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Biologically Inspired Cognitive Architectures (2016) 17, 22– 31

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Analyzing and discussing primary creative

traits of a robotic artist
A. Augello, I. Infantino, A. Manfré, G. Pilato, F. Vella *

National Research Council of Italy (CNR), Via Ugo La Malfa, 153, 90146 Palermo, Italy

Received 11 June 2016; accepted 26 July 2016

Cognitive architecture; We present a robot aimed at producing a collage formed by a mix of photomontage and digital
Computational creativity;
collage. The artwork is created after a visual and verbal interaction with a human user. The
Humanoid robot
proposed system, through a cognitive architecture, allows the robot to manage the three dif-
ferent phases of the real-time artwork process: (i) taking inspiration from information captured
during the postural and verbal interaction with the human user and from the analysis of his/her
social web items; (ii) performing a creative process to obtain a model of the artwork; (iii) exe-
cuting the creative collage composition and providing a significant title. The paper explains,
primarily, how the creativity traits of the robot are implemented in the proposed architecture:
how ideas are generated through an elaboration that is modulated by affective influences; how
the personality and the artistic behavior are modeled by learning and guided by external eval-
uations; the motivation and the confidence evolution as a function of successes or failures.
Ó 2016 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.

Introduction also comprises the artificial branch named computational

creativity (Colton, Pease, & Charnley, 2011; Wiggins,
In 1961, Rhodes (1961) discussed in a famous article some 2006). Our approach to artificial creativity, in the present
basilar principles of creativity, proposing the relevant work, has various points of contact with Rhodes analysis.
strands that have influenced and inspired researchers on The artificial creative agent has to exhibit cognitive capabil-
this topic. Rhodes, analyzing the human creativity, individ- ities that are typical of a human being, such as personality,
uated the four strands that are well-known as the big Ps: habits, attitudes, and so on. The production of an artwork is
people, processes, press, products. Nowadays, the scientific the result of a creative act that depends on the experience
field dealing with creativity is huge and variegated, and it and expertise of the artist and that it is strongly influenced
by motivation, emotions, learning and communicative
* Corresponding author.
E-mail address: (F. Vella).
2212-683X/Ó 2016 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
Analyzing and discussing primary creative traits of a robotic artist 23

