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Pinkcast 3.

01: This is how to motivate yourself when you don’t feel

like exercising
Length: 114 Seconds


 You can find out more about Michelle Segar here. Her excellent book is NO
SWEAT: How the Simple Science of Motivation Can Bring You a
Lifetime of Fitness. (Buy it at Amazon,, IndieBound, or 8CR.)

Bloomcast 1.01: Cum să discuți în contradictoriu cu partenerul

fără să-ți pui în pericol relația

Lungime: 114 secunde


 You can find out more about Michelle Segar here. Her excellent book is NO
SWEAT: How the Simple Science of Motivation Can Bring You a
Lifetime of Fitness. (Buy it at Amazon,, IndieBound, or 8CR.)
The Bloom log

Hi, everyone, welcome to another bloomcast.

You know, exercise is one of the few things in life that is unequivocally good for us. It
can prevent disease, it can help us control our weight, it can improve our metabolic
health, it can boost our mood.


Trouble is, we dont always feel like exercising. So what can you do when your „get up
and go” has got up and went?

Well, science has the answer. And it’s in the work of Michelle Segar at the University
of Michigan.

Her research has found that one of the keys is to reframe exercise. To stop thinking of
it as a CHORE and start thinking of it as a GIFT. In particular one technique for doing
that is really interesting. Instead of saying to yourself, „I HAVE TO exercise”, say to
yourself „I GET TO exercise”.

Here’s why this is effective: we know from a ton of research that the best way to sustain
a behaviour is if you have autonomy and draw on intrinsic motivation rather than being
controlled and having to rely on extrinsic motivators. Saying „I have to” imposes a
measure of external control. When you have to do something, you don’t have
autonomy. Saying „I get to” means it’s your choice. (I GET TO=INTRINSIC
MOTIVATION) You can draw on your own values, your own desires, your own wishes.

So, the next time you’re feeling unmotivated to hit the gym, or unmotivated to go out
for a long run in the driving snow, use the simple and effective linguistic trick „Now I
get to go for a run”. Thanks for watching the Bloomcast!

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