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How to Let go of Fear and Release Karma - 3 Magic Words Movie

1 403 386 vues
30 k
Starseed Films
Ajoutée le 25 févr. 2012

Dolores Cannon talks about how to let go of fear and release karma an interview for the movie 3
Magic Words.
Auteur des sous-titres (Français)
Virginie Lafon Hypnose



1 997 commentaires ALL

Brad Bates
il y a 3 ans
I would love to sit down on a rainy morning in a local coffee shop, and just talk about life with
this woman.
1,3 k
Kailem Jones
Kailem Jones
il y a 2 ans
She dead
Amber Yholeata
Amber Yholeata
il y a 1 an
Kailem K bruh �
Jeff Coleman
Jeff Coleman
il y a 1 an
Brad Bates everything you said expect change coffee to weed
Furry Person
Furry Person
il y a 1 an
Brad Bates When she says "let go of your karma" she basically means let go of your human
identity and everything associated with it. The truth of the matter is, you aren't the person that
you see in the mirror everyday. You are just sharing experiences with that person but that person
isn't you. It never was and it never will be. You are the indestructible and eternal soul that
occupies the human container. Unfortunately, many souls still hold on to their human identities
even after the human vessel dies. Just think about it, when you compare an identity that has a
time limit on it to an identity that is eternal, which one is significant? Well, anything that has a
time limit on it is already dead from the perspective of an eternal being. This means that your
true identity is your eternal one.
Sandra Cameron
Sandra Cameron
il y a 1 an
Brad Bates me too
Lorrie Bartlett
Lorrie Bartlett
il y a 1 an
Furry Person wow I love your thought process .freakin AWESOME and true.
il y a 1 an
I would love to join you!
Jeff Coleman
Jeff Coleman
il y a 1 an
Kailem K ����
I'm kind of a big deal
I'm kind of a big deal
il y a 1 an
Brad Bates I'd love to sit down on a rainy day and fart in your face and poo in your coffee your
Inga Hicks
Inga Hicks
il y a 1 an
I think she passed in 2014
il y a 1 an
Inga Hicks I heard her recently she is not dead.
il y a 1 an
What are the 3 words?
Minita Bathija
Minita Bathija
il y a 1 an
Yes, time is an illusion so you can.
Rebecca Allen
Rebecca Allen
il y a 1 an
Brad Bates absolutely agree!
Rebecca Allen
Rebecca Allen
il y a 1 an
Inga Hicks she did, Oct 18,2014
Frances Rose
Frances Rose
il y a 1 an
She is alive, pure energy, love and light.
haylee turner
haylee turner
il y a 1 an
Brad Bates me too x
Med & Music
Med & Music
il y a 1 an
me too! Can I come?,
il y a 1 an (modifié)
+Jeff Coleman-----talk about attached to gabage and trash. Your addiction will return you to
Earth and keep you from Release and Realization. Each time you come back to replay, it gets
more difficult, so drop it now. Wees is ONLY beneficial for glaucoma terminally ill or pain
sufferers who do not do well with fentanyl or opiates. Weed is terrible for the mind and body in
continued use.
il y a 1 an
+Furry Person-----excellent explanation.
il y a 1 an
+Nargis Z---like Elvis, Dolores has just left the building like you and I will some moment.
Transition, no death.
il y a 1 an
+Im kind of a big deal-----Your moniker (profile name) is total EGO. Only you believe and enjoy
your nonsense.
il y a 1 an
+Inga Hicks----yes during Libra, 18 October 2014 - it was a universal 8 day.
Stiles Brown
Stiles Brown
il y a 1 an
"God gave us a spirit not of fear, but of power and love and self-control." -2 Timothy 1:7
il y a 1 an
+Stiles Brown------people and animals carry fear because of EGO of mind/ survival and
feeling/attachment to seperation. There is no seperation in REALITY. WE are ALL ONE. The
problem is most people do not consciously maintain ONE/GOD/Absolute all of the time.
Jingle Bells
Jingle Bells
il y a 1 an
Not to worry Amber, there are several mediums who regularly channel and she has been a
repeat guest.
Lillie Albert
Lillie Albert
il y a 1 an
Brad Bates
Brad, you can tap into her energy
il y a 1 an
there is a somnambulist practitioner in your area
TranZENdence Life Coaching - Tricia Bittner
TranZENdence Life Coaching - Tricia Bittner
il y a 11 mois
Brad Bates save me a seat
M. Jones
M. Jones
il y a 10 mois
Brad Bates yes
il y a 10 mois
That's so cute.
il y a 10 mois
Brad Bates ...why sir it's to early to laughed this morning dam
Jude Bigelow
Jude Bigelow
il y a 10 mois
Brad Bates You're amazing!!!
giorgos katsianos
giorgos katsianos
il y a 9 mois
i like her to give me a head job and release my sperm in her mouth,how is that for releasing
some karma?
xVvix xnNix
xVvix xnNix
il y a 9 mois
Jeff Coleman �
Daniela Mishkovska
Daniela Mishkovska
il y a 8 mois
Brad Bates
Me too
My body progress workouts
My body progress workouts
il y a 8 mois
Brad Bates me to. And you're cute by the way
Christ is king
Christ is king
il y a 6 mois
PHILOSPHICAL SUMMARY OF LUCIFERIANISM: (We are going into 5th dimension I used to
believe this nonsense as a psychic medium & healer before seing the real Jesus Christ) I used to
listen to bashar, kryon, abraham hicks etc.
Luciferianism is the embodiment of knowledge and power that acknowledges the Principle of
Lucifer as the "Light of Consciousness." Be it as a god or as a principle, Lucifer has transcended
many cultures as the "Bearer of Light;" the Light which illuminates the consciousness of sapient
beings and heightens the senses and awareness to experience Higher Levels of Being.
Luciferianism is the path of Self Mastery, Self-Attainment, Self-Sovereignty and the Illumination
of the Higher Self.

Luciferians work to attain their own higher intelligence,illumination and/or enlightenment.

As Lucifer is the embodiment of knowledge, he represents that which brings light to the mind of
humanity to advance the intellectual evolution of our species.By him do we actively pursue our
own evolution to higher understanding and higher levels of becoming.Luciferianism is
intellectual progress and freedom. A Luciferian may or may not believe in and/or worship Lucifer
as a spiritual being, deity or father god.

A Luciferian may be purely philosophical regarding the principles symbolically embodied in

Lucifer as knowledge, wisdom, and light.Regardless of personal belief, all Luciferians advocate
intellectual individualization over massconformity, and are thereby free to choose that which
works best for them.

Luciferianism is essentially the way of light and knowledge that leads one to that which is
termed the Higher Self. Within each Luciferian is a relentless urge to know, dare, will and keep
silent. The world is our laboratory and life is the experiment. Through self-knowledge, self-
betterment and self-mastery, one experiences greater awareness, reflecting from within the Self,
as an aware being interacting with the environment.


Isaiah 14:12-15(SATAN BEFORE HIS FALL):*

“How you have fallen from heaven,

O star of the morning, son of the dawn!
You have been cut down to the earth,
You who have weakened the nations!

“But you said in your heart,

‘I will ascend to heaven;
I will raise my throne above the stars of God,
And I will sit on the mount of assembly
In the recesses of the north.

‘I will ascend above the heights of the clouds;

I will make myself like the Most High.’

“Nevertheless you will be thrust down to Sheol,

To the recesses of the pit.

Luke 14:11
For all those who exalt themselves will be humbled, and those who humble themselves will be

❤ ✞ Salvation is a free gift of God("Saving verses"): ✞ ❤

Ephesians 2:8-9
For it is by grace you have been saved through faith, and this not from yourselves; it is the gift of
God, not by works, so that no one can boast

Acts 2:38
Peter replied, "Repent and be baptized, every one of you, in the name of Jesus Christ for the
forgiveness of your sins. And you will receive the gift of the Holy Spirit.

Romans 10:9
If you declare with your mouth, "Jesus is Lord," and believe in your heart that God raised him
from the dead, you will be saved.

John 3:16-18
For God so loved the world that He gave His one and only Son, that everyone who believes in
Him shall not perish but have eternal life. For God did not send His Son into the world to
condemn the world, but to save the world through Him.

John 7:38-39
Whoever believes in Me, just as the Scripture has said: ‘Streams of living water’” will flow from
within him. He was speaking about the Spirit, whom those who believed in Him were later to

John 4:14
but whoever drinks the water I give them will never thirst. Indeed, the water I give them will
become in them a spring of water welling up to eternal life

Galatians 5:6 -
The only thing that counts is faith in the lord Jesus Christ expressing itself through love.

1 John 4:8 God is love.

Hebrews 12:29 - God is a consuming fire./ Matthew 3:12 - unquenchable fire
John 4:24 - God is spirit
1 John 1:5 - God is light("The light of life") John 1:4

Conclussion: God is a consuming spirit of blazzing light fiery love, that burns up all darkness and
evil through Jesus Christ. Repent & put your faith in the lord Jesus Christ. God called you not to
condemn you, but to love you.

Rosaline John
Rosaline John
il y a 6 mois
Me too. Lots can be learned from her.
Rosaline John
Rosaline John
il y a 6 mois
Well, if she has passed away, at least she left some very profound message to the world.
il y a 6 mois
me look very young.did you know that old souls are coming on this planet these days?
they are here to teach us.u may be one of them.
Dodgy bodger !
Dodgy bodger !
il y a 5 mois (modifié)
@Paradisephotography I know this is a while down the line but, it's. LET IT GO. What's gone is
gone, you can't change it.
James Erby
James Erby
il y a 5 mois
+Furry Person Right and try explaining this to a Christian ...!!!
James Erby
James Erby
il y a 5 mois
+RUSSIAN ROBOT These type of comments speaks volumes!
Lynne Bradley
Lynne Bradley
il y a 5 mois
Me to.
Sandy OGorman
Sandy OGorman
il y a 5 mois
Invite me that morning... I want to be there to.
Aleesha Ali
Aleesha Ali
il y a 5 mois
Your corny�
Mz Parker
Mz Parker
il y a 5 mois
Mz Parker
Mz Parker
il y a 5 mois
@Jeff Coleman facts lol
il y a 5 mois
FartFace Monkey
FartFace Monkey
il y a 4 mois
That would be awesome
Anthony Mcdonagh
Anthony Mcdonagh
il y a 4 mois
�� �
True so would I �

4am Curiosity
4am Curiosity
il y a 3 mois
Brad Bates same!!!
Nuckled t
Nuckled t
il y a 2 mois
stfu u fool
Ruth Fowler
Ruth Fowler
il y a 1 mois
@Furry Person I've got your words of wisdom written down, as a reminder. i will read
it, everyday. True words of wisdom here....thank you Arohanui
Mrs. Bristol
Mrs. Bristol
il y a 2 semaines
@Furry Person I truly agree with you....
Rod Warren
Rod Warren
il y a 2 semaines
Why would it have to be raining.? Don't get me wrong rainy day's are my favorite. But to me to
be talking to this woman can be on any day. And i would feel much more comfortable talking
with her at her office or my living room. A coffee shop really ? Can just see it now all these nosey
people nosing in on my conversation and distracting me and then I'd be probably a little more
shy to conversate ext ect. So no coffee shop. Lol
Lazzy Legs
Lazzy Legs
il y a 2 semaines
Me too but she’s in the US
Timothy Bartlett
Timothy Bartlett
il y a 3 jours
That would have been one of the most wonderful experiences in my life. Wish I could've. It's so
awesome she figured this out & taught people about it. �
Timothy Bartlett
Timothy Bartlett
il y a 3 jours
But you can meet & talk to Ester Hicks( Abraham )
Special K
Special K
il y a 10 mois
Forgiveness is easy for me , by nature. However, people take my kind heart as weakness. Weak
I’m not .
Craig Famly
Craig Famly
il y a 8 mois
Kerri Steinhaus forgiveness is strength
Tsunami 75
Tsunami 75
il y a 7 mois
I'm the same way
Lisa Meyer
Lisa Meyer
il y a 7 mois
Who cares what they think :-)
Jessica Victoria
Jessica Victoria
il y a 5 mois
Same here.
Kathy Overton
Kathy Overton
il y a 5 mois
I know just what you mean. I can bury the hatchet, but I never ever forget where it was buried.
p larkin
p larkin
il y a 4 mois
Kerri kindness shouldnt be mistaken for weakness !
Diane Fox
Diane Fox
il y a 4 mois
Kerri Steinhaus Weakness is a self made state of mind. Having a kind heart can be a source of
manipulation when skewed with expectations of others feeling and behaving like you. Do for
others without expecting anything. Then move on. Hope this helps�
il y a 4 mois
me too..
il y a 4 mois
Sometimes it's better to brawl.
Anirudh Solanki
Anirudh Solanki
il y a 4 mois
Forgiveness is sign of Strength within you... You are quite powerful.
dnice lewis
dnice lewis
il y a 3 mois
Agree I have same concept of that too.
pandaart 312
pandaart 312
il y a 3 mois
Me too special k
Elhamdulillah Angel
Elhamdulillah Angel
il y a 3 mois
dont care what people think
mellymel 82
mellymel 82
il y a 2 mois
Same here..
Day Dreamer
Day Dreamer
il y a 2 mois
I can forgive if needed but I never forgive to the evil people, and that's NOT karma! That's a
firewall. It's not so about forgiveness .. it more about empathy
Verbal Data
Verbal Data
il y a 2 mois (modifié)
I don’t think forgiveness is about kindness at all. it has nothing to do with the other person, it’s
something you do for yourself. they can feel however they want about it - the point is not to be
“nice” or make someone else feel better.
Max Potential
Max Potential
il y a 2 mois
Forgiveness is key�
Amachetay Cybo
Amachetay Cybo
il y a 2 mois
lol so what .... choosing to be kind is powerful! nothing wrong with that.... just live in ur choose
we all have a right to say no to anything!
Satinder Bajaj
Satinder Bajaj
il y a 2 mois
I get you
il y a 1 mois (modifié)
Keep being kind, no matter what others think. They'd be wise to follow your example, instead of
judging you. That way the world would be a better place, is that not what we all want? Bless you
for your kindness!
Aintisar 2
Aintisar 2
il y a 1 mois
Sometimes it's good to say to those people "fuck off.
il y a 1 mois (modifié)
Its true. I used to give everyone the benefit of the doubt, repeatedly, which they saw as
weakness. When people see you as weak they treat you disrespectfully and even abusively. They
are really just projecting their self-hatred onto you.
Jennifer Lorence
Jennifer Lorence
il y a 3 semaines
I've been through that my whole life.
Jennifer Lorence
Jennifer Lorence
il y a 3 semaines
Forgiveness Doesn't Work, I applied it my whole Life and the Same Evil People Came Back to Do
it all over Again without me doing Any harm to them.
Jennifer Lorence
Jennifer Lorence
il y a 3 semaines
@Diane Fox So, According to You, We're Supposed to Go through Life being a FOOL for every Evil
Soul that Walks Around to take Advantage of??
Jamie Lee Roche
Jamie Lee Roche
il y a 2 semaines
Forgiveness means uve been a victim...we are not victims if we dont give our
power...understanding allows us to let go...forgiveness will always have room for resentment and
anger will resurface on a bad day..
Kiwi Brit
Kiwi Brit
il y a 1 semaine
You are a good person. Don't let them change you �
Priya Shiva Kaur
Priya Shiva Kaur
il y a 6 jours
If you're kind hearted and forgive well, setting boundaries and honouring your own feelings can
be the challenge.
il y a 6 jours (modifié)
@Verbal Data You hit the nail on the head. If you forgive then there shouldn't be a statement
that follows " people take my kindness for weakness" when you forgive is not for you to continue
to allow the behavior to continue. She said forgive and move on, destroy your contract with
them and wish them love and light. When you imply they're taking your kindness for weakness it
sounds like there is room to bury hurtful emotions because your forgiving and you still feel as if
you are being taken advantage of. I am not judging at all but her message was powerful. Forgive
but also protect yourself from falling for the same type of people that take advantage of it, that
can only happen if you continue to allow it. I am sooo guilty of this. This is the message I take
away from this.
Satish Naik
Satish Naik
il y a 13 heures
Yours Reality is My Perception. (And Vis a Vis)
So, Do Hell with that.
Trick is not minding the pain.
Live the movement/s.
Jennie Hughes
Jennie Hughes
il y a 3 ans
Good to know that I don't have to face my mother directly , to forgive her and let go . Because
every time I'm in her presence , she gets more outrageous with her negative words and actions .
I forgive her now and will just stay away . Peace to all. :-)
Leong Munglan Gwendoline
Leong Munglan Gwendoline
il y a 3 ans
+Jennie Hughes Yeah my mum too. She was a pharmaceutical drug junkie hooked on female
hormones.. careful of Big Pharma products
Nicki LovesDogs
Nicki LovesDogs
il y a 3 ans
+Jennie Hughes I can relate to that. I think they are unconsciously in extreme states of
defensiveness. They have fear of things that trigger their Egos.
Nicki LovesDogs
Nicki LovesDogs
il y a 3 ans
+Leong Munglan (Gwendoline) My mother did that, too and she even suggested to me to take
that crap. They make it from pregnant horses who are tied to katheders permanently. This is
extremely cruel.
Carina Kristensen
Carina Kristensen
il y a 3 ans
+Jennie Hughes A wise decision ;-) Good luck and peace to you too <3
Nastasja Perry
Nastasja Perry
il y a 3 ans
i relate entirely need to mother father forgive move on
il y a 3 ans
+Nicki LovesDogs What can one use in place of female hormones? I've tried Black Cohosh and it
doesn't work anymore.
Nicki LovesDogs
Nicki LovesDogs
il y a 3 ans
@jalwgis Read the books by Donna Pessin. She is over 50 and still has her period regularly and
she looks good and feels good. She eats lots of Earth clay. Sodium Bentonite clay. Vegan or
vegetarian food. Lots of water, juice and tea. Fresh air. Exercise. Loving animals. Doing art work.
Herbs are great of course. Valerian root is very helpful for me. Salal brush leafs. Hydrangea one
tea spoon of petals as tea or chewed. Dandelion. Milk Thistle. There are many herbs that are
fantastic. I would be careful with certain strong herbs like Black Cohosh. Only use those
intermittently and for only a short time span. What helps me also is Lavender. And Rosemary in
the morning. Never ever resort to using horse derived pharma drugs. It is cruel and totally
unnecessary. We must never support any form of cruelty.
il y a 3 ans
@Nicki LovesDogs Thank you.
Jennie Hughes
Jennie Hughes
il y a 3 ans
I got snatched back to my mother because there was no one else in the family to " check on
her" when she got sick in late December . I ended up in the phychiatric ward in a hospital for 6
days . Now that an actual Dr. has told me to stay away from her, my family finally seems to
understand how important that is to my mental health .
Nicki LovesDogs
Nicki LovesDogs
il y a 3 ans
@Jennie Hughes That's awful what you have been through. You go to help your mother and then
she abuses you. I feel for you. My grandfather would have treated me the same way if I had let
il y a 3 ans
same hear. :)
il y a 2 ans
+Jennie Hughes Yes, loving ourself is our first priority :)
Nicki LovesDogs
Nicki LovesDogs
il y a 2 ans
@oc lt What helped me are the books by really good people such as Jiddu Krishnamurti,
Friedrich Nietzsche, Pema Chodron, Teal Swan, etc. I learned to walk the other direction than
society. This frees up tremendous energy for oneself and clears the mind.
Patricia Stefanski
Patricia Stefanski
il y a 2 ans
check out Pamela Aaralyn... she channels Delores Cannon and fucking delivers....(emotional
cusser) please understand no disrespect intended
Paula OHaver
Paula OHaver
il y a 2 ans
I had to do the same thing. I last spoke to my mother in 2007. She passed away 20015. I forgave
her a long time ago. I hope my kids will forgive me for anything I might have done to them.
Rockin Roberta
Rockin Roberta
il y a 2 ans
Jennie Hughes I had to do the same thing. Xo. Best wishes.
Jennie Hughes
Jennie Hughes
il y a 2 ans
@Rockin Roberta Peace to you and yours .
Rockin Roberta
Rockin Roberta
il y a 2 ans
@Jennie Hughes You too, we will get through it. Xo I wanted to mention this but I didn't. I will
now...If you think about it, the people who harmed us didn't know any better. That is all they
know, and they were treated badly too. Some people are less evolved, it's not their fault. As long
as we hold love in our hearts we will be okay. I truly believe that. After I listened to this video, I
cried my eyes out and forgave everyone who hurt me. It started with my mother, after that it
was all the men who I chose who acted just like her.:) Then I asked for forgiveness for my actions.
I honestly fell better. Thanks for saying hello. Take care!:) Good luck in your journey!
Bogna Novak
Bogna Novak
il y a 2 ans
Nicki - Yes , It is extremely cruel and insane what humans are capable to do to innocent
animals . It`s disgusting and horrific , absolutely evil idea to abuse innocent creatures to get this
pathetic " medicine"(?! )
And it`s up to the buyers to end those hellish products of animal suffering. We have to
say NO to this, boycotting this cruel insanity that mindless humans are still keeping alive .
Animals are NOT OURS to use and abuse in any way, and when it would be enough of
human suffering caused by endless abusing of another life forms to realize that they are going
Using products of suffering and death is causing the same to humans .

Karma is the law that is teaching in a very hard way what is right and what is wrong, but
humans still trying to cheat it which is silly really - they are going against themselves and the
other life forms on Earth by doing so.

Live and let live, go vegan and your life will take a new and amazingly wonderful turn in
the right direction and diseases will become the dark stories from human past. Life is about
changes and this one is the first and best to undo many wrongs that humans are blindly
following through the history of our planet.
Enough is enough, it`s high time to change or every lesson will be heavier and harder.

What can I say : teach yourself and your children well so all together we can change this
living nightmare into the new and real beginning of life that was meant to be from the dawn of
This is the message from all if my heart and soul .
patricia nagy
patricia nagy
il y a 1 an
Rockin Roberta how do you relese fear
Love Dove
Love Dove
il y a 1 an
Jennie Hughes I have the same experience. I have a mom who prefers to be nice to my brothers
because she feels closer to them. she has hurt me so much by taking my ex-husband in, she has
never had my back or has ever really accepted me into her life. She nearly died 3 weeks ago and
for 2 weeks I have been by her side everyday just to see her improve and she did.

After that I stay away from her. I only send a text here and there because she talks with people I
Steve Cooper
Steve Cooper
il y a 1 an
patricia nagy meditation will give you the attention
Love Dove
Love Dove
il y a 1 an
MolecularMoonlight omg that is horrible. I am so sorry you even exerperienced that with your
own father. I cant believe the disgusting things he has put you through. I hope you found some
happiness. I have a family who have done things to me I am suprise I didnt lose my mind. It has
been difficult to deal with. I hope to never incarnate with my mom ever again. She has ruined my
life and my opportunities.
TallCool 1
TallCool 1
il y a 1 an
Nicki LovesDogs ?!?!!
Catherine C
Catherine C
il y a 1 an
Yes, I let her go a year before her death. Now she is dead and the releasing with forgiveness is
just wonderful.
il y a 1 an
Jennie Hughes....Same here.
Forever Eternity
Forever Eternity
il y a 1 an
Out of this land, all mother/children is the most loving, caring unalienated relationship. What is
wrong here?
Kim Nixon
Kim Nixon
il y a 1 an
Jennie Hughes I can definitely relate. As of right now, I fully release all negativity and forgive my
Father, Mother, ex-husband for past offenses and my dear friend that betrayed me. We are free.
So grateful for this channel.
Mary Cauchi
Mary Cauchi
il y a 1 an
Jennie Hughes i know what you mean
Kim Nixon
Kim Nixon
il y a 1 an
jason matheson. �. Wow so my entire life is just my Karma. Since age 5, Not one friend, abuse,
neglect, isolation, abandonment, humiliation is everything I did in my previous life?
corsican lulu
corsican lulu
il y a 1 an
kim nixon some spiritual teachers believe that we actually CHOOSE to be born into the life and
body we are into no matter how miserable!? supposedly its for a higher purpose and we agree
to it all before we are born....soul contract is what its called. then again other religions teach
about karma and past lives so....who knows really? i guess when we die we'll find out the truth
Staci B
Staci B
il y a 1 an
Kim Nixon I wanna kno too. My life has been a living hell n im 43. My soul n heart is amazing
tho. So confusing
Damonica Jones
Damonica Jones
il y a 1 an
Jennie Hughes I was thinking the same thing.
RA Hendrickson
RA Hendrickson
il y a 1 an
MolecularMoonlight You don't have to continue wasting your genius. I went back to school and
got my bachelors degree at age 50, then went on and earned a masters in counseling psychology.
I've been working as a counselor for 4 years. My grandmother went to school after my
grandfather died and became a nurse at the age of 59. She had a 20 year career as a nurse! She
died at the age of 98.
Lana l'tzion
Lana l'tzion
il y a 1 an
+RA Hendrickson hey thats fantastic!! very inspirational it makes me think..
Chris Denchal
Chris Denchal
il y a 7 mois
another thing is you surround yourself with white light and allow only positive influences... say it
over and over until you believe it. You will notice huge change.
il y a 6 mois (modifié)
Jennie Hughes ......YOU sound to me, to be a very selfish person. You are saying, your mom took
ill late Dec. and YOU got sick and went to a crazy house, hmmmm YOU sound very Narcissistic to
me. A nut job at that! I assume, your mother is elderly as well. People like you, make me sick,
the poor old woman is at the end of her days, but KARMA has already got YA!
Mary Motherofgod
Mary Motherofgod
il y a 5 mois
Jennie Hughes That’s ok mama u can love her from afar my mom is nutzzzz too and she’s
cancerous just love from afar it’s not ur fault we can pick our friends but not our family God
Bless u 🙏🙏
Peace, Love, Sunshine
Peace, Love, Sunshine
il y a 5 mois
Nicki LovesDogs earth clay??
Peace, Love, Sunshine
Peace, Love, Sunshine
il y a 5 mois
angelfirelite you should seriously consider deleting this vile comment of judgement before you
heap up your own karma!
il y a 5 mois
I dumped my mother too. Had many years of feeling sad, wishing for the best friend she never
was. But finally getting over that.
Regan T. Cameron
Regan T. Cameron
il y a 4 mois
My mom was similar.
I didn't get along with her either, until she died.
NOW I commune with her usually many times a day and we have great warmth and appreciation
for one another and we laugh a lot.
I asked for physical signs to show me that I wasn't just being crazy. I get those all the time TOO.
Good luck. It feels SO MUCH better to let GO and see things from a pov of NO victims.
il y a 4 mois
@Regan T. Cameron Well, I applaud you for your maturity. My mother has done nothing but lie,
cheat and steal her entire life. Robbed so many of their life savings. Sold me for booze money.
I'm pretty sure she's murdered, since she used to brag of hitting people in the brain stem with
2x4's and as they shook in seizures, she robbed them. I'm thinking many of them either died or
were vegetables for the rest of their lives. Was jealous I turned out so wonderful from my
adopted parents so she continuously tried to hurt and disparage me my entire life till I said
enough. It's kind of my promise to myself that once she's dead and possibly sees the errors of
her ways and tries to contact me that I absolutely WILL NOT allow her to. I am the prize, and she
does not get to win it. But I'm happy you are having good times with your mom now that she's
gone. I can't imagine my mother could do something in death that could convince me to forgive
her. Maybe give me the winning Powerball numbers, is the only thing I'd accept ;)
sun shine
sun shine
il y a 4 mois
you will regret it you only have one what I would do to have my mom back
Andrea mcgehee
Andrea mcgehee
il y a 4 mois
We are on the same page BECAUSE my mother always lien on me and if i dnt agree with her on
somethings she gets mad and sometimes she cause confusing between me and my brothers and
sister's... Im trying to forgive her for her childish behaver but it so so hard sometimes im gonna
keep listening to miss Delores i know she will help me get threw... Peace
Rocky Fajardo
Rocky Fajardo
il y a 4 mois
Jennie Hughes mine as well. That’s a great move.
Leonard Weisfeld
Leonard Weisfeld
il y a 3 mois
@patricia nagy Perhaps conviction. Devise a plan of action, and focus on what you want/feel you
need. Stress your intellectual understanding of what is right/a better approach rather than the
emotional way of reacting you mitr have learned by chance or error that isn't working for you.
Leonard Weisfeld
Leonard Weisfeld
il y a 3 mois
@corsican lulu or we won't. �
Leonard Weisfeld
Leonard Weisfeld
il y a 3 mois
@angelfirelite You are ignorant and cruel. Congratulations.
Carole Reynolds
Carole Reynolds
il y a 2 mois
Hard to love or forgive a mother who ruined your life but finally moved on.
Yung Zux
Yung Zux
il y a 2 mois
Peace, Love, Sunshine ur comment is judging her comment . Haha . Retard
Yung Zux
Yung Zux
il y a 2 mois
Peace, Love, Sunshine you just judged her comment as vile so who is really the judgemental one
Anthony Frangos
Anthony Frangos
il y a 2 mois
fuck that piece of shit. My mother is a slimy piece of shit too
Julie Casey
Julie Casey
il y a 2 mois
387 people agree that's a lot ! Xo
Julie Casey
Julie Casey
il y a 2 mois
Jennie Hughes PLEASE tell your mental health we drop the hate, we drop the KARMA xo
Julie Casey
Julie Casey
il y a 2 mois
Joseph Barclay Ross
Joseph Barclay Ross
il y a 2 mois
"Who is my mother, my father, my sister, my brother? Those who hear and do the will of God."
But "Love thy enemy."
debarpita mukherjee
debarpita mukherjee
il y a 1 mois
I'm facing the same Jennie
Leslie Roach
Leslie Roach
il y a 2 semaines
I've just had to cut ties with my mom. We just can't have any blame for being parents to our
parents. everytime I am around my mom, I decline...
Drat Home
Drat Home
il y a 1 semaine
So sad.
rene woods
rene woods
il y a 1 semaine
Jennie Hughes That's what some Mothers do! Try to identify her pain, which may closely
resemble yours! Don't walk away! Analyze & try to understand! Blessing to you! �
Faith Musings
Faith Musings
il y a 2 ans
Holding onto crap hurts YOU, not the person who has hurt you.
Kirk Barkley
Kirk Barkley
il y a 2 ans
Yes: took years to wisen up to that important factor: an moved on...
Debra Frakes
Debra Frakes
il y a 1 an
That other person probably never thinks of anybody but their self.
il y a 1 an
...and the ones who cause you hurt WANT you to to hold on to it.
il y a 1 an (modifié)
It's very difficult to just let go of it and forget everything ever happened. I don't know how
people say "just let it go". It's not so easy in every situation especially when you are a very
anxious and a nervous person who can't help but overthink everything and gets more nervous.
I'm kind of a big deal
I'm kind of a big deal
il y a 1 an
Faith Musings your right holding on to a big crap hurts just release it then wipe yo ass
Venus Node
Venus Node
il y a 1 an
Anonymous And you can't. Of course you can't. Too many people are just saying do this, do that,
and nobody gives you the "how to" tools. Luckily there are tools available for many but you have
to try it yourself to find the one that suits you best. If you want more info I'd be glad to send it to
il y a 1 an (modifié)
Venus Node Sounds interesting �
il y a 1 an
Don't forget to flush it all away. lol
Endy M
Endy M
il y a 1 an
Faith Musings Praying
il y a 1 an
Release the Crapen!
Simon Potter
Simon Potter
il y a 1 an
Of course it's not easy, but it is necessary to do that in order to be free. As long as you hold on
to the situation, it owns you and it controls you. By holding on to it, you give it power. If you
release it, the power is gone. Actually, you are causing the hurt and pain because you are feeding
the situation and keeping it alive. Just keep saying to yourself, " I will no longer let this situation
own me. I AM in control and it is healed. Not just gone, but healed.." Love and peace be with
you. Hang in there.
il y a 1 an (modifié)
When you realise that it was never your problem or problems it becomes easy to let go they are
the weak ones not you, we are challenged everyday of our lives its always up to us to remain
true to ourselves and remain faithful to our own thoughts and feelings, their reactions and what
they say or do are part of them not us.
Dont say my name unless you know me
Dont say my name unless you know me
il y a 1 an
What about people and generally life keep doin shit to you , letting go only leads to letting them
keep doin that to you , i have no long term anger but i can get angry easy in a short period of
time and then i move on I guess
il y a 9 mois
Faith Musings totally agree I have this a lot
Let Go
Let Go
il y a 8 mois
Venus Node I would love that. � Offer still open?
Keith McCaslyn
Keith McCaslyn
il y a 4 mois (modifié)
NOT true,or ONLY Half true... the very same people that say it ONLY hurts you and NOT the other
person,are thee very same people who turn around and say we're ALL CONNECTED and have an
effect on one another and WE DO INDEED! to say that a grudge I hold toward someone does
NOT effect them if bullshit,if the love I have for some one and I send that love out, it effects
them a little or a lot,the same thing with hurt and unforgiveness. IT DOES EFFECT EVERYONE
involved. THATS the more filled out version over this laup sided stuff, of it only hurts you!! its
almost like your're saying I dont have the right to feel the way I do ,based on what so & so did.
Malarkey Im NOT asking you nor her for permission to feel and see things the way I do . Also I
AGAIN!! Peace be with Ya's!
Hijab R
Hijab R
il y a 2 mois
Faith Musings


That is so true!
Nata Nes
Nata Nes
il y a 1 mois
Faith Musings exactly! I think once people realize this and move on, this world would be a better
place :)
Cornwall 59
Cornwall 59
il y a 1 mois
Not easy with divorce.
il y a 1 mois
@FaithMusings, I disagree. If someone doesn't want anything to do with you, it's your job to
respect it... not force them into submission to forgiving you. There's something called consent. I
think religious groups need to have this conversation. If Native Americans mourn the death of
their people, if they are still angry about it, that's a stage of grief, leave them alone. If a little girl
doesn't want to be around her rapist, you don't send Christian champlains to force her to
forgive. Leave her alone. You're not counseling. You're there to sell people the promise of eternal
marijuana maintenance
marijuana maintenance
il y a 4 semaines
It's like taking poison and expecting the other person to die
Starseed Films
Starseed Films
il y a 1 an
After you forgive everyone who you believe did something to you, then you can move beyond
forgiveness. That is, coming to realize you were never a victim in the first place because no one
does anything to you... Therefore, there was nothing to forgive! Going beyond forgiveness is
realizing there was nothing to forgive. This is an advanced concept; it requires a total acceptance
that everything that has happened in your life is by Divine design.
Dortha Smith
Dortha Smith
il y a 1 an
Starseed Films .
Energy Good
Energy Good
il y a 1 an
Dortha Smith ...
馮 Yung Wei
馮 Yung Wei
il y a 1 an
3 at her back
Cb bee
Cb bee
il y a 1 an
Starseed Films what if you were the person doing things to hurt someone else's heart? and you
have learned your lessons amd will never hurt that person again? My life has changed for the
better I believe I have had a awakening and I cryed for hurting my wife and I am pretty sure she
believes that I have mad every effort to change... what then dose Karma stop?
il y a 1 an
Thank you, I've studied Seth and Abraham and couldn't make Karma fit. That's because I already
know I create everything that I project someone doing to me. Once you know that, victims no
longer exist and we've graduated from the Karmic levels. With Dolores having such great info, I
was trying to make karma fit and denying its existence at the same time. But her info is tailored
to help the people who are stuck in karma, who feel like victims. I think I get it now. Two people
can be in the same room with each other, but not necessarily in the same dimensional realities
with each other. Karma is only relative to how consciously we can create reality.
il y a 1 an
Chris bee what makes you think that there is such a thing as Karma? Why does a child get
cancer? What has the child done? Believing in karma holds you back. Either your s good person
or a bad person.
il y a 1 an
Starseed Films so true god bless ✌�
Arishamar Johnson
Arishamar Johnson
il y a 1 an
I was watching a childrens program and they stressed no one is bad. You either do this or that
but everything is all perception and can be judged so its just life.
Janna B
Janna B
il y a 1 an
Starseed Films
Jen K
Jen K
il y a 1 an
Arishamar Johnson I’m not so sure about this. Some people do some pretty HORRIBLE things.
Certain things CAN only be perceived as bad or evil.
il y a 1 an
! forgive the ones who sits with all the power, double down, and enslave people and old bullies...
Forgive the ones who destroys your earth, ruins your water, rapes and murders your kin...
Forgive the ones who seek to oppress you and punish you for standing up for your rights, or dare
stand in the way of the holy Trinity: Capitalism, Religion and Tribalism...
Because THEY didn't do that to you!
Because you did that to yourself?

Are you F#¤&#¤ing KIDDING ME?

I do not want to sound self righteous or vindictive here....

But my tolerance for inane claims has run down to less than zero..
Jen K
Jen K
il y a 1 an
bohemianwriter1 I've heard the concept before "there's perfection in suffering" and "everything
happens for a reason" (which is basically what he's saying) but, yeah I hear you. It's a little hard
believing that when you think of the absolute monstrosities that go on in this world. We're
honestly expected to take things like that and see the positive? Learn the lesson? When
someone does something that scars you and changes you for the rest of your life it's a little hard
to say "welp! Everything happens for a reason!".
He calls it "advanced thinking" but we just see it as "the perspective of the guy who's probably
never had to endure that type of pain". But I could be wrong on that.
It's a poetic view on life though, I'll give him that :)
il y a 1 an (modifié)
According to the "tests", I'm suppose to be a so called light warrior. It was the spontaneous
kundalini shakti activation that gave me a clue.
An activation I never really sought after, or even knew about before the 6 year long vague
symptoms I couldn't link to each exploded in my face during a mushroom ceremony this
Does that mean I have to walk around like a bloody hippie Jesus and kiss abusers and psychos on
the lips and say "all is forgiven"...?
The only thing that has stopped me from drowning my liver in a bottle or go on a rampage is the
On the scar side....I keep them as a badge of honor. And a reminder of every time life and dense
energies tried to destroy me but couldn't.
"There is perfection in suffering"....Perhaps he would like to tell that to the kids in Yemen? Or
that lepra patient in Calcutta.. Or the muslim minority of Myanmar. Tell it to the people who lost
their job, lost their health insurance, their homes, and their right to vote, or the whistle-blowers
who gets criminalized and persecuted for telling the truth. Tell it to the victims of the "war on
drugs"...Tell it to the young suckers who thought that killing civilians across the globe was
"defending our freedoms" and whom are now one step away from a putting a load of lead
directly in their head.
Either this person has gone through a ton of suffering himself and managed to elevate himself
above it, or he is full of shit.
It's like saying "there is something divinely sublime with the torture chambers of the Inquisition
and the mass slaughter of the native Americans by Columbus"...
"There is a karmic lesson to be taught here"....And then continues to whale on their victims with
snake venom infected bicycle chains and and Ebola infested switch blades.
Either my 3rd dimensional ego has been tainted by lifetimes of worldly insanity, or someone "out
there" needs their karmic gyroscope readjusted. Because that looks like it's as balanced as the
elevator on Motel 6 during Sumo wrestling convention.
I'm sure Dante is laughing his arse off as we speak.
Jen K
Jen K
il y a 1 an
bohemianwriter1 You remind me a lot of someone I know...he has a huge heart but no filter
whatsoever and offends people on the regular :). He's one of my favorite people lol. He DOES
have a drinking problem though and I only wish he could have turned to pot instead.
You talk like someone who only sees the negative but I call it being a realist. There's much
beauty and love here but the pain and suffering is endless and devastating.
I read about the concept in a book called "Conversations with God". It's interesting but I still
haven't finished it. I find parts difficult to read because I disagree with a lot of it. Interesting non
the less though and I do plan on eventually finishing it...just in tiny portions at a time :)
As for the scars? I just live with mine. I'm not sure they've made me stronger though only less
trusting. I refuse to become "hard" because that doesn't equal strength to me. I simply carry
them as best I can.
il y a 1 an (modifié)
As a writer who has gone through periods drenching my intestines with booze when I bled on
paper (writing heavy "stuff") to numb the pain, I have learned a few things throughout the
years...At least my ex'es from Belfast would be deliriously happy that I put down the bottle and
picked up the joint for good. Too bad they're not around in my neighbourhood to see it.
I would rather tell the ugly truth than pretty little lies just to feed someone's ego.
I'm not a "nice guy".. But can come through as quite....challenging for the thin skinned bourgeois
pricks I sometimes have to deal with. I'd rather be hated for telling what is wrong with the whole
system than become a prophet of lies.
I'm Norwegian. Showing strange to us unless we're drinking from the same well of
Kvasir's blood. Half of all my favorite writers had a drinking problem, and died from it in one way
or another.
One, Jens Bjørneboe had been wading in the gore of History of Bestiality. He might have a sense
of humor in it all, it wasn't enough for him to hang himself after finding out he couldn't drink
Our earliest writers, like a kin of mine who fled to Iceland, Eigil Skallagrimsson once wrote on
feelings "I did not eat for 3 days".....He was in mourning.. and described it 7 words.
Then he continued to chop off people's heads just to find that perfect punchline.
I consider him the world's 1st Gonzo journalist... About a 1000 years ahead of the great Hunter
S. Thompson who wrote in the death of the American dream as he made his wife and kid
petrified home at the Owl Farm before someone blew his head off.
We are writers. As a tribe, none of us are easy to deal with. Alone, we're more than a handful..
It's a risky business not for the faint-hearted. The list of casualties bears witness of that.
And many times full of ourselves.. Basically for being right most of the time compared to our
contemporaries.. We're that punk kid in the crowd who yelled "the emperor has no clothes!" I
take pride in that role. I guess being hated by politicians these days should be considered as a
badge of honor.
I'd be that anti-hero in that story.... As well as the narrator.
Jen K
Jen K
il y a 1 an
bohemianwriter1 Okay....but ONLY focusing on the negative is a lie too. If that's all you think
about, it will consume you and creat your reality (sounds like maybe it already has?). Life is
horrible and terrifying but it's also amazing and beautiful. You choose your thoughts and what to
focus your energy on. Try writing a story about compassion and love next time maybe...and put
as much passion into it as you do the painful ones. Yes, I'm challenging you! And
will suck unless you allow yourself to sympathize with the characters! :)
I can't imagine not letting myself feel! It's what makes us human!
A Neo
A Neo
il y a 1 an
Chris Bee---To the best of our understanding...I believe what you describe diffuses 'karma'. This
particular subject is highly interesting to me, and resonates with me. Take care :)
Omni B.
Omni B.
il y a 1 an
Starseed Films True indeed. Everything happens by design and once you learn this that is when
you then choose to live your life by design as the creator! I AM GOD. Peace harmony & Love
Diane Wyatt
Diane Wyatt
il y a 1 an
Starseed Films thank you my friend your missed
il y a 1 an
This is similar to what " a course in miracles teaches, it says that there is nothing to forgive
because we remain as God created us, so no one can harm our true self." we forgive what didn't
really happen. Only when are thinking is ego based do we fell somebody can harm us. Our body
is not us.
il y a 1 an
Cb bee yes because you have controll. everybody is innocent its al a mis umderstanding from
trouble that blows out
il y a 1 an
bohemianwriter1 if you know the truth about wrong an right thats what you dont have to
forgett.butt dont claim it for you...when it is all a misunderstatment where you have a cleu from
il y a 1 an
Jen K youre already hard for yourself. but youre not less human
Micheål Daly
Micheål Daly
il y a 1 an
what if you are seeking forgivness and it isn't granted to you.
Annette Morrison
Annette Morrison
il y a 1 an
Micheål Daly: All any of us can do is to apologize and seek to heal what pain we have caused. If
the person cannot or will not forgive you, then this becomes their karma or their cross to bear.
All you can do is to basically send them love.
Micheål Daly
Micheål Daly
il y a 1 an
Thank you.
Darkforever King
Darkforever King
il y a 1 an
Thank you but what would you say to me people I forgive tend to take my forgiveness and throw
it away as if it was nothing
il y a 11 mois
Starseed Films, I can't get past the fact that there are children who have undergone torture and
there is absolutely no excuse for that and to say that they are not victims is to say that their
perpetrators did nothing wrong.
il y a 11 mois
OB TC some people say past lives come into it but this video wasn’t describing karma the way
you did
il y a 11 mois
Darkforever King it doesn’t matter if they appreciate your forgiveness you don’t forgive for them
you do it for yourself it’s a decision to not be locked in “the contract” with that person anymore
you just let them go with love it doesn’t matter at all if they are grateful to you for your
Lucian V.
Lucian V.
il y a 10 mois
I was severely abused growing up and developed a cynical view of the world for most of my
adolescent years. It wasn't until I had my first dark night of the soul where I suddenly realized
that I am where I am because of my actions. Things might have happened in the past, but that's
long gone. All I can do now is pick up the pieces, mend what I had broken and accept full
responsibility for the actions and choices I'd made.

Forgiving my father was the hardest thing I had to do...but all it took was realizing that no one
was born evil. Our environment shapes us, and it's up to us to heal and rectify these habitual
patterns we may have picked up from childhood. I realized that hurt people hurt people...doesn't
excuse his actions...but I knew deep down he was a beautiful soul.

I forgave him. After that I began to see how the past pain was only preparing me to become a
becon of hope to those around me. My pain gave me the tools and lessons to aid my brothers
and sisters in their own times of need...I had found my purpose looking back in retrospect...and
it all clicked. It's all perfect. Nothing is random...

My journey doesn't stop here...there's still much more karma that needs to be released...and I
feel prepared to become freer than I've ever been in my life.
il y a 10 mois
realize you were never a victim in the first place because no one does anything to you... < so i
can kill you lol its not my fault
Christine Agnew
Christine Agnew
il y a 10 mois
I couldn't disagree more with that entire line of thought.
Christine Agnew
Christine Agnew
il y a 10 mois
jenka_world I utterly agree with you!
Ivy Mossgarden
Ivy Mossgarden
il y a 10 mois
+Christine Agnew You & me both.
drw isis
drw isis
il y a 10 mois
Starseed Films just amazing.
Sandra Frazier
Sandra Frazier
il y a 10 mois
Cb bee trying to figure out the same thing. My situation is different than yours but all situations
like this, in essence are the same! You hurt someone or they hurt you. You Make a massive
change to correct it. Or you Don’t, Same for the other person. So let’s say you did your part but
the other person refuses to see or acknowledge that you made a huge change. Then what? You
did all this, for yourself and them but you still lost, the person you made the change for! Or Vice
Versa! Then you set out to right your wrongs but they won’t allow you to. How does this change
Karma! You put in the work the time and you are left, with nothing other than having bettered
yourself, but the other person still views you the same way. If you can not get it across to them
how then would Karma Change. Can anyone answer this question?
Sandra Frazier
Sandra Frazier
il y a 10 mois
yuuser I somewhat understand what you are saying, but still don’t quite grasp it! How can two
people having a conversation be in two different realities at the same time?
Ready for Truth
Ready for Truth
il y a 10 mois
bohemianwriter1 During your Kundalini awakening, did you see The LIGHT?
Ready for Truth
Ready for Truth
il y a 10 mois
bohemianwriter1 Youre doing Gods work. Ironically, even though you abd I probably share the
same title of "Satan worshipers" by fools that wouldn't know the difference between satan and
God if it bit them in the ass.

Youre raw. I love you. I truly do. You remind me so much of myself. I had a kundalini awakening in
2013. Changed my life forever. After taking the fruit offered to me by the serpent, The LORD
banished me out of ignorance. Now? I hate the world. I hate people. I hate existence. I hate
religion. I hate babies. I hate pretty much everything. Getting into fights with religious zealots
and foolish atheists are all I can do to stay entertained. I've chosen to hate the world and love
God. But how does one love God they know exists, but yet won't do anything about suffering?

I am a former Christian (Pentecostal apologetics was my specialty), but then...I was so damned
tired of the gossip, name calling and greed by the church leaders that I was compelled to leave
the church. And trust me, if a girl like me can leave the church that was run by her grandparents,
ANYONE can leave the cult

So now, I spend my days trolling YouTube finding zealots that have never seen God yet believe in
fairytale literalism, and also troll egotistical twats that think we evolved from amoebas. Between
those 2 polar opposites, I find sanctuary.

So yes. This is a hard life. I'd like to think I chose this life for a reason. I'd like to think I was
chosen to know and see God face to Face for a reason. I'd like to think im not destined to hell for
betraying the god of my elders.

Id like to think I don't exist so these problems wouldn't exist for me.

"I did not eat for three days...."

Ready for Truth
Ready for Truth
il y a 10 mois
Sandra Frazier How do you have conversations with people in your dreams? Same sort of idea...
OG Strick
OG Strick
il y a 10 mois
bohemianwriter1 can’t argue perception ♂ ‍
Ready for Truth
Ready for Truth
il y a 10 mois
Dee Dee No one said it was the child's fault. So maybe you should fuck off.
Ready for Truth
Ready for Truth
il y a 10 mois
Dee Dee Just because you foegive someone, doesn't mean you place the blame elsewhere. To do
so, would be torture. That child isn't to blame. And if you can accept it, and know true divine
plans, neither did the one doing it. Its all about where the evil originated from in the first place.
What I've come to learn on my path to forgiveness is that abusers are normally abusers because
they were once victims. Good people don't do bad things unless bad things happened to THEM
by good people. This is the meaning of "Love the sinner, not the sin"
Ready for Truth
Ready for Truth
il y a 10 mois
Dee Dee What who is saying? Delores? Or the OP? Bc I didn't get that from either of them. My
apologies. Have a nice day.
Ready for Truth
Ready for Truth
il y a 10 mois
EduceMe Then you can't argue. Period. Because all existence is merely perception.
Luisa Rodrigues
Luisa Rodrigues
il y a 10 mois
Starseed Films iiiiiiiiiiiii.
Infinite Possibility
Infinite Possibility
il y a 10 mois
Amazing. #respect
Jude Bigelow
Jude Bigelow
il y a 10 mois
Starseed Films Love this post!!!
Sonia S
Sonia S
il y a 9 mois
How is it so that no one does anything to you?
Greg G
Greg G
il y a 9 mois
OB TC maybe the child did something in his/her past life to have to deal with the cancer in their
present life.
Kellie Wiese
Kellie Wiese
il y a 8 mois
Starseed Films i forgive them all End the contract its not working and i do this with pure love
il y a 8 mois
I'm with you -- the ONLY one who feels better is the perp
Brash Cracker
Brash Cracker
il y a 8 mois
From my earliest memory until i was about 17 my father beat me severely. So severely
il y a 8 mois (modifié)
but you can't forgive by just SAYING OK I FORGIVE YOU, it is not how it works, a person who truly
has forgiven shit knows what I'm talking about, it is process in divine timing
il y a 8 mois
Starseed Films so if I beat the shot out of you, there would be nothing to forgive, I did nothing to
Bat WomanXVII
Bat WomanXVII
il y a 8 mois
OB TC good and bad can only exist in comparison with each other. We have to move beyond this
level altogether. Contracts can be made before incarnation. We are an expression of existence.
Bat WomanXVII
Bat WomanXVII
il y a 8 mois
Starseed Films sincere thanks.
Ursula Jerry
Ursula Jerry
il y a 8 mois
Alannah Jones
Alannah Jones
il y a 7 mois
what about people torturing and getting brutally killed by serial killers? Is that also by grand
Christ is king
Christ is king
il y a 6 mois
PHILOSPHICAL SUMMARY OF LUCIFERIANISM: (We are going into 5th dimension I used to
believe this nonsense as a psychic medium & healer before seing the real Jesus Christ) I used to
listen to bashar, kryon, abraham hicks etc.
Luciferianism is the embodiment of knowledge and power that acknowledges the Principle of
Lucifer as the "Light of Consciousness." Be it as a god or as a principle, Lucifer has transcended
many cultures as the "Bearer of Light;" the Light which illuminates the consciousness of sapient
beings and heightens the senses and awareness to experience Higher Levels of Being.
Luciferianism is the path of Self Mastery, Self-Attainment, Self-Sovereignty and the Illumination
of the Higher Self.