Products are the tangible outcomes of ideas and they are completed, the robot creates a title for the artwork through
characterized by the media of expression, by the emotional an analysis of the concepts arising during the dialog phase.
impact on the subject who experiences the artwork, and by The paper is structured as follows: the first section
their intrinsic value (e.g. aesthetic, utility, and so on). describes how the cognitive architecture supports the cre-
In recent years, robotic systems are available at a ative process and the inspiration phase; then we describe
reduced cost and with increased performances allowing the artwork creation process and finally, in the last section
cognitive researchers to experiment their developed models we show some experiments.
in embodied artificial agents and exploring different artistic
domains such as dance, music, drama, painting. On the Cognitive architecture supporting collage
other hand, robotic researchers have the possibility to test
the robots social behaviors in the real environment while
they interact with humans by means of suitable artificial
cognitive architectures (CAs). We think that a CA is manda- The creative behavior of the digital artist is modeled
tory to establish a meaningful connection between robots through a cognitive architecture depicted in Fig. 1. The dig-
and humans to express a concept or transmit a message. ital artist is embodied into the humanoid robot NAO Alde-
The quality of the artistic creation can be bound to the baran. The NAO is able to draw very simple geometric
assessable bunch of meaning that is possible associate to shapes and to interact with the user by means of a natural
an artistic piece (Pound, 1934). In this paper we consider language dialog implemented by a chatbot. The collage
the creation of an artwork as a collage whose meaning allows the robot to summarize and express ideas about
can be obtained with the proper composition of elementary the people it interacts with and to compose a set of
items. selected pictorial items. This technique allows the robot
While some skillful aspects may be undertaken by the to expand its limited physical capabilities and to produce
computer, the intent that deals with the creation of the a more elaborated artistic result.
artefact and its related meaning depends on the developer The creation of the artwork is based on two phases, an
who drives the process; this is one of the reason why sys- inspiration phase, where the robot processes the sensory
tems undertaking creative tasks might be perceived as not inputs and as consequence it selects from its LTM the ele-
being creative (Krzeczkowska, El-Hage, Colton, & Clark, ments and the most adequate styles to use for the artwork
2010). A system that creates an output endowed with an creation, and an execution phase where the robot physically
intent has been proposed by Krzeczkowska et al. (2010) draws the artistic work.
and Cook and Colton (2011). The system searches for news The inspiration phase is based on the interaction with
articles in order to find information that is related with a people, in agreement with the hypothesis that human cre-
given concept, then, a set of images are selected and they ativity only makes sense when placed in the context of rich
are properly put together in a collage by exploiting services social interactions as shown by Csikszentmihalyi (1988) and
of image retrieval and image processing. Sawyer (2008, 1999).
Similarities and analogies play also a key role in the gen- In this first phase, the robot is endowed with some set of
eration of new ideas that is at the basis of creative pro- basilar sketches and artistic styles, which constitutes its
cesses (Indurkhya & Ogawa, 2012; Stojanov & Indurkhya, basic repertoire. The repertoire can be extended with other
2013). In the specific case of collage creation, they are fun- pictorial elements provided by the user during its interac-
damental for the selection of the items to compose. An tion with the robot (for example giving some image pub-
agent, interacting with the environment, stores in its mem- lished into its social network profile). The items (sketches,
ory the most salient aspects of its perceptions. The stored artistic styles, and images provided by the user) stored in
concepts can be recalled when the agent experiences some- the robot knowledge base constitute the basic ‘‘terms” of
thing similar, also if the new experience involves different its artistic language. All the natural language descriptions
sensing quantities. of the artistic repertoire are mapped into a semantic space,
In this paper, the humanoid starts the collage creation, it built through the well known Latent Semantic Analysis (LSA)
informally takes inspiration, from a verbal interaction with approach, that is well founded for both cognitive (Landauer,
a human user and from the collection of web items that Foltz, & Laham, 1998) and statistical (Pilato & Vassallo,
she/he has published on his social network profile. The 2015) aspects. The use of a semantic space allows the digi-
inspiration phase is strongly influenced by the semantic tal artist to enrich its creation with associative/intuitive
associations between the humanoid perceptions and the capabilities. This is a key point, since association and intu-
elements of the creative language of the artist. In particular ition are two peculiar features of human beings in general
the symbols of the artistic language used by the collagist are and artists in particular. In the proposed architecture what
pictorial elements that are stored in its long term memory the user says is mapped in the semantic space. This informa-
and can be used to compose the collage. The inspiration is tion triggers the activation of some basic items of the artis-
characterized by evoking pictorial elements which are con- tic repertoire of the robot, according to a semantic
sidered similar to the information acquired from the user similarity measure. This representation allows the robot to
through a dialog. The dialog also triggers an emotional choose those terms that best fit user profile (or loosely
empathy in the robot, that influences its artwork. The artist speaking his/her personality).
composes, in an original manner, the ‘‘basic terms” of its The recognition of human emotions through a text anal-
artistic language, painting them with palettes that are ysis, influences also the creative process of the robot. In
related to the emotions that have been detected during particular, by means of an introspective process, the robot
the interaction with the user. When the collage is is able to associate a specific color palette to the perceived
24 A. Augello et al.

Fig. 1 The cognitive architecture of the robotic painter.

emotions. It can use this palette to emphasize the message The artworks will be a creative interpretation of the user’s
represented by the collage. An interaction phase is also per- interests, the conversation topics, his moods and emotions.
formed allowing the robot to draw on the same surface with This information can be either explicitly expressed by the
the user and producing a collaborative drawing. user during the conversation or implicitly contained in his
During the execution phase, the knowledge selected dur- social networks profile. The humanoid exploits text mining
ing the interaction phase is analyzed and transformed and emotion recognition algorithms to analyze this implicit
according to the creative styles. Then, it is properly incor- information. The interpretation of these perceptions is
porated and composed into a collage. strongly influenced by the personality of the artist, by its
A motivational block influences the creation of the col- emotions and in particular by his previous experiences.
lage. The motivation is implemented as a parameter that The digital artist has learned during his experience to asso-
is changed through an evaluation process (both internal ciate colors palettes with emotions. It has also learnt to
and external) through the so called urges, i.e. components associate images with semantic elements, such as words,
of the PSI architecture, introduced to reflect specific sentences, conversation topics and user interests.
demands, like physiological (Physiological Well-Being), The association between images and semantic elements
social (Affiliation) and cognitive drives (Competence and is obtained by mapping each image into a semantic space
Certainty). The motivations are among the most important through the vector representation of its corresponding tex-
characteristics of the model. The Urges blocks manage the tual description. As an example, the robot can analyze the
motivations that justify the actions of the agent or modu- comments inserted by the user when he publishes an image
lates the response of the agent to the input signals. The on the wall of his Facebook page.
Urges not only modulate the reactions of the agent but also An emotion recognition algorithm allows the robot to
push the agent to find new solutions to the problems and identify the user emotions. The perceived emotions will
change the importance of the sensory inputs. A detailed determine the colors palettes used by the artist.
description of motivational process is reported by Augello, In what follows, a detailed description of these ‘‘inspira-
Infantino, Pilato, Rizzo, and Vella (2013), while in this work tional” processes is given.
we focus on the inspiration and the creative components of
the proposed model. Association between sketches and text
The basic items the humanoid can draw during the interac-
Artistic inspiration tion phase are the sketches that are stored in its Long Term
Memory. These graphical items are also bound to semantic
The painting process is driven by the motivations and by a elements such as words and sentences. This association is
set of items the artist can take from in its long term memory obtained by mapping both images and semantic elements
or from the interaction with the user. The digital painter into a same semantic space through their textual descrip-
can either physically stay in front of the people (for exam- tions retrieved by internet or provided by the user. A seman-
ple during artistic performances), or it can also retrieve tic space is a sub-symbolic representation of natural
people information by analyzing their social networks posts. language elements, such as words, sentences, documents,
Analyzing and discussing primary creative traits of a robotic artist 25

