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The project titled ‘XorFone-Connected Community, Secure Community’ consists

of three parts. First is XorFone-server. Second is a XorFone -android. The third is XorFone-

The First part contains Spring MVC & Hibernate. Spring Web MVC is the original
web framework to create RESTful API. A Spring MVC is a Java framework which is used
to build web applications. It follows the Model-View-Controller design pattern. It
implements all the basic features of a core spring framework like Inversion of Control,
Dependency Injection. A RESTful API is an application program interface (API) that uses
HTTP requests to GET, PUT, POST and DELETE data. Hibernate is an open source Java
persistence framework project. It performs powerful object-relational mapping and query
databases using HQL and SQL. Hibernate is a great tool for ORM mappings in Java.

The Second part consists of an Android App. In it we call that app with the help of
volley library. Volley is an HTTP library that makes networking for Android apps easier and
most importantly, faster. The entire task that needs to be done with Networking in Android
can be done with the help of Volley. Automatic scheduling of network requests. Volley
provides debugging and tracing tools.

The Third part is the Manager Panel. In it, the front end is made using Angular.
Also, we call that API with the help of AJAX request. Angular is a framework used by
developers to create effective an efficient single page web application with ease. Angular
simplifies the building of web application with quick and simple implementation


Sr. no. Figure Name Figure Page

Number Number
1 Xorcom-Admin 2.1 5
2 Web browser Users Usage Graph 2.2 6
3 The Dispatcher Servlet 2.3 7
4 ORM Structure 2.4 8
2 Backend Flow Chart 3.1 16
5 Frontend Flow Chart 3.2 17
6 Visual Studio Development Screen 4.1 20
7 Getting Started With Amazon Aws 4.3 22
8 HTML Code Example 4.4 24
9 Project Structure 5.1 28
10 Tomcat Server Log hosted on Amazon Aws 5.1 28
11 Project Structure for Android JAVA 5.2 30
12 Project Structure for Android XML 5.2 30
13 Login Screen 5.2.3 28
14 Dashboard Screen 5.2.4 29
15 Intercom Screen 5.2.5 29
16 Visitor Screen 5.2.6 30
17 Notices Screen 5.2.7 31
18 All House Staff Screen 5.2.8 31
19 XorCom-Manager(Unit List) 5.3 32
20 Xorcom-Manager(User List) 5.4 33
21 Xorcom-Manager(Subscription List) 5.5 34
22 Xorcom-Manager(Broadcast List) 5.6.2.a 35
23 Xorcom-Manager(History List) 5.6.2.b 36


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