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Module Guide: MAN5058 Applied Management

Applied Management
General and Assessment Guidelines

Module code: MAN5058 – Single – Level 5: Dr I Akhtar
Version 01/C date 04.09.2018
Module Guide: MAN5058 Applied Management

1. OVERVIEW ............................................................................................................ 1
2. CONTACTS ........................................................................................................... 1
3. MODULE OVERVIEW ......................................................................................... 1
4. MODULE LEARNING OUTCOMES .................................................................... 2
5. ASSESSMENT .................................................................................................... 3
5.1 Assignment Rationale ................................................................................................................... 4
5.2 Assignment Weighting is 100% .................................................................................................... 4
6. DETAILED ASSIGNMENT BRIEF ....................................................................... 4
6.1 Introduction.............................................................................................................................. 4
6.2 Organisation of the Assessment ................................................................................................... 5
6.3 Part 1: Review of Literature [1000 Words] 35% ............................................................................ 5
6.4 Part 2. Case Study [2000 Words] 65% ......................................................................................... 5
6.5 The Ensuing Discussion Should Include the Following Information: ............................................ 5
6.6 The Assignment Must Include the Following: ............................................................................... 5
6.7 Formative Feedback ..................................................................................................................... 6
6.8 Drafts ............................................................................................................................................. 6
6.9 Formatting Requirements.............................................................................................................. 6
6.10 Referencing Requirements ......................................................................................................... 6
6.11 Submission Requirements .......................................................................................................... 7
6.12 Late Submission.......................................................................................................................... 7
6.13 University Regulations ................................................................................................................ 7
6.14 Plagiarism ................................................................................................................................... 7
7. ASSESSMENT SUBMISSION AND FEEDBACK ................................................ 8
8. GROUP/TEAM WORK ........................................................................................ 8
9. MODULE CORE TEXT ........................................................................................ 9
9.1 Essential (Books/Journals/Specific chapters/Journal Articles) ..................................................... 9
9.2 Recommended .............................................................................................................................. 9
9.3 Background ................................................................................................................................... 9
9.4 Background Reading..................................................................................................................... 9
10. LEARNING SCHEDULE (REVIEWED ANNUALLY) ...................................... 10
11. MARKING CRITERIA ..................................................................................... 14

Module code: MAN5058 – Single – Level 5: Dr I Akhtar
Version 01/C date 04.09.2018
Module Guide: MAN5058 Applied Management

The ‘Applied Management’ module enables you to develop your skills focussing on strategic analysis
of the international business and management context. The learning methods for this module revolve
around the use of case study analysis, and a form of case study will form the key elements of the final

Module Leader: Dr Imran Akhtar
Office: C257
0121 202 2402
Office Hours: Tuesday: 11:00 – 12:00 or by appointment

Seminar Leader: Adila Khan

Office: C242
0121 202 4625
Office hours:

Seminar Leader: Monica Sounderra

Office: C257
0121 202 4279
Office hours:


Module Title Applied Management Code MAN5058

Credit Value CATS Points: 20; ECTS Credits: 10 Level 5

This module introduces you to a range of strategic management tools and techniques with which to
analyse and thus understand business situations with national and international relevance. In
addition, an understanding of competitive behaviour will be informed by a variety of views concerning
the sources of competitive advantage. These include the implications of developments in the macro
environment, industry structure, the organization’s strategic position in an industry, the acquisition
and development of resources and capabilities, and the challenge of industry evolution to sustaining
competitive advantage.

The module emphasises the importance of developing your application of techniques and concepts
to specific situations, often through the use of case studies. The application helps to develop an
understanding of the content of the module, assists critical insight and helps to encounter some of

Module code: MAN5058 – Single – Level 5: Dr I Akhtar
Version 01/C date 04.09.2018
Module Guide: MAN5058 Applied Management

the complexity of real-life situations. It contributes to under-graduate level attributes to support your

The module will be delivered with a combination of face to face sessions, case studies and blended
learning, and a significant element of preparation and contribution from you. You’ll be using our virtual
learning environment to facilitate peer and individual learning, pulling together skills and knowledge
from other modules.

