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TEACHER: Denise Gandara, Marisela Seanez DATE: March 18, 2018



Algebra I. 3 Linear functions, equations, and inequalities

The student applies the mathematical process standards when using graphs of linear functions,
key features, and related transformations to represent in multiple ways and solve, with and
without technology, equations, inequalities, and systems of equations.
(A) determine the slope of a line given a table of values, a graph, two points on the line, and an
equation written in various forms, including y = mx + b, Ax + By = C, and y - y1 = m(x - x1);

Materials/Resources/Equipment Needed:
● Pencil
● Scissors
● Sticky hands (cut into circles)
● 6 Cartesian Coordinate System (Poster boards)
● Markers
● Linear Functions Worksheet
● Whiteboard
● 6 Rulers
● KWL Exit ticket paper

Instructional delivery:
Co-teachers will give direct instructions to guide students through the kinesthetic activity to
demonstrate the four different slopes. Co-teachers will conduct a quick review about how to find
the slope of a line given an ordered pairs or a graph. Students will be placed in small groups of
four during the “Sticky Activity”. During this activity, every student will have the opportunity to
contribute their individual knowledge and abilities.

To refresh their memory on positive, negative, zero, and undefined slope students will participate
in an activity. Students will stand up and face the co-teachers. Co-teachers will say “positive
slope!” and students will use their arms to demonstrate a positive slope in the co-teachers’
perspective. Co-teachers can also say “negative slope!”, “zero slope!”, “undefined!” and students
will demonstrate the slope using their arms. This will be a quick and fun review for students to
recall the different types of slope. 5 min
Co-Teachers will provide worksheets with definitions and examples to the students. Students will
follow along with the co-teachers’ explanation about the slope of linear functions using the
worksheet provided. The worksheet will include definitions, such as the definition of slope,
ordered pair, and graph to assist them in working out the exercises on the worksheet.

Students will follow along as the co-teacher works out the examples on the board. Co-teacher will
explain how to find the slope of a line given an ordered pairs using the slope formula and how to
find the slope of a line given a graph using the method of rise/run.
5 min (Explore/Explain)

Students will work in groups of four on the “Sticky Activity” to apply their new knowledge and
skills learned. The Sticky Activity will include a large Cartesian Coordinate System per group,
placed on the wall, so that each group member will throw stickie at it to create two coordinates
on the plane that will be used to form a linear function. The activity will consist of having each
student throw two stickies at the Cartesian plane and use a marker to form a line. Each student
will measure the slope of their line using the methods that were taught to them (such as using the
slope formula or counting the units on the graph using rise over run method). On the top of their
assigned Cartesian Plane, students will write down their slope values. When every group member
has thrown their stickie and calculated their slope, they will sum up the slopes of each group
member. The group that has the greatest sum of slopes wins!
10 min

While students work on the Sticky Activity, co-teachers will be walking around to evaluate
students. After students complete the Sticky Activity, they will be given the opportunity to share
their results, share their ideas, and compare their answers with their classmates. Co-teachers will
be evaluating the students as they share their answers and ideas with the class. Co-teachers will
write down the results of each group on the whiteboard and students will decide which group
had the greatest sum of slopes. Co-teachers will evaluate whether they calculated the sums

Students will be given a KWL exit ticket. They will fill out the following components on the exit
ticket: ‘What I know’, ‘What I wonder’, and ‘What I learned”. When students are finished, they will
turn in their papers in the assigned table.
5 min

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