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Maria Ipsen


April 30, 2019

Signature Assignment: Standpoint Theory


This signature assignment paper is going to touch the subject about Standpoint Theory. The

concept will be explained on how this is a subject of conflict and what experts say about it.

Clarifying the use and the effect on the conflict scenario. Furthermore, an analysis, adding

examples that illustrates the topic. Finally, a brief reflection on how this theory has changed the

efficacy of my own communication patterns and my intercultural conflict style.


To start understanding the standpoint theory is necessary to know the origin. The first mention of

this concept stared on the contexts of slavery in the 19th Century. Georg Wilhelm Friedrich Hegel,

a philosopher of this era, found the following for this theory; “society as a whole recognized that

slavery existed but that the nature of that institution was perceived quite differently depending on

whether one’s position was master or slave.”( Gendered lives -Communication gender and culture.

Julia T. Wood). This statement illustrates both points of view of a society that was accustomed to

slavery while the other part was dealing with the consequences from it. With this idea we can see

the contrast and two sides of a conflict. In the same way, we can notice that, the different
perspectives and experiences are what makes the difference or argument on both two points of


Also, to understand the stand point theory there are different elements that helps this concept to

form. These basic elements are: Race, Gender and Class (Wood). It is important also, to understand

that all the elements form what we can describe as culture. Depending on each of these elements

the Standpoint changes. Now that a little of the origin is explained we can understand that the

standpoint theory is merely the perspective that the person has based on their background and

experiences in life. This depending on Race, Gender, Class or/and Culture as a whole.


As an immigrant the process of adaptation and learning a new culture can be a little confusing. On

my personal view learning from cultures is very interesting, but there are some perks that come

with getting used to another world. Where humor, views of life and values can be different. On

that part, as I was learning there where some moments that were lost in translation. One clear

example can be the way to communicate in general. And is not about the language but the

interpretation of it. There are ways that can be read as very direct, however, some others that can

be more sensitive or read between the lines.

It is very hard to share a story where people already put you in a category and that a lot has to do

with the stand point. As Maria Lugones and Elizabeth Spelman (1983) explained: “Point out that

one of the privileges of dominant groups is the freedom nit to try to understand the perspective of

less privilege groups. They don’t need to learn about others in order to survive.” (Gendered lives
-Communication gender and culture. Julia T. Wood). The amount of caring of the other part can

be difficult if they have not been in the other person’s shoes.

Another and clearer example are the generation contrast. Even when age is not part of the three

basic elements, it is clear on how the perceptions about different topics make conflicts and creates

different standpoints. Getting used to Technology or fining beauty in what may seem so elementary

are some of the topics that can be related to this.


With all of this I have learned that different experiences and situations in life is what makes us

unique. Each person has their own story and to learn from it and have empathy is a must in a world

like this. If this is not the scenario people will have to et used to live in Plato’s Cave, without

knowing the other side of the story, and only seeing what they prefer to understand. Perception is

the key in all conflict type or communication. without perception is impossible to have empathy

for the other part, and to have it we need to understand the standpoint of the other person.

Gendered lives. Communication gender and culture. Fifth edition. Julia T. Wood.

Wood (2003)- Standpoint theory.pdf

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