian of Aquileia
J. M. Aguiñaga. Destino último del hombre e del mondo en los Tractatus super Psalmos de
Hilario de Poitiers.
M. Esnaola. Exegesis of Jn 17:21 in Hilary of Poitiers: Relationship between the Eucharist,
the Church and the Salvation of all Humanity
J. Sidaway. Liminal or subliminal? Perceptions of the Transfiguration and Ascension in the
fourth century West.

P. Angue. Les seniores laici, "une institution curieuse".„

R. Zukiené. Divine Attributes in the Old English Boethius: Augustine’s Influence
I. Katzos. Eriugena’s Notion of Light and its Hexaemeral Sources.

Thursday Room 8 9.00 -1.00 Sacred and Secular

A. L. Klafs. Secularisation Tendencies in Late Antiquity.
J. Latham. Claiming Romanitas. Christian Polemic against the Cult of Magna Mater in Late
Antique Rome.
E. Dusik-Krupa. The Tradition of Pontifex Maximus and its Role during the Constantinian
J. Awes-Freeman. From Pastor Populi to Regula Pastoralis: The Waning of the Imperial
Good Shepherd

M. Tibaldini. Board games and Religious Affairs: an overview over gaming activities from
the III to VI century AD

T. Proctor. Environmental Change and Christianization in Ancient Ephesus

D. Riggs. “Our City’s Forum Hosts a Multitude of Salvific Deities”: Disputing Christianising
Interpretations of Late Roman Africa

E. Sahiverta. Christianity as the Downfall of Rome - The Pagan Aristocracy's Concerns about
Christianity at the Turn of the Fifth Century

J. Yamada. Oratory and xenodochia in Early Medieval Rome - Underground Excavation

Research Reports of Angel Hospital at San Giovanni in Laterano Square.

Thursday Room 9 9.00-100. Liturgy

A. E. Siecienski. The Last Supper as Passover Meal: The Patristic View
A. C. Stewart. α ̓́ριστον μὲν υ ̓́δωρ: Ancient Breakfasts and the Development of Eucharistic
M. Ibrahim. The Liturgical Hymn “O Monogenis” as a Symbol of Post-Chalcedonian
Christological Convergence.

B. Craig. His Multi-lauded Hands: Origin and Evolution of the Hand Element in Liturgical
Institution Narratives

M. T. Adams. Beyond Diabasis Alone: Philo’s Alternative Liturgical Theology of Pascha as

Received in Early Christian Computus

F. Young. Doctrine and Scripture: their Coinherence in the Catechetical Homilies of Cyril of

N. H. Korsvoll. Liturgy in Ancient Amulets - a Part of the Conversation

H. Mendez. Duplicate Feasts, Different Homilies: Liturgical Tailoring in Hesychius of

Jerusalem’s Homilies at Bethany (Serm. 11, 12)
G. Tucker. The Holy Friday Idiomelon Σήμερον κρεμᾶται ἐπὶ ξύλου and Liturgical Exchange
Between Constantinople & Jerusalem

Thursday Room 10 9.00 -1.00. Themes in Origen

A. Reisenauer. Polymorphism and Protomorphism of the Word of God in Origen’s Contra
P. D. Fernandez. School of Souls: the Eternal Teaching-Learning Process in Origen’s
K. Kûnzl. Adopting Teaching as Eating and Drinking: Origen, “Spiritualizing Tendencies”,
and the Last Supper
D. Tolan. Origen and Creation Causa Exemplaris: Proponent or Opponent?
S. Patel. Magic and Morality: Origen of Alexandria and the Construction of Christian Miracle
J. J. Alviar. Origen vs. Origen: His Spiritual and Literal Interpretations of Biblical Journeys
U. Volp. Prohairesis in Origen
R. Haecker. Triadic Circles: On The Trinity as the Systematic Structure of Origen's On First
J. H. Young. The Resurrection of the Rational Soul and Origen’s Modification of
Thursday Room 10 2.00 – 4.00 Syriac Confrontations

