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Acta Oto-Laryngologica, 2008; 128: 5360


Speech-in-noise intelligibility does not correlate with efferent

olivocochlear reflex in humans with normal hearing



Tübingen Hearing Research Center, Department of Otolaryngology/Head and Neck Surgery, University of Tübingen,

Conclusion. According to the presented data, speech-in-noise intelligibility (SI) does not correlate with olivocochlear efferent
activity  as measured by contralateral suppression (CS) of distortion product otoacoustic emissions (DPOAE)  in humans
with normal auditory threshold. Objectives. Literature data indicate a possible role of the medial olivocochlear efferents in
speech intelligibility, especially in background noise. The objective of this study was to investigate this relationship. Materials
and methods. SI was evaluated in three independent sessions by determining the ratio speech level/noise level, at which 50%
of the words are understood (i.e. speech reception threshold, SRT). Efferent activity was inferred measuring CS of DPOAE,
using two different paradigms with extensive variation of stimulus parameters and duplicate measurements. Results. For
optimum measurement of CS, the study was restricted to subjects (n 49) with valid DPOAE down to primary tone levels
L147/L220 dB SPL. Average SRT was 6.66 dB ( 4.50 to 7.65 dB, SD 0.63 dB). CS increased with decreasing
primary tone levels, with mean absolute CS values in the range of 0.66 dB SPL. Testretest repeatability was good.
Statistical evaluation revealed no significant relationship between SI and CS of DPOAE.

Keywords: Olivocochlear efferents, medial olivocochlear reflex, speech intelligibility, discrimination, background noise,
distortion product otoacoustic emissions

Introduction on stimulus parameters. In humans, ipsilateral

adaptation effects are generally smaller than CS
The olivocochlear bundle (OCB) consists of efferent
values and mostly range below 1 dB [3]. Both CS
neurons projecting from the upper olivary region in
the brainstem to the cochlea. It is composed of a and ipsilateral adaptation are regarded as metrics for
lateral and a medial part, which both possess crossed efferent activity [4]. In humans, however, CS was
and uncrossed fibers [1]. While the lateral neurons demonstrated to have a higher measurable incidence
synapse with afferent dendrites of the inner hair and a better reproducibility than ipsilateral adapta-
cells, the medial olivocochlear (MOC) efferents tion, which recommends CS as the method of choice
terminate directly upon outer hair cells. Therefore, for measurement of the MOC reflex in humans [5].
activation of the efferent bundle by acoustic stimula- An extensive neurophysiological literature demon-
tion leads to amplitude changes of otoacoustic strates that the MOC efferents attenuate cochlear
emissions, the so-called MOC reflex [2]. The effect response to sound [6,7], presumably by reducing
can be measured on the side of acoustical stimula- the gain of the outer hair cell mechanical res-
tion (referred to as ipsilateral adaptation), or con- ponse to acoustic stimulation [8]. It has been
tralaterally (contralateral suppression, CS). CS was shown that experimental activation of the efferents
found to be more commonly a decreasing effect via acoustic stimulation can influence the ability
(suppression) than an increasing effect (enhance- of frequency discrimination in the cat [9], and
ment) and typically amounts to some dB, depending sound intensity discrimination in the cat [1013]

Correspondence: Wolfgang Wagner, MD, Tübingen Hearing Research Center, Department of Otolaryngology/Head and Neck Surgery, University of
Tübingen, Elfriede-Aulhorn-Str. 5, 72076 Tübingen, Germany. Tel: 49 7071 2988088. Fax: 49 7071 293311. E-mail:

(Received 16 January 2007; accepted 28 February 2007)

ISSN 0001-6489 print/ISSN 1651-2551 online # 2008 Taylor & Francis
DOI: 10.1080/00016480701361954
54 W. Wagner et al.