Every teaching and learning week will comprise of the following 4 activities (please see detailed
Learning Schedule on the Module Guide)

1. Students: To read a chapter from the core textbook.

2. Lecture: 1-hour Lecture.

3. Seminars: Student presentations, analysis, debates, and discussions.

4. Students: To read their choice from Strategy Capsules, Case Studies or case studies presented.

We hope this module inspires and excites you and offers a good learning experience.


On successful completion of this module you should be able to:

1. Apply relevant strategic concepts and techniques of competitive strategy to the

analysis of strategic choice.
2. Assess a critical understanding of concepts and techniques relevant to competitive
3. Appraise the importance of strategic concepts and choice as a contributor to
positive organisational outcomes

4. Adapt understanding from discussions, presentations or debates

Module code: MAN5058 – Single – Level 5: Dr I Akhtar
Version 01/C date 04.09.2018
Module Guide: MAN5058 Applied Management


Birmingham City Business School

Undergraduate Degrees

Module Title: Applied Management

Module Code: MAN5058

Module Leader: Imran Akhtar

Issue Date: 4th February 2019

Hand In Date: 20th May 2019 (23:55 UK time)

Marks Release Date: 17th June 2019

Learning Outcomes and Pass Attainment Level:

This assignment addresses the following learning outcomes:

1. Apply relevant strategic concepts and techniques of competitive strategy to the analysis of
strategic choice.
2. Assess a critical understanding of concepts and techniques relevant to competitive situations
3. Appraise the importance of strategic concepts and choice as a contributor to positive
organisational outcomes
4. Adapt understanding from discussions, presentations or debates

This assignment contributes 100% of the overall marks for this module. A pass mark of 40% is

The word limit is 3,000 words (+/- 10%) excluding references and appendices.

Please see detailed marking scheme at the end

You are reminded that, under the University Regulations governing your course, you are allowed two
attempts ONLY to pass this module. If you fail the first attempt, the re-submission date is Monday
29th July 2019 (23:55 UK time).

Module code: MAN5058 – Single – Level 5: Dr I Akhtar
Version 01/C date 04.09.2018
Module Guide: MAN5058 Applied Management

5.1 Assignment Rationale

This module is assessed through coursework in the form of an assignment as outlined below. The
assessment tests all the learning outcomes for this module. The assessment requires you to apply
knowledge obtained in class and through independent and further reading.

This assessment allows you to demonstrate your ability to use appropriate tools and techniques to
develop a solution to a given problem. It also allows you to reflect on your journey through the module
to the point of assessment

In the 1st section of the assessment, you will demonstrate knowledge, analysis, synthesis and
evaluation of the different strategic management literature and their impact in different organisational
settings that you have learned throughout the module. You are expected to draw on the conceptual
and theoretical frameworks covered in the class to review the different strategic options, change
models, frameworks and strategies.

In the 2nd section of the assignment, you will go a step further and evaluate theories and concepts
reviewed in the first section in the context of a real organisation with a view to make
recommendations. This part of the assessment builds on the first part and requires application of
knowledge to analyse and evaluate strategic for a live business.

This assessment method is relevant and appropriate for this module as it allows the students to
consider their learning by critically reviewing literature on various strategy domains and test the
theories and models in a real environment through academic investigation, analysis, evaluation and
subsequent recommendations. This form of assessment prepares the students for the real world
where they may be working at strategic level and/or be involved in the change processes.

5.2 Assignment Weighting is 100%

This is a single point assessment.


