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Joel Tracy

Principal, Brownsville Collegiate Charter School

364 Sackman St.

Brooklyn, NY 11212

To Whom it May Concern,

I am writing this letter to emphatically communicate my recommendation of Daniel Garcia-

Archundia for future roles in education. I served as Daniel’s Principal during his first year of full-time
teaching, a period of time during which he has upheld high standards of professionalism and
commitment. As a first-year teacher, Daniel faced many of the challenges that myself and many others
faced during our respective first years in the classroom: internalizing lesson plans, managing the
classroom and navigating a demanding workload. Despite these challenges, Daniel consistently
embodied our school’s value of Resilience, embracing these challenges as opportunities to grow and
better serve our students and community. This resilience helped Daniel become a beloved member of
our team, as teammates admired Daniel’s positive attitude and his commitment to develop his craft in
service to our students.

Moreover, throughout our professional relationship – beginning with the summer before Daniel began
work at Brownsville Collegiate – Daniel has communicated with openness and integrity. This was readily
apparent during one of our first conversations, the summer before Daniel began work at Brownsville
Collegiate when he shared with me that despite being selected as a finalist for the Fulbright scholarship,
Daniel chose to fulfill his commitment to Brownsville Collegiate – while also transparently sharing the
distinct possibility of his moving on from BVC to alternative academic pursuits at the conclusion of his
first year.

Over the course of Daniel’s year as a full-time teacher at Brownsville Collegiate, he developed a crucial
set of skills that will enable him to make a significant impact in future roles in education. Daniel
internalized rigorous lesson plans, leading his students – who come to BVC with a wide range of skills
and educational experiences – to master challenging scientific content. He grew by leaps and bounds in
terms of his classroom management, from delivering crisp, clear directions to correcting students with
an inspiring balance of warmness and firmness, to building relationships with students in and outside of
the classroom to support their learning and personal development. Daniel developed his ability to
analyze data, identifying gaps in student mastery of habits and content and planning lessons to target
and close those gaps. As a result, Daniel’s students made significant growth throughout the course of
the year. Due in part to the foundation build in fifth grade, Daniel’s former students – now in 6th grade -
are consistently performing at the top of the twenty-four middle schools in our Network.
Based on our experiences together, I feel confident Daniel’s year at Brownsville Collegiate was only the
beginning of what will be a long and fruitful career in education. In summary, I wholeheartedly
recommend Daniel for future roles in education.


Joel Tracy

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