Luciferians work to attain their own higher intelligence,illumination and/or enlightenment.

As Lucifer is the embodiment of knowledge, he represents that which brings light to the mind of
humanity to advance the intellectual evolution of our species.By him do we actively pursue our
own evolution to higher understanding and higher levels of becoming.Luciferianism is
intellectual progress and freedom. A Luciferian may or may not believe in and/or worship Lucifer
as a spiritual being, deity or father god.

A Luciferian may be purely philosophical regarding the principles symbolically embodied in

Lucifer as knowledge, wisdom, and light.Regardless of personal belief, all Luciferians advocate
intellectual individualization over massconformity, and are thereby free to choose that which
works best for them.

Luciferianism is essentially the way of light and knowledge that leads one to that which is
termed the Higher Self. Within each Luciferian is a relentless urge to know, dare, will and keep
silent. The world is our laboratory and life is the experiment. Through self-knowledge, self-
betterment and self-mastery, one experiences greater awareness, reflecting from within the Self,
as an aware being interacting with the environment.


Isaiah 14:12-15(SATAN BEFORE HIS FALL):*

“How you have fallen from heaven,

O star of the morning, son of the dawn!
You have been cut down to the earth,
You who have weakened the nations!

“But you said in your heart,

‘I will ascend to heaven;
I will raise my throne above the stars of God,
And I will sit on the mount of assembly
In the recesses of the north.

‘I will ascend above the heights of the clouds;

I will make myself like the Most High.’

“Nevertheless you will be thrust down to Sheol,

To the recesses of the pit.

Luke 14:11
For all those who exalt themselves will be humbled, and those who humble themselves will be


❤ ✞ Salvation is a free gift of God("Saving verses"): ✞ ❤

Ephesians 2:8-9
For it is by grace you have been saved through faith, and this not from yourselves; it is the gift of
God, not by works, so that no one can boast

Acts 2:38
Peter replied, "Repent and be baptized, every one of you, in the name of Jesus Christ for the
forgiveness of your sins. And you will receive the gift of the Holy Spirit.

Romans 10:9
If you declare with your mouth, "Jesus is Lord," and believe in your heart that God raised him
from the dead, you will be saved.

John 3:16-18
For God so loved the world that He gave His one and only Son, that everyone who believes in
Him shall not perish but have eternal life. For God did not send His Son into the world to
condemn the world, but to save the world through Him.

John 7:38-39
Whoever believes in Me, just as the Scripture has said: ‘Streams of living water’” will flow from
within him. He was speaking about the Spirit, whom those who believed in Him were later to

John 4:14
but whoever drinks the water I give them will never thirst. Indeed, the water I give them will
become in them a spring of water welling up to eternal life

Galatians 5:6 -
The only thing that counts is faith in the lord Jesus Christ expressing itself through love.

1 John 4:8 God is love.

Hebrews 12:29 - God is a consuming fire./ Matthew 3:12 - unquenchable fire
John 4:24 - God is spirit
1 John 1:5 - God is light("The light of life") John 1:4

Conclussion: God is a consuming spirit of blazzing light fiery love, that burns up all darkness and
evil through Jesus Christ. Repent & put your faith in the lord Jesus Christ. God called you not to
condemn you, but to love you.


Peace, Love, Sunshine
Peace, Love, Sunshine
il y a 5 mois
Starseed Films what if those hurting you don’t want forgiveness and continue the hurtful
patterns? Surely we have a right to love ourselves enough to separate ourselves from them!!??
Jessica Victoria
Jessica Victoria
il y a 5 mois (modifié)
Once you have healed your trauma you can then look at it from a place of forgiveness and see in
what ways it ended up benefiting you, yes. It’s a process. Yes people did something to you if
they abused you. However they did it not personally to you because if they really knew the real
you they wouldn’t have. They did it out of their own trauma and hate for themselves. Unhealed
wounds. . Being a victim isn’t a bad thing. If you were a victim, you were a victim. Feel the
feelings, release the resentment, understand about their childhood and soul lessons, forgive,
and step into your power. It can be transmuted. Takes times! It’s ok!
Jessica Victoria
Jessica Victoria
il y a 5 mois
Cindy Avery Honor yourself by separating yourself from anyone who hurts you.
Peace, Love, Sunshine
Peace, Love, Sunshine
il y a 5 mois
Jessica Armenta yes!! Absolutely! Thank you!
Crystal clarke
Crystal clarke
il y a 5 mois
So someone who raped and nearly killed your mother and raped 6 other women and walked
free from court I should forgive this person. Just like that just switch off your feelings and
thoughts like a light switch.
William Lawton
William Lawton
il y a 5 mois
Starseed Films n
Jessica Victoria
Jessica Victoria
il y a 5 mois (modifié)
autumn clarke Do it on your own time.... so sorry that happened. Embrace that pain and anger,
you deserve to feel for what you’ve been through.
Crystal clarke
Crystal clarke
il y a 5 mois
Jessica Armenta . My mother has died now but I am still angry with her for all the awful things
she did to me and my family.
Jessica Victoria
Jessica Victoria
il y a 5 mois
autumn clarke get underneath the anger and embrace and feel the pain... set yourself free
Crystal clarke
Crystal clarke
il y a 5 mois
Jessica Armenta my life was all based on secrets and lies and I will never know the truth.
Jessica Victoria
Jessica Victoria
il y a 5 mois
autumn clarke mine too love find me on Facebook Jessica Armenta I have blonde hair with
hearts in my picture let’s chat
Crystal clarke
Crystal clarke
il y a 5 mois
Jessica Armenta maybe I should let it go but when things in daily life arise it all keeps coming
back to haunt me.
Jessica Victoria
Jessica Victoria
il y a 5 mois
autumn clarke it’s not possible to just let something go like that in an instance
il y a 5 mois
@OB TC there is no good or bad...just difference of opinion
il y a 5 mois
@bohemianwriter1 the more you speak of it etc the more you help create it.
il y a 5 mois
@Ready for Truth Long time since I've been in here.
Whatever god's work I do.. as long as it isn't Yahweh's work, I'm fine with it, and as long as he or
she don't get in my way, and supply me with what I need during my spiritual battles, and nightly
rides across Serpent Creek.
Pentecostals.. Such a lovely bunch. Went to a pentecostal church once many years ago as a part
of our high school religious studies. If we were to have met 20 years ago if you were still chained
up as an apologetics, we'd have so much fun.. (at least I would :-)... making references to dead
writers such as Nietzche and Herman Hesse..
That school year, I studied Buddhism for special assigment in the fall, went to India and was
deemed "gurur" by some Ahmdiya muslims in New Delhi (for some strange reason), and got a
neck massage at a pentecostal center in Chobda some weeks later after visiting with them.

The year later, I trolled the preacher in some pentecostal church one Sunday early afternoon
while having a nasty hangover, interviewing him about the soul life of animals.
Never was in a religious family. And if anything, I must have been a Christian atheist, since I could
identify with the Jesus figure, and discard Noah.
Religions and spirituality was mine to freely explore without limitations.
These days, when I'm going to relax, or get into some "mood", I listen to this kind of music:

What is ironic, is that I might have to contact them once again, to help my arse back to India for
the same healing that old Indian woman gave me 26 1/2 years ago when I could hardly move my
neck...and then after that, stranger things started to happen..which made me wonder if the
Kashmir folks in New Delhi was right after all...

I think that old woman gave me a massage that might have started to wake the serpent, which
has been lying dormant for 25 years until last summer. Now, these last 15 months, there's been a
tendinitis and hyper sensitivity that has almost stopped me from being able to work even. As if
an entity, a monkey has latched itself on my back... taking pleasure in my pain...and when I can't
work...or make silly decisions... Or let myself be lowered to the vibration of others, and react to
Being called a Satan worshipper, and demon possessed by our Christian brothers and sister is
nothing new. Tell them about the Serpent, and they'd bring an excorsist I bet.

Don't know if I would hate babies. After all, they didn't ask to be born to feed the ego's of
spiritually lame parents.
I'd despise the parents more, since they hold all the power, and will influence their kids,
programming them with falsehoods since their first prayer together.
But if I can choose between a cat and a human, well, almost every day I'm among humans... is a
reminder why I have grown such fond of cats..
il y a 5 mois
@Christ is king
Christ is Consciousness..
Knowledge is both power and liberty.
And the bible is not only not written by the people you think have written it, some key passages
are allegories.. metaphores...sometimes for something much deeper, and sometimes for
something disgusting.. like blood baths.
Ready for Truth
Ready for Truth
il y a 5 mois
@bohemianwriter1 Hello my brother. Your words sadly ring true for me as well. Not many more
hateful than those I've met under the label "Christian." But, there are good people in every
bunch. I chose not to have children for the very reason you specified. Greedy parents in an
already overpopulated world. Screams selfishness to me. But then again, so do a lot of things in
this world.
il y a 5 mois
@Ready for Truth Namastè
May I ask what part of USA you are from?

You intrigue me...

Spent a year in Kansas as an exchange student back in 1989-90.. Strange year that was.. And
quite a contrast to the visits to Disney World, Caribbean and 'ole pirates' when going on summer
holidays to a sea faring step father at some cruise line. Instead of joyrides, I stayed on a farm
with a host family who reminded me of a more copulent version of American Gothic... A small
farm in the middle of nowhere. The nearest town 15 miles away. Population: 2000
Churches: 12
High School. 200
Like landing in the middle of Footloose meets any other 80s high school movie you can think of
without the charm.
I guess my consciousness and horizon started to expand already as a kid... While having to travel
through and sometimes even emulate low dimensional prejducises, absorbing them as my own
until I could deshackle myself from the chains of cheap tribalism and the dependence of a
validation gang (any cult, club, or special interest that takes over one's entire identity)...
And now, many years later, reminiscing with a fellow soul online I have never met while
wondering how long this 'spiritual awakening' thing with kundalini rising, blockages, and a 46
year old veteran crying like a kid every single week these days... completely incapacitated at
Like today....The day before 11.11 and should have done work in the rain...Wondering if the
Cosmic Gnome gets laughs out of this...
Ready for Truth
Ready for Truth
il y a 5 mois
bohemianwriter1 Who are you and where have you been my whole life?

You're not just an ordinary guy, I can already tell. Your ability to convey entire portraits with
words is fascinating. You'll find we have more in common than either of us know yet.
I was raised with the same prejudices. Had to over come them. I escaped the cult
(pentecostalism) and now am waiting for my number to be called as I ascend Higher with God

Its an honor to meet you, my brother.

Ready for Truth
Ready for Truth
il y a 5 mois
bohemianwriter1 Funny you mention 11.11. I saw it was 11/10 and thought life doesn't get
better than today. Tomorrow will be even better now.
il y a 5 mois
@Ready for Truth I am you :)

Feeling surges of energies as I write this...

You still didn't tell me what part of USA you come from...
Ready for Truth
Ready for Truth
il y a 5 mois
bohemianwriter1 Feel free to email me
Ready for Truth
Ready for Truth
il y a 5 mois
@bohemianwriter1 Michigan actually :) You? And yes...I feel the energy surges as a confirmation
Joanna MEY
Joanna MEY
il y a 5 mois
Starseed Films...I love your comment...It is very true and wise. I believe we learn from it all.
Jose Sanchez
Jose Sanchez
il y a 4 mois
Starseed Films
Nobody ever does anything to you? What is that supposed to mean?
Richard Lewis
Richard Lewis
il y a 4 mois
So a woman gets rape thats by design???????
David Skinner
David Skinner
il y a 4 mois
@bohemianwriter1 think of it this way. All you have mentioned is extremely powerful having
adversely impacted us for centuries. If you dare to challenge that negative power with the
thought of wanting to prevail over it, dare to exert something more powerful than all of it. That
power is your own will, your own power to choose to negate all of that negative energy by
banishing it into nothingness with forgiveness. I understand if you are too afraid to rise to that
level of power. Once done, you have nothing to hate, only love remains. Most people I find are
too afraid of the force and power of love and forgiveness. It's a real man, and real woman's
Trillforthis Facts
Trillforthis Facts
il y a 4 mois
So if a child is molested it never happened?
Trillforthis Facts
Trillforthis Facts
il y a 4 mois
@jenka_world exactly so it's by design to have some children rape murder like really
David Skinner
David Skinner
il y a 4 mois
@Trillforthis Facts Unfortunately the reality is, atrocities against children is nothing new, nor is it
likely to it ever change. As someone who does not commit those atrocities, and has children and
other lifeforms depending on us to keep our shared experience moving forward with love
energy, the choice becomes simple. We can choose to cling to the unforgiving negative emotions
of hate and loss, or we can choose to embrace forgiveness as tool to increase our capacity for
love and a more positivity. Negative emotions and positive emotions compete for the same
energy/oxygen within us. They cannot exist in the same space. Our choice of love naturally
suffocates the hate. Often we choose hate. We feed it rationalizing it as a means to an end. We
also pass it on to others, especially our children if we don't purposefully choose the harness the
force of love as our weapon of choice. Love can most efficiently be activated through the
practice of forgiveness. By not forgiving people, events, circumstances, histories and ourselves
we don't hold power over those entities, instead those entities sway power over us. I refuse to
relinquish my precious power. When my son was 3 years old he was the only witness when his
mother was shot in the face by her husband. Luckily the guy killed himself 2 days later when the
swat team was about to enter his parent's home and arrest him. Had he not done that it would
have been much harder for me forgive him because I would have been consumed with the hate
and negativity of orchestrating his punishment and demise. My son who is now 8, highly
intelligent and well adjusted has been able to thrive because I choose to let go of the hate and
negativity to focus on the love I needed in my life to give to my son, his older brother, my family,
my friends and my new 1 year old daughter. Why would I deprive those that I love of having a
fully functional loving me?
il y a 4 mois
@Micheål Daly you forgive yourself
sun shine
sun shine
il y a 4 mois
Doesn't make it right or feel good
Lavinah Saaid
Lavinah Saaid
il y a 4 mois
I need to steal this for my fb �
Christopher Nichols
Christopher Nichols
il y a 3 mois
If it's by Devine design how does free will come into play
john kim
john kim
il y a 3 mois
Starseed Films well who the fuck is this "divine"? you!
Sheri Lee
Sheri Lee
il y a 3 mois
What about abuse and exploitation of other beings on this earth? Trees, animals, flowers...they
forgive so it is okay to continue this? Humans are not the only being here...
il y a 3 mois (modifié)
If someone punches you in the face, you mean to tell me "no one does anything to you?" Yeah,
right! Some things happen by your personal choice, but sometimes people DO do things to you.
il y a 3 mois (modifié)
The nazi concentration camp survivors might not agree that" there's nothing to forgive because
you were never a victim in the first place because noone ever does anything to you". Sounds like
more new age dribble....such mindless dribble.
Jasna Julija Vidergar
Jasna Julija Vidergar
il y a 3 mois
il y a 3 mois
You and 782 people are full of ish. Just because it happened by "Divine design" doesn't mean
something didn't happen to you beyond your desire and control.
Hijab R
Hijab R
il y a 2 mois
Starseed Films


Forgiveness is beautiful . People who don’t forgive seem to have a sickness in their own hearts.
Ricky Ricardo
Ricky Ricardo
il y a 2 mois
To say there is no right or wrong is the greatest evil.. From the mouth of the evil themselves. To
forgive someone is not to say they did no wrong- its breaking the chains they put you in .
Forgiveness casts the cloud of shame they cover you in... As you sting strong and say I forgive
you- all the shot they put on you returns to themselves. They have no victory- no conquest- they
wear the shame and the dogs of hell they sent on you will return to them- THEIR KARMA. You
will wear the smile- their poison has no effect- they writhe in the pit they dug for you. In this
life or the next to come until - They will live the life they created for others. Forgiveness doesn't
free them - it frees You - their crimes remain till acknowledging their wrong and turn from it and
live to restore live instead of destroy them.
il y a 2 mois
really? even those people in the concentation camps set up by assholes into power?
Good Vibe
Good Vibe
il y a 2 mois
What about forgiving yourself
Ray Howard
Ray Howard
il y a 2 mois
So you say no one does nothing to you? When my grandfather raped me and my sisters over and
over,Did he not do something to us??
il y a 2 mois
If everything is by divine design, then we ultimately have no responsibility for our actions.
Essentially we are not creators just mere spiritual beings riding a cosmic wave of existence? Is
that what you mean? Because I don’t completely agree.
starla dejong
starla dejong
il y a 2 mois
@Lucian V. I needed to read this thankyou for this insight..I too suffered great dmages by my
father and have incredible resentments pain..hes passed on and I'm left with the baggage but I
am going to release him and let him go. Thanks for sharing your story.
AF Ghosting
AF Ghosting
il y a 2 mois
@Darkforever King I had a wise person tell me that peace comes with foregiveness for apologies
not yet made. Sounds like the people you mention have not yet apologized.
AF Ghosting
AF Ghosting
il y a 2 mois
@scroeffie Jesus gave his life with no malice towards his murderers; he urged his followers to
love their enemies, to forgive 7 times 70 times, and to carry their oppressors' cloaks twice the
distance demanded. The notion is a serious one - tough to swallow - but serious.
Darkforever King
Darkforever King
il y a 2 mois
instantclassic thank you
Neil Ramdhony
Neil Ramdhony
il y a 1 mois
@David Skinner x
GMaria -Ask the Spirts
GMaria -Ask the Spirts
il y a 1 mois
OB TC there may be a lesson to learn. It can be a fast way for a soul to clean up their karma mess
in pass lives.
Estela Kanoviya
Estela Kanoviya
il y a 1 mois (modifié)
*This is purely for my own reference, not in reply to this message. Hence I repeated some points
of the youtube channel's message as I highly resonate with it. Thank you!"

Let the person go with love. Tear up the contract in your mind. Just choose to go my own way
and take responsibility for my own life and my own choices. And the buttons will no longer be

Forgive them. Release it and let it go. Holding on to anger (cant talk about it cant release it) =

We are only hurting ourselves when we dont forgive. After forgiving all whom hurt us and
forgiving ourselves for whom we have hurt.... we move beyond forgiveness. That is coming to
realize that we were never a victim in the first place because no one has ever hurt us....
therefore there is nothing to forgive! It is an advanced concept, it requires a total acceptance
that everything that has happened in life was of our choosing and by the divine plan. One our
soul has chosen before we even reincarnated. Just to learn to expand and grow our
consciousness. It's all just a game. Take it lightly. Forgive and let go and see all with love. We will
ultimately return to love. To the divine in one piece.

"Punishment" is only a concept of how the human mind interprets karma and what society has
taught us to manipulate us. "Punishment" doesn't exist. Only cause and effect does. Hence we
can only be free of karma when we choose to deeply let go and forgive all. So that we no longer
hurt ourselves too.
divine signatures
divine signatures
il y a 1 mois
To say it is advanced feels constricting. There is no hierarchy in divine truth.
Julie Casey
Julie Casey
il y a 1 mois
You can tear up your contract rewrite your life the way you want to says Delores Cannon
Jane Wayseer
Jane Wayseer
il y a 1 mois
If everything that's happened in our lives is "by Divine design" than we DO NOT HAVE FREE WILL.
It's interesting that you believe rapists aren't guilty and that child molesters haven't victimized
Julie Casey
Julie Casey
il y a 1 mois
Do hope you drop your hate please
Constant Traveller
Constant Traveller
il y a 1 mois
I had belief that forgiveness should be earned. I was wrong. We should not bind anyone with
consequences of their doings (wrong or right). It's not for us to wish for their outcome. Use your
wishful thinking for betterment.
il y a 3 semaines
@Cb bee when you stop punishing yourself
Raymond Hoopai
Raymond Hoopai
il y a 4 jours
I have learned that whatever happens to us is the karma we have accumulated in this life and
past lives. Life will give you the same tests over and over until you past the test than you move
on with the next test or karma if you will until all the karma is exhauated or balanced out. Life is
all about learning. We make mistakes to learn from it.
Fluffy Bunny
Fluffy Bunny
il y a 1 an
Repressed anger leads to depression.
Adama Tova
Adama Tova
il y a 9 mois
Repressed any emotion, leads to some blockage, somewhere.
Israel R
Israel R
il y a 8 mois
Adama Tova I took acid and realized how much I hold my emotions. I literally teared up for a
good hour for all the things I've done, but I healed.
namie schowgurow
namie schowgurow
il y a 8 mois
Fluffy Bunny how can I unblock blockage.
Craig Famly
Craig Famly
il y a 8 mois
namie schowgurow do what she says and forgive
Bat WomanXVII
Bat WomanXVII
il y a 8 mois
Israel R holy crap! I just bought a book last week called How to Change Your Mind -the new
science of psychedelics by Michael Pollan, published this year! I am so excited about this. Thanks
for sharing, have a wonderful day and congratulations ��
Bat WomanXVII
Bat WomanXVII
il y a 7 mois
namie schowgurow give yourself some credit- at least you are aware of this and the fact that you
are searching and making an effort needs to be acknowledged. You are doing the best you can.
You are already PERFECT�
il y a 7 mois
Actually, I would say depression is anger directed at one's self.
il y a 4 mois
Fluffy Bunny totally true. Depression is awful. And I am letting go of anger. I forgive my husband.
I forgive myself for making so many mistakes and choosing the wonderful
Things I needed to do to myself.
Natalia Fermin
Natalia Fermin
il y a 3 mois
Fluffy Bunny ahhh so true!
Verbal Data
Verbal Data
il y a 2 mois
True. Which is why we need to let it go.
Jane Wayseer
Jane Wayseer
il y a 1 mois
repressed despair is repression. repressed anguish is anxiety
Sunny Deise
Sunny Deise
il y a 2 semaines
Anger is a lack of love �
Sunny Deise
Sunny Deise
il y a 2 semaines
@namie schowgurow you have to feel the emotions and allow yourself to process them. You
can feel the repressed ones through memory...
Lulu Clark
Lulu Clark
il y a 1 an
You can opt out of karma. Send loving energy to the ones who have hurt you and let them go,
send loving energies to the ones that you have hurt and let them go. Dissolve the ties that bind.
mildred davis
mildred davis
il y a 9 mois

By the process of quantum mechanics entanglement and by the energy thought-forms from the
quantum vibrating microtubules in the brain [ion channels]

We are all connected

Tiger Momma
Tiger Momma
il y a 6 mois
I needed to hear that.
Greg Durban
Greg Durban
il y a 5 mois
Mm best just forgive
Nilakshi Sarma
Nilakshi Sarma
il y a 5 mois
How exactly do i send loving energy ?
Elaine Hughes
Elaine Hughes
il y a 5 mois
You cannot opt put of karma! You can only burn it off by serving God thru service to the world.
Lori S
Lori S
il y a 3 mois (modifié)
Karma is the chains that drag us downs and keep us connected to those negative experiences or
relationships and people who hurt us and those who got hurt by us. It's connected to our
subcontinuous level, and therefore it can be very hard for most people to brake those chains.
The key is to TRULY and completely forgive ourselves (and/or the others, who might've done
harm to us) and love and accept ourselves (remember - if we don't love/respect ourselves, we
can't truly love/respect anyone else). I know - It is easier said than done. Our subcontiosness is
like computer archives - keeps those bad experiences hidden even if we try to "eraise" them on
the surface. I personally found EFT tapping very helpful in cleaning my subcontios "archives",
and was able to let go of a lot of negative memories and even turn some of them into positive
il y a 3 mois
Margaret louise
Margaret louise
il y a 2 mois
One way to do it is to remember that the other person is God stuff. Yep, the same God you pray
to. It's just that the person has forgotten it and so is misbehaving.
Eve Louise
Eve Louise
il y a 2 mois
@Elaine Hughes yes Hun, that's called embodying loving energy, or love in action.
Service is an act of love, and God is Love. Do all things from and with Love.
Sending so much of it to you xx
il y a 1 mois
@Nilakshi Sarma Think of the person, hold a picture of them in your mind. FEEL love and
imagine you are surrounding the person in a pink bubble or circle or tube (anithing tha envelops
the person entirely) and just say I love you. Also just imagine you are throwing a handfull of
pink sparkly sprinkles over the person. There are many ways to imagine it but the most
important thing is to actually feel the love, even if you have to think of someone or something
else like a baby or a puppy. It's important that you feel love when you think of that person.
il y a 2 semaines
yoko every
yoko every
il y a 3 ans
hell no im not coming back here
Leo Feza
Leo Feza
il y a 1 an
yoko every oh it says you actually fought to come here, as weird as that sounds. Lol
il y a 1 an
Hahaha,I thought the same!
Nafrini Ali
Nafrini Ali
il y a 1 an
yoko every me either shit! Lol
il y a 1 an
I am with you. I am not coming back to this hell?
Cherie Miller
Cherie Miller
il y a 1 an
This is the last round here before we go onto new things
M. F. Richardson
M. F. Richardson
il y a 1 an
yoko every I love you. I really love you. I'm not coming back, if I can help it. I've heard suside
keeps you from coming back
I'd gladly walk off with bthe devel if it meant not coming back.
il y a 1 an
+yoko every------almost everyone returns to Earth because they are not spiritually disciplined to
finish and are still attached to desires. Detach and Surrender as you do to sleep.
Jen K
Jen K
il y a 1 an
Lol I’ve actually had several conversations with my soul saying “please promise me you won’t
forget how hard it is here as soon as everything is bliss! Please don’t make me come back here”.
Pretty sad if you think about it : /
il y a 1 an
+Jen K----Life gets better with age and spiritual practice. Do you enjoy a half cooked meal or do
you employ patience and skill to do it correctly? No one is going anywhere until they are
finished. Until a person has encountered "dark night of the soul" they have no idea what
unpleasant is.
Jen K
Jen K
il y a 1 an
RUSSIAN ROBOT I appreciate what you’re saying but the analogy doesn’t really resonate with
me. I hate cooking �
il y a 1 an
+Jen K-----but we all enjoy eating. The best food for you is the food your body type requires
(Ayurveda). Unless your food is cooked by someone with better karma and vibrations than you,
it is best you cook for yourself. I did not like to make time or learn skills to cook but have
discovered it is not that unenjoyable and when my body "HUMS" I realize it is worth the trouble.
I do not like having meat/flesh (dead food) in my house but my cat requires it so I have become
flexible and reasonable. It is all about detachment.
Michael Place
Michael Place
il y a 1 an
HAHAHAHA! I said the same thing! If I do come back, my one condition is that I come back born
to an enlightened family as a fully actualized enlightened being!
Purple Flame Tarot
Purple Flame Tarot
il y a 1 an
Jen K - That's funny, lol. Like going through labor and delivery. I've heard so many women say
they're not having any more kids! But as soon as that little bundle is laid in their arms the pain
becomes a quick memory, and they convince themselves it wasn't THAT bad. ;-)
il y a 1 an
+Purple Flame Tarot-------Beautiful comment!
il y a 11 mois
I'm not coming back either, I am detaching myself to earth, loved ones, possessions. Try learn as
many lessons as there is to be learnt and say goodbye Earth, goodbye Karma, Goodbye Time!
il y a 11 mois
+Mac7----do not forget to Forgive everyone and everything including your unconscious Self. BE
in Gratitude always and Desire NOTHING, no wants, distractions, regrets. OPEN the heart and
mind to ALL and anything that occurs. Most important is to not cling to FEAR especially when
experiencing "dark night of the soul" or EGO death. Detach and Surrender has always been the
object of this Game in Duality Universe.
il y a 11 mois
Definitely practicing these things! Not easy to forgive the evil in this realm but necessary!
Experienced my 1st Ego death in my 1st ever Ayahuasca ceremony. It was beautiful.
Master Opulence Spells
Master Opulence Spells
il y a 10 mois
Lol how about leaving but in peace them without no karma or fears them you’ll go to the next
level ��
Ivy Mossgarden
Ivy Mossgarden
il y a 10 mois
daisy duke
daisy duke
il y a 10 mois
yoko every u got it! Life is torture, omg..
Tia Tia
Tia Tia
il y a 10 mois
yoko every .. My cousin says this allll the
il y a 8 mois

Maria Tortosa
Maria Tortosa
il y a 7 mois
me to this is hell.
Human Being
Human Being
il y a 5 mois
I was there (the Dark Night of the Soul)...gossipers, haters, dealing with Narcissists, triangulation,
manipulation, verbal abuse, assault, gaslighting; then more game playing. You would think they
went to school for it. Denial of their opioid addiction...wanting pity. They'll send Invites to family
functions where they deliberately use an incorrect address, (more stupid games)...didn't attend
either, yet sent gift...only because I liked what they used to be! I pray to God...they'll always try
to suck you back in...No, no, no!
sieh megena
sieh megena
il y a 5 mois
@Human Being yup, scared little puppies who almost cost you your life
RAVEN productions
RAVEN productions
il y a 5 mois
lmfao same
il y a 4 mois
@Mac7 scared the fuck out of me.
Violet Flame
Violet Flame
il y a 4 mois
Cobber Cobber
Cobber Cobber
il y a 4 mois
I feel the same. This planet is bathed in darkness. If I get to choose I want to spend next
lifetimes in the Pleiades
Verbal Data
Verbal Data
il y a 2 mois
M. F. Richardson I would think if anything suicide would guarantee you come back. that is not a
successful outcome to a life. it does not indicate lessons well learned. and when you go you
leave a lot of suffering for other people. that’s a recipe for karma.
Danijela COSO
Danijela COSO
il y a 1 mois
I need to show this to my husband, even if I have to tie him up ( most likely scenario ). The man
has some serious anger issues. So much negative energy, which is not only toxic for him, but to
all of us living in the same house.
Raissa's Urban Kitchen
Raissa's Urban Kitchen
il y a 2 semaines
yoko every f*ck coming back.
Helping Hand Solutions
Helping Hand Solutions
il y a 1 an
I love this. However most people are like you should try to repair things with your family. My
thoughts are just because someone is a blood relation does not mean that they are apart of my
Nu Mindframe
Nu Mindframe
il y a 1 an
Monique Williams I literally just filmed a video about this and was second guessing if I should
post it. Thank you for the confirmation!
Helping Hand Solutions
Helping Hand Solutions
il y a 1 an
Nu Mindframe hey, glad that my comment resonated with you. Would you please post your link
to the video, I would love to hear your thoughts.
il y a 6 mois
thats a good word u are saying.i try to keep that in mind.
Lynne Bradley
Lynne Bradley
il y a 5 mois
I agree
Paris Melvin
Paris Melvin
il y a 5 mois
I know that’s right! Your health, accomplishing your dreams, your peace, and happiness is
essential to your survival.
Kathy Overton
Kathy Overton
il y a 5 mois
Miss Monique, you are one of my favorite people right now. Thank you!
WeWrite WritersBureau
WeWrite WritersBureau
il y a 5 mois
True, ent?! I hear that
B. Marie
B. Marie
il y a 4 mois
il y a 4 mois
I agree I have an alleged half sister who I stay away from as she is like my bat shit crazy father....
which both of them I will be ending the contract.
il y a 4 mois
@Paris Melvin amen
David Skinner
David Skinner
il y a 4 mois
You don't have to make them a part of your tribe. Forgiveness is something that you practice and
benefit from without even involving the people or things that offended you. Practice forgiveness
as an affirmation and benefit from its impact of releasing your own negative associations to
those people tin order to increase your capacity to conduct your own love work. They don't have
to know. You dont have to tell them anything. You reap all the reward and the benefits and keep
it moving like you always do.
Eve Louise
Eve Louise
il y a 2 mois
Amachetay Cybo
Amachetay Cybo
il y a 2 mois
hell yea the entire multiverse is uh so lol
il y a 1 an
Kirk Barkley
Kirk Barkley
il y a 8 mois
Neither do I
rose rose
rose rose
il y a 8 mois
me 2
God anointed
God anointed
il y a 8 mois
Me three!
Deborah Monacelli
Deborah Monacelli
il y a 8 mois
Me 444
Craig Famly
Craig Famly
il y a 8 mois
MARIJUANA CANNABIS just remember then when you get to the other side say I don’t want that
il y a 7 mois
You can choose not to come back, apparently. "I'm leaving the reincarnation machine. Please
show me the exit from this matrix so I can go back to my true home" is a choice you have. It's
like an item on the secret menu from a restaurant. They don't inform of this choice because they,
whoever they are, benefit from reincarnation, i.e. suffering energies. Well, all I know is that I'm
not coming back, either.
UTexas Nurse
UTexas Nurse
il y a 7 mois
I do!! I have so many things I do not have time to do.. spend time with my family.,read more
books , watch TV, learn new languages , meet new friends, have more kids , meet new guys ,
travel around the World , learn a new skill, advance my degrees and my careers, invent some
cool gadgets, new hobbies etc etc ... I need like a another 700-1000 years ...
Maria Berg
Maria Berg
il y a 7 mois
never born never die!
Mel Ginn
Mel Ginn
il y a 6 mois
What is 444?
tahlia shertzer
tahlia shertzer
il y a 6 mois
� ��
@UTexas Nurse example of young soul...�
UTexas Nurse
UTexas Nurse
il y a 6 mois
tahlia shertzer awwww �
UTexas Nurse
UTexas Nurse
il y a 6 mois
Michael S you won’t need it ! You feel high for eternity
Joanna MEY
Joanna MEY
il y a 5 mois
MARIJUANA CANNABIS.....I don't want to come back again either. I hope to God we DO get that
choice!!! Life has great moments and wonderful people in it (and awful ones too,) but it is also
very, very hard work! You were liked 44 times before I changed it to 45....Maybe that was a good
sign for you. : ))
Joanna MEY
Joanna MEY
il y a 5 mois
P.s I can't smoke weed it gives me terrible depression and anxiety. Mind you, I never really could.
It gives me hives too. I guess we are all different...
Sophie Allen
Sophie Allen
il y a 5 mois
UTexas Nurse thought I was the only one
Divination Tarot
Divination Tarot
il y a 5 mois
@Mel Ginn Devine guidance
petula papuni
petula papuni
il y a 5 mois
Then FORGIVE!!! FORGIVE!!! & FORGIVE!!! 77x all u who don't want to come bk...LISTEN
Mindcontrol Barbie
Mindcontrol Barbie
il y a 5 mois
444s brought me here as well.
Sanober Malhotra
Sanober Malhotra
il y a 5 mois
To start with, I just want to stay UP where everything is so perfect. I do not see any reason in
going through this endless cycle of birth and death.
As I believe in reincarnation and being born again and again within the same family and friend
circle till we clear up all our Karmas, there is a standing joke between my sister and I that once
we exit this carnate world we will stay back Home and stop each other from incarnating again!
Yasmin Legrand
Yasmin Legrand
il y a 5 mois
Me too
Wanda Stinson
Wanda Stinson
il y a 5 mois
Let go of desire...easier said then done.
Sonya B
Sonya B
il y a 4 mois
I have been on my eay back many times yet i keep getting pulled back. Please im ready
The Spirit Lions
The Spirit Lions
il y a 4 mois
Reincarnation has been twisted into a strong belief system but its not true, you don’t reincarnate
you come here once and anybody seeing past lives are not seeing that but other parallel lives of
their oversoul who are like your brothers and sisters having their own lives here.
Arron Wynn
Arron Wynn
il y a 4 mois
I'm with you I do not want to come back to this planet the way things are now it won't be worth
coming back won't be anything but robots anyway
Musoke Shifah
Musoke Shifah
il y a 4 mois
Me too 444 let me go
Angelic Vixen
Angelic Vixen
il y a 4 mois
The Spirit Lions speak for yourself. Not because that’s your belief makes it automatically true.
jim jim
jim jim
il y a 3 mois
I agree. The thought of coming back and maybe suffer a horrible demise again and again. No
il y a 3 mois
@Mel Ginn angel number meaning angels are supporting you
Christof L
Christof L
il y a 2 mois
How do you know? It may be very boring on the other side or may just be more fun playing in a
physical body. You are seeing things through physical eyes and seeing hardship and pain but
through spiritual eyes it may be all a game.
Joe Schilling
Joe Schilling
il y a 2 mois
@UTexas Nurse Start Now
Anthony Frangos
Anthony Frangos
il y a 2 mois
@RLviddy you are soooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo full of shit.
Eve Louise
Eve Louise
il y a 2 mois
Stop smoking weed, and then you might see differently.
Jus Be
Jus Be
il y a 2 mois
Angelic Celeste 144
Angelic Celeste 144
il y a 2 mois (modifié)
I stopped this video at 4.44.
I dont hold any truths, but my essense tells me, someone has to stop the madness going on. My
religion is my moral compass. I could forgive most things, but bloodsacrificing children? Before
forgiveness, it needs to stop. I could forgive everything done to me in a splitsecond, but that
does not make anything stop, does it? Forgiving can be a release, but it can also mean turning a
blind eye to certain circumstances, atleast that is my current belief. Again, i dont know if i dont
know, so perhabs dont take my words as the truth, but saying "we are all one" is for me the
same as neglecting the courage all heros had, those who for example has tried to stop child
torture, starvation and killing people for profit in wars.
il y a 2 mois
MARIJUANA CANNABIS we will tho I wanna be reincarnated as another being in a reality and
planet of intelligence and love if It doesn’t have anything like that i won’t try to reincarnate in
here again then I’ll become a spirit guide or a guardian angel
Verbal Data
Verbal Data
il y a 2 mois
RLviddy there’s no “they” in this situation. who would benefit from suffering energies?
Joseph Barclay Ross
Joseph Barclay Ross
il y a 2 mois (modifié)
Oh come on, smoke another doobie and we'll talk.
Def Style
Def Style
il y a 2 mois
How can you learn from each life and not make the same mistakes again when you don't
remember anything from a past life once you are reincarnated?
Jeremy Muthart
Jeremy Muthart
il y a 2 mois
Def Style amen!
Jenny Stardust
Jenny Stardust
il y a 2 mois
Me neither. Peace and love to you, 444.✨
Chris Campbell
Chris Campbell
il y a 2 mois
@tahlia shertzer "watch tv" lol.
il y a 2 mois
You might change your mind....

Also I think that outlook of not wanting to come back can be somewhat tied to not letting go of
whatever it is that we are detrimentally dwelling on. Without those hang ups (which I still have),
the experience is generally much more pleasant.

I can actually picture living hundreds or thousands of years and not even particularly do all that
much. As long as there are a few engaging activities and interesting interactions with people, I
find it rather enjoyable....particularly when I’m not hung up on decisions I’ve made or people I’ve
been involved with, which I’ve done a great deal of.
Nuckled t
Nuckled t
il y a 2 mois
il y a 1 mois
You'll be back lol
il y a 1 mois
Trev1183 lol
il y a 1 mois (modifié)
UTexas Nurse most people don’t realize that’s a restlessness that may signal discontentment and
lack of gratitude. Look within its all there. Careful my dear.
Nicole Kanke
Nicole Kanke
il y a 1 mois
@Mindcontrol Barbie me too
Out of sight Out of mind
Out of sight Out of mind
il y a 1 mois
@Craig Famly No.
Out of sight Out of mind
Out of sight Out of mind
il y a 1 mois
@RLviddy Do they have a children's menu? What about take out? Is tipping 10%?
il y a 1 mois
@Anthony Frangos Why do you say that?
il y a 1 mois
@Out of sight Out of mind Yes.
Amy Jones
Amy Jones
il y a 1 mois
Me, either!
Bob Urbonas
Bob Urbonas
il y a 1 mois
We can’t come back to a place we were never at to begin with...peace 444...
Candace Fleming
Candace Fleming
il y a 1 mois
RLviddy exactly! The Archons patrol the astral realm and manipulates you in thinking you must
come back just so they can feed off your lower energy vibrations. Instead you tell them you are
going back where you came from and that is Source. There’s holes in the matrix like Swiss
cheese, find that hole and exit. Use thought.
Happy Elf
Happy Elf
il y a 4 semaines
Not coming back either
marijuana maintenance
marijuana maintenance
il y a 4 semaines
I'm marijuana maintenance
Darren Curtis II
Darren Curtis II
il y a 5 ans (modifié)
I cried so hard of hearing this truth. I am an old soul and i knew better. I can be so stubborn at
times. For seeing this video being guided to it, it is time to let everything go including my wife.
She hurts me too much.

No wonder, everything seems like a repeat movie to me.

il y a 5 mois
I know that you posted this comment a long time ago Darren but I hope that you are doing well
and feeling better in your life..
dave smith
dave smith
il y a 4 mois
Darren Curtis ll, lf everything is like a repeat movie to you, then you may repeat the same
mistake by leaving your wife, AGAIN, since this is a pattern as you suggested, maybe the lesson is
to work out your marriage instead of making the same mistake you have been repeating, set
some rules dammit, you are the man,start acting like it and involve your wife and worship her,
after all if you go ahead and leave you may be repeating the same lesson in your next life, also
why should you listen to this lady, it is her opinion only and opinions are like assholes everyone
has one. If your relationship is that toxic you may want to re consider who needs to bail, that
may also correct the karma.
Trashy Americans
Trashy Americans
il y a 3 mois
Whoa you are ballsy most of us think this and never comment it. I finally moved into the space
where i learned to let go of the right things.
Diane Williams
Diane Williams
il y a 3 mois
Cutting cords will dissolve the contract. There are meditations for cutting cords that will walk you
il y a 3 mois
Diane Williams there are meditations for everything these days! You gotta find what works for
you though. Happy searching
Anja 1111
Anja 1111
il y a 2 mois
If there is still hurt, it won't help very much to leave your wife. Only doing inner work will help
you, otherwise history keeps on repeat itself, all other people reflect the way you feel about
yourself and think about yourself. The "others" are only actors in the game... I hope you're
feeling better now!
Eve Louise
Eve Louise
il y a 2 mois
il y a 2 mois
dave smith how do you know he hasn’t always stuck around in the toxic relationship because of
guilt and just builds resentment?? Perhaps breaking away is ending the cycle?

seems it could go (at least) either way

Eliza Castro
Eliza Castro
il y a 1 an
You go your way I go mine, I tear up the contract!!
il y a 2 ans
My girls when they were young both said at one point, "remember when I was big and you were
il y a 2 ans
I always find it interesting when children talk about memories they've had in other lives. It's
fascinating. :D
D'nette Wakefield
D'nette Wakefield
il y a 2 ans
My daughter was about 2 when she told me she missed her other mother with the red hair. She
mentioned this more than once.
Keys MateriaL
Keys MateriaL
il y a 1 an
D'nette Wakefield My daughter once told me I was the best mother she EVER HAD, as if she has
had multiple mothers...Ever so often she would just burst out and say this so jokingly I says to
her: "Keva, I thought I was the ONLY mother you ever had" She then looked me in my eyes,
smirked at me and walked away. I never had to be convinced of reincarnation ever again.
il y a 1 an
+Keys Material wow �
Leo Feza
Leo Feza
il y a 1 an
Bumpkin Barbie �� kids are just too adorable sometimes, aren't they?
YourMan Davis
YourMan Davis
il y a 1 an
carikindl my little sister used to say it.
Maria Luisa Cardenas
Maria Luisa Cardenas
il y a 1 an
carikindl my oldest when she was very young would tell me about when she was small and she
and her father( a different father ) were on a boat and her father got sick and fell out of the boat.
He was dead and she was stuck in the boat alone.
I'm kind of a big deal
I'm kind of a big deal
il y a 1 an
carikindl not
I'm kind of a big deal
I'm kind of a big deal
il y a 1 an
D'nette Wakefield that was Ronald mcdonald
I'm kind of a big deal
I'm kind of a big deal
il y a 1 an
Leo R nshung no
Katy Mac
Katy Mac
il y a 1 an
carikindl I experienced exactly the same with my sister who is nearly 13 years younger
il y a 1 an
carikindl that is so cool....i have two sons. When my eldest was ten he said to me totally out of
the blue, "You know what Mom? I think Joe and I were sent here to be your angels and to watch
over you" Talk about an OMG moment! It was incredible. I think he was right, too. they are 23
and 25 now
TheOriginal Unaleska
TheOriginal Unaleska
il y a 1 an (modifié)
From my understanding its either of two things: families tend to stay together, so your mother
may have been your uncle, your sister your daughter, your uncle your father.

Or when you have found your kindred spirit, you reincarnate in the same family to help and
support each other through this life.

I have this connection with my mother, I feel she is more my older sister and my nanna is part of
this circle too. In a past life I lived in Japan and I believe my Nanna did as well. My mother and
Nanna were both Nuns who witnessed joan of arc.

We also had a reading of a golden thread linking us three together, it is this thread that cements
our connection to one another.
il y a 1 an
Holy crap! That's too awesome.
Loading gamez
Loading gamez
il y a 1 an
My daughter keeps coming out with when she was a big girl she was called India but her sister
pushed her over and she wasn't India anymore.. She's only 3
David Schrader
David Schrader
il y a 1 an
My mother told me that when I was about 2 yrs old, I said: “ Next time I’m going to have Jimmy’s
head.” Jimmy was my older brother. I also was making references to “When I used to be in the
Purple Flame Tarot
Purple Flame Tarot
il y a 1 an
TheOriginal Unaleska - Agreed. It is said we have karmic circles we go through lives with. Others
come and go but the base remains together and the same.
David Schrader
David Schrader
il y a 1 an
My mother remembered me saying when I was 2 or 3 yrs old: “Next time I’m gonna’ have
Jimmy’s head.”
Jimmy is my older brother. At the same age I was making cryptic references to “...when I used to
be in the Army.”
Ivy Hobbs
Ivy Hobbs
il y a 11 mois
carikindl that is so cool! Thanks for sharing that
Jarita McCully
Jarita McCully
il y a 10 mois (modifié)
rolls eyes whoa amazing... “Remember when I was big and u were little” is hardly a piece of
compelling evidence . And kids talking like this and actually going on to having a story in knowing
things that prove it... is super rare. And here, both of your girls are talking about it? Smh you’re
hearing what you want to hear and you’re just one of those moms who believes your kids are
SUPER special YAWN
I. M.
I. M.
il y a 10 mois
Maria Luisa Cardenas - �����
Karen Missy
Karen Missy
il y a 10 mois
When my daughter was 2, she said, "remember when I was in the dark place? I could hear you
but you couldn't hear me and I wanted to see you but it wasn't time yet" @ TWO years old!
Laura Elizabeth Goodyear
Laura Elizabeth Goodyear
il y a 10 mois
Jarita McCully REALLY? Was that comment truly necessary? Ever heard, “If you can’t say
something nice, don’t say anything at all”? Seriously, we’re no longer children taking out our
intolerable feelings on others... or at least I thought that was one of the main goals of maturing
fully into adulthood.

Here’s another even greater guidepost for communicating with your brothers & sisters on this
planet. (Remember, since we’re ALL connected, choosing to say hurtful things to another hurts
all of us, but costs you the most as it leaves actual toxic chemicals in your cells & imprints in your
auric field!)

“THINK before you speak: Is it...

T = True?
H = Helpful?
I = Inspiring?
N = Necessary?
K = Kind?

Sure, this is a public forum & all have free will to express their beliefs, however, where the vids
are focused on spiritual evolution, awakening & enLightenment, most of us here in the ‘High
Vibe Tribe’ do sincerely effort at being a loving support to not just those distinctly on this same
path of awakening, but to all of humanity. If this isn’t your jam, then go in silence/ peace &
endeavor to harm no one again, specifically yourself.

I wish you Blessings on your own unique journey. ~*~

il y a 10 mois
I've heard of this happening
No way to tell if they're imagining or talking on actual fact. Be nice if it is true
Jennifer Woodhead
Jennifer Woodhead
il y a 9 mois
My son said this to me too
il y a 8 mois
My 3 yr old son talks about his brother all the time and he doesn't have a brother. So I often
Gina M
Gina M
il y a 8 mois
Jarita McCully I feel sorry for you. Your way of thinking/feeling is so sad and dark. I hope you find
the Light. Who needs evidence? You were not there so you dont know the exact conversation. .
Regardless tho this life is about LOVE, Peace, Joy etc. Why degrade and bash someone promoting
joy and Love? Second your comment .. what was the point? Are you speaking out of Love? No!
Next time keep it to yourself. Only speak when LOVE is Driving your commentary. I hope you find
Light and Peace. I love you and God Loves you.