and human [14,15]. Consistently, the influence of Materials and methods

acoustic stimulation on discrimination was dimin-
ished through surgical section of the human OCB
[16]. It was proposed that efferent activity supports Forty-nine subjects participated in the study (30
the ability of sound discrimination and low tone female, 19 male, age 19.741.7 years, mean 25.2
detection in background noise [12,17,18], including years). Inclusion criteria comprised absence of ear
selective attention to frequencies [19]. disease in the medical history, normal findings in ear
However, discrepant data exist according to the microscopy, normal tympanometry, stapedial reflex
psychoacoustic abilities after OCB section. While thresholds of ]80 dB SPL (measured with tones),
frequency and intensity discrimination in back- and bilaterally recordable DPOAE between f2 1
ground noise deteriorated in surgically de-efferented and 6 kHz with a minimum signal to noise ratio
cats [9,20], no such impairment was observed in (SNR) of 6 dB at primary tone levels L2 60, 50,
human patients whose OCB was sectioned in 40, 35, 30, 25, and 20 dB SPL, L1L2*0.4
vestibular neurotomy [19,21]. Accordingly, conclu- 39 dB SPL. This primary tone level setting (‘scissor
sive evidence for a correlation between efferent paradigm’) takes into account the nonlinear interac-
activity and sound discrimination in noise, which is tion of the two primary tones at the DPOAE
closely related to speech-in-noise intelligibility (SI), generation site at the f2 place [24].
is still pending in humans. The goal of the present
study was to further evaluate this relationship.
General measurement procedures
For assessment of efferent activity, we measured
the change of DPOAE level during acoustic stimula- Auditory threshold was measured at 0.125, 0.25,
tion of the contralateral ear (i.e. CS of DPOAE). 0.5, 0.75, 1, 1.5, 2, 3, 4, 6, and 8 kHz in both ears
The contralateral stimulus of 60 dB SPL broadband (audiometer AT 900, Auritec GmbH, Hamburg,
noise proved to be well below the subjects’ stapedial Germany). For tympanometry and stapedial reflex
reflex thresholds. In 13 of the 49 subjects, CS registration the MADSEN Zodiac 901 Middle-
was registered using stimulus parameters that are Ear Analyzer (GN Otometrics A/S, Copenhagen,
comparable to those used in previously described Denmark) was used. The 2f1-f2 DPOAE were
audiologic paradigms (f2 16 kHz in 1 kHz steps, recorded using a PCMCIA DSP card (Starkey,
L2 60, 50, 40, 35, 30, 25, and 20 dB SPL, Minnesota, USA) with an ER-10c ear probe
L1 L2 0.439 dB). Such a paradigm covers a (Etymotic Research, Illinois, USA). Contralateral
relatively wide range of stimulus frequencies and acoustical stimulation (CAS) was delivered via a
primary tone levels, however, accepting relatively FZ-PRC1 sound probe (Fischer-Zoth, Germering,
wide intervals of stimulus frequency and level. Germany), with a priori calibration in an ear
Thereby large efferent effects may eventually be simulator (Type 4157, Brüel & Kjær, Nærum,
overlooked. It was recently demonstrated that ex- Denmark) and no correction accounting for the
treme CS values occur preferably at frequencies at individual ear canal volume. Measurement and
which DPOAE level exhibits a pronounced sharp- evaluation software was custom-made in cooperation
edged minimum (‘dip’) in a DP gram measured in with Prof. Janssen (Department of Otorhinolaryn-
fine frequency steps [22]. The phenomenon of gology, Technical University of Munich, Germany),
maximum CS values in ‘dip frequencies’ can be using MATLAB (Mathworks, Natick, MA, USA).
explained by interference of two separate sources Ipsilateral stimuli were adjusted according to an in-
along the basilar membrane generating the DPOAE the-ear-calibration strategy. The frequency ratio was
signal (see, for example, the study by Heitmann et al. set to f2/f1 1.2 for all experimental conditions.
[23]). According to these findings, in 36 of the Tympanometry and audiometric threshold measure-
49 subjects, CS of DPOAE was not measured over a ment were conducted in a sound-proof chamber,
wide frequency range, but at dip frequencies that while during all DPOAE recordings the subjects
were individually selected for each subject. Within were seated in a comfortable recliner in a quiet
these frequencies, primary tone levels were varied in room. The quiet room provided similar low noise
very fine resolution (121 primary tone level combi- floors to the sound proof chamber, as verified by test
nations with L1 5060 dB SPL in 1 dB steps, L2  measurements. The investigations were performed in
3545 dB SPL in 1 dB steps). In both paradigms, accordance with the principles of the Declaration of
CS measurements were repeated on average 5.5 days Helsinki and were approved by the human subject
later. review committee of the University of Tübingen.
Speech intelligibility and efferent olivocochlear reflex 55

