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Do you want be one of those students everyone will be successful? Well, successful

students think homework is a very essential and necessary part of education. To be successful in

school just remember homework only takes a short time. Once you are in the habit, it will

become part of your daily routine. Specifically, homework helps students to remember what was

learned during the school day, it helps to develop a sense of responsibility, and it makes them an

active participant in their learning.

First, homework, yes homework, is a key element in helping students remember what

was learned in class. According to the article, Is Homework Beneficial? , homework “improves

student achievement and allows for independent learning”. This shows that homework will

prepare students on standardized tests. For example, successful students don’t just sit on their

Xbox playing Fortnite; they actually make an effort to reinforce what they learned at school.

Once students get into the habit of doing homework, they don’t have to worry about getting good


Next, have you considered how much easier life would be if you took responsibility to do

your homework every night without your mom or dad breathing down your back? Another

reason homework is beneficial is because “Homework improves student achievement”

(pro/ Once students get into the habit of doing homework, they won’t have to worry

about a parent, a teacher, or an older sister, for that matter, nagging them to get their homework
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done. Successful students realize that getting their work done is important for their future.

Consequently, getting into good habits now will not only help in school but your future overall.

Finally, successful students who realize that doing homework make you an active

participant in learning. In fact, “Homework helps to reinforce learning and develop good study

habits and like skills” (pro/ For instance, active participants can sit down and not be

intimidated by textbooks, worksheets and projects. Many times, students gain additional insight

at home because of the limited class time and schedules. So, you think studying is a waste of

time, and that homework is not essential to learning. Some even say it is boring and therefore

refuse to do it. Successful students would say those kids are lazy and irresponsible. Additionally,

students who want to further their learning: do homework! You can’t be successful in school and

get A’s and B’s in your report card if you don’t do your homework.

To conclude, homework is essential to learning because it helps students to remember

what was learned, develops a sense of responsibility, and develops active participants in the

process. In other words, homework has a much deeper purpose in life than just filling the blanks

or memorizing test answers. Whether you are studying for a test or reviewing concept, set aside

time each evening to review for the next day at school. Who knows, maybe your hard work and

dedication will result in an academic scholarship and you will be debt free when you start your

dream job.

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