Love and Light

Gina Elise
Bat WomanXVII
Bat WomanXVII
il y a 8 mois
Jarita McCully what goes around comes around
il y a 6 mois
Jarita McCully and you are one of those people others don’t like being around bc you are ugly
inside and out
Arlene Portsmouth
Arlene Portsmouth
il y a 5 mois
I was convinced of reincarnation when my neighbor's five year old daughter told me 6 months
ago; "Don't you remember when you wore born we didn't even need a doctor. You came so fast
because you knew my back was horting and I was crying so hard because of the man that got
shot in the head." (JFK) So many times she becomes serious and tells the other five year old;
"No, don't hort her she was my little baby!" As she's sitting there protecting my face coddling my
head with a very sad and serious conviction. What's really scary is that she looks like my mom
when my mom was a toddler.
Arlene Portsmouth
Arlene Portsmouth
il y a 5 mois
@Keys MateriaL WHOA ... MASSIVE CHILLS reading her reaction. Almost as if to tell you; "You
know better Mamma!"
Arlene Portsmouth
Arlene Portsmouth
il y a 5 mois
@Maria Luisa Cardenas I definitely would have been constantly asking her for details!
Arlene Portsmouth
Arlene Portsmouth
il y a 5 mois
@Bat WomanXVII I see your name often on the videos that I watch and read comments on. It's
nice to know that I am in good company with someone who shares my interests. XX
Leonard Weisfeld
Leonard Weisfeld
il y a 3 mois
@D'nette Wakefield It could be another life; i won't claim to have knowledge about something i
have no clue, tho it seems to me that people do exactly that concerning past and/or future life.
Another explanation could be she was referring tona woman who (just a random thought:)
helped her get a toy off a shelf in a store. Even adults who "know better", or have the language
sophistication to understand and explain the difference between a biological mother and mother
figure (or "sister" or "family") choose to refer to the later as the former.
D'nette Wakefield
D'nette Wakefield
il y a 3 mois
@Leonard Weisfeld thanks for your input. I also had a medium tell me that my oldest daughter
and I used to be brothers. I was the younger brother and she was my senior. I always felt like I
knew that daughter better than my other two.. like she was an old soul as soon as she was born.
those kind of experiences make me think there's something to reincarnation. that we have
opportunities to experience every facet of being a human, under every type of circumstance.
What a way to learn...from your mistakes as well!
Leonard Weisfeld
Leonard Weisfeld
il y a 3 mois
@D'nette Wakefield Interesting. I have never sought an experience with a medium.
D'nette Wakefield
D'nette Wakefield
il y a 3 mois
@Leonard Weisfeld I never did either. It just happened that I met her through a guy I was dating.
Really made an impact on me. Made me want to search for the truth more than ever.
Corinna McCullough
Corinna McCullough
il y a 3 mois
Verbal Data
Verbal Data
il y a 2 mois
Jarita McCully you sound bitter you don’t have to believe it
il y a 2 mois
@Arlene Portsmouth Wow. Amazing story. So I must know..were you born on 11/22/1963?
Joseph Vertino
Joseph Vertino
il y a 5 ans
i actually FELT BETTER readings the comments.. lol.
LoVE YOU soo much, i just want to give you all hugs and cry for a while. i need some crying i
think, gotta release the bad for the good to come in.
il y a 1 an
Joseph Vertino just release it mate, blessings to you ❤
DannieBucks Bucks
DannieBucks Bucks
il y a 1 an
Joseph Vertino I like that I have to release the Bad, for the Good to come in.
Chomp Dog
Chomp Dog
il y a 1 an
Joseph Vertino I love you too <3
please cry and let it go.
I just did.
I wish I could hug you thru your tears.. I wish you the best rest you have ever had. And the most
beautiful days are yet to come <3
il y a 1 an
may i ask how you have anandmayi maa's picture as you avatar? she was a divine being. wish i
could have met her.
il y a 1 an
+Reincarnation------With great respect, "Avatar/avatar is HINDU only and should not be
cheapend/lessoned. It is like sitting on toilet seat with picture of Saint. It is in poor taste with no
respect. YT, profile names are monikers/names with (photo) Ikon/Icon. It is the same as Hindu
swastika being perverted by Nazis. Millenial generation needs to realize that most things have
worked well for thousands of years and do not need to be "updated/changed" on a whim.
Margarita Kleinman
Margarita Kleinman
il y a 1 an
+Reincarnation Anandamayi was amazing. I was blessed to be in the company of a direct
disciple of hers for 2 years. Very blissful energy.
Bat WomanXVII
Bat WomanXVII
il y a 8 mois
Joseph Vertino love you too! Thank you so much�❤
Eve Louise
Eve Louise
il y a 2 mois
giggles "I just wanna give you all hugs and cry for a while"
So funny.. brother, I feel this �.
You're beautiful xx
Helen Jenkinson
Helen Jenkinson
il y a 2 mois
That is beautifully said yes cry love to you lovely heart l love them too love to all thank you so
much appreciated your in put
il y a 4 ans
This is very informative. No one has ever told me that it is possible to release our karma. Thank
il y a 1 an
LouisianaGatorGirl maybe it's what Jesus came release us all. And we still didn't get it.
Margarita Kleinman
Margarita Kleinman
il y a 1 an
+Collette Flores Totally agree. Jesus took on and released the karma/sin of the whole world. We
still can barely grasp the immensity of that.
Victoria Arcturus
Victoria Arcturus
il y a 10 mois
The violet flame
Margarita Kleinman
Margarita Kleinman
il y a 10 mois
+Victoria Arcturus Thank you for reminding me about the violet flame, I had forgotten about it,
it is so powerful! And "coincidentally", today I'm wearing a "violet" color amethyst bracelet.
Mel Mel
Mel Mel
il y a 1 an
I have let go of my Karma...i was betrayed by a Scorpio. I have let it go and have forgiven him.
But yet I keep my distance and do not communicate with him because he will try to feed off my
kindness. I can't and will not ever do anything to help him. I just want him to go his way and I
have gone my way. And I'm happier and healthier than I've ever been.
sita ram
sita ram
il y a 1 an
Mel Mel plz guide me ,if still Scorpio follows ....
il y a 1 an
+D Tooley------please realize the Game of Life is not that serious. Everyone is doing the best they
can with the karma they have. That is why Christ spoke "forgive them, they know not what they
do". ALL desires must be released and no new ones created. Remember that other people are
our mirrors reflecting our projections of mind. Nothing exists but ONE and WE are ALL ONE,
there is no me and no you.
R.E. Robinson
R.E. Robinson
il y a 1 an
Mel Mel Are you a Pisces sun or moon sign?
il y a 1 an
+Randis Roundabout------My question also.
OneLife OneLoveOneDream
OneLife OneLoveOneDream
il y a 1 an
You are so brave and inspired me.
Suzi Hazlove
Suzi Hazlove
il y a 1 an
Mel Mel a scorpio got me too. Took years to forgive.
Rhonda Stetson
Rhonda Stetson
il y a 1 an
Funny to me you labeled him a Scorpio, i'm sorry for your pain. I always pray for those that have
hurt me because I have been on both sides of the pain. The one that hurt and the one that has
been hurt! I have moved forward and do my best to live a spiritual life and not hurt anyone my
path is always trying to help others along the way realizing I have been both in this lifetime.
Anita's Educational Page
Anita's Educational Page
il y a 1 an (modifié)
Mel Mel I was with a Capricorn narcissist for 7 Years, I am feeling like "How dare he" discard me
after many devaluing situations. It is healthier for me that he is gone and there is a part of me
that needs to completely let go so I can continue to heal.
Jen K
Jen K
il y a 1 an
Man, if heartache is the worst thing you’ve ever had to endure or move passed than you’ve had
it pretty easy in my opinion.
il y a 1 an
D Kane this sounds amazing. I've just run away from a narc at the beginning of a year. Can you let
me know what how you arrived at completely letting it go?
il y a 1 an
ChanaYah Pisces narc.... he was intense.. the devaluing cycles started so long ago and I was
clueless completely. I didn't even know what NPD was!
il y a 11 mois
Mel Mel some people you can forgive but you have to stay away. It doesn't mean you don't
forgive them. It means you're taking care of yourself and you know your limits. I've wound up
back in bad situations because I thought forgiveness meant I had to still be involved with the
Jude Bigelow
Jude Bigelow
il y a 10 mois
Mel Mel You go girl!
Laura Elizabeth Goodyear
Laura Elizabeth Goodyear
il y a 9 mois
Mel Mel Yes, that’s good to say & feel yet at the crux of the issue of forgiveness is, have you
forgiven Yourself for giving your power away to this person (Ie, believing/ putting your trust in
His promise(s), etc, rather than keeping your promises to yourself as #1 priority)? Trust me, this
betrayal/abandonment- victim/perpetrator crap was the Biggie for me to clear this lifetime &
boy did it take some Huge & very painful wake up calls before I Finally got it. ;-)
The very best to you & to all. ~*~
Ivan wong
Ivan wong
il y a 9 mois
take it this way....before you came down to this earthly have set the level of
challenges and events either pleasant nor unplesant event in order to teach yourself and settle
old karmic debt. be equanimous and be happy always
Paul Tayler
Paul Tayler
il y a 5 mois
Scorpios are sexual deviants
Ms. Chris Cole
Ms. Chris Cole
il y a 5 mois
Paul Tayler - Making generalized judgements upon a group of people based upon the actions of
some who may fall under such label is entirely egocentric. Remember: separation is an illusion.
Reality is simply a massive mirror that reflects what our internal reality looks like in the external.
If you so believe that Scorpios are sexual deviants— that is a result of something that you are
causing to reflect from your own internal matters— and yours alone.
Betty Boo
Betty Boo
il y a 5 mois
Me too he is a scorpio and a narcissist no contact 5mnths
Jolinda Springer
Jolinda Springer
il y a 3 mois
Ms. Chris Cole so true... I’m a Scorpio and I’m nothing like that.
Elhamdulillah Angel
Elhamdulillah Angel
il y a 3 mois
it is karma, maybe you did something similar for some else in many centuries ago but dont
worry, it was not betrayed thing. it was just a chance to release karma and experienced what
your soul wants. it was not bad, it was good, you are love and light
il y a 2 mois
Mel Mel good for you 🙏🙏 �
Sweet Jesus
Sweet Jesus
il y a 1 an
Saying one should let go of fear and TEACHING how to let go of fear is proof that she means to
help others to let go of fear AND true Karma means how one reacts to life situations because
one creates with one's emotions SO a quick lesson from me to youz guyz > let go of fear by
questioning the fearful or negative thought even ask it " is this feeling or this thought important
to the now" THEN do the same with thoughts that do not agree with your highest thoughts
about yourself THEN let go of ego > ego is any thought or feeling that makes one think they are
inferior or superior to another > this teaching does not work overnight < it takes being a
constant pest to the thoughts and or the feelings by questioning them AND as you do this they
WILL fade away < i promise you > GOOD LUCK EVERYONE > you got this.
Stylin America
Stylin America
il y a 1 an
Sweet Jesus Thank you ❤
il y a 1 an
+Sweet Jesus------karma is created by thoughts, words and actions (all 3). EGO is the false
self/mini me created from mind to experience Earth/3rd dimension. It is the little voice in the
head that is comparing, competing, judging, seperation and survival and most of Duality.
Everyone must go thru "dark night of soul" or "EGO death" at least once in a lifetime. It is
terrifying to say the least and the less fear we have the easier.
Maribel SanchezGarcia
Maribel SanchezGarcia
il y a 1 an
Sweet Jesus so beautiful �� thank you
Stiles Brown
Stiles Brown
il y a 1 an
"God gave us a spirit not of fear, but of power and love and self-control." -2 Timothy 1:7
Sergia Starr
Sergia Starr
il y a 1 an
Sweet Jesus, I wanted to add the power if meditation and saying the words, "I LOVE YOU" OR "I
LOVE THAT" Even though the experience was a vicious ugly thing. I have been doing this in my
meditations and the negative thoughts and feelings that took over me by people and past events
are no longer keeping me enslaved to them. I have been experiencing such a great feeling of
freedom. My negative thoughts attacked me daily. They left me unproductive and was the cause
of a lot of anger in my home. Things are so much lighter and my husband is meditating as well. I
hope this helps. Mediation saved my marriage. It will be great to add it in with your suggestion.
Ohhhmnaeity Andumyeah
Ohhhmnaeity Andumyeah
il y a 1 an
Sweet Jesus Thank You
Divine Guidance 144
Divine Guidance 144
il y a 1 an
Sarah Smith
Sarah Smith
il y a 1 an
Intelligent. Good advice, good advice.
il y a 10 mois
Your advice is greatly appreciated, thanks.
munk gul
munk gul
il y a 9 mois
Thanks,there, co-soulster - That's verily compassionately conveyed n I can sense clearly,
motivated ! Practicality, by me, is sooo indeed appreciated - oh! Hah I didn't even consciously
intend that part but, ' in deed ' and, " in practice " are so of [... exponentially? Altogether wholly
different valence, or caliber, something like that .. ? Yeh sounds/feels right ... oh, language ..
anyway, distinctly and ( ille bet ) lastingly appreciated -- peace !!
J Wilcox
J Wilcox
il y a 8 mois
You might want to study the Kundalini energy systems in body. The 7 Chakras.
Unconditional Love
Unconditional Love
il y a 8 mois
Ego...isn't just a negative aspect though. Ego..holds desire..which was what created something
out of nothing to begin with. Ego is part of being human. Its the negative aspects of ego that
you want to release..
nolikes or subscribers
nolikes or subscribers
il y a 8 mois
Sweet Jesus that's such a lovely and helpful piece of advice. Thank you for sharing I am in the
process of letting go of fear. Its not easy but I'm trying and will get there... Thanks again
Mary Motherofgod
Mary Motherofgod
il y a 7 mois
Stylin America Thk u �✝️✝️
Tsunami 75
Tsunami 75
il y a 7 mois
Wow exactly what I was thinking. I would love to learn more especially being you seem to know
first hand
Alondra Juarez
Alondra Juarez
il y a 5 mois
Thank you for planting this beautiful seed in me, I hope to keep blooming. Thank you! Trust your
path, you got this ����
Alice Perez
Alice Perez
il y a 5 mois
Sweet Jesus God bless you! Thank you for this ! Much needed‍‍�🙏🙏

Linda Leong-Son
Linda Leong-Son
il y a 3 mois
Sweet Jesus B.B.
Debbie Rine
Debbie Rine
il y a 2 mois
I do it constantly hard work but so worth it
Eve Louise
Eve Louise
il y a 2 mois
Hi..! I Love you !
Eve Louise
Eve Louise
il y a 2 mois
@RUSSIAN ROBOT um, are you suggesting I may have another dark night to come?? Because ...
Um, no thanks.
il y a 2 mois
@Eve Louise Unfortunately ALL must experience the ultimate negative experience before
Realization at least once. The secret is to remain detached/accepting of experience to the other
side of this projection however long it takes. It is just impermanent mind stuff. Namaste
Ricky Newman
Ricky Newman
il y a 2 mois (modifié)
Fear is caused because of painful past experiences reoccurring in present thought which has
risen up emotions because you haven't dealt with a situation from the past in the correct way. if
you go back to fearful experiences and change the situation so your energy doesn't get stolen
again and your ego doesn't get bruised, then you can metaphysically let go of the fear to express
the emotion and thought you wish you had felt in the past, to protect yourself in the future. This
almost instantly boosts your ego and self love in the now and gives you confidence for in the
future to deal with the situation if it ever arises again. so now your ego is more balanced and it
trusts you, so now you've dealt with the fear it doesn't keep throwing up thoughts and emotions
from the past as you've let go of the fear blockage that is stopping you from reacting and
removing that pain energy in the future. Fear is an illusion created by blockages and your body
not trusting you to deal with that pain. Letting go isn't what you think, go into memories and
create the desired outcome that keeps you safe, if it comes down to it and you are in danger of
death then don't be afraid to kill a person.

The only law in the universe is nature, love is nature but fear is an illusion created by self, which
makes us unnatural and out of sync with the universe and karma, the mark of the beast are the
blockages, however the blockages are an illusion, the devil is an illusion and fear is an illusion
created by yourself.

Do not feel guilty for hurting yourself or others in the past or the present, you are the person
you are today and you can decide to do things differently. This allows you to feel pleasure in the
now moment and allows you not to worry about pain if the future. Protect your life energy!
Shame should not be felt when giving pain back to someone in the present moment as it
contains an important lessons and messages for that person causing pain in the world... Karma,
You reape what you sow. Doing This will also give you your will power back as you have taken
control of the situation. To do this you must Accept your "flaws" and your "negative" reactions to
emotional pain as natural and you shouldn't be ashamed. You are perfect, believe in your self

Love is blocked by grief, you must open your heart up to yourself and others. be patient with this
one, get to know what you love, who you love and how you love and then chase it. be kind to
others as kindness reapes kindness and if it doesn't, don't take it too personally, some people
are ignorant to the energy they're giving off and have had bad experiences in the past with
people or have had a bad day in the now. Love never ends, but relationships do and people die,
just know that they are still here with you in your heart and memories.

Truth is blocked by lies, the ones we tell ourselves and others. Do not lie to yourself or others by
choosing to be truthful and letting go of resistance to who you are.

Insight is blocked by illusion, we are all connected, all human in pain trying to find a way out

Earthly attachments:
You should let yourself flow with who you are and let go of earthly attachments to serve earth or
people in a way that you think you can. This is your higher self and your higher purpose. Be the
hero of your own movie. You was created for a reason, have faith in the universe and your soul

As within, so without, As above, so below, as the universe, so the soul. Love is the lack of fear,
the lack of fear is trust. Trust yourself and you can trust the universe... Self-love, love of others
and the Will power to live, create and protect life are the keys to the universe and your soul.
Jesse Tijs
Jesse Tijs
il y a 1 mois
Thanks so much.
I really needed it.
You made it clear.
I really appreciate it.
Here I go.
genevieve Andre
genevieve Andre
il y a 1 mois
Thank You, this makes perfect sense.
il y a 1 an
Holding on to grudges and hating a person is like drinking poison and expecting someone else to
Aes Su
Aes Su
il y a 1 an
beautifully illustrated..very wise..
Onelove 55
Onelove 55
il y a 1 an
Troy Stephens • artist
Troy Stephens • artist
il y a 9 mois
Nice quote by Siddhartha Guatama. ( the Buddha)
M. F. Richardson
M. F. Richardson
il y a 1 an
Okay I won't commit suicide
il y a 5 mois
How are you holding up Richardson?
il y a 5 mois
Richardson, never opt out....stick it out to the end. You are needed in this world. I love you! Stay
for me, one person on other side of the world! Xx
Wuddah Baker
Wuddah Baker
il y a 5 mois
You be encouraged my friend ... Life is worth living! And you will LIVEEEE!!!
Ozgur Senturk
Ozgur Senturk
il y a 4 mois
Stand and fight
Live by your heart
Always one more try
I'm not afraid to die
Stand and fight
Say what you feel
Born with a heart of steel.
il y a 2 mois
I wanna kill myself people around me are so brainwashed and I’m 14 and was aware since I’m
Grace Winter
Grace Winter
il y a 2 mois
SLIZ it gets better, I promise
Lee Daniels
Lee Daniels
il y a 2 mois
SLIZ Please don’t.Things will get better,you just have to believe they will.Focus on yourself,and
not those around you.
il y a 1 mois
SLIZ go get help why you on here go tell a doctor..i dnt get you ppl.
gallantmon afro
gallantmon afro
il y a 1 mois
@SLIZ I am your friend, I am the best you will ever meet, but just stay strong I am never jealous
but I am aware of wicked bully on I don't like bully
Qi Huna
Qi Huna
il y a 4 ans
Forgiveness is a super powerful thing, try it!! You won't regret it and if you're not use to it, YOU
family one
family one
il y a 2 ans
you are totally RIGHT !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! tnks for sharing !
tanya herrera
tanya herrera
il y a 1 an
Qi Huna how do you forgive and how do you actually know if you did forgive? What are results?
How will you know? I want to forgive and let go
Helen Jenkinson
Helen Jenkinson
il y a 2 mois
Qi Huna that is very good how you express about forgiveness .Love
il y a 2 mois
tanya herrera you will be the only one to really figure it out and have to actually find
the way to not care about the things any longer....not taking life quite so seriously is a good place
to start imho
Helen Jenkinson
Helen Jenkinson
il y a 2 mois
I get it ...let it go it gets to a stage
Hey man. It's so over wheldem..
Take a step back it all just works out ..we wonder how simple
Once we get how sefts out of the way....ha....the magic happen .thank you .
il y a 1 mois
no it dont empath n very forgiving..all it does is make them treat you worse..
Em Press
Em Press
il y a 1 an
Forgive, release, let go ❣ #GotIt #MovingOn
Amy Jacinda
Amy Jacinda
il y a 2 ans (modifié)
one thing I dont quite understand about the way Dolores speaks of karma is, in another video
she says that you will keep coming back and repeating your karma until the lesson is learned. You
will keep coming back to the same people and the same situations until you've learned the
lesson or until you've paid back the karma etc. Here she says that we can also meet up on the
otherside and say lets go back and do that again and try to get it right this time, and we can
come back in opposites etc, my question is this, If we can meet up on the otherside, couldnt we
just say sorry to one another and move on? Couldnt we just talk with each other on the
otherside and say bugger go back there to start over when I can just say sorry here and now and
then we can all just move on? Does that make sense?
il y a 2 ans
Yes, but when we are up there i believe we are immortal and wise beings, i mean we have lived
for millions of years its the spark that came from Source, and we have to work for what we want
and that is peace, that is we have to learn when were are at school (earth) not when we are
where we came from which is Perfection (Source) otherwise it would be pointless to be on earth
at all. When you die physically and your spirit goes back to the Origin, do you remember? No
right. So what would be the point of learning up there if were not gonna remember the lesson,
we only remember when we solved it in a past life, because intuition tell us what is right and
whats is wrong, your consciousness eliminated that demon, also there is no karma to work with
up there its Perfection, karma is too dense. The higher you climb the ladder of dimensions the
less dense it becomes so our demons dont exist in the higher dimensions, its pure Light and
Harmony its already perfect so we have nothing to work with. You missed what Dolores said
about carrying a load again that is your karma when you incarnate into a body, you dont have
that karma when you go up there because again karma is of the ego, which is a legion of
demons, of personalities which dont ascend to Heaven, personalities are of the earth and they
die here, we are all of our past lives when we go back to Source so we dont have gender,
personality, name, we just Are (I Am), Buddha said "Just be." Just pure Consciounsess. Why do
you think people tell you to sit in silence and just be when you meditate. Silence is where every
sound, every thought originates from, thats why classical music is considered the highest form of
music because it is pure emotion, no words are expressed nothing gross as in obvious, thats why
metaphor is the highest form of word expression because it isnt gross as in literal which the Bible
is always read in, its taken literally but it is pure metaphor (if you research gnostic interpretation
of the Bible youll see), stories not in chronological order that each teaches us a valuable lessons
like fairy tales do and like other Religious Texts that teach the same concepts for different
cultures and eras do the Bible is only the most recent one, thats why historians have such a hard
time with it and people become atheists sadly because they use reason and not intuition.
Anyways off track here, only when we come back into a body do we pack our bags (karma) and
prepare for the journey, were here to work and eliminate karma and when you do and go to
another body will you somehow know that what others do is wrong, even though you did it as
well and wallowed in those sins in your past life. Thats why we cant take the shortcut and solve
our problems in Source because there are no problems to work with our karma is too dense to
come with us like blood and water, our home is Perfect Harmony and karma stays waiting to put
us to the test once more.
emz v
emz v
il y a 2 ans
amyjah1 when we are up there we have veil of amnesia lifted. we can see the bigger picture
because we can see what it is we wanted to learn and recognise that the other person was doing
us a favor by assisting us to learn a particular lesson or experience a certain experience. when
we are here there is the veil of forgetfulness that allows us to go through our trials and hardships
and genuinely experience that choice of forgiving or resenting hating whatever. here we are still
in the exam there we have the test answers and our graded work. thats what i sense is the truth
all the best
Mirriam Maila
Mirriam Maila
il y a 1 an
amyjah1 ln the old energies...karma was like that but not in the new energies
il y a 1 an
amyjah1: It's my understanding that forgiving and not holding grudges is the way to release
yourself from Karma. Forgiveness is a gift to yourself.
il y a 1 an
Landon Barker
Landon Barker
il y a 1 an
Amy I totally agree, and I would like to add she just id pullinf this from her ass. not ro be crass or
rude its just she doesnt say why what she is sayinf is truth
il y a 1 an
Landon Barker: I have found in my life that some people want to learn and grow and move
upward while others prefer to criticize and denengrate an idea they don't understand. Which are
you?? If you don;t understand something, learn about it. Watch Alba Weinman videos and see
for yourself about past life regression and spirit guides and WHY we are ALL here. We ALL have a
purpose. What is yours?? You decide.
Zay Dawood
Zay Dawood
il y a 1 an
check out sudhguru

you are the true definition of a seeker. all we ever want is the Truth. evolution happens for
nature, it happens for the soul. enlightenment is experience that can never be explained,
because you would have evolved to where you are at the highest point of awareness.
like evolution, there is stages and timelines. finding why were you born. purpose helps. define
who you are what is the self. happiness.
everyone has there idea, what is the Truth? only need 2 things happiness and reality. seek that
first before you evolve.
everyone found a new toy called karma, understanding it isn't easy, I'm still studying it. but like
ying and yang, you get good karma and bad. some think, you need to subtract it others think you
must not add more to it. when you enter silence, only you will find how much of it holds you
back from moving ahead. but try not to add more karma. smile be happy. be the camera man in
a wild life video. what nature, humans, pain, suffering, joy, anger, empathy... list goes on. every
cell in your body existed before you got here. all the elements that made you carbon etc... what
you seek is to connect you the only thing that makes you ... you, is consciousness. work on that
energy. you don't need to know how source works. its like gravity, whether you believe it or
understand it or not it is a reality.
Love Dove
Love Dove
il y a 1 an
amyjah1 She wouldnt be the person to seek wisdom with. Jesus Christ is the one you should turn
to and pray. If you ever listen to NEAR DEATH EXPERIENCES people will testify that when they
died they would see a bright light and they would feel a sense of overwhelming love and the
voice would tell them it isn't your time and they would wake up after being dead for 20 minutes
or so.
Furry Person
Furry Person
il y a 1 an
Nolan Mohorovic
Nolan Mohorovic
il y a 1 an
Staci B
Staci B
il y a 1 an
Furry Person thank u
D.A King
D.A King
il y a 1 an
amyjah1 Yeah I feel where you're coming from with that question...and it's a valid one,one that I
have pondered myself...BUT,one that I,unfortunately,don't have an answer to...
il y a 1 an (modifié)
amyjah1 We don't know you have passed the test until you take the test. The test is taken here,
not after you die. How do I know you know how to drive a car? Not by telling me you know how,
but by getting into a car and driving it, right? Without the physical body and not being here in
this karma heavy place, you feel invincible and happy. You can do anything. It's like the prisoner
who isn't doing drugs in there and is on his best behavior. He gets released, and goes right back
into drugs because there is so much temptation.
StormOfThe Century
StormOfThe Century
il y a 1 an (modifié)
You don't have to come back again and again. .this is a lie .when you get to the "other side" you
will be given an " afterlife life review" but it is a trap designed to trick you into reincarnating.
.karma is also a lie.
IT'S a all a "capture and return scenario" designed to force us back into the karmic prison we call
earth....but nobody in the history of humanity has ever HAD to come back again and again. You
can do what you want...thats the beauty of a Freewill universe. The tunnel of light is also a
trap .AVOID IT !!
Furry Person
Furry Person
il y a 1 an
John Hammond This planet is a schoolhouse for immature souls that are not allowed to cut
classes. Apparently, you do not understand the destructive nature of immature souls that believe
that they are separate from their surroundings. They are self-serving entities that must learn the
lesson of responsibility before they can ever ascend. The purpose of life is to understand your
connection to everything and everyone and as a result accept responsibility. You do not have the
freedom to run away from your RESPONSIBILITY!!!
StormOfThe Century
StormOfThe Century
il y a 1 an
Furry Person with respect 'You do not know what you are talking about honey" when you are in
4th mind then we can discuss it in more detail.
Furry Person
Furry Person
il y a 1 an
StormOfThe Century
StormOfThe Century
il y a 1 an
Furry Person this is not a "school house" for immature souls. . .that's an outmoded way of seeing
Furry Person
Furry Person
il y a 1 an
John Hammond Try telling that to the faculty members who happen to be entities that have
accepted responsibility for the universe. Their job is to prevent selfish and immature souls from
causing destruction outside of school grounds. As long as you believe in separation you will
remain a student but not necessarily in this schoolhouse. There are other schoolhouses that are
more appropriate for unruly students that are unwilling to accept responsibility for their
StormOfThe Century
StormOfThe Century
il y a 1 an (modifié)
Furry Person humans are not selfish and immature souls. But there are others out there who
are. But they can't change because their freewill is limited they can only do what they do. it's a
freewill universe we are free to choose between the dark and the light..Once again this is not a
school house. .we have nothing to learn here only to remember. .
StormOfThe Century
StormOfThe Century
il y a 1 an (modifié)
FYI; I believe in one race one planet.
" One world in harmony". not separation. Stop making judgements about me
Furry Person
Furry Person
il y a 1 an
John Hammond Freewill does not mean that you are free from responsibility. We are here to
learn and understand the consequences of our actions that are a result of freewill. We are all
connected and therefore responsible for each other and the world we live in.
Furry Person
Furry Person
il y a 1 an
John Hammond I LOVE YOU
StormOfThe Century
StormOfThe Century
il y a 1 an
Furry Person I love you too.
StormOfThe Century
StormOfThe Century
il y a 1 an
Hope I didn't piss you off . .once I get started I don't shut up. .
Furry Person
Furry Person
il y a 1 an
John Hammond No, of course not. I think you're a wonderful person...
StormOfThe Century
StormOfThe Century
il y a 1 an
Furry Person thank you � just noticed the cat in your pic . .I got a cat too . Am a cat lover .
Furry Person
Furry Person
il y a 1 an
John Hammond yes I noticed your cuddly cat too. I just adore cats...I can't live without
them...meow meow
SF 475
SF 475
il y a 1 an
Karma doesn't allow it. think of it like this! when you pass on your not able to let go of your
past. it's like a feeling that haunts you... It compels you start over and redo your life. so when
you reenter this life you know nothing about the past life. OK so lets say you let go of any "ego"
"guilt" and "regrets" and become happy with yourself up to this point.... You are now freeing
your Karma! This is how I felt before watching this video. And this how I view her point. it's a
work in progress, to stay positive And let go of all the ugliness that tags along. I find by doing
small nice jesters for people helps me shed off the old skin. And restore faith in humanity.
Sarah Pengelly
Sarah Pengelly
il y a 1 an
John Hammond @FurryPerson best youtube comments I've ever seen... � from spiritual
warfare to "I love you, I love you too, you have a cute cat�". Love this haha! i am astounded by
the growing percentage of awakened souls in this realm spreading positive vibes in the midst of
the grand shitshow!!� All the best! ��
il y a 1 an (modifié)
amyjah1 She and all the fake new age light workers are deceivers. They work with demons and
call them angels. Same thing with Doreen Virtue. You can't erase karma, this is way of making
u think you can atone your own sins as though you have the power, not God. There is no such
thing as good magic, it is all powered by Lucifer. They are encouraging you to forget what you've
done and don't even repent, then meditate which will open an unprotected/unsealed person up
to incubation of demonic entities. Then, they are used as a puppet. The fear thing they push is
a distortion of truth. Yes, we do have fear issues. Yes, there is a fear agenda. But they use this
truth to get new agers and spiritual seekers to open their minds to entities they think is higher
self and use them as a puppet. If your intuition gives you warning signals, they'll say its just your
fears you have to face. Aliens are not your star family. They are demons who can take on many
appearances. Yet, what she says about forgiveness is true. The best lies are mixed with truth to
keep you tuned in.
Love Dove
Love Dove
il y a 1 an
lilstardust777 completely true!
il y a 1 an
amyjah1 I agree.. there us no natural law that states we have to come bk and go thru it all again..
I am the power in my world.. and I am not coming back
ebony perry
ebony perry
il y a 1 an
Sarah Pengelly that’s what I said! Makes my heart smile. ���
Ali Bailey
Ali Bailey
il y a 1 an
John Hammond & Furry Person~ you two are too funny! lol!:D
Ali Bailey
Ali Bailey
il y a 1 an
Too funny! I just wrote them too and was crackin up lol!
Ali Bailey
Ali Bailey
il y a 1 an
My last comment was to Sarah Pengelly! Sorry haha!
A Neo
A Neo
il y a 1 an
Furry Person--Responsibility to SELF and allowing others their path.
Oh la la Muah
Oh la la Muah
il y a 1 an (modifié)
A lot of ego going on ⬆⬆⬆
Alanna Fox Starks
Alanna Fox Starks
il y a 1 an
The point is to work it out here, where the veil is over us and we cannot remember our true core
being which is love. But now the contracts are invalid if we choose that, thank GOD!!! so...
whooo hoooo! :) We don't have to keep coming back , we don't need to wait til we cross over,
we are free now. Just tear them up, be happy and move on! Hugs!!
il y a 1 an
amyjah1------the essence of the "lesson" is FORGIVENESS and erasing all karmic debts (from you
and received by you). Forgive everyone everything so there is nothing to be worked out. See
only ONE always, everywhere without seperation. Nothing exists but ONE always Here, always
il y a 1 an
+John Hammond-----it is all about EGO, the filter in mind process. Universe is ultimate
Game/Sport/Play in Duality created and played out by ONE who pretends ONE is not GOD and
goes to seek GOD/ONE and become completely conscious/aware of ONE/GOD until Dissolution.
Nothing exists but ONE, WE are ALL ONE.
il y a 1 an
+lilstardust777 and Love Dove----INCORRECT. In the first place there is no such thing as "magic".
When Jesus raised Lazarus from the dead he did it within Universal Law. Nothing can go against
GOD/ONE because nothing exists but GOD/ONE pretending to be other.
il y a 1 an
+Rioshanti----You do not KNOW WHO YOU are or WHO GOD/ONE is.
il y a 11 mois
There is no practical information here. People say, “Let go.” It is not that easy. Tell me how you
have let go.
il y a 11 mois
+janecolton------"letting go" means surrendering to SELF/GOD/Absolute/Source/ONE/Highest
Energy. Spiritual path is the long and winding road of unfolding, softening, becoming silent and
OPEN. Allowing all that is and not trying to seperate things, people, pleasure, pain, and so on. IT
ALL IS. Accepting and loving everything, everyone without judgment or preference. No
resistence. You may say, "NO" but without resistence, without exceptions. Meditation, silence
and good company help to find balance, unconditional love and peace.
Veronica Rambo
Veronica Rambo
il y a 11 mois
ok. care to explain why other people have it all and others don't? I am deaf, and I get
discriminated off and on all my life ( Iam 43) and so are you saying I punished my own sin by
being deaf?
Veronica Rambo
Veronica Rambo
il y a 11 mois
if you believed than you believed living in hell.....
Daya Callan
Daya Callan
il y a 11 mois
I would think we could say, "I'm sorry" on the other side and if we really mean it, then we
shouldn't have to return. I think we only return if we hold onto our anger, resentment, jealousy,
etc. I have been working on my anger all my life and have succeeded at releasing quite a bit of it.
People can still push my buttons, but it takes only weeks now to let go rather than years. What
has also worked for me is waiting until I calm down so that I do not say anything I will regret and
then writing them a very, very stern email to let it out without being mean about it, but at the
same time telling the person exactly what they did to upset me. This also allows the other
person not to do that to others and prevents them from creating more karmas as well. Hope that
helps some of you out there.
Gail Brands
Gail Brands
il y a 11 mois
Furry Person j
il y a 11 mois
Delores? Can you give me practical, useable information on how you have and how others can
“let go”? It is not as easy as...”just let go.”
il y a 10 mois
lilstardust777, I agree with your comment, maybe that's why I never resonated with Dolores
Canon and her work...something about it was always off for me, before I didn't know what it
was, just felt like limited perceptions and explanations that are being imposed as 'truth', a type
of 'academic' status appearance as if to make it legit, and I'm not denying all of it, just certain
things in her work in my opinion are to derail people and send them off track, it makes me
wonder how much of the new age stuff that has come through channeled teachings and
hypnosis sessions have been heavily infiltrated and is now flooding the space.
Evil Bitch
Evil Bitch
il y a 10 mois
Have you ever thought about why you've had deja vu? Think about why that happens to you.
And then leave a comment explaining that if you can please. There's not one person in this world
living who can say they haven't had it happen to them. Maybe unless they could have been a
totally new creature that popped up out of nowhere. Otherwise we have all experienced it.
Kristine Chase
Kristine Chase
il y a 9 mois
amyjah1 you have to deal with theae lesson before rebieth, at the point of spirit renewal it then
is already an unforgivable situation the lesson was not learned and the souls are still with
burden in the meeting of the afterlife. in your life's journey you must be able to forgive purely,so
that in the meeting of ypur afterlife therw is no conflict
il y a 9 mois
amyjah1 cause they don’t know lol they are just spewing shit
Len Greenhall
Len Greenhall
il y a 9 mois
For me the only way to let go is not just to forgive, which doesnt mean you condone an offence,
but more than that to ask God or however you think of as the source of all to bless that person
to give them love and light and good life. This was the teaching of Jesus and so far I have applied
it all my life asking blessings on the very people who have done the most damage to me and as
we bless we ourselves are released. I am 80 years of age.
il y a 9 mois
Kristine Chase how does having your memory wiped clean help you learn anything?
il y a 9 mois
marc twayn they don’t even know lol
Chantel Gamage
Chantel Gamage
il y a 8 mois
Nobody on earth truly knows what will happen in the after life......we just have to keep our
beliefs close and hope that we are right in that belief and realistically if we're all coming back
anyway what's the point in trying to get it right? Leave that to the new you �(jokes)......just live
for what makes you happy, be the kindest, best person you can be and live in fulfilment as we
don't get a very long experience ❤✨
il y a 8 mois
You become what you hate until you get it right try million times
Claudia Ramos
Claudia Ramos
il y a 4 mois
Furry Person best answer so far, don’t listen to immature souls. They will learn in divine timing.
Anthony Xyy
Anthony Xyy
il y a 4 mois
She is high on drugs or something
Leonard Weisfeld
Leonard Weisfeld
il y a 3 mois
I wouldn't put too much credence into what people say about their knowledge of past and
future lives, tho i do "respect" when they don't claim to have a memory (IOW, knowledge) about
what they are speaking. That's my take on it anyway.
il y a 2 mois
Amy Jacinda Yes. That is an option also. It’s up to you & the soul/ soul group you belong with. We
all have free will. You can agree to return to try to further your evolution together or break the
original contract if it seems like one soul isn’t ready to truly move forward. We probably feel this
as a toxic relationship or energy drain, at the very least. If you’re ready to move forward & the
other soul is holding you back, it may be time to let it go. Kindest regards & best wishes. I hope
that helps.
Kiwi Brit
Kiwi Brit
il y a 1 semaine (modifié)
@janecolton I see your question was written a few months ago so I don't know if this is
something that you are struggling with (If it isn't then maybe I can help someone else.)

A practical first step in letting go is to start practicing mindfulness. Meditation is great as is

physical exercise, yoga, being out in nature whatever suits you and brings you a sense of
calmness and wellbeing and a connection to source. I can also recommend having regular reiki
treatments. Any of these things done regularly can eventually bring you to a point where letting
go of negative emotions becomes easier.
susan powell
susan powell
il y a 4 ans (modifié)
this women talks a lot of sense.....ive never heard anyone talk about my own believe in
cancer....because i have always believed this .....holding on to hate fear ect..eats away at our
soul mind and body. thankyou for the upload.
Invisible ButAin'tBlind
Invisible ButAin'tBlind
il y a 4 ans
same belife here
Arjuna 1
Arjuna 1
il y a 4 ans
@Gerda Feja Same here..
il y a 3 ans
@susan powell 100% ,�.
It eats you up inside, a terrible thing that old anger and fear.
What is disease, break the word down and it becomes dis- ease, your body and mind are not at
ease, eventually it will break down , it might take a while .
Love and light to all yee fine people who took the time to watch this .❤
Mr Mental
Mr Mental
il y a 3 ans
+slaneysider And so to you my dear sibling!
il y a 1 an
susan powell and your liver where anger fear and frustration buries itself, then add alcohol etc
on top LOL oh my!
il y a 1 an
Woman = singular
Women = plural
Rhonda Cousins
Rhonda Cousins
il y a 1 an
Oh, so a 3 month old baby has held onto anger and bad karma and gets cancer? Ludicrous
Qi Huna
Qi Huna
il y a 1 an
"BAD" Fear and Hatred eats at your physical body and gives you diseases and malfunctions you
never thought you even had!
Craig Francis
Craig Francis
il y a 1 an
+Rhonda just don't get it yet..she never said nothing of the sort!!
Lean Meat
Lean Meat
il y a 1 an
Dolores you are the grandmother i never had.
il y a 1 an
After watching many video's on NDEs and listening to different professionals state their opinions,
I feel a sense of obligation to finally share my experience, which, with the help of Hubble, has
definitely been verified...

My NDE happened over 47 years ago, when I was struck by lightning while talking on the
telephone in my living room. According to several doctors at the hospital it was a miracle that I
was not physically damaged in any way. When I was able to talk, I kept telling them about the
beautiful light and the magnificent journey that I'd taken through the stars etc, to meet it, but
none could explain where I'd been. It was my home doctor who later suggested that I had
possibly been momentarily dead. I described the unforgettable Light to many people in the years
that followed - some seemed to understand but most thought it was probably just an illusion.

During the 80s and 90s a lot of doctors who made comments on NDEs, described them as
something that was programmed within the brain to take place during death, in order to help
people deal with the dying process. This came as a big disappointment to me, because my
beautiful experience with the multi-coloured Light had taken away the fear of death and helped
me move towards a path that would eventually allow me to understand much more about
myself and the world/universe around me than anyone had ever taught me. I reluctantly began
to accept the doctors explanations with deep regret, until one day in 2003, I was glancing
through a newspaper and came across a picture taken by Hubble of the Cone Nebula. The
picture was in colour and instantly took my breath away - I trembled and my head spun. It
looked exactly like the Light that I'd visited in 1970 and had been describing to people ever since
- (even today, it seems like I was there only a moment ago).
The Light was the most beautiful experience of love and security, that even after all these years
nothing has compared. It felt like I'd found my way home after being lost in a scary jungle. The
Light's multitude of vibrant colours all blended together in what seemed to be perfect harmony.
Each of the colours seemed to be intelligent - it was as if they were alive and sending me a loving
welcome.Then I was whisked backwards away just as quickly as I'd arrived. I burst back into the
bubble that I'd burst out of before I'd entered space to head to the Light.

From then on, I begun to question everything that I'd been taught about God. It was as though
something inside me had been switched on, exposing me of a far-distant extension of my reality
and it was very scary. I was left with a huge void to fill and no knowledge on how to fill it.
Motivated by an underlying driving force, I began searching for something with no idea of what
it was. I went from one country to the next and to add to my dilemma, I seemed to arrive just in
time for a disaster, including revolutions, typhoons and earthquakes etc. There were so many
times that I could have been killed like the many others around me that were.

Then one day while I was napping in Hong Kong, I had a dream and in it I was informed that
there was even more chaos to confront before my destiny would take me to a country, where I
would meet my best friend (future friend that is) who would take me to the foot of a great
pointed mountain. Once there I would find the truth that I needed to find. I told friends about
the dream, who laughed and joked about it - I also laughed with them.

Not long after the strange dream 500 hundred people were killed by landslides all around me -
an apartment building a couple of doors away from mine, fell over knocking the top 5 floors off
the empty building being built beneath it - there were cries of horror and the smell of rotting
bodies. Unable to cope, I jumped on a plane and headed for Manila, arriving just in time for a
record breaking flood and the revolution that ended the Marcus ruling. I had to run for my life
and leave all my belongings behind to get on a rescue flight back to Hong Kong.

By then I was drinking heavily and so depressed that I was even thinking of contemplating
suicide. An agent was in Hong Kong looking for a replacement vocalist for an American band that
were playing in a Tokyo club. Next thing I knew, I was on-board a Jumbo and in Japan trying my
best to perform with a very wild heavy metal band (no easy task for a cabaret singer). At the club
I met someone who became the best mate that I'd ever had. He taught me to chant the words
Nam-myoho-renge kyo and took me to a beautiful temple at the foot of Mount Fuji (I knew right
away that it was the pointed mountain that I'd been told about in my dream). Like most religious
groups do, the organisation promoting the chant, claimed to be the only one's right while all the
others were wrong. The chant had an amazing effect on my daily life - it was like an awakening
and somehow it connected me to the beautiful Light - there were even moments, while
chanting, that I experienced some of the wonderment that I'd felt at the Light.

I stuck with the organisation to learn as much as I could and then spent years trying to divide
what Nichiren's actual teaching was from the added politics of the organisation. I eventually left
the organisation and have since depended on my own volition to sort things out. In doing so, I
have studied other beliefs and discovered that some of what they teach is almost the same as
what Nichiren taught (Nichiren was the first person to chant NMRK and teach it to others). The
one thing that became more and more obvious to me was that the three major Laws of (Nature -
Cause and Effect - Communication or oneness of past/present/future) represented by myoho-
renge-kyo, represent the underlying fundamental Laws of everything, no-matter what we choose
to believe or not. I also gained a better understanding of the teachings of Jesus (not by what was
written about his lessons by his disciple's (who had all denied even knowing him when he was
arrested) but by the example that he set 'between the lines'. He also taught Nature - Cause and
Effect (reap what we sow) and prayer/communication. But it appears that the disciple's didn't
get it right, even though when they asked where the Kingdom of God was and Jesus told them
that it was within their own lives, they still believed and taught others to believe that God was a
man in the sky.I also got to understand that, minus all the added misconceptions,Nichiren taught
many of the same things that Jesus taught.

Many scientists now say that our solar system was born out of a nebula - that physically
everything, including ourselves, are made out of stardust and that energy never disappears or
ends. Nichiren taught that our body is a small planet made up from the Earth's environment, and
which relies on Earth's environment to exist - that our life-force is a small universe that contains
'everything' that exists, even though we're only awake to a very small part of it. Like Jesus taught
that the Kingdom of God is within (which obviously must mean that's where God is also)
Nichiren taught that Enlightenment (Buddhahood) is within and that everyone has the hidden
potential to achieve Buddhahood. He also left instructions that his future followers must never
worship him but that they should put their faith in the 'Law and not the person'.

In his writings (the Gosho) Nichiren explains that there are millions of other worlds like ours with
their own mountains, rivers and moons - and that there are also places that are wonderful far
beyond our present comprehension to conceive and understand. In the physical sense they are
scattered all over the universe - in the spiritual sense they are all located within each of us. (one
way to understand this is how TV works etc.) It doesn't matter how many TVs there are, they are
all able to present the same thing if tuned in.
The one thing that confused me after seeing the pictures of Cone Nebular, taken by Hubble back
in 2003, was how could I have possibly traveled that distance and back, as even at the speed of
light it wouldn't have been possible. Yet, long before Hubble was even built, I accurately
described the Cone nebular to many people. It's only in the last few years that it has finally made
sense to me. I went there and back within my own life-force - I traveled across the universe that
each of us contain within - not physically but spiritually. I now know that NDEs are journeys we
make beyond our physical/Earthly limitations, into our own unknown selves. I also believe that,
by way of continuous physical rebirths, we are on a journey to within to eventually discover our
true selves - reach a point where we can understand life as it truly is and awaken the wisdom to
comprehend and know the real meaning of what so many refer to as being 'God'.
Staci B
Staci B
il y a 1 an
tyamada21 thanks for sharing
peace and love
peace and love
il y a 1 an
I had a similar experience while I was peacefully working at home, I sensed and was revelead the
Oneness-Unity-Universe-Love-All-Everything-Truth-God-Peace is the same and what we see and
feel with our 5 sense (pain, individuality, separation, injustice, etc.) is not the true reality.
MiG23 Flogger
MiG23 Flogger
il y a 1 an
tyamada21 so many much nonsense...
Astral Flux
Astral Flux
il y a 5 mois
tyamada21 ���❤ �!!!
Chika Fantastica
Chika Fantastica
il y a 4 mois
Thank you tiyamada for sharing. �
il y a 4 mois
Great experience. You should share your story in an ebook and sell it on as there
are many who ar interested in learning about NDE's and OBE's.
marisol Ramirez
marisol Ramirez
il y a 1 mois
just wow...
Igor Ovsyannykov
Igor Ovsyannykov
il y a 1 mois
This made my day. Thank you.
The Gritty Ninja
The Gritty Ninja
il y a 1 an
When I was 2 years old my father came after me and my mom with a knife trying to kill us. For
the past year or so I've been working on forgiveness and acceptance. About two months ago I
got to a point where I was able to write my father a letter forgiving him for what he did. He had
schizophrenia and didn't really know what he was doing anyways but it still took a long time to
be able to forgive him. Since I wrote him that letter I've been getting insights and improving my
life faster than I ever have before. I've gotten to a point where I'm working on forgiving myself
now for anything I resent myself for and I never knew how much I hated myself until I forgave
other people. Now I'm finding that apologizing for things I did to others helps me to forgive
myself. I think that's the end game when it comes to forgiveness...being able to forgive yourself.
Once you are able to forgive yourself I think you are truly free but I'm not sure about that yet. I'll
just have to keep going with self forgiveness and find out.
il y a 6 mois
The Gritty Ninja I wish I could reach out to you.
il y a 5 mois
So sad this happened to you... also happy that you are still here with us �.... sometimes family
is just as poisonous as strangers . I’m glad you were able to forgive him and that you life is
il y a 3 mois
If you can get to a point where you understand that the person who has hurt you is acting on
energy you're supplying, forgiveness is easy.
il y a 2 mois
The Gritty Ninja Forgive yourself for anything you feel you have done to harm yourself or any
other being first. The forgive any other being (human, animal or other) for anything you feel they
have done that brought harm to you. Just let it go with love. It is powerful and life changing.
Blessings to you & your journey. Be love and be blessed.
Lakshman Abeykoon
Lakshman Abeykoon
il y a 4 ans
Q :Why do we have body? That's one of the most interesting thing, so many times I was
thinking about this. I would like to know the TRUE reason why we have physical body. For what

You have a body because, though you can not remember it now as
it could be so many life times ago, at one time, when you were pure consciousness or
light, you wished to have one. Why you wished it ?
Because you wanted to have certain experiences which you can not get if you do not
have a body. The affinity to have such experience or the desire to have a some
sort of a body is the cause . The easiest example is sex. You can not have it
in any other form. It is the most basic of desires, it is primeval hence the
continuation of mostly every living organism is based on that.