Assessment of Speech-in-noise intelligibility Assessment of MOC efferent activity

SI was measured using the Oldenburg Sentence For evaluation of MOC efferent activity, CS of
Test, which is equal to the Danish DANTALE II DPOAE was measured under CAS of 60 dB SPL
test (for detailed description see Wagener et al. broadband noise (frequency range of 100 Hz to
[25,26]). In short, the test uses a base list consisting 10 kHz), which was started 1 s before onset of the
of 10 sentences with 5 words each (name, verb, primary tones and ended 0.5 s after their termina-
numeral, adjective, object, for example: ‘Peter kauft tion. Two different paradigms were used, as follows.
achtzehn nasse Schuhe’ [‘Peter buys eighteen wet Paradigm A (DP growth function): in the first
shoes’]). The sentences do not contain meaningful 13 subjects, CS of DPOAE was registered at
information, therefore they cannot be easily memor- the frequencies f2 6, 5, 4, 3, 2, and 1 kHz,
ized and there is no benefit from a context. The with L2 60, 50, 40, 35, 30, 25, and 20 dB SPL,
background noise in the Oldenburg Sentence Test is L1 L2 0.439 dB. The averaging time for
generated by 30-fold overlapping of temporal shifted DPOAE recording was set to 4 s and the pause
components of the entire test speech material. Thus, time between two measurement settings to 1 s. The
measurement was repeated on another day (on
the long time spectrum of this noise equals the
average after 5.4 days, range 115 days), resulting
speech material, creating an optimum masking
in 168 measurement values per subject (7 primary
effect. After presentation of each five-word sentence,
tone level combinations 6 frequencies 2 ears 2
the subject is asked to repeat as many of the words as
measurements). Paradigm B (dip frequency): in the
possible. Noise level is held constant at 65 dB SPL.
following 36 subjects, the paradigm was modified
Speech level, starting at 65 dB SPL, is raised if fewer
due to recent findings of our group, indicating that
than two of the five words of the sentence are optimum conditions for MOC reflex measurements
repeated correctly (raising by 2 dB with none of are preferably found in frequencies with distinct
five words correct, and by 1 dB with one of five non-monotonocities (so-called dips) in DPOAE fine
words correct), and lowered if more than three of structure [22]. DPOAE fine structure (i.e. DP level
five words are understood (by 2 dB with five of five versus frequency function, measured in high resolu-
words correct, and by 1 dB with four of five words tion of frequency) was measured bilaterally in 47 Hz
correct). With two of five or three of five correctly frequency steps at 26 kHz (Figure 1). From this, a
repeated words, speech level is kept unchanged. By frequency with distinct dip (fdip) was selected from
this method, the so-called speech reception thresh- one ear of each subject according to the following
old (SRT) can be determined according to the criteria: (i) presence of the dip at three different
definition: SRTdifference (dB) speech level minus primary tone level settings (L2 40, 30, 20 dB SPL,
noise level, at which 50% of the words are under- L1 L2 0.439 dB SPL); (ii) SNR ]10 dB at
In the present study, speech and background 10
noise (played from the commercially available CD
L2 = 40 dB SPL
‘Oldenburger Satztest’) were presented synchro-
DPOAE level [dB SPL]

nously by one loudspeaker (AT 966-1, Auritec L2 = 30 dB SPL
GmbH, Hamburg, Germany) in free-field condi- -10
tion in a sound-proof chamber. The loudspeaker
was located in front of the subject at a distance of -20 L2 = 20 dB SPL
1 m. The test was performed three times on three
different days, using different randomly selected
sentences out of the Oldenburg Sentence Test
battery for each session. The reason for the
triplicate measurements is the known training 2 3 4 5 6
effect during the first measurements, which is frequency f2 [kHz]
due to a general familiarization with the measure-
Figure 1. Example of a DP gram (DPOAE level over stimulus
ment procedure and the limited number of words frequency) measured in fine frequency steps of 47 Hz, revealing
in the test material. However, it has been demon- distinct DP level maxima and minima, the so-called DPOAE fine
strated that there is no strong further training structure. DPOAE fine structure was measured at f2 26 kHz,
effect after the third measurement [26]. Thus, the and with three primary tone level combinations, resulting in
the three DP level curves (squares, DP level at L2 40 dB
SRT value emerging from the third test session SPL; triangles, L2 30 dB SPL; diamonds, L220 dB SPL;
(SRT3) is considered an appropriate estimate of a L1L20.439 dB SPL for all L2). The dashed lines on the
subject’s SI. bottom depict the according three noise floor levels.
56 W. Wagner et al.
10 0

speech reception thresholds [dB]

