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Mintea: interfață genetic-epigenetică în

Here is a definition of the mind that enabled
dozens of scientists to communicate with one
another about the mind: “A core aspect of the
mind is an embodied and relational process that
regulates the flow of energy and information.”

...that one could propose that energy and

information flow is the central element of a
system that is the origin of the mind

Daniel J. Siegel. The Developing Mind- How Relationships and the Brain Interact
to Shape Who We Are. The Guilford Press, New York. 2012
...the mind emerges at the interface of
interpersonal experience and the structure
and function of the brain.
A state of mind can be proposed to be a pattern
of activation of recruited systems within the
brain responsible for (1) perceptual bias, (2)
emotional tone and regulation, (3) memory
processes, (4) mental models, and (5)
behavioral response patterns.
Daniel J. Siegel. The developing mind : how relationships and the brain interact to
shape who we are. The Guilford Press. 2012.
The mind constructs perceptual reality
from bits of selected information it receives
through the senses, in combination with
extremely subjective and context-sensitive
mental processes, such as mental models
and the influence of emotion.
Internal reality is in fact constructed by the
brain as it interacts with the environment
in the present, in the context of its past
experiences and expectancies of the future -
Daniel J. Siegel. The developing mind : how relationships and the brain interact to
shape who we are. The Guilford Press. 2012.
The mind is a part of a complex system with the fundamental
element of energy and information flow

Daniel J. Siegel. MIND- a Journey to the Heart of Being Human.

W. W. Norton & Company. 2016
If we consider that our minds are a part
of an interacting, interconnected system
that involves our bodies and brains, as
well as the environment in which we
live, including our social relationships,
we may be able to reconcile how the
mind is part of one system that seems to
be in two places at once.
Daniel J. Siegel. MIND- a Journey to the Heart of Being Human.
W. W. Norton & Company. 2016
Throughout the nineteenth and twentieth
centuries, the question of consciousness lay
outside the boundaries of normal science. It
was a fuzzy, ill-defined domain whose
subjectivity put it forever beyond the reach
of objective experimentation. For many
years, no serious researcher would touch the
problem: speculating about consciousness
was a tolerated hobby for the aging
Stanislas Dehaene. Consciousness and the Brain: Deciphering
How the Brain Codes Our Thoughts. Viking Penguin, 2014
In his textbook Psychology, the Science
of Mental Life (1962) George Miller, the
founding father of cognitive psychology,
proposed an official ban: “Consciousness
is a word worn smooth by a million
tongues. . . . Maybe we should ban the
word for a decade or two until we can
develop more precise terms for the
several uses which ‘consciousness’ now
Stanislas Dehaene. Consciousness and the Brain: Deciphering
How the Brain Codes Our Thoughts. Viking Penguin, 2014
And banned it was. When I was a student in
the late 1980s, I was surprised to discover
that, during lab meetings, we were not
allowed to use the C-word.
And then in the late 1980s everything changed.
Today the problem of conscious-ness is at the
forefront of neuroscience research.
In the past twenty years, the fields of
cognitive science, neurophysiology, and brain
imaging have mounted a solid empirical
attack on consciousness.
Stanislas Dehaene. Consciousness and the Brain: Deciphering
How the Brain Codes Our Thoughts. Viking Penguin, 2014
The word consciousness, as we use it in every-
day speech, is loaded with fuzzy meanings,
covering a broad range of complex phenomena.
The contemporary science of consciousness
distinguishes a minimum of three concepts:
-vigilance—the state of wakefulness, which
varies when we fall asleep or wake up
-attention—the focusing of our mental
resources onto a specific piece of information
-conscious access—the fact that some of the
attended information eventually enters our
awareness and becomes reportable to others.
Stanislas Dehaene. 2014
Some philosophers still think that none of
the above ideas will suffice to solve the
problem. The heart of the problem, they
believe, lies in another sense of conscious-
ness, which they call “phenomenal
awareness”: the intuitive feeling, present in
all of us, that our internal experiences
possess exclusive qualities, unique qualia
such as the exquisite sharpness of tooth
pain or the inimitable greenness of a fresh
Stanislas Dehaene. Consciousness and the Brain: Deciphering How the
Brain Codes Our Thoughts. Viking Penguin, 2014
Atingând sfârșitul călătoriei noastre în
conștiință și creier, ne dăm seama cât de atent
ar trebui să ne tratăm intuițiile despre ceea ce
poate obține un echipament neuronal complex.
Bogăția prelucrării informației pe care o rețea
de șaisprezece miliarde de neuroni corticali a
dezvoltat se află în afara imaginii noastre
Stările noastre neuronale fluctuează fără
încetare într-o manieră parțial autonomă,
creând o lume interioară a gândurilor
personale. Stanislas Dehaene. Consciousness and the brain.
Deciphering how the brain codes our houghts.
Viking. 2014
Stanislas Dehaene. Consciousness and the brain.
Deciphering how the brain codes our houghts. Viking. 2014
When we discuss “free will,” we mean
a much more interesting form of
freedom. Our belief in free will
expresses the idea that, under the right
circumstances, we have the ability to
guide our decisions by our higher-level
thoughts, beliefs, values, and past
experiences, and to exert control over
our undesired lower-level impulses
Stanislas Dehaene. Consciousness and the brain.
Deciphering how the brain codes our houghts. Viking. 2014
Mintea este Informația din
Univers cuibărită în Ființa
noastră din care pleacă firavul
izvor al Conștiinței