6.1 Introduction

This module is aimed at enabling the students to understand, investigate and critically analyse the
current issues that the businesses are face with in (ever) changing business landscape. On
completion on this element of the module, the students should be able to

 Understand the language and theory of strategy literature

 Appreciate the importance and relevance of strategic intent influencing firms’ future directions

 Take note of the role of then top management team (TMTs) as the driving force behind change

 Participate and lead debates related to contemporary strategy literature

 Demonstrate the development and advancement of critical reading, thinking and writing

Module code: MAN5058 – Single – Level 5: Dr I Akhtar
Version 01/C date 04.09.2018
Module Guide: MAN5058 Applied Management

6.2 Organisation of the Assessment

The assignment should consist of two parts, where the former will support the latter

6.3 Part 1: Review of Literature [1000 Words] 35%

You are required to critically examine and assess the contribution of strategy literature to appraise a
range of tools, models and theoretical concepts concerned with the process of introducing and
managing strategy at an organisational level. While doing so, it is expected that you will analyse the
relevant literature set in the mainstream strategy domain.

This part of the assignment sets the context for the whole assignment and provides background
information and critical review of academic material that will underpin the study of strategy in the
module. The themes, theories, concepts and evidence covered in the module including the
recommended readings as well as own independent desk research will be used to write the critical
literature review.

6.4 Part 2. Case Study [2000 Words] 65%

Choose an international organisation or sector that is currently (or has recently experienced)
experiencing radical change underpinned by organisational strategy.

The aim of this part of the assessment is to provide you with an opportunity to critically appraise and
apply strategic management approach in an organisation/sector of your choice. You will be required
to select an organisation/sector and conduct research and in-depth analysis of strategic change
taking place or strategy as practice in action. This could be (but is not limited to): downsizing, merger,
restructuring, rapid expansion (size, business activities), introduction of team working, introduction
of new technology, major changes in work design, embedding strategic changes as routinised
activities and major organisational development interventions (see lecture slides for possible topics).

6.5 The Ensuing Discussion Should Include the Following Information:

 The type of strategy and why it was introduced. The context in which strategic change took
 The process of change, i.e. how change occurred and the extent to which the change in
question is/was successful.
 The argumentation must be coherent and substantiated.
 The analysis, synthesis and evaluation must use relevant theoretical and/or conceptual
underpinning in a critical fashion. Moreover, the value of theoretical and conceptual models
to address the change process and the role of strategy should be critically considered and
demonstrate a comprehensive understanding of theories and their application to real
business situations. Sources of information must be referenced appropriately using the
Harvard referencing style.
 Assess the value of using strategic intervention in organisations.

6.6 The Assignment Must Include the Following:

 Introductory paragraph (c 250 words).

 Literature review section (750 words)
 Case study (2000 words)

Module code: MAN5058 – Single – Level 5: Dr I Akhtar
Version 01/C date 04.09.2018
Module Guide: MAN5058 Applied Management

o Discussion and critical evaluation of the background to the need for the strategic
intervention – including the driving and restraining forces and consequence of not
o Outline the system used to involve stakeholders in the introduction of change and
the diverse reactions to change by different stakeholders.
o Critically evaluate the appropriateness of strategic management and the impact it
has on the organisation and the stakeholders involved.
o Assess the options available to the organisation in implementing the proposed
o Recommend and justify an appropriate strategy including a strategy to manage
reactions to change, including any resistance and the role of bureaucracy (if any).
o Discuss the role of and importance of the top management teams (TMTs) in the
change process.
o Evaluate the strategies, skills and competencies and their impact on the
organisation’s future.

You will build on your insights generated in the 1st part of the assignment. The assignment tests
especially the knowledge obtained throughout the module.

6.7 Formative Feedback

On a regular basis (during lecture and seminars), you will gain ‘informal formative feedback that will
be aimed at your learning and development. This feedback is not recorded against your records and
marks, but is used by yourself to improve your work further. This feedback is available from your
tutors and peers and is available in seminars, workshops and face-to-face tutorials. Additionally, you
will have opportunities to arrange individual tutorials with your tutor or through email and student
drop-in hours.

6.8 Drafts

Your lecturer/seminar leader will look at only one draft version (one side A4) of a section or
framework of your assignment up to 2 weeks before the hand-in date. This way you can use this
‘formative’ feedback to develop your work further. This feedback does not contribute towards a ‘pass’
or ‘fail’ mark. Drafts are not graded or assessed – the purpose of this exercise is for you to gain
feedback for improving your work. Guidance can be sought by speaking to your lecturer/seminar
leader if there are any areas of concern or by arranging an appointment via e-mail.

