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Brain Research 922 (2001) 65–70 / locate / bres

Research report

Intracellular calcium and outer hair cell electromotility

¨ a,b , David Z.Z. He a , Otto´ Ribari
Magdolna Szonyi ´ b , Istvan
´ Sziklai c , Peter Dallos a , *
Auditory Physiology Laboratory, Departments of Communication Sciences and Disorders and Neurobiology and Physiology,
Frances Searle Building, Northwestern University, 2299 North Campus Drive, Evanston, IL 60208, USA
Department of Oto-Rhino-Laryngology, Head and Neck Surgery, Semmelweis University Medical School, Budapest, Hungary
Clinic of Oto-Rhino-Laryngology, Debrecen University Medical School, Debrecen, Hungary

Accepted 25 September 2001


The influence of increased intracellular calcium level on outer hair cell (OHC) electromotility was examined by means of transcellular
electrical stimulation in a partitioning microchamber. Electromotile activity was measured before and after application of the calcium
ionophore ionomycin, which promotes the inflow of extracellular calcium, as well as its release from intracellular calcium stores. The
ionomycin solvent, dimethyl sulphoxide (DMSO), by itself elicited a significant decrease in the magnitude of OHC electromotility. The
DMSO effect was counteracted by 10 mM ionomycin and was reversed by 50 mM ionomycin. The increase in electromotility is partially
mediated by a calmodulin-dependent mechanism, since W7, a calmodulin antagonist, attenuated the 50 mM ionomycin-induced motility
increase. Our results suggest that the electromotility magnitude increase in isolated OHCs due to ionomycin is a calcium / calmodulin-
dependent phenomenon.  2001 Elsevier Science B.V. All rights reserved.

Keywords: Electromotility; Outer hair cell; Calcium; Ionomycin; Signal transduction

1. Introduction tudinal elongations are produced [5]. The longitudinal

component of the shape change is probably due to activa-
Outer hair cells (OHCs) of the organ of Corti generate tion of phosphorylating enzymes: myosine light chain
motile responses at acoustic frequencies and presumably kinase and the Ca 21 / calmodulin-dependent kinase II [13].
amplify the movements of the cochlear partition. OHC Both motor and cytoskeletal proteins may be targets of
motility is driven by the cell’s receptor potential [14] and phosphorylation which can change the magnitude of
is considered to be responsible for sharp mechanical tuning electromotility [21]. Protein kinase A (PKA) or protein
and high sensitivity of the inner ear [2]. Electromotility is kinase C (PKC) have no modulatory effect, however
independent of energy consumption, and is detectable in cGMP increases motility magnitude [22].
Ca 21 and ATP depleted cells [10]. The electromotile We report the influence of [Ca 21 ] i on the electromotility
performance of OHCs is known to be modified by the of OHCs by means of the application of ionomycin to the
efferent neurotransmitter acetylcholine (ACh) [19]. This lateral membrane of isolated OHCs inserted into a parti-
influence of ACh is mediated by the entrance of calcium tioning microchamber.
into the cells through nicotinic ACh receptors [3,4]. The Detailed descriptions of Ca 21 imaging experiments are
intracellular signaling pathway between calcium influx and available in several reports, showing the results of apply-
electromotility magnitude increase is not fully understood. ing 10 mM ionomycin solved in 0.1% DMSO to isolated
Intracellular calcium stores are demonstrated to exist in OHCs [1,5,7]. Therefore, in this study, calcium imaging
OHCs; both inositol trisphosphate (IP3) [11] and was not performed.
ryanodine-sensitive receptor [17,18] operated pools are
present. Rising [Ca 21 ] i also induces a slow shape change
in isolated OHCs: circumferential shortening and longi- 2. Materials and methods

*Corresponding author. Tel.: 11-947-491-3175; fax: 11-847-467- OHC electromotility was measured before and after 4
4327. min drug application. The following drugs were used: L15
E-mail address: (P. Dallos). medium and 0.1% DMSO as controls. Ionomycin (10 and

0006-8993 / 01 / $ – see front matter  2001 Elsevier Science B.V. All rights reserved.
PII: S0006-8993( 01 )03150-X
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M. Szonyi et al. / Brain Research 922 (2001) 65 – 70

