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Author: Ramiro Vergara Campillo

Fundación Ciencia y Tecnología
Bogotá, Colombia

Introduction.- Cancer is a subject of considerable complexity, which
until now has resisted the attempts of science to understand its causes,
its mechanism and its treatment, which is due to the prevailing
mentality in humanity that extends to medical Science, that consists of
being governed only by the logic of the conscious level of the mind,
which prevents humanity from knowing itself, a situation of capital
gravity that It concerns not only medical science, but all other human
activities, including economic ones.

Aristotle is credited with the phrase "know thyself", with which the
Greek philosopher, although he did not use the current terminology,
referred to that other level of the human mind, masterfully studied by
Sigmund Freud, which is the unconscious level, which actually contains
all the information of our mind, is governed by a different fragment of
logic, contains the affects, the two instincts and governs the existence of
people. Cancer is a disease of people, which are made of a body,
governed by the brain, which is activated by the mind, but by the
unconscious level; without knowing the person in an integral way, it is
not possible to understand cancer, nor the rest of the pathology.

I am saying that the medical professional has to provide himself with

information regarding the unconscious level of the mind and the brain,
in the terms of the New Paradigms in Neurosciences, in order to acquire
sufficient knowledge of the human person and be able to approach the
pathology with some probability of success, which has to stop dealing
only (only) with the body of people, as it has been happening; and this
is not only for the good of their patients, but for the benefit of the
professional himself, who has to stop assuming so many failures in his
therapeutic work, in order to recover the respect he once received from
the community and take the place he deserves.

The respect of the community towards the medical professional must be

derived from the successes obtained by him in its therapeutic action, the
feeling of support and safety it inspires and this can only be generated
by being provided with information of strict scientific rigor, that must be
simple and reasonable.

I am fully aware that the previous statement will bring me severe
opposition and resistance among the medical guild and it is possible that
in the community as well. I seem to hear something like: now you
intend to start studying a strange science, which represents an immense
task as seen by the duration of a psychoanalysis, we will only be able to
exercise the profession at a very old age, your proposal is not We found
reasonable. Well, yes, gentlemen, that is what I propose and I think it is
possible because I already did it, on my own initiative, with all the
imaginable difficulties; and because in the end you will receive the
reward of feeling sufficiently trained, to tackle the difficult task of
healing the sick congeners and achieve it successfully.

The study of the unconscious level of the mind is not difficult, we all
have our own mind and therefore we have the right to know it, but I
think it is also an unavoidable duty to know oneself. Although others
consider me as an exaggerated person, I dare to say that only if we
train properly, we can provide the support that the community will need
to conquer outer space and save the human race, because saving the
planet is not likely. Inside the information relative to the unconscious
level of the mind you will find the secret.

What is cancer? The National Cancer Institute of the United States asks
itself and answers the following: “Cancer is the name given to a set of
related diseases. In all types of cancer, some of the cells in the body
begin to divide without stopping and spread to surrounding tissues”.
Here again we see that the author risks writing because something has
to be said, but not because he has something to say that shows that his
mind manages to penetrate the matter and extract explanatory
information about the process, nformation that leaves the reader even
moderately aware of the issue, leaves us in limbo and it is not
acceptable that a whole administrative and scientific authority, can
express itself so vaguely on a topic of transcendental importance for the

I hasten to say that I do not write to demand that they give me the
resolved matter, that they tell me a truth that no one owns, on the
contrary, I am trying to share new knowledge that I have been able to
generate, that as it is seen humanity lacks it until now and I ask for help
so that it becomes popular for the benefit of all.


The WHO defines cancer as "the rapid production of abnormal cells that
grow beyond their normal limits, which can invade neighboring tissues

and spread to other organs, the latter is called metastasis. Cancer arises
from the transformation of normal cells into tumor cells, in a process
with multiple stages, which generally progresses from precancerous
lesion to malignant tumor ".

As you can see, this definition is limited to the description of a process

as visualizing it, but no biological or psychological principle is added,
which could have been altered to start the tumor, it seems that the fact
that it is phenomena is denied, that takes place in the human person,
"rapid production of abnormal cells," says WHO, but why do that occur?
It would be asked a reader moderately interested in getting answers
with some sense. It seems that we ignore, for example, the fact that all
the tissues of the organism are renewed permanently, that some tissues
are more dynamic than others in this process and those are the ones
that most often present cancer.

As causes of cancer, WHO distinguishes between causative factors and

contributing factors and affirms that cancer is the result of the
interaction between genetic factors of the person and three categories of
external agents, which include physical carcinogens such as ultraviolet
radiation and radiation ionizing; chemical carcinogens, such as asbestos,
the components of tobacco smoke, aflatoxin, a contaminant in food and
arsenic, water pollutant; biological carcinogens, such as infections by
certain viruses, bacteria or parasites. Age is also mentioned as a
fundamental factor to generate cancer, but this is based only on
statistical data and it is added that the mechanisms of cellular repair are
less effective as it gets older. For the first time the word "person" is
used and not a single word is said about the way in which the mentioned
factors can act on the person so that the tumor appears.

