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Posture Direct
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Image courtesy of FrameAngel at

The purpose of this blog post is to provide you with everything that you will need to know to fix
your Flat feet.


Background information:
What is Flat feet?
What causes fallen arches?
How can you tell if you have it?
Associated conditions
How to fix Flat feet:
The best exercises for Flat feet
How to tape your foot
Orthotics: Good or bad idea?

// What is Flat feet?

It is a type of foot posture which involves the collapse of the inner arch of the foot.

As a result – the bottom of the foot is in complete contact with the floor.

This can occur in one or both feet and can be seen whilst standing still and/or walking.

It is also referred to as:

Pronated foot
Fallen arches
Pes planus

Note: It is normal for the foot to have the ability to pronate (collapse the arch).

Problems occur when your foot gets stuck in this position.

// What causes fallen arches?
1. It’s in your DNA:

Image courtesy of rajcreationzs at

Genetic features are inherited from your parents. (… and that includes Flat feet!)

This is referred to as Structural Flat feet.

This is where the bone/joint alignment of your foot is flat.

Unfortunately in this situation, your foot posture can not be changed through conservative

Note: If your foot arch is present when you are sitting/lying down but you have Flat feet when
you weight bear, then you DO NOT have structural Flat feet.

2. Your foot muscles aren’t working properly:

This is where the vast majority of you will fall under.

(… and that’s actually great news! WHY?… Because we can fix this!)

You either have:

Poor control of your feet/toes and/or,

Weak/tight foot muscles
… both of which can result in the collapse of the foot arch.

This is referred to as Functional Flat feet.

Other factors that may contribute:

Increase in body weight

Improper shoe wear
Ineffective posture
Incorrect techniques in sport

// How to determine if you have Flat feet

a) Whilst standing:

Look at your feet.

There should be an obvious arch on the inside of your foot.
As a rough guideline: You should be able to fit the tips of your fingers underneath the arch
of your foot.

If there is no gap between the bottom of your foot and the floor, then you probably have Flat

b) Whilst walking:
Check out your foot print at the beach! Which one are you?

(Similarly – you can just wet your feet and observe the foot prints you make on the cement

c) Check your shoes

Have a look at the heel of the shoe that you wear the most.

Signs of excessive wearing of the inside of the heel may suggest that you may have
overpronation of the foot.

// Can Flat feet cause problems?

… Is your flat feet causing any of these problems?

a) Plantarfasciitis:

b) Big toe bunion:

c) Heel spur:

d) Lower back/Hip/Knee problems

Interested in xing your posture?

.. then come join me on the Facebook page!

I share all of my best posture tips there 🙂

How to x Flat Feet

These exercises are intended to help people who experience flat feet whilst standing and/or
Image courtesy of Flare at

Note: It is important that each exercise is pain-free and performed in a gentle manner.

If you are unsure if you are doing the exercise correctly, please feel free to message me on the
Facebook page.

How to fix Flat feet:

1. Stretches
2. Releases
3. Importance of your big toe
4. Foot strengthening exercises
5. Taping
6. Orthotics
7. Other areas to consider

“So… how do you get an arch in your foot?”

// Stretches
The calf:

Tight calf muscles (Gastrocnemius and Soleus) will limit the amount of movement that the ankle
can bend (also known as dorsiflexion).

Having full range of motion in your ankle is particularly important when you are walking,
running, squatting and jumping.

Without proper movement and flexibility, the ankle will compensate with
overpronation (collapsing the foot arch) during movement.

Quick assessment: How to test your ankle flexibility

Face a wall.
Perform a lunge.
Whilst keeping your knee in contact with the wall, aim to get the front of your
foot furthest away from the wall.
(Don’t cheat! Make sure the back of your heel does not lift off!)
Do not let your foot arch collapse as you bend your knee forwards!
Measure the distance between the tip of your big toe and the wall.


My recommendation: Aim to get your toe approximately >8cm from the wall with

your knee still in contact with the wall.
If you can’t, check out this post to improve your Ankle mobility.

a) Gastrocnemius


Stand on the edge of a step with your heels off the edge.
Whilst keeping your knees completely straight, lower both of your heels towards the
Aim to feel a superficial stretch in your calf muscle.
Hold this stretch for at least 30 seconds.
Repeat 3 times.

b) Soleus

Assume the lunge position.

Bend the ankle at the front as much as you can by lunging forward.
Aim to feel a deep stretch in your calf muscle.
Hold this stretch for at least 30 seconds.
Repeat 3 times.
Note: This will also help loosen up any stiffness in the ankle joint.

c) Lateral structures

(Peroneals, Extensor digitorum, Lateral ligaments)


Whilst sitting, place your ankle on top of your other knee.

Place one hand on top of the ankle and the other on the forefoot.
Whilst anchoring the ankle joint down, pull the fore foot towards you.
Aim to feel a stretch on the out side of the ankle.
Hold for 30 seconds.

// Releases
a) Plantarfascia

Place your foot on a massage ball.

Apply pressure on the ball.
Roll your foot up/down
Do this for 1-3 minute.

b) Achilles tendon


Sit on the floor with your legs straight in front of you.

Place the back of your achilles tendon on a ball.
Apply a downward pressure.
Rock your foot from side to side.
Duration: 1-3 minute

c) Peroneal
The peroneal muscles are located on the outside of your lower leg. If tight, this muscle can cause
your arches to collapse.

Here’s how to release it:


Place the outside of your lower leg on a massage ball.

Location of Peroneal muscle
Apply pressure over the ball.
Make sure to cover the whole outer side of the lower leg.
Draw circles with your ankle to increase release.
Duration: 1-3 minute

// Joint mobilisations

a) Dorsi exion with band


Attach a resistance band to a stationary object behind you.

Lace the band around your ankle.
The band should be below the Malleoli (bumps on sides of the ankle).
Assume a lunge position with your ankle on a bench. (see above)
Make sure that there is a firm amount of tension in the band.
To increase tension, move forward so that you are further away from the anchor point of
the band.
Lunge forward.
Do not let your arch collapse as you bend your knee forwards!
You may feel a:
Blocking sensation at the front of the ankle joint and/or
Stretch at the back of the heel/calf region
Repeat 30 times.

b) Sub talar mobilisations


Whilst sitting, place your ankle on top of your other knee.

Cup the heel with one hand, and place the other hand on top of the ankle.
Perform a wiggle motion on your heel bone in a up/down direction.
Continue for 30 seconds.
// The importance of your big toe
Your big toe is more important than you think… especially when it comes to fixing flat feet
during walking.

It is CRUCIAL that your big toe has:

1. the ability to extend (in other words, it must be flexible)

2. adequate strength  (… how many of you specifically work out your big toe at the

The combination of these 2 factors will help engage and lift of the medial arch of the

Without sufficient big toe function, the foot is forced to compensate with overpronation (rolling
inwards)… resulting in a Flat foot posture.

Big toe exercise


Place the bottom of your big toe onto a door frame. (see above)
Lean your foot into the wall to create a stretch of the big toe.
Hold for 30 seconds.
Whilst maintain your position, press your big toe firmly into the wall for 30 seconds.
Feel the muscles underneath your foot contract firmly.
Repeat 3 times.
// Strengthening
We need to strengthen the muscles that will encourage an arch in your feet.

This is namely the action of the Tibialis Posterior, Tibials Anterior and plantar foot muscles.

The Short foot exercise – the MOST important exercise!

I call this the “king” of all foot exercises.

It is the fundamental exercise that all other variations/progressions are based on.

You need to learn how to do this correctly! Don’t rush it.


Stand with your feet facing forwards and shoulder width apart.
Whilst keeping your toes relaxed, proceed to scrunch the under-surface of your
Drag the base of your big toe backwards towards the heel.
Push the base of the big toe into the ground to prevent this area from lifting.
If performed correctly, you should be able to feel the strong contraction of the
muscles underneath your foot.
Does it feel like it’s going to cramp? THAT’S GREAT! You are recruiting the right
Hold this for 5 seconds.
Repeat 20 times.
Note: It is called the Short foot exercise because it actually makes you drop a shoe size.


a) Heel raise/drop with ball


Stand on the edge of a step.

Place a small ball between your ankles. (see above)
Activate short foot.
Squeeze the ball between your ankles throughout all movement.
Perform a heel raise and drop.
Do not let your ankles roll out.
Aim to keep the achilles tendon perpendicular to the floor throughout the exercise.
Repeat 30 times.

b) Step through


Have your feet in a staggered position.