DPOAE level [dB SPL]

Ldp(2675 Hz) Ldp(2770 Hz)


5 -3
Ldp(2715 Hz)
L2=40 dB SPL -7
2.60 2.65 2.70 2.75 2.80 2.85 2.90 -9
frequency f2 [kHz] day 1 day 2 day 3
measurement day
Figure 2. Section from DPOAE fine structure measure-
ment example in Figure 1, showing the frequency range Figure 3. Speech-in-noise intelligibility, as measured by the
f2 2.62.9 kHz in higher magnification. A DP level minimum Oldenburg Sentence Test. Sentences of five words are presented
(dip) at f2 2715 Hz, L2 40 dB SPL can be seen. The depth in the presence of background noise. Speech reception threshold
of the dip is calculated from the differences in DP level bet- (SRT) is defined as the difference in dB between speech level and
ween the dip frequency and the adjacent higher and lower noise level at which the subject understands 50% of the presented
frequencies, according to the equation: depth of the dip words. The test is performed three times on three different days to
(ddip) at f2 2715 Hz/L240 dB SPL [Ldp(f2 2675 Hz/ take into account the known training effect. The result of the third
L240 dB SPL)Ldp(2715 Hz/40 dB)]dp(2770 Hz/40 dB) measurement is considered primarily. This figure presents the
Ldp(2715 Hz/40 dB)]. SRT values of the three measurement days in box plots.

fdip at all three primary tone level settings; (iii) SRT1 was on average 5.62 dB (3.50 to
maximum depth of the dip (ddip) (Figure 2). fdip 8.20 dB, SD 0.72 dB), SRT2 amounted to
belonged to the right ear in 21 subjects and to the 5.83 dB (4.05 to 7.05 dB, SD 0.6 dB), and
left ear in 15 subjects. The mean frequency of fdip SRT3 had a mean value of 6.66 dB (4.50 to
was 3.37 kHz (range 2.025.63 kHz), with a mean 7.65 dB, SD 0.63 dB) (Figure 3). As expected,
depth of the dip (arithmetic mean of the differ- SRT values improved over measurement days, with
ences between fdip and the neighboring lower and the improvement being statistically significant from
higher frequencies at all three primary tone level day 1 to day 3, and from day 2 to day 3 (SRT day
settings, see Figure 2) of 16.9 dB (range 8.9 1/day 2: p0.118 (not significant), SRT day 2/day
31.1 dB). CS of DPOAE was measured in fdip, 3: pB0.001, SRT day 1/day 3: p B0.001).
applying 121 different primary tone level combina- No influence of the pure tone thresholds on SI
tions (L1 5060 dB SPL, L2 3545 dB SPL, appeared, however these varied within a normal
variation in 1 dB steps). As in paradigm A, the range in all subjects. This was true both with
measurement was repeated on another day (on consideration of the thresholds at 0.56 kHz (corre-
average 6.2 days, range 135 days), resulting in lation coefficient between pure tone thresholds and
242 measurement values per subject. SRT3, r 0.174) (Figure 4), and with consideration

speech reception threshold [dB]

Audiometric thresholds -5
As a consequence of the inclusion criterion of valid
DPOAE down to primary tone levels of L1/L2 47/ -6
20 dB SPL, pure tone thresholds were in a normal
range in all subjects. The average thresholds in
the frequency range 0.12510 kHz were 5.5 dB HL -7
(0.1 to 22.5 dB HL) in the left ears, and 5.1 dB HL
(0.7 to 14.3 dB HL) in the right ears, respectively.
0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14
average pure tone threshold 0.5 – 6 kHz [dB HL]
Speech-in-noise intelligibility
Figure 4. Scatter plot of the 49 subjects showing speech reception
The Speech reception thresholds from the three threshold (SRT) over auditory threshold. No correlation between
Oldenburg Sentence Test sessions are referred to as SRT and pure tone threshold, which was within normal range in
SRT1, SRT2, and SRT3 in the following discussion. all subjects, appeared.
Speech intelligibility and efferent olivocochlear reflex 57

