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The Source of 90% of all Chronic Disease:

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The Hottest Area of Medical Research Today

Take Advantage of the Next Frontier of Medicine:

Naturally heal chronic disease, sharpen your thinking and boost your immune system when you discover
how to feed, nurture, and control your gut’s microbiome

What’s the microbiome?

It’s the vast community of bacteria, viruses, protozoa, and other lifeforms that live in our bodies that are our
friends. In fact, science has recently learned that we couldn’t even function without them. We need them just as
much as they need us. This understanding changes everything.

“The microbiome is the next frontier in medicine. Understanding it and optimizing it is going
to be critical to solving so many of our healthcare issues.”

– Mark Hyman, MD, Cleveland Clinic Center for Functional Medicine

Here's a peek at what you'll discover inside INTERCONNECTED: The Power to Heal From

Episode 1: The Invisible Organ: The Missing Piece in Health and Longevity

 Researchers are just discovering Obesity, Diabetes, Cardiovascular Disease, Autoimmune Diseases,
Celiac, IBS, Crohn’s, Skin Disease, Allergies, Neurological Conditions, Autism, Cancer... all these
chronic and terminal diseases START in the gut. The great news is they can also be HEALED in the
gut. This docuseries reveals how...
 Research around the world reveals that only in industrialized countries do people suffer from these
chronic diseases. Indigenous hunter-gatherer tribes (South America, Australia, Africa, India) do not get
these diseases! The clue? Their microbiomes are very different; there are greater numbers of microbes
and much more diversity.
 Leading scientists, researchers, physicians and patients have now come together for this revealing
documentary, sharing the latest breakthroughs, discoveries and findings about this “new interconnected
pathway” to good health and healing chronic disease...
 Using new diagnostic and exploratory tools, this “new interconnected pathway” is quickly becoming the
new foundation of allopathic medicine.
 Imagine a time not to distant from today, a healthcare system based upon predictive, personalized,
preventive and participatory (meaning you can heal yourself) tools. It’ll be all about YOU
individually--and what’s (really) going inside your gut...
Episode 2: The Human Microbiome: The Raging Battle from Within

 Microbiome data has been sourced globally and studied for over a decade by private and university labs
all over the country. Digital technology and AI makes it possible to study and compare the microbiota of
millions of people-- and the findings are rocking the scientific world…

 The unholy trinity of autoimmune diseases… what causes them and how to protect yourself against
 Various historical systems of medicine, from Sun Si Miao to Avicena, Ayurveda, even Hippocrates
implicitly knew the microbiome was THE KEY to health but this ancient wisdom was pushed aside in
the name of “progress” and almost forgotten. Now we look it for clues to modern healing…
 Leaky gut: how do you know if you have it… and how you can repair it.
 Today’s functional medicine is treating patients based on their microbiome. You’ll hear personally from
doctors who have been healing chronic diseases based on the microbiome...

Episode 3: The Truth About Probiotics

 There’s a literal zoo of microbes living in the linings of your gut and it promises to help heal you of the
first diseases known to man...
 Ever wonder why new diet books come out every month? By now, shouldn’t we have found the one that
works for all? It’s because no one diet works for everyone because everyone is different. Like our
fingerprints, our gut microbiome is unique and it demands unique solutions to healing...
 You’ll sit in on individual Doctor/patient case studies-- in-progress reports on integrated medical
treatments that includes patient’s Microbiome...
 What dysbiosis looks like (unbalanced families of bacteria residing in one’s microbiome.) And how it’s
contributing to chronic disease...
 "If you have a toxic body of water, simply adding more fish will lead to more dead fish." We learn how
toxicity needs to be resolved before adding probiotics to the gut.

Episode 4: The Trouble With Toxins: Staying Alive in a Toxic World

 Diet = Disease? why we’re seeing ‘hockey stick’ rises in certain diseases (and what we can do about it)
 The environmental toxins in your home that are killing off your microbiome day by day… and
how to protect against them...
 The truth about detoxing: Your body may be blocked from naturally eliminating disease-spreading
 The real cause of Irritable Bowel Syndrome and how ‘feeding’ your gut good bacteria can put a stop
to emergency trips to the bathroom...

Episode 5: The Kids Aren’t Alright: Leaky Gut - Leaky Brain - Leaky Kids

 Your gut is about a lot more than digestion. Gut microbiota are hardwired into our very neurobiology,
reproductive systems, longevity, cardiovascular health, and all the body’s major systems and organs.
 How nourishing the gut can send positive, stress-relieving messages to your brain...
 Why mindful eating could help prevent and fight neurological disease as we get older…
 The Unhealthy Brain: does Parkinson’s actually begin in the gut?
 An entirely new roadmap, a new GPS, for treating disease...

Episode 6: The Microbiome Solution: Thyroid, Obesity, and Diabetes

 Hippocrates said it best over 2000 years ago. It’s holds true today--our greatest way to help shape a
balanced, healthy microbiome is by what we eat and drink. Here’s how...
 Food 2.0 and how to escape a broken food system devoid of fiber, vitamins, minerals, and nutrients...
 Fermentation: nature’s probiotic. Top 3 recommendations for good bacteria-rich, fermented foods
you can store at home…
 We are what we eat and we are what we grow… inside of us. How your health is controlled by the
type of bacteria you host in your gut…
 The fermented cauliflower shaped food… smuggled into the western world by a Buddhist monk… that
will help grow health-enhancing bacteria in your body...