in a high dimensional vector space. The natural language artist. We have assumed that the use of color can be com-
elements represented into this model are considered being pared to the use of a particular tone in a verbal communica-
semantically related according to the proximity of their cor- tion. Therefore the artist must be able: (1) to perceive the
responding vectors in the space. This concept has been sum- emotions transmitted by the users, (2) to choose a color pal-
marized by Sahlgren (2005) in a geometric metaphor of ette that can express such an emotional content.
meaning: meanings are locations in a semantic space, and For what concerns the first point, the semantic content
semantic similarity is proximity between the locations. of the conversation (or the content of the user’s social
In this work we exploit the latent semantic analysis page) can be related to emotions exploiting a methodology
methodology; this technique claims a human like general- for emotion recognition from texts. In particular we have
ization capability that is similar to induction processes used a Naive Bayesian classifier properly trained on an emo-
obtained from associative, semantic, and neural network tions lexicon to classify a text according to the six Ekmann
models, and it is capable of simulating several human cogni- fundamental emotion classes. In particular we consider
tive capabilities such as word-categorization, sentence- the lexicon proposed in Strapparava and Mihalcea (2007)
word semantic priming, discourse comprehension and in Strapparava and Mihalcea (2008). The lexicon is com-
(Landauer et al., 1998). Latent Semantic Analysis (LSA) is posed of six lists of affective words, each one characterizing
based on a dimensionality optimization of a semantic space one of the Ekmann emotion classes, extracted from Word-
by means of the truncated singular-value decomposition Net Affect (Strapparava, 2004). As result, we mapped the
(SVD) technique (Berry, Dumais, & O’Brien, 1995), which semantic content of the user as a point, that we named
captures indirect, latent relations between elements of emo-knoxel, into a vector space that we named the emo-
the space overcoming the issues due to the synonymy prop- tional space. This space is characterized by six dimensions
erties of natural language. We assume that this methodol- corresponding to the six fundamental emotions. To each
ogy can be used to simulate the process of visual interaction and to each social profile analysis is then associ-
evocation from text that we can model in our humanoid ated an emo-knoxel and a label representing the emotion
(Pilato, Vella, Vassallo, & La Cascia, 2010). having the strongest component in the correspondent
We consider a semantic space built by applying the LSA emo-knoxel.
methodology on a corpus of general culture document, in For what concerns the second point, the robot can
particular we have chosen the space General Reading up decide which palette to use depending on the emotion that
to 1st year college available at the http://lsa.colorado. it desires to communicate through the artefact. The experi-
edu/ page. The visual knowledge of the humanoid, is com- ence concerning palette-emotion associations is derived
posed by sketches of its repertoire and the images acquired from the analysis of data with textual description available
by the analysis of the user social profile is sub-symbolically on the web.
coded in the semantic space. In this first phase, in order to Since color palettes are also characterized by a textual
start with a first drawing repertoire we have embedded in description, this allows to map also a color palette into
its KB the dataset of 20,000 drawings used in Eitz, Hays, the same emotional space, coding it as an emo-knoxel with
and Alexa (2012). Each piece of the artistic repertoire is the same technique. The distance between the emo-knoxel
described by a title. The graphical KB of the robot is representing what the user says and the emo-knoxel repre-
extended with the other pictorial elements provided by senting a palette is therefore calculated. This allows to
the user together with a textual description, for example choose the most appropriate color palette that is that closer
a set of images published in the user social profile. to the user profile emo-knoxel.
The artistic items are sub-symbolically coded by mapping A dataset has been built by exploiting data available at
their textual descriptions in the semantic space by means of the COLOURlovers web site page,1 a creative community
the folding-in technique. This mapping is exploited by the for graphic designers aimed to the creation and sharing of
robot to evaluate the similarity between the sketches colors, palettes and patterns. The palettes shared by the
descriptions and other texts, such as words and sentences users of the community are described by a title and a set
introduced by the user interacting with him or the posts of tags summarizing their main features. We hypothesize
of the user social profile. The similarity is evaluated by that when a user creates a specific palette, she/he often
the cosine distance between the vector associated with a tries to represent a particular mood, as a consequence sev-
text and the vector associated with the images. This method eral descriptive tags are words with an emotional content
allows the artist to exploit the knowledge of the semantic that can be used for our mapping.
space to evoke specific images from a text analysis. Consid-
ering the previous example, it can associate terms such as Interaction module
flight, fly, pilot and plane with the sketch of an aeroplane Our humanoid is able to interact with the user by means of
described by the sentence ‘‘flying aeroplane”. the ALICE chatbot technology [31]. The user questions are
compared with the information stored in the knowledge
Associations among colors and emotions base (KB) of the chabot, formalized according to the AIML
A fundamental step in the artwork creation is the choice of (Artificial Intelligence Mark-up Language) language [31].
the palette to express and communicate its message. The The AIML KB is organized into a set of question-answer mod-
choice of the right color set is crucial since it has a relevant ules, called categories, where each category is composed of
contribution on the emotional impact of the artworks. In our a pattern tag, used to define a possible pattern of question
system, the choice of the most suitable palette of colors that could be formulated (expresses) by the user, and a
depends on the emotions triggered by the user to the digital
26 A. Augello et al.

