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True Mother’s speech at the opening ceremony of the

21day Vision 2020 Top Gun Training

The reason I gathered you here is by True Father’s will. I hope you can become
historical people who have lived in the same era and have lived at the same time with
me. Look at Joshua and Caleb. Were they the only ones who went for spying? There
were 12 of them. But what happened to the other 10 people? They disappeared. Only
Joshua and Caleb remained in history. I have called you with hope that you can all
become central figures in the 2nd generation era, who can inherit 100 percent of the
traditions of True Parents.


Unificationist Recalls Tumultuous Rallies at the Berlin

Wall in the 1980s

On Thursday, Oct. 3, 2013 Germany celebrates 23 years of peace and prosperity as a

Unified Germany while Unificationists worldwide will mark a church holiday, “the Day of
the Nation of the Unified World.” During the 1980’s Rev. Sun Myung Moon directed
church members in Germany and other countries to raise public awareness of the threat
to world peace represented by an aggressive Soviet Union and its client nation of East
Germany. One of the most visible and sensational rallies advocating the tearing down of
the Berlin Wall was held in Berlin in 1987. Christoph Wilkining, born and raised in West
Germany, recalls the march and rally in the following essay.

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