Risk Factor’s.- In addition to the above, WHO refers to other elements

called risk factors, among which are the use of tobacco, the use of
alcohol, unhealthy diet, physical inactivity. In chronic low-income
countries there are chronic infections, the presence of helicobacter
pylori, human papiloma virus, hepatitis B and C, and Epstein-Barr. But
these factors are only mentioned, there is no biological or psychological
argument to support this selection. Then the WHO continues giving
recommendations to reduce risk factors, such as attending the screening
calls to achieve an early diagnosis, which increases the chances of cure,
but there is no direct connection between the call and the
aforementioned risk factors.


The innovative methodology used in this work is what allowed to

consider the patient as an integral person and has been called New
Applied Clinical Scientific Research. It consists of observation of the
pathology but provided with expanded information, which includes the
basic information of the medical career, psychoanalysis, neurosciences
and NLP. We have used the deductive inductive method of René
Descartes, the methodology of seeing what is beyond the immediate
perceived, Sigmund Freud, the inspiration of Albert Einstein and S.

A clinical history is carried out with an interrogation with psychoanalysis

technique, which includes the personal history of the patient from birth
to the present day, collects the information according to the different
personality components, the facts that are considered transcendental by
the intensity of the affection that was dispensed at the time the
information was acquired. Thus we always identify the paradigm of life
of the person, the purpose of life, which when carried out, indicates an
event that marks the fulfillment of a crucial stage in the existence of the
person. This identifies the cause of the tumor in each person.

We also put into practice the use of NLP, a technique very useful in
treatment, it is very simple, easy to learn by the patient, who takes it
with him so he can use it more frequently.

The treatment, described below, is the therapeutic test, a powerful pillar

of this work, since the successful outcome of therapeutic interventions,
demonstrates the veracity of the proposal, as regards the cause,
mechanism and treatment of cancer. It is carried out by means of the
medication that contains the three coferments, which stimulate the
synthesis of the two main neurotransmitter pairs in the brain, with
which the binary code is created, a physical event that the brain uses to
contain digital information. (see treatment).

In addition, psychotherapy with psychoanalysis technique added with

NLP, which significantly increases its effectiveness. With psychoanalysis
the discourse is elaborated and with NLP it communicates with the
unconscious level of the mind, to achieve in it sufficient changes in the
informative contents, with which the completed paradigm is elaborated
and stripped of its affective power.


The cause of cancer is perhaps the darkest chapter of the topic, in which
the disorientation in which the community is most noticeable, since the
proposal of Dr. Ross, who received the Nobel Prize for Medicine in 1933,
because reported to have generated cancer in a species of monkeys,
through the inoculation of a certain type of virus; and the observation in
chimney sweeps in Scotland, who suffered from cancer in the scrotum.
The first proposal had to be removed from the literature, because that
experience could never be repeated, however in the literature the
viruses still appear as a possible cause of cáncer. The same thing
happens with the coal tar that is mentioned as a cause, but no attempt
to explain a possible mechanism for this happens, the subject is
affirmed and abandoned.

Definition.- Cancer is a disease that consists of a change in the

behavior of the cells of a tissue, which instead of dividing, maturing and
peeling, as in the healthy state of the person, now they do it in the
opposite direction. say, they are divided generating cells of embryonic
character, that instead of descaling, they invade the underlying tissue
forming a tumor that has no innervation, nor blood supply, so it does
not obey control from the brain either. But the disease is not localized
but systemic, it comes from the mind that drives the brain, generates
the decrease in vitality and can locate the tumor in any part of the body,
in order to express a symbolic message with that location.

With the definition of the disease raised, progress is made in the study
of causes through the presentation of cases.

Some Studied Cases.- Here we present a series of cancer cases in

which the interrogation with psychoanalysis technique, could establish
beyond doubt the element that generates cancer, in each case the life
purpose of the person was found, that fulfilled started the cancer-
generating process; It was found how the purpose of life was generated,
as a fact that usually is not given due importance, because we work with
the logic of the conscious level of the mind and only the study of the
unconscious level can lead us to its knowledge. It is always a fact to
which an intense affection is destined, which must be carried out by the
person or by a third party and which, when it happens, leaves the
person without a life project, without motivation to move forward, takes
all the affections with it and the person is empty of affections, without
which life can not continue.

The criterion of inclusion that we practice is universal, it only requires
that the patient bring the diagnosis of cancer already, here we do not do
that work, the location of the tumor is not a limiting factor, nor the
organ or tissue in which it was generated, neither the evolution time nor
exclusivity is required in handling and treatment.