S. Seppaia. Portrayal of Jews in Syriac and Early Byzantine Mystical Literature

S. Ford. Confronting Cyprian: Anti-Rigorism in the Letters of Severus of Antioch and

Philoxenus of Mabbug
C.-S. Popa. Invoking Patristic Authority in Controversies. The 318 Fathers of Nicaea and the
150 of Constantinople in Late Antique Syriac Texts
N. Tanaze. Syriac and Coptic Roots of Gregory Palamas Hesychast Theology of the
Uncreated Light
E. Fiori. Reshaping the Fathers, Learning Controversy. Syriac Patristic Florilegia as
Laboratories of Religious Polemic in the Early Abbasid Age

B. Draghici. Theological Conservatism in an Age of Irenicism: Dionysius Bar Salibi’s Anti-

Chalcedonian Rhetoric.

Thursday Room 11 9.00-1.00. Early Byzantine

M. P. Miola. Basil of Seleucia’s unedited homily on the book of Job (In Iob‚ CPG 6667) and
its depiction of φύσις
V. Vranic. The Christology of Eusebius of Dorylaeum
M. Zinkovskii. On the Discrepancy and Overlapping of the Semantic Fields of 'atom' and
'hypostasis' in Patristic Thought

A. Torrance. Christ is not an individual’: the Meaning and Reception of an Early Byzantine
Christological Argument

R. Spataro. Sophronius of Jerusalem, Theologian because Poet.

R. Gârbacea. Homilia in Transfigurationem Domini (CPG 5807): A Sermon of Proclus of
C. M. S. Mesconi. Diadochus of Photike and the Discernment of Spirits
T. Lorieux. Looking for the Authentic Author of the pseudo-Theodoreti Commentarius in

J. D. Bogataj. Metamorphosis and Theosis: Oratio in Transfigurationem Domini nostri by

Andrew of Crete

Thursday Room 12 9.00 – 1.00. Receptions of Patristic Thought

K. Grigoryan. Interpretation of pre-Chalcedon Fathers' Christological passages by the 8th
century Armenian theologians Ovan Odznetsi and Khosrovik Targmanich
M. Papazian. Universal Salvation in the Works of St. Gregory of Narek
P. E. Rivera Díaz. El pensamiento teológico de Erasmo de Rotterdam en la Ratio verae
theologiae a través de los Padres de la Iglesia.
T. Manzon. On the Patristic Roots of Reformed Theology: Herman Bavinck's Reading of the
Church Fathers on the Attributes of God
I. Petrou. Knowledge and Reason versus Experience and Practice: Jonathan Edwards and the
Patristic Doctrine of Deification

I. Bolinhas, The Patristic Sources of the Inaugural Lecture of Saint Thomas Aquinas

L. Freeman. Arian Anti-Modern Traditionalism in the 4th and 18th Centuries

Z. Yuswa. Colonial Encounters with the Ancient Martyrs: Saintly and Savage Bodies in the
Canadian Wild

D. Komline. Schleiermacher, Sabellius, and Inter-Trinitarian Equality

Thursday Room 14 9.00 – 1.00. Themes from the Old Testament

J. Junni. Creation out of Nothing or out of Really Nothing? Uses of μὴ ὤν and oὐκ ὤν in Pre-
Nicene Theology.

S. Corrigan. Anonymous Authority: Collating Versions and Compiling Sources in In

Pentateuchum Commentarii and Its Manuscripts

M. Ennis. The Missing Angels: A Problem in Patristic Exegesis of Genesis 1-2

R. Ceulemans. Psalter Catenae: Ongoing Research and Desiderata

F. Celia. “Vanity and Choice of Spirit”: Physics and Human Will in Early Christian Exegesis
of Ecclesiastes.

S. Griffith. “The Sign of Jonah”: Representation of Jonah in patristic exegesis and early
Christian art

K.-M. Redeker. Aspects of the Suffering Servant in the Commentaries on the Book of Isaiah
by St. Jerome and Haimo of Auxerre
R. Crellin. The Exegetical Consequences of Translational Divergences between the Old
Greek and the MT in the Patristic Treatment of Isaiah 53
Y. Monnickendam. Biblical Law in Greco-Roman Attire: The Case of Levirate Marriage in
Late-Antique Christian Legal Traditions

