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Samantha Knies

TAB and ART POP-UP: resin casting

Grade Level(s): 6th grade, 8th grade
I. Colorado Academic Standards:

a. Sixth Grade, Standard 3. Invent and Discover to Create, 1. Plan the creation of a
work of art utilizing feedback. C: Evaluate redirection and revision during the
creative process.
b. Sixth Grade, Standard 3. Invent and Discover to Create, explore various media,
materials and techniques used to create works of visual art and design,

II. Big Idea(s):

a. Expanding the realm of art materials
b. Independent art behaviors
c. Expanding the natural creative mind

III. Enduring Understandings:

a. Art work goes beyond the paper canvas
b. Art is free to explore
c. Everyone has an artist mind

IV. Essential Questions:

a. What makes a piece an artwork?
b. What is considered an art material?
c. What are uses for art in your life?

V. Daily lesson objectives:

a. Student will explore different method of exploring their chosen art
material/method using, classmate conference and teacher feedback.
b. Students will explore resin casting methods and applications to inspired
future art project.

VI. Activity:
Students will study an “art-pop” discussion and demonstration about resin casting.
Student then will be chosen whether to start a resin casting project, resume a started
project, start final project paperwork, or explore a new project during remaining
class time.

VII. Content Integration: Due to TAB format student may be using/observing

various feeds of academic learning. Student will be observing and learning
about science with catalyst base chemical reactions with resin and silicone

VIII. Pre-Assessment: Before class and during there has/ will be discussion about
casting processes to kind know knowledge about casting and interest in the casting
process. Student receive daily points based on daily explorations, process and,
progress on individual projects.

IX. Success Criteria: Student is engaged during the whole class on their project.
Student has shown signs of art process and exploration in their media of choice.

X. Post-Assessment: For every project student are to fill out a reflection handout
based on a final project. Student reflect on the progress and give artist statements
about their art piece and their art process. They also receive pier feedback about
their project before turning in for a grade. They also receive points based on their
weekly reflections and goals along with their daily progress points.

XI. Accommodations and Modifications: Each student is evaluated individual based

on their personal goals and skill level. Students with IEPs or any other learning
plan are upheld and are review for the best path for success for each student.

XII. Visuals: Each art area is clearly labeled with visual handouts for each station/ art
making method. During the Art-POP UP there will be a handout with “cooking
show” level visuals and examples on how the casting process works.

XIII. Supplies and equipment:

a. For basic Work time all art material available are ready for students use.
b. For ART-POP UP demonstration the follow materials will be used.
i. Oil clay
ii. Oil clay tools
iii. Cardboard
iv. Resin casting kit
v. Rubber casting kit
vi. Student and teacher examples
vii. Rubber gloves
viii. Popsicle sticks
ix. Plastic cups
x. Markers
xi. Hot glue with glue gun

XIV. Safety concerns:

a. Resin and rubber casting works with chemical compounds. Anytime
chemicals are used an amount of caution is required. All student touch either
the resin(uncured) or rubber(uncured) are to wear rubber gloves. Caution is
involved with material getting into eyes, mouth and, skin. Hot glue is also a
burning hazard.
b. Due to TAB setting all material are available causing safety hazards with
misuse with most/all materials. Safety standards in class are taken very
seriously to insure material availability and student safety.

XV. Teaching procedure:

a. Welcome students in hall way
b. Begin ART-POP UP about resin casting with resin/rubber demonstration.
c. Release students to work time, walk around class giving advice and asking
questions as well as answering questions.
d. 10 mins before end of class start giving daily points
e. 5 mins before end of class, issue clean-up time
f. Class dismissal

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