Case No. 1.- E.G.O. 52 years. Right breast cancer. When her mother
died, the father commissioned her to sell a property that they owned
and distribute it among her brothers, the father entrusted this mission
because she was the most trustworthy among his brothers. She also
had a 24-year-old son, who had enrolled to study electronics
engineering, attended classes the first semester and then received her
mother's money for tuition, but did not register and spent the money
with her friends, which They went to his house to study together, that
is, they collaborated to cheat his mother. After she had fulfilled the
mission entrusted by her father and feeling like a failed mother because
of her son's behavior, she developed a carcinoma in her right breast.

Case No. 2.- H.M.G.G. 60 years. Acute lymphocytic leukemia. She

married at 28 and had difficulty getting pregnant, but she could have
two children. Eight years after the last pregnancy, without intending it,
she became pregnant and then she was very afraid of losing her
pregnancy, so she devoted herself to taking care of herself and when
her son was born she devoted all her devotions to him, until the boy
grew up and became a high school graduate , which is why he left the
town for Bogotá to the university. The boy traveled in the month of
January and in March her mother was diagnosed with acute lymphocytic

Case No. 3.- M.S.C.D. Right breast cancer removed 2 years ago and
now metastasis in lung and bone. The youngest among eleven brothers,
the five biggest men, that while she was a teenager, they were already
going to work. Her mother educated her very self-sacrificing to her
brothers, to whom she had to fix the clothes and the room, they taught
her how the shirts should be ironed, etc. She became a great admirer of
Prince Charles of England, bought the magazines in which he appeared
and cut out his photos to collect them. She got married and had three
daughters and a son to whom she gave the name Elkin, who was a great
kid, studious, hardworking, a very competent systems engineer,
employed in a large bank, they moved him to Medellin to support the
offices there. After a year of being there doing very well, loved by his
colleagues, one day he became seriously ill and had to be taken to the
emergency room, where they diagnosed an intracranial aneurysm burst.
With her husband they went to Medellín to accompany their b son, but

he never recovered, he died in the clinic. Four months later she was
diagnosed with right breast cancer.

Case Nº 4.- D.M.G.R. 26 years. Acute lymphocytic leukemia. The only

child of a separated couple, but she felt very proud to be the only child.
When her phather left her mother, he emigrated to the United States,
from there he wrote to his daughter, sent her money and promised to
take her to live with him in the United States. There he got another wife
and took his daughter to spend holidays, but she did not get along with
the stepmother, so she returned to finish her bachelor's degree and
would rather go when she went to college. So it was agreed, her father
separated from the second wife, came to Colombia to spend a season
and found an old girlfriend with whom he struck up relationships, but
prepared everything to take her daughter with him to the United States,
bought tickets, packed bags and the day of departure, she was waiting
for her father who would pick her up to leave for the airport, but her
father did not arrive but called her to tell her that he could not travel,
because he was very much in love with that old girlfriend and could not
leave her. Five months later he was diagnosed with acute lymphocytic

Case No. 5.- B.N.G.G. 53 years. - Right breast cancer, removed a year
and a half before, radiotherapy in a surgical bed, now undergoing
chemotherapy because in the irradiated area, a carcinomatosis appeared
that covered the entire right hemitorax, from the supraclavicular fossa
to the border of the ribs; in the supraclavicular fossa the tumor was the
size of a large orange. B. N. that she was a simple girl, she married at
the age of 36 with the village doctor, who had been widowed with 3
daughters and a son, already adults, who tenaciously opposed this
union, when at last she became pregnant they threatened her with
make her abort, but she set out to conquer the appreciation of that
family with love and absolute devotion; she did not argue a word to the
stepchildren, he treated them like a servant. When her son was born,
they threatened to take it away; on one occasion when the child was
already 5 years old, one of the stepdaughters hit the boy and she did
not dare to defend him. After the husband died, 6 months later she was
diagnosed with right breast cancer.

Case No. 6.- J.L.G.G. 26 years old. Thyroid cancer. His mother
emigrated to Venezuela, there she had her son as a single mother, when
the child was one year old she brought him to Colombia and left him
with his aunts, who raised him with love until the five years, in which
the mother returned definitively with another one year old daughter.
The aunts lived in a town and the mother when she returned settled in

Bogota, so she brought her son, but to the great disgust of him, who did
not know his mother, because he did not remember seeing her and she
also spoke with a Venezuelan accent that he disliked the child. Every
certain week the three of them traveled to the town, where the boy was
with his aunts and he did not want to go back to Bogota, but he was
forced by his mother and every trip from the town to Bogota was a
tragedy for the child, he cried bitterly and felt intense anger and hatred
against his mother and sister. This tragedy lasted between 5 and 13
years and when he was growing up, he started working in the town
where one of his uncles was prosperous and had a large deposit of
building materials, there he was treated as a stranger and sometimes
with contempt, for what came out of working with a lot of bitterness and
to soothe her got drunk. He went to university and became an industrial
engineer and began working as an employee of a retired military officer
who mistreated him and paid him unjustly. One year after graduation,
he was diagnosed with thyroid cancer. He relates that during his
childhood he suffered from mumps, for which his chest and neck were
covered with the skin of a goat recently excised for three days, this skin
gave off a very bad smell.