6.9 Formatting Requirements

The assignment should be word processed and 1.5 or double line spaced. Use of bullet points should
be avoided or used sparingly.

 Use Ariel size 11 point for your report fully justified

 State the word count
 Each page should be numbered except for the contents pages (if any)
 Presentation must be formal in language and style and must adhere to the structure given above.

6.10 Referencing Requirements

All work should be referenced using the Harvard format (see attachment on Moodle page) – there
are handouts available online at the library website and are available as hard copy in the library if
you need one.

Module code: MAN5058 – Single – Level 5: Dr I Akhtar
Version 01/C date 04.09.2018
Module Guide: MAN5058 Applied Management

 Exercise caution when using Wikipedia, Google or Yahoo – they are not peer assessed and
the work are not always reliable and the latter are search engines. Do not rely too heavily or
exclusively on such sources. Instead, use the Library website and if needed, use Google

 Use textbooks and journal articles (newspaper articles may at times be acceptable,
remember they are not peer assessed either). You should however, make more use of
journal articles as these are peer reviewed and are often more recent than text books. If you
are to use textbooks, these should be the latest editions, so it is important to check whether
you have the latest edition. Citations should be used very minimally and in limited
circumstances, you may reference lecture material such as handouts and presentation

6.11 Submission Requirements

Your assignment should be submitted online via Moodle. You will still need to declare the number of
words as suggested above. You should also submit your work through turnitin to ensure you abide
by the rules on plagiarism. You should attach the assessment submission form together with the
marking criteria to your work before submitting for marking. Failure to follow the submission
instruction could result in your work not being marked.

6.12 Late Submission

The normal academic and assessment regulations will apply and below is a summary of the

 Assessments submitted within one hour of published submission deadline will receive the
full mark.
 Assessment submitted between 1 and 24 hours after the published submission deadline the
original mark awarded will be reduced by 5%. This reduction will not be made if the original
mark is below 50% or in cases where the deduction of 5% will reduce the mark from a pass
to a fail.
 Assessment submitted between 24 hours and one week (5 working days) after the published
submission deadline the original mark awarded will be reduced by 10%. This reduction will
not be made if the original mark is below 50% or in cases where the deduction of 10% will
reduce the mark from a pass to a fail.
 Work will not be accepted more than one week (5 working days) after the original
deadline. A mark of 0 and a non-submission will be recorded.

6.13 University Regulations

If you produce less than or exceed the word limit by up to 10%, no action will be taken, though you
may receive adverse feedback. If you produce less than or exceed the stipulated word count by more
than 10%, a deduction of the mark awarded will be made to reflect that you have not met the
assessment requirements.

6.14 Plagiarism

You are reminded of the University’s Disciplinary Procedures that refer to plagiarism. A copy of the
Disciplinary Procedure is available from iCity. Except where the assessment of an assignment is
group based, the final piece of work that is submitted must be your own work. Close similarity
between assignments is likely to lead to an investigation for cheating.
Module code: MAN5058 – Single – Level 5: Dr I Akhtar
Version 01/C date 04.09.2018
Module Guide: MAN5058 Applied Management

You must also ensure that you acknowledge all sources you have used. Submissions that are
considered to be the result of collusion or plagiarism will be dealt with under the University’s
Disciplinary Procedures, and the penalty may involve the loss of academic credits. If you have any
doubts about the extent to which you are allowed to collaborate with your colleagues, or the
conventions for acknowledging the sources you have used, you should first of all consult module
documentation and, if still unclear, your tutor.


Assessment submission Submission method Return of work
deadline(s) (e.g. electronic/Moodle/other) (Date not 20 days)
20 May 2019 On-line via Moodle 17th June 2019
Exceptional Circumstances explanation
Assessment resubmission Submission method Return of work
deadline(s) (e.g. electronic/Moodle/other)
29th July 2019 On-line via Moodle 26th August 2019
*Resubmission deadline(s) are only relevant if you are unsuccessful in your first attempt
– please see University Regulations on resubmission policy and procedure.

