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Isabella Elizondo
English 1001
Rhetorical Analysis Final Draft
April 26. 2019

“Fast Food Is the New Tobacco”

Obesity and diseases are increasing because of the fast food. Showing and telling people

how unhealthy to eat the fast food is hard (Obesity in America and its Children: Affecting the

Lives of Millions by Becky Sorensen.) Low cost is the main reason. How should they help? Stop

building more fast food restaurants and build more healthier restaurants.

In the given day, some families spend their money to buy fast food instead of buying

food and cooking at home. In conclusion, fast food is becoming an addiction to all. Not just

adults but children and a part of our lives. While it is true, people do not have time to cook every

day or fast food restaurants can perform some improvements on their meals. People who are

addicted to eat fast food cannot. Because of this, the population have been affected by these

factors with diseases like diabetes, cardiovascular diseases and obesity being prevalent.

How is it catching our eyes and ears? We can blame fast food advertisements, restaurants

and menus all provide environmental cues that may trigger addictive overeating. While the

concept of fast food addiction remains to be proven, these findings support the role of fast food

as an addictive substance that is most likely to create dependence in our population. (Is fast food

addictive? by Garber AK1, Lustig RH.)


The fast food industry argues that it’s not their fault that people are eating their products.

Their customers are craving sugar, fat, and salt products that satisfy their appetite, possibly an

addiction after years of eating similar items of food. The bottom line is profit. Fast food

companies and corporations are adamant about making profits and being competitive with other

companies in the same business, the business of providing fast food for monetary gain. The

health of its customers is really secondary to making money. The author seems to be allegiant

toward governmental and the food industries recognition of the negative effects of the unhealthy

substances in their product. In essence, the author wants the fast food industry to recognize their

responsibility toward its customers consuming potentially unhealthy food. The author appears to

be pro-consumer and provides information as to the negative effects of fast food consumption.

The target audience are the consumers who eat fast food. This includes; parents, children,

schools, restaurant consumers and those addicted to the fast food regimen. It should also be

noted that those who produce and process fast foods need to be made aware of the negative

reproductions of consuming fast food. Its evident that the authors values and opinions coincide

and are similar to the target audience who are subject to this negative dietary consumption. The

language used in the article is consumer friendly and not overly academic. It can be understood

by all.

I believe the author of this article was able to communicate an effective message about

the concerns and issues associated with fast-food, and that consumers were effectively warned

about the detrimental effect of eating such foods on a regular and routine basis. Unfortunately,

because of socio-economic conditions and strength of media information, those consuming fast

foods will continue. Medical and health considerations are not communicated as strongly as

corporate advertisement and again, the bottom line is profit. Obesity is the indicator that suggests

that fast-food companies are winning the battle toward consumption of unhealthy food products

and that the morbidity epidemic is increasing significantly. Until the government intervenes and

social media changes it’s message about the unhealthy effects of fast-food consumption, obesity,

diabetes, and mortality, will continue to increase exponentially.

We’ve discussed the important issues and concerns surrounding obesity. Healthy living

and having a longer life-span, requires an honest dialog among all entities involved, and a

collaborative effort to create clear and concise pathway or program to reduce obesity. This

means putting profit, influence, and power aside so that this epidemic can be eliminated. We, the

consumer, need to look at our health from a different perspective. The increase in instances of

obesity has increased and its’ up to us to remedy the situation. To help lose weight, there are

hundreds of diets advertised on social media, TV, and the internet. All profess to help you lose

weight and stay fit. Many diets do provide short-term reliefs, eventually studies have shown that

the weight is regained and usually more than at the beginning. In my opinion the author was

successful in convincing their audience about the importance of healthy nutrition and the

relevance of the negative effects of fast-food consumption.


Work Cited


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