of the entire measured range of 0.12510 kHz (r  approaches, which included calculation of correla-
0.105) (not shown). tion between: (i) SRT3 and CS (paradigm A,
r 0.117; paradigm B, r 0.247; common evalua-
MOC efferent activity tion of both paradigms, r 0.105) (Figure 6a); (ii)
SRT3 and CSabs (paradigm A, r 0.186; paradigm
In both paradigms, MOC efferent activity was B, r 0.125; both paradigms, r 0.087) (Figure 6b);
evaluated according to: (i) the arithmetic mean of (iii) SRT3 and CSrange (paradigm A, r 0.302;
all CS values of each subject; (ii) the arithmetic paradigm B, r 0.065; both paradigms, r 0.065)
mean of all absolute CS values of each subject (Figure 6c).
(referred to as CSabs); and (iii) the differ- To ensure that any unexpected relationships were
ence between maximum and minimum CS values not overlooked, the same evaluations were con-
of each subject (CSrange). CS was on average ducted replacing SRT3 by (a) SRT1, (b) SRT2,
1.0 dB (2.7 to 0.0 dB, SD 0.8 dB) in paradigm and (c) the arithmetic mean of SRT1, SRT2, and
A, and 0.9 dB (6.0 to 3.1 dB, SD 2.0 dB) in SRT3. Similarly, none of these approaches revealed a
paradigm B. CSabs had a mean of 1.8 dB (1.1 to
correlation between efferent activity and SI.
3.0 dB, SD 0.5 dB) in paradigm A, and 2.4 dB (0.6
to 6.0 dB, SD 1.2 dB) in paradigm B. Average
CSrange amounted to 11.6 dB (6.9 to 17.5 dB, SD Discussion
3.0 dB) in paradigm A, and 9.1 dB (2.4 to 20.4 dB,
Our data revealed no correlation between speech
SD 4.4 dB) in paradigm B (Figure 5).
intelligibility in background noise and MOC efferent
Testretest repeatability was generally good, as
activity in 49 normally hearing subjects. Evaluation
indicated by the repeatability coefficients, which
of SI was based on measurements on 3 different
define the difference between two measurements,
days. Within the three sessions the expected con-
which is exceeded in only 5% of all cases (CS:
repeatability coefficient of 0.67 dB in paradigm A, tinuous improvement of SRT with comparable
and 1.21 dB in paradigm B; CSabs: 0.6 dB in learning curves in nearly all subjects was observed,
paradigm A, and 0.88 in paradigm B; CSrange: indicating the validity and plausibility of the test. It
4.84 dB in paradigm B). An exception was the low has to be noted that SRT values varied over a
repeatability of CSrange within paradigm A group relatively small range among the subjects, which
(repeatability coefficient of 8.23 dB), for which we makes it difficult to uncover a relationship with
do not have an explanation. another metric based on a correlation. Testretest
repeatability of CS of DPOAE was generally good,
especially considering the condition of re-positioning
Correlation between MOC efferent activity and the ear probe on another measurement day, and
Speech-in-noise intelligibility
the low minimum primary tone levels of L1/L2 47/
No correlation between MOC efferent activity and 20 dB SPL. This indicates that efferent activity
SI became apparent. This was found in all evaluation as a response to acoustical stimulation is a well

Paradigm A (“DP growth function”) Paradigm B (“dip frequency”)

4 8 22 4 8 22 (b)
contralateral suppression [dB]

20 20
2 18 2 18
6 16 6 16
0 14 0 14
12 12
4 4
10 10
-2 -2
8 8
2 6 2 6
-4 -4
4 4
2 2
-6 0 0 -6 0
CS CSabs CSrange CS CSabs CSrange

