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1.Which of the following statements is correctabout the domains of educational technology?A.

Design is
the production stage whiledevelopment is the planning stage.B.Both the design and development are
theplanning stage,C. valuation is synonymous withimplementation.D.!tili"ation is the action phase.#.$s.
Cru" was hired in a well%e&uipped schoolbut she has to start preparing herinstructional materials
before classes begin.Which of the following is a systematic processin preparing her materials?A. design '
utili"ation ' evaluation %developmentB. design ' development ' utili"ation 'evaluationC. development '
design ' utili"ation 'evaluationD. development ' utili"ation ' evaluation 'design(.$s. Briones is planning to
integratetechnology in her $athematics class. Which of the following would be her second step?A. set
the ob)ectivesB. analy"e the learnersC. utili"e the materials with showmanshipD. evaluate the
performance of the students*.Which of the following should $s. +ome"primarily consider in determining
her teachingand learning ob)ectives and use of instructional media?A.the learner C. the instructional
activityB.the teacher D. the instructional strategy .Which is the best reason why teachers statethe
ob)ectives before using instructionalmedia?A.-o be able to practice how to operate thee&uipment.B.-o
determine which media to use best.C.-o prepare the materials beforehand.D.-o secure available
materials. .$s. /illegas is thin0ing of an educationaltechnology that can relay information clearlyto her
class. Which principle will guide her inthe selection of the material?A.interest C. cost
e ectivenessB.meaningfulness D

communicatione ectiveness2.$rs. 3inampan presented real samples of roc0s when she discussed the
di erent formsof roc0s. What principle in the selection of instructional material did she apply?A.interest
C. cost e ectiveB.B authenticity D

responsiveness4.Which of the following is a limitation of conventional technologies in teaching

andlearning?A.-hey pose problems on storage..B.-hey are less abstract and more concrete.C.-hey are
readily available in theenvironment, around school, and in thehome.D.-hey provide hands%on
learninge5periences and emphasi"e real%world .applications6.which of the following is not a
contribution of technology to the learning process? .A.-he &uality of learning can be improvedB.-he
delivery of instructions can be moreinterestingC.-he role of the teacher can be changedinto a
demonstrator.D.-he method of teaching and learningbecomes more interactive17.8n what way can
instructional aids fosterlearning?A.9einforce learningB. ntertain studentsC.-a0e the place of the
teacherD.:olds students in the classroom11.With the pervasiveness of technologiesnowadays, a
learner%centered instruction canbe promoted. Which of the followingstatements support this approach
toteaching?8. 8t focuses on transformation of facts.88. 8t supports the use of lecture and
drillmethods.888. 8t gives emphasis on collaboration andauthentic assessment.8/. ;tudents wor0 on
tas0s determined andcontrolled by the teacher.A.8 and 88 only C. 88 and 8/ onlyB.8 and 888 only D. 888
and 8/ only1#.<rof. /illamin=s students use cooperativelearning, in&uiry based and
pro)ect%basedlearning approaches in creating their digitalunit plans. What can be developed among
thelearners through these approaches?A.repetition and active learningB.repetition > information
deliveryC.information processing and active of 0nowledge and
informatione5change1(.Which of these technologies are arrangedfrom the most symbolic to
multisensory?A.real ob)ects, print, audio%visual materials,and visual materialsB.visual materials, audio
visual materials,print and computersC.visual materials, print, audio%visualmaterials and realiaD.print,
audio, visual materials, andcomputers1*.Which group of technologies has the highestdegree of
abstraction?A.boo0, imaginative literature, video, lm, versatile

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