There will be opportunities for you to work in your teams on your main case, where we will be trying to
apply each week's learning to some aspect of your chosen organisation and its practices.

The group membership is decided by the staff. This replicates what happens in the workplace - you
never get to choose the team in which you will work, when you join a firm, you must learn how to work
with the existing team and play an effective and constructive role in analysing problems and learning
about the solutions.

For the activities throughout the weeks, groups will present their strategy recommendations where
group work from the preceding weeks may be put together and synthesised into a final submission. It
is advised that you take this as an opportunity to work towards the final assessment. It is strongly
recommended that the students actively engage in discussion and dialogues in the class, such efforts
mostly play in integral role in the final written work.

There is regular reading to be undertaken and there are number of cases that will support the learning
and development and enable the students to appreciate the importance and relevance of the role of the
strategic management in response to the ever-changing business landscape. You will be expected to
contribute in class during discussions of these cases; this is designed to help you with your final
assessment. What you put into the preparation and class discussions is directly proportional to what
you get out of them.

Module code: MAN5058 – Single – Level 5: Dr I Akhtar
Version 01/C date 04.09.2018
Module Guide: MAN5058 Applied Management


 Grant, R.M. & Jordan, J. 2015, Foundations of strategy, 2nd edn, John Wiley & Sons,

9.1 Essential (Books/Journals/Specific chapters/Journal Articles)

 Johnson, G., Whittingham, R., Scholes, K., Angwin, D. & Regnér, P. 2017, Exploring
strategy, Eleventh edn, Pearson, Harlow

9.2 Recommended

 Lynch, R.L. & MyiLibrary 2006, Corporate strategy, 4th edn, FT/Prentice Hall, Harlow.
 Thompson, J.L., Scott, J.M. & Martin, F. 2013, Strategic management: awareness &
change, Seventh edn, Cengage Learning, Andover.
 Thompson, A.A., Strickland, A.J. & Gamble, J. 2010, Crafting and executing strategy:
text and readings, 17th, International student edn, McGraw-Hill/Irwin, London;Boston
 Davison L., (2007) The Business Environment, Custom Publishing

9.3 Background

 Johnson G., Scholes K. and Whittington R., (2013) Exploring Strategy, Prentice Hall

9.4 Background Reading

10. Academic and practice journals: a selection

11. Harvard Business Review
12. Journal of Strategic Studies
13. Journal of Business Strategy
14. International Journal of Corporate Strategy and Social Responsibility
15. Journal of Strategy and Management
16. Journal of small business strategy
17. Journal of small business and enterprise development
18. Strategic Management Journal

Module code: MAN5058 – Single – Level 5: Dr I Akhtar
Version 01/C date 04.09.2018
Module Guide: MAN5058 Applied Management


Please note that this schedule is indicative and is subject to change for operational and/or educational reasons. Academic staff constantly monitor and
review student progress during the teaching period and will make changes to the schedule as appropriate. Any changes will be notified fully to students.

Pre-session 1h Lecture 2h Seminar Post Lecture/Seminar Activities

Read Chapter 1 Grant and Week 1  Introduction to the module,  Read the case:
Jordan (2015). Johnson et al Chapter 1: The Concept of Strategy. learning, teaching, and o Madonna: Sustaining
(2014).  Introduction to schools of thoughts and assessment strategy. Success in a Fast-moving
concepts of strategy.  Consideration of study groups. Business or
 Exploration of common elements in  Selection of Case Study o Your choice of a strategy
successful strategies Organisation for Presentation case
and Assessment.  Prepare presentation/discussion for
next week seminar.
Read Chapter 2 Grant and Week 2  Students to present case of  Read the case:
Jordan (2015). Chapter 2: Industry Analysis their choice o The US Airline Industry in
 Analysing the business environment  Discussion and debate 2012 or
 Porter’s Five Forces of Competition  Seminar leader to identify and o Your choice of a strategy
Framework bridge the knowledge gaps case
 Applying industry analysis Prepare presentation/discussion for
next week seminar.
Read Chapter 3 Grant and Week 3  Students to present case of  Read the case:
Jordan (2015). Chapter 3: Resources and capabilities their choice o Wal-Mart Stores Inc., June
 Analysing Resources and Capabilities  Discussion and debate Seminar 2012 or
 Defining & Identifying Corporate Core leader to identify and bridge the o Your choice of a strategy
Capability knowledge gaps case
 Extending the notion of resources Prepare presentation/discussion for
 Building and maintaining Competitive next week seminar.