50 mM) was applied alone or coapplied with the cal- sure. Cells of different length (40–75 mm) were selected
modulin antagonist W7. Ionomycin was dissolved in 0.1% without obvious sign of damage, swelling, nucleus disloca-
DMSO. Twelve cells each were measured in the control as tion or granulation. Drugs were delivered to the cells via a
well as in the experimental groups. 2 mm tip diameter puffer pipette, located approximately 50
mm distance from the cell.
Our apparatus for electromotility measurement can
2.1. Experimental techniques detect responses up to 2.5 kHz (3 dB cut-off frequency)
and 10 nm (responses to five presentations were averaged).
Three- to 5-weeks old guinea pigs were euthanized with Cell motility was quantified by the change in the current of
intraperitoneal injection of 1 ml pentobarbital. The organ a photodiode when the magnified image of the ciliated pole
of Corti was dissected from all turns of the cochlea and of the cell was projected onto the photodiode through a
transferred into collagenase (Type IV, Sigma) solution (2 rectangular slit. The photocurrent response was calibrated
mg / ml in L15). After 15 min digestion, the organ of Corti to length-change units by moving the slit a known distance
pieces were placed in an experimental chamber and the (2 mm at the image plane) for each experimental run.
OHCs were isolated by gentle trituration with a 100 ml The electrical stimulus was a sequence of 10 ms
pipette. All experimental methods were approved by the duration rectangular pulses of alternating polarity separated
Northwestern University Animal Care and Use Committee. by 40 ms, increasing in magnitude from 640 to 6240 mV
Descriptions of the apparatus and method for motility in 40 mV steps (Fig. 2). Cells were inserted approximately
measurements are published elsewhere [6,9,22]. Briefly, 50% into the microchamber using negative pressure. The
isolated OHCs were partially inserted with their synaptic motility of the excluded segment was measured. The
pole first into a microchamber with aperture diameter 8–9 membrane potential change that drives the motile response
mm (Fig. 1). The experimental bath was filled with L15 is unknown; it is determined by the electrical voltage
medium. OHCs were observed with an inverted micro- divider formed by included and excluded cell-membrane
scope (Zeiss LM201). The inserted cell formed a me- segments [6]. The actual driving voltage is significantly
chanically stable seal with the microchamber, but it could less than the applied voltage.
be moved in and out of the chamber with a micrometer- After inserting the cell into the microchamber, the first
driven syringe which produced negative or positive pres- measurement was performed. The motility of mechanically

Fig. 1. An OHC inserted into the microchamber with its synaptic pole inside. All the measurements were performed in this configuration. Command
voltage was delivered between electrolytes inside and surrounding the microchamber. Drugs were applied via a puffer pipette to the excluded cell segment.
M. Szonyi et al. / Brain Research 922 (2001) 65 – 70 67

2.3. Statistics

The length change vs. applied voltage curves of the two

measurements, before and after drug application, were
plotted for each cell. For each curve, 12 motility data
points were measured for command voltages ranging from
2240 to 1240 mV in 40 mV steps. The statistical treatment
applied to the data examined the differences between pre-
and post-treatment curves. Portions of the curves were
compared separately for hyperpolarizing and depolarizing
stimuli. For each half-curve, a 1 or 2 sign was assigned,
depending on the direction of change from pre- to post-
treatment. Thus, if for hyperpolarization the response
became larger when the drug was applied, a 1 sign was
assigned. If there was no change, a zero was assigned. In
virtually all cases, an unambiguous assignment of sign
could be made. The various treatments were then examined
as to their significance. The sign-test for matched pairs of
observations [15] was used. This is a non-parametric
statistical test that takes only the direction of change into
account, irrespective of the magnitude of the change. No
change is considered a tie and those data do not enter into
the computation. Treatment is based on the simple bino-
mial distribution and the test computes the likelihood of a
given occurrence, given the number of trials. After sum-
Fig. 2. Upper traces: Waveforms of the electrical stimuli. The voltage is
stepped between 2240 and 1240 mV in 40 mV steps. Representative ming the occurrences having positive and negative signs
motile response waveforms from one cell before (A) and after (B) 50 mM separately, the probability applicable to the smaller sum is
ionomycin application. In this and all subsequent figures, cell contraction computed. If the probability is smaller than 0.1 in a
is plotted downward. (C) Voltage-to-length change curves. Abscissa is two-tailed test, the null hypothesis is rejected, and the drug
command voltage (mV), the ordinate is motile response (nm). The
treatment is concluded to have significantly altered the
abscissa shows the polarity of the stimulus, thus negative voltages applied
to the bath induce depolarization of the excluded segment. Squares motile response. Only those pairs of data files were
represent control measurements before drug administration; diamonds included in the treatment whose control magnitude reached
give the data with the experimental drug. It is noted that the actual at least 150 nm.
voltage applied to the cell is reduced from the command voltage by the
voltage divider composed of the excluded and included cell membrane
segments. Cell motility was measured as in Fig. 1.
3. Results

L15 culture medium treatment of 12 cells in the control

experiment resulted in no significant change of motility
stable cells was measured after 4 min drug application only magnitude (P50.81) (Table 1). The control measurement
if they did not bend out of the focal plane or moved from in the computation of the statistical test and of the
the slit in front of the photodiode. Mechanically unstable electromotility magnitude percentage change is the pre-
cells were rejected. drug measurement in L15 medium. In our statistical test,
voltage vs. length change depolarizing and hyperpolarizing
half-curves were used, but, for clearer presentation, the
2.2. Drugs average percentage change for each drug was also com-
puted and is shown in Fig. 3. In Fig. 2C and 3, stimulus
All drugs were dissolved in an L15 culture medium polarity is used. When hyperpolarization or depolarization
(Gibco), pH 7.4, 300 mOsm, balanced with 15 mM N-2- is mentioned in the article, reference is made to command
hydroxyethyl piperazine-N9-2-ethansulfonic acid (HEPES). voltages. The effective polarity is opposite: a negative
Ionomycin and W7 were purchased from Calbiochem. One command voltage produces depolarization of the excluded
millimolar stock solutions were made and were stored at (measured) cell segment.
225C8. Ionomycin was dissolved in DMSO; the stock DMSO application (0.1%) elicited a significant decrease
solution was freshly diluted before experiments. The final in electromotility magnitude for all voltage steps (P,
concentration of DMSO was 0.1%. 0.002) (Fig. 3A). Out of 24 hyper- and depolarization
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M. Szonyi et al. / Brain Research 922 (2001) 65 – 70

