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Series Objective: At the end of the series, the kids will understand the significance of the
episodes in Jesus’ story– that Jesus made the right choices while on earth, in order to make
heaven available to those who believe. And with that, kids will appreciate the life that Jesus
lived and therefore live a life that also seeks to honor God.

Note to preacher: The series objective is just a guide for you. You do not need to mention
it when you preach.

PT: Jesus is our God who heals and saves us.

PV: John 17:2 CEV And you gave him power over all people, so that he would give eternal
life to everyone you give him.


We are on the last episode of our series entitled, “Jesus: Story Mode”. The lesson today is
the last one in Jesus’ life on earth. We will learn about the time He went up to heaven.

Do you know how Jesus went to heaven? The Bible says He floated up! There are lots of
magicians who have floated or levitated. But they are just tricks! I will show you a video of
how the trick is done. Only Jesus floated for real.

CONNECT: Levitation (2:12 to 3:33 only)

Whoa! Looks pretty simple now that we know how it is done. Now let’s proceed with our
lesson about the time Jesus did some real floating, no tricks. Let’s watch this video…

VIDEO: Jesus ascends to heaven


Let’s read the story in the Bible . . .

Acts 1:6-11 NLT 6 So when the apostles were with Jesus, they kept asking him, “Lord, has
the time come for you to free Israel and restore our kingdom?”
He replied, “The Father alone has the authority to set those dates and times, and they are
not for you to know. 8 But you will receive power when the Holy Spirit comes upon you. And
you will be my witnesses, telling people about me everywhere—in Jerusalem, throughout
Judea, in Samaria, and to the ends of the earth.”
After saying this, he was taken up into a cloud while they were watching, and they could
no longer see him. 10 As they strained to see him rising into heaven, two white-robed men
suddenly stood among them. 11 “Men of Galilee,” they said, “why are you standing here
staring into heaven? Jesus has been taken from you into heaven, but someday he will
return from heaven in the same way you saw him go!”

Jesus had fulfilled His mission on earth, so the time had come for Him to return to heaven.
There are many reasons why Jesus ascended to heaven, but here are two…

1. So we can receive power from the Holy Spirit.

Jesus: Story Mode 1

Acts 1:8a NLT But you will receive power when the Holy Spirit comes upon you.

Jesus left earth so the Holy Spirit can come and empower us (John 16:7). If Jesus stayed,
then people will have to come to Him all the time to receive power or be enabled to live the
Christian life. But because He went to heaven, the Holy Spirit came to live in our hearts.
The Holy Spirit empowers us to say no to sin and to live godly lives.


Do you remember your history lessons on the concept of barter? Long ago, before money
was invented, people would barter or exchange goods and services. For example, you are a
carpenter who made furniture. But you cannot eat furniture, right? So you would find a
farmer who needs your furniture and he will barter you produce or food in exchange for
your furniture. Both parties agree that the products have similar value and decide to swap.

Jesus is equal to the Holy Spirit. But Jesus had a physical body and His main mission was to
save us from our sins. When His mission was done, a different kind of God is now needed
for the people, one who can empower all believers, not just those physically close to Jesus,
to live the Christian life. So Jesus ascended to heaven and the Holy Spirit came to live in
the hearts of all those who love and obey God.

2. So the gospel will be preached to all the world.

Acts 1:8b NLT And you will be my witnesses, telling people about me everywhere—in
Jerusalem, throughout Judea, in Samaria, and to the ends of the earth.

Because Jesus went to heaven, people told others about Him. Soon enough, the gospel was
and is still being preached to the whole world. If Jesus had not gone, then there would be
no need to tell others about Him; Jesus can just show Himself to people. But that would
mean that Jesus would have to travel to every nook and cranny of the world or only a few
would be able to travel all the way to see Jesus. Not many then would hear the gospel and
be saved.

I have a question. What if you worked at a restaurant for one month and the owner will let
you choose whether you will be paid 1 million pesos for one month or one centavo (or cent)
on the first day and your pay will double everyday for one month. Which one would you
choose? Who will choose to be paid 1 million? Who chooses one centavo on the first day
that will double everyday? Teachers, take note of the kids’ choices! Let’s watch this video.

ILLUSTRATION: Exponential Growth (stop at 2:38)

Wow! You would earn over ten million in a month if you chose just the one centavo on the
first day! Who chose the one centavo? You get 150 KC Bucks!

That is a picture of what you call exponential growth. You will probably learn this from your
math teacher when you get older. Exponential growth is when the growth rate becomes
faster as the numbers increase. You see, because the Holy Spirit came to live in the hearts
of believers, there were more and more people being empowered and sharing the gospel,

Jesus: Story Mode 2


rather than just people hearing the message directly from Jesus! Take for example now.
You are here hearing about Jesus. There are 50 (or whatever number) of you. But if each
one of you tells a classmate about Jesus tomorrow, then there will be 100 right away!


The Holy Spirit gives us so much power – power to live pure and holy lives, and even
something like superpowers called spiritual gifts. Examples of these gifts are praying for the
sick and they will recover or the gift of prophecy where God will tell you what He wants to
say to a person to encourage her. Wow! These powers are available to us, we just need to
use them! But do you know the main purpose for those powers? It is so that God will be
glorified and more people will get to know Him!


Let’s read our Power Truth and Power Verse together…

PT: Jesus is our God who heals and saves us.

PV: John 17:2 CEV And you gave him power over all people, so that he would give eternal
life to everyone you give him.

Jesus came to earth in order to save us from our sins. Once we believe in Him and what He
has done for us, the Holy Spirit comes and lives in our hearts. The Holy Spirit dwells in us
to give us power to live our lives to glorify God and to tell others about Him.


1. Why did Jesus have to go back to heaven? Explain.

3. Do you think the Holy Spirit lives inside of you?


Jesus ascended to heaven to sit at the right hand of the Father, where He belongs. Because
He no longer lives with us, He sent the Holy Spirit to live INSIDE of us believers.

The Holy Spirit helps us to say no to sin and live lives that glorify God. Not only that, He
empowers us with spiritual gifts, all to direct people to the Giver. Spiritual gifts are meant
to encourage and serve the church (God’s people) and for pre-believers to look to God.

As you volunteer in Kids Church today, know that you are serving the church and
exercising the spiritual gifts that the Holy Spirit has given you (e.g. Rom. 12:6-8 serving,
teaching, leadership, etc.). You are being a witness to the little ones who are getting to
know Jesus, making ripples in eternity.

Find a partner. Encourage and pray for one another.

Jesus: Story Mode 3

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