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Nasir Johnson


English 102-28


Research Paper Proposal Essay

Hello, my name is Nasir johnson I’m a first year Finance major from Chicago, Illinois

who's going to look at the NFL based on its fan satisfaction and business aspects. I’m going to

conduct research to see how some teams impact their fan base and cities by winning games,

landing new players, building new stadiums, etc. I selected this because one of my many job

options I want to pursue is being a NFL GM. The general manager or GM of a team typically

controls player transactions and bears the primary responsibility on behalf of the team during

contract discussions with players. This topic is really interesting and important to me since I’ve

played and been a football fan all my life. The argument I will be making is that NFL teams with

good general manager have successful seasons and good fan satisfaction ratings. This means that

when I start this paper i’m going to have to compare the fan satisfaction rating of each team to

how good their GM is and also how good the teams doing. Also, I’m going to look at the

business side of the argument by looking up ticket sales, jerseys sales and the overall finance

aspect of the teams. I feel as my argument matters because there has been a lot of controversy

over the NFL and its fans satisfaction rating and that teams don't care about the fans their just

trying to make money. Since the NFL is coming off its lowest rated super bowl it inspired me to

do research to see what individual teams can do to help bring fans and fun back to the NFL. This

project will help me get experience with my future career because i'm going to have to get in the
shoes of a GM and find a way to solve this problem. According to sports illustrated “Despite

that, it was still watched by 100.7 million across the network's platforms, a five percent decline

from last year's contest, a 41–33 Philadelphia Eagles win over the Patriots. That game had a 47.4

rating and was seen by 103.4 million people in the United States”. This shows that from a fan

point of view this super bowl wasn’t that entertaining but since the super bowl still sold out and

was in a great city like atlanta the NFL still made their money. So causes a problem between

whether the NFL wants to make changes or stay the same and lost fans, money in the future. In

conclusion, in my research I will be answering whether the NFl care about the dollar or fan

satisfaction. I will be doing this be acting as a GM of a team and looking at the data for an NFL

team, city,
Work cited

1. Axson, y SCOOBY. “Lowest Scoring Super Bowl Brings in Meager Ratings.” ​​,​.

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