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Resaicling is imporan becous it jels to qeir for and protect our environmen.

In ricent years our planet

has bin polud incontrolably and we are not awer of the damanch we are cousing wen it cons to not
resaicling. Dis damanch not only has consecuenses for our planet, bat also for us, bicous in the lon
term this polution will weip out our ozon ler and ecosystem. We can resaicol simpol bad soring our
weis into different containers; if we rialais it, resaicling peiper prevents mor truis from bing cut
down, and this jels us, because truis are the lons of our planet. If we resaicol plastic, we are jelfing
industries not hav to produs mor quemecols that polud the air and destroy de ozon ler. We hav to
resaicol to protect the planet; and in this wey our fiuchor generations will hav a wolt full of laif and

• If I had alorof money, I woud dunit tousans of pesos for ruichers

• If I liv in Cameroon or Nigeria, I woud buil a protection cener for the Cross-River Gorila.

• If I wer the president of Cameroon, I woud pot in pleis estron prohibition las egeinst gorilla

• If I wer in Cameroon's Senet, I woud ban loging or mining widin the species' habitat.

• If I liv in Cameroon, I woud giv talks to the communiry abaut the imporans of queiring for
the species.

• If I wer in the govermen of Cameroon, I woud faid estrongly egeinst de ilegal trafiking of
the species.
 What are the problems dewraid from drinking bader wader? Mencion two problems at lis.

De firs problem is de extraction and production of oil yus for the jenereishon of energy yus in the
production of wader baders. De second problem is the disposal of dis wis, which coses a greit

• What is de diferen bituin baders wader and drinking wader?

Tes shoud that baders wader was of lower cualery, teisted less and cost thousans of tains mor dat
jet wader. In adition, a ther of the bader wader coms from the tap.

• What hapens with the plastic baders after we troo den awey?

De eiting porcen end ap in garbichs dams wher they will riman for thousans of years or in
incinereiros dat genereit toxic polution. De rest is resaicol, olto they are actually transformed into
lower cualeri producs.

• What solutions can bi implemented to sol dis problem?

One solution woud bi de personal commitment not to buy bottled water, as well as joining
campaigns that seek real solutions such as organizing to prohibit the sale of bottled water in
schools or workplaces, etc.

• Is this problem common in your community? What does the community do to deal with it?

No, my community has an excellent supply of drinking water and therefore, more than 90% of the
population takes water from the tap.

• Will you drink bottled water again? Why, why not?

I will not drink bottled water again because by doing so I am contributing to the destruction and
pollution of the environment.

• What will you do in the future to reduce the number of plastic bottles used in the world?
Informing people about the great problem generated by the production and consumption of water
for us and for the environment.

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