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Study Questions for Chapter 14

1.  The indifferent embryo begins phenotypic 4.  A structure found within the adult female
sexual differentiation during pelvis formed from the gubernaculum is the
(A) week 3 of development (A) broad ligament
(B) week 5 of development (B) suspensory ligament of the ovary
(C) week 7 of development (C) round ligament of the uterus
(D) week 12 of development (D) medial umbilical ligament
(E) week 20 of development (E) median umbilical ligament

2.  The indifferent embryo completes pheno- 5.  The labia minora arise embryologically from
typic sexual differentiation during which of the following structures?
(A) week 3 of development (A) Phallus
(B) week 5 of development (B) Labioscrotal swellings
(C) week 7 of development (C) Sinovaginal bulbs
(D) week 12 of development (D) Urogenital folds
(E) week 20 of development (E) Paramesonephric duct

3.  After the sinovaginal bulbs have proliferated 1.  The uterine tubes of the adult female are
and fused, they form a solid core of endodermal derived embryologically from which of the
cells called the following?
(A) vestibule of the vagina (A) Mesonephric duct
(B) uterovaginal primordium (B) Mesonephric tubules
(C) urogenital sinus (C) Paramesonephric duct
(D) vaginal plate (D) Paramesonephric tubules
(E) clitoris (E) Uterovaginal primordium


# 151596   Cust: LWW   Au: Dudek  Pg. No. 178 C/M/Y/K
Answers and Explanations

1. C.  The embryo during weeks 1–6 remains in an indifferent or undifferentiated stage. The em-
bryo begins phenotypic sexual differentiation during week 7.
2. E.  By week 12, female and male characteristics can be recognized. By week 20, phenotypic
sexual differentiation is complete.
3. D.  The sinovaginal bulbs proliferate, fuse, and form the vaginal plate under the inductive influ-
ence of the paramesonephric ducts. The vaginal plate then canalizes to form the inferior two
thirds of the vagina.
4. C.  The round ligament of the uterus and the ovarian ligament both form from the
5. D.  In the female, the urogenital folds remain unfused and form the labia minora.
6. C.  The cranial portion of the paramesonephric ducts forms the uterine tubes.


# 151596   Cust: LWW   Au: Dudek  Pg. No. 179 C/M/Y/K

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