Despite our detailed characterization of the
human genome at the level of the primary
DNA sequence, we are still far from
understanding the molecular events
underlying phenotypic variation.
Epigenetic modifications to the DNA
sequence and associated chromatin are known
to regulate gene expression and, as such, are
a significant contributor to phenotype
Whitelaw N.C. and Whitelaw E. How lifetimes shape epigenotype within
and across generations Human Molecular Genetics. Vol. 15, No. 2. 2006.
Am vorbit până acum ca și cum variantele ... s-ar fi
datorat întâmplării. Aceasta, desigur, este o expresie
total incorectă, dar servește pentru a recunoaște în
mod clar ignoranța noastră asupra cauzei fiecărei
variații particulare.
Dar, mai important ... mă determină să cred că
abaterile de structură sunt într-un fel determinate de
natura condițiilor vieții, la care părinții și strămoșii
lor mai îndepărtați au fost expuși în mai multe
Elementele (celulele) sexuale masculine și feminine
par a fi afectate înainte ca acea unire, care va forma o
ființă nouă, să aibă loc.
C. DARWIN.On the Origin of Species. OUP 1996.
I have hitherto sometimes spoken as if the variations
...had been due to chance. This, of course, is a wholly
incorrect expression, but it serves to acknowledge
plainly our ignorance of the cause of each particular
But the much greater ... leads me to believe that
deviations of structure are in some way due to
the nature of the conditions of life, to which the
parents and their more remote ancestors have
been exposed during several generations.
The male and female sexual elements seem to be
affected before that union takes place which is to
form a new being.
C. DARWIN.On the Origin of Species. OUP
The epigenotype refers to mitotically
heritable patterns of DNA methylation at
CpG dinucleotides and modifications to
chromatin proteins (e.g. histone
acetylation) that package DNA. These
modifications can regulate gene expression
and are essential for normal cellular
Whitelaw N.C. and Whitelaw E. How lifetimes shape epigenotype within
and across generations Human Molecular Genetics. Vol. 15, No. 2. 2006.
Studies of inbred mice and monozygotic
twins show that variation in the
epigenotype can be seen even between
genetically identical individuals and that
this, in some cases at least, is associated
with phenotypic differences. Moreover,
recent evidence suggests that the epigenome
can be influenced by the environment and
these changes can last a lifetime.
Whitelaw N.C. and Whitelaw E. How lifetimes shape epigenotype within
and across generations Human Molecular Genetics. Vol. 15, No. 2. 2006.
Un mecanism epigenetic constă în generarea
unui fenotip stabil moștenit, trecut prin
mitoză sau meioză și rezultat din schimbări
cromozomiale fără alterarea secvenței ADN
Mecanismul transmiterii epigenetice implică:
1) un semnal ”epigenerator”, din mediul
înconjurător care declanșează o cale
intracelulară de semnalizare - o interacțiune
proteină-proteină sau un eveniment bazat pe
modificări care declanșează activitatea latentă a
Berger S.L. et al. An operational definition of epigenetics. Genes & Development.
23:781–783. 2009.
2) un semnal care răspunde la epigenerator,
necesar pentru a defini locația exactă pe
cromatină - "inițiator epigenetic", care ar
putea fi o proteina de legare a ADN-lui, un
ARN noncodant sau orice altă entitate care
poate defini coordonatele structurii
cromatinei care urmează să fie asamblată.