Activate short foot in your leading leg. (see position 1)
Whilst maintaining short foot on the leading leg, step forward with the back leg.
As the swinging leg is about to land on the ground, push off from the big toe.
You should feel a contraction in your arch through movement.
Return to starting point.
Repeat 30 times.
Progression: Instead of stepping to the front, try stepping in different directions whilst
maintaining a strong short foot contraction.

c) Single leg balance

Balance on one leg.
Activate the short foot.
Gently tap your other foot on the ground around your body whilst maintaining the short
foot contraction
Pretend that you are tapping an ant on the head. Don’t squash it!
Keep your pelvis level
Only your leg should be moving
Continue for 1 minute.
To progress: Reach and tap your foot further away from you.

d) The Michael Jackson lean


Stand with your feet shoulder width apart.

Activate short foot throughout exercise. (see above)
Keeping your legs straight, lean your whole body forwards from the ankles.
You will need to dig your toes into the ground to prevent you from falling forward.
You can do this in front of a wall if you feel you are going to fall forward.
Use your feet/toe muscles to prevent yourself from falling and return to the starting
Repeat 10 times.

(If you are unsure why this exercise is called the Michael Jackson lean, go Youtube it now!)

// Improve your toe control

The entire human race has forgotten how to use their foot muscles!

We have absolutely no idea how to properly co-ordinate, control and move our feet.

This is a big problem!

Why?… Because the muscles that control your feet also play a huge role in the support of the foot

Try out these 2 exercises to get your brain connecting to your foot again.

a) Alternate toe lift


Position 1: Lift up only your big toe whilst pushing the other 4 toes into the ground.
Position 2: Push your big toe into the ground whilst lifting the other 4 toes.
Transition smoothly between these 2 positions.
Keep your foot still. Your toes should be the only thing that is moving.
Repeat 30 times.
(… or as many times it takes to get the movement happening)
It’s harder than it looks!

b) Toe spread/squeeze

Position 1: Spread all of your toes. (without bending your toes or moving your foot)
Position 2: Squeeze all of your toes together. (without bending your toes or moving your foot)
Transition between these 2 positions.
Repeat 30 times.

// How to tape for Flat feet

You can provide additional support to your foot by taping the arch of the foot.

Sports Medicine : How to Tape a Foot for Arch Support

// Flat feet brace

If you are experiencing any pain in the hip, knee and/or foot as a result of the fallen arches in
you Flat feet, you can use a foot brace to help reduce your symptoms.

These braces provide external support to help lift your foot arch.

Keep in mind – I recommend to only use them for a short period of time so that your foot
muscles do not become dependent on it.

(Note: The end goal will always be to rely on your own muscles to support your foot arch.)

// Orthotics: Good or bad?

Orthotics are inserts which are placed in your shoe.

It’s function is to provide an external support to lift up your fallen arches.

… Sounds good, right?

However… The main issue I have with orthotics is that it makes your already weak foot muscles
even weaker.

You become reliant on the orthotic without giving your muscles any real chance to self-correct
the problem.

If you are considering getting an orthotic for your Flat fleet, please consider doing the exercises

// Other areas to consider:

But wait!… there’s more!

Although the exercises mentioned post will definitely help you regain your arch, I would also
recommend that you address other areas of your posture that may be the ROOT CAUSE of your
Flat fleet.

Check out these blog posts to find out more:

Anterior Pelvic Tilt: Forward tilting of the pelvis can orientate the whole leg in a position of
internal rotation. This can lead to…

Knee Valgus: This is where the knee collapses inwards which then leads to overpronation of the
Rotated pelvis: A twist in the pelvis can eventually lead to a flat foot as well.


Do your exercises… every day!

Try to incorporate the short foot activation in everything that you do!

The more you do it, the better you will get!

Here’s what to do next:

– Any questions?… Leave me a comment down below. (I reply to EVERYONE)

– Follow me on Facebook. (Let’s keep in touch!)

– Do the exercises!

 Mark |  March 26, 2017

About Mark
I am a physiotherapist who has personally experienced the pain as a
result of bad posture. I would like to offer you some of the solutions
that I and my patients have greatly benefited from.

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148 thoughts on “How to x Flat Feet (Pes planus)”

Nabs says:
February 14, 2019 at 10:56 pm

Just come across your articles, and they’re all absolutely fantastic. I
have pretty much everything you’ve described above, pelvic tilt, rotated pelvis,
femurs and tibia internally rotated (knees face inwards – although they don’t touch).
After analysing how I walk, it seems though as I take steps forward, my feet move
inward to the floor quite noticeably, BUT I don’t physically have ‘flat feet’ – in fact
quite a noticeable arch. Should I still do the above exercises? Or should I be tackling
other areas first/in what order? thanks!


Mark says:
February 19, 2019 at 9:24 pm

Hey Nabs,

You can still have a pronating foot with a normal starting arch.

In this situation, you would focus on the strengthening exercises in this blog post.



Samer says:
February 13, 2019 at 8:19 pm

Hello Mark,

When I am doing the short foot exercise, I am feeling my peroneals getting activated,
is that normal? If not, how can I change it ?


Mark says:
February 20, 2019 at 2:21 pm

Hi Samer,

Although they are not the primary mover in the short foot, it is fine for your
peroneals to activate.
This is just to help stabilise your foot in the weight bear position.

(Just make sure that your foot is not rolling in as you are doing the exercise as
this will mean the peroneals are taking over)



Ruben says:
February 13, 2019 at 2:12 am

Hi Mark I started with neck pain then severe back pain now is knee
pain and left side hip popping out. Reading your post I know is related to my flat feet
where do you recommend I start?


Mark says:
February 20, 2019 at 1:56 pm

Hey there Ruben,

If everything is related to your flat feet, then this is the area where I would start.

As you improve your feet, you then can venture out and try to address any
remaining issues.



Paul says:
February 9, 2019 at 11:17 am


I am a surgeon and just now seeing this article and wished I had seen it sooner. As
you can tell from all the replies many people suffer from this and you’ve done a very
great comprehensive evaluation of the topic.

I have medial displacement of my ankle joint which makes wearing Loafers difficult
because of the lack of ankle support. I will bookmark this article and continue these
exercises. Hope to come back in a few months with a positive report.

Mark says:
February 9, 2019 at 8:47 pm

Hi Paul,

Thank you for visiting the blog!

All the best with your exercises and please let me know how it goes.



David says:
February 5, 2019 at 10:05 am

Hey Mark,
I have just started your exercises after using orthotics for a year and before then just
suffering with flexible flat feet.
My feet rotate inwards and people tell me it’s very obvious when they walk behind
This has led to knee trouble but something else.

I’ve given up mountain hiking because of two complaints; the first is a major one
which is no matter what hiking boots I wear after hiking uphill for about an hour its
like my feet are in a vice, being squeezed from the sides, I also feel it on the top of
my foot too. This is not rubbing and when at rest the boots are perfectly
comfortable, in fact they’re great. Some boots are worse than others some kick in
after 15 mins.
Can you explain where this type of pain might be coming from? I never feel it in
regular trainers walking long distance.

Also I get a pain in my groin; it’s like the muscles that runs over the thigh and down
into the groin always starts aching after about two hours making me give up the hill
as raising my knee is painful, the following day it has always gone.
Would love to hear your thoughts regarding this!


Mark says:
February 20, 2019 at 9:15 pm

Hi David,

1. If your foot is quite flexible and flat, it is likely that your foot arch
is collapsing (+/- ankle everting) in the hiking boots. This might suggest that the
boots aren’t supporting your foot as much as the trainers.

I would still encourage you to strengthen the foot muscles to help build the
resilience of the structures.

2. Without assessing your movement, my first guess would be that your hip
flexor or the more anterior groin muscle might be over working to lift your knee
up (esp up a hill)

You will need to find out why those particular muscles aren’t working efficiently.
It could be related to pelvis position, weakness in hip flexors, poor core activation



Nils says:
February 1, 2019 at 7:57 pm

Dear Mark!

My girlfriend (43) has what I understand to be “structural flat feet”. It runs in her
family and she has never had an arch in her foot. I conclude from your description
that her flat feet are of the “structural kind”, because her feet also have no arch
when sitting or laying down, neither when I massage her feet.
I seek your advice in order to help her, because her feet hurt after longer walking, or
after a day of her work, which requires her to stand essentially during the entire

Your article above seems to address primarily functional flat feet (or actually rather
exclusively, right?). Do you have advice for structural flat feet, too?

Is my layman’s perception right, that for structural flat feet orthotics are a good
I understand well that orthotics take away the work that the foot muscles are
supposed to do, and therefore orthotics can essentially weaken the foot muscles by
depriving them of “training”. However, would orthotics be the right choice for
structural flat feet?
(Supplemented with your suggested muscle-strengthening exercises…?)

How important is it to get custom-made orthotics, or could we just as well

experiment with standard, non-custom-made orthotics/insoles, in order to check
whether this leads to improvement?
In your answer on the question about custom-made or “standard” orthotics/insoles,
could you please address the situation that my girlfriend has rather long (size 10)
feet, which are very narrow?

