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In this video, I have been reminded of how money is everywhere in society.

That’s a
fact, not a judgement. It helps us function daily. We use it to pay our monthly grocery
necessities and commuting expenses, money is essential for most people. We also want those
nice-to-have elements like travel and a social life, which requires more money. In this sense,
we develop mind-sets of its importance. We rule it as the most necessary and relevant
requirement to life. But it is not.

Although it is important to acknowledge that money is not less nor more important
than other aspects in our life, it is merely a tool to help us along the way.

If we truly acknowledge that money is important we will dedicate time to study and
understand that it is a tool that meant to be used. It is not meant to sit on a shelf and collect
dust. If you become ignorant to it, you will become its slave but if you make the choice to
understand and study it, you will become its master.

Many of us have grown up with certain stereotypes about money. Indeed, in a poverty
ridden economy, it is difficult to not assume so. If your attitudes, mindsets and feelings about
money are in order and you feel confident in your ability to make enough money to live happily
– chances are high money in your eyes won’t be evil at all.

As said in the video “Money is what you make of it, it could be good or evil depending
on how the person chooses to use it. It is only a tool, objects are not good nor evil people
Truly, wealth is a conscious choice that you must make.

On the flip side, we need to understand that poverty is NOT a mindset. Poverty is the
lack of opportunities, education and even basic rights; the government is responsible for these
areas. It is their sole duty to provide their people with these rights. A poor man does not
become rich by eliminating the mindset that he is poor, the case most of the time is with
discrimination towards their abilities. Even though he would have a “wealth driven” mind, if the
same opportunities will not be given to him, there will be no change. Again, poverty is not a

You cannot choose to be wealthy if you refuse to acknowledge that it is a choice. Wealth
is not a miracle that will fall from the sky one Sunday morning. You cannot sit and wait in eager
expectation for its grand arrival, if you want it, go take it.

Claim it and make a choice not to be stagnant in your financial stability.

Wealth is passed onto the next generation. This means that whatever mindset you have
about money itself, you will carry as a legacy to the next generation. This is for the good and
bad habits & advices. Choose to leave a better mind-set on money. This will serve as a seed and
will flourish with the right guidance and perseverance.
Learn to invest your money in a course wherein it will not stay stagnant. Learn about
the benefits to this and teach about it. Take responsibility for your financial future. Once you
make this choice you can start the slow but rewarding journey of building wealth and becoming
the master of your own destiny.

Wealth is a process.

With each savings, will come pride. And slowly but surely, you will learn that wealth is
something you need to earn for. Truly, it is a journey that requires so much patience and
determination. With all the obstacles, you need to believe that you can achieve financial
progress. Financial progress will require three essential ingredients, focus on goal, develop
skills, and understand the rules

It’s Not about Working Hard

This is the sobering truth about how most people spend their money; they don’t
understand money and the value of their time. If you continue on with this mind-set, you will
work away the best years of your life and you won’t realize it until it is too late. In this era,
sweat and hard-work are not the only factors that will contribute to your financial success. We
need to learn how to manage our finances street wise. This means widening your horizons on
investments and broadening opportunities. Be open and diligent to your decisions.

What matters most is your money mindset. Tactics matter after you have an abundant
money mindset. They don’t matter if you don’t have the right mindset because you’ll sabotage
any chance you have at using the right tactics if you have the wrong mindset.

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