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Cruz Tuendi

Mrs. Reeves

English IV

April 18, 2019

A career in finance management is one that is important. A finance manager is important

because it helps business grow. The training needed, advancement process, and benefits and

hazards of the bachelor's career will be analyzed.

To become a finance manager, education and training are important. A career in finance

management requires a bachelor's degree to gain an entry level position. The financial

management One should go to four-year university if they want a career in finance management.

Majors in the accounting, economics, business will prepare you for a career in finance managers.

One must complete 4 years of schooling to become a finance manager there are many

colleges/training facilities that provide the education required for a career in finance managers.

For the example, Middle Tennessee State University has a program to prepare students for this

career. According to MTSU, this program cost 17,778 per year some high school classes that

might help prepare students for this career are high school classes Overall, education and training

are important for a career in finance managers.

When considering a career in financial management one must think about the money they

will earn and how to advance. The average salary for a person starting a career in finance is

125,080 the senior 208,000 level If one wants to grow in this career, different actions are
required. For example, more certifications or diplomas can help. With any career, there are

positives about the job and things that are negative. Within this career, there are many benefits.

First, managers need to know how to save money. Also, a master's degree and continue getting

financial managers. Additionally, became certified public accountants. However, there are

hazards or disadvantages to this career, too. One disadvantage is finance managers have to work

a lot time fist a great thing about this career is that financial managers can help people with their

money prepare financial reports and forecast. There are many benefits and hazards to consider

before going into the control finance career.

To be a financial manager, it takes problem solving, analytical thinking, and math skills.

The schooling required to be a finance manager is significant but worth the investment of time

and resources. There are disadvantages too. Someone should considerer a career in finance

reports because it helps for the long-term financial goals of their organization.

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