Finally, in case you encourage to first try the effects of standard (non-custom)
Where would you turn to, to get some?
Would you be able to offer some selection criteria?
(I.e. “the higher the arch support the better”, …or possibly exactly the opposite in
order to gradually make the feet adjust to an arch?)

Thank you very much in advance for your response!



Chris Perry says:

January 25, 2019 at 5:08 pm

Man i can’t believe I’m just finding this. I’ve been flat for since I can
remember. Eventually led to me getting a bunionectamy on both feet. That’s when
my issues really started. I can’t seem to get through the short foot and alternating
toe exercises without cramping. Well that go away with time? When i do the short
foot exercise, it cramps behind the balls of my feet behind my middle tire down to
the point toe. When i do the alternating toe exercise, it cramps in the arch section of
my foot. That feels/seems backwards to me. I know i need to improve me ankle
flexibility as well


Mark says:
January 25, 2019 at 9:32 pm

Hey Chris,
When doing the short foot, Cramping is a sign that the muscle is trying to do a
movement that it is not used to.

This will get better with practice!

You will need to reduce the amount of force in the contraction to a level you can
comfortably handle.

Best of luck!



Alana says:
January 25, 2019 at 2:24 pm

Hello! I have completely flat feet but can kind of form my foot into an
arch if I really try, when seated. However if I leave my feet hanging or just lay down
and look they are still flat even whilst seated etc like you said. Also, the ball of my
feet (below the big toes) is very very flat, there’s no roundness under there and
when I walk it almost kind of goes upward as my big toes touch the floor.
All my life I have tilted my feet outward a bit on purpose to align my tendon at the
heel area, otherwise they probate inward a bit. This has become my natural gait, to
purposefully straighten out my feet a bit.
I have never had any pain in my feet whatsoever due to the flatness but I am
concerned that I may later on. I am 43 now. I have heard of those with no foot pads
having pain. I have very little padding and never did even as a teenager. I am a
woman oexican and Italian descent. I am a bit overweight but not way obese or way
large and the issue is mainly due to medication for asthma, not diet, as Zim
vegetarian. I’m very short also at five foot tall. I don’t know if any of this info helps
to get advice? As you seem to think my case is a structural type? My feet have been
flat since birth. (I know all toddlers have flat chubby like feet) but I mean from
young childhood once your supposed to get arches I did not. I cannot wear high
heels at all. I also have extremely thin feet at the area behind my ankles. Like
literally an inch or less pinched. Do you think I can remain pain free? Will my feet
start messing up once I’m say 50? All orthotics hurt me terribly and push the ball of
my feet off the floor. Should I try some exercises or anything to prevent issues in
spite of my flat feet being permanent maybe? They are flexible flat feet though, not
rigid. All of my tendons are excessively flexible in fact. Any advice? I don’t want
future pain and feel I’ve gotten lucky so far! Thank you!


Mark says:
January 25, 2019 at 10:27 pm


If you can form an arch in your foot and the alignment of your joints in your foot
can actually change, then it is unlikely that you have structural flat feet. (great

It could be just a case of very weak/inhibited muscles of the feet which don’t
naturally form arches. (esp if you are hyper mobile)

Even though you are pain free, Feet will always benefit from being stronger so I
would encourage you to still try to strengthen your feet with the exercises
mentioned in the post.



Salma says:
January 22, 2019 at 4:17 am

Hello Mark,
My dad has been suffering from knee pain for years now. Could him having flat feet
be the cause? Also, he loves cycling outdoor and jogging. Therefore, do you think
that would make his feet flater? Thank you very much.


Mark says:
January 23, 2019 at 5:32 pm

Hi Salma,

Flat feet may have eventually lead to your Dad’s knee issues as it will effect how
the knees moves as he goes jogging.

His cycling and running technique would also play a part.



Sanny says:
January 18, 2019 at 6:38 pm

Hello. I have flat feet from childhood and it never bothered me much,
until now when I was also diagnosed with spondylosis, sacroiliitis and hip
subluxation. I am also pretty sure I have a disc herniation in my lower back. The
doctor prescribed some NSAIDs and orthotics to improve the condition, however it
did not help much, just reduced the pain. Besides that, I also have anterior pelvic tilt
and inwardly rotated knees. After reading about the issue, I started doing specific
exercises for my anterior pelvic tilt since last month at least few days a week and it
slightly improved my posture and stress. I also learned how to induce the arch on
my feet when sitting, so I believe it can be corrected permanently. However, I am
sure that flat feet and anterior pelvic tilt are interrelated so which exercises should I
do first? What about the inward knees, is there something that can be done about
that? Also recently I started to integrate neutral pelvic tilt in my routine, but when I
try to just stand with neutral or slightly posterior tilt, my gluteal muscles which are
big in size constrict and cramp, preventing the pelvis to straighten. Is there any
specific exercise to somehow decrease the size of gluteal muscles or what can be
done to stay in the neutral pelvis position when walking? I have already stretched
my hip flexors and strengthened the abdominal muscles, so I think that the gluteal
muscles are the culprit. Your advice on this issue would be great. Thanks


Mark says:
January 19, 2019 at 10:10 pm

Hey Sanny,

I would check to see if you have enough internal rotation in your hip joint.

Google: “how to check hip internal rotation”

If you lack this, it might be blocking your pelvis movement.


Sam says:
January 14, 2019 at 11:15 am

My feet are completely flat there is no arch whatsoever, and my ankles have fallen
inwards and my toes seem to point outwards.
I get no pain from my flat feet but it effects how i walk and how shoes fit me and
Is there any solution to this?
Would orthotics fix my ankle issues?
Im wondering if an surgical operation may be needed.


Mark says:
January 17, 2019 at 9:32 pm

Hi Sam,

I would try these exercises out first before considering orthotics or any surgical



Sanny says:
January 11, 2019 at 6:19 pm

Hello. I have a flat feet from childhood but it is flexible since I can make
an arch when sitting, but not standing. Besides that, I also have anterior pelvic tilt
and inward knees which are strongly expressed. Because of my ignorance in my
teen years, my lower back and hip joints started to wear and now I was diagnosed
with spondylosis, hip subluxation and sacroiliitis. Also I got special orthotics which I
wear daily and they definitely cut the pain in the lower back area when working.
However, I really want to physically improve my condition. Starting from this
month I am doing stretches for anterior pelvic tilt daily, such as hip flexor, glutes
and rectus femuris. I can feel a slight improvement in posture when standing,
however since my feet are flat I have to force my self to externally rotate the knees
to avoid sharp pain in my lower back. So should I do the flat feet exercises first and
after improving go to anterior pelvic tilt? By the way, during stretches I realized that
when I try to sit on the ground with my legs stretched forward, I am forced to go
into posterior pelvic tilt because otherwise I get strong cramps in the lower leg going
through the buttocks and if I try to create an arch the cramp intensifies. So my
sitting angle is about 130 degree or so. Does this relate to anterior pelvic tilt? What
are your recommendations about my case? Should I continue wearing orthotics or
train my feet to arch itself?


Mark says:
January 23, 2019 at 9:21 pm

Hi Sanny,

– I would address your anterior pelvic tilt as you have lower back pain.

– Once you have achieved as much as you can, you can move onto the flat feet.

– If your knees remain inward, it might be an idea to have a look at this post:
Knee valgus

– If you have to posterior pelvic tilt when sitting legs stretched forwards, you may
have some tightness in your upper hamstring/glute area.



Roger Wallace says:

January 11, 2019 at 3:08 am

Great post on flat feet. I pretty much have all the symptoms related to
flat feet. I had surgery on my right fibula years ago. Ever since then I’ve had a flatter
right foot and frequent back problems on my right side. I’ve been trying to focus on
my foot function because i think that is the root of my back issues. The tissue around
the fibula( peroneal muscles?) tends to swell often because of the surgery i had 6
months ago to finally remove the plate attached to my fibula. I figured that would
help with regaining my arch. Could the swelling and stiffness around the peroneal
muscles still be contributing to my arch collapsing?

Mark says:
January 11, 2019 at 2:01 pm

Hi Roger,

Tight peroneals following surgery can definitely pull your ankle and foot into
pronation (flat feet).

These exercises will be perfect for you!



Chris says:
January 9, 2019 at 3:06 pm


How can I tell if my overpronation is due to tight ankles or simply weak feet? I
definitely have tight ankles, but I feel as if my feet could be weak too. I overpronate
just standing.


Mark says:
January 9, 2019 at 5:32 pm

Hi Chris,

You can check if you lack ankle mobility (specifically in ankle dorsiflexion) buy
checking out this post:

How to improve ankle dorsiflexion.

Best of luck!



Chris says:
January 22, 2019 at 5:41 pm

Thank you! What about if I can’t do some of the exercises? For

example, I can’t lift my big toe apart from my other toes. What does this


Mark says:
January 22, 2019 at 8:42 pm

Hi Chris,

You likely do not have good control of your toes.