Module code: MAN5058 – Single – Level 5: Dr I Akhtar
Version 01/C date 04.09.2018
Module Guide: MAN5058 Applied Management

 Competitive behaviour and

segmentation/Strategic group analysis
Read Chapter 4 Grant and Week 4  Students to present case of  Read the case:
Jordan (2015). Chapter 4: The Nature and Sources of their choice o Wal-Mart Stores Inc., June
Competitive Advantage  Discussion and debate Seminar 2012 or
 The Analysis of Competitive Advantage leader to identify and bridge the o Your choice of a strategy
(CA) from responsiveness to change and knowledge gaps case
strategic Prepare presentation/discussion for
 Innovation/Sustaining CA next week seminar.
 Sources of CA
 Using the Value Chain to analyse cost and
Read Chapter 5 Grant and Week 5  Students to present case of  Read the case:
Jordan (2015). Chapter 5: Industry evolution and strategic their choice o Eastman Kodak's Quest
change  Discussion and debate Seminar for a Digital Future or
 Business strategies in different industry and leader to identify and bridge the o Your choice of a strategy
sectoral contexts knowledge gaps case
 Strategy & Change Prepare presentation/discussion for
 Industry life cycle next week seminar.
 Change Management
 Stakeholder Analysis
 Scenario Planning
Read Chapter 6 Grant and Week 6  Students to present case of  Students to prepare a list of questions
Jordan (2015). Chapter 6: Technology‐based industries and their choice in relation to assignment submission
the management of innovation  Discussion and debate Seminar
 Technology based Industries and leader to identify and bridge the
Management of Innovation knowledge gaps
 Making the link between strategy &
 Creating Conditions for Innovation
 Oral presentations and formative feedback
Assignment Week 7  Seminar leader to address the  Read the case:
Assignment brief and guidelines students’ questions and provide o The DVD War of 2005-
guidance 2008 or
Module code: MAN5058 – Single – Level 5: Dr I Akhtar
Version 01/C date 04.09.2018
Module Guide: MAN5058 Applied Management

o Your choice of a strategy

Prepare presentation/discussion for
next week seminar.
Read Chapter 7 Grant and Week 8  Students to present case of  Read the case:
Jordan (2015). Chapter 7: Corporate strategy their choice o Google Inc.: What's the
 Corporate Strategy  Discussion and debate Seminar Corporate Strategy? or
 Diversification Strategies leader to identify and bridge the o Your choice of a strategy
 Classifications of diversification knowledge gaps case
 Motives for diversification Prepare presentation/discussion for
 Competitive advantage from Diversification next week seminar.

Read Chapter 8 Grant and Week 9  Students to present case of  Read the case:
Jordan (2015). Chapter 8: Global strategies and the their choice o Outback Steakhouse:
multinational corporation  Discussion and debate Seminar Going International or
 Global Strategies and Multi-National leader to identify and bridge the o Your choice of a strategy
Corporations knowledge gaps case
 International competition for industry Prepare presentation/discussion for
analysis next week seminar.
 Patterns of internationalisation
 Comparative advantage and location of
Read Chapter 9 Grant and Week 10  Students to present case of  Students to prepare a list of questions
Jordan (2015). Chapter 9: Realizing strategy their choice in relation to assignment submission
 Realising Strategy  Discussion and debate Seminar
 Organisational Challenges leader to identify and bridge the
 Systems knowledge gaps
 Corporate culture
Skills Booster Session Week 11  Seminar leader to address the  Read the case:
Skills Booster Session students’ questions and provide o Danone or
guidance o Your choice of a strategy
Prepare presentation/discussion for
next week seminar.

