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Raju Nanda

Bth final year .

We all are required to preach the Gospel

The great commission is given to all humanity by Lord our Jesus Christ. that we must preach the gospel
to a nation (Matthew 19:18;19)

A stranger first of all i would try to be friendly, show the love of God. Engage him in a conversation
about what he believe and honour and respect his beliefs...and I will show a real interest in him as a
children of God. There would be questions mostly coming from me.and then I would just listen to see
where the conversation goes. I would be listening for an opportunity I relied on God I will seeking the
guidance of holy spirit .that how I can share the gospel.

1.intruduction and gospel

I will start with a general introduction, about his name, works, occupation than I will introduce myself

I will try to build a conversation after introducing myself and the topic of discussion, going with
something basic like how you are doing family members ,friends or some general question about their

I will observe and try to know whether he is interest on religious matter by his tone, pitch speech, his
body language, and volume and even his word choice to help my connection and show empathy when
they share their beliefs.

2. I will Ask about his belief

I will try to understand his religious views because it would enhance my conversion and i will get a good
picture to start so i can share easily to my stranger friend.

I will put a question what do you think after death what will be happen i hope he will respond rebirth
.my friend in this world no one gives clear picture what would be happen after death .bible speak very
clearly and extensively after death two thing will take place heaven and hell the eternal life and another
one is eternal condemnation.

4. He must know that he is a sinner .

i will explain about our sins what Bible says such as murder, which relates to anger, and adultery, which
Jesus relates to lust (Matt 5:21-22, 27-32). I do this to show them that we all fall short of God’s perfect

And we all are under to judgment of God due to our sins the Bible says

John 3:36
He who believes in the Son has eternal life; but he who does not obey the Son will not see life, but the
wrath of God abides on him.

4.jesus is the only one way for the salvation

Before 2000 years ago the God incarnate as a human and he came to this world and he died for us due
to our sin because we deserve the punishment .God

sent his only begotten son the lord Jesus Christ to save us so whoever believe in him, he should not
perish but have everlasting life.

Due to our sin he died on the cross .we all deserve the punishment , we supposed to die but behalf of us
he died on the cross of carvery’s whoever believe in him he will get the everlasting life.

A extreme love he has shown on the cross no one can ever do this he gave his life to save us.

Many says salvation is their go to that place

Go to that person but it's vain. A human can't

Only God the lord Jesus Christ he can redeem you

Just you have to believe that Jesus only the God. He came to the world and he died on the cross after 3
days he arose again and he went to heaven and he is going to come back to take us and we will be with
him forever .

My friend I want to pray for you .


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