All you need is a bit of practice 🙂



Reed says:
January 7, 2019 at 10:30 am

You’re a champ, thanks for this. Post-gym knee-swelling (after deadlifts

and/or running) brought me here. I have flat feet and knee VARUS. Your “other areas
to consider” section confirms my suspicion that this combo isn’t the norm, yes?
Since my varus shins and flat feet seem to rotate in contrary directions:

1) Will any common exercises to fix one make the other worse?

2) Am I at future risk for ankle injuries or something? I say future because so far, so


Mark says:
January 8, 2019 at 8:07 pm

Hey champ,

Knee varus with flat feet can still occur.

The exercises for flat feet will help you out however, they may make your varus
more pronounced.

Is your knee varus structural in nature?


Reed Frye says:
January 11, 2019 at 10:12 pm

I don’t think so, nobody in family seems to have it. Working

theory that it came from martial arts, since a lot of the exercises I’ve seen
recommended top fight varus strengthen the opposite of what I strengthened
in tae kwon do (hip adductor and calf muscles in tkd).


Brian says:
January 7, 2019 at 3:47 am

Hi Mark,

* Is it possible to keep the athletic tape on while also wearing a night-splint (so that it
does not have to be replaced every single day)?
* Do you recommend keeping the foot taped while backpacking (obviously retaping
after icing/recovery)?



Mark says:
January 8, 2019 at 8:16 pm

Hi Brian,

Yes and yes.

It is fine to keep the tape on with a night splint.

Taping up the foot may help support your arch whilst backpacking as well.

Good luck!



Becky Thomas says:

January 7, 2019 at 12:20 am
My 10 year old son with Autism has flat feet and duck walk with limited ankle
dorsiflexion. His feet actually lean toward each other so that he walks on the inner
edge of his foot. We’ve tried orthotics but they actually hurt his feet so badly that he
couldn’t hardly walk at all, so we abandoned them. I took him to an ortho doc at our
local children’s hospital who made fun of the way he talked then shrugged over his
feet. So, I’m on my own, I think. I’m a little overwhelmed with the number of
exercises here. Should I start with ankle dorsiflexion exercises first?


Mark says:
January 8, 2019 at 8:21 pm

Hey Becky,

If your son has severe limitations in ankle dorsiflexion, starting on this area
might be a good idea.

He might just be pronating his feet due to a lack of ankle mobility.

Good luck!


Ps. With kids, try to make the exercises in some sort of game 🙂 Helps with


Kryštof says:
December 31, 2018 at 6:36 am

Hi Mark!
I am 14 and I have flat feet and anterior pelvic tilt. I was doing your exercises to fix
ATP daily for about 20 days and I see no improvement. Do you think that flat feet is
somehow preventing me from fixing my ATP? So should I start doing exercises to fix
flat feet? And how long would it take to atleast see some improvements? So I would
be sure if I am doing the exercises the right way. And is it OK to do the exercises
before going to sleep?


Mark says:
January 2, 2019 at 9:39 am

Hi Kystof,

Your flat feet may be locking in your anterior pelvic tilt. In this case –
it may be more of a priority to focus on the flat feet.

Another thing to consider is the time that you have had your anterior pelvic tilt
versus the 20 days you have spend doing the exercises. It will likely take more
time, patience and consistency.

It is fine to do the exercises before you sleep.



Josephine says:
December 30, 2018 at 10:01 am

Hi Mark,
My shin and thigh bones kind of twist inwards and I was wondering whether it is
because of my feet and if I do the excersises above, will my legs go back to normal?
If not what should I do?


Mark says:
January 2, 2019 at 9:59 am

Hey Josephine,

Fixing your flat feet may improve the position of your shin and thigh bone.

If it doesn’t, I wonder look at your hips and pelvis.

Having an anterior pelvic tilt may also be contributing to the inward twisting of
your leg.



Robin Singh says:

December 20, 2018 at 7:39 pm
Hello Mark
Read your article on how to fix flat feet
I am a triathlete from India
and my arch started to collapse I have started taking care of my foot muscles but
there is issue with some muscle behind the knee which is really giving me a tough
I have discussed this issue with my physiotherapist and according to him that
muscle is in pain due to my flat feet. I really can’t see any improvements. When I
give running a rest the pain comes down but as soon as I put load it the pain pops
out again.


Amiya Tyagi says:

December 16, 2018 at 5:06 am

Hi Mark
I don’t feel any kind of pain arising mainly due to flatfeet and i’m also a pretty good
sprinters,footballer and swimmer.Iam trying to cure my flatfeet as there’s no
selection in defense forces (and I want to join). I am doing some exercises for
sometime and I think I’ve developed a little arch(as observed from the footprint in
water test) but the pronation exists. So can u tell me how long it will take for me to
develop a normal arch if I do the above mentioned exercise daily?


Mark says:
December 16, 2018 at 9:20 am

Hi Amiya,

I can’t really tell you exactly how long it will take.

But to give your flat foot the best opportunity, it’s all about doing the exercises as
much as possible.


Vineet Batra says:
December 16, 2018 at 1:44 am

Hi Mark,

I am 38 and 3-4 months ago starting wearing arch support in my shoes. I am flat
footed. I seem to HV started pain in my side calf, glutes and back. Is it something
related to the arch support. What should I do to avoid


Mark says:
December 16, 2018 at 9:25 am

Hi Vineet,

It could be your body just getting used to the new foot position and may take
some time for it to adapt.


Your orthotic is not suitable for you.



Vineet Batra says:

December 16, 2018 at 2:18 pm

Thank you Mark how do I find whether my Orthic is not suitable

for me?


Mark says:
December 17, 2018 at 7:49 pm

You will find that your symptoms will improve.



FELIE says:
December 7, 2018 at 8:00 am
Bonsoir MARK
Je suis ravie de découvrir votre site internet.
Je souffre depuis plusieurs années de pieds plats et arrière valgus genu
Je suis complexée surtout pour les genoux.
Pouvez-vous m’aider à comment les corriger sans chirurgie ? J’ai peur de

Je vous remercie d’avance et à bientôt.


Mahdi Had says:

December 2, 2018 at 1:54 am

Due to an incorrect syringe in the hip
Right, she contracted a thigh, leg, and foot stray outward.
For years, pain in the knee and foot has increased and the foot is still moving
After visiting a manual therapist, he told me that the external muscles are stronger
than the internal muscles of the right leg so pull the foot out.

I want to have exercises to strengthen the weak internal muscles and thank you
very much.


Liam Cavanaugh says:

November 6, 2018 at 3:16 pm

Hey Mark,
What are your thoughts on barefoot running helping flat feet/fallen arches?


Mark says:
November 6, 2018 at 9:32 pm

Hi Liam,

In theory – it should strengthen your foot muscles.

However, if you have flat feet and are used to having support, making a quick
transition to barefoot running may cause injuries!



Zak says:
November 3, 2018 at 1:49 am

Hi Mark, I injured my right knee about 6 months ago and have recently
noticed that I’m walking weird on the right side. For example my right foot points
outwards when walking while the left is straight. This is causing me to overpronate.
Are my feet the main problem or can other body parts be causing this? Thanks in


Mark says:
November 4, 2018 at 9:27 pm

Hey Zak,

If your foot started to out turn only after your right knee injury, I would say the
body has learnt a bad habit as a compensation.

Check out this post some good exercises:

How to fix Duck feet posture.



Zak says:
November 6, 2018 at 11:06 am

I’ve seen a PT for 3 sessions now and all he says is that my glutes
are weak so i’ve started doing exercises for that. I know you say orthotics
aren’t good as they make your feet are weaker. What do you think about
insoles like superfeet that i can just slip into my shoes to make walking less of
a hassle. That would help me while I work on the exercises. If not insoles then
shoe recommendations would be great.

Thank you.

Mark says:
November 8, 2018 at 8:37 pm

Hey Zak,

My personal opinion on orthotics for functional flat feet is that they are
good in the short term, but should not be relied on in the long term.

Your muscles are support you if you train them to.

Over time – try to wean off your insoles and increase foot exercises 🙂


Max says:
October 30, 2018 at 12:25 am

Hey mark, when doing short foot should you feel the calf contracting a
lot? That’s the only way i can make my arch move.

On my left side i can’t even do it sitting. I’ve been doing it standing for about 8-
10days but not much result, i’ll still keep at it for a few months though.


Mark says:
October 31, 2018 at 2:49 pm

Hi Max,

You want to feel it more so in the under surface of your foot.

You will feel some in the tibialis posterior and/or tibialis anterior but should not
be feeling it in the calf.

You might need to strengthen the arch muscles in a non weight bear situation
until it becomes easier.


