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D’Andre Jimenez

Emily Litle

Eng. 121

May 3, 2019

My Reflection On The Year.

This year has helped me get my butt into gear and really focus on my career path. English

has helped me improve so much in writing not only big papers but reading a article and being

able to transfer it into my own words and get exactly what I need to fully answer the question.

Right now I am going to transfer to a Medical school and get through physical therapy.

Eventually though, I want to end up in the law enforcement category somewhere and there you

have to write reports and have to be able to write exactly what happened and make sure it all

makes since and clearly get the point across. The courts will rely heavily on my reports because

that will determine the consequences of the person I had to write a report on. With the help of

this class, I will be able to get through doing those a lot easier and won't have to stress as much if

the statement is clear or if I am going to be the only one being able to visualize exactly what


If I needed to be helped with anything in writing it would be organization or citing my

sources. The organization part was lacking because sometimes my brain thinks about what to

type fast then I can actually type and I get ahead of myself and put sentences where they are not

needed. Now I have learned to just relax and really put thought and effort into writing a better

more structural paper. The citing was my most favorite to learn about in this class because it was

fun and easy. I used to try and get away with nit citing and that is not good because it is stealing
and not giving the proper credit to the right person. Now I am able to cite in text citations and I

can also cite my work on the last page of the assignment with ease.

Another thing I enjoyed doing was the journals, I like them because they allowed me to

really get deep in thought about the prompt and work on structure as well. This is the part that

helped me get through the slowing my brain down and thinking sentence by sentence instead of

jumbling up my sentences and it not making sense at all. Even Though I did not get to turn in all

of my journals I still did even go back and do them because I figured it helped me in the long run

and it was quick and easy and I did not dread them one bit.

I also liked how we had four major papers but we had quite a while to do them. This

allowed me to work on them piece by piece and not make me rush them and have to do them the

night before. The major papers were tough but after the first one I started to pick it up and really

focus on what needed to be done. Peer review was also amazing because getting other people’s

inputs help drastically. I get to see it from other people's point of view and get to change my

writing to make it stronger and also get to take out those pieces that might not make sense or are

run on sentences. The papers also allowed us to do things in class so we did not have to work on

them in class and not be able to get to go over other parts of english that need to be addressed.

Throughout the year we did this smaller readings in class where we could transfer them

into our writings to help us improve. After figuring that out I found myself referring back to my

notes and in class work to improve my paper I was writing. This helped me with any questions I

had and I did not have to bug anybody outside of class. The practice annotation helped me

because I had no idea what a annotation was before and when we did the practice one, I got to

look back at in and I was able to walk myself through the process of building exactly what I
need. Without the practice it would have been a crazy ride of trying to look it up and do it from

the internet.

Another way I improved my writing was following my plans. In highschool I never really

did follow my plans and now college has taught me that following my plans could help me not

only get in done faster but get it to the max quality as well. Alexa also helped me build the best

plans so it would be easy plugging the important facts into my assignment.

This semester, English 121. helped me drastically. Now I am more comfortable with

writing and more confident in my pieces. I now have a good understanding of what it takes to

write a solid paper. I also feel like I am prepared to enter a career that uses a little bit of writing

and be able to keep up with exactly what I need. I can now write long papers ate a faster rate and

with easy or I can blow past a journal in minutes with providing everything I need. Without this

class I would have struggled later in my career and I am very thankful I took the class.

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