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Have you ever made a lesson plan? Which do you think are the most important aspects that you
have to bear in mind?

Following all the ideas exposed by other classmates, we can understand the purpose of a lesson
plan and the definition of it. From a personal perspective, even from before becoming a teacher,
professionally speaking, as a pre-service teacher I had to make many lesson plans for my teaching
practicum. By then there were many aspects that I misunderstood and did wrong, that is why we
can say that some aspects that are right to take into consideration when making a lesson plan is
getting to know the class we are teaching to. That is, the context, it is the starting point for the
planning stage. After that, we can take into account aspects like, what I want my students to do at
the end, objectives, goals and output indicators. Methodologies, approaches, materials available
and other classroom settings can be added to the list of thing to bear in mind when planning.


Regarding the professor’s second questions, according to the article, there is a point in planning
and having a good scheme of what we want the class to make in any lesson, planning can become
a life saver in many situations where the teacher needs to succeed at specific lessons that can be
about some ideas or topics that are difficult to transmit and teach. But having a “plan B” can also
be helpful in the daily life. For me, the plan B is sometimes more necessary than the original plan. I
can argue this point by trying to interpret the last quote in the article. It is mandatory for a teacher
to be sensitive to the “tide”, that is to say, when it is “up” or “down”, we are to manage the
situation so as to make the lesson meaningful for the learner. Some may call it improvisation,
others, having a plan b, but there is an ability that every teacher should develop, and this is to be
able to turn according to the direction of the wind and take nothing for granted. Teaching is a
practice that needs improvement day after day by having very-well-set goals, but we cannot
underestimate the value of a shot of fresh air to a lesson that is asking for another way to be led
up to.

British Council (n.d.). Planning versus improvisation. Available at:
What can you learn from the teacher about reflecting on your practice?

A teacher that is able to make reflections and be self-critic is more likely to achieve good
results at the end of the process or in the run. When a teacher understands what has been
done wrong and makes a change, both, the student and the teacher will have a feeling of
satisfaction. On one hand the learner, even though he did not know that the teacher had
done a change, can enjoy a class where meaningful learning takes place. And on the other
hand, the teacher understands the importance of counting on the ability to improve as the
process advances. There is something that called my attention in the experience of teacher
Wessling in the video provided, she was not ashamed of admitting a mistake and was not
either ashamed of sharing it with a colleague. We as teachers fight with pride, and
sometimes we do not like to accept that we make mistakes when planning, and that it is
necessary to change things. I understand that the issue of accepting one’s mistakes can
paramount the success rate of my lessons if I move accordingly with the necessities of my

Teaching Channel. (2016). When the lesson goes wrong. Available at

The link for the video is

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