When you wish a body it comes in with some built in

set of primeval bodily desires. That is the condition of getting a body. (Say, like you
order something from a factory then it comes with the factory settings.) Those settings
are built in to it, as the body needs to survive, propagate and to have progeny, it
needs to protect itself from harm, live in a survival of the fittest environment
ect. So a sort of a reptilian type of functions with selfishness, ego ,
domineering, strong sexual desires ect comes in set up to the body.
Once you have the body, or once the symbiosis of body and soul
occurs, most of the occasions the soul (or the light) become attached and surrenders to
those desires and experiences and get tainted or dilutioned thinking
this body is me or the self and those desires are mine.

This dilution is (called Avidya in sanskrit) Creates more and more

desires and attachments. these attachments in turn creates Karmas. Then
karmas keep the soul bonded to the wheel of samsara. Processing body
after another body going through life/death life/death situations
endlessly ,

Liberation comes when you start realizing that the body is not the
self. And begins to understand the soul/body difference called (Nama/Rupa).
Once you begins to understand it you start to see the bad side of having a body.
Things like pain and suffering caused by being born, getting older, pain of
sickness, ect. It is all suffering (Dhukka in Sanskrit language) .

Once you understand that holding in to this body is indeed a burden or suffering.
Then you start looking for the way to find the relief of this suffering. How to let go
the hold in to the body. And look for the cause of it all.. The cause ?
is attachment. The reason for the attachment is misconception or mis
understanding or the darkness called (Avidya). The light or the (Vidya ) is the
correct understanding or the true nature of the things you hold for dear. With correct
understanding in place you start seeing the light or the liberation from this

How to get rid of the attachment and get liberated ? was explained
to people about 2500 years back but do not want to discuss because I do not want
to shake your belief or challenge it as this is not a religious discourse. But if you
think what I told is logical then you may able to find the way as you
are an extremely intelligent person to come in to contact with Doloros Cannons
teachings which I found very correct

May peace be upon this world !

May all beings are Happy and Well !!
May all beings are infinite boundless, beings of pure light, filled with love compassion and
kindness for all other beings, with never occurring a slightest of thought of harming an other
being !!!
May all beings are free from sufferings of Samsara !!!
George Nagy
George Nagy
il y a 4 ans
what happened 2500 years ago? need to know ....
Sergio Acosta
Sergio Acosta
il y a 4 ans
@George Nagy I'm agree.
il y a 4 ans
@George Nagy
really a lot! There is much information about it
George Nagy
George Nagy
il y a 4 ans
@wildersara will you point the way to start?

Furry Person
Furry Person
il y a 1 an
Fasustina Smith
Fasustina Smith
il y a 1 an
+Furry Person I AM SORRY...YOU !!!



Fasustina Smith
Fasustina Smith
il y a 1 an
+Furry Person I AM SORRY...YOU !!!



Furry Person
Furry Person
il y a 1 an (modifié)


Furry Person
Furry Person
il y a 1 an
Fasustina Smith Please answer this question for me...HOW DO YOU EXPECT TO HURT YOURSELF
Jetaune Donelson
Jetaune Donelson
il y a 1 an
Furry Person love it
Ozgur Senturk
Ozgur Senturk
il y a 1 an
George Nagy " bhagavad gita "
Elizabeth Isha
Elizabeth Isha
il y a 1 an
Lakshman Abeykoon can I love this!!
Violeta Olivia Rivas De Santiago
Violeta Olivia Rivas De Santiago
il y a 1 an
Lakshman Abeykoon �
Nabeel Mala
Nabeel Mala
il y a 1 an
Furry Person what resposibilities are you speaking about???? And also why are you so rude to
that guy saying fool over and over.....dude just chill out no one knows one can
because its hard to comprehend throught the logical reasoning....
Halfers 83
Halfers 83
il y a 9 mois
Lakshman Abeykoon I asked the same question, why do we need a physical body to grow
spiritually? To experience physical feelings? That don't make any logic sense. I am happy to hear
from you all.
il y a 6 mois
thank you very much dear friend.
love light
love light
il y a 5 mois
Amazing thank you
il y a 2 mois
Lakshman Abeykoon For the opportunity to evolve in the densest atmosphere, the physical.
Caramel Gazelle
Caramel Gazelle
il y a 2 mois
The architects of this world got trapped here. They had no choice but to evolve. This is what we
are now.
Lucia Jasova
Lucia Jasova
il y a 3 ans
i wish my grandma would be like u <3 :)
Bip Nop
Bip Nop
il y a 1 an
I want to kiss you
Anderson 1990
Anderson 1990
il y a 1 an
Lucia Jasova ��
Mauricio C Diaz Garcia
Mauricio C Diaz Garcia
il y a 1 an
When shes is speaking about Karma is describing karma acording to Hinduism: determinist and
fatalistic, not karma acording to Buddhism. Karma for Buddhism is not "baggage and rabish" that
we carry around that we need to let down. Acording to Buddhism. Karma is just the level of
moral propencity our action gave to us from where we migh or might not act in a skilfull or not
skilfull way. In other words is just a condicion from where our actions spring. Karma can change,
can be exausted, it can be "neutralized" and best of all it can be trascended altogether by
understanding the nature of things as they are (enlightment)
il y a 5 ans
One of wisest human beings on earth
Bip Nop
Bip Nop
il y a 1 an
You need to get out more
Stiles Brown
Stiles Brown
il y a 1 an
"God gave us a spirit not of fear, but of power and love and self-control." -2 Timothy 1:7
il y a 3 ans
I don't think it's that simple in regards to heavier karma. "Letting go" doesn't always mean that
the lesson was learnt. What she says has weight and is very good practice, but, from what I
understand, karma is mostly a balancing of energy. If both parties completely understand to the
core of their being, and choose to forgive and release then karma has no purpose, but that is
unlikely to happen 99% of the time.
Sandie Calvert
Sandie Calvert
il y a 1 an
I have forgiven my mother for I already see she will be upset enough when she realizes and this
was enough for me in this lifetime to attempt to move away and be around much different souls
now that I resonate with in order to do the work I want to do in this New World I could not take
my mother with me at this time but I did spend a good year and a half trying to get her to wake
up only to realize this does not work. Thanks xoxoxox
Ohhhmnaeity Andumyeah
Ohhhmnaeity Andumyeah
il y a 1 an
Sandie Calvert Lots of Love and best wishes to You and Yours.
Chantel Gamage
Chantel Gamage
il y a 8 mois
Sandie Calvert when you realise people are just souls! Just because they are represented as our
parents doesn't mean their souls are older and wiser.......good luck ❤✨
il y a 8 mois
Oh Sandie! I totally feel you on this. I'd love to message you about this topic if you'd like.
il y a 8 mois
@Chantel Gamage especially when they're the narcisstic type that always think everyone else is
at fault and that they are superior to them. Thanks mom for the lifetime of negative energy ..�
Chantel Gamage
Chantel Gamage
il y a 8 mois
L I it's so unfair but I am a much better parent � now I take it all as a blessing ❤ who knows why
they are that way� �✨
Vy Sharieff
Vy Sharieff
il y a 1 an
I believe in forgiving you, forgetting you and moving on like we've never met. I have no problem
throwing people right in the trash� Good-bye!!!
Kirk Barkley
Kirk Barkley
il y a 2 ans
To folks like me, this woman's knowledge/advice is invaluable.
marisol Ramirez
marisol Ramirez
il y a 1 mois
Do you live a life that is valuable ?
Qi Huna
Qi Huna
il y a 4 ans
The object is to ACCEPT IT with love and appreciation THAN transmute it to divine light. You
can't just let go of an energy that's part of U, why do you think theirs so much resistance and
fighting, U are GOD, GOD created evil/devil just to experience love. So the resistance you're
fighting is ALL U to begin with!!
Ali Bailey
Ali Bailey
il y a 1 an
You may not be able to~ but I sure can! And when its gone~it's gone. It's not ignored or buried or
imagined to be gone~ it's just gone. They have the right to do as they choose and I have the
same right~it's called free will and I choose to be happy with positivity in my life.I feel lighter, the
emotional attachment that seemed to only exist to cause me pain and misery no longer has any
power and I have no desire to keep myself in a place that is not conducive to having honesty,
respect and love in my life. Letting go was alot easier and felt more right than hanging on ever
did. I don't believe that I need to transmute or transfer anything to anybody, I am quite capable
of accepting the people for who they are and letting go of the problems by letting go. There's
nothing to forgive. They are who they are, and it is what it is. It's just not mine anymore by my
choice~ that includes abuse as a child by parents, abandonment, sexual molestation/abuse (not
family) several times beginning at age 7 by people in authority, and a couple marriages, and
more stuff in between. Being able to get to this point has been a long road~almost 60 now but I
hold no hate, it just is what it is , it's done because I let go of it. That's it, and that's all!
Occasionally I feel bad for that child but that child survived, had children of her own and the
cycle stopped there. Her children knew they were~ and are loved~100% always and forever.
They never knew any form of abuse mentally or physically growing up and they never knew
hunger either so all the bad turned into some very positive things for their lives and their
childrens lives. I take responsibility for my actions and choices~ sometimes thats hard but most
times its not. I don't hand over my problems to God ~and say " ok! do your stuff!" then sit back
and wait for everything to be ok. I haven't always dealt with my reactions to certain situations
the best way possible, that was a definite learning process, and Life is a neverending classroom~
thats what brought me to this page, and Im at peace with the direction Im heading on my own ,
with the kids all grown. Apparently my lessons aren't done yet tho as Im still here but I'm pretty
tired and except for how hard it will be on my daughter when I move on (we're very close and
her dad committed suicide a dozen years ago so am only parent) but other than that concern~ I
am ready to go back to spirit and just be. Im told Im meant to help people and I do but I'm
thinking something major is coming so I think I've got awhile, which is cool cuz I have
Grandbabies that just love their Nana! Sorry for the life story but ~It is what it is!!!:D Only lookin
forward now! Peace and Love to you all and out to the universe! Nite
Thomas Wilson
Thomas Wilson
il y a 1 an
I agree with her but I think love is the strongest emotion we have . but good message !�
il y a 1 an
+Thomas Wilson---"Human" love and fear are the strongest. Fear is the most
constant/continued emotion. Most people are satisfied (think they are or would be) with
emotional love rather than Divine Love (unconditional/unchanging). WE have forgotten that WE
ARE LOVE/LIGHT just having "human experience".
Kim Lawrence
Kim Lawrence
il y a 1 an
Love is not an emotion!!! only 5 emotions, Grief/guilt, sympathy, anger, joy, fear and that is it
il y a 1 an
+Kim Lawrence----INCORRECT, "human" love/marriage is mundane or temporary, conditional
emotion. Strong emotion, but still emotion stuck in ego. Only ONE/ABSOLUTE/GOD etc is LOVE
or Unconditional Love (never changing). WE are not human, WE are spirit having a human
Mariam Malla
Mariam Malla
il y a 9 mois
Love and fear are opposite. Love is a high frequency while fear is low frequency.
Feed Your Faith
Feed Your Faith
il y a 9 mois
Thomas Wilson I don’t know it seem hate is a strong and deadly emotion
Youziyah Iammes
Youziyah Iammes
il y a 9 mois
.ètsamaN, esselb eb ot eunitnoc uoY yam ,dnA .hturt eht nekops yletinifed evah uoY < toboR

PS: Pure Unconditional Love; a Spirit Being; the Breath of Life that which is the Blessing!
unique johnson
unique johnson
il y a 5 mois
even Tupac said fear is stronger than love. Example slavery.
il y a 3 mois
If people forgive, they find love.
Derek Hughes
Derek Hughes
il y a 2 mois
When we resonate at source frequency love becomes a state of being, not an emotion.
Jillian Press
Jillian Press
il y a 4 ans
Namaste! Thank you!:)
il y a 1 an
Most commenters did not listen to or understand the video. What she says is correct. Detach
and Surrender just as you surrender to sleep every night. Nobody "leaves" until WE become
ready to accept Realization/Samadhi/Enlightenment/Nirvana.
Alberto diniro
Alberto diniro
il y a 1 an
Its ok to talk about letting go of fear and forgiving. However, we need a method in order to
release repressed thoughts and emotions. Its not enough to do it on an intellectual level. It
needs to be done on an experiential level. For example, Vipassana Meditation. That works to get
rid of old stock. Dolores is saying the right things but not telling people how to get rid of it.
mildred davis
mildred davis
il y a 9 mois
Agree. Meditation does help. There are many scientific benefits to meditation

Please allow me to explain

I enjoy quiet still meditation now, however, to get to the calm quiet mind point - I had to
meditate daily for a while.

It is a process.

I allowed images, feelings and thoughts to flow through me and I made sure to process them -
no matter how intense or anxiety ridden they made me feel.

Eventually, over time, I became like an observer to the images and feelings, not releasing cortisol
into my body during the memories and flashbacks.

Meditative yoga [Yog means union or merging with the divine source] was my saving grace for
consciousness evolvement and for regaining my health

I enjoy heart-opening kriya meditative yoga: lay down in a very comfortable position [corpes
pose], while in the sunlight. The sun's energetic photons are very healing and the rays of light
stimulate the quantum vibrating microtubules in the brain as well as bathes the thymus
gland/heart vortex

* The thymus is the main organ in the lymphatic system, which produces lymphocytes. The
extremely important lymphocytes produce perforin, hydrogen peroxide that kills cancer cells

Quiet still meditation in a very relaxing pose helps me calm the mind to pure consciousness -
quietness. I connect self and source-self, the true "communion"

I can now meditate while walking, folding clothes, washing dishes, etc.

I am a fragment of source inside of a temporal flesh vessel - bound to this earth to complete my
mission of helping my mother and to help people understand that they do not need chemo nor
radiation after a diagnoses of "cancer"

Keeping the "temple" and the "living waters" pure as to maintain a strong immune system is the
key to allowing the body to heal from damaged cells "cancer"

"Cancer" free for over a year now - the Oncologists and my neighbors have asked for my food
journal information and they ask about my meditative practice
il y a 5 mois
il y a 5 mois
@mildred davis CONGRATS
il y a 5 mois
@mildred davis I'm going to try all of these things
Maria Ljungström
Maria Ljungström
il y a 3 ans
THANK YOU I LOVE YOU :) so many people spread so much hate in media right now its toxic just
to read it We need to forgive and move on
Mr Mental
Mr Mental
il y a 3 ans
+Maria Ljungström We will win the people will rise and take control! And we have allied
benevolent forces with us who do a tremendous job to help us! I have contact with a dear friend
of mine who died at the age of 33. I feel him as a warm and loving presence! Trevliigt att se en
Svensk! Are you a Starseed or indigo child?
The Resistance
The Resistance
il y a 2 ans
Nam meyo ho renge ko means "I believe in the mystic law of cause and effect."
il y a 1 semaine
It is Nam myoho rengue kyo�
Gregory May
Gregory May
il y a 1 an
Yes... and then 10, 15 years go by and you're experiencing the same situation or treatment all
over again...over and over... I feel trapped in mine... I can't figure it out... why does it keep
repeating... how much of the same 'theme' do I have to keep experiencing?
Sherr B
Sherr B
il y a 8 mois
Gregory May your not alone ! Feeling the same
Regina or Dolly
Regina or Dolly
il y a 8 mois
Gregory May I feel the same way! Trying to figure out what I may be doing wrong.
Penny Davis
Penny Davis
il y a 8 mois
Gregory May Sometimes you have to change the entire equation...
Avid Swam
Avid Swam
il y a 8 mois
think of a lesson behind each experience ,there most be something common in all of them and
that thing, whatever it is, is your lesson, sometimes its as simple as changing the circle of people
around you not with similar ppl but with totally different ones, sometimes its to walk the new
path, new skills ,new learning etc...we all are in the same journey .
il y a 6 mois
it probably means that you still didnt learn your lesson that you were supposed to learn.try to
figure out what lesson is in it for you,otherwise it will keep coming back in other forms but the
same thing.
Tina Teddy
Tina Teddy
il y a 5 mois
Till you let go
il y a 4 mois
Whatever we experience as "negative" and "uncomfortable" are just "cloud covers" as Robert
Scheinfeld likes to call them. We must continue acknowledging our power to create and change
things and feel grateful for the experiences as they will help us desolve the unwanted
experiences. After a while, those experiences will cease to make us react a certain way and they
collapse from our reality. We must stay the course without judging and soon you will triumph
over all discomfort.
il y a 4 mois
TheMagnificentPower what about a sexless marriage my husband finally is taking testosterone
shots. But lately since moving to a new city and missing my old life it feels like everything came
crashing g down. I keep telling my husband this is happening g for reason. I hope it is the reason
to heal and connect again as husband and wife. To love each other fully and to rediscover my
self. To reach harmony and happiness.
il y a 4 mois
@VanessaSimon26 It is difficult when we experience what we call "bad" or "negative" situations
in relationships and can't seem to find ways to remedy them.
In my opinion, I say you should continue to nurture your relationship and express your love to
your husband and realize that at this point in time the cause of your husband's inactivity in the
bedroom may very well be diet related and I suggest you seek out a good nutritionist or
naturopathuc doctor who can give a better diagnoses and can recommend healthier alternatives
than drugs to remedy the causes. At the very least, search for remedies here on Youtube. All in
all, continue to be an observer, and visualize better circumstances with your husband on a daily
basis. If all alse fails, try to understand that the universe may be attempting to send you a
message to either stay the course or to prepare for new beginnings.
Lori S
Lori S
il y a 3 mois (modifié)
That's because the issue resides deep in your subconsciosness. Your conscious mind is incapable
of truly and completely eliminating the negative memories associated with bad experiences. I
encourage you to try EFT Tapping (Emotional Freedom Technique). It helped me a great deal, I
could not believe the effects it did on me - it made me a better person to myself and others
around me. I was able to release and let go of some really nasty old crap that was dragging me
down spiritually and healthwise too. Look it up (there is a lot of free info on YT) and try it on a
small issue, i.e. a fight with a co-worker, or anxiety over something. I use a classic (10 points
tapping) on deeper/older problems, and a Faster EFT on day-to-day minor issues that can ruin
my day. Hope you find your inner peace and love!

P.s. I find Robert Gene Smith's videos (on YT) quite helpful in understanding the underlying
issues we all tend to have.
il y a 2 mois
Gregory May, I hope this link works. It is a copy of Autobiography in Five Short Chapters. Once
we realize our pattern we can start to make headway. First you do it on autopilot. Then you get
to a point where you realize it "Ah crap. I did it again." Then you catch yourself in the middle and
make a different choice. Then you catch yourself right before you repeat. Finally you stop doing
and drawing in the same crap. This is one of the best things a counselor ever told me decades
R. Pepion
R. Pepion
il y a 1 mois
To experience again and see in a new way and draw new understandings?
Juan Anguiano
Juan Anguiano
il y a 5 ans
I just love her.
il y a 1 an
Thank you! I tell people all the time. Self forgiveness and letting go. Powerful prayer by arc angel
Metatron about releaseing yourself from the wheel of Karma and Freeing yourself from the
reincarnation cycles. I AM GRATEFUL for having learned this. I bless you all and i love you all.
Focus within and heal yourself. Namaste. LOVE is the Only Reality.
Ohhhmnaeity Andumyeah
Ohhhmnaeity Andumyeah
il y a 1 an
Peacethology Krsna keep me free from the cycle of birth and death PLEASE. And Christ Jesus in
Love. And Buddha, for whatever your worth, some too. Thanks millions.
Donatela La Rosa
Donatela La Rosa
il y a 1 an
im glad I learned that lesson I forgive every one and I dont have to take it any more, done.
il y a 1 an
I love it when people think it's easier said than done. Try telling that to someone who's in prison.
They have no where in sight for someone to forgive them nor anybody to listen to them.
Moreover, releasing the guilt that follows them like a dark cloud 24/7 especially when their
innocent. If the inner core hasn't accepted forgiveness and letting go, no matter what people
throw at you or preach to you, it will never happen. It takes years of self-discovery to get to that
point. Wayne Dyer didn't become Wayne Dyer in a day.
il y a 1 an
Ruddy Rocks
Ruddy Rocks
il y a 1 an
Isn't Dolores saying the same things enlightened people said many years ago?!
And I think people in this world need less logic or books and more loving way to explain how it
works karma, experience etc. like Jesus, Mohammed, Budha, Osho, Lao Tzu, Eckhart Tolle �
Peace and Love �
mildred davis
mildred davis
il y a 9 mois
Agree. Explore and expand knowledge of the enlightened ones
Tiffany Campbell
Tiffany Campbell
il y a 4 mois
na Rocks
Monika Bando
Monika Bando
il y a 1 an
It is not that easy to disconnect from this person.
For example if she has your child and using this power against you and even hurting child by not
allowing to see father.
How you can forgive her?
Sandy ERTH
Sandy ERTH
il y a 3 ans
I believe that the old " if you don't do well enough, you have to come back again" paradigm is
cruel. In this corrupted system we are set up to fail by being brainwashed with beliefs that limit
and oppress us. I doubt that, when we get to "the other side" we will be told " oh you failed, you
have to go back". If someone told me that, i'd knock them out.
Anthony Abela
Anthony Abela
il y a 3 ans
+Sandy ERTH Get ready to knock yourself out then Sandy. No one will be on the other side to
judge you, other than yourself.
TheOriginal Unaleska
TheOriginal Unaleska
il y a 1 an
Sandy ERTH no one tells you that you failed, you decide if you learned or not. Only you can come
back of your own free will because it is you who wants to learn.

You only see the cruelty of reincarnation because you don't understand the benefits from it.
Chomp Dog
Chomp Dog
il y a 1 an
Sandy ERTH don't go to the light. It's a trap. I believe that with all of me. That's why there's so
much speak of it in mainstream. They want to keep us trapped...
The earth is in quarantine. Knowing this may let us go passed it. Peace to you
Derek Mann
Derek Mann
il y a 1 an (modifié)
There IS nothing to learn. Humans are obsessed with this idea of learning, advancement, and is
it any wonder that so many of us walk around the planet believing we are not good enough? The
reason is because our survival mechanisms are built on competition and grades, and advancing.
But, are you not God already? Are you not Source already pretending to be NOT Source for this
blip of time we call 'a human life'? Are you not perfect, complete and whole? What would utter
and complete perfection, Pure Awareness, possibly have to learn? No one inquires into this
question, because they still take themselves to be a separate 'soul'. We still believe that the
separate personalities that we see here, are actually who we are. We don't inquire into our true
essence which is complete, whole, seamless and perfect.

You didn't come here to learn anything that you don't already know. You came here to
experience what you already know, because there is joy and deliciousness in experiencing what
you can't experience in the non physical. So, the only thing you are 'learning', is in the context of
how a scientist studies a new terrain and gains insights on it. We, as Spiritual Beings are
exploring and 'learning about' the human experience, because it fascinates us and intrigues us.
You can not possible fully understand a theme such as 'greed' if you didn't first experience
yourself as 'separate'. We are simply here to experience and explore different life themes,
because they fascinate us. Learning as in.....'adult education'....meaning 'hey, I wonder what that
experience would feel like' OR....'I wonder what THAT experience would feel like'. That's it.
Consider this as an alternative perspective.
il y a 10 mois
what happens when you go to the light>? and you mean go to the light after you die?
Pavel Fanko
Pavel Fanko
il y a 5 mois
@Derek Mann I agree with you, the lesson thing is just dumb. I think dolores just didn't get this
one right. Not only we all come from the source, but also the time itself DOES NOT exist, so
there's already a perfect evolved version of us that has experienced everything there is to
experience. Life is just a game, like a massive MMORPG not some retarded school
Derek Mann
Derek Mann
il y a 5 mois (modifié)
@RWS Nothing bad happens when you go to the light. You go home. Simple. And it's the most
intense love you will ever experience. Please don't listen to people on the internet, especially
here on YouTube comment sections if it makes you feel fearful. There is NOTHING to fear when
you die. There's a lot of well meaning, but incredibly misguided people on videos like this and
the internet in general spreading unnecessary fear where there is no need for fear. If you already
have issues trusting yourself and your own guidance, this kind of shit, will only reinforce that.
Better yet, stay away from videos like this in general, and learn to trust your own guidance as
Dolores Cannon was a very well intentioned, kind, loving woman, but in MY opinion, incredibly
mis-guided as I believe she has vastly mis-understood the material coming through her own
clients due to her own belief systems. The same with Michael Newton and many others.
Derek Mann
Derek Mann
il y a 5 mois
@Pavel Fanko Yes, the idea of parallel universes has really opened my mind to the potential that
there are already multiple versions of us exploring simultaneously every possible outcome of a
life. Most of the stuff we read and listen to which enforces the idea of learning or 'having to
come back to reincarnate' or 'karma' is coming from our limited, linear, human brains which still
live in time. Because us humans cannot possibly comprehend the fact that reality beyond this
human experience does not have time. We, human anthropomorphize our own human qualities
on to the spirit world. When you incarnate to experience the life of a 'leaf', what are you possibly
learning? Nothing. You are learning what it is like, to be a leaf. A leaf does not even have a pre-
frontal cortex. Learning is something humans do, yes because humans can only experience
things in terms of this, then this, then this, then this due to the limited nature of our brains. But,
we are not humans. Hence, we already ARE "All Of It"/All That Is.
Shonda Rise LIVE
Shonda Rise LIVE
il y a 4 mois
Blame the people that taught you those "values" don't blame the karma of what you need to fix
in your life.
Mr B
Mr B
il y a 3 mois
Same here I am not coming back
Lynda Lee Abdo
Lynda Lee Abdo
il y a 10 mois
There is also good karma that is desirable.
Jordan Rudder
Jordan Rudder
il y a 5 mois
I take responsibility from here on out
il y a 1 an (modifié)
While this is all well and good but Love, Peace and Forgiveness doesn't always works for
everyone or in every situation. Even when in return you show compassion to people, some
people will still keep disturbing you through different ways and talks. If people constantly keep
disturbing you or making your life hell, keep playing games and tricks with you then you have to
react or respond, take a stand. In certain situations it becomes necessary to respond.
Smilaz Musik
Smilaz Musik
il y a 1 an
forgiving is easy for me, but getting rid of the pains let go is not.
il y a 6 jours
This was very big for me. I will continue to revisit this.
il y a 1 an (modifié)
Read the book "Cutting the Ties That Bind" by Phyllis Krystal. Concrete steps on how to get rid of
toxic people.
Aida Amorre
Aida Amorre
il y a 8 mois
Absolutely amazing!!!
il y a 1 an
I don't think we can just 'let go' of bad karma - in order to change our poisons into medicine we
need to make 'good' causes towards life. The reason being... the workings of 'karma' is
controlled by 'Cause and Effect'. Also, we cannot run away from our bad karma, because even if
we change our circumstances, geographical position etc etc etc, our karma is as sure to stay with
us as our skin is... it will manifest one way or another... we can't fool LIFE no matter what.
Jade Warren #1
Jade Warren #1
il y a 3 mois
Fear holds the same amount of energy as faith
Sweet Jesus
Sweet Jesus
il y a 1 an
Not forgiving does not change what has already happened so work on forgiveness and it loses
control over you.
Mimi B
Mimi B
il y a 18 heures
Sounds easier than it is, some people find it tough just to even imagine they can be accoutable
for their own 3d consciousness and start Trying to release that fear/victim mentality
Melisha P
Melisha P
il y a 3 ans
I love this woman! Very insightful.... I thought I'd never be able to forgive but it makes more
sense as to why it's worth it for me. Although our source and reason for happiness isn't
connected to anyone else, the people that do you wrong will face their karmic cycle
Ana Cee
Ana Cee
il y a 1 an
She's wise and has a lot of experience. That's all. Nobody knows what happens after we die.
Bahb Woolley
Bahb Woolley
il y a 3 ans
Stop adding Time into the interaction and you will know it all comes out just fine.
Rebekah Suzanne
Rebekah Suzanne
il y a 1 an
Bahb Woolley true- otherwise even 'right now' wouldn't be existing...
il y a 4 ans
Saying just let it go is like telling someone who just got bitten by a snake, "don't let the poison
harm you". Once bitten, its too late!
Sean Berumen
Sean Berumen
il y a 4 ans
That's a primitive thought.
il y a 4 ans
It's not too late, but it's a shitty journey to the other side.
sister savannah
sister savannah
il y a 4 ans
YOU, my dear, will not be moving forward....the snake would not be biting you if you'd release
it....why did you even watch this? you don't seem to be even REMOTELY aware of metaphysical
principles...bless you, please just let the snake go.
il y a 4 ans
"Just let the snake go."
You're somebody who understands metaphysical principles, but ignores physical principles. It is
not that simple, for neurochemical reasons. There's more to it than just telling somebody to let
their emotional blockages go. Poor advice.

You're forgetting that we're in human bodies. It would indeed be that simple if we were solely in
our nonphysical state... but we're not. Our consciousness inhabits human bodies that are
intricately designed to provide a stable creative experience. Keyword: stable. There are systems
in place which we must understand in order to implement spiritual concepts from our human
sister savannah
sister savannah
il y a 4 ans
@OldSoulPortal actually I do know a great deal about neuro science and I just say 'let
it go' is like putting lipstick on a pig or pink icing on a shit still have those
neuropeptides, neuro pathways that are SET..ruts ingrained by a perpetual belief system. YOU
CAN RE ROUTE YOUR NEURO PATHWAYS....but, you're quite right, just saying 'let the snake go'
involves a great deal of introspection, consciousness about your belief systems and a lot of work
at, we're both correct..."letting it go" is the answer...simple but NOT EASY....can take
YEARS to realign your belief override a cellular belief is NOT easy.....BUT IT CAN BE
DONE with a consciousness of your thoughts...and adjusting your beta/theta wave ratios, yadda,
yadda......"it is done unto you as you believe"...period...and sometimes we just end up 'believing'
some pretty self-sabotaging, toxic crapola and here we are stuck with these 'beliefs'.... But
YES...YOU ARE CORRECT...the physicality of Neuro Science is a very real thing.....and
understanding metaphysical systems well enough to implement them in our 'human standpoint'
is, indeed, a piece of work. STABLE is what can be gained by the balancing of Beta/Theta
wave/pathways,......whew, 'nuff said.
sister savannah
sister savannah
il y a 4 ans
so yes, I do know a great deal about metaphysical principles...AND the physicality of Neuro's my job...
il y a 4 ans
I think it's safe to say.. we are in agreement here.
sister savannah
sister savannah
il y a 4 ans
@OldSoulPortal yup
Arjuna 1
Arjuna 1
il y a 4 ans
@webadage Wrong.. you compare A and B.. but it is NOT that easy..
you can not avoid things in life (just the ego thinks this).. life will confront you.. its has to.. till you
learn to forgive.. it is your present.. you will health from forgiveness.. not the other... but even
they will change.....
il y a 3 ans
We all have Chi we can use to heal ourselves if we were aware of that to control it. The poison
wouldn't affect you. That's why you let the snake go.

Oh well, at least that reality is existing on another timeline. Hopefully it combines with ours one
il y a 3 ans
+OldSoulPortal sister savannah
Wow! That was perhaps the most intelligible repartee I've ever seen on YT... Like a breath of
fresh air... :) Thanks!
IAMGOD IAMeverything
IAMGOD IAMeverything
il y a 1 an
It means dont live in fear of getting bit again because you were poisioned.. Let it go.
Ali Bailey
Ali Bailey
il y a 1 an
webadage! I couldn't disagree more…And I'm ok with agreeing to disagree! May I just suggest
tho~that you may want to search your heart abit more before making that your final answer k!?
Take care and good luck to you...
Amanda Jean Jasinski
Amanda Jean Jasinski
il y a 6 heures
I gotta go...there's so much more for me...♡
Zennia White
Zennia White
il y a 1 jour
Thank you for the answer tear up the contract
johnny blaime
johnny blaime
il y a 2 ans
Thanks beautiful
Rosaura Hernandez
Rosaura Hernandez
il y a 1 an (modifié)
Thank you. Nice to see an older person talking about this. I don't like how people say your brain
solidifies in its beliefs after 25 and you can't change who you are..
mildred davis
mildred davis
il y a 9 mois
Neurogenesis, neuroplasticity and epigenetics prove that our brains continually change
throughout our life-time/times
Lisa Fiel
Lisa Fiel
il y a 1 an
people need to feel OK about righteous indignation and let go of guilt for despising people who
did terrible wrongs In fact one should embrace these feelings and be taught it is perfectly ok to
have these feelings suppressing them makes people sick
mildred davis
mildred davis
il y a 9 mois
Agree. Work through the emotions to neutriilize them. Do the shadow work, as Carl Jung called
il y a 11 mois
Most people inherit and adopt FEAR from their parents, guardians, society, schools. It is meant
to protect us and keep us safe from the perils of the world, but it does great damage. Most fears
never materialize but like chains fear keeps us from full experience. Learn to trust in SELF and
the Experience more and more so as to replace fear and realize freedom.
il y a 6 mois
yes russian robot i am the result of that mom always put the fear of the devil in me.first
she tried god.but why fear god if hes a good kind that didnt work.then she started with
the devil.THAT WORKED.but im still suffering because of that.see what i mean?
Therese Sorrell
Therese Sorrell
il y a 2 mois
All this talk about forgiveness.I find it irrelevant, I don’t know why people do crazy things, I am
disgusted and surprised which some behaviour, but have no idea where they are coming from
and why. But I agree with, let all crap and people ( if people are involved) shoot off as far from
you as possible. And concentrate on your new beautiful world. And don’t let anything and
anyone destroy your new beautiful life and mind. God Bless and good luck everybody��♀ ‍�
Pankaj Kumar
Pankaj Kumar
il y a 3 ans
Beautiful. She is right. Most diseases are the manifestations of our inner conflicts. Also, we never
hurt anyone except one person when we hold grudges -WE.
Gary Norton
Gary Norton
il y a 1 an
Pankaj Kumar and food
il y a 1 an
Got an inflamed appendix at the age of 14 because I was leading such an unhealthy and
destructive life at the time....
Bullying others at school. Taking drugs...skipping school when I didn't beat up the weak kids...

Oh right I didn't!
I was a swimmer and always felt like the oddball...
Back then.

I tried go for normal once.

It was the worst 5 seconds of my life.
Have spent years of therapy and boozing and weed to come to the conclusion that my madness
is normal. It's most of the world who are the mental patients running the asylum.
Like the church was founded.
4am Curiosity
4am Curiosity
il y a 8 mois
Yes! I am a high vibrational soul and i never get sick!!!
Tiger Momma
Tiger Momma
il y a 6 mois
That isn't true. YOu can hurt people with your thoughts and words even people you don't hold
grudges against.
On My Way
On My Way
il y a 2 mois
Boy I Miss Delores. Such words of wisdom. What a gift to the world.
Zennia White
Zennia White
il y a 1 jour
How do you figure it out and not come back her
digital india
digital india
il y a 1 an
practice to make life joyful... hurdles will come due to past karma's ...if you are no so powerful to
fight with them you will loose so make yourself strong inside by helping Poor's , forgiveness,
love for all like karma's. you know after doing these good karma we feel somewhat joy from core
of our heart ...yes this is the tablet you have to buy and take it till you become blessed.plx don't
stop in middle of your own treatment this all will give you power to change destiny change your
astrological chart because that little joy you feel after doing for humanity is cell number for
universe and have power for miricals
Keytohappiness Spiritual Medium
Keytohappiness Spiritual Medium
il y a 3 mois
Hello I'd just like to thank you for this video ❤❤
Fear ruined my life until now I'm very greatful
I love you all ����������������������������������
rocky balboa
rocky balboa
il y a 2 mois (modifié)
This lady is beautiful!
World needs people like her :)
Felecia Townsend
Felecia Townsend
il y a 4 ans
Thanks for the video :)
Drops of Jupiter
Drops of Jupiter
il y a 5 mois
I am beside myself! This is a key to our front door. Healing bringing the frequency higher, why did
you just say this to begin with? LOL! THANK YOU, WOW, PRICELESS, TIMELESS, MIRACULOUS
il y a 8 mois
nah, you can't cancel the karma whenever you want, it is a process.... divine timing
Lavender Violet
Lavender Violet
il y a 1 semaine
(a little processing out loud as I watch/listen to this upload...)

big changes are happening in my life. really big, profound, important changes.

both externally and internally.

and I do not yet know

how to navigate all these new circumstances in a way that shows the utmost reverence and
respect for myself...

I feel confused and befuddled.

I feel my attempts at making a fresh start for myself, have been going very poorly.

and in not knowing how to navigate the above, I notice I fall into a slippery slope of avoidance

which for me, are sleeping and eating, mostly.

(how to change this?)

Joe Martinez
Joe Martinez
il y a 1 an
Thank you God Bless you
Chloe Burdon
Chloe Burdon
il y a 1 an
This was the amazing thing I’ve heard all week 🙏🙏
il y a 1 an (modifié)
Hinduism is the only religion not by the book...or written by a lost cause who have idea about
the prove my point I would say...look at law of physics..every action there will be a Hinduism we call it Karma.
il y a 6 mois
true.hinduism is also a religion that will never be shoved down your throat by anybody.
YouTube Guru
YouTube Guru
il y a 4 mois
YouTube Guru
YouTube Guru
il y a 4 mois
RNB WRC Hinduism can slob on my ballsack
Ryan Lewis
Ryan Lewis
il y a 1 an
I almost died in 2013 due to complications with insulin and was in a coma for a few days. what I
saw changed my life. The other side is Yes, No , Rite, Wrong without emotion involved. There is
a truth and goodness that we all should live. There is a bright light just like the sun.. Follow it.
il y a 5 ans
il y a 2 semaines
You just described my life right now, everything you said as 100% true. Brought me to tears ��
sulagna mishra
sulagna mishra
il y a 1 mois
Thank you so much for your valuable advice.�namaste from odisha India
Col W.
Col W.
il y a 6 mois
I keep getting feelings of "I lived this situation before" as if I was looking down on my life!
brian menendez
brian menendez
il y a 3 ans
RIP Dolores
il y a 3 mois
Dolores , is what you say belief or experience ? ... guess your going to say “Both “ Mmmm....
il y a 5 mois
i try to let go but it... keeps repeating in my head
then i say and repeat the word love hoping that will help
some days easier said than done ♀ ‍
Mark Jones
Mark Jones
il y a 2 ans
this is all completely true!
Stiles Brown
Stiles Brown
il y a 1 an
"God gave us a spirit not of fear, but of power and love and self-control." -2 Timothy 1:7
Vijay Jagpaul
Vijay Jagpaul
il y a 10 mois
Mark Jones I knowticed what she is exposing. Not mis-spelt.
il y a 1 an
when you forgive someone the future karma is released, but what about the past ones? the
literal meaning of karma is action, deed or work, speech and thoughts also constitute karma but
of a lesser density.
Wandering Soul
Wandering Soul
il y a 1 an
That is not what Cause and Effect is. Karma is 3D. It does not exist really. If you do not feel bad,
you will not receive karma. If you do not believe in Karma you will not attract it.
il y a 5 ans
This Agnya chakra is the 'Narrow Gate' to the Limbic area of the brain, The Thousand Petaled
Lotus is the Kingdom of God within- The Sahrasara! where Christ came to establish and where he
must be awakened, it's quality is that of Forgiveness and must be passed 'through' not 'Opened!'
If we Forgive or we don't forgive, we don't do anything!....BUT if we Don't forgive we play into
the wrong hand's and end up only torturing ourselves, while the other one sleeps! So not is it
only healthy to forgive but very pragmatic and wise!!! Forgiveness is the power to let go of
anger, hatred and resentment and to discover, in humility, the nobility and generosity of the
Watch "Agnya chakra 1983"
il y a 5 ans
When our attention passes Agnya and onto the Spirit, these two institutions of Ego and superego
(these conditionings) are sucked in and Christ is awakened, is our Innocence!!! We enter into a
new awareness called 'Turiya state' it is that of 'Thoughtless awareness!' When there are no
thoughts you can only be innocent! Matter is innocent watch "Spiritual secrets of the carbon
il y a 5 ans
Yes you ARE my friend! To be 'Spiritual' simply means, To be INNOCENT! To feel Guilty is a myth,
when we are not the 'doer' anyway! some people feel guilty for no reason, as a 'state' of being, if
an animal kills another or tramples someone to death...STILL he is INNOCENT! He doesn't think,
oh, I've done something wrong, now what should I do!!! So where is the sin? When God is the
ocean of love, the ocean of compassion but most of all he is the ocean of FORGIVENESS....So
why feel Guilty, when we are all ready forgiven? There is a story in India where some
missionary's came to a village spreading the Gospel, and a lady said to them... "Thank you for tell
us what sin is and that we are sinners, or we would never of known!" To feel guilty is a disease of
the west! when we do nothing in this 'Matter' anyway!!! all we do is dead works!....We make a
chair from a tree, which is dead!...From the dead to the dead to the dead! All living work is done
by God almighty, we just think we are the 'doer' And that is because we identify our self with the
ego! if we were the 'doer' we would have things done a lot differently, wouldn't we? So why feel
guilty, FOR WHAT? when we are not the 'doer' anyway! So yes we are innocent! as long as we
think we are the 'doer', we create karma, but after Self realisation ( It's an actualisation) we
cease to create karma anymore! because we are not this body, this intellect, this ego or these
conditionings...We are the 'Pure' Spirit, and it's that which we have to 'BECOME!'
mildred davis
mildred davis
il y a 9 mois
And the Priest say that all were born in sin.

It is we were all born in the sine-wave. [astrotheology]

Guilt ridden people make $ for the bike Roman Catholic Church. It is drilled into the
subconscious of the "masses" that they are, from the start - sinful
Maria DeArman
Maria DeArman
il y a 1 an
Thank you =)
Thomas Murphy
Thomas Murphy
il y a 3 ans
Let go or be dragged is what I say sometimes. I've had a hell of a time letting go after my wife of
23 years divorced me and took our daughters. I still haven't forgiven her, much less myself for
not being "better".. It about kills me some days and it's two years after it all went down. Pain is a
great, but painful motivator. Peace and love :)
il y a 3 ans
+Thomas Murphy "Let go or be dragged." HA! That's a good one... Never heard that one before.
If you crafted that... Thank you sir. :) Although I'm pretty sure I can actually tire that horse out
that's dragging me... HA! That would be a great title for this video... and I hope you don't mind,
but I may be using that one from time to time.
The other thing you said also jumped out at me...
"much less myself for not being "better".."
With all respect due to the rest of your statement, which I know is a very painful
circumstance/experience. (I know this because a friend has been going through something very
similar for 7+ years.)
Pardon me, but if I may suggest that you forgive yourself before you even think about forgiving
anyone else... Forgiveness begins with each and every one of us.
Best Regards. :)
rose rose
rose rose
il y a 8 mois
hope youre doing fine now Thomas.
Kendra Smith
Kendra Smith
il y a 1 mois
Thank you excellent advice for everyone
Love and light to everyone
Take care
il y a 3 mois
I'm shocked that this was recommended to me. It just answered what I've been dealing with.
Chris Campbell
Chris Campbell
il y a 2 mois
Barbara Calvano
Barbara Calvano
il y a 5 ans
So great! Same work that I am doing! <3
New Beginnings
New Beginnings
il y a 1 an
Karma is judgement from Heaven.
priya janardhanan
priya janardhanan
il y a 5 mois
I wish I had her as my mom she is such a positive energy to be around unlike my own mom who
is just the opposite. I love you mam.�
albert rich
albert rich
il y a 1 an
I love this Lady !!!
Brown Girl
Brown Girl
il y a 5 mois
Forgive so that we can be forgiven, "Vengeance is mine, l will repay" thus says the Lord, allot of
times people do things under the operation and power of the enemy who knows your present
and future, so he send agents to keep us angry bitter abd unforgiving, God see these people
forgive them and keep moving bc it's just bait to take/keep us of course for the true blessings
God have for us! Peace and blessings!
Netwide Insurance
Netwide Insurance
il y a 3 ans
One word acceptance. accept that your ROI is knowledge and wisdom therefore you are perfect
if you move on and learn. there is always an ROI.
Kelly Mills
Kelly Mills
il y a 2 ans
I love this message
il y a 6 mois
you go your way i go mine, it aint working, let's tear off the contract.
M Hjalmers
M Hjalmers
il y a 2 semaines
"We learn from history that we do not learn from history."

Georg Hegel
Jennifer shelonchik
Jennifer shelonchik
il y a 1 mois
Wow �
She’ll win if she kills you-
I guess I have to forgive my husbands mistress ( which was my friend)
( my husband also)
Rachel Wyatt
Rachel Wyatt
il y a 3 semaines
I had to write you because I understand your pain. I found out after ten years married to my
husband...he had been cheating with his ex for years. It destroyed me. I know whats its like to
feel broken and betrayed. It hurts so bad. The only advice i can possibly give is to really take care
of yourself during this time. It took me a good two years to forgive because i just couldnt
understand why and what i had done to deserve it. I finally realized it wasnt all my fault. Stay
strong and i promise it will get better.
Jordan Rudder
Jordan Rudder
il y a 5 mois
I was young and stupid I want this journey to stop I’m going to go I am going to go into a
different direction now
epiphany 1.618
epiphany 1.618
il y a 2 ans
I miss u Ma'am
il y a 1 an
Let's tear up the contract... start shredding. ❤
arynne hempstock
arynne hempstock
il y a 5 mois (modifié)
OMG so true!! scarily true!! And I'm Catholic!!
Juliet Bacskai
Juliet Bacskai
il y a 1 semaine
Once one gets their mind around the concept that our journey is about learning ... No one can
do anything to you unless you "allow" them to ... that's a biggie!! 🙏🙏
Jusa Blesyn
Jusa Blesyn
il y a 7 mois
I think my YouTube is reading my mind. This video popped up on my home page, and I soooooo
needed to hear this. Thank you, this video was very informative
Alice Perez
Alice Perez
il y a 5 mois
Jusa Blesyn me too!!! Blessings to you!
Kelly Diprospero
Kelly Diprospero
il y a 3 mois
Holy smokes this lady!!! I so needed this!! You have no idea!
Big Billy Goat Gruff
Big Billy Goat Gruff
il y a 1 an
How are we suppose to work it out if we cant remember each past life and its trials and errors??
The Multidimensional Warrior
The Multidimensional Warrior
il y a 6 mois
B. C. You don’t have to, forgiveness and love is all it takes. If you can’t do that you will come back
and do it over
Tiger Momma
Tiger Momma
il y a 6 mois
The bible tells you how to behave, so it's in those things that you must do. Everyone is searching
for something other than the basic tenants taught in the Bible as a way out, and yet here we are
being taught the same thing the Bible says-forgiveness, repentance, etc. You can't get away from
it. YOu will have to eventually JUST DO IT.
Mr B
Mr B
il y a 3 mois
@The Multidimensional Warrior I'm not coming back to earth it's a horrible place
il y a 2 mois
If in this lufetime u get into simular situations that keep bothering u same way - you know it has
a Karmic substance.
il y a 1 mois
Follow Nithyananda
Bliss WKC
Bliss WKC
il y a 5 mois
Thank You so much dearest �
You’re such an inspiration ❣
Be Blissful Eternally �
�� � � �
Max Potential
Max Potential
il y a 2 mois
Everyone is on their journey. Forgive and forget. It's as simple as you make it to be. I pray to
everyone and goodluck!�
Varun sharma
Varun sharma
il y a 1 semaine
I love u aunty ji...respect from india
Animal Lover
Animal Lover
il y a 3 mois
This is my 4th life here, and I’m gonna fix everything so I can incarnate in a higher dimension.
Annika Campbell
Annika Campbell
il y a 5 mois
I release everything that no longer serves me with compassion and forgiveness
One is All Back to the Source
One is All Back to the Source
il y a 1 mois
I live on an island where i have watched these cycles. I call them cycles. We move through them
and with them. I am detaching from many as best I could. They have a magnetic pull so be
il y a 1 mois
Dolores was an amazing woman and she is an amazing soul. She has much to teach us from her
loving heart.
Jaina John
Jaina John
il y a 1 mois
Such huge words of wisdom. This is exactly what I needed to hear.
Sanikka Padalikar
Sanikka Padalikar
il y a 2 mois
True.People/family members,relvs,who R hurtg me,hv hurt me,I try 2let go,hv forgiven them.As,I
dnt want 2 stay with thm again. Want 2shift on New earth,with like-minded people.
Traci Moon
Traci Moon
il y a 2 mois
I do a cord cutting ritual. it helps me on a deeper level beyond just saying or thinking.
Alex Povolotski
Alex Povolotski
il y a 5 mois
Don't get stuck! Forgive and forget!
Trish Bowe
Trish Bowe
il y a 1 an
You make so much sense,thank you�
Jean Tave
Jean Tave
il y a 3 mois
Absolutely 100% true!
Steve Hicks
Steve Hicks
il y a 10 mois
karma chooses. yes it does. some people are so evil and corrupt and nothing ever happens to
them. they are even blessed. if I do one thing wrong it comes back to me?? it makes no sense.
Mandy Pollyn
Mandy Pollyn
il y a 3 semaines
I understand and hear what you are saying, I’m fully aware you are right. I so hope I will learn
how to forgive and let my Karma go.
Thank you for your knowledge.�
Renata Gross
Renata Gross
il y a 5 mois
You are speaking The Truth. Thank you for your Great Guidance Mrs. Cannon.���
Brock ST9
Brock ST9
il y a 2 mois
Beautiful video, thank you for posting. Much love and light
Viva la vida
Viva la vida
il y a 4 semaines
This video is so good! Thank you very much. This is exactly what i need
Christopher Cassar
Christopher Cassar
il y a 2 semaines
Thank you Dolores. Subscribed.
Lucia Pompeiano
Lucia Pompeiano
il y a 2 semaines
Amazing woman, great video.
I finally understood a lot of things... Thank you so much �❣
il y a 2 ans
she says it right here that karma keeps happening over and over .
Med Tech Natural's
Med Tech Natural's
il y a 2 mois
You just saved my life � I wish we can speak,
il y a 1 an
Holding on to unforgiveness is Karma, you have to let it go!
chris georgallis
chris georgallis
il y a 5 mois
Deep down we all know this !❤
Eric Cowan
Eric Cowan
il y a 4 mois
Your words of wisdom are powerful healing tools !! Thank you for your share and God bless
you!!! ��
il y a 1 an (modifié)
A little fear is healthy & can keep you safe, just don't let fear control you!
mildred davis
mildred davis
il y a 9 mois
+ Alert

Awareness would be kinder to the endocrine/central nervous system

Even a little fear produces physiological effects such as producting and releasing cortisol

The fluids of the body [lymphatic/immune system/cerebrospinal fluid] will have those hormones
in it, which, of course, bathes the cells

Lymph in Latin means "water"

Whereas, oxytocin, human growth hormones, endorphins, etc., regenerative hormones would
flood the "living waters"
Rose Wood
Rose Wood
il y a 2 semaines
How do you let it go though? every time i thought i had let it go... it comes back sooner or later...
Some Sort Of Wilderness
Some Sort Of Wilderness
il y a 5 mois
I just love her charisma, wisdom and calmness! ✨
CrimZa. Ghe
CrimZa. Ghe
il y a 2 semaines
Thank you for your helps us so much to overcome our adversities. I believe life is too
short to be stuck in the rut..we need to learn and expand..all the while be aware and free..of
those things that do not Steve us as an individual.
Evolving Deeper-Magi Njuguna
Evolving Deeper-Magi Njuguna
il y a 7 mois
oh my God! what a beautiful soul..i wish you good health and eternal happiness
Merry Magdalene
Merry Magdalene
il y a 5 ans
love you dolores. fav women on earth
Bip Nop
Bip Nop
il y a 1 an
I want to kiss you
Ryan Nelson
Ryan Nelson
il y a 2 ans
I <3 Dolores!! This video made my heart swell. Thank you!!!
Joline Charmant
Joline Charmant
il y a 8 mois
Warren Lightning
Warren Lightning
il y a 9 mois
So what are the 3 magic words?
Jon o
Jon o
il y a 5 mois
How do you let someone go that won't go away, basically a family member who I have walked
away from because of their bad energy but because of that family connection there will be times
our paths will cross, any tips?
Kawasaki Fonzi
Kawasaki Fonzi
il y a 3 mois
Thank you for posting this.
il y a 2 mois
I HAVE forgiven, let go and released but every time I get attacked by angry people (verbally) my
body reacts like I'd dye. Complex PTSD and PTSD takes over from there..... so... if I am doing this
work on my own then what am I missing?
It's not JUST forgiving, releasing and letting go, it's not that easy at all. I read all the time about
how much people are having problems with forgiving and letting go but that definitely not my
biggest problem... it's my body and it's primate reaction. I was diagnosed with 2 incurable
illnesses (spinal cord injury and a connective tissue disorder), ive been bedbound with 19 ribs
out of place (almost a year in bed), I've been raped , attacked and drug raped, 3 car accidents,
bullying, humiliated, threatened, stalked, abused sexually, emotionally, financially and spirituality
(some of it since birth). I now keep to myself spending time on healing inside out. But the
triggers in my body act's with rage AND hysteria if I can't get away from the mentioned situations
or by survival instinct... and the following days my heart goes RUN, FOREST....
RUUUUUUUUUUUN.... and puts my whole being into an extremely sensitive mood.... these
situations has been hard on my body and it just wants to sleep for days. I don't want to put a
label on anyone... my father definitely fits the NPD criteria(95%). And It would definitely explain
why I always surrounded myself with people having narcissistic/sociopathic/psychopathic
disorders. I have learned SO MUCH after my biggest awakening 2 years ago and started by
forgiving myself for not knowing better. Afterwards I cried and felt so grateful for everything that
I'd been through in my life.... I understood why and how everything has a bigger insight in
sooooo many ways. So it was easy to forgiving anyone I needed to forgive. I thanked for the
lessons and for the insights, asked to let me remember what I learned and then I let it all go.
My brain lives by forgiving, releasing and letting go but why won't my body corporate with
calmness and love? I meditate, do breathing exorcises, working with inner child, paint mandala
art, I do C-ptsd exercises, healing manipulated thought patterns, pray and manifests and so
much more.... Perhaps to much some days I know. I need balance between body and brain but
apparently I haven't managed to make the right connection. But I do know.... I'm really healing in
some areas... actually several... even parts of my illnesses I was told only would get worse have
actually disappeared. I'm connecting so many dots and I really see how everything's
connected..... except from..... What is it that triggers my body reactions so bad.... how do I find
out?..... well manifesting money.... I haven't seen much results in that area so please... if anyone
have managed to read my comment and wonder why I don't get help.... That's why...�
Enchanting Moon
Enchanting Moon
il y a 3 mois
Dang girl u know ur stuff ! Keep it up! I want to be just like you when im an old woman ! You are
so cuite! Xoxo
Liz Haapanen
Liz Haapanen
il y a 2 mois
R.L Cociuban
She is dead.
crissie rose
crissie rose
il y a 1 an
wise lady respect
Mari Posa
Mari Posa
il y a 2 ans
I'd "Love" this, if only there was a Love ❤ emoji to click!!!! I'm sharing though! Thank you for
posting!!! ❤❤❤
Positive Influence
Positive Influence
il y a 1 an
Spot on beautiful Lady this is what I keep telling my clients they think lm crazy and they argue
the point and now I can show them your clip. Thank you your an inspiration. Food, stress and
anger can cause cancer. Happy New Year ♀ ‍ Throwing Love right to yah.
Jenny Jones
Jenny Jones
il y a 10 mois
Thank You! ❤
Lg-worker Heart
Lg-worker Heart
il y a 3 ans
Thank you so much <3

It could not have been a better time I saw this video.