Pauline says:
October 22, 2018 at 10:13 am

This article was very informative, and I plan on incorporating these

exercises. My question is can these help a tailor’s bunion? I recently (6 months ago)
was prescribed orthotics for plantar fasciitis along with an injection. While the
plantar fasciitis has improved, my tailors bunion is very bothersome. I have tried to
find wide toe box shoes, but after being on my feet or walking, it’s painful. I’m trying
toe spreaders at night which provide temporary relief. The podiatrist has not been
helpful with this issue, so I’m hoping there is a specific exercise that can help. I want
to resume my walking program. Thank you in advance!


Mark says:
October 25, 2018 at 7:32 pm

Hi Pauline,

Tailor’s bunion are usually due to tight shoe box (esp. with high heels) and/or a
foot that rolls outwards whilst walking.

The exercises would more so help with a big toe bunion.

You strengthen your little toes muscles by spreading your toes as wide as
possible. This might help your tailors bunion on top of your spreaders!



Boban Zvijer says:

October 15, 2018 at 7:11 pm

Hello Mark, terrific content, thanks a lot, just one simple question, do
you recommend wearing toe separators for people who have inward toes and
bunions, and are the bunions fixable? All the best


Mark says:
October 15, 2018 at 8:08 pm
Hi Boban,

Toe spreaders are awesome!

They can help with inwards toes and bunions.

With bunions which have fused, it is unlikely to completely reverse.



Boban Zvijer says:

October 17, 2018 at 1:06 am

Thank you very much!


Ozgun Varol says:

October 14, 2018 at 12:16 pm

I’m going to try all of these! I’ve recently started working out at the gym
and it’s been 2 months but over the past week I’ve had knee pain just in my left leg
and I think it’s because either my form is wrong or it’s because of my flat feet (I wear
orthotics) and I want to continue being able to work my quads and glutes (squats,
deadlifts, running, etc.) but I’m afraid of injuring my knee further. I never knew that
orthotics were bad for flat feet! Should I stop wearing them all together? Or should I
slowly wean off of them while doing these exercises?

I’m not really sure the cause of my left knee pain although my left foot i’ve always
had problems with in the past and it’s more flat comparably to my right foot. I’m
assuming it’s either because of something new I’ve incorporated into my workouts
but I’m not sure. It’s a weird pain like it aches throughout the entire day but I
haven’t felt any sharp pains at any given moment it’s more of a constant dull ache.

Thanks for the super informative article! I will definitely incorporate these into my
day to strengthen my foot muscles.


Mark says:
October 16, 2018 at 10:23 pm
Hi Ozgun (cool name btw),

In the long term – I would try to gradually wean off your orthotics as
you increase the strength of your flat foot. Be careful not to rush this
as your body has likely developed a dependence on the support of the orthotics.

Also check out this post: Rotated pelvis. A rotated pelvis can sometimes influence
the posture of your feet.



Jonas says:
October 8, 2018 at 5:00 am

I had a theory that all people with flat feet take the most of their body weight on
their calves rather than their quads, is that right?
because all my friends with flat feet have big calves but weak quads


Mark says:
October 15, 2018 at 10:08 pm

Hi Jonas,

Yes – this can be true in some people!



Jyothi says:
September 17, 2018 at 1:37 pm

Hi Mark,
I am 42, and have recently developed Morton’s Neuroma. While I have undergone
physiotherapy sessions, wear footwear with a metatarsal bar as suggested by the
doctor, it hasn’t helped me much. I had a steroid injection shot too. Can you suggest
some help for a long term as I feel that even the injection isn’t too helpful and I
understand that the only next option is surgery, which I am not very keen on.
PS: I had fractured my foot about a year ago and somewhere I feel that could have
been the start to this issue


Mark says:
September 23, 2018 at 9:09 pm

Hi Jyothi,

Are you giving it adequate relative rest to allow for it to heal properly in
conjunction with your exercises? (eg. are you on your feet for too long that it may
be leading to more flare ups?). This is where I would start first. You want to be
getting better faster than it is getting worse.

If your flat foot posture is causing more pressure on this area, addressing this
with the exercises on the post will help out heaps! (Orthotics are great for
symptomatic relief in the short term, but try not to become dependent on it as
your feet muscles will become very weak)

Cortisone will help reduce inflammation in the area…. but that’s about it! It does
nothing to address the underlying root cause of it.

If you can strengthen your foot so that it has the capacity to handle more
pressure with exacerbating, your morton neuroma will likely start to get better.



Catherine says:
August 28, 2018 at 7:40 pm

Hi there I am 30 years old and have suffered with SI joint pain, my

lower back locking up, rotated pelvis and heel and arch pain since I was a teenager.
After seeing a lot of people about this a Physio told me I have forefoot varus in my
left foot and that my left knee falls inward. He told me this can be both a weak
muscle thing and a structural thing, and that for me it is structural and can’t be
fixed. He recommended orthotics which I’ve now been wearing for several years
and core exercises. Since having my baby 18 months ago I’m seriously struggling
with my pelvis constantly rotating to the right and my back muscles on that side
going into spasm. Is there anything else you would recommend for me to try as I’m
at my wits end 🙁

Mark says:
September 23, 2018 at 10:04 pm

Hello Catherine,

With a structural fore foot varus, it is sometimes compensated by the hind foot
collapsing inwards + knee falling inwards. As the left leg collapses, it can actually
lead to an externally rotated left hip. This in turn can lead to a right rotated
pelvis. As the pelvis rotates to the right, the torso generally follows the right
rotation. As the body attempted to straighten up from this Right rotated position,
the left side of the lower back is recruited to constantly stop the torso from falling
to the right.

Are you still with me? It can be quite confusing. Here is a picture that might make
it a bit clearer:

Now the question is how would you address it? If everything started with the fore
foot, you would need to start here but since it is structural, there may be some
limitations here.
Have a look at this post: How to fix a pelvic rotation. It might be the next area you
need to focus on.



Max says:
October 18, 2018 at 12:10 am

I have this problem but i have a scoliosis that sticks out on my

lower right side so my lower back on the right is really really tight(big bump
of muscle because ive been working out for 17 years ) My left lower back is
really really weak and long and has been getting spastic pain for the last few
months(cant do any squat/deadlift type movements even on bodyweight)

Starting your flat feet workout + rotated right pelvis. Will work on lateral
pelvic tilt after those are better. My problem is that the Toe control part is
impossible(even if i hold the toes with my hand), i have 0 control. Any idea
what to do? Will it probably come once the other part of the workout makes
my feet a bit better? I just ordered toe separators, maybe it’ll help.

Thanks a lot for your site, i have been working with a physio for 8months and
youtube videos but i have so many issues that im overwhelmed. Now i can
just follow your 2 pages and not worry about the rest for a little bit


Mark says:
October 18, 2018 at 10:06 pm

Hi Max,

Toe control is crucial! Many of my patients have no idea that you are even
meant to be moving them!

It’s all about practice and time.

Keep up the good work.

(and great idea tackling 2 issues so start off with. It is easy to get
overwhelmed 🙂)

Oswald says:
August 22, 2018 at 3:27 pm

Hi Mark, Long story warning. I have flat feet and used orthotics years
ago. Stopped using them and had no pain. Then bought minimalist zero drop
runners with a wide toe box and took a year long transition period before
incorporating into full time  use. But then developed  plantar fasciitis on my right
foot which at first was acute for a few days after a run but now turned chronic 
about 6 months ago with the pain often moving around the edge of the heel. So no
more runs. Started using toe separators to control pronation. A podiatrist said I need
custom orthotics, and to ditch the minimalist zero drop shoes and the toe separators
and  get runners with more support and a heel. Told me nothing other than orthotics
will work as  I have an unstable first metatarsal and tight calves. I am reluctant
about returning to  orthotics. Now two days ago along with the heel pain I am also
feeling slight tenderness when toe-ing off that I feel at the bottom edge of my right
big toe joint an inch in from the inside edge of the foot. Slightly  tender when I
palpate ( sesamoid issue?). I admit this development has reduced my resistance
toward  orthotics. Also has me backing off a bit on the toe separators. I have been
doing similar foot exercises for a month but have now settled on your foot exercise
routine. Am able to do these way better on my injured right foot than my left, which
seems surprising if I am short on foot strength.  Should I get the orthotics as a short
term transition solution while I strengthen the feet as you recommend? Maybe also
get a new runner with more support and a wide toe box like an Altra? …. which
however is still a zero drop. Very interested in your suggestions


Mark says:
September 23, 2018 at 10:27 pm

Hi Oswald,

Orthotics are great to temporarily support your feet and reduce symptoms whilst
you recover.

… however, If you are able to strengthen your feet and are committed to doing so,
I would try to wean off the orthotics as soon as you have developed sufficient
amount of strength/control in the foot.

If you would like to continue running, you will need to get a shoe with a bit more
support as to not aggravate the issue. Similarly, once your feet become strong,
you can transition out of the support shoe.

