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Explosive Performance and Training Primer

By Edward Herger

Copyright 2015 Edward Herger

Smashwords edition

ISBN-13: 9781311040299
THE ALTAR OF SPORT is an image based concept that supports the spirit and art of sports and
athletes. Its purposes are: the promotion of culture and community among athletes, promotion of
the visibility of the ideals of sport and preserving the spirit, ideals and culture of sport for young

The Altar of Sport proudly sponsors:

EXO-Kinetics: Explosive Performance and Training Primer
in hopes that it will create motivation, spirit and communication among athletes in many sports. - #thealtarofsport
Table of Contents
Introduction to Exo-kinetics the Primer
Energy and Power
Stride - Stretch – Deliver
Sports Example 1: Throw for Speed
Sports Example 2: Barbell Pull
Core Control Exercise #5
Pelvis Control Exercise #4
Primary Energy Development Exercise #6
Stretch Reflex Exercise #5
Rapid Energy Development Exercise #7
Delivery Control Exercise #4
About Exo-kinetics
Introduction to Exo-kinetics the Primer

Welcome to the Exo-kinetics: Explosive Performance and Training Primer… This primer is a
first look into Exo-kinetics the book, a complete system for developing explosiveness in sports.
Please check out the Exo-kinetics website for more information and to purchase Exo-kinetics: A
Guide to Explosive Performance and Training

“Exo-kinetic” implies that energy is to be produced by the athlete and externalized by

accelerating a sport implement to a high level of kinetic energy. Exo-kinetics provides an
answer to the question: What approaches to technique and training allow the athlete to launch a
sports implement (or opponent) to the greatest possible result? This question is discussed using
basic and accurate principles and accounting for these principles at each level of detail.
I am a lifelong athlete, an accomplished Olympic Weightlifter and a Mechanical Engineer by
profession. With this background, I have the unique point of view where the human body
becomes a complex, dynamic machine. The focus of this combination of course, is to identify
how the most explosive performance can be created.
With the Exo-kinetic concepts, I hope to show that explosiveness is not a mysterious genetic trait
of select individuals. Nor are the performance and training of explosive techniques violent,
uncontrolled and hazardous to the body of the athlete. Instead, that true explosiveness is a feat of
excellent timing and fluidity, a careful progression leading to a massive, singular and precise
release of energy.
[Table of Contents]
Energy and Power

Exo-kinetics begins with the simple truth that the greatest sports result is achieved by delivering
the greatest kinetic energy to the implement. To analyze the process of using the body to deliver
energy, first the behavior of an energy process must be known. The basic Laws of Energy are:

One: Energy can never be created or destroyed: Continuum

Two: There is always loss of control of some energy: Inefficiency

Power is the rate of delivering energy. Explosive efforts apply high power over short time spans.
On the other hand, endurance efforts apply lower power over much longer time spans.

Power follows the same laws as energy. Both energy and power can be tracked and accounted
for throughout a system, but are always affected by inefficiency. Since the ultimate goal is to
deliver the greatest amount of energy and not the greatest amount of momentary power, the ideal
effort will produce the highest controllable level of power over the longest period of time.

[Table of Contents]
Stride - Stretch - Deliver
In practical terms for the athlete, effective Exo-kinetic technique will follow this sequence:

STRIDE motion creates momentum of the body and implement.

Body momentum is stopped in order to STRETCH the muscles that will deliver the implement.
The rapid effect of the stretch reflex acting on the delivery muscles creates the ultimate explosive
DELIVERY of the implement.
[Table of Contents]
Sports Example 1: Throw for Speed

In this technique, the objective is to create maximum velocity or effect on the ball as it is
released to travel on a generally level path. The stride is low and long. The ball is held back
throughout the stride and stretch in order to produce the greatest stretch effect and the longest
path for the slinging delivery. Blocking action of the front leg is initiated far ahead of the body
to maximize the level nature of the delivery. Emphasis in the delivery of the ball is to maintain
the blocking structure through a long slinging action of the torso and arm.
[Table of Contents]
Sports Example 2: Barbell Pull

In this technique, the objective is to hoist a heavily loaded barbell to a height where it can be
fixed overhead (snatch) or on the shoulders (clean) then squatted up to complete the lift. As the
barbell is lifted from the floor, the stride motion cannot begin until the barbell is above the knees.
Once the barbell has cleared the knees, a striding motion of both legs leads the body and barbell
into the stretch position. In the stretch position the barbell connects to the body creating a block
that leads to a vertical unloading of the ankles, knees and hips. Precise execution is extremely
important if the barbell is to be caught and squatted up successfully.
[Table of Contents]
Core Control Exercise #5: Isolated Barbell Side Flexion


Tips: Stand tall with bend in the knees and ankles; emphasize range of motion from bending the
torso above the hips; hold hips square and centered to the feet using the flexed knees and ankles

[Table of Contents]
Pelvis Control Exercise #4: Wide Grip Romanian Dead Lift


Tips: Grip the barbell with the hands wide so that it meets the hips when standing upright; hold
the head, neck and shoulders back throughout the motion; emphasize action as rotation of the
torso; maintain flex in the knees and ankles throughout the motion

[Table of Contents]
Primary Energy Development Exercise #6: Long Stride on Platform


Tips: Stand tall and maintain bend in the stride leg; push on the ball of the stride foot keeping the
heel high off of the platform; keep weight on the stride foot for as long as possible; occasionally
practice blocking the stride when the front foot lands

[Table of Contents]
Stretch Reflex Exercise #5: Squat-Stretch-Throw


Tips: Stagger the feet at forty-five degrees to the throw direction; squat deep, but with the hips
falling forward of the ankles; rise out of the squat by driving the hips directly toward the throw
direction; hold the ball back as long as possible; emphasize that the stretch reflex of the hip
flexors and torso twist deliver the throw at a natural speed

[Table of Contents]
Rapid Energy Development Exercise #7: Side Sling Throw


Tips: Hold the ball back as far as possible until the body is fully stretched in a twisting manner;
block in place by turning the front leg into the throw direction; maintain significant flex in the
knee of the back leg, and keep weight on the back leg as long as possible; emphasize delivery
around the side by “un-twisting” while holding a rigid block of the front leg

[Table of Contents]
Delivery Control Exercise #4: Barbell Wide Grip High Pull


Tips: Sit deeply to begin and hold the torso as upright as possible throughout the motion; once
the barbell meets the hips, execute a long, tall drive with the legs and pull vertically with the
arms; continue emphasizing the vertical pull of the barbell until it reaches chin height; drop the
barbell and reset for each rep

[Table of Contents]
Exo-kinetics: A Guide to Explosive Performance and Training

* Full discussion on the science of explosiveness

* Analysis of 8 technical sports examples
* 36 highly specialized explosive exercises
* Mental aspects of training and competing explosively

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Please feel free to contact the author and view additional media at:
Exo Kinetics on YouTube
The Altar Of Sport
Exo Kinetics on Facebook

The author disclaims liability for any injury or damages incurred in or through the use, misuse
or misinterpretation of any concepts or activities presented in this book or any related media.

[Table of Contents]

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