Love and Light <3

nolimit Vontez
nolimit Vontez
il y a 4 mois
Thank you so much! You have shown me a new and better way of thinking m. Thank you!!!!
Ya Ya
Ya Ya
il y a 8 mois
Thank you for the affirmation of fear and illness. Blessing ��
See ya At the top
See ya At the top
il y a 1 an
You can stay in a karmic relationship and still break the contract.
il y a 11 mois
You've explained Karma soooo perfectly!! Thank you so muchhh!!
Longlife Energy
Longlife Energy
il y a 4 ans
Delores Cannon has perfect hair. And I love her vibrational wave blouse. Totally trippy!
Sara Bytyqi
Sara Bytyqi
il y a 1 jour
I have a lot of intestinal issues and back and neck pain from holding in anger and being tense all
the time. Trying to keep my shit together and not blow up at everyone. I hate the pace of this
world. It’s hard to integrate spirituality with everyday mundane life. The pace of the world lately
is more suited to machines, not people.
Jp The Humor Guru Channel
Jp The Humor Guru Channel
il y a 1 mois
I'm reading Dolores Cannon's book the three waves of volunteers and the new earth right now!
Airick Anderson
Airick Anderson
il y a 1 an
I so needed to hear this right now in my life!.... Thank you!....
Lori S
Lori S
il y a 3 mois
EFT tapping (emotional freedom technique) helps to get rid of the fear and bad carma. I
personally find it to be very helpful even in dealing with day to day stress and issues with other
people in my life.
Give it a try.
Shey Herz Tarots
Shey Herz Tarots
il y a 4 mois
Thank you ♥� your vibes are so pretty and pure, you brought peace to my soul with your
energies. �
Brandt McCall
Brandt McCall
il y a 2 ans
Thank-you Ms. Cannon I really appreciate this helpful guidance.
Anthony Mcdonagh
Anthony Mcdonagh
il y a 4 mois
Thanks miss nice talk God bless you��� �

james caffey
james caffey
il y a 5 mois
You are my new mother you have adopt me you just don't know it yet.
Kateri Tekawidthá
Kateri Tekawidthá
il y a 1 mois
I renounce my reincarnation of my soul's travels, and DON'T give My soul's consent,to return
here back on earth.
I cancel all contracts that bind me to this physical world.I accept the return home to the supreme
divine being.
Nigel Taylor
Nigel Taylor
il y a 2 mois
Thank You Delores, an angel sent to help us, the world is a less beautiful place without you x
Terrence Milton
Terrence Milton
il y a 3 mois
Thank god I dont hate my ex. Wish her the best. Have to...she got my kids.
The Spiritual Centre
The Spiritual Centre
il y a 5 mois
Bless you Dolores, a brilliant lesson.
il y a 5 ans
in case you need that.
Joshua Goodlow
Joshua Goodlow
il y a 5 ans
this is so true and I just realized this in a relationship that I was in. I decided on a conscious level
that I am just done with all of that same cycle. I have just decided to forgive, love and let go.
Because I know the truth and no matter how hard the truth is, it is setting me free. Thank you
Dolores for such a wonderful video!!!
Fairy Frequency
Fairy Frequency
il y a 1 an
Wonderful! Thank you. Just subscribed. Wishing you a beautiful day x) � inviting you to discover
our channel too
Ngo Trung Nhan
Ngo Trung Nhan
il y a 8 mois
These things have been explained in Falungong' book very well. I found a lot of similarity in this
video with Falun Dafa philosophy.
Lady K
Lady K
il y a 2 mois
I forgive & release all soul contracts I have been attached to past, present, & future. Go your own
way & be free. I love you. ❤
tawana morris
tawana morris
il y a 8 mois (modifié)
I believe that what she is saying is the truth. If you are fed up with relationships with a family
member, spouse or so on and the cycle is toxic repetitively then let them go in your mind if you
can not tell them face to face. Allot of times we can't end relationships or get closure because of
things left unsaid. Release the energy and the Karma is gone. Basically the magic words are I am
Bat WomanXVII
Bat WomanXVII
il y a 8 mois
Thanks so much for this. I needed to hear it. All my anger at life's misfortunes has made me a
victim. My heart aches at this realisation�
I am truly remorseful for any wrongdoing I have committed and promise to be vigilant against
falling into the victim trap again. I always thought I was a good person. Just another comparison
trap. Meantime, there is much now to unravel and release. 1000 thanks for this. Much love and
blessings to you all❤
jacquelin gonza
jacquelin gonza
il y a 3 mois
Beautiful teaching thanks.
December Leigh
December Leigh
il y a 2 semaines
Honey, you can forgive anything if I can forgive it.
She's talking about narcissistic abuse. I have that, but that's not the hardest thing I had to
forgive,even though it is my mother, no, not by far.
The hardest thing to forgive is abuse of children you love & would do anything to protect.
III Neik
III Neik
il y a 9 mois
Yes yess, Confirmation.. Thank you, thaankyouu ⚡❣⚡
il y a 1 an
Delores Cannon......So glad I found you. I needed to hear this. Thank you!!!❤
Keithon Boyd
Keithon Boyd
il y a 4 ans
Thank you!
Anna Marcalleti
Anna Marcalleti
il y a 5 mois
il y a 1 mois
Anna Marcalleti no he dont
Tips From an Old Lady and Healthy Aging
Tips From an Old Lady and Healthy Aging
il y a 10 mois
Is there a link to this entire interview? I thought I saw it last year, but all I can find now is
chopped up segments of the full interview.

Much appreciated!
Deanna B
Deanna B
il y a 1 an
A'HO how very true. . thank you for your words.. enough is enough! to forgive is to move
il y a 1 an (modifié)
Karma is part of the arcon prison system that traps you into a never ending reincarnation cycle
joey racanelli
joey racanelli
il y a 2 mois
Meditate on being.the rest will follow.the rest are just allusions
catherine couling
catherine couling
il y a 3 semaines
Could be the feelings the mother carried with her during pregnancy as we all know energy body
is and can be damaged through negative energy around us . More so when we don't realize what
we are I only work unrealized my gift 18 months ago my guides teach me so much . The body
also gets sick when the energy body is too strong for the human form . And it we soak up
negative energy off those who constantly carry depression and anger . Not all of us realize this .
Cardela Cardela
Cardela Cardela
il y a 11 mois
Very well said words. Thank you for this video. God Bless all & 4give all that has trespass against
u. ☯♾
Gimena Aiello
Gimena Aiello
il y a 1 mois
It requires a lot of wisdome to do that
Tonya Keldsen
Tonya Keldsen
il y a 2 mois (modifié)
Ordered book! Excited! Thank You for everything and it is such a gift that you give selflessly to
others helping them to understand and find their paths. Big hugs �
glow bunni
glow bunni
il y a 2 mois
First and foremost you need to forgive yourself in order to love yourself. Then you can forgive
others with a sense of calm and peace
brian menendez
brian menendez
il y a 3 mois
Karma is Great, Do good deeds and watch how Karma comes back to bless you. Bless yourself by
thinking good thoughts towards others
il y a 9 mois
I'm reading The Convoluted Universe Series right now. Dolores is an absolute inspiration!
Quantum Psychology Advances Cheryl L. Wheeler, MA
Quantum Psychology Advances Cheryl L. Wheeler, MA
il y a 4 mois
Exactly what I tell my clients, work through each relationship and situation now so you don't
have to do it again!
Mary's Spirit of the Dragonfly Tarot
Mary's Spirit of the Dragonfly Tarot
il y a 2 mois
I say this all the time, I truly am wise �
Mike Long
Mike Long
il y a 8 mois
When I noticed that all my anger and resentment was hurting me.
I realized not to let anyone get to me.
Alice Perez
Alice Perez
il y a 5 mois
Mike Long ❤this! So true! I’m on board! Not letting anyone get to me anymore.
Sun Shine
Sun Shine
il y a 3 ans
What a beautiful soul! I have learned much from you. Thank you for fulfilling your mission.
Prepe Lica
Prepe Lica
il y a 1 an (modifié)
You are the one of the rare people that is fully understandable to me. You are my special
discovery and a voice of a common sense. Greetings from the second generation living in the
third world country.
il y a 5 mois
il y a 5 mois
How do you release karma.. esp in the case of familial difficulties, fighting, disenfranchisement
il y a 2 mois
I would like to get rid of fear within myself, and stop attracting frightened people.
Cosmic waves IndigoRecords
Cosmic waves IndigoRecords
il y a 5 mois
Thank you so much
You are such a strong and wise soul �
I recognize a lot what you are saying
Michelle Middleton
Michelle Middleton
il y a 10 mois
astonishing, thank you I needed to see this, explains a lot.
peace and light xxx
Christopher Happel
Christopher Happel
il y a 1 mois (modifié)
This past summer was a stage to prepare me for small claims court that my mother file in
December 2018, the court date was February 2019. While waiting for the case to be heard I've
felt a tension in me releasing from my body. Finally our case was heard I told judge everything
how my mother treated me as a child and wasn't there to protect me from those who did bad
things to me. She gets SSI, I've helped her but she's so ungrateful what I've done by finding a
place for her where she won't be on the streets. Even back 13 years ago she got a restraining
order against me because I wouldn't pay he r the rent money, I was paying my stepfather the
rent money, so my mother would push my buttons to get me all triggered and she'll call the
police on me where she act like the victim. Of all the things I've done for her and knowing how
she mistreated me seeing her in court I was like I'm done with mh mother, she survive her life in
the streets for 5 years, she can do what she does best is to be survival mode.

After walking out of that court room I felt at peace with myself. Something I've never felt before.
il y a 2 ans
God bless you for sharing.
lynnie rodgers
lynnie rodgers
il y a 4 mois
This was so understandable thank you for sharing xxx
Marie Jones
Marie Jones
il y a 5 mois
Thank you for giving a clearer perspective
Bill God
Bill God
il y a 2 mois (modifié)
So when you hold onto anything negative long enough, or do negative things, it can shape your
current life and future life where you'll play the role as either the receiver or the giver. Its a
matter of wear you're lending your consciousness to. Instead of lending it to these silly
circumstances, haul it back in. Reclaim it.
Ikagai Ryusuke
Ikagai Ryusuke
il y a 3 mois (modifié)
great info, but Love is the strongest emotion we have....... "The Love you withhold is the pain you
carry"..... Alex Collier (bless him)
kima B
kima B
il y a 9 mois
Life changing! Thank you! I knew it
tho mas
tho mas
il y a 4 ans
a beautiful soul
il y a 1 an
thank you so much as an older woman I enjoy hearing the perspective of someone else my age
il y a 1 an
I appreciate you very much M A M.
Omar Elsahn
Omar Elsahn
il y a 3 ans
I wish I saw this when I was younger and didn't have to go through all the negative experiences
over and over. And I wish it was that simple to just let it go but the fear is too much and
uncontrollable especially in my legs. any solutions for this?
il y a 5 ans
thank you for this great message.
John Bond
John Bond
il y a 5 ans
I agree with you!! I don't think she has any idea what Karma is, or how it works!

John Bond
John Bond
il y a 5 ans
This does not make sense to me.... I don't view Karma in that way at all... To me, Karma is
NATURE setting things right. I don't have to carry things around with me, thinking of revenge,
cause I know that Karma will get back at people in it's own way.
Lori Packer
Lori Packer
il y a 5 ans
That is a good question. For me, it was a journey of learning why I cheated, Very difficult to do
without making excuses, but for the was what I knew. I confused love with sex.
And of course the forgivness took years, but if you are truly honest with yourself about why you
cheated, a whole new lesson seems to reveal itself in a circular way. You are forgiven, if you
have learned what it does to you and those around you. Simply put, it is not love, and may be
John Bone
John Bone
il y a 5 ans
Dolores, you are a breath of fresh air. It is so true that when you let someone go, a tremendous
weight instantly falls from your shoulders. You drop the baggage and your new life is so much
lighter. I feel so free now.
Ron Vetter
Ron Vetter
il y a 5 ans
Jesus will give you peace.
Shasheana S. Shivanytyria
Shasheana S. Shivanytyria
il y a 5 ans
u don't seem to understand karma at all
Martine Flatley
Martine Flatley
il y a 5 ans
This is the good that a matriarch can do for society...been totally brushed under the carpet.
il y a 5 ans
You forgive yourself as you forgive others. You have to be as good to yourself as you are to
others. and so we promise ourselves not to repeat that unproductive or unkind thing again. I use
to call myself names after doing something stupid, or forgetting something or etc. I must be in a
better place now because I called myself a name and did my inner self ever get a jolt! and quickly
reacted with words: "Woah, no, no, no way you are going to do that to me"! Wow it was an
interesting experience.
Stanislav KrTil
Stanislav KrTil
il y a 5 ans
L.Hay has published my story on page 10 of her book 4 years ago. Following A. Hicks for several
years now and watching G. Braden. Thanks for responding. Will you check the story and then
comment right there? --- Facebook and enter Whoreticton? Than comment right there>

il y a 5 ans
If you dont try it, you will never know if this Works, i recomend to yo to see and read also Louis
Hay, Abraham Hicks, Gregg Braden
Stanislav KrTil
Stanislav KrTil
il y a 5 ans
How about wife prostitute who will not let go and holds onto you like shit to a shirt. When I
refused and ripped Agreement and wanted to go my way, she falsely accused me of raping her.
She had done this the second time. Forgiven the first time. Lawyer advised me to plead guilty
since I have no chance in Court of Law since I do not have a vagina. Mine is true story from the
Court House of what used to be Penticton, B.C. now turning into Whoreticton -- just google it
il y a 5 ans
what about the cheater forgiving themselves?

Sage Nueve
Sage Nueve
il y a 5 ans
Real forgiving you have is when the person that hurt you is mentioned and no pain is there. To
forget leaves you open that you've not learned. Remembering how you once felt also helps
another in those shoes
John Shannon
John Shannon
il y a 5 ans
Let go of your wife and guide your child. Simple. A cheater is always a cheater. Dismiss her
forever and raise your child with courage and kindness.
Mike Ryan
Mike Ryan
il y a 5 ans
Dump her. Get custody of the boy. Tell the court she's a danger to the child.
il y a 5 ans
i found a web site called Pranic healing USA, there if you go under meditations they have a short
version of the "meditation on twin hearts" From the name you can't tell, but one of the integral
parts of this meditation is the forgiveness portion. I found it very helpful.If you practice it once a
day you will see great benefit.You dont have to be into pranic healing itself.Also consider wht
D.Canon said,if you are faced with this situation--may be it was reversed in your previous life :)
jay s
jay s
il y a 5 ans
Consciousness aware is intended to know! But not to hold gruges!
sam sara
sam sara
il y a 5 ans
I believe in mirarcles!
sam sara
sam sara
il y a 5 ans
We are one! It makes me soooo happy.. Thanks to life! God bless you all x

Evrim Isler
Evrim Isler
il y a 5 ans
yes, I agree...
David Nikulka
David Nikulka
il y a 5 ans
The other reason that we get cancer and what not is we don't keep our bodies alkoline
and the high acidity feed's cancer.
il y a 5 ans
You see what I mean? does not matter who is right...Do you want to be right or happy. Do
you want to fight with your wife or have a happy marriage...?
Love is the answer to all of our problems and the beauty of our souls will prevail....selfishness
transmuted to selflessness....Until we all learn this lessons we keep coming back again and
again..We are offered million of chases to smarten up until we eventually become love...
Love you all Stefan from Coventry Hills Calgary

il y a 5 ans
Anger is a negative energy, if it not released it effects your organs ( depends which part of your
body this energy is close to..). You could release it also by using Dr.Nelson technique.
il y a 5 ans
When was it proven that anger causes intestinal cancer?

il y a 5 ans
I needed this video so bad! What a messenger, awsome Dolores! Thanks!
il y a 5 ans
Nothing dear you are probably sweeter than Agave syrup...I have nothing at all against you.
il y a 5 ans
Agreed...Out of Four colours one people thats the stance I take now...I have chosen to rewire my
brain from racism...its hard...I just slipped up and told off some racist woman with racist
words...thats bad ;-( but I dont have an anger or pre conceived notion anymore about white ppl
and thats good. On top the skin or underneath the skin we need to embrace that we are
different...variety really is the spice of life....Love is cute!
il y a 5 ans
Do you know why Jamaican flag reads 'Out of many, one people'? We were stolen from all parts
of Africa and dumped in Jamaica...there is no REAL culture in Jamaica it was a melting pot of
unruly slaves. I thank the stars for my ancestors rebellious nature or who knows what would
have been going on today.
il y a 5 ans
...but to me they did do wrong, not directly but from benefit of the blood from slavery. Our dna
comes from the ancestors of the past so white ppl children benefit from slavery and racism and
ppl want to act like thats not happening. Do you know whats it like to be cut off from your
ancestors and knowledge of your past???? That shit seerriiious....its big huuge. I forgive
because I feel they did something wrong...have not apologized or recognized or rectified. Agreed
Love is forgiving.
il y a 5 ans just not afraid to type exactly whats on my mind ...u think its guttersnipish then....o
well....I STILL forgive you even tho u clearly dont understand where im coming from....I dont
need to hide rude comments because bad bitches like me say it str8 up no chaser because No
one can beat me or alien abduct me and I know this...what I say is from my least its
il y a 5 ans
...its ppl like you that make the idea of unity possible.
Arjuna 1
Arjuna 1
il y a 5 ans
dr. hamer knows that things about cancer in the 80's here in germany. he did such a great job,
healing all the people from cancer.
but than industry etc. claim he is a lier and they banned him out of germany......
this is what they want us.. ill...
Arjuna 1
Arjuna 1
il y a 5 ans
i dont know here before.. may i ask where has she the inspiration from? was it a neardeathexp.
or what? or just a medium?
il y a 5 ans
I generally appreciate what she's saying but she doesnt know what karma is. Karma in sanskrit
simply means 'Action' - it is the action of thought, words & deeds. When we say "changing our
karma" we generally mean changing our habits. But you CAN NOT 'let go of karma' it would
mean to cease living, cease doing, cease learning...

il y a 5 ans
I'm a white person,... what have I done to you my friend?
il y a 5 ans
Totally agree and what I see in so many people but getting someone to realize it is another
matter, most difficult when someone refuses to talk about & face their fears when it involves you
in some way, & people don't know what to do or how to act to someone when they are forgiven
because of old scripts running in their minds
il y a 5 ans
Guttersnipe youtube comments aimed at specific racial and ethnic groups, I forgive you.
il y a 10 mois
EvilPeppermintHelix Heh heh. Half of YouTube...
il y a 5 ans
I forgive you.
il y a 5 ans
...and cannot identify at not even from the hood, my parents were the 1st in my family
to ""do better"" ..and now I am doing better'er. on my street is asians indians whites 1 black
family. polish...and all those kids come to my house to gather and play ps3 and eat
Jamaica food...and thats when I realize that I need to forgive...all of u whether u all want me to
or not
il y a 5 ans
I don't know about america but in Canada white ppl in the hood get embraced like the rapper
eminem was embraced by black culture. ..but I am not ignorant for seeing things through my
own eyes...I call it like I been seeing it. white ppl in the ghetto are the best because they know
what time itis in thereal world...not sum pompous assholes that don't have even 1 black friend
il y a 5 ans
soooo r u as malicious as ur 4fathers?
il y a 5 ans
lma ooooooooooo...u wish don't ya....correction it was a whole community that was mean ...and
I learned to keep them at a distance. ..and I hated you ppl for many years. Times have now
changed and so have I....u make me laugh tho
Franz K
Franz K
il y a 5 ans
black people....I forgive you for wanting to hurt a loving white because a mean white has hurt
you, and then kept you at a distance ... I know you have to deal with the real problem,andnot
just a lookalike trap
il y a 5 ans
Come to my neighborhood. I live in a ghetto. Low income housing which is supposed to be
mixed with different races. The property manager has chosen instead for it to be 80% black. You
should hear the things grown adults say to my mother for feeding stray cats. "Go back in your
house you white bitch" "Hey white lady" "Give my kids candy again and Ill beat your white ass"
Its goes on and on. All for what? Cause they out number her ? Cause she looks different? From
my perspective your ignorant
il y a 6 ans
A-holes... hope karma will beat the crap out of them.
il y a 6 ans
SO should i have to forgive all the relations of this gang. Hell no. i should only try and forgive the
people that attacked me and appreciate that the offspring of these people might not grow up to
be as malicious as thier forefathers.
il y a 6 ans
Is it? If it was up to hitler there would be no toned skin races. I'm sure you have heard of the
aryan race.
Your comment almost suggests that white on white crime is ok. In which case black on black
crime is also ok.
So , you'll understand that it was ok for one black tribe to sell another black tribe to the whites
for slaves ? It's not the colour of your skin that makes you nasty towards others. It is in ones
nature, due to ones nurture.
il y a 6 ans
What!!!! Damn!
il y a 6 ans
Last time i was bothered because of my skin tone, was a few years ago. Two of my friends and i
were attacked by 20 Indians/Pakistani's in a snooker club.
il y a 6 ans
That's like saying all Germans are Nazis.
il y a 6 ans
...thanks anyways
il y a 6 ans
...and Ill be honest I grew up in a neighbourhood with alllll whites...i was the only black kid on
the block and in my WHOLE school...if I tell you how your ppl acted on a WHOLE you would be
ashamed...I dont even want to go back to those memories...EVERY black person has at least one
racist story to talking about in 2013 too! Whens the last time you were bothered in
anyway because of your skin tone
il y a 6 ans
YOU are an extension of your ancestors.....your ancestors have been the perpetrators of many
evils on many different races....this black and white thing is no joke and any person on this planet
that thinks that slavery is over or thinks that we as humans are not still in pain from slavery and
the side not in touch with reality. Effects of slavery linger like nuclear waste and we
need to take care of it not brush it under the rug with time
il y a 6 ans
for what? Lmao...last time I checked my ancestors showed you hospitality and education
....check your races history when it comes to evil on earth then forgive yourself and your
ancestors......and what do you forgive me for again????
antony gomes
antony gomes
il y a 6 ans
Karma is NOT garbage or baggage. In sankrit KARMA means ACTION. Karma related to the Law of
action and reaction. Every action (good or bad) has equal and opposite reaction. Karma is not
good or bad. You reap what you so, as per law of karma.
dominick virgilio
dominick virgilio
il y a 6 ans
naaBegNoFriend black people and all people i forgive you!
il y a 6 ans
I find that patronizing. i'm white. Why are you forgiving me?
il y a 6 ans
who cares if its stupid the principle is to be a good person
find out ur reason to do it that whether it be karma or personal preference
.but being a good person is not paying out a way of seeing things (karma).
i hope the principle isnt bunk to u
danielle graham
danielle graham
il y a 6 ans
Synchronicity is a heck of a thing. I am currently reading Three Magic Words for the umpteenth
time and trying to rid myself of stomach pains. I had never heard of her until today, but she hit
the nail on the head with this one. I tried to convince myself that I am not angry but clearly I am.
I now just need a practical way to forgive so that I can ove on. Thanks Delores.
Robert Diggs
Robert Diggs
il y a 6 ans
Dolores Cannon is exactly right! I am carrying around some pretty old shit I cant seem to let go
of. Its like she was talking directly to me. Coincidence? I dont think so, because I never knew who
she she was. I believe I was meant to hear that message. I'm amazed at how simply it was put. I
am going to try and do what she said.
John Francis
John Francis
il y a 6 ans
She is so amazing. So glad she's in our lives..

joan evans
joan evans
il y a 6 ans
just what i needed to hear.
i gotta let go and forgive !
il y a 6 ans
I'm reading one of her books The Three Waves of Volunteers. Great read. Love her style...
Brandon Bevill
Brandon Bevill
il y a 6 ans
*also people arguing about cancer & illness being contracted in children to debase her theory:
what does that even have to do with anything???

Humans contract illness. All animals contract illness....children are no different. Everything lives,
then passes on one day. As for her theory, it *could* be argued that it's a time for them to
release the built up karma that would neg. Affect them otherwise.

Admitting this fact doesn't make someone a heartless monster, it's just how life goes sadly.
Brandon Bevill
Brandon Bevill
il y a 6 ans
I don't know about all these other comments and the stuff she's implying about aliens and
transcending to another plane (I personally believe in reincarnation, but on this same plane. At
least eventually. We should be striving to make each other better as a society, not worse.
Anything outside of that is irrelevant to me.)

...BUT, this is by far the best advice I've heard about letting go of fear and emotional triggers in a
long time. Keep an open mind to find some inner peace, guys.
il y a 10 mois
Wow I have always thought this and you are correct I am attracting the same troubles similar to
Its hard to let go but am getting there...
Thanks for this insighting video
il y a 1 an
Thank you Dolores! You words are true, the truth cannot be hidden :)
Cate Gualt
Cate Gualt
il y a 1 an
Thank you, you're an amazing woman. God bless you. ��

il y a 2 ans
Thank you Dolores☺��
Dave France
Dave France
il y a 4 mois
See Karma like Justice but remember that Justice seems to focus upon punishment for wrong
doings, whereas karma can pull you up into court to reward you for the good that you do.
Karma is of course self imposed, its part of the lesson..
Anna Fragouli
Anna Fragouli
il y a 2 ans (modifié)
love and light !!!!!!!!!!!!
Had an amazing awakening in 2012 and all the things Dolores talks about is what I understood !!!
il y a 1 an
She does not explain how to stop re-creating Karma
Victoria Arcturus
Victoria Arcturus
il y a 10 mois
Let go of fear & forgive & let go in love
Star Rosary
Star Rosary
il y a 5 mois
I love her point of view. I can honestly say I agree.
Nicky Depaola
Nicky Depaola
il y a 5 mois
Go your way, I'll go mine !! I did JUST THAT with BOTH of my parents ! I am 55 NEVER
worked out !! I am doing GREAT after Nick Sr passed away in 2013 and Mary is now 80 and I let
her go 2 years ago ! ......I am moving FORWARD !! In JESUS name !
il y a 5 mois
Nicky Depaola Jesus said to love your parents so that all will go well with you! Forgive them.
Believe me i have many grievances growing up in chaos home full of fights and instability. Reason
i suffer depression, never got married, affected my mental health, never finished my degree but
uno what? Seeing them old n frail, ill be the only one tending one day to their graves....move
forward but one day you will be prompted in your conscience to reconnect.
Shonnda Cooper
Shonnda Cooper
il y a 1 an
Wow!!! I believe... Thanks for sharing which helps me deal with selfish people�
il y a 3 ans
Is 3 Magic Words Movie based on the book Three Magic Words by US Anderson?
Starseed Films
Starseed Films
il y a 2 ans
The 3 Magic Words movie is not based on the book but it was inspired by the book.
Helen Pulman
Helen Pulman
il y a 2 ans
Angie Beavers
Angie Beavers
il y a 10 mois
Thank you I needed to hear this I was having a hard time forgiving this person who hurt me
Angie Beavers very bad now I can release them and let it go
reenu s
reenu s
il y a 2 ans
Felt so good listening to this.
L Collins
L Collins
il y a 3 semaines
She has a beautiful soothing energy
Ms Lacy
Ms Lacy
il y a 2 mois
I forgive you
I release you
I let go ❤�☀
love thy enemy
love thy enemy
il y a 1 an
Nice video but how are you so sure of reincarnation?
What happens when you start summoning the 72 goetia???
Invasive Species
Invasive Species
il y a 2 mois
3:21 so one can both cut ties with family members and get out of the reincarnation trap ?
Susan Ndungu Muriuki
Susan Ndungu Muriuki
il y a 3 ans
Thanks. I feel better already.
il y a 1 an
Uuhh..I needed this! THANK YOU!
il y a 8 mois
Pure wisdom! My favorite Dolores Cannon!
Jamie Lee Roche
Jamie Lee Roche
il y a 8 mois
How do u enjoy life if all ur doing is suffering from past lives and learning lessons???
lycan gypsy priest
lycan gypsy priest
il y a 1 an
Love blessings peace frm the are a godsend lady..wink.�
Cara M.
Cara M.
il y a 11 mois
Wow....this video taught me so much �..thank you thank you mss great
Max Potential
Max Potential
il y a 2 semaines
Life is a game of perception. Do what you can to let go of anything. Pain is temporary
il y a 2 mois
I’m still amazed to see people who believe that there is one pat answer for everyone, one path
to understanding & evolution, & who insist that their way is the only way. If that were true, we
would have all Ben born at the same moment in time, in the same latitude & longitude & to the
same family & culture. It makes no sense to me.
“There is no way to peace; peace is the way. “. Author unknown to me but it sounds like Lao Tsu.
il y a 4 ans
Red Gypsy
Red Gypsy
il y a 1 an
Fantastic!!! So simple, all truth- great lesson to start the new year THANK YOU!!!
il y a 8 mois
Thank you for the clear explanation.
Sarah Milam
Sarah Milam
il y a 4 ans
we have a sick earth so therefore we are sick
il y a 3 ans
@sarah milam We have sick people who run and control it.
il y a 3 ans
@sarah milam you are such a NEGATIVE bearing person.... CHANGE your polarity and things will
happen differently.. perhaps it is better if you rephrase your statement.
Jay Money
Jay Money
il y a 1 an
Sarah Milam very true
TheOriginal Unaleska
TheOriginal Unaleska
il y a 1 an
Earth is actually very healthy, what is sick is humanity.
il y a 1 an
+Sarah Milam------EGO attachment causes suffering and "sickness". "BE the change you wish to
see" - Mahatma Gandhi.
il y a 1 an
+Sarah Milam----Remember that LIKE attracts LIKE.
MiG23 Flogger
MiG23 Flogger
il y a 1 an
Sarah Milam look sweet..2 years too late..but you look nice
Diane Sheldon
Diane Sheldon
il y a 1 an
Sarah Milam I agree so much���
Mickey Jean Gresham
Mickey Jean Gresham
il y a 1 an
Sarah Milam indeed I am sick right now but I am healing and I am seeing that all of you are
released from the chains holding you in the darkness of eternal night
Mickey Jean Gresham
Mickey Jean Gresham
il y a 1 an
So I am not sick I am rising. Planet earth is rising like a pheonix from the flames and ashes
MAP 11
MAP 11
il y a 11 mois
Sarah Milam à
Judith Morgan
Judith Morgan
il y a 9 mois
Sarah Milam we are the man in the mirror. Others show us our unconscious resistance and keep
attracting the same person or issue over and over until we see the pattern. FasterEFT is the best
skill I've learned for releasing these and healing my mind, body and relationships.
Judith Morgan
Judith Morgan
il y a 9 mois
TheOriginal Unaleska yep that's the true perception i see.
Jason Paul Elder
Jason Paul Elder
il y a 1 mois
Although there's such profound inspiration and clarity within this short clip, I found that the line
which especially provided a healthy impact, in regard to resisting forgiveness and holding onto
resentment, was, "She wins if she kills you."
il y a 2 ans
she doesn't even have to go she can be here as long as she wants God bless her thank you God
my skin is almost clear I just can't wait till I can see out of my left eye lol truth is funny Hebrews
412 did we really agreed well we didn't know how much it hurts love you thank you for being
there for us you are awesome and everyone I just think you're the coolest person ever
il y a 1 an
Blessing someone gives you great inner power and hopefully heals them too
Omar Elsahn
Omar Elsahn
il y a 4 ans
Namaste :)
SOULar charge station
SOULar charge station
il y a 7 mois
This info needs to be mainstream ! She is one of many revealing truths and evidence that can
save people from dying while in life
Diane Bingham
Diane Bingham
il y a 3 ans
Dolores..thanks for simplifying karma...
Leticia Varela
Leticia Varela
il y a 5 mois
Thank you. A blessing.
haylee turner
haylee turner
il y a 1 an
I love this lady. Earth �angel xx
nathan foster
nathan foster
il y a 1 an
so true god bless you what a very knowledgeable lovely soul! xoxoxo
Wisdom Gate
Wisdom Gate
il y a 2 mois
How can you get away from someone you have kids with!
Rockin Roberta
Rockin Roberta
il y a 2 ans
I needed this thank you!
Pink Pineapple Tarot
Pink Pineapple Tarot
il y a 1 an
Big Facts ����
il y a 1 an
I typed in 'let go of the fear' by maps because I was listening to the Driver San Francisco
soundtrack and the song was blocked in my country. This video came up
Decoding All Behavior
Decoding All Behavior
il y a 1 an
Can you use affirmations to attract true love as well, we are creators?
Sherry Fuson
Sherry Fuson
il y a 1 an
Just pray to GOD and repent its that simple GOD bless u all
Moses Zinazie
Moses Zinazie
il y a 3 ans
Thanks for this topic of fear karma, it helped me understand it more effective and to be able
forgive Mr Joseph Kwame Assogah.who have wronged me more than enough, but with your talk
able to
ssakshii rajput
ssakshii rajput
il y a 1 an
You have changed my thought process forever. Thank you n love you Dolores. nobody could do
it for so long. you made it happen
Sharron Spann
Sharron Spann
il y a 5 mois
I love Mrs. Dolores Cannon,(DC) She is a light and soo truthful, keep on keeping on,I wish I can
meet you, you are a Judge Judy but in a humble way, Namaste
Andrew Hibberd
Andrew Hibberd
il y a 10 mois
the essence of this is great. like lau tsu said. the dao that can be explained is not the true dao.
summerlamkin truthseeker
summerlamkin truthseeker
il y a 6 mois
Many thanks . ❤⏩⏩ � ��� shared ❤
Val Kajinov
Val Kajinov
il y a 5 mois
Your absolutely Correct Mam.
LaMariposa Dee
LaMariposa Dee
il y a 8 mois
I'm revisting Dolores. Its been awhile since I've heard her speak. What a beautiful soul. She's
done so much work to help us get to this point in 2018. I'm so grateful Dolores to have been
introduced to your information so many years ago. I thank you and your family. Lovenlight
Yesha Zion
Yesha Zion
il y a 7 mois
What if you forgive but others don't
Are we re incarnated by others karma? .bound ?
Sandra Cameron
Sandra Cameron
il y a 1 an
I can look and listen to your videos all day wish I can meet you
Steven Behrens
Steven Behrens
il y a 3 mois
Thank you for this message , what i needed
Craig Francis
Craig Francis
il y a 1 an
Don't you just lover mother dolores bless you my sweet x
Raina Marie
Raina Marie
il y a 9 mois (modifié)
I finally release and it felt so good... I feel 100lbs lighter. Thankful for that eclipse and the people
im meeting on my journey...good video
Selim Bilgisin
Selim Bilgisin
il y a 2 semaines
Thank for your guidance . I will try it
Marleen Bhat
Marleen Bhat
il y a 2 ans
karma means action, she refers to the karmic imprints and when karmic imprints ripen that we
call fruit of karma.
il y a 1 an
+Marleen Bhat---that is samsara. Karma is also instant/immediate effect of
rlalko l
rlalko l
il y a 6 mois
il y a 4 ans
I forgive u too ;D muahaha <3 ty Dolores!
Janet Baker
Janet Baker
il y a 1 an
I was raised with a woman, my grandmother who sounded just like this lady. I was so lucky to
have this in my life from a very young age. God blessed us with this woman, remember her
Indigo-healer kelvinSolomon
Indigo-healer kelvinSolomon
il y a 1 an
I love you Mama!!! I will sit and talk with you here or over there or our next life if possible. I
Spirits & Bews
Spirits & Bews
il y a 4 ans
Although I am no longer a christian, i do know of some christians who had no regrets in life and i
have trouble thinking they hated either but they died of cancer. this video makes a lot of sense
but im wondering if people can also develop cancer based on steering away from their original
mission in life. i believe christians have some truth but some christians do not allow their
consciousness to expand therefore preventing them from growing and limiting them to whats
beyond the church.
TheOriginal Unaleska
TheOriginal Unaleska
il y a 1 an
Spirits & Bews this doesnt have to be a solely Christian thing, this is a humanity thing.
Mellissa Worster
Mellissa Worster
il y a 9 mois
Spirits & Bews sometimes we get sick because of our environment or because the battle of
sickness teaches us about the value of health.... her mention of cancer here is one way/reason
but not the only way or reason a person might get cancer.
Tiger Momma
Tiger Momma
il y a 6 mois
The Bible talks about being REFINED as gold, undergoing tremendously challenging and difficult
circumstances to create a pure/righteous person, burning away the dross. What I read here in
the comments is no one addressing themselves, still detached from their own behaviors and not
realizing that the situations undergone were meant to burn away the impurities (malice,
unforgiveness, arrogance, pride, gossip, evil thoughts, etc.). Essentially, one will continually meet
up with persons or events of the same type until the character of the person is refined (love, joy,
forgiveness, humility, tolerance, understanding, kindness) and the "sinful" or lowest vibrations
are ended and the character is developed into a pure character.
Therese Sorrell
Therese Sorrell
il y a 10 mois
It’s all in the condition, to bring up all children with love and respect to self an all others. A heart
of caring for all. That’s all.�
Violetsoul Reiki
Violetsoul Reiki
il y a 1 an
Aye yah sister...I love the message xoxo
Chase Cain
Chase Cain
il y a 1 mois
Glad I’d figured it out �☝
Yeng Lao
Yeng Lao
il y a 3 mois (modifié)
What she said about Karma in some way correct but not all. People have to understand Karma is
not a thing one can let go. What we could do is not to perpetuate or add momentum to Karma.
Example paddling a bike, when we paddled we give momentum and help perpetuate the
motion. Let Karma subside is the only thing we could do. Good Karma bad Karma it is all the
same. It woven life together to an endless Samsara.
il y a 2 ans
What about children born with cancer?
il y a 1 an
Krista Maybe it's anger they have had in past lives the didin't let go off. But That's a Good
question! � ��
TheOriginal Unaleska
TheOriginal Unaleska
il y a 1 an
It can also be a learning. The soul wanted to learn what it is like to have cancer at a young age.
This is also why the child is very accepting of their fate and inspiring to those around them in the
face of death. This helps the family and maybe the doctors to have a new perspective on life. So
there is a benefit there too.
MiG23 Flogger
MiG23 Flogger
il y a 1 an
Krista so?..what about stillborns? Or people born without arms or heads or something.
J. Adkins
J. Adkins
il y a 10 mois (modifié)
Based on personal experience, I agree. But also add we agree to come here according to God's
Will that we agree to do which includes challenges. They can be very difficult and cause us to
suffer. When we "get it" we are able to forgive.
If it's difficult, bless the person/situation every time you think of person or persons/situation.
Have the willingness.
Ultimately, if it feels too big or scary, give it to God. Surrender it and trust God will see you
through but have no "expectations" of the outcome. Simply trust the outcome will be for your
best and highest good.
While here on Earth we have the gift of time. Make the most of it. Live, love, laugh and lighten
� ��� ��������� ��
Savas Nikas
Savas Nikas
il y a 5 ans
witch those 3 words are from total 150 she said ?
Oswald Montoya
Oswald Montoya
il y a 3 ans
Victory for the Light !!!
il y a 3 ans
she still didn't say HOW
brian menendez
brian menendez
il y a 3 ans
+JasmineEssentials with forgiveness, true foregiveness releases it
Charlotte F
Charlotte F
il y a 3 ans
+JasmineEssentials : I think its the words "I-Forgive-You" to release the hold toxic relationships
have on us...
Love Conquers Everything
Love Conquers Everything
il y a 3 ans
Like Jesus says: Forgive them,because they don't know what they are doing.Learn daily to give
unconditional Love,even if you get hatred in change.We need to learn to let go immediately a
bad think or judgement comes to our mind.The enemy has control over our mind,that's why
Jesus says we need to become a new creation in Christ,by the RENEWING OF OUR MIND.
Dorie LaRue
Dorie LaRue
il y a 3 ans
+JasmineEssentials It is helpful for me to study my offender's past, and to remember DNA and
brain abnormalities and drugs make people "evil." One day I realized if people are acting badly
then they have a good reason, and I could just let it go, save time, assuming they had challenging
TheOriginal Unaleska
TheOriginal Unaleska
il y a 1 an (modifié)
The reason she didn't say how, is because no matter if she did tell you, you have to be genuine
about it. You have to release the energy. You can say "I forgive you" all you want but unless you
truly forgive them it will not go.

It is different for everyone and sometimes some people are not ready to forgive.
Some strategies is to question why you hold on to it. Dont look at the surface level, look for the
roots and pull them out. When you look beyond your own ego (and I don't mean ego as in
arrogance but ego of excuses, victimization, anger, self-righteous, etc) to reflect about why this is
happening, why cant you let it go. The real deep questions to get the real deep answers, the
easier it becomes.

If you say "because they did this" or "they wronged me" whatever, thats not deep enough. You
have to reflect on yourself, "why do you feel wronged?" Why is that what they did offended you.
It all comes back to you.

When you eventually realised the root as to why, you can begin to forgive and heal.

So long as you blame the offender it cant be undone.

This is also not a "blame the victim" situation, of course what someone people do are horrible
and there is another strategy for that.

This strategy is the hardest, as you must accept that this has happened, what have you learnt
from it and how did it change you? In a positive way of course. Did it make you stronger? Give
you a new perspective? Did you overcome the horror and not let it control you? If your first
response is "yeah, I learned not to trust (such n such) again!" No. You did not learn so you will
repeat the same situation.

If you did become stronger (this could mean as a person you can stand up for yourself, see your
own self-worth etc), accept and maybe say thank you, for this experience has taught me to
(something) and thus I forgive (the person) for he/she helped me to realise this new

This is why forgiveness is so hard. Because you have to truly forgive a monster, but a monster
who is just human. Which is not easy.

Another strategy is to take perspective. If look at the prospective of the person who you are
needing to forgive. Look at their history. Maybe they went through some horrible things and
they were not able to overcome their situation. Maybe you can sympathize with them and
understand that while ypu were strong enough to rise above a situation, they are not. They are
lost and trapped. But by all means do not put up with, you have every right in every situation to
stand up for yourself, but this is just another way someone can forgive and that is empathy.

I hope one of these strategies helps you. But remember: be genuine.