Thursday Room 15 9.00 – 1.00. Cappadocians and After

M. Mira. Despised Sacraments. Roots of Messalian Thought in Basil of Caesarea's Tractate
De Spiritu Sancto.
M. Petrin. Ephrem and Gregory of Nyssa on the Multitude of Divine Names: A Comparison
G. Jaramillo. Mystical Theology in Gregory of Nyssa and Ibero-Latin-American Theological

N. Clements. Virginity as an Art of Life: Michel Foucault on Gregory of Nyssa’s Περὶ


M. Hoványi. Comparative Examination of the Patristic Theology of Desire in the Oeuvres of

Saint Augustine of Hippo and Gregory of Nyssa
C, Lee. Similar Ideas of Gregory of Nyssa and Augustine about the Procession of the Holy
N. Nicoleta. Ethical interpretation of προαίρεσις. Convergent and divergent positions
between the interpretation of Aristotle, Gregory of Nyssa and Maximus the Confessor

A. Sabau. The Use of Gregory of Nyssa’s De imagine in Eriugena’s Periphyseon

A. Nikolopoulou. "Imitation" in Basil the Great ‘s Speech “Address to young men...” and
Bandura’s Social Cognitive Learning Theory: a Modern Dialectic

Friday South School 9.00-1.00. Augustine and Society

M. Brown. Augustine on Justice, Mercy, and Freedom
M. Elia. “Augustine’s Cross and Slavery: Toward a Fugitive Theory of Resignification”
G. Boersma. Fons Iustitiae: Augustine’s Account of Justice in De civitate dei
E. Bermon. Commitment to Public Life and Adherence to God according to a Letter from
Nebridius to Augustine (ap. Aug., Ep. 5)
J. Teubner. Imperial and Pastoral Power: a Reconsideration of Political Augustinianism
R. Dougherty. St. Augustine’s Roman Heroes: A Reconsideration of Roman Virtue
D. Fruchtman. The Passio of the Sickbed Martyr and Augustine’s Definition of Martyrdom.
P. Kolbet. Augustine, Torture, and the Quest for Certainty
S. Cardwell. Augustine, Prosper and the Stirrings of a Missionary Conscience.

Friday East School 9.00 – 1.00. Themes in Gregory of Nyssa.

M. Marunova. A Concept of Double Creation of Human nature according to Gregory of
Nyssa, Philo and Origen
E. Chesley. The Mercy of Macrina the Younger: Gregory of Nyssa’s Portrait of Societal
O. de Backer. Struggling for the Divine Crown. Agonistic Imagery and Perfection in Gregory
of Nyssa’s In Inscriptiones Psalmorum.
M. Keith. Pastoral Responsibility in Gregory of Nyssa

J. Van Rossum. Gregory of Nyssa's Exegesis of the "Heavenly Bread": A "Non-Eucharistic "

L.-J. Tan. Mimesis and Universals: Reassessing Gregory of Nyssa’s Apokatastasis

M Bendová. Two Ways of Interpretation of the Sinai Revelation according to Philo and
Gregory of Nyssa.
A. Abecina. Power in Weakness: Pneumatology in Gregory of Nyssa’s De virginitate
L. Zhiang. Follow the Guide According to De Vita Moysis of Gregory of Nyssa