template tag, representing the appropriate answer to such to the text. The answers are also analyzed by the emotion
question. The tag star is used to match and store the text recognition module in order to evaluate the emotional
introduced by the user in a position detected by the wild- content in the text. In this phase the robot can tell some
card symbol *, and other tags are used for dialog manage- jokes and make queries to the user about his opinion on
ment purposes, such as keeping track of the last specific topics, explicitly provoking him, in order to analyze
conversation exchange (that tag) or setting and getting dia- his reactions, both verbal and facial. The following is an
log variables (set and get tags) or to organize the categories example of category defined to introduce the telling of a
according to conversation topics (topic tag). joke during the dialog:
The following categories show how the chatbot can
exploit the that and topic tags to manage the history of a
conversation and to answer according to a discussion topic: <category>
<category> <random>
<pattern>My name is *</pattern> <li> Usually a cow hangs his paintings in a
<template> mooooseum </li>
<think> <set name =‘‘ topic">hobbies</set> <li> Which painting is never happy? The
Hi <starn>! What is you favorite hobby? Moaning Lisa </li>
</template> <li> Why do artistic wives love football
</category> season? Because their husbands sit on the sofa
long enough for them to be sketched. </li>
Do you like my sense of humor?
<topic name = ‘‘hobbies"> </template>
<category> </category>
<that>* what is you favorite hobby</that>
<template>I like it too</template>

In the proposed architecture the AIML KB is extended

with the information represented in a semantic space and
in an emotion lexicon. The template contains specific com-
mands to query these external repositories in order to per-
form a deeper analysis of the user sentences aimed to the
emotion recognition and the evocation of images and
sketches. The template contains also commands for the
execution of specific behaviors by the humanoid, as shown
in the following category, where the template contains a
command to perform a greeting gesture:

//ani = Sit/Gestures/Hey_3//
Glad to see you Can i make you a portrait?