Tawny C.
Tawny C.
il y a 1 an
I don't like the word forgive, because that means the sin is wiped out like it never happened and
the other person is pure again. Now people are trying to change the meaning and that does not
work for me. Basically realize that the other person is on a very low vibrational level and they
are not worth even thinking about. They are unhappy with themselves and enjoy making others
unhappy and controlling them. The best revenge is living well. Enjoy your lifetime.
il y a 1 an
Tawny C. I forgive you is for doesn't change the other person's karma it's for you. They
are still responsible for their actions. ❤
Tawny C.
Tawny C.
il y a 1 an
As I said, that does not work for me.
David Fitch
David Fitch
il y a 1 an
TheOriginal Unaleska Thank you for your is such a gift. I wish I had a friend like
you that I could speak to and share the journey. In gratitude...David
starz night
starz night
il y a 1 an
Tawny C. are a perfect example of what this woman is talking about...i know a few
people who refuse to forgive and move on and they are pretty stuck in the past. They are bitter,
miserable and unable to move on and take advantage of any new beginnings and blessings that
comes into their lives...while forgiveness is a process ,it's pretty much necessary in order to free
yourself from victimization,anger and can choose to forgive or stay stuck in your own
hell and most likely the person who wronged you will probably have moved on and they don't
even care.
Tawny C.
Tawny C.
il y a 1 an
starz night are a perfect example of an idiot. No need to say more.
starz night
starz night
il y a 1 an
Tawny C. Thanks���truth hurts...doesnt it?
Tawny C.
Tawny C.
il y a 1 an
starz night that you're an idiot hurts? Obviously you don't know the truth about me. You for
some reason want to show off how rude, judgmental and preachy you are, making totally
incorrect assumptions, which means that you either lack the intelligence to comprehend my
comment, or have such a huge ego you didn't even try, so eager were you to put me down for
not being a forgiving (supposedly) person like yourself. I'm glad I'm not like you. Why don't you
just "forgive" me for not being an idiot such as yourself and move on? Sorry, but I must go and
live my life to the fullest. Good luck with your nonsensical spouting off.
starz night
starz night
il y a 1 an
Tawny C. I can tell by your comment that you're immature, I mean right off the bat you start
name calling, people who don't have anything valuable to say have to name call. If you get out of
YOUR ego you would understand I was trying to make you see truth and this lovely soul
explaining all these things in the video is trying to convey it as well, you just don't want to see it
because of your own blind spot and ego.
starz night
starz night
il y a 1 an
Tawny C. Oh and have fun living your "life" I guess if you disagree with a comment on yout ube
you aren't living your life... smdh so immature
Tawny C.
Tawny C.
il y a 1 an
starz night oooh...that was so harsh...not a very forgiving attitude you have there! Trying to get
me to see the truth - lol! I can't help it if you are a very immature sanctimonious idiot who thinks
you have the right to tell other people the way they should live and believe. You are on an
extremely low vibrational level. So low, in fact, that it isn't even vibrating, but at a complete
standstill. I will pray for you.
starz night
starz night
il y a 1 an
Tawny C. Oh, I'm on a low vibrational level? Yet you're the one calling someone with a different
opinion than you a degrading name and it sounds like youre the one that's being self righteous
and preachy are extremely defensive and immature, you think people can't disagree
with you and you are also unwilling to learn or see any new perspectives because you seem to
think anyone trying to show you a better way of thinking is some how being judgemental or
egotistical...i thought you were going to live your life? So why do you feel so compelled to keep
replying to my comments? Just do what I do when people disagree with my opinion on YouTube,
I either ignore or having meaningful dialogue and if we can't agree we move on...grow up��
keep the prayers for yourself you are gonna need them
Tawny C.
Tawny C.
il y a 1 an
starz night I call you an idiot because you are. If you were a genius, I'd call you that, but sadly you
are at the other end. You want to reply to ME about MY comment and give your idiotic opinion
as a statement of "truth" (still think that's hilarious!), are rude and judgmental and in NO WAY
helpful about it. Why do YOU keep replying? I will continue to pray for you, although you are
extremely rude and immature.
starz night
starz night
il y a 1 an
Tawny C. Kick rocks please��� I'm unbothered honey����
Tawny C.
Tawny C.
il y a 1 an
starz night again with the immaturity, and trying to tell somebody else what to do.
starz night
starz night
il y a 1 an
Tawny C. still talking�� ok I guess I will engage since you don't give up... forgiveness
is essential to our everyday life, we practice it on small levels everyday, if we never forgave and
had your mentality we would all be even more angry than we already are in this you
forgive your children(if you have any) or family when they make mistakes or do things to get on
your nerves or disappoint you? Or do you cut them off and never forgive?? Are we done now?..i
need to go make dinner�
Tawny C.
Tawny C.
il y a 1 an
starz night I'm not talking about that kind of forgiveness (menial sin). I'm talking about doing
something that destroys someone's life. That they knew and didn't care would happen. Because
it's all about them. As I said I was raised that the meaning of forgiveness is the sin is wiped out,
as if it never happened. Only God can do that, if the person asks God's forgiveness. And now the
popular meaning people want to ascribe to the word is that forgiveness is for the person doing
the forgiving. That is not my belief. I stated my belief in my first comment. You pompously
lecturing me on what YOUR belief is, and how miserable everyone is who doesn't believe as you
do, is very arrogant and rude, and as hopefully you can see by now, did absolutely nothing to
change my belief. I do not presume to say that you are wrong for YOURSELF. For me, what you
say does a big fat nothing, except that you come across as not very bright that you cannot grasp
that different people believe in different ways. Just because it's YOUR belief that does not mean
it's EVERYONE'S truth (so ridiculous, still funny!).
il y a 1 an
Tawny C. Eckhart Tolle has advised that we remind ourselves, when we encounter people
behaving obnoxiously, that their behaviour is a cry for help. It's a cry for compassion & change. I
find that helpful. Ram Dass's book 'Polishing the Mirror'is useful too. Blessings and good luck.
starz night
starz night
il y a 1 an
Tawny C. I'm just seeing this reply, all I have to say is, forgiveness is forgiveness, some things
people do that hurt us are smaller than other things, but the small things still require
forgiveness, when people do major damaging and traumatic things to us, this makes forgiveness
harder that's why I said it's a process for the more major transgressions against us. Look at the
end of the day you can believe what you want, but forgiveness isn't about anyone but yourself, it
isn't about the other person or God it's about letting go so you can move forward and find your
own peace, forgiving someone does not wipe away any sin or bad behavior from the other
person, if you actually really believe in God, do you think he actually let people get away with
destroying other people? I'm asking you this because I think you mentioned God if I'm not
mistaken, so do you really believe in the God you speak of? And then at the same time doesn't
the bible speak of forgiveness? It's also very contradictory which is why I don't get any beliefs
from a I said I don't care what you believe, I'm just speaking what I believe is universal
truth whether people choose to see that or not isn't my problem...the sky is blue is a universal
truth but not everyone will agree or believe that either...shrugs...who cares? Not me.
starz night
starz night
il y a 1 an
starbanana yes that is a great book!! There is also another one called, It's About People, How to
Treat Others, Especially Those we disagree with the Way Jesus Treats us..good book about being
respectful by Jim Hohnberger.. .Even though you weren't talking to me, thank you for the book
recommendations!! You are awesome.
Julie Silvers
Julie Silvers
il y a 10 mois
Tawny C. Wow. I totally get what you have explained. I feel bad for stars njght. I believe this
person has been deeply hurt and has a way to go before they get what you have explained. But I
also think forgiveness and peace comes with age. When you get older you have seen and
experienced more. You see how people hurt. And it's easier to forgive. But I also know older
people than me still hate and I don't know if they will ever be happy. Lol. I have enjoyed the
conversation between you two. And I think with age comes wisdom for the people who truly
seek and want it. Love to you both
Julie Silvers
Julie Silvers
il y a 10 mois
starz night o no. I got your names mixed up. A perfect example that I should have kept my
opinion to myself. I agree with everything you say. I love the way you explained everything from
the beginning.
Victoria Arcturus
Victoria Arcturus
il y a 10 mois
Release fear
il y a 9 mois
YouTube the completion process by teal swan
Ellen Stetson
Ellen Stetson
il y a 9 mois
May I highly recommend "Radical Forgiveness" by Collin Tipping. This is the " how to" book I
was looking for. It's a reference book for me, and I use Collin's worksheets to go beyond the
"forgive and forget" dilema that may hold us back.
Thick brix
Thick brix
il y a 1 mois
� ���
Wow! Forgive, Release and Let Go! Awesome!!! ��
Maria Richards
Maria Richards
il y a 1 an
Beautiful message. Thank you.
Monika Weitzel
Monika Weitzel
il y a 9 mois
Energy, frequency and motion.
Cecilia Bascu
Cecilia Bascu
il y a 1 mois
I forgive you. Today I decide to let go. Thank you.
Pleiadian SpiritSeek
Pleiadian SpiritSeek
il y a 3 ans
What about evil people on jobs or just out in public who attack you just cause they are evil?
What happens when you have to keep seeing them everyday such as on a job and they wont let
up and make your life hell cause your a peace lover? I can see out in public or when you dont
have to see them but what about neighbours or co - workers. Many times i have had to move
cause of horrible neighbours like drug addicts and plain bad people as they cant be reasoned
with. Or even slumlords cause not everyone has money and success and has to struggle to
survive; this is how life is on earth maybe not for lucky people but ones who have been where i
have know. These kind of people steal your energy and if attacked enough will make you ill by
stealing it. The depths of the evil is endless in people on this planet. Its very dog eat dog. The
dark side wins and gets away with murder whether humans or higher beings. It seems God loves
evil beings and lets them wreak havoc on lower lifeforms, and what is the point? Its only easy to
forgive when that person can be avoided cause they wont keep trying to harm you.
il y a 3 ans
+Pleiadian SpiritSeek Billionaires, who cause starvation in the millions! Wars, in countless
deaths! that is the worse "Cancer" known, everyone learns to live like that, and becomes the
killer,.. the thief,... to make billions gotta know how to steal and lie in order to get there,.. wreck
the landscape to do the corporate deeds, and act out the leadership roll to pass the laws that
need in order to mine the earth, the biggest liars, thief, Killers! Not to say those who do
small crimes aren't any less likely change,..
Mark Jones
Mark Jones
il y a 2 ans
we can all choose to be good,or evil.
il y a 2 ans
+Pleiadian SpiritSeek I used to work in a very regimented, negative environment, so I snuck in a
small book of very positive quotes (it was a New Testament Bible in fact but I don't subscribe to
all the fear based propaganda in it, don't worry, just telling you the name of the book) and
whenever I felt my spirit or vibe 'going down' I would sneak a peak at an amazing quote in it and
immediately, my spirit would be lifted.
After a couple of years I left that job and let my spirit fly to more interesting jobs, but that's how
I coped as a rookie. :)
immanuela irving
immanuela irving
il y a 2 ans
all action starts from looking within the self. stop reacting to these "evil" people. you can only
choose your life and how you feel. cant spend all your life force trying to change the world.
Andy Okus
Andy Okus
il y a 1 an
Turn to Christ!
il y a 1 an
Pleiadian SpiritSeek: The only thing you have control over is the way you react. You say people
are making your life hell? Are they making your life hell or are you allowing them to make your
life hell?? I cannot do anything about what a person might say or do or act...I can control how I
allow it to affect me.
Tatiana Mendonça
Tatiana Mendonça
il y a 1 an
I totally agree with you. I live in a country where racism is very strong. I was very often offended,
and also this what you say about public places, people stare angry at me (an other non-
caucasians) on public transportation or any public place... When I am about to forget their
existence, it happens again. Just shit, we forgive, forgive, forgive (if its possible) and they go on
doing their shit. I prefer to teach people lessons. And oh yes, the neighbours, I have often heavy
smokers, and also racists. Playground is not always a nice place to go. Should i just forgive and
hurt myself and my child so often? I prefer to avoid them and if its something vey serious I tell
them I don't like it.
Miss Not Of This World
Miss Not Of This World
il y a 1 an
Pleiadian SpiritSeek I AGREE! TOTALLY. It is not necessary for anything it is the perversion and
EXPLOITATION by the Spiritual Hierarchy!
Miss Not Of This World
Miss Not Of This World
il y a 1 an
Tatiana Mendonça Humanity was set up with this kind of Crap for their Amusement! No doubt
about it their is a Spiritual Hierarchy and some of them pose as Gods and Demand to be
Worshipped. I haven't a doubt in my mind you are beautiful inside out. I hope you find peace
and Freedom:-)!
Miss Not Of This World
Miss Not Of This World
il y a 1 an
blackattackcat That's easy to say but, repeatedly putting people in those situations can cause
madness wether we want it to or not eventually! Humanity is being exploited for their emotional
energy. These Parasitic Beings and Spiritual Hierarchy which is Corrupt are doing it to feed
themselves. People can only take so much before they lose it! Those beings supposedly above us
know it! They thrive on our anger,fear, jealousy, sadness, etc. Humanity and other living beings
are exploited We are no longer Responsible after a certain point and have the Right to leave this
demented system altogether!
Tatiana Mendonça
Tatiana Mendonça
il y a 1 an
I partially agree with you. Why talking about Karma and forgiveness if oder mistakes are not
forgiven by the universe (if this is really all true). Why are this laws not for us???
Furry Person
Furry Person
il y a 1 an
Everything and everyone constitutes what and who we actually are. We are all connected and
therefore responsible for each other. Our purpose in life is to understand our connection to each
other and as a result accept responsibility for each other. This can only happen through
reincarnation where the perpetrator of a crime in one lifetime will become the victim in another.
Reincarnation gives the soul an opportunity to experience life from different perspectives. WE
il y a 1 an
Tatiana Mendonça Caucasian feel the same way, when they are in some 3rd world country ..
Where do you live since it is So racist?? . You know that you are using a lot of energy, every time
you go out in public, because you get frustrated when people look angry at you. That is not good
for your health or life..
il y a 1 an
Pleiadian SpiritSeek God does not favor the evil doers. I read your narrative with a pleasant
surprise at the striking resemblance of your encounters to mine. I thought it would help a fellow
sojourner if I shared what I've encountered in my journey. God does fight back for us IF and only
IF we don't take it upon ourselves to seek revenge on these poor souls who torture us. It is called
the gift of the curse. If they throw a curse at you, hold your peace and not retaliate, because in
retaliating, you have accepted the gift and now it stays with you, drawing all negative karma
associated with that negative energy. It stays until you let it go. However, if you don't hold any
bad feelings (negative energy,) nor react, the cycle is not completed in you. It revolves back to
who sent it, and calamity finds company in their presence. Don't rejoice in their down fall when
bounces back to them, because it'll draw it back to you. Just let it go. I do forget too sometimes
and catch myself filled with anger at their betrayal and conspiracy, but the sooner I realize and
release, the better the result I see.
il y a 1 an (modifié)
While it's all well and good but Love, peace and forgiveness doesn't always works for everyone
or in every situation. Even when in return you show compassion to people, some people will still
keep disturbing you through different ways and talks. If people constantly keep disturbing you,
making your life hell, keep playing games and tricks with you then you have to react and
respond, take a stand. In certain situations it becomes necessary to react.
il y a 1 an (modifié)
Ann You are right but Ignoring everything happening around you or to you is not a solution to
every problem either.
Jeremiah Robles
Jeremiah Robles
il y a 1 an
you are highly missed Dolores R.I.P
Isabella Dugarte
Isabella Dugarte
il y a 4 ans
Thank you
il y a 4 ans
@ 2:22 she proclaims "The same situation again and again"
Adriano Bulla
Adriano Bulla
il y a 2 mois
I love Dolores. She actually got into my life well after her passing, but... doing things... Not just
through videos, she actually did something beautiful in my life.
Cover The Canvas
Cover The Canvas
il y a 1 an
At what point are you not responsible for a behavior? If someone else"wrongs" you in a previous
life, then you are bound by karma to wrong them...I do things all the time that in retrospect, I
have no idea why I did or didn't do it. I call bullshit. This karma concept is just a theory.
Astral Flux
Astral Flux
il y a 5 mois
Cover The Canvas you just said it yourself... you do things all the time in retrospect you have no
idea why you did said things or didn’t do those things...

According to karmic principles that would be explained via you are simply repaying the bad
karma to another or the good karma to another depending on which specific actions it is that we
are speaking on.
You have no control over your actions it is simply an overriding of your soul that is completing
the karmic debts of the universe as it should be. As it was written. According to what you agreed
Vani Padmavathi
Vani Padmavathi
il y a 2 mois
Whatever life is throwing at us is past karma u r reacting to it is where the
responsibility lies..if we r loving d neutral to the situations in front of us , then karma gets
dissolved.on the contrary if we react to it ,it will carry as future karma,in the sense the lesson is
not learnt..
Gary Summers
Gary Summers
il y a 9 mois
Forgiveness is a wonderful tool.
Acceptance and knowledge of what we learn .
Moving on the journey , evolveing to true self .
It's a adventure choose wisely , you have your answer .
What we nurture , is nurishment ...
Varun sharma
Varun sharma
il y a 1 semaine
Basics of our great Hinduism
Sweeter Than Candy
Sweeter Than Candy
il y a 5 mois
Gonna do a whole lot of's about time, I do what's right for me. I have a very long
debbie debbie
debbie debbie
il y a 2 mois
You can still get her type of hypnosis done on you, or take classes and become a practitioner.

It's called QHHT and BQH sessions. Look them both up on Google. Compare and choose. ❤❤❤
Her daughter and students who were taught by Delores will do sessions and also teach.
Howard Wiggins
Howard Wiggins
il y a 5 ans
Great insights. I don't agree that "what goes around comes around." Some people do very bad
things and don't face any negative consequences for their actions. But she is so right about
letting go of baggage.
Samuel Alder
Samuel Alder
il y a 5 ans
they always face the negative consequences, sooner or later. you can only bury your own
conscience for so long
亭玉 Angelique
亭玉 Angelique
il y a 5 ans
For those people who do bad things -eg. lie, cheat, kill (animals or human) etc... are in fact
creating NEW KARMA for themselves, which will eventually evolve into the next lesson (payback)
soon after their current lesson (created from past lives) has finished; even if sometimes their
new lessons (payback) do not seem to be happening in this life time, nevertheless, it will happen
sooner or later, as NO ONE can escape from The Law Of Karma !!
Omar Elsahn
Omar Elsahn
il y a 4 ans
@Angelique 亭玉
i believe that you cant be honest about things which will create tension between you and people
you know. So i refuse to be honest unless its something that belongs to someone.
Bip Nop
Bip Nop
il y a 1 an
I don't like you
TheOriginal Unaleska
TheOriginal Unaleska
il y a 1 an
Those that say "what goes around comes around" will find that indeed what goes around comes
around on them because their intent was vengeful.
Paul S.
Paul S.
il y a 1 an
some diseases r inherited from my
ancestors maybe
from there DNA
Ass Fac3
Ass Fac3
il y a 1 an
Thank You mam, for helping me. You are a blessing one if my strongest healings , thus far. May
the Universe shine rainbows on you, in you , through you .xoxoxoxox Darlene Groves.
Ang Ro
Ang Ro
il y a 2 mois
YES! This lady is the truth!!
Da Veer
Da Veer
il y a 2 ans
Thank You very much Mother !!
Spiritual Casino
Spiritual Casino
il y a 1 an
I enjoyed this video. This is exactly what I have done and continue to do. Forgiving has lighten
me completely, and I forgive myself as well. My heart Chakra gets bigger and bigger. Love and
sharon louise
sharon louise
il y a 2 mois
TRUTH be told thank you
SoDef Me
SoDef Me
il y a 1 an
coming from someone who has not had to face true struggles and tragedies.
jes gam
jes gam
il y a 1 an
Hahaha i love this much love
Andrew Hillhouse
Andrew Hillhouse
il y a 1 an
✌🙏❤�🙏 ✊🙏
Kristine Chase
Kristine Chase
il y a 9 mois
you must have a pure soul and concisne must be cleared in the meeting of the that
your rebirth is pure without burden.
Draco Rune
Draco Rune
il y a 10 mois
Excellent awesome Blessed Be
il y a 1 an
why the 120bpm dumf dumf dumf in the background? very off putting and headache provoking.
Anabela Pais
Anabela Pais
il y a 7 mois
Unconditional Love for ourselves and others is the purest form of connection, the key to true
understanding and healing. Forgiveness to self and to the other is the beginning of the path.
Thank you so much for the enlightenment, Dolores.
il y a 2 ans
I LOVE the way she says 'human' :)
Maroon Tucson
Maroon Tucson
il y a 5 mois
This is such a good video. It's true it is feeling much better if you let go all those ones who hurt
you. And move forward to the next level of your life without him or her. Some people said it's
hard to let go and just forget everything that had happened. I think on my experience the most
thing that's hard to carry are those things that you don't want to let go the one who burried
your happiness that you deserve. Thank you so much to this video.
Tammy Khoo Chooi Bee
Tammy Khoo Chooi Bee
il y a 1 an
I suggested that, we should be grateful, thankful, appreciates whatever n whoever we r, n be
contented with life always...n much for this kind of videos...
il y a 1 an
Yes, another amazing Lightworker. Gracious, thank you. The last part of the video gave me chills,
how one person can be so spiteful, and the other person how they suffer so much and how the
illness can fest all in there body. We all are 50/50 and we chose everyday where we want to pull
our energy from. Let go, is amazing purifier of energy. It clears your energy and it removes it off
them. There are relationship that don't work, having neutrality is best. Very hard for some
people to do and for injustest hate can grow very deep in someone. Sending energy to everyone
ways, to send upliftment to everyone's souls. We don't want to repeat this lesson again.

Blessings Everyone.
il y a 2 mois
Ahhh hell no i dnt wana come back
il y a 1 mois
What about when you feel
Guilt about hurting someone and you deserve the bad things that are happening?
Veronike Unger
Veronike Unger
il y a 1 mois
Guilt is an emotion that you create just like joy. You need to release the guilt. To do so you can
look for a method called EFT, there is also the Sedona Method, psy K is another one. All these
methods are great at getting rid of all these unwanted emotions that poison our lives. Google
and research more in that direction and you will find a way to free yourself permanently! Good
Marie Jones
Marie Jones
il y a 5 mois
"I forgive you"
"I forgive myself"
Penelope Treloar
Penelope Treloar
il y a 3 semaines
I let go of Karma years ago. I only wish I had discovered you years ago :3
Jesus Perez
Jesus Perez
il y a 2 ans
word to the bird!
il y a 2 mois
Idk why this video was on my feed but it hit home. Crazy.
il y a 4 mois
I'm close to you .... Can you feel it ? ��
Alan Nguyen
Alan Nguyen
il y a 1 an
As bashar says,

Karma is self imposed.

If you believe you need to do "this" to get "that" you become trapped in the cycle of limitation,
separation, and reincarnation.

The trick is to remember you are UNCONDITIONALLY Loved. Meaning you are unconditionally
deserving of all that you desire BECAUSE YOU EXIST.

:) happy freedom:)
Bella Ali
Bella Ali
il y a 2 mois
She's so adorable ��
Jeannette Dickson
Jeannette Dickson
il y a 6 mois
So when you draw the same people, same situation over and over during this incarnation, how
would you work that out? For example, attracting the same type of relationships or friends.
Roncaglia G
Roncaglia G
il y a 3 mois
Are Karma and Fear not intrinsically bound together?
Maldita Sweet
Maldita Sweet
il y a 1 an
I think all we need is courage even a little piece of it every day. Courage to accept the fact that
every situations that happened to us is equal/result of our own thinking, motives and plans.
Ambriel Apps
Ambriel Apps
il y a 1 an
Yes, right, true forgiveness releases karma and ones grudges ir pains are lessened or gone!
But, i just can't grasp the fact of forgiving because there's nothing to forgive!! � Dolores, can you
please explain?! Thx for your good advice. Peace.
Michael Jones
Michael Jones
il y a 3 ans
thanks I need that
Veronica Garcia
Veronica Garcia
il y a 5 mois
Who is this lady? I love her!!!!!!!
Sandra D
Sandra D
il y a 1 semaine
powerful lesson.
kathy schreiber
kathy schreiber
il y a 1 an
Truth ! Thank you for sharing
Cheryl McDowell
Cheryl McDowell
il y a 9 mois
I'm STUCK I don't have anywhere to go.
Missy Turner
Missy Turner
il y a 3 mois
I am at the beginning of my journey, but as I have been here so many times, I caught on so much
quicker, and I have finally been able to forgive the man who was drunk driving and hit and killed
my 17 year old daughter. Ten years now, I've held on to this, never once seeing any other way,
but even though it was bittersweet, I have finally learned this lesson. I can almost feel my
daughter smiling, hugging me, and telling me how proud she is. Of course, she's my firstborn
child, I will always miss her, but I am able to walk through my karma with grace, or as much grace
as I can, to paraphrase a line from Sarah B's book, Something More: Excavating My Authentic
Self. Thank you all for helping me, although most of you don't even know who I am, that's ok,
we'll catch up somewhere on the other side. I have been filled with joy, love, and light, that I
ain't never lettin go out. I have always felt led, by Spirit, I was raised in a Christian background,
school, so it's been alot to get rid of the things I have been taught my whole life, but even then, I
felt there was a calling on my life, to help others, then when I buried my daughter, I thought if I
could even help one Mother our of the darkness, that had me bound for ten years, then I have
fulfilled my purpose. I am just so grateful, so thankful, and want to share this love, this light, with
anybody who wants or needs it. Thank you so much for everything, everybody, I couldn't have
made it without some of the posts or videos that I know have been put in my path for a reason,
and I am shouting for joy. It's ok, I can finally see. Lol. I hope every person who reads this is
blessed, ten fold, and I am going to start looking for some ways to plant seeds now, because this
is my year for abundance and I can not wait. Make it rain, Spirit, make it rain...❤ �❤ �❤ �❤
Netwide Insurance
Netwide Insurance
il y a 3 ans
One word acceptance. accept that your ROI is knowledge and wisdom therefore you are perfect
if you move on and learn. there is always an ROI.
il y a 2 ans
"That's what this time is all about getting rid of the karma, don't carry it any further and don't
create anymore" It's why we live in such a time that we need each other and also why we are in
such chaos. This is our time individually to turn it all around.
Cherie Miller
Cherie Miller
il y a 1 an
I working on it❣
1 Angell
1 Angell
il y a 1 an
WOW! SHe s soooooo sooooo clever, and intelligent, Thank you! I wish I would know that 20
years ago
il y a 4 mois
Karma Ive been practicing this for 2 years and doing well. Fear im discovering is a bit harder to
recognize. You don't know if it's your consciousness telling u not to do something or fear based.
These journeys never end lol
Cam Ky
Cam Ky
il y a 4 mois (modifié)
Now that I see in 4d it's hard not to hate 3d.But I Still Show Love To All #OneLove #Rastafari
Ericus Maximus
Ericus Maximus
il y a 1 an
damn it, I have to come back? And the way things went this time I got a lot of trips left :-(
il y a 5 mois
U thought she was sitting in a bed
Nvm.. smart cookie...
Chris Ridenour
Chris Ridenour
il y a 3 ans
Aaaaaaaaannd..NOTHING spoken about how to release fear...I'm moving on from here
il y a 3 ans
+Chris Ridenour do crap that is uncomfortable for you until you get numbed
Chris Ridenour
Chris Ridenour
il y a 3 ans
Thanks money =) that would be a lot of "crap" lol..blessings to you for responding
il y a 3 ans
im just gonna expand with something here, your body is like an animal and a separate part from
you - you can do things like cold showers every day and mentally know its not so bad; but your
body (since its like a puppy) will fear it - so if you keep doing it you will start seeing your fear-
reaction your inner puppy has as a distant internal process you can ignore. And then have that
internal dynamic transfered to other things in life.

idk if this answers anything for you, just like a puppy can be conditioned to react to different
things: your body can have different fears it has developed; but just like something can be
programmed to your puppy-part; it can be reprogrammed.

and then when you un-program everything down to early infancy; magic shit will happen (past
lives and stuff, no joke)
Chris Ridenour
Chris Ridenour
il y a 3 ans
Thanks again..I so very much appreciate your guidance. And yes I have had some not so great
experiences with the paranormal so every time I hear noises at night (because that was when
the not so great experiences would happen) I freeze up and immediately get fearful! And even
though I have had a shaman come into my house and clear it like 15 yrs ago I'm programmed
now to hear every little noise and get scared...even though nothing is going on but how the hell
do I unprogram myself with these fears???? I know that you said to "numb" the hell
does one numb oneself to things like this? I don't like horror movies at all and never have since I
was young! Sorry I have issues lol but bless you for your help
il y a 3 ans
+Chris Ridenour admitting that you have issues, is giving into the illusion. May you be blessed
with courage.
Cecilia Padilla
Cecilia Padilla
il y a 3 ans
+Chris Ridenour I can relate with you about having some "not so great paranormal experiences".
I've been experiencing the activity since I was a child, I'm now turning 30. I was also jumpy and
scared for a long time when I was young, but I noticed for the past 10 years or so, I've released
the fear by accepting that I am sensitive to it. I am an empath. However, I am the opposite of
you.. I love watching horror films, and I love watching dark stuff. I believe I'm this way because
I've been dealing with real scary things since I was a child, so watching horror films doesn't affect
me. I know they're acting.

Further, I've realized that some entities need help in moving on, sometimes they are confused
and can't detach from this realm. Once I realized that, I was able to help them. Then I also accept
the fact that some just want to hurt me or scare me. I've been paralyzed in my sleep many times,
I've been scratched, things have been thrown at me, I've heard people talking that aren't
physically there, I've been sexually assaulted by some being, not of this planet. However, as long
as I don't give into the fear, then in turn, I will not give it power. Dark entities feed off your fear,
so the less you fear.. the better.

I've been dealing with this my whole life and still do to this day, but I've learned to control my
energy toward it. I keep healing crystals throughout my house, and I sage the house (cleanse and
bless) every couple weeks. I suggest you release the fear by accepting your sensitivity and do
your best to find love in everything (in people, in nature, in children, in music, and in art). Do Not
Numb yourself, that would cause physical and mental problems. Numbing yourself, is
suppressing your feelings and energy and that can physically hurt you. That energy can turn into
a terminal illness in your body. What I suggest to you, is that you embrace who you are (your
loving spirit), and replace fear with love.. And in turn you will be releasing the fear.

I have had horrible scary experiences that I wouldn't want anyone else to experience.. Not only
with the paranormal, but with the Greys (although the Greys never hurt me from what I know,
they were just a little scary). BUT the point is.. All you need is love and acceptance, understand
that there are things in the universe and multi-verse that you can't remember now, which is why
you fear it, but you will remember and understand it more once you return to the source (which
is LOVE). Don't give into the fear, replace it with Love <3 and you'll notice that the fear will begin
to disappear.

Love & Light to You!

Chris Ridenour
Chris Ridenour
il y a 3 ans
Thank you Cecilia...blessings back to you as well friend
Chris Ridenour
Chris Ridenour
il y a 3 ans
Awesome help Truth..this is info that I can definitely "chew" on and think about. I will remember
this. I have made this attempt before when minor fears come up, ones that haven't completely
overwhelmed me emotionally. I have simply made the attempt to allow them and then feel
them and have thanked them also....even while still feeling the fears. The comment that you
made about viewing them literally coming up and out of me and HOW exactly to feel about it
has not been thought of before and your whole comment gave me an "aha" moment. God bless
you..this really resonated with me!
Freedom-Vietnam Kay
Freedom-Vietnam Kay
il y a 4 mois
This woman is right. A Very powerful message
Atashak Gem
Atashak Gem
il y a 1 mois
I have hard time forgive who hurt me deeply and immensely, because their hurts damaged my
life in big way,,, I try let it go, still is hunting me anytime I have bad experience or anything similar
happens, it triggers all past hurts ����like a flashback,,, then I blame myself how or why I
let all these ppl hurt me much, it becomes a loop, I can’t forgive myself for attracting them to my
life, then can’t easily forgive them because of misery they created to me ����
Johnathan Ford
Johnathan Ford
il y a 1 an
I need,ya ma'am where are u located please?
Jean C
Jean C
il y a 1 an (modifié)
Also let go of MEAT and all animal products ... This is a very practical, down-to-earth perspective
but often goes over peoples heads !!! Also believe in GOD and your guardian angels ♡♡♡
Paul Anthony Donahue
Paul Anthony Donahue
il y a 4 mois
YOUniverSOUL BeYOUtiful Insight!
Jennifer Lorence
Jennifer Lorence
il y a 3 semaines
I must have done a lot Evil to a Lot of People in a Previous Life because I met a Lot of Evil People
in this Life.
Shweta Singh
Shweta Singh
il y a 1 mois
I m letting go her today... I m forgiving her........ God bless her
Liz Smith Mirra
Liz Smith Mirra
il y a 1 an
Thank you thank you thank you....very helpful!
Dax Ross
Dax Ross
il y a 1 an
Reminds of “ra material” at
Niyazov Sukhrab
Niyazov Sukhrab
il y a 3 ans
thank you))
il y a 2 semaines
Forgive and let go, release, move on .
Deborah Langelier
Deborah Langelier
il y a 1 an
I keep hearing about healing karma but I am not mad at anyone anymore so what then?
Faith Hope
Faith Hope
il y a 1 an
Great talk! This makes me happy �
Marion Culhane
Marion Culhane
il y a 1 an
Thank you! Good advice here.
Kesavan Namboothiri Krishnan
Kesavan Namboothiri Krishnan
il y a 1 an
I love only people deserve because their Karma must change to change them from their wrong
self to the Spiritual Self. Thank You.
ameelia ramotar
ameelia ramotar
il y a 1 an
I have recently realised that Our Lady Dalores Cannon has passed away..GOD BLESS HER SOUL
roy york
roy york
il y a 4 mois
To Really Love something is to fear its opposite. peace ����
Art G
Art G
il y a 5 mois
yes we all know about this it is easier said then done.
Hanne Albrechtsen
Hanne Albrechtsen
il y a 5 ans
Great stuff!!
il y a 1 an
Good old grannys they are always right lol
il y a 5 ans
Karma hides itself , I see folks expressing it and they do not know it is motivating them, I do not
think it can simply be released but has to be dissolved by doing good deeds for as long as
needed, perhaps a lifetime
Ana Cee
Ana Cee
il y a 2 mois
Great imagination. How does she know exactly what's on the other side, if there is one? Any
Charlotte Wijsmuller
Charlotte Wijsmuller
il y a 9 mois
Well did the man recover?
ve justice
ve justice
il y a 1 an
I just became a huge fan tonight after hearing her for the first time I just heard exactly what I
needed to hear at exactly the right time. Wow
D.W. Inkwell
D.W. Inkwell
il y a 1 an
Speaking so much wisedom and truth!!!
Sandra Lodin
Sandra Lodin
il y a 5 mois
You go your why I go mine. We tear up the contract. I forgive you with love and release myself
out of it �
Sandra Lodin
Sandra Lodin
il y a 5 mois

Kat Stewart
Kat Stewart
il y a 3 ans
This is the best thing I have heard is 100% true & accurate.She knows what she is talking
about..Release it & let it go..
il y a 1 an
Initially the people who hurt me, at first deeply wound me however I always come to forgive that
person because I see them as my greatest teachers, there's always a lesson to be learned. I'm
also getting better at releasing the pain a little quicker. Nature is a great way of helping us do
that too.
Skye Sharna
Skye Sharna
il y a 2 ans
I love this woman
il y a 1 an
That's what I've always done, just walk away and ignore people who piss me off, no matter what
the relationship.
Robert Henry Scott
Robert Henry Scott
il y a 2 mois
I understand the part of releasing karma by telling folks who do/done you wrong and therefore,
releasing the anger. What if you tell the person what they did to you and they deny it and points
the finger at you? How do you release if the person you're dealing with is someone you interact
with on a daily basis (co-workers, supervisors, family members, etc)?
il y a 5 mois
Karma is difficult to release if it's family members you live with and see every day. Guess I will
have to move out and then forgive and let go of the person.
il y a 2 mois
This is golden
Therese Sorrell
Therese Sorrell
il y a 2 mois
Why would any body WANT to hurt anybody else, I don’t get it? Ha! ��
jeff whalen
jeff whalen
il y a 2 mois
It boggles my mind. I don't belong here.
Longlife Energy
Longlife Energy
il y a 4 ans
Until this interview I did not realize that karma means baggage! Ho O Ponopono has helped me
tremendously. I love you, I'm sorry, please forgive me, thank you. Until I started to practice Ho O
Ponopono, I thought that I deserved many apologies. Now I understand that I also need to ask
for forgiveness. It was always a two way street. I also have to apologize for allowing things to
happen. And a saltwater flush also helps to release garbage!
Randy Fricke
Randy Fricke
il y a 4 mois
I do not believe in karma. I absolutely refuse to be held liable on a [soul] contract that I have no
conscious recollection of ever having entered into.
yelah m
yelah m
il y a 1 an
Did God ever mention "karma" through Jesus Christ though?
Rock Roll
Rock Roll
il y a 1 an
I agree with her on every level.
Elisa Chandler
Elisa Chandler
il y a 1 an
So True but so Challenging
Michael Pignatello
Michael Pignatello
il y a 1 an
How can u let go when homeless
Barbara Donica
Barbara Donica
il y a 2 semaines
Once l realized I may have caused my ex husband and others the same pain or loss l have
experienced in this life, l was able to forgive and release its karma.
il y a 1 an
Rest in Paradise Dolores Cannon ! Thank you so much for all your great teachings. You have
helped me tremendously
Judith Morgan
Judith Morgan
il y a 9 mois
Between Ms Cannon and Robert Gene Smith, letting go of unconscious resistance heals the
mind, alters perception, transforms emotions and restores the body.
Qesankh Maa Kheperu
Qesankh Maa Kheperu
il y a 1 mois
Okay, she thinks that we should let go of fear. I think we already know that. We've known that
for thousands of years. Now tell us how we do it! That proves you are truly wise!
Lynn Devereux
Lynn Devereux
il y a 3 ans
espavo Dolores
il y a 2 mois
"Karma" is not "baggage." The word means "your own doing." Much more important to
recognize your own being as center and dreamer and go from there.
Campbell Scott
Campbell Scott
il y a 1 an
Wow talk about good timing.
Ray Julian
Ray Julian
il y a 1 an
I forgive you. Let go of karma. Move on. Thank you !
A.D. B
A.D. B
il y a 3 mois
The crappy reality may not be pleasant but it is familiar.
Hoellenkatz Lehensmarr
Hoellenkatz Lehensmarr
il y a 1 an
Dolores Cannon, I have never heard of you before, but you are making a helluva lot of sense!
Jessica Moore
Jessica Moore
il y a 8 mois
Thank you, Thank you, Thank you so much ���
Maria Membreno
Maria Membreno
il y a 1 an
She is so right thanks
Ms Lacy
Ms Lacy
il y a 2 mois
I forgive you
I release you
etienne jones
etienne jones
il y a 1 an
Finally in a voice of balanced reasoning
Daniela Dobrecevic
Daniela Dobrecevic
il y a 8 mois
me and my father..phhh,,he was my mom in past life..i hope I can be his parent in next
life,maybe than we can fix things
Lilian Kovr
Lilian Kovr
il y a 5 mois (modifié)
Our Ego is not our Amigo we need to for forgive and forget someone who have done us wrong
without forgiveness we will never become successful in our life we need Peace as Jesus is our
King of Peace Gods Peace that he gave the world cannot gives us peace as God giveth
Negative energy attracts negative result positive attracts positive result
Out of sight Out of mind
Out of sight Out of mind
il y a 1 mois (modifié)
No. Chris Watt's in-laws and parents forgave him, but I don't see why.
Ker Gos
Ker Gos
il y a 1 an
I actually did some of that. No conversation or phone calls I made that very clear. Now I get very
disturbing cards in the mail. I know in my heart they just pure evil. They have alot of guilt. I thank
you for your answers. That really means so much to me.
il y a 1 an
suresh nair
suresh nair
il y a 1 an
pl send me ur sweet pic
Milly Wamimbi
Milly Wamimbi
il y a 1 an
God bless you protection upon your family friends and loved ones thanks you mum i happy to
day,the kids turned like my x i left them after trying to help them especially Ron and Miriam
confused in alcoholism and weed God brought the day weeèèeee I'm out just laughing God is
lorina lancaster
lorina lancaster
il y a 1 an
Love this let it go something I learning and it really works thank Delores Cannon
tact-out usa
tact-out usa
il y a 3 ans
good Insights thank you
LadyAshley Mitchell
LadyAshley Mitchell
il y a 1 an
yasmin laila
yasmin laila
il y a 11 mois
always forgive for your own sake not the other person
ramona elena
ramona elena
il y a 8 mois
very useful, thank you <3
Sean J Kennedy
Sean J Kennedy
il y a 8 mois
I forgive my self. Thank you. I love you.
il y a 4 mois
I wish she was still here in this form I would have loved to have met her.
Cindy G
Cindy G
il y a 1 an
Like the background music, anyone have info on the piece and artist? BTW love listening to
Delores. Earth misses her wisdom but we are fortunate to have these wonderful segments to
learn from.
Andrew Garley
Andrew Garley
il y a 2 mois
So Short, is there a longer version?
jade rozner
jade rozner
il y a 4 ans
---take the mouth noises out of this don't hear this in person.
il y a 2 ans
Thank you. She will win if you kills you. lol
Selena Chavez
Selena Chavez
il y a 1 mois
I wish she was still alive. I have questions.
Jerri I Goldstein
Jerri I Goldstein
il y a 1 an
Eternal Gratitude and Appreciation.
Mimi Lion
Mimi Lion
il y a 8 mois
Wiadom in her eyes
Maricella Alaniz
Maricella Alaniz
il y a 1 an
� Beautiful Words of advice.
Ryan Masterson
Ryan Masterson
il y a 4 ans
Wise woman here.
Patricia May
Patricia May
il y a 5 mois
So right, I'm letting it go!
Hutauro Atacondor
Hutauro Atacondor
il y a 1 an
Blessings ��� hoka
Artis Johnson
Artis Johnson
il y a 4 mois
I keep a lot on the inside I do agree with the illness.
Paul Denet
Paul Denet
il y a 4 mois
My daily dose of New Age wisdom
CJ Ruddy
CJ Ruddy
il y a 1 an
What kind of Fear?
Phyllis P
Phyllis P
il y a 5 mois (modifié)
I am releasing karma, with love forgiving them and now the last of them enough , is enough
saying goodbye with love .
Zach Freeman
Zach Freeman
il y a 1 an
I love this lady
Alaa 777
Alaa 777
il y a 3 mois
Great video... thank you �
indian army
indian army
il y a 1 an
i agreed with her.
il y a 1 an
That's gold.
Mimi B
Mimi B
il y a 11 mois
Sure do miss her fun spirit, in the face of the unknown.....she never let the meladrama of ego
confusin mutate into debilitating fear like so many sleeping masses
il y a 3 mois
I love these comments! Thanks earth tribe. As shitty as it can get, were all in this together.
Sending everyone love �❤
Phyllis Petras
Phyllis Petras
il y a 3 mois
And love to you!!!
anticul 23
anticul 23
il y a 1 an
Richard grannon and ross human magnet
Sgreen 28382
Sgreen 28382
il y a 8 mois
The background music on this is cute
Giving Up
Giving Up
il y a 2 mois
How do I figure it out? I’m estranged from my family. Have I cheated the system? They were
killing me. They are forgiven 100% I just can’t be around them.
Jay Diamond
Jay Diamond
il y a 1 an
So well explained xxx
purdy girl
purdy girl
il y a 1 an
smart lady!!!
Virginia Lacar
Virginia Lacar
il y a 5 mois
I don't have any fear of my life..I want to move forward.To return to back to my home land and
makes a difference in life that I want to make our own dreams and goals be fully put in the right
path of life!!!!
il y a 3 mois
Be present and watch recurring patterns and emotions. You can see what you need to heal in
your daily life.
Nan G
Nan G
il y a 1 an
she spoke a true thing
The Monalisa
The Monalisa
il y a 5 mois
I am releasing and letting go of everything. And letting go of fear and karma
il y a 5 mois
Others like me that I can see and talk to and sit with
Sneha Karveer
Sneha Karveer
il y a 4 mois
Oh my god.. That's the best lesson of get rid of karma and free our self from all the
chains of sadness.
HoneyDew *
HoneyDew *
il y a 1 an
What are the three magic words? "F@ it all?!"
Milly Wamimbi
Milly Wamimbi
il y a 1 an
i left the sms he should eat sleep and be with his kids after 17year
Arjuna 1
Arjuna 1
il y a 4 ans
Could i use this video and make german undertitles? Please pm me.
sylvie roy
sylvie roy
il y a 1 an
That is called wisdom. I wish I could teach that to my daughter....but it has to come from her
alone....maybe one day it will click
Shan Nonymous
Shan Nonymous
il y a 5 mois
i have a better understanding of karma after watching this. after i've had time to process things i
will come back and elaborate.
Jennifer Creamer
Jennifer Creamer
il y a 3 mois
Yep. I got rectal cancer at the age of 34. It was pretty advanced but luckily I was able to beat it. I
am an empath with a narcissistic parent, and have had a few narcissistic partners as well. Energy
healing has helped me let go of garbage and also cut the etheric cords that energy vampires
were still feeding off of me with. It’s been quite the journey, and there is more ahead, but I have
faith that everything is going to be alright
Nez Bit
Nez Bit
il y a 2 mois
I got something from this thanks x
Tommy Hawksblood
Tommy Hawksblood
il y a 1 mois
You cannot let go of Karma, don't know where or what alien told her that. Well she will
reincarnate because you cannot give away Karma.
Anita Raphael
Anita Raphael
il y a 1 an
Thank you God
il y a 2 ans
Crazy I was thinking this I have been trying to control my feelings & thoughts Once I left Ex Wife
Games with her family @1666 My life Changed instantly New Life New Wife New Kid 8 yrs
Married House
petula papuni
petula papuni
il y a 5 mois
Beautifully explained... Quite simple really isn't it...forgive and let it go... Thank you. I love doing
forgiveness... Its feels so liberating! I totally believe that resentment and bitterness is definitely
THE cause of cancer...because they haven't been released so therefore it builds up in the body
and it comes to take our loved ones lives...RIP Mama x
Johnny mac
Johnny mac
il y a 1 an
Karma is one's action it's not something you can let go!!!
Jason Dioses
Jason Dioses
il y a 1 an
Robin Williams is alive!
Michel Dubois
Michel Dubois
il y a 1 an
Thank you !
Gematria Torah
Gematria Torah
il y a 7 mois
Dear Dolores , I think you done good job . That was your coming...your task . Because you are
not anymore with us I wish you all the best in your future.
N'credible O'Neal Freeman
N'credible O'Neal Freeman
il y a 1 an
the best comments I every listen to is Dolores cannon..
Kathy Holmes
Kathy Holmes
il y a 8 mois
What would she say about our current political situation with Trump?
Shoney Buchanan
Shoney Buchanan
il y a 2 mois
Great wisdom!
Rednax Ela
Rednax Ela
il y a 2 mois (modifié)
who says you have to come back? No you don't. That's your own choice. Do your will. Recognise
you are the light.
il y a 1 mois (modifié)
What she's saying is true- but hard. I know, I've had bad things happen to me(Family, etc.) that I
won't go into. But the "forgiving" is not for their benefit, but YOURS. That's because when you
hold onto unforgiveness, you take it with you everywhere until you can release it(Death or your
own free will preferably). It actually results in all the NEGATIVITY towards you that other people
pick up on & turn away from as well as serious health problems. Ever wonder why there are so
many people feeling "dejected" & "left alone"? Check your KARMA- find peaceful closure
towards the negative experiences in your life & you will experience positive change. The best
way I've heard it defined in layman terms is "Anger is like drinking poison(anger) and hoping the
other person dies from it". 99% of the people who have "done something" towards you WANT
you to suffer with anger. Don't let them effect your bliss- forgive them(for YOUR benefit- not
theirs) and forget- the best revenge.
Awakening Earth Network
Awakening Earth Network
il y a 2 mois
She dosent tell you who it is who gets the fun in creating the emotional drama between
people :)
il y a 4 ans
May I ask, what book is this in relation to? Is there a book written on this or that touches base on
zelen plav
zelen plav
il y a 9 mois
CJ. Three Magic Words. by Anderson. I was in a store with my son and saw the book from across
the room and I told him to get that book because I thought it was a very important one and I was
Jennifer Lorence
Jennifer Lorence
il y a 3 semaines (modifié)
I Forgave the Same People My Whole life, Never held a Grudge against them, Loved Them and
Helped Them much, But NOTHING Changed for Me, if Anything, things Got Worse and I had to
PAY for Their Sins. Things Got Better for Them and a LOT Worst for Me. I Wonder WHY
forgiving Others has Never Workout Well for Me and it has Always made Me Look like a Fool.
il y a 2 ans
K. Bear
K. Bear
il y a 7 mois
Love is the strongest emotion we have Dolores.
Corey The Person
Corey The Person
il y a 2 ans
I believe that we do indeed incarnate over and over again to learn what we must. However, the
one thing she mentioned that I kinda disagree with is bringing karma from past lives - like the
example she used about repeat characters that we still associate ourselves with. I feel that we
can always change out future (or perhaps destiny) with meditation and positive thought, via Law
of Attraction.

Another concept I wonder about is that if we cant remember what our past lives lessons were
then how will know to correct them? I don't mean common sense lessons, more specifically the
life path that we all chose while on the other side. The path we chose prior to being born in this
life; How will we know how to live our lives besides basic positivity and common sense kindness
towards others????? Anyone?
Bruceann Yellowega
Bruceann Yellowega
il y a 1 an
I’d like to know how to let go of regret. ☹
Nicko Lodian
Nicko Lodian
il y a 1 an
shes a crystal aura?
Rogerio Gregorio
Rogerio Gregorio
il y a 2 ans
Ok -forgive--let it go---forget---I just can't do it!!Easy to say impossible to do...
marina leven
marina leven
il y a 1 an
thank you.very interesting!!!
Kay Har
Kay Har
il y a 4 mois
Oooh! I needed this!
Allen Franks
Allen Franks
il y a 1 an
occult bull stay away from this
Velma LaTrissè
Velma LaTrissè
il y a 3 ans
thank u
face poo
face poo
il y a 4 mois
So what happens when you do figure it out?
A Mind For Life
A Mind For Life
il y a 3 mois
A very wise teacher...radical!
Paul B
Paul B
il y a 1 an
All this reincarnation stuff really worries me, it's an horrific prospect, I really hope there is no
such thing.
E. Lynette McCormick-Harris
E. Lynette McCormick-Harris
il y a 1 an
I built so much for myself. I needed to hear this I forgive all wrongs done to me and let them go. I
pray forgiveness from the one other than me I hurt. I miss him still. I miss my love, and my
friend, my confidant, my life.
Mig GU
Mig GU
il y a 1 an
how the f do you work it out??
il y a 3 mois
How does she know this with the lives coming back with the same ppl !? .I agree with her saying
that letting go can save your life
Jon Focker
Jon Focker
il y a 5 mois
what if u resemble a really dorky movie character but you are not dorky like that? people see
the resemblence and laugh at you. i don't see how you can alter their perception of your
physical appearance.

it's better now but there were some times i wanted choke people out. the ones who laughed all
had similar qualities. they are superficial, not emotionally deep at all, and caught up in the day
to day reality.

its weird that i was waking up big time, then this movie comes out and completely fucks with
me. all these people reveal themselves as being superficial fucks. it was torture. i ended up
hating everybody. i could say they are just "background" people but it wasn't that simple. i just
resembled a dorky character and its unacceptable lol. i don't give a fuck these days. people are
mostly asleep, politics are rigged, 5G and artificial intelligence will change reality as we know it.
blah blah blah enjoy.
Andrewski Gordon
Andrewski Gordon
il y a 3 ans
be thankful. put a like����������������������
il y a 2 ans
You say, let the people go. Even if is your sister?
Susi Gwynne-Galfe
Susi Gwynne-Galfe
il y a 1 an
love her teachings!
Kim Lawrence
Kim Lawrence
il y a 1 an
Karma is not the baggage we carry around! Karma is most obviously there all the time, cause and
the volgman miller
the volgman miller
il y a 1 jour
Heal your health
josephine chau
josephine chau
il y a 5 mois
I needed that.
il y a 1 an
I have just stumbled on you. I love this kind thing. I thought Karma would go when the person
has got they’re comeuppance for what they have done wrong. Now I understand. I understand
forgiveness and I do forgive people when they have hurt me. Thank you x
Yahaira Florentino
Yahaira Florentino
il y a 11 mois
Loved the comments �
il y a 1 an
so glad I listened to this video today. everything discussed here is relevant to the lessons I'm
going through right now. ie #1forgiving the people who treat us poorly, #2 reasons why certain
people come into our lives and exit at the same time, then return decades later, at the same
time (unrelated people who may or may not know each other) #3 healing of disease through
stress reduction ie forgiving those who wrong us #4 learning to walk away from triggers.

