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Lesson Plan for Blues Scale Singing Exercise Extension

Grade: 5​ th
Duration: ​7 minutes
Core Music Standards: ​Perform, Respond, Connect
Other Teaching Materials: c​ ards with rhythms, whiteboard (for writing out blues scale)
Vocabulary: ​Call and Response, Blues Scale, Hexatonic
Focus/Concept: ​Students will divide into groups and receive cards with four note melodies based
on the hexatonic blues scale.
Lesson Outcomes: ​Students will:
● (Connect)​ Identify the notes of a blues scale
● (Perform)​ Sing accurate pitches and rhythms in call-and-response form

Teaching Procedure
1. Have students sit behind the red carpet and review the blues scale
a. Have blues scale written out on the board before class begins
b. Sing through the blues scale yourself
c. Ask the class to sing with you
d. Does anyone remember what type of blues scale this is?
i. Expected answer: hexatonic blues scale
e. Ask which notes are the blue notes/sound funny
i. Expected answer: lowered 3rd, lowered 5th, lowered 7th
ii. Circle these on the board
2. Ask students to help you fill in solfege under the notes
a. Remind them of the sage system “To label the blue notes, we’re going to use the
sage system. In this system, we change the ends of flat notes to “ay” and sharp
note to “i”, so flat mi will be me, sharp fa will be fi, and flat ti will be te”
3. Sing through the blues scale once more and then have the class sing with you

1. Explain that an important element of the blues is call and response.
2. I’m going to sing a pattern with the notes of the blues scales, and then you all will sing it
back to me.
3. Sing patterns. Tap on chest to keep steady beat while singing pattern, then hands out to
class + breath when everyone sings (These are example patterns. I will incorporate the
melodies that I will use on the cards later in the lesson)
a. Do Me Fa Me Do Do Do
b. Do So Do Me Fa Me Do
c. Do Me Fa Fi So So So
d. Do So Do Do Do Te Do
e. Do Fa -- Me Do
f. Do So -- Te Do
Practice and Extend
1. Count 1 through 6 To divide into groups. Direct each group to their space in room
2. Hand each group a card with a 4-note melody with notes from the blues scale
3. Explain that each group will label the solfege on a scrap piece of paper and then sing
through the pattern with their group
4. Give each group about 2 minutes to label the solfege. Go around to each group to offer
assistance if needed
5. When each group has their pattern down, have small groups sing it and the rest of the
class sing the melody back
Assess and Close
1. Assessment portion is listening to each group’s phrases and call and response

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