Episode 7: The Microbiome Solution: Cancer, Immunity, and Heart Disease

 3 tell-tale signs of an underactive thyroid...

 How the care and feeding of your microbiome can help your body rebalance, combat and reverse
Hashimoto’s disease…
 Why trendy, restrictive diets are triggering chaos in your gut flora...
 Craving chocolate cookies at 10pm? Here’s why your microbiome is triggering your weight gain (and
how to fix it so you can melt fat away simply, quickly and easily)
 Surprising everyday items to stay away from (in addition to microbiome-killing antibiotics)...

Episode 8: Ancient Wisdom and Modern Technology: The Keys To Personalized, Individualized, Made-
For-You Medicine

 Can we really PREDICT cancer by analyzing our gut microbes? These scientists say “YES!”...
 The big breakthrough: Artificial Intelligence and sophisticated microbiome testing that allows
individualization of medicine, creating a perfect healthcare system...
 Why chemotherapy is NOT the only answer...
 PLUS: How balancing your microbiome can soothe away skin problems. Suffering with acne or
eczema? What’s happening on the outside is a direct reflection of what’s going on INSIDE…
 How the loss of this one friendly bacteria may be responsible for the sudden rise in childhood asthma...

Episode 9: Healing Yourself: A Bright Future

 The big breakthrough: Artificial Intelligence and sophisticated microbiome testing that allows
individualization of medicine, creating a perfect healthcare system...
 Independent vs interdependent: now we understand that we need and rely on all life around us
and are far more dependent on it than we thought...
 Little did we realize life (seen and unseen realms all around you) is part of who we are and naturally
becomes a part of our gut’s biome...
 Ways to wean yourself off the chronic disease-causing Standard American Diet…
 Why the future isn’t about running and hiding from the next super bug--it’s about building your
own unique “force field”. Find out how...

Packed with insight after insight into microbiome optimization, INTERCONNECTED offers the keys to health,
longevity, and rejuvenation.

Discover the Secret to Reversing Chronic Disease Now Before the

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you have unlimited access to nine engaging episodes revealing the mysteries of the

Here are the preeminent doctors, researchers, patients, and other experts
you’ll be introduced to in INTERCONNECTED:
Dave Asprey

Gurunduth Banavar

Maggie Berghoff

Razi Berry
Robin Berzin, MD

Christina Bjorndahl

Martin Blaser, MD

Summer Bock
Eugenia Bone

Elhanan Borenstein, PhD

Jolene Brighten, ND

Kenneth Brown, MD
Zach Bush, MD

Rangan Chatterjee, MD

Robynne Chutkan, MD

Edison De Mello, MD, PhD

Afrouz Demehri, NMD

Peter Diamandis, MD

Carolyn Edelstein

Joel Evans, MD
Tom Fabian, PhD, CNTP

Alessio Fassano, MD

Kara Fitzgerald, ND

Emily Fletcher
Rob Franklin, DVM

Claire Fraser, PhD

Bob Harding, DO
Jennifer Harmon-Meyer

Tara Hunkin

Mark Hyman, MD

Naveen Jain

Dana James, MS, CDN, CNS

Pejman Katiraei, DO

Raphael Kellman, MD

Datis Kharrazian, PhD, DHSC,

Pati Lavay

Max Lugavere

Finian Makepeace

Tom Malterre, MS, CN

Laura Markle Downton

James Maskell

Emeran Mayer, MD

Sarkis Mazmanian, PhD

Mark Menolascino, MD
Helen Messier, MD, PhD

Shayne Morris, PhD

Gerard Mullin, MD, MS

Karen Nelson, PhD

Tom O’Bryan, DC, DACBN

Barbara Olendzki, RD, MPH

Ally Perlina

Warren Phillips, MS
Joe Pizzorno, ND

Nick Polizzi

Dr. Daniel Pompa, PSc.D

David Relman, MD
Ocean Robbins

Robert Rountree, MD

Michael Ruscio, DC

Shivan Sarna
Trudy Scott, CN

Ann Shippy, MD

Marvin Singh, MD

Mariza Snyder, DC
Joel Sprechman

Sarah Anne Stewart

Marisol Teijeiro, ND

Gregory Vigoren, DDS

JJ Virgin

Momo Vuyisich

Izabella Wentz, Pharm D

Genevieve White
Todd White

Magdalena Wszelaki

Eric Zielinski, DC

Our 70 world-renowned doctors & health experts have been featured

Discover the Secret to Why You’re Chronically Ill Now Before the
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Dr. Pedram Shojai is the founder of and the author of his bestselling books The Urban Monk, Inner
Alchemy, and The Art of Stopping Time as well as the producer of the movies Vitality, Origins, and Prosperity.
Pedram is the host and executive producer of this documentary series, INTERCONNECTED: The Power to
Heal From Within


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INTERCONNECTED is brought to you by Interconnected Media, LLC in association with Well.Org, PBC and
Urban Monk Productions, Inc.

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