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Meeting with Raja Rogers

November 4, 2005

1. David Lynch is doing the West Coast tour now.

People are getting initiated, but there was a learning curve in terms of coordination
between David Lynch Foundation (who keep the records) and TM teachers. But now
have learned how to do so and should be lots of initiations during West Coast.

2. Our own couple will be arriving from India today. Next few weeks will be able to
schedule tours.

MVVT training will be coming very soon for Directors.

Be in touch with Elaine if you want a tour .

They will do MVVT and AT. Don’t know if they are doing the Refresher course, but will
find that out very soon.

3. Reports on builders?

A builder is meeting in Raleigh right now re: Raleigh and Charlotte land.

If you find property, fill out standard form online, but also call Candace and Rogers so
they can move it along faster.

They spoke with Maharishi yesterday and he is still very focused on having the Peace
Palaces built. His favorite term is “Quick, quick, quick.” He wants action.

4. Next step for builders who want to build Stapathya Veda houses?

1. Use plans by Eike. 20% Sth. Veda fee.

2. Modular homes - Call Truly – 828-669-9085.

3. Use plans from a movement architect for stick built home. Call the individual

4. Have your own architect build a house, but this procedure is more complicated because
they would have to incorporate all the Sth Veda dimensions into the plans.

5. We have someone interested in building a Sth Veda skyscraper – like the one in Bethesda
area – who do I contact?

Contact Raja Rogers or Candace and they will work through this with you.
6. Global Reconstruction Assn Agreement. Who signs it?

Send it to Raja Rogers and he will look into it.

7. Large student group that represents many groups on campus at Univ of FL will provide
funding for David Lynch to come, but name contains, “Buddhist.”

Raja Rogers will look into it. Maharishi has always been friendly towards Buddhist
monks, but want to be sure that David Lynch and Maharishi are comfortable with the
name of this group.

8. Raja Rogers is getting together some nice charts for MEC Centers. We just received the
Vastu DVD’s. This should be duplicated and sent to builders to educate them.

Many Directors have received it – Global Reconstruction Program – has video of many
buildings throughout the world.

9. Truly – report on Asheville Film Festival – at least 150 people. Showed the DVD and
David Lynch called in and people asked questions. Most questions were about TM. Intro
on Wed – 2 people came and 1 person signed up. Many phone calls from people who
want to show DVD – 2 universities and 1 college – total population 25,000 that would
like an event in Dec. Can we get publicity materials?

Candace said that David was thrilled about the event. He felt there was a lot of energy
and receptivity and ready to do more call-ins.

Don’t even need to wait for a film festival. Just set up an event and charge at the door to
cover costs. Directors will be receiving a copy soon of this DVD – at Majestic Theatre.

Let Candace know if you need a copy of the DVD and it can be copied for you. Don’t
take it to a store to have it copied because if too many copies get out there, then it no
longer remains special.

10. The Vedic Experts who are arriving are MVVT, TM-Sidhi Admins, AT so can do TM-
Sidhi Refreshers and consults. They will be installed in Lexington in about a week. Their
names are Mr. and Mrs. Rao - Rao and Lakshmi.

11. Diana and Jeff in Raleigh/Greenville just met with a builder. They are willing to do the
financing. Raja Rogers and Candace are working with corporate office on this. They saw
the land today in Raleigh. Are interested in Greenville and in moving ahead region-wide.

12. Jeff Litwin initiated this week.

13. Raja Rogers concluded that the support of nature is increasing.

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