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Reading Collaboration

Reading Strategies Book​- Jennifer Serravallo

● P.197 “What Characters can Teach Us”
○ Prompts: traits, what character has done-> how does that apply to me?
○ What can we learn from them
● P. 211 “Grade levels J-Z” Sentence Starters to Help Think About
○ Title -> Lessons “Mistakes can Lead to Lessons WorkSheet”
P. 201 “Character Development”
○ How are these character’s feelings changing?
○ What can we learn from it?
○ What character felt at beginning, when it changed, analyze, what can we learn?
● P. 204
○ Obj. Make connections to other texts with similar themes- Create an anchor chart*
ELA 2.5.10 THEME
● Stop-Think-Jot
● Drop to lower levels to teach new skills then work up
● Show and Model reading parts of text
● Work Backwards When Necessary
To Do
● Find Poetry Books that go along with these to help with take-away
● Identifying struggle: comprehension/ miss the mark
● Align # level with letters
● Topic- Now What- So What- Details “Evidence”-- Nonfiction text summary
● Paragraph Frames
● Texts- Details- What is the same?- Topic- Main Idea
● Move Away from PIE- teach reasoning instead
Short Reads-
Books- Main Idea of Whole Nonfiction

Anchor Chart:
Book Theme

Book In this story… etc. / book

Qtr 4:
Ask about “Prompt Card for Determining the Main Idea” located in Q2 CES

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