Friday Room 1 9.00 – 1.00. Martyrdom and Hagiography

L. Roesch. Envisioning the Interior: Martyrs, Place and Sacred Violence in Late Antique
Christian Poetry.
K. Milco. Pity and the Inversion of Forensic Topoi in Early Christian Martyrdom Narratives.
D. E. Arfuch. Entre le culte et l’histoire. Échos autour de la figure d’Épiphane de Salamine
selon l’hagiographie.
P. Pilhofer. The interconnection of Space and Time in the Martyrdom of Konon from Bidana
(BHG 2077
B. Storin. Monastic Identity and Violence in Callinicus’ Life of Hypatius.
I. Jacobs. Movement and Stability: Metaphor as Thought in Middle Byzantine Hagiography
Y. Kim. Mediterranean Connectivity in the Vitae of Two Saints of Cyprus
M. Gherga. The Dispersal of Relics in the Forty Martyrs of Sebaste's Hagiographical Corpus
A. Jacobs. "Bound up for my own good": Force, faith, and conversion in the Doctrina Jacobi
Nuper Baptizati

Friday Room 2 9.00 – 1.00. Egyptian Monasticism

M. Airijoki. The Translation Process of the Arabic Apophthegmata Patrum
A. Dombuisch. Hermann Dörries: Apophthegmata Patrum during the ‘Kirchenkampf‘
E. Göransson. Studying the “Pelagius and John” collection of Sayings of the Desert Fathers
D. Beccera. Wild Monks and Rational Animals: The Subversion of Human Exceptionalism in
the Sayings of the Desert Fathers

H. Dayton. Slapping of a Monk, Evil Possession and tapeinofrosuni (Humility of the Mind)
according to Desert Fathers

P. Miller. Spiritual and Social Mediation in the Apa John Archive

S. Kaldas. Flight of the Living Dead: Asceticism as Living Death in the Desert Fathers and
Late Platonists
S. Boutros. The Good Life according to a Critical Reading of Shenoute of Atripe’s Text, I
have been Reading the Holy Gospels.
E. Agaiby. The Life of Antony, attributed to Serapion of Thmuis

Friday Room 6 9.00 – 1.00. The Virgin and her Imitators

G. Marinescu. Muslim doctrines of the Virgin Mary in the view of the Holy Fathers
P. Grosse. From Flesh to Bones: The Entanglement of Love and Desire in the Life and
Afterlife of St. Monnica
H. Adachi. “I Baptize Myself in the Name of Jesus Christ”:Female Apostle Thecla and her
M. B. Cunningham. From the House of David: The Genealogy of the Virgin Mary in Early
Christian Tradition

S. Undheim. The Beauty of Virginity. Aesthetics, Adornment and Symbols of Sanctity in

Representations of Virgins in Late Antiquity.

N. Tilley. Sterile Virgins and Procreative Texts: Platonic Intertexts in Methodius’s

G. Emmepegger. On Salome’s Manual Inspection of Mary in the Protevangelium of James
F. Sieber. Biblical Allusions and Hagiographical Attributions – on the Relation between
Rahab of Jericho and Mary of Egypt.
M. DeVore. Prophetess, Confessor … or Benefactor? Dynamics of Benefaction in an Early
Christian Martyrdom Narrative

Friday Room 7 9.00 – 1.00. Forms of Holiness

P. Gemeinhardt. What is the Benefit of Being a Saint?

Y. Rozumna. Person and Activities of the Holy Spirit in the Monastic Lives and Writings of
Late Antiquity

D. Gjorcheski. Divine Origin or Divine Becoming: the Concept of διπλοῦς (diplous) in the
Ps.Macarian Homilies and Plotinus' Enneads

D. Casewell. The Joy of the Saints: Habit and Practice in Early Christian Asceticism

M. M. Christensen. Holy Women as Teachers: Approaching Female Voices in

Hagiographical Literature

L. Petcu. The Fathers of the Romanian Paterikon, on Compassion and Serving the Sick

J. P. Heyne. A Pilgrim's Prioritization of Problems: The Importance of Doctrinal Divisions in

the Placentini Itinerarium

R. Schaer. Consultationes Zacchei christiani et Apollonii philosophi: A Literary Dialogue

Arguing for Monasticism
M. Pereira. Rewriting and Reordering Tradition from the Borderlands: John Maxentius and
the Scythian Monks

