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418788189 Task Name (doubleclick to change)

I ---- II: ---- III: ---- IV: ---- V: ---- VI: ----
Answer Type: Click to choose!

Task Title (may be different from the task name)

Insert the task text and images here!

Question / Challenge

In case of a multiple-choice or open-answer task, insert the question here.

In case of a constructive task, insert the challenge here.
In case of a constructive task, instructions for the interaction will follow here, if needed.


In case of a multiple-choice task: Specify the answer choices here!

A) Answer 1
B) Answer 2
C) Answer 3
D) Answer 4
In case of an open-answer task: Specify the range of answers that an implementation of a task
should accept! (Examples: Integer numbers from [0,99]; strings of 4 capital letters; … )
In case of a constructive task: Specify what the task script will accept as contestant input.

The correct answer is:

Explain which is the correct answer and why. In case of a multiple-choice task, also explain why
the other answer choices are incorrect. You may explain and motivate your choice of wrong
answers in the comment section below.
If the task asks for an optimum, you should be able to prove the optimality of the correct answer.
Students (Bebras participants of the relevant age) must be able to understand this
explanation. Use about 2 to 5 sentences for the correct answer, and somewhat less for the wrong
answers. Focus narrowly on the task, do not explain yet what this has to do with informatics.

It's informatics!

Explain to the target age group, why this task is about informatics (and computational thinking):
What are the informatics concepts, what is the informatics “story” behind this task? Use about 3 to
8 sentences. Do not explain the correct answers of a task, but give a larger picture.
If there are several concepts in this task, it is recommended to focus on one of them. It might be
nice to also add one or two relevant web-links here, for further reading. This text is for teachers
and students at the same time.

Task Name (doubleclick to change) 418788189, Last saved 2018-02-19 at 10:43:16 by Wolfgang Pohl

List of words and phrases used to name important things mentioned in the task body (actors,
activities/processes, concepts, definitions, objects, names, etc.)
This is to ensure the consequent use of terminology in the task body and to facilitate transferring
the task to another language. It is recommended to work on this section before writing the task
• Term 1 / phrase 1: What does it mean in this text.
• Term 1 / phrase 1: What does it mean in this text.
• …


Important remarks, like: explanation of a significant modification to the task, suggestion of potential
variants of the task, … Please try to stick to the following format:
2018-05-08 Firstname Lastname (Country),


For each image, please name the author and/or the source. For images from third parties, please
explain why the image is free to be used in the task. Note: If the source of an image is unclear, it
might be copyrighted and cannot be used in the task. A simple example:
Image 1: self-made by Firstname Lastname (Country),


All files for this task (graphics, scripts, etc.)

418788189.odt (this file)
Other Files needed for this task (to be found in the same directory; if there are many images, you
may put them into a “graphics” subdirectory.)


List of all authors who have (significantly) contributed to this document, with e-mail and country:
2018-04-09 Firstname Lastname (Country),
Task Proposal


Copyright © 2018 Bebras – International Contest on Informatics and Computational Thinking.

This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International License
(CC BY-SA 4.0). Visit:

Task Name (doubleclick to change) 418788189, Last saved 2018-02-19 at 10:43:16 by Wolfgang Pohl

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