The interaction follows a well defined structure. In a first

phase, named ‘‘presentation”, the robot introduces himself
and gives appropriate answers if the user asks details about
its artificial creative behavior. After this phase the robot
investigates about the user interests, addressing the conver-
sation on specific topics. Every answer of the user is mapped
into the semantic space and compared to the vectors of the
space associated to the artistic repertoire of the robot in
order to identify images that are semantically correlated Fig. 2 Timeline of artwork creation.
Analyzing and discussing primary creative traits of a robotic artist 27

In the last phase the robot starts to draw the sketches Our drawing process is composed of two principal phases:
evoked by the conversation and invites the user to draw image processing, and figure drawing. In the image-
something with him. It invites the user to explicitly inform processing phase, the system takes as input the selected
it when he has finished. At the end of this phase all the sketch and performs some geometric transformations,
mined information, the detected emotions, the evoked image enhancement and image segmentation in order to
images and the drawn sketches are transmitted to the col- reduce the noise and increase the accuracy of image
lage composition module. analysis.
The first processing step is the edge detection task that
identifies the line segments of the sketch’s shape. We
Artwork creation employed the Canny edge detection and the Harris Corner
detector to extract the intersection of two edges; these
After the inspiration phase, the robot taking into account all represent the corner point of the geometric figure and are
the evoked information starts the execution phase. It draws used by the robot as guidelines for drawing process.
a sketch and then combines the other retrieved items in the The drawing process is then executed by the robot
final artwork, finally the robot generates a title for his final through a marker that it holds in its right hand. Therefore,
artwork. In the following sections we describe the artwork the knowledge of the junction points position of two seg-
creation process. ments allows the robot to plan the path for drawing the sim-
Taking inspiration from the thesis of Wan (2015), we have ple shape with the marker. The corner points detected in
developed our drawing system able to reproduce simple the image are in pixels so a domain transformation, from
sketches using a marker on a white sheet after verbal inter- image domain to paper domain, from pixel to meters, to
action with a human. During the inspiration phase the robot reproduce the target shape is required. The robot must then
chooses, from its LTM, a sketch that best matches with the calculate all the movement in order to follow the points of
topic interaction that has triggered a creative behavior; intersection of two edges detected on the image and
the selected sketch is the input of our drawing system. accordingly move his arm to draw. For each movement,

Fig. 3 The robot and the user draw in the same sheet during verbal interaction. The robot detects and stores relevant images
(face, final drawing). A quad tree decomposition algorithm determines available spaces in image of the drawing where putting the
collage pieces (images, sketches, and words).
28 A. Augello et al.

Fig. 4 The set of users Images from social media used for the collage, and example of sketches evocated by verbal interaction.

the robot computes the distance from the current position Collage composition
to the target position and by making use the API of Naoqi
it calculates the configuration needed of all arm joints to After collecting all digital materials (see Fig. 4), the cogni-
execute the movement and draw the part of the desired fig- tive architecture exploits its creative behavior to create a
ure (see Fig. 2). digital model of the artwork. The artificial artist chooses
This phase ends when all movements are computed and four different composition styles. They have been deter-
executed and the desired figure has been drawn on the mined during the learning phase and have an associated
paper. score depending on user feedbacks on previously executed
Analyzing and discussing primary creative traits of a robotic artist 29