Berger S.L. et al. An operational definition of epigenetics. Genes &

Development. 23:781–783. 2009.
3) un semnal care susține modificările
cromatinei în prima și generațiile ulterioare –
”menținător/stabilizator epigenetic”- care
implică căi diferite, inclusiv metilarea ADN-
lui, modificări ale histonelor, poziționarea
Acest semnal funcționează transmițând
semnalul epigenetic prin intermediul ciclului
celular sau prin menținerea lui în celulele
diferențiate terminale.
Berger S.L. et al. An operational definition of epigenetics. Genes & Development.
23:781–783. 2009.
Crystallographic image of the nucleosome showing 146 bp wrapped around
a histone complex that comprised histone 2A, 2B, 3, and 4 proteins

Berger S.L. et al. An operational definition of epigenetics. Genes & Development.

23:781–783. 2009.
Berger S.L. et al. An operational definition of epigenetics. Genes & Development.
23:781–783. 2009.
The recent integration of epigenetics into
developmental psychobiology illustrates the
processes by which environmental
conditions in early life structurally alter
DNA, providing a physical basis for the
influence of the perinatal environmental
signals on phenotype over the life of the
Michael J. Meaney. Epigenetics and the Biological Definition of Gene · Environment
Interactions. Child Development, Vol. 81, No. 1 : 41–79. 2010
Thus, the more productive questions
for current scientific inquiries should
be, How do nature and nurture work
together, and what are the processes
through which biology and culture
shape the mind?