I have a list of people who really grew onto my naughty list this week, whom I have been
annoyed with for aiding and abetting those who persecute my family.
#letting it go now# phewwwww. There; I exhaled and have let it go..
Liv Kirschbaum
Liv Kirschbaum
il y a 1 mois
I forgive my ex for just suddenly breaking up with me over the phone even though i loved him
endlessly. I forgive him and wishing him love and letting him go with love. Also I forgive several
other people who did me wrong and also I forgive myself for saying mean things and do other
people wrong. I forgive myself and others and sending love.
il y a 9 mois
the Wisdom is "let go of hate, let go of anger, let go of fear......LOVE IS THE ANSWER.
adam roddis
adam roddis
il y a 11 mois
And how does she know all this?
Paul Pells
Paul Pells
il y a 1 an
So this would include getting rid of all Karma, both good and bad ?
rodney carvalho
rodney carvalho
il y a 1 an
She is completely correct.
Daughter Nature
Daughter Nature
il y a 5 mois
Wow this video is right on time.
il y a 1 an
Reincarnation is the evil ETS dumping us back here under the pretense of karma!
Andra H
Andra H
il y a 9 mois
The main thing is to know what "it" is. To work "it" out, figure "it" out, do "it" right...gotta know
what "it" is.
Lesley Maclennan
Lesley Maclennan
il y a 4 mois
She makes such sense , what a Wonderful lady .. �����
Dolly Valdes
Dolly Valdes
il y a 5 mois
I pray for Jeshua God to come back and finish all my unfinished business in this life. I cant do it
Savas Nikas
Savas Nikas
il y a 5 ans
next time leave microphone in studio, can't hear anything. audio techician is probably 12 old kid
All Natural Me
All Natural Me
il y a 1 an
I love her ~
Prince of Harmony Joseph Alexander Ovidi
Prince of Harmony Joseph Alexander Ovidi
il y a 1 an
Interesting ❤
Antonio Moree
Antonio Moree
il y a 1 an
Dolores how do you release karma?
Sandra Olsen
Sandra Olsen
il y a 9 mois
I feel exhausted in this life & my brain a bit slow this time around.
Camila Martins
Camila Martins
il y a 5 mois
What is this soundtrack
Ker Gos
Ker Gos
il y a 1 an (modifié)
But what if they harass you. I do not want any dealings with certain individuals, but they keep
coming back. What do you do?
Starseed Films
Starseed Films
il y a 1 an
Ker Gos that is simple you block their phone number, block their emails, change your
address/move disconnect all communications and they will cease to exist
MSK 1975
MSK 1975
il y a 3 ans
The problem is the capitalism,people adore money not the humanity.
they all think the money can buy happiness and this is false.
Sam Rahmati
Sam Rahmati
il y a 3 mois
Loving kindness and forgiveness
Joi Williams
Joi Williams
il y a 5 mois
A new piece for my peace.
Carmillia Gaming
Carmillia Gaming
il y a 1 an
soooo how do you let go ... i don t care about one more a definition of karma ....
il y a 3 jours
Over. A million views Michael !!
Twinklez Jones
Twinklez Jones
il y a 3 mois
So hard when its your child.
il y a 9 mois
You are so right Mam...
Andrew Hibberd
Andrew Hibberd
il y a 10 mois
Cause and effect result from karma. action.
Pa Dg
Pa Dg
il y a 5 mois (modifié)
What if they do not go away? They keep coming back even if you push them away? What do you
do then?
Aj H
Aj H
il y a 1 an
she means bad Karma. not karma in general. karma simply tanslates to action. great advice tho
janelle charles
janelle charles
il y a 1 an
Thank you�
il y a 8 mois
what if its guilt instead?
A Seaof Honey
A Seaof Honey
il y a 8 mois
...But why not fix the relationships, on the other side? Why can we only learn through pain?
Nisha Sankaran
Nisha Sankaran
il y a 5 mois
Some of the most useful comments ever, nice! Some karma burning happening right here,
through these words...
Bine Schiff
Bine Schiff
il y a 2 ans
I love her!!!
il y a 2 mois (modifié)
She did not clarify that the reason we must let go of karma is as it is does not exist.
Reincarnation is a trap
Amanda EvePhotographie
Amanda EvePhotographie
il y a 1 an
A lady of sense.
Bud Costello
Bud Costello
il y a 11 mois
You forgot the 3 magic words
Patricia Casteran
Patricia Casteran
il y a 2 ans
very interesting!
digital india
digital india
il y a 1 an
just think about good
He Needs Some Milk.
He Needs Some Milk.
il y a 2 mois
The music made me want to dance
Regina or Dolly
Regina or Dolly
il y a 8 mois
Forgiveness....trying my best to work on it but it's some low down dirty people on this earth!!!!
Challenging but I'm working on forgiveness. Maybe this is why karma keeps bothering me!
Lee Nesbitt
Lee Nesbitt
il y a 1 an
I have learned that I must forgive those who hurt or belittle me in some way. By forgiving the
person you create a space once occupied by anger/fear for unconditional love to occupy. This
love is so much lighter to carry than all the karmic junk between you and others. They really do
fall away from your life and you go on to better people and situations. Great advice from this
lovely lady. It really works.
il y a 5 mois
vladimir young noel survive
vladimir young noel survive
il y a 2 ans
can I be in your class please
il y a 2 ans
she passed away 2 yrs ago, but left us a rich legacy.
Sally Silva
Sally Silva
il y a 1 an
I have a question Dolores
Debra Dean
Debra Dean
il y a 9 mois
I have released my ex husband but the hurt is still there because the way he treats his daughter.
He has moved on with a new family and we still have the baggage he left behind! My heart's
breaks for my daughter because he left her when she was 8 and he has not tried to rebuild this.
This is the karma and we are stuck trying to move on in our lives. I'm the mother still stuck in
karmic situations! Praying to move on so my daughter has a happy life and fulfilled one! �
Lisa Meyer
Lisa Meyer
il y a 7 mois
What kind of karma, all I wanna do is good things all day long for people!!!
Book fanatics
Book fanatics
il y a 1 an
Just superb.
Royallamonique gsrsrxtct
Royallamonique gsrsrxtct
il y a 3 mois (modifié)
�������let go fear n karma frequencies hire
il y a 1 an
Awesome lesson .....Thank you
il y a 5 ans
How do you actually let go of fear?
Renata Palubinskas Esoteric Art Explanations
Renata Palubinskas Esoteric Art Explanations
il y a 1 an
She didn’t get the concept of karma.
SOULar charge station
SOULar charge station
il y a 1 an
So important! This needs to be taught in the school systems! We must stop being so oriented
towards things that don't help us. Those in power don't seem to want us to progress
JBarnes Author
JBarnes Author
il y a 1 an
Straight up! The light has prevailed, and it will be readily apparent soon.
ysay ysay
ysay ysay
il y a 1 mois
How to let go of fear about ghost when you can feel and hear it
Bb Hh
Bb Hh
il y a 1 an
and how does she know?
Nicole Cooper
Nicole Cooper
il y a 10 mois
Iam in pain everyday.
Divinity 8
Divinity 8
il y a 8 mois
One has to forgive as we are forgiven....we have to forgive ourself as well to go onboard since
our hearts will be looked at too.
Robert Azure
Robert Azure
il y a 10 mois
It's better to hurt each other... And both destroy... Then we forgive ;)
Tibisay Huerta
Tibisay Huerta
il y a 6 jours (modifié)
0:55, "Karma is the garbage in the baggage we carry around with us through the different
Amanda Fort
Amanda Fort
il y a 3 semaines
I’m in a cult like family
Jenny Smith
Jenny Smith
il y a 5 mois (modifié)
People who keep on pushing Burton's are bullies and the best way to deal a bullies is to
warlk away from them and don't look back keep moving forward it dons matter if you forgive
them forgive you're self for being mistreated and keep smiling ☺
Katalina DeLuna
Katalina DeLuna
il y a 1 an
Hey guys :) These recent Schumann resonance frequency bursts we've been seeing are from the
work, battles, and cleanings the Protoi have been doing on higher levels against the darks these
past few weeks.

The Protoi are beings who are responsible for ensuring that everyone here has the necessary
energies for survival. They originally helped to create this place we're in now. Earth is only a
small part of an entire creation that was designed as an experiment to help speed up evolution.
"Survival of the fittest" was the idea and karma/negative energies were introduced in order to
help beings grow faster by putting pressure on them. However, all of this soon became too much
of a burden for beings to carry and many started to become ill (dark). Some of these beings were
original Protoi and they took control, converting this place into a trap to torture and crash light
beings. That's why there's so much pain and suffering in this world.

The (light) Protoi currently here in 3D are working to end this darkness once and for all. Many
other light beings also decided to help and the Protoi Alliance was formed. About 4 billion
people on Earth are a part of this alliance. Our higher parts are working together on other levels
with the Protoi and we feel the effects down here. What we experience in life is inextricably
connected to the events happening up there.

Click here for more info:

Keamber Ashanti
Keamber Ashanti
il y a 9 mois
Thank you �
Nichol Reed
Nichol Reed
il y a 10 mois
Delores ur so awesome. Thank u so much for talking w everyone about this and many other
talks. I wrote down a lot of notes about this video. I'm going to get a big poster board write all
my notes down from this video and read it everyday. I'm going through the exact same things
POWERFUL.I will use this and do it and learn from it for my next journey. Not looking forward to
it but at least I'll be ready for it. We love you and GOD BLESS YOU. Oh my mom's name was
Delores it a pleasure righting to u this is making thing of my mom trying to teach me I can't help
but think maybe she's teaching me through u. I've never seen or heard of u before and this vid
popped up on u tub this morning. Just amazing. Have a beautiful life my friend.
Sen Royalty
Sen Royalty
il y a 1 an
Thank you.
Mindful Nina
Mindful Nina
il y a 1 an
How does that work dealing with your father when he's still married to ur mom who is now
disabled and u have to take care of her � he's so negative and it drains me on all levels I really
need help it's eating at me
danilo e jesus
danilo e jesus
il y a 4 mois
i would like to talk to you ob my sitiacion
Peaceful Scum
Peaceful Scum
il y a 2 semaines
Richard Lerman
Richard Lerman
il y a 1 an
3 words thank you dolores.......................
Ellen kelleher
Ellen kelleher
il y a 3 ans
It is Always fear behind anger -what are you afraid of losing? Karma is also the repeating patterns
(watch for them, You are making this happen) of unhappiness in this lifetime (if also from "other
lives" -Everything is Now).Releasing frees you from the patterns, you are consequently Free to be
Happy Now, which raises your vibration to receive better, more of what you Do want. The irkers
are feeding off you, "literally" eating your protective Light Aura around you, making you even
more vulnerable to them. (p.s. he's killing himself..) BLAME NEVER WORKS. "THEN" is gone
except You re-enliven it in each new moment. Your choice.
Peron Laurent
Peron Laurent
il y a 1 an
il y a 5 mois
Fantastic all true x
il y a 4 mois
Great advice ‼
Line Louise Ofsti
Line Louise Ofsti
il y a 1 an
u can do could be your fam/friends ..or wrong guy....god I never thought needed
struggle for my karma I already had myself or ..tiik a while to get this guy go..but my .mental me
who I was like be ..are back to now!!! it i got goid life..ymtry revelation things I want....simetimes
I open up for new friend /love ...but they are so pushy or pretend they connected to u in some
way.. goshhh...right now ...ooen free�
T St. V
T St. V
il y a 10 mois
Do not forget to forgive yourself. We are extremely rough on ourselves.
Erbliebe Original love
Erbliebe Original love
il y a 3 mois
I wanna be able to do what she says. I want to do it.
il y a 5 mois
Shud i send this to the person im thinking of n tell him shall we cut the contract? �
Lesley Maclennan
Lesley Maclennan
il y a 4 mois
Good idea �
nolikes or subscribers
nolikes or subscribers
il y a 8 mois
Dolores helps me so much... I stopped having experience with spirit at age 17 because I was
living alone and became scared with the actual seeing of spirits. I've slept walked all my life
sometimes rememberd sometimes not but when I did. I'd see different dimensions for example
opening the bathroom door and seeing a packed out bus from the past. I ended up weeing
somewhere else lol because of the people in the bus /bathroom lol... It didn't seem unusual to
me at all in my somnambulisric state. This is relavant because that's the same state that deep
hypnosis that Dolores cannon developed, so I've been told anyway. Dolores is helping me with
my fear I've known for years I've needed to stop being scared. I told the spirits I wasn't ready for
the messages they wanted me to know... I feel like I had a purpose but I'd blocked it out of my
mind. I think so many of us do this because it's not the norm it's not what we're brought up to
believe in so we think it's wrong, and then we have to have some sort of event happen to us to
make us open up to spirituality again. So many people I read or research who have been
scienctists or Dr's and totally sceptical of life after death and beyond and after for example a
near death experience they totally changed their minds and lives and are now hypnotists or
spiritual speakers out there spreading the word with their amazing stories. We need to listen to
these important messages they've been sent here to do a job and that's wake people up. It's
time for the world to start accepting that we do have proof of these subjects being true because
they are true. We'll the government know anyway they just aren't ready to openly tell the world
whats going on behind closed doors. But we know and they know too.
Philosopher Prince
Philosopher Prince
il y a 2 mois
This is why I haven't given up on this last intense and passionate relationship. And I don't have
anger any more. I know this because i am not angry or in pain from it.. I am.more in control and
watching the signs and taking a step back from diving onto the next. I still stay in my path, for its
my path and will walk down another when ready to
Joline Charmant
Joline Charmant
il y a 8 mois
God help me get this right I can’t see these ppl again �
Cayenne Sinivassin El
Cayenne Sinivassin El
il y a 7 mois (modifié)
You cannot let go of karma it is a Universal Law of Cause and Effect or you practice
the principles of Cause and Effect in order to know the difference. If You help others you too will
be helped. KARMA has both negative and positive aspects and it is returned to US. We can fix it
or live with the consequences. Once you fix the effect.(a change which is the result or
consequence of an action or other cause) then let it go....but the principle of balance isnt
going anywhere...Even after some fix it...they still have a problem letting go...So staying positive
is an asset ..
il y a 1 an
I hereby Forgive every single person who in the past hurt me or caused me pain / suffering /
anxiety / depression or anger. I hereby forgive you all, instead I offer love and kindness. Thank
you for this lesson, I hereby release all fear and karma. Love n Light
Crystal Walker
Crystal Walker
il y a 1 an
She is so interested and wise
Ayu Ca
Ayu Ca
il y a 2 mois
Idk why most of the comments section thinks that karma Always bad, you guys know that there's
Good karma and Bad karma right?
Dockomocko Pocko
Dockomocko Pocko
il y a 4 ans
So you was told to tell it, who told you to do it
Sheila Carter
Sheila Carter
il y a 1 an
If nothing changes, nothing changes
veronica sandoval
veronica sandoval
il y a 5 mois
I used to live in this four plex a couple of years ago and I believe it was a portal for spirits.
Anyways my son was about 6 at the time and he always used to wake up crying/ or would sleep
walk. One night he woke up crying... in a panic so to speak and he ran into my room where my
boyfriend and I were sleeping. And so I turn the light on and I tried to call him to me. I thought
he was awake because his eyes where wide open. He was pacing around my room fast saying
“oh my gosh I can’t believe this is happening” he repeated this like 4 times and so my bf and I
looked at each other and we realized he was asleep. His eyes were open but they were blank. So
I tried calling him again but he looked straight past me and it freaked us out. And then he
suddenly said “ oh I know! “ and he sits in an upright position with his legs crossed, his back
straight and he closes his eyes and perfectly aligns his wrist and connects his thumb and middle
finger. Right there I realized he sat perfectly in s meditating position.
How ? My son is only 6. He knew nothing of this! I never did this.
Ros Phon
Ros Phon
il y a 1 an
Karma about bad thing happening in your life, I know for sure an evil person spreading bad
rumors even when they didn't see with their own eyes. You will be judge when you meet God.
Rusty Como
Rusty Como
il y a 1 an
+Wil Dasovich
il y a 1 an
Steven Urso
Steven Urso
il y a 10 mois
Dolores speaks Truth. If we were all to sincerely turn within ourselves no matter who or where
we are in the world or in our lives. We would all find the same Universal Truth, which has always
been there for us to discover once again. God Bless
abcd Walker
abcd Walker
il y a 1 an
amazing intelligent woman
Les 8 Minutes de l'Âme
Les 8 Minutes de l'Âme
il y a 5 mois
A great message, a great Woman , Thank you.
miz gee yur
miz gee yur
il y a 1 an
Eyes are the window to the soul she is not human she has human form but she is not human
quing plutoe starr
quing plutoe starr
il y a 5 mois
Let go thank you
Lacey Langton
Lacey Langton
il y a 1 an (modifié)
That's very true about emotions causing cancer-and other diseases as well. Just look at the word
disease: dis-ease. You're ill at ease, literally. I know a woman who just died of a brain tumor. She
had battled depression and anxiety for almost thirty years and two years ago developed the
tumor. I don't see it developing in her brain as a coincidence. I personally harbor a lot of anger
over people I've felt have done me wrong and developed gallbladder disease and gallstones and
had to have my gallbladder removed. People were just galling me and my gallbladder was

What I always find strange is that I attract the same types of people into my life in the same roles
with the same personalities and physical appearance, but just different races. It's bizarre. For
example, I had a boss who was the most awful woman-she was black but married to a white
man with a German surname; a very unusual name. I left that job and started another and from
my first time meeting my new boss, who was white, she was a replica of the last boss. I should
have known better than to proceed. Anyway, on my very first day on my new job, I was being
shown around and there was a coffeemaker with a manual beside it and I couldn't believe my
eyes, but the model was German and there was my old boss's German surname written on the
manual in bold letters-I swear on a stack of Bibles. This on my first day at a new job-there's her
unusual surname looking me smack in the face. I'm not creative enough to make this up. It was
the strangest thing ever and my second boss was just as hideous and deceptive as the first-just a
different color as I mentioned.

I have so many moment where I feel like my life is just a dream and I've met these people around
me before. I meet so many people over and over again who are just replicas of the last-I'd be
here all day giving examples. I believe I'm a pretty good person but I must have been really nasty
in a previous life and now I'm on the receiving end. I'd be here all day explaining the
coincidences and the like that I've experienced in my life. Someone once told me that this life is
just a script-and we're the author but just don't know it. We can change anything we want to
change but people like me keep writing in the same old characters which is why I encounter the
same types of people in different forms. I just need to learn how to re-write this manuscript
called life in MY favor.
Becoming A Better You By Skeed.
Becoming A Better You By Skeed.
il y a 1 mois
WiSe lady!
il y a 10 mois
I've always heard people say you should forgive a person if they have done you wrong. You
should forgive them for yourself because it takes more energy to hold on to the hurt ,the pain
and anger. It wasn't until I found myself struggling to forgive someone. It drained me mentally
and emotionally. I found myself really wanting to forgive but I was so hurt and angry. It wasn't
until I started praying for the strength to forgive. It didn't happen over night it took months and
months of praying. I slowly started to realize I wasn't hurting her by still being angry, she was
doing fine. Eventually I was able to let go. I wouldn't take her back for all the money in the world.
I don't say that out of anger anymore I say it from a place of wisdom, strength and pure inner
happiness. I wish all of you the best.
il y a 2 mois
I’m not coming back until the universe take out the evil Illuminati that keep killing good people
that just want a peaceful life.
Cb bee
Cb bee
il y a 1 an
what if you were the person doing things to hurt someone else's heart? and you have learned
your lessons amd will never hurt that person again? My life has changed for the better I believe I
have had a awakening and I cryed for hurting my wife and I am pretty sure she believes that I
have mad every effort to change... what then dose Karma stop?
Carlton Rudolph
Carlton Rudolph
il y a 1 an
Yea but what if those people not dead yet
Carlton Rudolph
Carlton Rudolph
il y a 1 an
Meaning reviewing the life with peole you just lived with
Craig Mills
Craig Mills
il y a 1 an

The Alchemist Daughter
The Alchemist Daughter
il y a 1 an
I think Deloris is wonderful.. but surely Karma is also your own guilt for harming others not just
the guilt of others harming you?... and you cannot forgive yourself , you may say so but your
subconscious will show you differently..
Jack Johnson
Jack Johnson
il y a 4 mois
Forgiveness is easier said than done for many. Not easy.
Vic Rogers
Vic Rogers
il y a 10 mois
I forgive you and im letting you go
il y a 3 mois
how do you let go of fear?
Julie Casey
Julie Casey
il y a 1 mois
If you Don't work it out now.... have fun doing it again
Frances Boles
Frances Boles
il y a 1 an
Mimi Dominguez
Mimi Dominguez
il y a 5 mois
can I bring someone to be there in the session?
Deise Goncalves
Deise Goncalves
il y a 10 mois
Let go of Fear and Release Karma.
Dolores Cannon created an amazing technique called QHHT that guides you to your Past Life to
heal past fears and release karma
To experience a QHHT session got to
Selim Bilgisin
Selim Bilgisin
il y a 3 mois
But how do you reşease and let go ?
Phyllis Petras
Phyllis Petras
il y a 3 mois
If you believe in angels or spirit guides, ask them for help in releasing what is bothering you..
Also, long ago, I made a list of things.people etc, and burned it. Or I will put whatever it is in a
great warm ocean of love and it soaks away. It will work.
Amanda Fort
Amanda Fort
il y a 3 semaines
But they won’t let me go legally
Kronickillness Nikolaos
Kronickillness Nikolaos
il y a 1 an
well there is a very very powerful truth her she said. wether the rest is or not i guess is4u2
decide n make up ur own mind but forgiveness is NOT ABOUT WINNING OR LOSING ITS NOT A
Vroomore Barz
Vroomore Barz
il y a 1 an
thank you
Theresa Sundwall
Theresa Sundwall
il y a 3 mois
Mary Motherofgod
Mary Motherofgod
il y a 5 mois
Dolores we �ya
Kendra Burgin
Kendra Burgin
il y a 11 mois
Six years later I just got this message . No matter how long it takes God will make sure you get
the message.. she posted 6 years ago. And I'm just hearing it.. ��
Chanell Love
Chanell Love
il y a 5 ans
Karma is the sum of a person's actions, to sin means to "miss the mark". Through awareness of
our actions and accepting the responsibility of our choices, we can be released from a reactive
state, to a proactive state to break the cycle of negative energy accumulation. It is day it day,
moment to moment. namaste
Nicole Cooper
Nicole Cooper
il y a 10 mois
My job hurt me.i got hurt on the job and they fired me how can I let go when they ruined my
life .I can't work anymore and take care of my family.
#diariesofanempath. by Jeanine Ormsbee Piantanida
#diariesofanempath. by Jeanine Ormsbee Piantanida
il y a 8 mois
Yes yes yes!!! My God thank Ewe!!!! � ���� ���������
Leyla Flower
Leyla Flower
il y a 7 mois
I'll be waiting Dolores, hurry up n pick me up!!!!! Take me with you!!! I know where you are!
julie Montano
julie Montano
il y a 5 mois
It better be better
il y a 5 mois
I don't want these same people in my next life.
shubham sharma
shubham sharma
il y a 1 an
lol , if i let go "she will win" XDXDXDXD llolololollool HOW FUN !
Tammy Renaud
Tammy Renaud
il y a 9 mois
When I thought I forgave my mother, thought I let it go,,, I learn the more hate I have toward her
behaviors. Any advise or vids I want watch on that?
ebbie l
ebbie l
il y a 9 mois
I guess I doing it over and over I can’t stand my family
Christopher Arthur Minor
Christopher Arthur Minor
il y a 6 mois
Depression is a toxic state of repressed will, which comes from the disconnection from our heart,
the seat of our authentic self as openness and love. This is the state the Christ said, we needed
to be in order to enter the kingdom of God. Which has also been described as being in the flow,
being in the zone, being timeless and in creative bliss. This disconnection from our authentic self,
is the very source of self hatred and is the core wound humanity suffers from.
Trashy Americans
Trashy Americans
il y a 3 mois
Shes amso rt im 28 died when i was 26 and came rt back here in the same body with the same
ppl cause i hadnt healed a thing.
Jo-ann Cintron
Jo-ann Cintron
il y a 11 mois
Wow awesome, your absolutely right. That’s exactly what I’m going thru. I’m tired of dealing
with “ Narcsisstic ” people I been in 3 different jobs and in the 3 jobs I’ve gotten fired from two
and the third one I quit bc of hate jealousy
Cindy Marion
Cindy Marion
il y a 9 mois
I agree.
Eric James Mantillo
Eric James Mantillo
il y a 1 an
I have found the oracle.
Trashy Americans
Trashy Americans
il y a 3 mois
I finally let go of a twin flame and allowed him to let go of me as well. It was hard and all
consuming and now it doesnt hurt me and i hope it wont hurt them again.
Jerry Burger
Jerry Burger
il y a 4 mois
So how do you work it out?
Sheri Gilmore
Sheri Gilmore
il y a 2 mois
There are things that other people do to you that is so bad it is hard to forgive.I tell myself I've
forgiven but then I have flash backs and the pain comes back.Have I forgiven them if I'm still
having those memories and feeling all the loss I suffered?
il y a 1 an
I have no cancer in my body yet , but a lot of cancers in my mind (fear, hate, greedy, angry,
showoff, no one better than me , animal manners.....and thousands more ) !
Mary Rose Tallulah
Mary Rose Tallulah
il y a 5 mois
How do you let go of FEAR when you suffered at the hands of 3 Narcissistic alcoholics and got no
motherly bond with severe mental physical and emotional neglect so your brain is wired into
complete SURVIVAL MODE and has been for 42 years through C-PTSD to avoid all the dangerous
situations you were subjected to! This is a deep subconscious thing as the brain as been
underdeveloped changed and damaged through neglect and abuse to where the brain
associates HUMANS (Any humans) as potential danger!???
il y a 4 mois
Fr I just lost my best friend to a car crash I've met him many many times he is a higher being like
myself. Me and my other best friend have to make his sacrifice right and make it right next time
we see him.
il y a 7 mois
Its one thing to know you need to let go of fear but its absolutely another thing to actually be
able to do it. I would love to, and I am working on it, but having such a sensitive nature coupled
with a very negative past makes it nearly impossible to rewrite my brains programming.
Cathey Mahoney
Cathey Mahoney
il y a 1 an
I am so glad I found you here on YouTube. I do believe my past life may interfere with myself
today, but what it is I do not understand but I do not hold anything against anybody that hurt me
in the past I wish them well and much happiness and pray that they do not go back into their old
ways. Again I am so blessed to have found you here you are so amazing much love
Alison Lapoint
Alison Lapoint
il y a 5 mois
Spriutaly bank rupt that's what I felt like when I wait drinking now all I do is sleep it was as and
the 12 steps and my sponcer that put a hand on my shoulder
the whale
the whale
il y a 1 an
really great!
il y a 6 mois
thank you dear lady for this is sooo true that cancer has a tries to tell you
something.did that man finally let go of the anger?
patatas fritas
patatas fritas
il y a 10 mois
do you at least get a break between the life times here on earth? like a break in some higher
dimensions or something?
il y a 4 mois
Wow your such a wise lady
Chamalot Chamalot
Chamalot Chamalot
il y a 1 an
Love is the strongest emotion humans have....humanity would not not exist today if it wasn't for
ppl pushing past their fears with the power of conquers all that's just a fact
michael kelley
michael kelley
il y a 1 an
i was in a goodwill store and had just found a book that blew my mind---a compendium of ben
franklin's 'poor richards almanac'....i thought that i couldn't top that so i headed for the
checkout. all of a sudden every bell and whistle in my head started going off and i distinctly
heard (in my head but clear as a bell)--GO BACK...YOU MISSED IT. as i had heard this voice before,
i stopped and smiled. i'd always done what it said. i started walking back to the bookshelf...saw a
book on the bottom shelf and again heard...'THAT'S IT'...i picked the book up determined to not
look at the cover, paid for both books and walked out. got to the car flipped the book over. it was
'the three waves of volunteers'. it blew my frigging mind because if i told everyone what led up
to this, you would have a hard time believing me. i have a hard time believing me.
Ricardo Del Barrio
Ricardo Del Barrio
il y a 1 an

Lynn Jacob
Lynn Jacob
il y a 1 mois
It is important to remember that Forgiving does NOT mean that you are condoning what they
did. I think this is where a lot of people get hung up. You are Forgiving in acknowledgement of
their humanity - they are not perfect - and that you are releasing them out of LOVE for
YOURSELF. Hanging on to anger is very toxic to YOU.
Keith Marshall
Keith Marshall
il y a 7 mois
everyone of us has fear or they would not be human
Ivan Santana
Ivan Santana
il y a 1 an
Amazing video!!!
lesia Pellerino
lesia Pellerino
il y a 9 mois
Thank You!
il y a 6 mois
A man got an audience with the Buddha and was very excited. He was admitted to the chamber
and approached the enlightened one with a smile on his face. The Buddah rose and slapped his
face and said thanks for coming
Chanel Marie
Chanel Marie
il y a 4 ans
She's awesome! Great insight on karma
Bip Nop
Bip Nop
il y a 1 an
I want to kiss you
Imapov Soru
Imapov Soru
il y a 1 an
Amen (Hotep)
il y a 5 mois
Do we HAVE to come back and do it again..??? I really don't want to at all..
Cannabis Queen
Cannabis Queen
il y a 2 mois
ping pong
ping pong
il y a 1 an (modifié)
I think there will always be some kind of fear(s), whether you succeeding in destroying your/the
"real fear".....just my oppinion :D
Arnthor Kettelhut
Arnthor Kettelhut
il y a 1 an
What a wonderful woman and message
Bat Fink
Bat Fink
il y a 1 mois
Dolores does understand karma
Sylvia Thomas
Sylvia Thomas
il y a 1 an
is this the only cause of cancer
Serum 01236
Serum 01236
il y a 3 ans
If you feel like you can't forgive someone but you still love them have you forgiven them even
though you still have some anger about it when you think about it
Lynne Bradley
Lynne Bradley
il y a 1 an
Thank u
Charlene Delaney
Charlene Delaney
il y a 5 mois
�❤� �
Tiffany Smith
Tiffany Smith
il y a 1 an
To state the abuse done to another is pre-determined is called enabling. No one wants to be
abused. No one agrees to this sick way of thinking.
Terry B
Terry B
il y a 1 an
It's important to remember that at death, each person will feel what it was like from the other
person's perspective when a hurtful thing was done to them. That makes it easier to forgive
because you know that they will be sorry when that event happens to them. Otherwise, people
say to themselves, if the other person isn't sorry, forgiveness seems meaningless if the other
person responds with scorn and derision at your forgiveness.
Let Go
Let Go
il y a 8 mois

Mindcontrol Barbie
Mindcontrol Barbie
il y a 5 mois
Jerry Pettus
Jerry Pettus
il y a 1 an
she's right
Blue Bleeder
Blue Bleeder
il y a 5 mois
Whoever says let go of fear has never had the FEDZ breathing down your neck. Easier said than
Deborah Langelier
Deborah Langelier
il y a 1 an
So what if you are not angry at anyone?
il y a 11 mois
I had a dream last night that the back door was open and there was a smell in my house coming
from the rubbish bin. I looked at it and it was full of rubbish.
Tu Tubo
Tu Tubo
il y a 8 mois (modifié)
Why should I be concerned about my next life if I won't remember a bit about my current one? It
looks like Alzheimer does not belong only to THIS life. Go ask anybody, who thinks he/she has
reincarnated, how fun or miserable his/her previous life was.
Javk J
Javk J
il y a 1 an
So how exactly do you come to know literally when you are no longer in debt of your karma????
K Jade
K Jade
il y a 5 mois (modifié)
"As long as you're holding on to it, it's karma. When you release it you let it go and you don't
have that karma anymore."
Corinna McCullough
Corinna McCullough
il y a 3 mois
patatas fritas
patatas fritas
il y a 4 mois
even narcissists? truly demonic people? should i just let the be and learn how not to be
bothered by them?
Starseed Films
Starseed Films
il y a 4 mois
Those people you have to completely remove from your life. (You have to disappear from theirs)
to the point where no matter how hard they try they will never be able to find you again.
patatas fritas
patatas fritas
il y a 3 mois
@Starseed Films awesome, i love that answer :) all the best!
patatas fritas
patatas fritas
il y a 3 mois (modifié)
@Starseed Films they won't be entering the new earth will they :D not the high freq one i mean
Starseed Films
Starseed Films
il y a 3 mois
patatas fritas when you disappear from their lives in a sense you are entering into a different
dimension because they no longer exist for you
Nicki LovesDogs
Nicki LovesDogs
il y a 3 ans
It's so hard to let go of hate. The only way we can release hatred is through talking about it to
someone we trust. Very important to scream into a pillow. Then write things into a notebook.
Then let go. You can't skip these steps.
Adam Thomas
Adam Thomas
il y a 5 mois
I want to know her wisdom.
il y a 4 mois
Thank you lovely
il y a 5 mois
lala Rodgers
lala Rodgers
il y a 1 mois
Its hard for me to forgive...but I'm learning
Veronike Unger
Veronike Unger
il y a 1 mois
It is hard to forgive because your ego is holding you hostage. EFT might help you tame that ego.
You need an ego in certain situation but unfortunately sometimes we let it run the show. Replace
ego with love. See the person not as a human being but more as a soul. It is easier that way.
Detach yourself from this earthly adventure. We are all eternal being and when we go on, no of
this matters. Once you actually understand that you create your life it is easier to let the ego take
the back seat. Your internal program is the one you need to change. Research more in that
direction. Learn about the mind and subconscious mind and everything will become very clear.
Google also EFT it is a method that helps us get rid of unwanted emotions such as fear, anger,
depression, sadness etc... Hope this helps!
Dennis Bourgeois
Dennis Bourgeois
il y a 3 mois
You do t let go of fear. You put yourself in a situation were you have to face fear..It's a feeling of
throwing the dice and you are willing to deal with what ever is on the other side knowing that
the consequences could be grave...
Kyle Cook
Kyle Cook
il y a 3 ans
To those who can't move on to the New Earth, where will they go?
Emma May
Emma May
il y a 3 ans
They will stay on the third dimention we're in now, while the rest will move on to the fourth.
They will have to keep replaying their lives until they wake up..
il y a 2 ans
What you mean they??
It could be you buddy. and you too
george street
george street
il y a 1 an
I would like to know if I am creating karma. My mom always compared me to other guys since I
was a child and that caused me pain. I tried to forget everything and it seems that I don't feel
hate against my mom, however she usually does it till now. It hurts me. Am I creating karma
when you say to yourself: let's forget this, but then this person does it againt and it hurts me? I
dont feel hate, I just feel hurt!
il y a 1 mois
thank you
Pam Ann
Pam Ann
il y a 1 an
Great woman
Babee Bee
Babee Bee
il y a 1 an (modifié)
I rebuked those contracts. we were tricked into agreeing to feed off our negative energy. Just say
no to those contracts that were made subconsciously and consciously. It is your sovereign soul
right to say no. Your memory was wiped clean when you come back. Why? It was designed to
suck us dry. Make it known in front of the kingdom that you do not agree with any contracts
il y a 11 mois
This is all well and good but saying it and being able to actually do it are two very different
David Wright
David Wright
il y a 1 an
Hmm i could understand the push and pull force in all life times its just i don't see for the life of
me why we would have to be human every life time.
il y a 4 mois
how do you dump karma? its the actions you do and comes back on you.. but were also dealing
with other peoples karma
Karl Buttler
Karl Buttler
il y a 1 an
You know, i have read books on similar subject's, and they all say the same thing; my question is,
why is our conscious bound to this earth? I'm not even sure if these people ask this of them
selves, but they all allude to it.. If we are boundless cant we go anywhere?
Zoraida Rosa
Zoraida Rosa
il y a 5 mois
Thank you that is so thruth omg I’m letting go !!!! Yes !
Antoinette Patou
Antoinette Patou
il y a 5 mois
6.00 -6.09 Release and let go she says, does that mean letting her have her way & not seeing the
children, surely the children will suffer if the father is not in their lives. Explain this please, does
forgiving mean that he must stop seeing his children just because he & his wife don't get along
or does releasing mean that he must let got of the fact that he ever was married & has children
Manny Singh
Manny Singh
il y a 1 an
great great
Enchanted Awakening
Enchanted Awakening
il y a 8 mois

Jayson T
Jayson T
il y a 1 an
What a pole of crap.
aishah striggles
aishah striggles
il y a 4 ans
Karma is cause and effect......WE must pay our dues....
Maria Makinen
Maria Makinen
il y a 3 semaines (modifié)
I am fine. Take it or leave it. Karma. Happens. When it does. If I get the idea right. Happiness kills
evil plans. Pass bad ppl. Create an aura n a wall. That bounces back. I let go the minute I met my
ex. My language is very much who I am. Joy of my life. With my child.
Tavoi Aiono
Tavoi Aiono
il y a 6 jours
Love and light. xxx
il y a 5 mois
Ho'oponopono is the best practice in this direction. !
Susana Nedo
Susana Nedo
il y a 10 mois
not sure why she reminds me of the queen without the accent
Neverending Story
Neverending Story
il y a 10 mois
How does karma work when you come back with amnesia of who you were? Something is amiss
maybe we don’t have to reincarnate .
il y a 10 mois
Not teaching children that anger and arguing is a normal part of living is such a disservice.
Helping them verbalize anger and resolve problems what could be more valuable?
Julie Labelle
Julie Labelle
il y a 9 mois
Thank you.
Trinika Owens
Trinika Owens
il y a 5 mois

Cannabis Queen
Cannabis Queen
il y a 2 mois
Cannabis Queen
Cannabis Queen
il y a 2 mois
Cannabis Queen
Cannabis Queen
il y a 2 mois
Rainbow Black Dragon
Rainbow Black Dragon
il y a 6 mois
Agreed � � ��� ��� ����
Keisha Mobley
Keisha Mobley
il y a 10 mois
razvan cojakrrr
razvan cojakrrr
il y a 5 mois
How can we have a great life when we are sorrounded mostly by fake people?how to trust
someone when we give them the best from us and they dont know how to appreciate?
nowadays is hard to find that peaceful and happy life that everyone needs it. I m tired to
hear about karma and do good many times....and you recieve lessons and lessons
and lessons.if someone can give me a straight answer i will appreciate.i just tell what i think.i
believe that there are other good people..but where are they?when you recieve only shit from
most of do you feel?how can you open yourself again?
Angelic Celeste 144
Angelic Celeste 144
il y a 2 mois
I got your back on this one.
I believe that forgiving bloodsacrifices, torturing people for profit and power, is turning a blind
eye to it. I can't stand this belief, to just let go and release fear, when people are being murdered
for no reason. And the people who murder and abuse children, are ungrateful for our nature,
this life we were given. I want to see the good people happy before i can forgive and release.
The earth has to be cleansed of the evil, before we can start forgiving, atleast that is my belief.
Too many are ignorant and play with others emotions, they need to stop before i will forgive. I
could be wrong, but for me, agreeing with this video is ignorance and accepting child murder.
Sharon Legnon
Sharon Legnon
il y a 10 mois
But we don't remember when we come back.
il y a 10 mois
WE are here to test ourself,understood!!!
Val Nicols
Val Nicols
il y a 5 mois
ok that is scary
Kajetan Strysko
Kajetan Strysko
il y a 2 mois
Why don't 20 to 25yr old women think like you????? Send me one my way lol
fred moore
fred moore
il y a 4 mois
Jackie Bridges
Jackie Bridges
il y a 4 mois
she is a doll. I know she longer with us. I wonder if she recarnate back here?
Diana Bowles
Diana Bowles
il y a 4 mois
Healthy Healing
Healthy Healing
il y a 8 mois
I believe it..however it did get me thinking about how very young innocent children develop
They are free spirited and full of energy and life until cancer strikes.
That's the bit that baffles me..because i don't believe any child harbours resentment or hate long's not in a childs make-up.
Starseed Films
Starseed Films
il y a 8 mois
Kathy Phillips there are most likely other causes of cancer besides emotional stress... she is only
referring to one of them
il y a 4 mois
Wise words!
Peace Joy
Peace Joy
il y a 1 an
I never thought I would ever say this, but I'm beginning to forgive each of my family member and
just letting them go and wishing them well. I'm not sure how I was able to get to this point
because just a few months ago, I was telling myself that I would never be able to forgive them
for their heinous abuse towards me. But here I am....beginning to forgive. What changed? Weird.
Sharleen Duplessis
Sharleen Duplessis
il y a 1 an
How do I release Karma?
Sharleen Duplessis
Sharleen Duplessis
il y a 1 an
ok i get it now....aaaaaah
ez lol
ez lol
il y a 1 an (modifié)
When I was 15 my mother left me and my 31 went to see my mother I'm 43 and stI'll live
with's like she can't hurt me any more ...I don't care what she long as I'm free
and rich ..I realY don't care...I have multiple wife's and they all now...I never have to things I
don't want...I can do what I want..because i just don't care what any one says about long
as I can do and buy what I want...and even IFF I don't..I just don't care...I onley care to be the
best ageless free rich version off my self...I'm an inventor off freebike now...selfcharging ebike
with an overunity...greate life...when you forgive forget and don't just care
il y a 11 mois
I love you
Johanna León
Johanna León
il y a 5 mois
I don't feel fear, either have karma
Teresa Keplinger
Teresa Keplinger
il y a 4 mois
Well said
Maria D
Maria D
il y a 1 an
While it's sweet this is a relationship of lovers she speaks of what contract did I have to being
molested as a child although I don't hate them Bc yes it was more than one its not so simple
letting go of the anger Bc it stays with you. You can forgive them but the pain of this is haunting
and it isn't that simple, I hold nothing in I am true to myself
il y a 3 mois
All connections of any kind to other people are karma. If you release all your karma, you will
also release all connection to other people. You may want to do that, but you should seriously
consider it before you decide to release your karma, because once you have done it, you will be
totally alone, except for whatever connection you have to Brahman.
il y a 10 mois
I get what you are saying, but the person who has hurt us, even if we forgive them, they have to
understand what they have done, so they will go through another phase with someone else, and
face the pain they have inflicted on others! So someone else will put them through what they
put us through! That’s karma, we are all here to learn how to love unconditionally. That’s why,
what goes around comes back around! Life is like a boomerang! What you give out comes back,
weather good or bad ! Fact ! �
Pamela Craig
Pamela Craig
il y a 3 ans
Funny how videos come up which express what uv been working through. It's taken a while but
accessing previous lives to look at how that life affected current behaviours in this lifetime, it's
soo intresting. So much so I'm thinking of writing a book. Thank you!.
Priestley Etukudoh
Priestley Etukudoh
il y a 5 mois
Thank you very much for your wonderful replies to people's problem.
Let me ask this one question, if lam the one always showing affection and no serious respond
from the other person, what should be your advise to me in this circumstance, should l leave or
stay on. if l don't text, she wouldn't text or call.
il y a 9 mois
How do we do it?
ricardo ricardo
ricardo ricardo
il y a 2 mois
i just dont want to exist ,its like we are toys , that are forced to play this game , horror show after
horror show, its disturbing to think about it really
Roncaglia G
Roncaglia G
il y a 3 mois
If you forgave and let go, but not forget. Can you use the experience to educate other people
what not to do or exposing those experiences will give you bad Karma. Because you might cause
negative animosity towards your aggressor due to your narrative.
Rene Garcia
Rene Garcia
il y a 11 mois
Thank you
Loriza Ramzan
Loriza Ramzan
il y a 9 mois
What if you don't believe in reincarnation?
Starseed Films
Starseed Films
il y a 8 mois
Don’t have to believe it to understand Karma - it is the law of the universe....every action has a
debbie debbie
debbie debbie
il y a 4 mois
Don’t reincarnate.
(Don’t go into the light,
It’s a reincarnation trap and wipes out your memories.)

Release the emotions,

And just decide in your mind
“You go your way, I’ll go mine,”
Tear up the contract in your mind.