However, keep in mind, it takes quite a bit of foot training to get to a stage where
you can run without support! (but it is definitely possible)



Lisa says:
July 29, 2018 at 5:16 am

Hi Mark, my daughter is 10 years has flat feet, she’s using orthothics,

but it look like it didnt help alot. Now she has bunion and her bone at her back
become bigger. And she looks like has rounded shoulder. How to fix it? And dows
she still need orthotic?


Mark says:
August 1, 2018 at 9:27 pm

Hi Lisa,

Getting the young ones to do exercises is very difficult!

Your best option is to get her out of the shoes and walk around barefoot on
different types of terrain (try to avoid the completely flat hard ground). If she
gets symptoms from this, you will need to figure out the maximum duration she
can perform this without pain reproduction and stay within that limit.

I am not a big fan of foot orthotics as I feel that the muscles can be trained to
become stronger without it.

For rounded shoulders: How to fix rounded shoulders.


Dobrila says:
July 3, 2018 at 5:54 pm

Hi Mark, my daughter is 9 years old and she have flat feet with ankles
wear inward, while she walk she always keep her feet pointing outside, and it looks
like she have a duck walk. She start running, but it doesn’t helps a lot till now. We
will start your excercises today, hope that they will help her. Best wishes from


Mark says:
July 3, 2018 at 8:46 pm

Hi Dobrila,

Be sure to check this post to: How to fix Duck feet posture.

All the best to you and your daughter!



Michelle Thompson says:

May 17, 2018 at 7:03 am

Ok! Hello I’m Mickey and I do believe ive had these flat feet since day
one. Im 31 in a few days!! Here’s the thing, I dont experience too much pain unless
Im wearing insane high heels or been walking for a long distance. I do experiece a
very painful Charlie horse like cramp where my arch should be at times…
painnnnnn! Here’s another kicker, I wear heels/boots anything with a heel, im most
comfortable on an incline…Im at a point wesr im embarrases to wear flats showing
my legs due to my feet caving inward, its not appealing. So this is a great site I
booked marked because i am going to incorporate these moves.


Mark says:
May 17, 2018 at 9:34 pm

Hey Mickey you’re so fine, you’re so fine, you blow my mind.

(Sorry! That was the first thing that came to my head.)

It’s vital that you have strong feet.. especially if you are getting issues with them.
Fix the problem whilst it’s small!

All the best with these exercises!



Peter says:
April 23, 2018 at 11:18 pm

Hi Mark, I don’t have fallen arches…I have feet that have never HAD
arches. I got custom orthotics years ago and they help, but haven’t completely fixed
my problem. I have poor posture and many issues that go with that. The only
solution I can think of is surgery since I’ve tried many of the exercises you
recommended over the years and nothing every gave me an arch. Thoughts?


Mark says:
April 24, 2018 at 8:53 pm

Hey Peter,

Do you have structural flat feet? This means the orientation of your bones have
caused a lack of an arch.

If this is the case, I would still suggest strengthening your foot muscles as much
as you can.

I would advise against surgery if possible!



Nancy D Lawhorn says:

October 11, 2018 at 5:28 pm

Hi Mark, I just luckily came across your blog. You are soooooo
correct in advising against flat foot surgery. I had it and wish so much that I
hadn’t! The doctor shortened my calf muscle to lift my arch, added a piece of
bone to the bones on top of my foot, cut my Achilles in 3 places and shortened
the toe next to my big toe and it sticks up now. Now my calf has lost its normal
shape, my foot looks worse than it did, my balance is off now and unless I’m
thinking that I shouldn’t limp, I limp. My foot feels uncomfortably tight.
Before my surgery, when my hip hurt, I would put a weight belt on really tight
at top thigh level just for about 30 minutes or less. That would relieve my hip
pain. That doesn’t work for me anymore. I’m surely going to try your posture
and flat foot exercises. Thank you for your expertise!


Mark says:
October 15, 2018 at 8:38 pm

Hey Nancy,

Oh no! This is one of my pet peeves with surgeons who recommend

surgery for musculoskeletal issues that can be improved with exercises

Good luck with the exercises!



Clare says:
April 23, 2018 at 11:58 am

Hi Mark,
I left a comment on ”how to fix a rotated pelvis” page and for some reason it
disappeared. I have a right rotated pelvis and as a result my left ankle is
suspinated/right pronated and have a bunion only on my left foot. I’m planning to
do the flat feet exercises in addition to the pelvis correction exercises to prevent my
pelvis from rotating again after fixing it due to the bunion.

I was wondering, in addition to all the exercises you mentioned in this post, would
walking/exericisng with foot separators help reduce a bunion? If so, should I wear it
only one side with a bunion or both sides?
Thank you 🙂
Mark says:
April 23, 2018 at 9:08 pm

Hi Clare,

All comments need to get screened before I allow them to appear on the website
to avoid spam comments.

Toe separators will help stretch out the space between your toes. I will also
suggest that you avoid wearing narrow shoes for long periods (esp. high heels!)

I would wear it both sides 🙂 I like to wear mine for a couple of hours when I’m
at home.



Shalini says:
April 22, 2018 at 2:34 am

Hi Mark, I left you a Facebook message yesterday, Hope to hear from



Mark says:
April 22, 2018 at 9:05 pm

Hi Shalini,

I’ll see you on Facebook!



Niki says:
April 17, 2018 at 2:32 am

Hi Mark ,
I am a 33 year old woman who was diagnosed with posterior tibial tendon
dysfunction Grade II in left foot in 2016 dec. I was told by my doctor to use orthotics
which I never did . My left arch started falling but I did not notice it .One year later
my left knee started paining and MRI results showed that I have lateralisation of
patella in left knee. I think I have
anterior pelvic tilt also Now I have started using
orthotics and knee brace and following the exercises
given by you for knee valgus and anterior pelvic tilt.
I sometimes feel pain in posterior tibial tendon and in shin bone of my left leg . I
dont know why but I feel little pain in my right leg posterior tibial tendon also and
some pain in right knee also. Please help me . What exercises should I follow to get
rid of so many problems. Being a mother of a little girl I dont get enough time to do
whole lot of exercises. Help me please.


Mark says:
April 22, 2018 at 10:20 pm

Hi Niki,

If you are short on time, I would just focus on the “SHORT FOOT” exercise for

Engage the muscle and practise stepping with the other leg.

Good foot position will help with a better knee position in the long term.



Jo says:
April 14, 2018 at 6:55 pm

Hi! I am 34 and have had bunions since I was 13ish. One foot is much
worse than the other. I overpronate but I’ve recently learned that if I activate my
flutes while walking it’s not so bad. I’m going to try the exercises for sure (there’s
hope for my ‘good’ foot but I’ve been putting off surgery of the bad foot to straighten
my toe because it’s not causing me loads of pain as long as I wear the right shoes etc.
however because my toe is so far over my foot is unstable no matter what I do.
Wondering is it better for overall body alignment to get the op… surgeons all say go
for it, but they are only looking at my foot. They don’t bother looking at the whole
kinetic chain. I get the feeling these exercises may be good for strengthening my foot
prior to surgery?


Mark says:
April 22, 2018 at 10:10 pm

Hi Jo,

Bunion surgery will essentially render that big toe joint IMMOBILE as they
usually have to fixate a rod through it after cutting the bone to force it straight.

Without your big toe, there is going to be a chain reaction in the whole system.
(which has already likely happened to some extent due to your bunion).

So- Whether you have surgery or not, the body is going to have to compensate
either way.

Which ever way you decide to go – these exercises will help you out !



Tawan says:
March 30, 2018 at 3:11 am

I am not sure if my flat-feet situation is structural or not. Do you have

any suggestion about how to differentiate between the two types?

Thank you ^^


Mark says:
March 30, 2018 at 11:28 am

Hey Tawan,

Grab your foot and try to create an arch in your foot.

If it does not budge, then you might have structural flat foot.


Oskar says:
March 20, 2018 at 6:35 am

Hi Mark.
Great post. I’m wondering if I should do the toe spread exercise while my foot is on
the ground or in the air. I feel the dynamic is slightly different. What do you think?


Mark says:
March 26, 2018 at 11:34 am

You can do both 🙂

You want to gain control of as many ranges of motions as possible.



Jordan R Lewis says:

March 8, 2018 at 3:13 am

Hi Mark,

I left you a comment yesterday and, for the life of me, I can’t find it here. If you
responded, can you email that to me?



Mark says:
March 8, 2018 at 8:33 pm

It’s here.


Thomas Beaumont says:

March 5, 2018 at 8:13 am

Hi, i’m currently trying to join the millitary. But i have flat
overpronating feet. is it possible to get it so i can carry weights of up to and above
100lbs and not have my feet over pronating. it would be great to have a chat with
you. I could really use your help.


Mark says:
March 5, 2018 at 7:45 pm

Hi Thomas,

If you strengthen your foot muscles (and your flat foot is not structural), you
should be able to lift 100lbs without the arches collapsing.