Heejung S. Kim and Joni Y. Sasaki. Cultural Neuroscience: Biology of

the Mind in Cultural Contexts. Annu. Rev. Psychol. 2014
O propunere cheie a teoriei arhitecturii
creierului este că emoțiile pozitive lărgesc
instantaneu repertoriul gândirii și
acțiunii unui individ: bucuria aprinde
nevoia de a juca, interesul aprinde nevoia
de a explora, mulțumirea aprinde nevoia
de a savura și integra și iubirea
declanșează un ciclu recurent al fiecăruia
dintre aceste nevoi în cadrul unor relații
sigure și apropiate.
Daniel J. Siegel. The Developing Mind- How Relationships and the Brain
Interact to Shape Who We Are. The Guilford Press, New York. 2012
We now know that what you do with your
mind—how you focus your attention,
intentionally shape your thoughts, and
purposefully calm your emotions—can
directly change your brain.
That’s the key to neuroplasticity—how
our experiences, including what we do with
our minds, actually change the activity and
even the lifelong remodeling of our brains.
Alex Korb. The upward Spiral. Using Neuroscience to reverse the Course of
Depression, one Small Change at a Time. New Harbinger Publications, Inc. 2015
Brain development is characterized by a
convergence of genetic (nature) and
environmental (nurture) influences. The
genome does not contain enough
information to make a brain on its own, so
genes have evolved to exploit information
coming from the environment; information
is essential for fine-tuning developing
neuronal networks
Anil Seth. 30-SECOND BRAIN - The 50 most mind-blowing ideas in
neuroscience, each explained in half a minute. Ivy Press Limited. UK.2013
Till few decades ago, neurons were not known
to regenerate, but the scenario changed with the
discovery of neural stem cells (NSCs), which
are primarily generated in the subgranular zone
(SGZ) of the hippocampal dentate gyrus, and
the subventricular zone (SVZ). The NSCs can
differentiate into three principal types of cells-
Neurons, Astrocytes and Oligodendrocytes
The NSCs can differentiate into three principal
types of cells- Neurons, Astrocytes and
Tapas K. Kundu. Epigenetics: Development and Disease. Springer 2013
A model of growth control system suggests
that the organizers in embryogenesis
continue to exist and partially retain their
function after embryogenesis. The
organizers are the macroscopic singular
points of the morphogen gradient and
bioelectric fields. They have higher
metabolic rate, higher density of gap
junctions and stem cells than the
surrounding tissue.
Li Z., Shang Ch. Where have the organizers gone? – The growth control system as
a foundation of physiology. Progress in Biophysics and Molecular Biology. 2016
Changes in bioelectric field at organizers precede
the morphological and anatomical changes in
morphogenesis and pathogenesis. Subtle per-
turbations at organizers can cause long
lasting systemic effects. These features of
organizers can be used for diagnostic and
therapeutic purposes such as regenerative
medicine. The growth control system is
embedded in various physiological systems
and is part of the foundation of physiology
and pathophysiology.
Li Z., Shang Ch. Where have the organizers gone? – The growth control system as
a foundation of physiology. Progress in Biophysics and Molecular Biology. 2016
Celulele germinale au capacitatea de a șterge
memoria epigenetică și resetarea
epigenomului. Cu toate acestea, unele
modificări par să scape de reprogramare și pot
fi transmise urmașilor ceea ce constituie
moștenirea epigenetică transgenerațională.
Din faptul că modificările epigenomului
celulelor germinale induse de mediu devin
permanente și pot fi transmise urmașilor
rezultă rolul critic al factorilor epigenetici în
etiologia bolilor.
Timpul critic pentru expunerea la factorii de
mediu este perioada embriogenezei în care
epigenomul este reprogramat. Dacă mama este
expusă unor agenți perturbatori (disruptivi) ai
sistemului endocrin precum vinclozolin,
dietilstilbesterol, bisfenol A și bifenili
policlorurați) în acest timp, epigenomul
germinativ al descendenților masculi poate fi
modificat permanent. Metilarea ADN-lui a fost
propusă ca un mecanism major pentru
transmiterea trangenerațională epigenetică.
În următoarea generație va exista o metodă
farmacologică de a face pe oameni să-și iubească
servitutea și să producă dictatură fără lacrimi, ca
să zic așa, să producă un fel de tabără de
concentrare fără dureri pentru întreaga societate,
astfel încât oamenii să nu aibă de fapt libertăți,
dar se vor bucura mai degrabă de această stare,
pentru că vor fi distrași de orice dorință de a se
revolta prin propagandă sau spălare a creierului,
eventual, îmbunătățită prin metode farmacologice.
Și aceasta pare a fi ultima revoluție
Aldous Huxley, Tavistock Group, California Medical School, 1961
Comentariu: Al. Huxlei nu a bănuit posibilitatea ”educației” de a
contribui la diminuarea identității individului prin uniformizare (L.Z)
Man is as necessary a factor in the
development of universal order as is the
mightiest of the central suns.
Omul este un factor la fel de necesar în
dezvoltarea ordinii universale precum
grandoarea unui soare central.
The mind peers into the world of
phenomena weaving the warp and woof of
sense experience.
Mintea privește în lumea feomenologică
împletind urzeala și bătătura sensului
experențial. Walter Winston Kenilworth. Psychic Control.
R.F. Fenno & Company. New York 1910
•“How strange is the lot of us mortals!
Each of us is here for a brief sojourn;
for what purpose he knows not,
though he sometimes thinks he senses
it. But without deeper reflection one
knows from daily life that one exists
other people”
A.Einstein. Ideas and Opinions. Crown Publishers, 1954.
A hundred times every day I remind
myself that my inner and outer life are
based on the labors of other men,
living and dead, and that I must exert
myself in order to give in the same
measure as I have received and am still
A.Einstein. Ideas and Opinions. Crown Publishers, 1954.
Societatea umană are nu numai o
conştiinţă socială ci ea reprezintă şi
conştiinţa lumii materiale, conştiinţa
existentei în sens filozofic. Societatea
umana reprezintă proprietatea
materiei, a existenţei de a se apleca
asupra ei insăşi de a se recrea.

Profunzimile lumii materiale. M.Draganescu. 1979

Omul nu poate fi înțeles ca o persoana
detașată din societate; el este un
produs al eredității, care conține
concentrată istoria biologică a sa, dar
este tot pe atâta și produs al societății
din care face parte.
Singur omul a ajuns la conștiința
actelor sale, pe care le poate dirija
voluntar, în urma unei decizii reflectate.
Grigore T. Popa. Reforma Spiritului. 2002
De la ”societatea comunitate”
la ”societatea comuniune”
GÂNDUL este expresia
dimensiunii cuantice a

GÂNDIREA în armonie este

temelia și năzuința Universului

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