Figure 5. Amount of contralateral suppression (CS) of DPOAE, which served as measure of MOC efferent activity. CS of DPOAE was
evaluated using different arithmetical approaches (CS, real values, positive or negative; CSabs, absolute values; CSrange, difference between
maximum and minimum CS values of each subject), and with two different paradigms using different sets of DP primary tone levels and DP
measurement frequencies (for details see text).
58 W. Wagner et al.
(a) and, in consequence, in a large inter-individual CS
range. This facilitates identification of the suppres-
speech reception threshold [dB]

sion effects, distinction from artefacts, and quantita-

-5 tive classification. As in previous studies, both
negative and positive CS values  i.e. DPOAE
suppressions and enhancements  were observed in
the present work. Both effects can occur in one
individual at different frequencies or primary tone
-7 levels, leading to eventual arithmetical extinction in
averaging operations. However, both suppressions
and enhancements are supposed to reflect efferent
-6 -5 -4 -3 -2 -1 0 1 2 3 4 activity. Therefore, the absolute CS values (CSabs) or
contralateral suppression [dB] the range between minimal and maximal CS
(CSrange) should be preferentially considered. So as
(b) not to overlook any effects, however, CS was also
speech reception threshold [dB]

evaluated, without detecting any correlation with SI.

Evidence from a number of animal studies sug-
-5 gests a role of the olivocochlear efferents in sound
discrimination in background noise. Electrical sti-
-6 mulation of the OCB can improve the ability of
auditory neurons to change their firing rate as a
response to sound stimulus changes in background
-7 noise in the cat [12,13]. Background noise can
increase the sound-evoked firing rate of efferent
-8 fibers, thereby modulating the neurons’ dynamic
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 range, which influences sound discrimination [10].
contralateral suppression, absolute values [dB] It was concluded that sound discrimination in
background noise is improved by an efferent-
-4 mediated broadening of the dynamic range of the
auditory nerve fibers [11]. The aspect of a possible
speech reception threshold [dB]

efferent influence on SI was originally addressed in

-5 1968 by Dewson [27], who observed impairments in
vowel discrimination in noise in rhesus monkeys with
-6 OCB lesions. In line with this observation, surgical
section of the OCB in cats has been shown to
deteriorate vowel discrimination [9] and intensity
discrimination in background noise [20], albeit only
under certain conditions. Hienz et al. [9] reported
-8 that the effect was only present with SNR of 3 dB,
0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 20 22 not with 13 or 23 dB; May and McQuone [20]
contralateral suppression, range [dB]
reported that the effect was only present at 8 kHz,
Figure 6. Relationship between medial olivocochlear (MOC) not at 1 kHz. On the other hand, the absence of
efferent activity, represented by contralateral suppression (CS) post-synaptic MOC efferent receptors in alpha9
of DPOAE, and speech-in-noise intelligibility, as measured by
acetylcholine receptor knockout mice does influence
speech reception threshold. Solid circles, paradigm A (DP growth
function); open circles, paradigm B (dip frequency). Efferent tone detection and intensity discrimination in back-
activity was evaluated according to real values of CS of DPOAE ground noise [28]. This raised the hypothesis that
(CS) (a), absolute values of CS of DPOAE (CSabs) (b), and range the central efferent pathways, whose post-synaptic
between minimum and maximum of CS of DPOAE (CSrange) (c). targets do not express alpha9 acetylcholine recep-
Statistical evaluation revealed no correlation between the two
tors, work in combination with the peripheral
variables in either approach.
olivocochlear system to enhance hearing in noise,
and may compensate for manipulations of peripheral
repeatable parameter, representing a constant indi- feedback in routine testing procedures.
vidual property of each subject. In humans, data from invasive electrophysiological
The strategy of measuring MOC reflex in DPOAE experiments are not available. Therefore one has
fine structure dips with high primary tone level to rely on psychoacoustic studies. Micheyl and
resolution results in especially large CS effects [5,22] Collet [14] observed a significant positive correlation
Speech intelligibility and efferent olivocochlear reflex 59