Table 1
L15 DMSO Iono 10 Iono 50 W7
Increase 11 2 9 13 9
Decrease 9 19 8 8 14
No change 4 3 7 3 1
Sign test P50.81 P,0.002 P51.00 P50.38 P50.4
Increases, decreases and no changes for each drug, as well as the results of the sign test, are shown. DMSO induced a statistically significant electromotility
magnitude decrease. The higher concentration ionomycin (50 mM) induced an electromotility magnitude increase for 13 data sets. Greater increases were
found for the 50 mM than for the 10 mM group. The administration of W7 attenuated the ionomycin effect, decreases again becoming dominant.

half-curves, 19 showed a decrease, two an increase and increased the magnitude of the electromotility in com-
three no change. parison to the decrease evoked by the DMSO solvent (Fig.
The Ca 21 ionophore ionomycin dissolved in DMSO was 3C).
used in two different concentrations. The lower concen- A majority of the curves showed a decreased magnitude
tration (10 mM) counteracted the DMSO effect observed after coapplication of 50 mM ionomycin and the water-
for all the responses to depolarizing stimuli, but for four of soluble calmodulin antagonist W7. In this group, we
six hyperpolarizing stimuli, a motility magnitude decrease observed 14 decreases, nine increases and one no change.
was still seen due to the DMSO solvent (Fig. 3B). The average percentage changes are shown in Fig. 3D in
Electromotility increased in nine, and decreased in eight comparison to the 50 mM ionomycin condition. The effect
curves. The remaining seven response curves did not due to 50 mM ionomycin, while significantly reduced, was
change after treatment. (Table 1). A higher concentration not completely abolished by W7. For hyperpolarizing
(50 mM) of the drug evoked an electromotility magnitude stimuli, an electromotility magnitude decrease due to
increase in 13 cases of the 24 half-curves and significantly DMSO was observed, but for depolarizing stimulation the

Fig. 3. The abscissa is the command voltage, the ordinate is the percentage length change. L15 medium caused a random increase and decrease within a
10% range. DMSO induced a statistically significant electromotility-magnitude decrease at all voltage step stimuli. In panels (B) and (C) the DMSO
response patterns are shown for comparison with the different drug treatments. Panel (B) shows the percentage length change induced by 10 mM
ionomycin. This drug was dissolved in DMSO, thus ionomycin counteracted the DMSO effect: the significant electromotility decrease disappeared. For
depolarizing stimuli, the ionomycin effect is more pronounced than for the hyperpolarizing stimuli. In panel (C), 50 mM ionomycin is shown to induce a
motility magnitude increase despite being dissolved in DMSO; it reversed the DMSO response at all voltage steps. Panel (D) demonstrates the
coapplication of 50 mM ionomycin and W7, a calmodulin antagonist. The electromotility magnitude decrease (due to DMSO) again became dominant.
M. Szonyi et al. / Brain Research 922 (2001) 65 – 70 69

ionomycin effect is not completely eliminated by W7. The when the drug is applied to the synaptic pole of OHCs
statistics performed on the W7-treated cells, with L15 ¨
(Szonyi et al., unpublished data). The ionomycin effect is
medium as control, yielded P50.4, a non-significant similar to the ACh-induced [Ca 21 ] i increase; both elevate
change. the electromotility magnitude and both can be blocked by
calmodulin inhibitors. Acetylcholine and ionomycin may
act via a calcium / calmodulin-dependent protein kinase.
4. Discussion These kinases probably phosphorylate certain cytoskeletal
proteins [21] and thereby change the axial stiffness of the
The main finding of this study is that the ionomycin- hair cell [3]. Such an internal stiffness change alters the
induced [Ca 21 ] i increase in isolated OHCs is an effective load on the motility motors and thereby modifies the
cofactor in the enhancement of the electromotile response magnitude of the electromotile response.
of these cells.
Ca 21 ions are maintained at low levels in resting cells.
Na 1 / Ca 21 exchangers and Ca 21 pumps remove Ca 21 ions Acknowledgements
from the cell. Ca 21 binding proteins and Ca 21 stores
(endoplasmic reticulum and the mitochondria) also control This work was supported by OTKA (Hungarian Nation-
the Ca 21 level in the cytoplasm and restrict Ca 21 diffu- al Research Fund) grants T025050 and T 25231.
sion. Under physiological conditions, Ca 21 spikes and
fast-spread waves signify Ca 21 signals.
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