Friday Room 8. Gnosis and Egyptian Christianity

L. Cerioni. Shifting Genders in Gnosticism. The use of gender categories to determine the
Gnostic affiliation of the Gospel of Thomas
H. Lundhaug. The Book of Thomas and Early Egyptian Monasticism
K. Rosland. Reconsidering the Apocryphon of John and Scripture
J. Papandrea. Two Kinds of Gnosticism: A Way Forward in the Definition(s) of Gnosticism
Based on Christology
T. Toom. Ptolemy’s Introduction to Biblical Interpretation
P. Tutty. A Reconsideration of the Fate of the Psychics in the Tripartite Tractate
Robert Williams. Excerpts from Theodotus: Social Significance of Apostolic Identity and
G. Chiapparini. The Theodotus of Clement of Alexandria was not a Valentinian? Analysis of
Excerpts from Theodotus 1-3.
D. Dainese. Clement of Alexandria and Eusebius of Caesarea in the Manuscripts of Federico
Borromeo (1564-1631).

Friday Room 9 9.00 – 1.00. The Ordering of the Church

E. Manders. Contested Leadership in the Fourth Century: Emperor, Bishop and the
Construction of Churches
J. Radcliff. Patristic Theologies of Holy Orders and the Homosexual Issue Today

R. Wisniewski. Wherever you go, or the origin of the clerical tonsure‘

E. Ryokas. Deacon as a Wine Pourer – Caritative or not?

F. Bret. Une « recusatio episcopatus »? Parallèles entre le refus de l’épiscopat et le refus du
L. M. Frenkel. Alexandria in control? The written reception and oral transmission of Festal
Letters in the light of fifth-century papyri
T. Graumann. Orality and Writing in Church Councils
R. Price. Conciliar Acts: A Genre or a Category?
J. Whitty. On the Utility of the Term "Disciplina Arcani"

Friday Room 10 9.00-1.00. Late Byzantine

A. Nigra John of Scythopolis as a Precursor of John Damascene in the Theological
Development towards Trinitarian Perichoresis: A Hypothesis
T. Cattoi. Composite Salvation: Divine Subjectivity and Human Agency in John
Damascene’s De Fide Orthodoxa
B. Bucur. "I am the Image of Your Glory": Exegesis and Intertextuality in a Byzantine
Funeral Hymn
T. Pino. Enhypostaton, or the Lack Thereof, in St. Gregory Palamas
R. Hakamada. Gregory Palamas as a pastor: His message of ‘Deification for all’ in his
T. Shchukin. A Commentary on the ‘κὔριε ἐλέησον’ Prayer by Psellos as a fact of the pre-
Palamite History
A. Podaru. Michael Psellos' Philosophical Opuscula on the Soul. Their Sources, their
Relevance and their Impact in Eleventh Century Byzantium
C. Sprecher. From Noregur to Nea Rhōmē: the Cult of Saint Olaf in Byzantium and
C. Müller-Kessler. Patristic Novelties among the Palimpsest Manuscripts from the New Finds
in St Catherine Monastery, Sinai

Friday Room 11 9.00- 1.00. Jerome

C. McCann. Climbing Jacob’s Ladder. Jerome’s Use of Genesis 28.11-12 for Spiritual
S. Rickerby. The LXX Text of Jerome’s Biblical Commentaries

I. Bodrožić. The Christological Ideal of Jerome's Ascetic Model for Women according to his
Commentary on the Ephesian Epistle
G. Derhard. From Redemption to Resurrection: The Strategic Use of Metaphors by Jerome
and Augustine

K. Shuve. Jerome's Ascetic Practice and the Logic of Cultural Capital

M. Caressa. "The man who is angry with a woman." Jerome and Rufinus on the Image and
the Body
K. Pálsson. Virgins and Priests: Jerome on Female Sanctity in the Context of Late Fourth
Century Debates over Asceticism
G. Panagopoulos. St. Jerome’s Letter I ad Innocentium Presbyterum : A new hermeneutical
I. Schaaf. Urbs potens, urbs orbis domina, urbs Apostoli voce laudata. Jerome's Adversus
Iovinianum as an Exercise in Christian Romanness