Rebecca says:
March 4, 2018 at 8:53 am

I am trying to do the toe lifts. On my left side it’s quite easy to lift big toe
independently of others but not on my right foot. Any tips for training my right toe
to activate? It’s a bit like being able to wink with your left eye not your right in that
seems very hard to get my brain to do it!


Mark says:
March 4, 2018 at 9:43 pm

Hi Rebecca,

All I can say is: Practise.

And time.

Oh yeah… And a whole lot of patience 🙂



Debjyoti Datta says:

February 28, 2018 at 9:36 pm
I am 22 year old.I have flat foot,but when i stand on toes ,a little arch
appears.Actually I want to join Army,and flat foot is not accepted.
Is there is any way that how will i fix my flat foot as soon as possible?
Eagerly waiting for ur answer Sir.


Mark says:
March 4, 2018 at 10:21 pm

Hi there,

The exercises will help you 🙂



Sierra says:
February 27, 2018 at 5:37 am

Hello, do you think fallen Arches can contribute to my big toe

adduction, meaning the big toe is pointing more medial instead of straight ahead?
This issue is causing me to have pretty wide feet. I’m 35 yr female and am trying to
purchase supportive shoes for work. I can wear athletic shoes so I got Brooks
Adrenaline GTS 18 but cannot find any that do not rub against my big toe. I’m not
sure if it’s ok to rub as long as it’s not painful? I keep ordering the next size up and
returning (by mail) the old size. I’m up to men’s 9 EEEE. please help!


Mark says:
February 28, 2018 at 10:20 pm

Hi Sierra,

Collapsing arches can cause you to place your weight on the side of your big toe
(as opposed to directly underneath it) as you push off during walking. It will also
lead to a flattening your foot causing a wide appearance.

This will cause your big toe deviate towards the other toes and leads to issues like
big toe bunions.
Try to find a shoe with a wide foot box. The problem with most shoes these days
is that they are far too narrow at the front! (which will squash your toes
together… even worse for high heels!)



Gay Cwik says:

September 5, 2018 at 5:37 am

Merrell mocs have a wide toe box


Christopher says:
January 28, 2018 at 12:43 am

Hi there, Mark. Great site. You really give great and thoughtful
instructions on how to fix most of the posture problems that have become so
rampant in our society. I have a question regarding flat feet/fallen arches. In the first
picture you are able to get your feet to be totally flat,and after this in the second
picture you somehow correct your feet so that it has a vissible arch. How are you
able to do this. My second question is regarding the genetic factor of flat feet. You
are stating that most people have problems with their feet muscles,but at the same
time I have seen people that don’t do feet exercises and have pronounced arches. Is
creating an arch in your feet something you have to consciously be doing the whole
time? In their default position sometimes my arches have a tendency to flatten a bit
and this concerns me.

Thanks in advance Mark. Keep on the good work with the site 🙂

Mark says:
January 29, 2018 at 3:46 pm

Hi Christopher,

A healthy foot should be able to transition between foot pronation (flat arch) and
supination (arch). Both are important and normal in gait pattern.
As some people have more flat arches… you will also have people that will have a
high arch.

People with high arches can have a whole lot of problems as well. (Keep in mind,
the goal is to have a neutral arch when standing).

These exercises should be able to help with your flat arches. In the beginning,
you want to consciously engage the arch muscles as to get the stronger. With
continued effort, it will become natural for you.



Haydar says:
January 24, 2018 at 4:12 am

Hi Mark!
I’m 16 years old and I have just realized that I have had Anterior Pelvic Tilt AND flat
feet for a long time. I want to fix these issues but I can not be sure what I should do.
Is my APT caused by flat feet? If so, can I still fix my APT by doing APT exercises? Do
flat feet exercises help fixing my APT? How exactly are they related to each other?
Thanks for your reply.


Mark says:
January 25, 2018 at 10:59 pm

Hey Haydar,

Your flat feet and APT may be biomechanically linked. (If it helps – Think of it
kind of like a stack of dominoes.)

But then again, they could be 2 separate issues.

If you physically hold your foot (and get someone to do for you) in a neutral
position, and your pelvis positions improves, then it is likely that the foot is
contributing to the pelvis.

Similarly – if your correct your pelvis position, and the feet automatically
improve, then then pelvis is contributing to the foot.

In many cases, it actually goes both ways. Pelvis < -affects/and is affected by->Foot


Daniela says:
January 14, 2018 at 11:01 am

Hi Mark,
I have one inquiry :Will the exercises for the flat foot help mi fix the big toe bunion?
I’m having this Bunion problem for months now, and is pretty painful but also ugly
to see and hard to wear shoes. Reading your materials, I am pretty much convinced
that I have many of the postural problems you describe, if not all of them, due- I
think- to a hyper mobility that runs in my family. Apart from the hunchback I have,
looking at my body posture it seems to my that I have also lumbar forward position.
From what I read in your materials, the starting point for 2 herniated discs I have in
the lumbar zone, and also for the recently collapse of my foot arch it might be the
improper position of my lumbar spine? Or the lumbar problems might be the result
of the thorax kyphosis?
I am sorry for make it so complicated 😊
Thank you so much. the articles in your page are extraordinary, made me discover
various postural problems I had neglected for years and convinced me to try to fix


Mark says:
January 15, 2018 at 8:09 am

Hey Daniela,

Improving your foot posture will most likely stop the bunion from progressing.

It may also help correct your big toe bunion, however, it really depends if it has
already fused in that position.

In regards to what postural problem came first? That’s hard to answer through
the internet… but I would definitely try to address them all eventually.


I says:
January 10, 2018 at 12:11 pm

Hi Mark,

I too have flat feet & over-pronation, and have recently started with your exercises. I
have started doing Crossfit, and really struggle with squats; I just can’t get down far
enough and my legs are achey after squats (with relatively much less weight than I
use for other lifts). Any suggestions for what I should do beyond these exercises?



Mark says:
January 10, 2018 at 9:45 pm

Hey hey,

Sounds like you may have limited ankle dorsiflexion?

Check out this post: How to improve ankle dorsiflexion.



I says:
January 11, 2018 at 2:42 am

I also get pain around my knees when I go low and I’ve Been told
that’s related to the flat feet. Anything for that? Thanks!


Mark says:
January 12, 2018 at 10:15 pm

It’s hard to say without seeing how you squat.

But make sure you aren’t going inwards as your knee bends.

Check out this post: How to fix Knee valgus


Johannes says:
December 19, 2017 at 3:08 am

I have Structural flat that I get it from my parent.What will I do for that?
May I have a hope so that my feet have arcus?


Mark says:
December 19, 2017 at 11:02 pm

Hi Johannes,

If it is indeed Structural… this means the joints are essentially “stuck” in that flat

However – you can still try to optimise your foot movement by doing these



Johannes says:
December 14, 2017 at 8:47 pm

Hello Sir,
I’m Johannes from Indonesia,
I’m sorry first because my english is not so good

I am 18 years old and I want to be a cadet,but I have flat feet.I realized it in Last
January on this year.I don’t know how to fix it.But I see one people .He told me that
he has flat feet before.He said that he has total flat feet and he use medial arch
support.So I use the insole too since last september.Until today i had bought 3 medial
arch support and the result is nothing.
I am total flat feet. I want to ask you sir,is the flat feet can be cured and my feet have
arcus?and how long?
Hope you reply sir soon

Mark says:
December 14, 2017 at 9:57 pm

Hi Johannes from Indonesia,

As long as your feet aren’t structurally flat, then you should see benefit from
doing the above exercises.



Johannes says:
December 15, 2017 at 6:02 am

I’m sorry Sir

Because i forget to say that I have Structural flat that I get it from my
parent.What will I do for that? May I have a hope so that my feet have arcus?


Johannes says:
December 18, 2017 at 5:37 am

I’m sorry Sir

I’m waiting for your answer and may you explain the reason.
Thankyou Sir


Johannes says:
December 14, 2017 at 4:18 am

Hello Sir,
I’m Johannes from Indonesia,
I’m sorry first because my english is not so good

I am 18 years old and I want to be a cadet,but I have flat feet.I realized it in Last
January on this year.I don’t know how to fix it.But I see one people .He told me that
he has flat feet before.He said that he has total flat feet and he use medial arch
support.So I use the insole too since last september.Until today i had bought 3 medial
arch support and the result is nothing.
I am total flat feet. I want to ask you sir,is the flat feet can be cured and my feet have
arcus?and how long?


Muhammed Wambai says:

December 13, 2017 at 12:41 pm

Hello. Mark. Glad I come across your mind easing article. Whenever I
stand my feet gets overpronated. And it shape looks awkward I hope your exercises
would me out ? Thanks and God bless,


Mark says:
December 13, 2017 at 10:10 pm

Hi Muhammed,

If your over pronation is due to weak/tight muscles in the foot, these exercises
should work quite well for you.