With Ascension, we’re going into a time where we won’t have karma anymore.
The Event will get rid of negativity.
Starseed Films
Starseed Films
il y a 4 mois
You do realize by saying that you may be telling people to stay Earthbound as disincarnate
entities or spirits lost in limbo. No thanks I’d rather come back!
Jennifer Gottlieb El-Azhari
Jennifer Gottlieb El-Azhari
il y a 5 mois
Im letting go now and Im very tired. Is this normal? I have moved to another level so why am I
Tomcat Tomcat
Tomcat Tomcat
il y a 4 mois
Prove it !!
Sherrl Smith
Sherrl Smith
il y a 11 mois
If I did a wrong to a person should I tell that person what I did and ask that person for
forgiveness ? The person doesn't know that I was he one that did it. I was a suspect but not
found out. What do I do to move forward ??
David Skinner
David Skinner
il y a 4 mois
If you dare to challenge cruel history's negative power with the thought of wanting to prevail
over it, dare to exert something more powerful than all of it. That power is your own will, your
own power to choose to negate all of that negative energy by banishing it into nothingness with
forgiveness. I understand if you are too afraid to rise to that level of power. Once done, you have
nothing to hate, only love remains. Most people I find are too afraid of the force and power of
love and forgiveness. It's a real man, and real woman's game.
Corina-Elena Burtea
Corina-Elena Burtea
il y a 3 ans (modifié)
ty! I always asked myself when I was a child.. "Who Am I?" and believe me, it was a profound
question about something inside me..
il y a 11 mois
thank you
Randy Sandy
Randy Sandy
il y a 2 mois
I loved it
il y a 1 an
Andrew Hibberd
Andrew Hibberd
il y a 10 mois
karma is action.
il y a 10 mois
Thank you
cat whatever
cat whatever
il y a 10 mois
Good info. But explaining forgiveness and karma is not the same as having a way, practical and
applicable, to change one's feelings. Hans Wilhem and Colin Tipping actually have methods we
can use for this. Without these tools, info is just more theory. Anger and resentment don't just
vanish from a soul because someone tells you they are bad for you and you agree; HOW is the
sticking point.
felix thecat
felix thecat
il y a 8 mois
Brilliant if true but what understanding or teachings do you have that shows that Karma can be
discharged by simply letting go?
Starseed Films
Starseed Films
il y a 8 mois
felix thecat I believe she is referring to relationship, karma only not all karma
felix thecat
felix thecat
il y a 8 mois
Ahhhh ok boy that is good info! Sorry I never got to meet her what a special lady and makes
intuitive sense- Danka
Psychic and Medium, Jane Voneman-DuPerow
Psychic and Medium, Jane Voneman-DuPerow
il y a 7 mois
Forgiveness is fine, and I have, but if you can't leave yet and your husband is smoking in the
home, forgivness is difficult. Can't leave because of financial. So it keeps leaving to depression
and I have forgiven though. But my husband will not let me bring it up and refuses to listen. I
don't want it to lead to something else in my body .. I can't release him and let him go yet.
Johnny Table
Johnny Table
il y a 6 mois
Can you imagine what kind of talk Hitler had when he died
Mystical Angels
Mystical Angels
il y a 2 semaines
Valerie Gardner
Valerie Gardner
il y a 9 mois
Once I'm done that's it. I don't want to come back. I alrwady figured it out, This world sucks!
Gypsy Rose
Gypsy Rose
il y a 8 mois
Thank you
Etherial Aerials
Etherial Aerials
il y a 5 mois
Ahhh she was /is a real gem that Dolores cannon
justin socool123
justin socool123
il y a 1 an
La Korita
La Korita
il y a 8 mois
Negative emotions is the cause of all illnesses.
il y a 6 mois
5:07 Did... did she just... make a joke about being butthurt?
Maria Membreno
Maria Membreno
il y a 1 an
I always say you are what you eat and think ..the bady get sick with the negative actions..
Mark Sanders
Mark Sanders
il y a 9 mois (modifié)
I'm doomed to come back because my life has been such a disappointment. I'm hoping the next
life will be more loving and peaceful. My biggest issue with reincarnation is WHY I can't
remember my past lives. Wouldn't it be better if we could remember all our past mistakes so we
don't repeat them ? I think about this every day and can loose myself for hours using my
imagination. I'm currently stuck on the issue of "Desire" and how to reduce all my desires to just
what is necessary.
il y a 10 mois
England then have a big karma to pay...dont know how that nation can be stand promotion fear
about thousands years...well we'll well England have any lesson to learn?Just curious about
karma countries..
il y a 5 mois
il y a 2 mois
But why do we have to work it out? Who makes these laws?
Starseed Films
Starseed Films
il y a 2 mois
You do
Saw W
Saw W
il y a 2 mois
Forgiveness and don’t judge
il y a 3 ans
World population grows. Where are all the extra souls coming from?
Spirits Awakening
Spirits Awakening
il y a 3 ans
+Greencloud8 This is the fastest place to learn, grow, and evolve. There are millions and millions
of souls wanting to come here and learn. There's not enough room for all so they wait and learn
in other areas until all of us graduate and move onto something new. Of course we are all at
different levels of learning stages but as one evolves and moves into a new phase, they will be
replaced with a new soul that has been waiting in queue.
il y a 3 ans
Their are 9 billion people there is a surplus
Cosmic Curiosity
Cosmic Curiosity
il y a 3 mois
i want to be my cats cat next time and shell be my human
Ellen Mary
Ellen Mary
il y a 8 mois
how does one let go of inner fear when it has been with you forever and it overwhelms you
il y a 4 mois
What is forgiveness and how do you forgive? Is it a thought process?
il y a 1 an
forgiving and thereby letting go of the resentment - which is karma - may be doable....but what
about the things are not just in the past but continue to occur in the present by people who
don't want to work things out, find common ground and try to create harmony? for example, the
case of the man dolores is saying can't release his anger towards his ex-wife who won't him see
the kids. should he just forget about being in his kid's lives?
Peter C
Peter C
il y a 1 mois
Namaste <3
Sheree Morgan
Sheree Morgan
il y a 8 mois
Namispond Jamispond
Namispond Jamispond
il y a 2 mois
It's interesting how so many comments are about our forgiveness. What about the hurt that YOU
have caused someone else? I believe my karma is deserved from the wrong I've done, whether
it's from this life or the last one. I obviously don't know if that's true, but that makes sense to
me. Maybe it's possible to forgive yourself for your past wrongs but surely that's only if you learn
from your mistakes. This life makes me angry. People make me angry. It's a natural emotion, but
maybe I have to learn to deal with it in a more positive and constructive way.
Michael Perlin
Michael Perlin
il y a 1 an (modifié)
One day I hope the world will stop asking for bible references and find the answers within
themselves... But if you must need ya go: John 9:2: “Who sinned, this man or his
parents, that he was born blind?”
Galatians 6:7: “A man reaps what he sows.” Matthew 26:52: “All who draw the sword will die by
the sword.”
Revelation 13:10: “If anyone is to go into captivity, into captivity he will go. If anyone is to be
killed with the sword, with the sword he will be killed.”
il y a 1 an
Her voice reminds me of Martha Stewart. I wonder if she swallows.
Danijela Arezina
Danijela Arezina
il y a 10 mois
I really dont who is this women but i was watching her videos and simple everithing is true !i will
tell one day my true story about karma and that will sounds same like her story no cause she
told that cause i know that is the true!and this women is amaizing !Thank you for your videos
you know what are you speak!Simple the true!
Mac Dave
Mac Dave
il y a 3 semaines
Very Kool. Very true.
pinto bean
pinto bean
il y a 7 mois
For me its not karma i need to let go of, but the negative toxic people that wont seem to leave....
i need serious help with that
Sladjana Simic
Sladjana Simic
il y a 3 mois (modifié)
But , karma as law of action and reaction is not that simple. Its more then what she's explaining.
Till we have these gross material bodies, we will be under law of karma. How, why? Because we
are not this body. We are spirit souls, person. As such, we are always active and it's impossible
not to be active. So, every action has reaction. We will suffer or enjoy results.Suffering comes
even if we do not want. Sometimes happiness too. No one can avoid results of his actions, good
or bad. And we create a new karma all the time. Just think, we have to eat every day. Even if we
are vegetarian, we still creating karma. Plants are also living beings. So, there is only one way to
gradually become free from all karma. That is to become servant of God and not servant of our
material mind and senses. That means to act for the pleasure of God and not our own. How
could you be responsible if you are not trying to please yourself but instead your own boss. That
is called inaction in acton. But pleasing God is like watering the rooth of the tree . After that, all
leave are also very pleased. That is how we can obtain higher taste
il y a 1 an
shirley gammage
shirley gammage
il y a 5 mois
Great video. So tell me, why do you think disease stay around when medicine will never heal the
body of it.
anonymous guitarist
anonymous guitarist
il y a 1 mois
I pray that all kids will learn from her.. the kids is the only hope we have right now... unless we
change the adults too ���
Jennifer Lorence
Jennifer Lorence
il y a 3 semaines (modifié)
Every Time I Forgive the Only thing that Happens is that it Gives More Power to Evil People to Do
More Harm. It Never Fails, They Never Learn and their Evil Never Stops, because Everyone has to
forgive them giving them GREEN LIGHT to Do More Evil. Does that Mean that We Should Let
Criminals, Rapists, Thieves, Walk Around FREELY because The Whole World has to Forgive Them
So No One Would Get Cancer???
Sylvia taylor
Sylvia taylor
il y a 3 mois
‍�♒���� ��
Alison Lapoint
Alison Lapoint
il y a 5 mois
Cash me out
Rio Brasil Samba Shows sambistabeauty
Rio Brasil Samba Shows sambistabeauty
il y a 1 an
it's a HUGE farce that everyone says anger causes cancer. ANY emotion that gets trapped,
sadness, loss, abandonment, fear, etc etc are all parts of fearful emotions that involve the
immunity system. it's NOT anger. It's trapped energy- any type of energy
Amadeus Amadeus
Amadeus Amadeus
il y a 1 an
Zaynah Lodge
Zaynah Lodge
il y a 5 mois
thanks x
Houdini Mane
Houdini Mane
il y a 3 mois
I love her
Charlotte Sego
Charlotte Sego
il y a 1 an
How do you fiind what your Karma is? Is it those who hurt me or is it those I have hurt?
Ivonne Lopez
Ivonne Lopez
il y a 11 mois
Lately, I’ve been getting angry at myself because I haven’t found my calling. Actually I feel like I
haven’t really (done) anything I’ve wanted with my life because I’m either scared or lazy. And this
is frustrating. Is this my ego trying to trip me put when i get consumed with these thoughts? I’m
confused. I just feel trapped!
Info Finance
Info Finance
il y a 3 ans
cancer is not let go, and been too smart and resent, not been silly enough??:)))got it...same as
we TCM said, chocked inside...the qi---the energy was blocked by resent and angry...while they
also can not change a thing of the situation, finally they died...:)
justin socool123
justin socool123
il y a 1 an
Ultimate Tensile
Ultimate Tensile
il y a 8 mois
Fear is a natural emotion, it's an instinct that affects adrenaline, it increases focus and
awareness, it keeps you alive in dangerous situations, also known as fight or flight, without fear
I'd doubt anyone or anything would die of old age, karma is superstition nonsense, everything
and everyone fucks up and dose well throughout life regardless, What she's actually saying is
stay clear of narcissistic sociopolitical people, stay clear of anything that you disprove of, focus
on the positive, ditch the negative which is literally almost impossible to achieve living in a
monetary system.
il y a 1 an (modifié)
Hinduism the way of life....the only scientific religion.
Barbara Mowrey
Barbara Mowrey
il y a 1 an (modifié)
Even family who are in trouble and mentally ill from our childhood? I try so hard to help. I try to
talk about it, to release it, and the family says i live in the past when I'm trying to work through
the past. My family continually hurt me even when they give me a birthday present That I end up
paying for and I can't on SSA. Now I'm in hock. Men have destroyed me to the point of not
dating for 20 years! I don't do anything. i just finished raising my oldest granddaughter. She hates
me because CPS made me a foster parent to her baby sister so they could make gov't incentives
by adopting her to someone else. I fought through the courts pro se for 2 years day and night
and they rushed the adoption papers through coercion to my daughter saying they would take
her unborn child if she didn't sign. I'm still an advocate against this corrupt business. So many
have died including senator Nancy Schaefer ...please look her up on YouTube. I'm staying in an
apartment after losing everything I own and everybody I love. My daughter 39, has cancer, like
you say. She won't let me in. I'm really trying to let go. Should I block the family? And yes I know
what you say is true. I now think about progress in LEIU of defeat and it's beginning to work.
Just my toe in the water. I don't feel deserving. And no, not in Gods granted next life do I want
this! I've always said " love over money". And I'm trying to at least even it out so I can leave
poverty! I want my wealth back. I've learned my lesson!!
Berry Moore
Berry Moore
il y a 4 ans
yshk viswanatham
yshk viswanatham
il y a 3 mois
Friends ,when your age reach to 60 years your weight reduced why reduced no you will be take
care on your body digestion need who fail life continue tuff but you take care is need simple
digest morning after your natural calls you will take two glass of hot water take one lemon cut it
get juice with mixed well to drink in life long your digest system in good condition you have
digestion in good position use you ratiob2:1:1 mentained your strength reback to you you can
do any work in your choice no strain on your body food what you like less quantity prefer less
salt ,less oil ,less spices ,use in life then no blood presser ,no heart complaint , no liver
complaint .no problem in your body happy life you can lead in medicians time to time used and
save your life with care and care need for further all the best to you .yshk viswanathamMscBed
always pray God.with god help to to do all thouse things easily. God is greatest he is suprimum.
il y a 10 mois (modifié)
Hello I am a saint .. I am only looking here..bye bye
benjamin long
benjamin long
il y a 4 mois
how do u release hate and karma and fear if we are aware that we are being sprayed from the
sky 24/7? good advice in a perfect world where the sun shines yellow and bright in a deep
blue sky every day, our bodies are producing vitamin D, and our water and food are not being
deliberately poisoned.
il y a 1 mois
I don’t have to come back if I don’t want too, free will right?
Zara Yuwannam
Zara Yuwannam
il y a 1 an
Very interesting !
Mini Marcle
Mini Marcle
il y a 1 an
I need to meet with this women she is the wisest thing I've seen on YouTube please someone
help me to contact her �
il y a 1 an
Mario mini She died I think in 2015.
il y a 5 mois
You are going to need a Ouija board.
Hope Love
Hope Love
il y a 3 mois
How do you forgive yourself for making a bad decision, not listening to your intuition, going the
wrong path? I've tried meditations, writing letters, affirmations, I still can't forgive myself...Just
saying 'you did your best at the time' and 'just let it go' doesn't do it for me...
All Will Be Well
All Will Be Well
il y a 3 mois
My opinion only so take it with a grain of salt - you forgive yourself by understanding that we are
in "school" on earth as humans and that it was a life lesson however deeply painful. Human life
is often humiliating, undignified and horribly embarrassing. Make amends if you can and if it is
applicable, resolve not to repeat the behavior and trust that you are forgiven. You are not the
only one who has made a bad decision. I have made a handful of them and suffered the same as
you are. Forgiveness is part of the universe. Raise up and believe that. Bless you.
R.E. Robinson
R.E. Robinson
il y a 1 an
Releasing fear may be easier than letting go of past hurts or karma. In order to let go/forgive and
move past pain etc., we have to be extremely self aware, honest and even a bit critical of
ourselves. We often have to alter a repetitive and crippling way of thinking. I think change
happens in our alone time when we pray and meditate or in the company of good,honest people
that help us see ourselves and the bigger picture.
mick3y mast9rs
mick3y mast9rs
il y a 1 an
Is she still alive?
Brian Thomason
Brian Thomason
il y a 4 mois
Do not get how karma meaning the stuff you do wrong to others and will effect your next
lifetime has anything to do with forgiving others for what they have done to you? Of course
forgiveness in others and yourself is the way to gobut that in relation to the word karma has
nothing to do with tht. Period. Old woman is reading to much self help books or the spirit guides
she is refering to as someone tht has been telling her to saythese things are spirits of deceit aka
Bip Nop
Bip Nop
il y a 1 an
Shut up Dolores
Eudoxia LAnon
Eudoxia LAnon
il y a 2 mois
Forgiveness is a profound topic. It's important to forgive ourselves for all we've been through
and that's really the only type of forgiveness we have to practice because it releases all others of
any animosty toward them by us. We are co-creators of life and unless we are able to clear and
heal our false beliefs about ourselves we created ourselves during our childhood we will stay
stuck in our current patterns and draw to us people who continually hurt us. Some of these false
beliefs have been genetically passed down and we can be running old survival programs from
past lives as well. It's really important to break the patterns in this life. If we are attracting
people into our lives who are making us feel defective, unworthy, disrespected etc their behavior
is mirroring back to us a false belief we have about ourselves - they turn up in our lives to
confirm the false belief and show us what it is we are holding onto. If we embrace radical
personal responsibility and accept we are the cause of all the trouble in our own lives we will
start to move forward in leaps and bounds it absolves us and all others of karmic obligation. In
order to do this successfully we must start to re-parent our own inner being.
Pandora Spocks
Pandora Spocks
il y a 1 an (modifié)
WOW, amazing! That's what I've been doing in this lifetime. I was an abused foster child, but I
decided to forgive the family who did me wrong and move on. I never kept contact with them
and completely deleted them out of my life and wished them the best. I'm still doing it. What's
amazing is that the reason why I wanted to forgive people and move on, is because I want to
move to a better dimension than this one. A higher frequency, as I feel that I no longer belong
here anymore. Also, I noticed that at 54 years old, I've never been sick. Never stepped foot in a
hospital, except to give birth. I believe I came back here and know what I came here for. Forgive
and let go, no matter how badly some people hurt you, so you can move on to a better
dimension. I'm hoping that I got it right in this lifetime and that I never have to come back here.
This place is not my home.
JBarnes Author
JBarnes Author
il y a 1 an
You are noble and dear, peace to you!
lydiah korir
lydiah korir
il y a 8 mois
Wow,great lessons.... learning
il y a 2 ans
no wonder my mother has 3 different types of cancer....she's a horribly negative person. It really
affects my kids to the point they don't want to be around her, it's unfortunate but even when
I've tried talking to her about it she puts me down. ugh.
Michael Gifford
Michael Gifford
il y a 1 an
The beautiful truth is that Karma DOES NOT EXIST. What Karma really is just the patterns of
ACTION and THOUGHT that we unconsciously have ATTUNED with. If YOU at any given moment
do not like your conditions you find yourself in then CHANGE it, it is your Divine Birthright to do
so. It may take a while but you’ll get there.
Sam Banfield
Sam Banfield
il y a 6 mois
She talks about back drop people. How people at the mall are just fillers for your reality. I made a
joke with someone I work with, and I realized... he could be one!! Haha. #expansion. I mean who
knows. But it's fun to theorize.
Lisa Montoya
Lisa Montoya
il y a 4 mois (modifié)
You have to right your wrongs through actions if you fail to act you will get many chances to
change your response from fear and hate to faith and love.
il y a 5 mois
We Never Die Consciousness is infinite ~ We just Transmute Energy. Yet for us to not revisit this
Earth Plane School of lower vibration Matrix again~ you come to a heart speak embrace to
discern and heal once and for all. Call it a graduation of sorts, mastering your inner intelligence
through spirit living in a 3d body essence. Your hear to learn certain lessons to each their own.
You forgive and rise to experiencing life here through setting intentions living your best higher
spirit essence, if you decide to become aware of such. How ? By challenging daily living
spontaneously, releasing dogmatic social beliefs on all levels: mind , body & spirit since you were
born. Detach and go with in and trust your own inner awakening of intuitive heart speak with
Creator( call this energy God, Buddha~ect.) You have the innate gifts to share from this source of
love and best to shine your beloved essence to inspire others to do the same. Once we all do
and of course to each their own path and their own trails and ebb & flow. Always gracing warts
and all with compassion & unconditional love..
You No Longer Upon Your Death as many NDE (Near Death Experience) when they speak of the
Tunnel of Light...some go towards and are ask to Return back... You will know NOT TO FALL FOR
SORRY~some may not understand this, all I ask is do your own research and follow your heart if
this resonates. Yet for those not understanding fully, you will later understand, if you research
more on your path or learn on your own terms.
Here is a vid to at least share some food for spirit heart speak: Speaker~ William Buhlman @ the
Monroe Institute whom shares some of his insights. Yes it's a long vid, so listen when you can. As
always agree to disagree too. Just sharing a perception and would love and enjoy yours too.
Peace & Blessings
Marie Garrard
Marie Garrard
il y a 1 an
I really love Dolores Cannon, she's really helping me in a lot of ways right now in my life. I just
wish that the background music to this video would be lowered down or just take it off cause it's
kind of distracting. Sorry I don't mean to be picky or anything.
Maribel Espinoza
Maribel Espinoza
il y a 1 mois
So wise
Andrea Mai
Andrea Mai
il y a 4 mois
Don Winslow
Don Winslow
il y a 3 ans
Dolores Cannon's interviews are a testament to the truth that lives in all of us, but so many of us
just haven't tapped into yet. This particular interview truly spoke to some of my own struggles
with releasing some karma, especially in my early childhood.
Kristie Lemay
Kristie Lemay
il y a 5 mois
What causes breast cancer???
Rhonda Cousins
Rhonda Cousins
il y a 1 an
I can understand an adult holding in anger and getting ill but what about the babies????
James McArdle
James McArdle
il y a 5 ans
Karma is very real, just not as she explains it.
Gypsy Treasures
Gypsy Treasures
il y a 4 mois
Have no clue how to RELEASE karma. What is that all about?
Starseed Films
Starseed Films
il y a 4 mois
Gypsy Treasures You can start by forgiving everyone who you believe has done something to you.
Gypsy Treasures
Gypsy Treasures
il y a 4 mois
@Starseed Films um, not easy when youve been screwed over or abused
Elisa Moya
Elisa Moya
il y a 1 an
Awesoooome! !!! Thank youuuu! !!oooohhh!!
kent neumann
kent neumann
il y a 4 mois
Wait, what? So what are" the 3 magic words?
Just let go?
I forgive you?
Eat my shorts?
I release karma?
Don't hold fear?
I release fear?
Buy the movie?
Listen to grandma?
Have no fear?
Seriously, I was reading comments at the same time and missed it.
Do we actually get the magic words or do we have to buy the movie?
Starseed Films
Starseed Films
il y a 4 mois (modifié)
The words are way more profound than any of those. Find out and experience them
Introverted Aries
Introverted Aries
il y a 5 mois
I have this one life to make the best out of it after that I am not coming back here this is not my
“Home” �
Dale Foss
Dale Foss
il y a 7 mois
I'd be curious as to her ideas on gay people?
Starseed Films
Starseed Films
il y a 7 mois
Dolores Sees gender as just part of the human experience. She has mentioned before that our
souls come from the source and that without the body we are all both male and
naturally she has no judgement on the matter. She sees everyone as divine sparks of God
regardless of their sexual orientation.
Dale Foss
Dale Foss
il y a 7 mois
That's a nice way to speak on it and makes sense to me. Thanks!! =)
Denise B
Denise B
il y a 1 an
That's the Fate Destiny people play out in Karna. Sad matter is there are manipulators who like to
stack those bags to try to choose a persons destiny for them.. I like what she says though. Fear is
the biggest weakness. That's why abusers dominate their pawns. They will lay down the threat..
If you dare report me or leave THEN (threat).. So the person is feared into staying. Stress is the
issue in many ailments not the anger.
GabbishLee Gifted
GabbishLee Gifted
il y a 5 mois (modifié)
.. I swear I was white in a previous life lol.. I’ve had flashes of memories I “know” I didn’t live this
lifetime.. because I’m not white. And never even been in these areas, scenarios.. yet, these
flashes come, and come, same type of flashes, multiple, different times, different way. But the
same ones.. I’m sure I’ve been the opposite sex too. I also feel I’ve been rich or privileged.
0stargazer0 01030407
0stargazer0 01030407
il y a 5 mois
What do you mean by releasing karma?
0stargazer0 01030407
0stargazer0 01030407
il y a 5 mois
Haha never mind
il y a 4 ans
You explained how to let go of Karma but not how to let go of fear... How do I let go of fear?
Out of Babylon
Out of Babylon
il y a 4 ans
Meditate over courage. Every day.
If you are highly sensitive you need to have a lifestyle that suits your needs. In this case you need
to get rid of people that overrun you or treat you not right. You need to learn how to protect
your energybody from attacks (by meditations). You need to find a way to spirituality. Fear
comes, when you are not connected to higher sources.
Stop consuming poison like TV News and superficialty, alcohol, cigarettes, processes food. This is
not good for fearful people, because it has a very strong negative effect on the nervesystem.
Do Hatha yoga on a daily basis. It strengthens you in every way.

Start with a simple meditation. Sit calm, with closed eyes and put your right hand on your belly,
your left hand on your heartcenter. Feel the warmth of your hands and observe the emotional
response in your body.

If strong emotions come up, welcome them and let them be there. Do not try to get rid of them
or shoo them away. Just let them be there. Observe them with lovingkindness.

Take at least 10 - 20 minutes for this pratice. You will experience a deep connection to yourself.

This will help you a lot with overcoming fear.

il y a 4 ans
I do meditate but maybe I need to do it more often. I dont watch tv, I'm not a material guy, dont
take drugs and I'm changing the way I eat.
Thank you very much sister or brother for taking your time to write this, I appreciate it and I will
put it to action :)
Out of Babylon
Out of Babylon
il y a 4 ans
You are welcome! Sounds okay for me, but maybe you should meditate more often then (which
meditation do you practise?).
I don't know enough about your life to clearly see the reasons for your fear, but it's generally a
reaction of the nerve system (overactive sympathikus) and you should do anything to avoid
stress at work or in your relationships, develop more resilience to activate the antagonist of the
sympathikus, the parasymathikus, which is active when we regenerate.

- physical (exercising, yoga, relaxation practise)

- mental (quality of thinking, what do I think?), - emotional (how do I deal with my feelings? Do I
have a lot of anger, frustrations, hate, envy, greedy thougths? --> Letting go of feelings that are a
- spiritual (connection to higher sources, prayers)
- social (who do I spend my time with, who is negative in my life and sucking energy? Even family
members can be people that are not good for us, but also which relationships of the past are still
influencing me? Which conflicts do I still carry with me? Solve those conflicts with the
concerning people, if possible. If it is not possible, because of death or other reasons, you can do
a ritual by writing a letter or so, and put it on the grave or burn it with prayers etc. If you want a
more detailed advice here, just write me)

+ it is important to set boundaries - also against the expectations of other people or society. -->
self responsibility

I hope this helps additionally. This is my own experience.

bessi cantarero
bessi cantarero
il y a 4 ans
@ryderfox1 The advise given by Out of Babylon Bellydanceschool is great, but she did not
explain what lovingkindness feels like, so here it is! the feeling you get in your heart when you
see a baby animal. I hope you got it.
Out of Babylon
Out of Babylon
il y a 4 ans
Thanks, Bessi, for support. :)
Euros Lopez
Euros Lopez
il y a 1 an
She lost me when she said cancer was produced by holding onto negativity, both past and
present. So what about all these kids with cancer, it's from all their negative thinking? or worse
that their life is a karmic pendulum swing?
il y a 1 mois
I suffer from anxiety & fear. I have no idea how to get rid of it. I've tried meditating, praying &
forgiveness but it won't leave me. I feel like I'm being haunted by my ex husband. Very tiring &
releasing hasn't been easy either.
Veronike Unger
Veronike Unger
il y a 1 mois
Try EFT or Hypnosis. EFT stands for emotional freedom technique. You are relieving events from
the past stuck at your subconscious level. Your anxiety and fear might even have probably
nothing to do with you ex. Clear your stories from your subconscious mind, it can be real quickly
and you will free yourself and live in peace. I use EFT and it has worked wonders for me. Google
EFT, go on youtube and search videos. Everything is programming, you just need to reprogram
your subconscious with positivity and things you want. Good luck!
il y a 1 mois
@Veronike Unger Thank you so much � I'm going to get onto it straight away. So I can do this
using YouTube rather than pay someone to do it. They usually cost a lot. I'm truly grateful for
your response. You're probably right, maybe it's not the ex but I was thinking that maybe it's
deeper than that? I'll give it a try. Thank you again ��
Mad Momma
Mad Momma
il y a 1 semaine
il y a 8 mois
I am 72 years old and have had so-o-o-o-o many horrific things happen to me getting to this
point. Physical, mental and sexual abuse by parent and other family member, husbands and now
children. Im convinced that the ONLY time this is going to end is when my life does. Extending
forgiveness is not an option. I have tried that. Being WISER is the ONLY thing I can see that I have
gotten from these experiences. When I married, my husband swore that no matter what, he
would always see to it that his children were taken care of.. Well when the oldest of 5 children
was 7 , he walked out on us and left me holding the bag. To adequately provide, it was
necessary for me to work 3 jobs. Even though he was not paying support, the courts said I must
let him see the children. II abided by the courts edicts, he did not. The court always threatened
him with jail, but they never did jail him. So he got to "PLAY" with them and be the fun parent
while I did all the dirty work. Today, my children are in their 40's and the 4 of the 5 idolize the
ground he walks on and do not understand my bitterness. Did I mention that one of these
children was diagnosed with a brain tumor when she was 8 yo so this required surgeries, dr
appts, phy therapies etc (did he contribute to the financial end of this or even help with therapy
and getting her to dr appts -- NOT ONCE) more than ever still had to keep up my 3 jobs and
eventually file bankruptcy. not once but twice. The ex has told mutual friends that now that he is
older he realizes he was wrong, but he has NEVER apologized to ME nor said let me start making
payments on the thousands I owe you in back child support. His payoff is to hear and get the
sheer feeling that his peers think "see -- he isn't such a bad guy. He acknowledges his wrongs in
life"! Now lets go waaayyy back. The physical and mental abuse put upon me by my mother was
so horrific I tried to overdose when I was 11 and got the crap knocked out of me for trying it
when I got back from the hospital. My mothers sister is the one that sexually molested me from
the time I was 5 to about 8. When I finally spoke up and told my mother, I was told "good -- yoou
will know what it feels like when you get older". How does one get over life experiences such as
these, let alone forgive.
Stefanie Varney
Stefanie Varney
il y a 4 mois
pi namaste
pi namaste
il y a 4 semaines
What happens when you die and you turn your back on the light and ask to go home?
Ingrid Johansson
Ingrid Johansson
il y a 9 mois
I would love to have closure with someone that I used to know that hides under the radar. I’d
love to clear that Karma.
Sherry Adams
Sherry Adams
il y a 4 mois
When My daughter was just toddler she tried very hard to tell me about her other mother and
her sisters and how she died she was very detailed about it she even told me the name of her
sister she told me how she died and fell to her death because her foot got caught she was trying
to protect her sister she was asked to watch her by her other mother she said
il y a 2 semaines (modifié)
Forgiveness is easier when you realize that it's you who is manifesting these situations and these
people in your life. So first you understand WHY you're manifesting these people/things....then
you forgive yourself ...and finally you forgive others. I'm no guru, this is just what I've observed
from what other greater and wiser people have said.
Eva Quinones
Eva Quinones
il y a 1 an
How do you do this when you really dislike your ex and you co-parent and manipulate and
Jeff Villa
Jeff Villa
il y a 6 mois
What happen to the guy with cancer all over his body.
rosely covali
rosely covali
il y a 10 mois (modifié)
Hurt, fear and anger - forgive, release and let it go. We are in times to release karma and these
things. Just rip the contract. Destroy it. Turn your back and leave for a new fresh life.
Bliss WKC
Bliss WKC
il y a 1 an
� ��
Erbliebe Original love
Erbliebe Original love
il y a 3 mois
In my opinion she's the best teacher in the world. I find it so easy to listen to her and you know
she speaks from experience. I don't know maybe it's because I'm a woman that I love to listen to
her, cause she's a woman, too. I have listened to so many different teachers, yet I never truly
found myself. This time I feel it's different.
The Bearded One
The Bearded One
il y a 1 an
For those that have a hard time forgiving others, here is a simple thing to remember. You chose
to either experience it, or help someone else experience it, before you even came to earth this
time. Even though you hate this person on earth, chances are, that person volunteered to help
you experience it while in the spirit world. So, what that means, is at one time, that person you
hate, loved you SO much, that they possibly sacrificed this life, for you, and your growth, just so
you could experience something. So before condemning someone, thus condemning yourself to
the wheel of karma, release them with forgiveness.
JBarnes Author
JBarnes Author
il y a 1 an
Wise one, thanks!
Maribel Espinoza
Maribel Espinoza
il y a 1 mois
I have a question, what if I forgave them? Is that enough? What if I’m the one who apologized,
and recognized I was wrong and they are the ones who still hold grudges? Will I also have to
come back?
Maribel Espinoza
Maribel Espinoza
il y a 1 mois
Alright I saw the whole video now lol
Rachel Welch
Rachel Welch
il y a 5 mois
Dražen Đaković
Dražen Đaković
il y a 2 mois
Its not like that overall.I forgive everyone ,do comunity work,all my life was for others.And now i
am in the worst period of my life and no one wants to help.Dont be good it is not worth it.I will
die as a good person but i sufer most.Good people always sufer the most,remember
Starseed Films
Starseed Films
il y a 2 mois
Send me a message on the website contact form and I’ll send you a link to watch the movie.
Elizabeth Huntley
Elizabeth Huntley
il y a 4 mois
Almost sound good but pray tell how and why children then.. Get cancer? Explain.thanks
dakota bensinger
dakota bensinger
il y a 2 mois (modifié)
this TERRIFIES me i wont get to ascend! i cant let go! when i even vaguely reminisce of past
personal horrors i want to crawl like a centipede :( these are things i have inflicted on myself, not
by other people. but i desire to reach the destination with all of me!
anthony romano
anthony romano
il y a 1 an
True forgiveness is realizing that what someone else did to you was just a reciprocation of
something you have done, this concept takes you from a victim mindset to empowering yourself
to create your own reality. It is a divine cycle designed to teach.
Sabrine Chouib
Sabrine Chouib
il y a 4 mois
who is this wise woman please i would love to bing watch her vidéos
Ric Woods Music
Ric Woods Music
il y a 8 mois
If "John" dies 100 years after his mom died giving birth to him, and his dad died when he was 25,
but is survived by his wife and twin brother... How and when will his parents and other key
people meet him in the next life? Wouldn't his parents' reincarnated spirits be obligated to their
former parents and other people they knew before John was born over 100 years ago? (I hope
that sounded right)
Marisa DiMartino
Marisa DiMartino
il y a 5 mois
So how do you get rid of any type of karma when its said we intentionally are erased of the
memory of our past life or lives? That makes no sense! If we were meant to clear our past life
issues, we need to know what the issues and outcomes were. Otherwise it makes no sense that
we forget.
Starseed Films
Starseed Films
il y a 5 mois
Marisa DiMartino the masters say you forget your previous life and past personalities but not the
spiritual lessons you have learned. That is how we evolve.
Bo Posey
Bo Posey
il y a 3 ans
What about good karma?
bj vinci
bj vinci
il y a 1 mois
She reminds me of Julia childs
J Dhaliwal
J Dhaliwal
il y a 1 an
Even if I forgive, i say I forgive u , but still i keep getting hate thoughts about that person, .... plz
help ,..... how to actually forgive ???? Plzzzzzzz
Pretty Sachdeva
Pretty Sachdeva
il y a 1 an
Actually no one do any good or bad to us it's our previous karmas that either we get good or fault is in our karmas not in we are getting what we have done either in
this life time or previous life times. When u realise this u r at peace with everyone don't have to
forgive anybody
carlie Beau
carlie Beau
il y a 5 mois
Whatever someone did to you. They did to themselves. We choose to be mad. We choose to
take offense. You didn't committ the offense. You didnt committ the crime. They did. Anger is the
ego to ourselves. But in reality. The karma ultimatey lies on them. I have struggled with this
myself letting go. It isnt easy. Because emotional hurt is far worst then a broken arm. The brain
remeber like a diease.
design4leather Com
design4leather Com
il y a 1 an
Wish I had a grandma like this...she is just lovable!!
To Do
To Do
il y a 3 mois
Does she have a YouTube channel
E. P.
E. P.
il y a 10 mois
What about isis torture victims? Prisoners? Children in abusive homes. Can't leave
il y a 4 ans
without fear we free ourselves from attracting what we do not prefer into our life
Marcy Allison
Marcy Allison
il y a 11 mois
How do you forgive someone who did something so awful to you???
Starseed Films
Starseed Films
il y a 11 mois
Marcy Allison this person could very well be in your life to teach you a lesson in forgiveness. You
will easily be able to understand this after watching a movie 3 magic words. Then you eventually
come to realize this person never did anything to you -they only think they did...and you will be
il y a 10 mois
Root causes and conditions of insanity in human condition is trauma coupled with ego and keeps
humans stuck in the cycle ..............Our spirit comes into manifestation of the human body to
serve a purpose , evolution of humanity .......we can forget why we came , because since our
birth we are forced into ego minded existences .......... the big E , EGO , fear keeps us stuck there ,
right there ...................Namaste
corinna wawrzuta
corinna wawrzuta
il y a 11 mois
This advice does not work with narcissists or sociopaths.I tried to release and ignore for the first
3 months, I forgive him.However,this just increased his frustration and now his threatened my
life.I forgive still,but I'm moving to a new area now.
Starseed Films
Starseed Films
il y a 11 mois
corinna wawrzuta with people like that there is a second step to it after you forgive them you
have to completely remove them from your life blocking every possible means of
communication and relocating
Amrutha A S
Amrutha A S
il y a 5 mois
How does one let go of Karma? Karma is a Sanskrit word meaning Fate.
Cannabis Queen
Cannabis Queen
il y a 2 mois
Sanithia Bell
Sanithia Bell
il y a 4 mois
I have to learn how to remove the negative ENERGY get rid of the Karma.
il y a 5 mois
I thought cancer came from mucus...which came from this garbage food we eat
Starseed Films
Starseed Films
il y a 5 mois
There are many causes of cancer: toxic foods toxic waste and toxic thinking
il y a 3 ans
I have just started listening to Dolores,she really is an angels in disguise.But one part can't help
but question.She said fear and anger creates cancers.I know probaly one of the sweetest heart
felt person in my life but she died of cancer,and I get this feeling of conflict.Don't get me wrong I
love Dolores so much,she has helped me so much with what she shares in these vidoes.
il y a 3 ans
+Dreyden Theres many reasons for cancer, she didnt say it was the only reason. Also karma can
be from past lives as well. Cancer is a B17 deficiency, but a lot of factors make it worse (Candida,
diet etc.)
Jennifer Fitzgerald Spiritual Medium
Jennifer Fitzgerald Spiritual Medium
il y a 1 an
Who is this lady I couldn't have said this better. Thank you
Leo Feza
Leo Feza
il y a 1 an
are we even supposed to be happy in life? because all it seems like we are just here to clean up.
so what do we do really? go thru the torture as quick as possible so we can leave this hellhole?
Lish Sish
Lish Sish
il y a 4 mois
This doesn’t explain why children and animals get cancer.. what could they be so angry about?!
Starseed Films
Starseed Films
il y a 4 mois
Lish Sish Emotional pain (stress) on your system is only one cause of cancer: there are so many
other causes -the biggest one being toxemia either from exposure to chemicals or a poor diet
(most Americans) especially during pregnancy. Lou Corona explains this on his website:
Denise Desrosiers
Denise Desrosiers
il y a 1 an
But what happens if YOU are the one that hurt someone else? If you ask for forgiveness thru
prayer yet that person doesn't forgive you, is that going to still hold you back?
rosely covali
rosely covali
il y a 10 mois
Each one goes to their own way. We tear up the contract. It’s a game anyway. Let it go. There are
no buttons to be pushed anymore. Get rid of karma. Don’t create any karma anymore. No fear.
Don’t hold to anger.
Green Living Path Alyogi
Green Living Path Alyogi
il y a 2 mois
Awesome information releasing Karma that is carried in your seed body from life time to life
time. Acceptance and love is the only way to live in harmony with all beings and the PLANET!
devi pillai
devi pillai
il y a 5 mois
As a Hindu Tamil We believe in karma, our literatures from 10 thousands yrs tells us everything.
But white peoples laughed at us and now i see you accepting. We been telling the world for
thousands of yrs. where did you learn this,?
Starseed Films
Starseed Films
il y a 5 mois
devi pillai the west learned this originally from psychics like Edgar Cayce and other
hypnotherapists and then from the great Indian gurus like Paramahansa Yogananda who brought
many Eastern concepts into America. From their Hindu-mania began.
il y a 5 mois
Yes it is true,but I feel alot other countries are more insightful and knowledgeable ,here in the
state's enlightenment is now on the rise ,thank you
il y a 1 an
I met my husband when I was 15 and loved him so much. I find it extremely difficult to forgive
him for what he done to me and his children He abondoned his kids and I sorry but that is
Endy M
Endy M
il y a 1 an (modifié)
Always listen to the wise
Fly Off The Witches Broom Handle
Fly Off The Witches Broom Handle
il y a 2 ans
How do you avoid creating any more new Karma? Great vid thanks♥
il y a 9 mois
Bashar says Karma is self imposed.
bloop blooper
bloop blooper
il y a 7 mois
Being involved in animal abuse is karmic prison. Eating murdered animals is a primary bad
karma reality. Find a dead animal eat it if you want but being involved in the system of slaughter
is bad.
Why am I alive?
Why am I alive?
il y a 1 mois
I forgive my brothers killer but, it still hurts so much. Even 10 year's later.
Veronike Unger
Veronike Unger
il y a 1 mois
Google EFT it is a method that takes emotion out of situation such as the one you are living. If
you are interested in the method, find a practitioner who is qualified. Look at success stories
with EFT. There are also other method but this is one I like and use all the time myself. You can
also learn to use it on yourself, but with such deep emotions stuck at the depth of your
subconscious mind, I think it would be easier for someone who know how to reach them, to help
you. Good luck!!
Alison Wünderland
Alison Wünderland
il y a 1 semaine
Is that annoying music really necessary?
Starseed Films
Starseed Films
il y a 1 semaine (modifié)
Yes it is and so are annoying comments
Agnie M
Agnie M
il y a 1 an
It's so true. I didn't know it was anger eating me alive and causing karma in my life. Thank you
for the wisdom Dolores.
Margaret Tosti
Margaret Tosti
il y a 1 an
Please give me a hug. Somebody throw me a life preserver. I feel lost and alone
Mrs Duffy
Mrs Duffy
il y a 1 an
Heard this recently & can't remember where from � - "Holding on to anger is like drinking rat �
poison ☠ & expecting the rat to die." Totally sums it up.
il y a 4 ans
no we dont need to let go of any emotion including fear fear can make me strong stronger than
normal feeling fear is healthy that meens you have souls never let go of you emotions incl fear i
wil never ever give up my pain joy love fear etc i love it evry day thats what makes me me
catherine couling
catherine couling
il y a 3 semaines
So why do babies n children get cancer
Starseed Films
Starseed Films
il y a 3 semaines
Anger is not the only causes of cancer
Jennifer Lorence
Jennifer Lorence
il y a 3 semaines
Does that Mean that We Should Let Criminals, Rapists, Thieves, Walk Around FREELY because
The Whole World has to Forgive Them So No One Would Get Cancer???
Starseed Films
Starseed Films
il y a 3 semaines
No it doesn’t ...forgiving is not the same as vindicating
il y a 5 ans
Instead of saying that "she has no idea what karma is", why don't you define it here and say
what it really is. If you really want to help people to understand correctly, give the correct
definition along with declaring that this woman has no idea what she is talking about. That
would, at least, give you more credibility.
Bip Nop
Bip Nop
il y a 1 an
I want to kiss a really really pretty girl
ssakshii rajput
ssakshii rajput
il y a 1 an
amazing stuff. damn deep knowledge. thank you for your love.
Cheryl Lanney
Cheryl Lanney
il y a 2 mois
Anyone here? Has anyone heard Dolores talk about fixing your Karma of things you've done that
wasnt so good. Forgiveness for yourself? Creating karma, recognizing and wanting to let go of
karma you've created. Miss Dolores yet know shes happy
Starseed Films
Starseed Films
il y a 2 mois
Here is another of her videos about that.
Alaa Arabyat
Alaa Arabyat
il y a 1 an
This was the first vedio which explains to me why I keep having the same things people and
jeff whalen
jeff whalen
il y a 2 mois
I am basically Agoraphobic. I am alone and I do not hate anybody. I have zero self-confidence and
any advice I get is basically telling me just to suck it up and change. I know my fear and self-
doubt is irrational but I can NOT control it. I am at rock bottom. I am not suicidal at all. But I am
lost. I have nobody to talk to so I apologize for dumping my purse out on the youtube comment
section. :) I am 6 foot 4 230lbs gentle giant (Not my words) and am not afraid of much physically.
I fear embarrassment. It makes no sense to me, at all.
Don Sorkowitz
Don Sorkowitz
il y a 2 ans
Blasphemy ! Only Jesus has the power to forgive !
Bip Nop
Bip Nop
il y a 1 an
You are a moron
The Truth
The Truth
il y a 1 an
such a beautiful soul
Rachel Realty
Rachel Realty
il y a 1 an
you're amazing, thank you!
Joanne Gallagher
Joanne Gallagher
il y a 1 an
Omg your so right I have to let go I've hurt so much for years and I've struggled to move on I
have to find the strength to move on and put my anger and heartbreak to bed thank you I will
focus now
Yumi Okubo
Yumi Okubo
il y a 1 an
So much I needed to hear.. amazing� Thank you so very much for this teaching�
Cathey Mahoney
Cathey Mahoney
il y a 1 an
I can't wait until the day I can start ordering your books I'm very excited about this thank you so
il y a 1 an
Who is she?
il y a 1 an
Thank you! ♡
judith albay
judith albay
il y a 1 an
Thank you
Jan Coldwater
Jan Coldwater
il y a 1 an
Oh god.
Electric Sheep
Electric Sheep
il y a 1 an
wakyl Hakymzaada pashayeewar
wakyl Hakymzaada pashayeewar
il y a 1 an
I am very fearful and heavy karma
I am so pissed
I am a god
Nothing should stand in my way
Mr Mawao
Mr Mawao
il y a 1 an
How to release karma
il y a 2 ans
people actually pay this woman for hypnotherapy? nothing but gibberish, just because it is
organized it is still gibberish.
Neha Rajput
Neha Rajput
il y a 1 an
Great teaching ❤
Cindy Udhardt
Cindy Udhardt
il y a 1 an
WOW!!!!!! Love this Lady. Could just listen and listen all day long. Thank you for sharing.
Ambriel Apps
Ambriel Apps
il y a 1 an
Or did you mean, once one has forgiven all and everyone there is to forgive, there's nothing to
forgive after that? Wow. That wld be great! Is that possible, on this planet??
Ass Fac3
Ass Fac3
il y a 1 an
omgosh, I apologize for the name. someone else put that there. I'm so sorry. D.G.
il y a 6 ans
If you can't "get" what she is trying to say, then you'll be recycled RIGHT back into this BS..I'm
done on this planet and this is one of the KEYS to getting off Earth and staying off it.
il y a 6 ans
Fear is how we as a race is controlled, Karma has no place on this planet and the aliens who
passing this message on to her know this, there will be no karma in the future for us and this is
why our souls are being moved off this planet to where they originally came from, apart from
star children here to help us all other souls was put here and not by choice.
il y a 6 ans
this is bullshit
Danielle Hardin
Danielle Hardin
il y a 1 an
Ive let go of my katma ms delores. I just had to get rid of the cancers. I love even the ones who
hurt me terribly. I won't forget. I will not remember�
Newer Account
Newer Account
il y a 1 an
Why does she explain the samething the Bible does with the exception of mentioning Jesus even
though she is teaching his teachings...
maybe we will see her again she does seem more loving than most of these shouting
preachers....... you can give me anything I ever wanted and if you treat me like crap I would have
gotten nothing material from a living person
Starseed Films
Starseed Films
il y a 1 an
Maybe because she wants people to understand that God and spirituality is non-exclusive and
that one doesn't need to conform to any one religion or dogma to live a spiritual life.
il y a 1 an (modifié)
il y a 2 ans
I have no idea if she is on drugs or telling the truth. But I'll take the good stuff. Releasing
bitterness and forgiveness and fear etc are all good things.
Cornell Howard
Cornell Howard
il y a 1 an
Tell that to Jesus during judgment if you can stop crying like a baby for Him to spare your life
from the lake of fire!
Lea Springstead
Lea Springstead
il y a 1 an
This makes so much sense to me. “She wins if you die”. That’s like every situation that I’ve been
in where I’ve hurt myself to get away from a situation, rather than staying & dealing with it. They
win if I lose. Maybe it’s time to stay and face the demon.
David Mac
David Mac
il y a 2 ans (modifié)
Sorry but love is stronger than fear and what you are teaching is made up in your mind and
demonic false truth from an angel of light. There is obviously some truth in what she is saying
but that is how this demonic knowledge works. 90% truth and 10% garbage is all it takes to
destroy a persons soul.
Janet Mc Williams
Janet Mc Williams
il y a 2 ans
why do you bible bashers always think you know better ? go read ur bible and live gd folks alone
David Mac
David Mac
il y a 2 ans
I don't believe there was one word of bible that was used so your Bible bashing comment makes
you sound ignorant which you obviously are .
il y a 1 an
Yes. Forgive & let go,,, but I like karma. She will punish all those bad people. Karma is good
Info Finance
Info Finance
il y a 3 ans
also, been in love and friendly at beginning when get married, why so much ppl so mean to their
spouse and kids not able to release them as they are, nobody is perfect, and they should let
them all go, forget about all documents and money and property things, and be ready the day
they have a wedding---well, most not even bothering this, simply living together and be
murdered each other too,is this nature of human being? so evil and mean at all? so , I am glad I
never want get involved to them, and I also was wondering why I have never get any serious
relationship yet, cause I can see them all through, of all these things, and I , despise them all....!
not have any kids also maybe a good thing, because we in this evil world filled with idiots, have
no evidence, then, we all believe alike will enter into our own real dimension where is full love,
respect and no crimes and sins....a holy space....and time...with land or not, not much important
to me too....cause we focusing on flying around....and out dimension is vast and huge to make us
very happy too....nobody can control us...!cause we will be invisible to God ...himself....
il y a 6 ans
...witnessed this drama.
il y a 6 ans
intezamable is our own great uncle resurrection. During his latter days, he locked himself up,
peeing in bottles.Finally he died on a secluded beach with a bottle of arrack in his hand. The
smashing waves of the ocean
il y a 6 ans
She is so good! She really speaks to me. The minute she starts talking I get tuned in so quickly.
Thank you for your messages of love!

Preston Christine
Preston Christine
il y a 6 ans
the short cut for all of this is to invoke the violet flame.
Arne Weise Weise
Arne Weise Weise
il y a 6 ans
yeah me to, and I just found her, lol.
L vonende
L vonende
il y a 6 ans
" Hi, I have a good message but I must wear too much makeup and curl and dye my hair, sit in a
dirty chair that I hide whith a dirty cloth. I also have a fat and saggy face from edema from too
much dairy and salt in my diet. Please forgive me as I lecture you about how to behave."
il y a 6 ans
Exactly! You hit the nail right on the head! Letting go and forgiving is the only way to stop killing
yourself!! Thank you, Dolores :)
il y a 6 ans
Can I tear my contract with GOD? This life is not working. GOD we tried we really tried but this
is not working out. You go your way and I go mine.
Helga Rodrigues
Helga Rodrigues
il y a 6 ans
thanks... for your words... big hug from Portugal
il y a 6 ans
what she says is 100% truth. What a blessed relief to be able to get on!
il y a 6 ans
Will Dolores' asserting & reserving Copyright on her method and stopping students from
teaching it to others, accrue bad Karma!?
Karina B.
Karina B.
il y a 6 ans
Although yes it's very sad for a child to suffer this is what they chose. To complete their karmic
debt within a shorter period. Still painful in the emotional body. I know.
Karina B.
Karina B.
il y a 6 ans
Karma is known to be carried on from past lives. Look up reincarnation.
il y a 6 ans
Sorry you just lost my attention, I was taking it all on board, about the CANCER brought on by
Karma. Then please explain to me how little innocent children have CANCER, and some are born
with this condition?????
Handle with Kare
Handle with Kare
il y a 6 ans
Listen to your elders – especially Dolores. She's speaking truth.

il y a 6 ans
Government restrictions even in Germany?! That's really sad, but you are right. I'm in an Asian
country where governments are renowned for their restrictions - and massive fears of losing
control over the people so these governments will resort to 'anything' to maintain their control/
power/ financial wealth- while trying to give ppl. the illusion of choice in order to maintain ppl's
support... we're all suffering, no overcoming the same issues! :)
il y a 6 ans
stick it in your arm, you cant hurt me, im on way.. to catalina!
il y a 6 ans
Forgive one another.
il y a 6 ans
God Bless...
il y a 6 ans
So let me get this straight - you let go of Karma - which you cannot get away from because you
have to pay your Karma ???? But you have to let it go to move on but you can't escape it?
And .... Let me point out she mentions aliens are here to guide us and watch over us and monitor
their own - yet she fails to mention the recorded points in history where they were at war w
eachother - plus the brutally autopsied dead bodies. So there are still lots of questions
il y a 6 ans
I can relate. All around me are blind. Dont know how to say hey did u know that a dimensional
shift is occurring and i would LOVE for to hear truth.
il y a 6 ans
You are such an Inspiration!
I just started to reading you books, I read Billy Miere story and Answers of Alien from
Andromeda but your books gives a lot of details.
Sorry for pirating your book, please forgive me. I will buy your book when i have a job
il y a 6 ans
The screen is just all black- this has been happening to me since yesterday- can someone please
tell me why I can't watch some tubes like this one as opposed to some which just loads up very
quickly? Pls help.
il y a 6 ans
white people...I forgive you
il y a 6 ans
so true, she is a wise woman. gotta let go
il y a 6 ans
Thank you I can Relate So much , I forgive is my new Mantra,

Joe Piscapo
Joe Piscapo
il y a 6 ans
only if I heard it earlier :)
Rene nielsen
Rene nielsen
il y a 6 ans
thank you <3
Peter Katchan
Peter Katchan
il y a 6 ans
She is so REAL!
Kevin C.A. Schneider
Kevin C.A. Schneider
il y a 6 ans
awesome! much love ♥
Starry Knight
Starry Knight
il y a 6 ans
God bless you, Delores. Many years searching for reasons as to why I felt so unhappy &
unconnected. Determined to not repeat karma, so I am working hard to forgive & let go. Much
thanks to you.
Deanna Lynne
Deanna Lynne
il y a 6 ans
Thank you so much for this! I love Dolores! :)
il y a 6 ans
She is such an amazing lady. And I am not speaking just based on this video, I have seen a lot of
her work. By the way this information matches Caroline Myss works and her books which I have
also study in depth. So for me dupe it took a long time to figure this out, I hope any one crossing
this path can be receptive to what this woman has to say and offer.
Rafah Sabbagh
Rafah Sabbagh
il y a 6 ans
great interview..and what she has to say is true and valid..shame about the background music..a
bit too loud and in the way...
Maia Smith
Maia Smith
il y a 6 ans
Great Lady, is a fantastic example, of being. Life is peculiar to all of us, each f us have different
lesson to live, but sometimes we are,so simple.
Love and forgines is the tw things we have to learn.
But sometimes we are not ready.

il y a 6 ans
same as that example my still wife doesnt allow me see my kids..since long..if i forgive that and
let go why i came to expirience that lesson..and..maybe in another lifetime this women will lose
her children in some other way..still i wonder why some people go through tougher lessons
while others thing goes smooth and it true that the tougher the things happens to us
the more we grow spiritualy? hope mrs dolores can answer this or read this blog..and i salute
her as well
il y a 6 ans
Love is the most powerful emotion however fear is pervasive and if we give it energy..then so it
expands and can control our lives. Love holds the power to dissipate fear and instil trust and
faith. We have choices and eventually find our our acceptance of Love then we become
empowered and by giving Love then so we are find the same. Len..
Jerk Store
Jerk Store
il y a 6 ans
Probably... but that has nothing to do with my question. If most people live in fear more than
love, it doesn't mean fear is more powerful. There's so much negative influences out there.
Actually, in a certain respect, it's actually good Dolores doesn't mention negative entities, it
allows people to focus on the good.
Jerk Store
Jerk Store
il y a 6 ans
I thought love was the most powerful emotion.
il y a 6 ans
Thank you Dolores! xx
il y a 6 ans
Hearing her say things so simply makes it seem possible to release relationships that you torture
yourself wondering why they won't meet you in the middle so that our lives can be peaceful.
Some people thrive on negativity while it makes people that hate all things negative sick because
we were unable to fix it. No one can fix any relationship by themselves. If the other party isn't
willing its much healthier if you can let it go. Thank You Dolores for this inspiration. <3
Trent Lake
Trent Lake
il y a 7 ans
I love her so much

il y a 7 ans
So beautiful and true! Thank you Dolores!
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