Friday Room 12 9.00 – 1.00. The Ordering of Life

A. Icoz. ‘Fear of God’ as the Foundation of Morality in the Ethical Writings of Medieval
Arabophone Christian Authors
S. Meawad. Virtue Ethics, Scripture, and Early Christianity: Patristic Sacred Reading as a
Transformative Struggle of Perpetual Ascent
R. Roukema. Christ as Wisdom, Righteousness, Sanctification, Redemption (1 Cor 1.30).
Selective Reception of Pauline Theology and its Appropriation in Early Christianity.
J. Steenbuch. Do not unto others … Negative and Positive Formulations of the Golden Rule
in Early Christian Ethics
L. Salés. Systems Intelligence, Historiography, and Early Christian Women’s Virtues: A New
Method for Examining Identity-Constituting Microbehaviors in Gendered Macrostructures
U. Heil. Days of the Week in the Chronicon Paschale

M, Ellison. Through a Glass Matrimonially: A Gold-Glass Medallion’s Participation in Early

Christian Discourse on Marriage

M. Blidstein. Does an Oath require a Divinity? from Classical to Late Antiquity

M. Wuk. Necessity over Doctrine: Religious Authorities and Oath-taking in Late Antiquity

Friday Room 14 9.00 – 1.00. Athanasius

C. Ward. Athanasius, Textual Culture, and the Creative Exegesis of Scripture
S. Johnson. Forsaking the Fount of Wisdom: Christ’s “Preexistence” in Athanasius
S. T. Rø. Idolatry as Hedonism in Athanasius’ Contra gentes: Echoes of Anti-Epicurean
C. Hoppa. Athanasius and Critical Realism
K. Zinkovskii. Saint Athanasius the Great on Matter and the Human Body.
C. Lebechi. Athanasius’ Concept of the Scope of Scripture vs Scripture as Rational: Critical
Analysis of De Decretis Nicaenae Synodi 12.3
J. Stutz. The Synod of Tyre and the First Exile of Athanasius
N. Ernst. Athanasius and the Sons of Constantine: The Case of Constantine II
A. Brent. Constantius II’s Quest for an Inclusive Imperial Church and the Putative Synod of
Sirmium, 357.
Friday Room 14 2.00 – 4.00. After Athanasius
H. Grelier-Deneux. The Fragments of Apolinaris of Laodicea on the Psalms: What is their
Contribution to Christological doctrine?
R. Orton. The ‘Consubstantiality’ of Christ’s Flesh and Divinity in Apolinarius of
Laodicea’s) Fourth Century Disciples
K. Spoerl. Apollinarius and the Ghost of Paul of Samosata
V. Lytvynenko. The Writings of Athanasius of Alexandria in the Slavonic Tradition.
E. Crégheur. Un nouvel écrit pseudo-athanasien : deux collections coptes inédites de paroles
de sagesse préservées à Toronto
A. Avagyan. Armenische Übersetzung des pseudoathanasianischen Dialogus Quaestiones ad
Antiochum ducem (CPG 2257): Einige Vorbemerkungen zur möglischen kritischen Ausgabe

Friday Room 15 9.00 – 1.00. Themes from Paul

T. Dilbeck. Jerome's Exegesis of Ephesians 4:5-6: Prepositional Metaphysics and Vergil

L. Krzyszczuk. Los topos e los quirópteros como los objetos del culto pagano (Isaiah 2.20) en
la exegesis de San Jéronimo.

H. Mooney. Patristic Perspectives on Philippians 3:12

L. Drake. Reading Paul, Rehabilitating Paul: Judaism and the Law in the Euthalian Apparatus

M. Muthreich. Some remarks on the Arabic "Epistola ad s. Timotheum de passione

apostolorum Petri et Pauli" (CPG 6631)

J. Marcon. The use of the Greek Fathers in the Pseudo-Oecumenian Catena on Paul.
J. Hei. The Function of “Reading Aids” in Early New Testament Manuscripts
V. Duca. Pauline Echoes in Isaac of Nineveh: an Initial Investigation

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