Sie sind auf Seite 1von 2

- Introduction to Java:

- OOP Introduction

- Data types

- Operators

- Loops

- Conditions

- Conditionals

- Arrays, Lists

- Classes

- Android:

- Intro:

- Android emulator

- Creating first Hello World app and running on emulator

- Gradle dependecies for 3rd party libraries

- layout files

- Strings.xml & message localization

- Resources and Asset Files

- Activity:

- Activity and lifecycle/AndroidManifest

- Custom layout for activity

- Inents and new activities dynamically

- Configuration Changes

- Communication between activities

- Fragments:

- Lifecycle

- Creating fragments dynamically/using xml

- Custom layouts

- Communication between activity and fragment

- Widgets:

- Debugging

- Layout manipulation

- Permissions

- Recyclerview, Adapter & ViewHolder

- ViewPager, navigation and bottom navigation menu

- Menus

- WebView

- ProgressBar

- Local storage:

- Access files in assets

- Access resources

- Save/Read data from preferences (local storage)

- Internet

- Introduction to GET requests

- AsyncTask for threading

- Calling web APIS using volley/retrofit

- Notifications

- Building the APK

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