artworks. The style, as previously explained, is coded as a work, considering both the text produced during the inter-
vector of real values in the range ½0:0; 1:0, and since the action with the humanoid and the posts published in her
process involves stochastic variables the behavior is not pre- Facebook social profile. Through the interface One-To-
dictable. The quad-tree decomposition on binary image of Many Comparison available at the webpage http://lsa.col-
the canvas is produced in cooperation with the human user we have compared the text extracted by the
and determines a list of squared regions where it is possible interaction with the user and the pictures descriptions, con-
to place an image (see Fig. 3). The regions with area less sidering their vector representation in the General Reading
than 64 pixels are not considered. We have chosen to resize up to 1st year college semantic space. The system returns a
the image canvas to dimensions of 1024 by 1024 in order to similarity score between 1 and 1 evaluated over a main
reduce the processing time. If N is the number of possible text and the other submitted texts.
image regions, N2 ¼ roundðN  NPÞ is the effective number The interaction between the user and the humanoid has
of images that will be inserted in the collage. All available produced the following dialog:
images are numbered from 1 to N1 , and a random sequence
of N2 integers in the range ½0; N1  determines the collage
pieces to be included in the collage. The initial image is a A: Welcome!
square having a random color taken from the emotional pal- U: Hi! (Greetings Gesture)
ette. The parameters forming the style are: A: What’s your name?
U: Agnese.
 BC: degree of transparency of the background color (the U: Hi Agnese. I am a digital artist. My artistic
color of the emotional palette with high component of skill is composition of social collages.I call my
luminosity). artworks social because it is the social
 NP: percentage of utilization of the available space in interaction with people that inspires my art. Do
the canvas to place images or sketches you want other information about me? Please
 RP: percentage of a max value of r of a Gaussian with answer with simple and short sentences.
mean 0 to calculate an image rotation in the range U: No.
½20; 20 degrees. It determines a list of values with A: Agnese, tell me something about you. Do you have
Gaussian distribution and the rotation of each image. hobbies?
 NT: percentage of utilization of available space in the U: Yes.
canvas to place texts. A: What is your favorite hobby?
 RT: percentage of a max value of r of a Gaussian with U: Photography.
mean 0 to calculate a text rotation in the range A: I like too! (Happy Gesture). . .
½20; 20 degrees. A: Do you have other hobbies?
U: I play piano and violin.
The same procedure used to create collage pieces from A: Can i tell you a joke?
images is applied to texts: in fact, for each word or sen- U: Sure!
tence it is created a corresponding image. The texts have A: Which painting is never happy? The Moaning
colors randomly selected from the available emotional pal- Lisa! Do you enjoy my sense of humor?
ette. Some examples of the obtained collages are shown in U: Yes, i think that it is pleasant.
Figs. 5 and 6. A: Ok, i am so happy. (Happy Gesture). Do you want
to draw with me?
Title generation U: Yes.
A: Good! (Happy Gesture). Please draw something
in this paper. I will draw something too thinking
The artwork creation is completed by the choice of a title.
about our conversation. Let me know when you have
The humanoid generates a title through the analysis of the
finished saying Done!
most frequent words characterizing the user conversation
(Collaborative drawing session)
(or the user Facebook profile). We have chosen a syntactic
U: Done.
structure in the form of Adjective - Noun. The humanoid
A: Thanks, now i have to complete my artwork.
associates to each distinct word its related part of speech
(Collage Composition and presentation)
and the frequency counts in the whole interaction (social pro-
A: This is my artwork. I named it Pleasant
file). Then, the adjective of the title structure is filled with
Photography. Do you like it?
the most frequent adjective and similarly the noun is filled
U: Yes!
with the most frequent noun. In this selection a particular pri-
ority is given to the adjectives belonging to the emotion lex-
icon. The most frequent words can be also used in the
previous phase to introduce into the collage also written text. The emotion recognized in the conversation is ‘‘joy”.
The following table shows some of the sketches evoked in
the humanoid mind during the conversation. The results
Some experimental example are ordered by the similarity between each sketch and the
text inserted by the user considering the first 5 results. In
In this section we show some results obtained by considering particular the table shows the sketches evoked by the user
a first simple experimental setting. In this setting we have answers ‘‘Photography” and ‘‘I play piano and violin” (see
analyzed the text produced by one of the authors of this Table 1).
30 A. Augello et al.

Fig. 5 Examples of collages with the generated title.

Fig. 6 Further examples of collages with the generated title.

Table 1 Sketches evoked by the conversation.

Photography I play piano and violin
Camera 0.80 Piano 0.74
TV 0.31 Violin 0.67
Eyeglasses 0.30 Guitar 0.63
Binoculars 0.22 Harp 0.53
Eye 0.22 Tennis-racket 0.49

Table 2 Sketches evoked by the social profile of the user.

Watching a flying aeroplane Snowman and Argimusco Megaliths
Flying saucer 0.93 Snowman 0.94
Aeroplane 0.87 Ice cream cone 0.32
Helicopter 0.70 Hat 0.26
Flying bird 0.67 Backpack 0.23
Parachute 0.22 Foot 0.21
Analyzing and discussing primary creative traits of a robotic artist 31

A set of posts and images published on the social profile 34th annual conference of the cognitive science society
have been mapped into the semantic space to evaluate their (pp. 1727–1732). Citeseer.
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42, 305–310.
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and applications of semantic indexing workshop at the 7th
sketches that the robot can draw. We are considering also to
international conference on terminology and knowledge engi-
enrich the drawing process to effectively draw the sketches neering, TKE (Vol. 5). .
contained in the robot KB. At this moment the humanoid is Sawyer, K. (2008). Group genius: The creative power of collabo-
able to draw very simple geometric shapes. We will also ration. Basic Books.
enlarge the communication capabilities in dialog in order Sawyer, R. (1999). The emergence of creativity. Philosophical
to manage a larger set of dialog situations. Psychology, 12, 447–469.
Stojanov, G. K., & Indurkhya, B. (2013). Creativity and cognitive
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