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On Windows

To automatically start your computer up at a specific time of day, you'll actually

need to edit your BIOS settings. To do this:

Boot up your computer and enter your BIOS setup. Usually this involves pressing the
Delete key as your computer boots (your computer should say Press DEL to Enter
Setup or something similar as you turn it on).
Navigate to the Power Options. If your BIOS supports it, there should be a function
for automatically starting up your computer at a certain time of day. Mine was
called "Resume by Alarm", but yours might be called something different.
Enable that setting and set the time you want your computer to start every day.
Save and Exit the BIOS, and your computer should follow that schedule from now on.
You probably shut down your computer when you're done using it at the end of the
day, but if not, you can set it to shut itself down on a schedule. This is easy to
do with Windows Task Scheduler:

Hit the Start menu and type in "task scheduler". Open up Task Scheduler from your
In the right pane, hit Create Task. Give it a name, and under the General tab,
check "Run with highest privileges". Also check "Run whether user is logged on or
not", if you ever leave your computer logged out.
Head to the Settings tab and check "Stop the task if it runs longer than" and set
it to "1 hour". This won't stop your computer from sleeping, but will stop your
computer from thinking a task is still running.
Head to the Actions tab, hit New, and choose "Start a Program" as your action. Set
the Program to shutdown and the arguments to -s.
Lastly, head to the Triggers tab and click New. Change the schedule to fit whatever
you want (say, Daily at 12:00AM), and hit OK. Hit OK again at the next window and
your task should be saved in Task Scheduler.
That's it. Now your computer should shut down and wake up on your own schedule.

Bilgisayarinizi g�n�n belirli bir saatinde otomatik olarak baslatmak i�in, aslinda
BIOS ayarlarinizi d�zenlemeniz gerekir. Bunu yapmak i�in:

Bilgisayarinizi a�in ve BIOS kurulumunuza girin. Genelde bu, bilgisayariniz

�ny�klenirken Delete (Sil) tusuna basmayi i�erir (bilgisayariniz sunu s�ylemeli
Press DEL to Enter Setupveya a�tiginiz gibi bir sey yapmalidir ).
G�� Se�eneklerine gidin. BIOS'unuz destekliyorsa, g�n�n belirli bir saatinde
bilgisayarinizi otomatik olarak baslatmak i�in bir islev olmalidir. Mine, "Alarma
Devam Et" olarak adlandirildi, ancak sizinki farkli bir sey olarak
Bu ayari etkinlestirin ve bilgisayarinizin her g�n baslamasini istediginiz zamani
ayarlayin. BIOS'u kaydedin ve �ikin ve bilgisayariniz bundan sonra bu programi
takip etmelidir.
Muhtemelen, g�n�n sonunda kullanmayi tamamladiginizda bilgisayarinizi kapatirsiniz,
ancak degilse, kendini bir zamanlamaya g�re kapatabilirsiniz. Bu Windows G�rev
Zamanlayici ile yapmak kolaydir:

Baslat men�s�ne basin ve "g�rev zamanlayici" yazin. Sonu�larinizdan G�rev

Zamanlayici'yi a�in.
Sag b�lmede, G�rev Olustur'a basin. Bir isim verin ve Genel sekmesi altindaki "En
y�ksek ayricaliklarla �alistir" se�enegini isaretleyin. Ayrica, bilgisayarinizin
oturumunu kapattiysaniz, "Kullanicinin oturum a�ip a�madigini �alistir" se�enegini
de isaretleyin.
Ayarlar sekmesine gidin ve "G�revi daha uzun s�rerse durdurun" se�enegini
isaretleyin ve "1 saat" olarak ayarlayin. Bu, bilgisayarinizin uyumasini
engellemez, ancak bilgisayarinizin bir g�revin hala �alistigini d�s�nmesini
Eylemler sekmesine gidin, Yeni'ye basin ve isleminiz olarak "Bir Program Baslat" i
se�in. Programi shutdownve arg�manlari ayarlayin -s.
Son olarak, Tetikleyiciler sekmesine gidin ve Yeni'yi tiklayin. Istediginizi
sigdirmak i�in zamanlamayi degistirin (�rnegin, Saat 12: 00'de G�nl�k) ve Tamam'a
basin. Bir sonraki pencerede tekrar OK tusuna basin ve g�reviniz G�rev
Zamanlayici'ya kaydedilmelidir.
Bu kadar. Simdi bilgisayariniz kapanmali ve kendi programiniza g�re uyanmalidir.

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