between CS of transiently evoked OAE (CAS  found no significant effect of CAS on loudness
30 dB SL) and detection thresholds for 1 and functions and temporal loudness integration, as
2 kHz tones in background noise. In a recent study, well as no significant difference between patients
Kim et al. [29] investigated the relationship between after vestibular neurotomy and unoperated subjects.
CS of DPOAE (CAS 30 dB SL) and (1) sentence Only loudness summation was influenced by CAS;
intelligibility in noise with speech and noise coming however, this effect was not correlated with CS of
from the same frontal direction (HINT08), and (2) transiently evoked OAE.
improvement of sentence perception when speech Summarizing the literature, a conclusive definition
and noise were spatially separated and emanated of the role of the olivocochlear efferents on psychoa-
from different directions (RFM). The authors re- coustic abilities including sound discrimination in
ported weak correlations between both of the two noise in humans is still pending. In animal experi-
parameters and CS of DPOAE; however, the corre- ments, the efferent-mediated effects appeared to be
lations appeared only in certain frequency bands (at restricted to specific conditions such as a certain
46 kHz for HINT08 and at 12 kHz for RFM), and SNR [9] and frequency [20]. Such a restriction of
the reason for the finding of a positive correlation detectable efferent effects to specific conditions is
between CS and RFM, as opposed to the reported reminiscent of findings in studies on cochlear
negative correlation between CS and HINT08, vulnerability to noise trauma. While a noise protec-
remained unclear. In summary, the study by Kim tion through MOC efferent activity could be demon-
et al. did not demonstrate convincing evidence for a strated at certain noise levels and frequencies, the
relationship between SI and MOC activity among effect appeared to be absent at other levels and
the tested subjects. frequencies in the same animals (for an overview see
Most of the other human studies refer to the Wagner et al. [31]). When interpreting the current
change of the ipsilateral discrimination ability in results and literature data, one must be aware of the
background noise during stimulation of the efferent possibility that activation of the efferent system by
system by CAS. It has been demonstrated that CAS acoustic stimulation  which occurs in every hearing
can improve intensity discrimination [15], tone situation  might indeed improve sound discrimina-
detection thresholds [14], and speech intelligibility tion, but MOC reflex strength may not adequately
[16,18] in background noise. In all of the studies reflect this ability. On the one hand, the fact that
mentioned above, the magnitude of the CAS- sectioning of the OCB abolishes the MOC reflex in
mediated improvement was positively correlated animal experiments [32] and in humans [16] in-
with CS of transiently evoked OAE. Section of the dicates that the MOC reflex at least qualitatively
OCB during vestibular neurotomy, which is even- reflects the efferent-mediated effects in the auditory
tually performed in severe cases of Ménière’s disease periphery. On the other hand, how exactly does the
to alleviate vertigo, abolished the effect [16]. In line MOC reflex indicate efferent activity quantitatively?
with this view, Zheng et al. [30] reported deteriora- Maison and Liberman [4] evaluated ipsilateral
tion of SI in four of six patients after vestibular adaptation, which is another metric for MOC reflex
neurotomy. However, tone detection thresholds and magnitude, in guinea pigs. They used a semi-
pure tone discrimination in silence remained un- quantitative classification according to weak, mod-
changed in these subjects. The largest series of erate, and strong efferent activity, and in doing so
patients with section of the vestibular nerve was found a significant relationship between MOC reflex
reported by Scharf et al. [19]. In 16 cases, no and a physiological parameter, i.e. cochlear noise
impairment of multiple psychoacoustic abilities (de- vulnerability. This is an argument in favor of the view
tection of tonal signals, intensity discrimination, that CS values represent efferent activity not only
frequency selectivity, loudness adaptation, frequency qualitatively but also quantitatively.
discrimination within a tonal series, in-head later- In conclusion, the presented data did not demon-
alization) both in quiet, and, where relevant, in strate a correlation between the magnitude of MOC
background noise, became apparent. The only efferent activity (as measured by CS of DPOAE) and
change found after OCB section was an improved Speech-in-noise intelligibility. The present study was
detection threshold for tones of unexpected fre- restricted to subjects with valid DPOAE down to
quency in noise, which was interpreted by the primary tone levels as low as L147/L220 dB
authors as an epiphenomenon of a disturbed selec- SPL in order to grant optimum conditions for
tive attention to tones. Notably, the patients re- measurement of CS. Future studies might include
ported no subjective deterioration of their overall individuals with mild to moderate perceptional
hearing ability after the surgical ablation of the hearing loss, however, accepting less optimal mea-
efferents. Morand-Villeneuve et al. [21] evaluated surement conditions for efferent activity. The goal
different aspects of sound intensity perception. They remains to clarify a potential role of the olivocochlear
60 W. Wagner et al.

efferents in impairment of speech intelligibility, [16] Giraud AL, Garnier S, Micheyl C, Lina G, Chays A, Chery-
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