Aarya says:
December 6, 2017 at 1:28 am

Hi Mark
I read your blog and it was really very helpfull but I am not able to understand if I
really have flat feet. When I did the wet test, it was pretty much normal(normal
feet). But when I stand and check it looks like my feet are flat. Please help me out.


Mark says:
December 7, 2017 at 10:12 pm

Hey Aarya,

Sounds like you have fairly “normal” arches that drop to an extent when you put
weight through it.
You can still benefit from doing the exercises in the post.



Kyra says:
October 4, 2017 at 11:55 pm

hey Mark,
thank you so much for such a detailed and informative blog on flat feet.
I have flat feet since childhood. but with someone’s suggestion to use bottle to help
gain the arch, it has appeared only on my right feet. My left feet is still flat and i try
very hard to get arch on it as well… can you please tell me the reason as to why my
left feet has still not obtained the arch?
also by performing these above mentioned exercises, will i be able to get an arch on
left feet??
thank you.


Mark says:
October 11, 2017 at 4:34 pm

Hi Kyra,

If the exercises aren’t helping with the left foot:

– You have have structural flat feet. This just means this is how your bones were
put together. We might be able to influence some change, but it may not be a
whole lot.
– Your flat feet are due to somewhere further up the chain. (Eg. The pelvis
– You are not performing the exercise correctly.
– Some other factor (there are heaps!)
– Most commonly, you need more TIME.


Harsh says:
September 30, 2017 at 3:09 am

Hey Mark! This is a very informative blog about flat feet! However,
since 1 month i have been facing a dull aching pain in and around my knees due to
flat feet (maybe)! (Sometimes pinching feel on the top of my knee). I would feel
swelling like on top of my knee. I have been to an orthopedist and was told that i
have chondromalacia patella and he suggested me insoles and one exercise to
strengthen my quadriceps. However i was given no exercise for flat feet. Can you
suggest me some exercise for flat feet to reduce knee pain. And also if i follow the
above exercises how long will it take to regain a corrected arch? Also, will flat foot
lead to problems like arthritis in future? Thanks in advance!


Mark says:
October 3, 2017 at 12:28 pm

Hey Harsh,

If your knee pain is due to your flat feet, then all of the exercises on this article
will help with that. It’s all about optimal alignment as you move.

You might also need to look at your technique is you run, go to the gym, play a
sport etc.

In terms of how long, it really depends! Everyone is different.

As your feet are the foundation of your body, if they are not functioning properly,
it may lead to movement issues which then can lead to arthritis.


Scott says:
September 8, 2017 at 7:22 am

Thanks for the great article Mark! I have started incorporating all the
exercises into my practice. I have flat feet AND overpronation. Will the exercises
help the overpronation as well or will I need to add different exercise in conjunction
to the aforementioned ones?

Thanks, Scott

Mark says:
September 10, 2017 at 5:51 pm

Hi Scott,

These exercises will help with over pronation as well :).



Alexandrine says:
September 6, 2017 at 10:29 pm

Story of my life haha!

Hyperlax hip/ankle joints, valgus knee, anterior pelvic tilt and of course flat feet
(and now hallux valgus) have led me to wear orthotics pretty much all this time.
Now 25yo, soft tissue therapist and determined to change this exercise! It’s a shame
most health professionals oriente us to the easy-lazy solutions from the start.
Where’s the passion in client care and reeducation?

Like you said, babies are born with flat feet. On that note, I learnt that shoes should
only be introduced as late as possible to children for them to build those foot
muscles and turn flat feet into actual arched feet (having them walk on all kind of
textured ground is a most obviously).

Anyway, thanks for the good content and dedication!


Mark says:
September 10, 2017 at 5:53 pm

Hi Alexandrine (cool name by the way),

Thanks for your comment!

Good luck with your soft tissue therapy 🙂


Becky Lewis says:
July 28, 2017 at 3:05 am

Hi Mark,

I am going to start doing these excercises too as I have flat feet. It affects my lower
back and my calf muscles are so so tight. When I tried the short food exercises my
toes scrunch up, am I doing this wrong? Also I cannot lift my othe 4 toes without my
big toe going up too, any further tips with that to get me started? Thanks, becky


Mark says:
August 1, 2017 at 11:49 am

Hi Becky,

You will need to learn how to scrunch your foot without recruiting your toe
flexors. It’s all about practice :).. and time!

The connection between your brain and your foot is probably not too strong. But
this can be trained!



Tom W says:
May 22, 2017 at 9:30 pm

Just stumbled upon this post, I really appreciate how much detail you
went into. I have a situation that I’d like your thoughts on if you wouldn’t mind: I
have neglected my feet as I have been wearing cheap skate shoes my whole life (I’m
23) which are completely flat and offer no foot support, so I feel like this may
probably be the cause of my flat feet. I plan to correct my flat feet through the
information you’ve provided, however I haven’t been able to find any advice on
which shoes I should invest in that won’t cause my flat feet to come back once
corrected. I’d be very grateful if you could share some details on this! Also, would I
want to avoid shoes with arch support as this would serve the same purpose as

Many thanks,

Mark says:
May 23, 2017 at 6:52 pm

Hey Tom!

Great to hear that you are going to start to do the exercises for your flat feet.

In terms of what shoes to wear – In the ideal world, if we had super strong feet,
you would want to aim for minimalist/barefoot shoes. This is because it will make
your foot/toe muscles work as they were naturally intended to do so.

HOWEVER- please don’t rush out and buy them! (well… not for now anyways!)

If you switched to barefoot/minimalist shoes now, I can guaranty you’ll end up

with a lot of pain as your feet will not be used to it.

It is fine to get a shoe with orthotic inserts/arch support for now, but the main
aim would be a gradual wean off to less support. (providing that you have a
functional flat foot and not a structural one)

I tend to sway towards new balance and Asics, however, I haven’t tried many of
the shoes out there in the market to give you an accurate recommendation.

Hope this helps!



Raja Kiyani says:

May 10, 2017 at 10:34 am

Hello Mark! awesome info-content on your blog, I had to share this with
my friends too who had flat-feet.! Thanks for sharing your precious knowledge on
human anatomy with us folks!!

I used to be an arched-footer in my childhood days, even teenage. I do have an

anterior pelvic tilt which might be causing flat-feet but u explained above in ur blog
that apt causes internal rotation of leg bones which cause over-pronation of the feet
which makes sense. but despite having APT i actually have more external rotation
ability of the legs instead of internal rotation yet I still suffer from over-pronation or
flat-feet. What would you make of that scenario?

Mark says:
May 11, 2017 at 10:27 pm

Hey hey Raja,

Sounds like you may have an anterior pelvic tilt + tight hip external rotators.

This can cause you to walk/stand with a toe out position which in turn can cause
your mid foot to collapse.

In that case, focus on:

– stretching the butt (piriformis standing stretch)
– keeping feet reasonably straight ( a little bit out is fine)
– Strengthening with the exercises mentioned in the post.



Cameron Hamill says:

May 5, 2017 at 11:12 am

This is an extraordinary article. Very in depth and easy to follow. You’ve

detailed the ‘why’ of these exercises well.

I’ve started training my feet/ankles/calves recently. I have not done any toe specific
strengthening. I didn’t realise the importance of it. Also I have not done any Anterior
Tibialis training either (shin bone muscle)

Thanks very much.


Mark says:
May 6, 2017 at 8:27 pm

Cheers Cameron!

Glad you like the post 🙂

Keep up with the foot/toe exercises. They are tricky at first, but you’ll get the hang
of it.


Yvette says:
May 1, 2017 at 6:40 pm

Woow! Your site is amazing! Thanks for sharing this. I have orthotics
since my 15th year and I’m 35 now. My ankles and feet are hypermobile too so I’m
running into lots of problems now. I have a very hard time finding a good therapist.
They have changed the orthotics everytime and it’s just getting worse. I have nerve
problems now too… So it’s a long way to finding what is working good and finding
someone good to help me with this.. I’m going to try your exercises, although I can’t
manage any of them while I just tried… So I have lots of practice to do… I’m a PT
myself that’s why I love your page extra! I wonder: I’m looking into the barefoots, do
you know these? They train the foot really well is said. Do you have any experience
with them?


Mark says:
May 1, 2017 at 9:43 pm

Hi Yvette,

Thanks for dropping by.

Minimalist shoes are great for forcing your foot muscles work.

HOWEVER… they are too big of a jump if your feet are already weak. You need to
work your way up to using them to avoid any flare ups.



Gerard says:
April 4, 2017 at 9:48 am

Hi Mark!

This is the BEST post on flat feet that I have come across!


Mark says:
April 4, 2017 at 11:49 pm

Thanks Gerard!

Let me know how it goes with your flat feet.



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