Module code: MAN5058 – Single – Level 5: Dr I Akhtar
Version 01/C date 04.09.2018
Module Guide: MAN5058 Applied Management

Read Chapter 10 Grant and Week 12  Students to present case of  Read the case:
Jordan (2015). Chapter 10: Current trends in strategic their choice o W.L. Gore & Associates:
management  Discussion and debate Seminar Rethinking Management or
 Current trends in Strategic Management leader to identify and bridge the o Your choice of a strategy
 New external business environment knowledge gaps case
 Global financial crisis and strategic thinking Prepare presentation/discussion for
 Redesigning the Organisation. next week seminar.

Module code: MAN5058 – Single – Level 5: Dr I Akhtar
Version 01/C date 04.09.2018
Module Guide: MAN5058 Applied Management


0 – 39% 40 – 49% 50 – 59% 60 – 69% 70 – 79% 80 – 100%
Fail Third 2:2 2:1 First First

Apply relevant strategic concepts and techniques of competitive strategy to the analysis of strategic choice.
No demonstration of the Satisfactory attempt with Satisfactory attempt with Good analysis of the Excellent application of strategic
Mark: relevance of strategic demonstration of demonstration of some interconnectivity of strategic concepts and techniques of Superb application of strategic
25% concepts and techniques understanding of the analysis and application of concepts and techniques of competitive strategy to the concepts and techniques of
fundamental strategic relevant concepts of competitive strategy, with analysis of strategic choice. Well competitive strategy to the analysis
concepts and techniques strategic concepts and supporting evidence researched and justified with of strategic choice. Very well
techniques really good & relevant researched throughout. Excellent
background information cross referencing in analysis and
Apply relevant strategic concepts and techniques of competitive strategy to the analysis of strategic choice.
Poor demonstration of Satisfactory attempt with Satisfactory attempt with Good analysis of Excellent analysis and critical Sophisticated analysis &
Mark: understanding of concepts demonstration of demonstration of understanding of concepts understanding of concepts and interpretation applied to critical
25% and techniques relevant to understanding of concepts understanding of concepts and techniques relevant to techniques relevant to understanding of concepts and
competitive situations and techniques relevant to and techniques relevant to competitive situations. competitive situations techniques relevant to competitive
competitive situations competitive situations. situations. Good use of researched
Adequate analysis and material, coupled with strong
application integration of literature and business
Appraise the importance of strategic concepts and choice as a contributor to positive organisational outcomes
Poor attempt. Lacks Satisfactory attempt with Satisfactory attempt with Good analysis of strategic Excellent analysis of strategic Sophisticated analysis &
Mark: evidence of understanding demonstration of adequate demonstration of some concepts and choice as a concepts and choice as a interpretation of strategic concepts
25% of strategic concepts and understanding of strategic analysis and application of contributor to positive contributor to positive and choice as a contributor to
choice as a contributor to concepts and choice as a strategic concepts and organisational outcomes organisational outcomes with positive organisational outcomes.
positive organisational contributor to positive choice as a contributor to with supporting credible supporting credible evidence Researched material, coupled with
outcomes organisational outcomes positive organisational evidence. superb integration of literature and
outcomes business awareness
Adopt understanding from discussions, presentations or debates
Poor attempt. Limited Satisfactory attempt with Satisfactory attempt with Good understanding from Excellent analysis of Superb incorporation of
Mark: demonstration of demonstration of some demonstration of reasonable discussions, presentations understanding from discussions, understanding from discussions,
25% understanding from understanding from understanding from or debates with evidence of presentations or debates with presentations or debates, coupled
discussions, presentations discussions, presentations discussions, presentations its adoption clear supporting evidence of its with strong integration of it
or debates or debates or debates adoption

Module code: MAN5058 – Single – Level 5: Dr I Akhtar
Version 01/C date 04.09.2018
Module Guide: MAN5058 Applied Management

Module code: MAN5058 – Single – Level 5: Dr I Akhtar
Version 01/C date 04.09.2018

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