Case No. 7.- L. J. A. B. Patient of 62 years old. Pancreatic head cancer.

Of Japanese descent, she studied administrative assistant so she
entered to work in a large company where she had very appreciated
performance, at the same time she married a man who was already
divorced, they had a daughter, with a pregnancy very well tolerated by
the patient. Since the birth of her daughter, she set out to take care of
her and educate her so that she was an outstanding person and had a
successful professional performance, all of which happened, she was a
good student, she became a systems engineer and joined an important
company that entrusted her with tasks of responsibility and shows
appreciation for his performance, in a word her mother's purposes were
fulfilled; and she is married. She lives in Mexico and has invited her
parents on several occasions to visit her paying for all the expenses.
Now that all this has happened she has presented a cancer of the head
of the pancreas.

Case No. 8.- A.M.J.A. Patient of 74 years. Cancer of several locations.

From a family of 8 siblings, a native of the country where he was until
the age of 18 when his father decided to move to the city, where he
dedicated himself to work in construction, a job that was adopted by the
patient. When asked what he wanted to do when he grew up, he would
answer repeatedly, "get ahead." He constituted his home and had two
children whom he "proposed to get ahead." Now that their children are
professionals, they have jobs and families organized with children,

numerous tumors appeared, of different locations, one in the brain, the
primary could not be diagnosed.

Case No. 9.- F.C.C. Patient of 60 years old. Colon cancer. He first joined
the national army where he became a captain grade officer, then moved
to the DAS where he remained until his retirement age. He described
the DAS as an entity at the service of the President of the Republic, to
which he owed absolute loyalty; and whose functionaries had the
obligation to maintain an unlimited loyalty, above their families and any
other consideration; that for their loyalty they aspired to prizes, like
being sent abroad in commission with salaries in foreign currency and
other prizes. Once he retired, he developed colon cancer.

Case No. 10.- A.L.R.G. Patient of 50 years old. Diagnosed and treated
for esophageal cancer two years before. The surgeon completely
removed the esophagus so that the tumor had no place to reproduce.
Consultation for tumor metastasis in the vertebrae and in the liver, with
very intense pains in the back and in both lower limbs. As a child, 5
years old, he was very fond of rock music, as a teenager he was
intransigent, he only stayed in a meeting if they played rock music. He
had exhaustive information about the songs, the singers and the
authors. Before being diagnosed with esophageal cancer in a month of
September, he spent the whole year pending the tour of a group in the
United States, to one of whose concerts he wanted to attend for years,
but it had not been possible, because that group always interrupted the
tour due to illness of the singer who was the leader of the group. On this
occasion he studied the program of the tour very well and chose the
concert he wanted to attend, the city he wanted and the location of the
places he wanted. In advance, he had not booked the plane tickets with
time to get good rates, but that did not matter, he would pay any price.
But for some inconvenience this plan failed and two months later the
tumor of the esophagus appeared.

In each and every one of the presented clinical histories, it is

appreciated how the daily facts of the people, once covered with enough
affection, acquire the power to generate changes in the mental
contents, which in turn are expressed by the brain in the body. It is a
known fact that all people generate thoughts about their life plan, what
they "want to do when they grow up", then they dedicate all their life to
carry out their plan, they put all the effort, (all the affections) and when
the plan is carried out, they are left without a life project and empty of
their own affection.

But as psychoanalysis teaches the affections and instincts belong to the
unconscious level of the mind, we can not perceive their existence with
our senses, we only know them by their effects and the methodology to
study these phenomena approaches these facts in order to know them
and thus offer the community the guarantee of an adequate


Unconscious Psychological Stage.- As can be seen from the cases

mentioned above, the cause of cancer must be sought in the history of
the person, informative content that receives a different affective
coating, depending on its origin. According to their mental contents, the
person distributes his affections, with which he gives power to these
contents to generate effects in his body and in his personal

As the child grows and "is educated", he adopts certain projects as his
life purpose, chooses one among those who suggest him to devote more
affection and devote more attention; often the individual adopts his
purpose of life from childhood or adolescence, but at other times adopts
it in adulthood. Sometimes it is a paternal or maternal mandate, but
sometimes it is a free choice; the person adopts his life purpose and
alters with it the hierarchy of the paradigms of his life, which means that
now the purpose of preserving and protecting the greatest good, which
is life, health and well-being, no longer occupies the first place, does not
receive the greatest affection, nor does the person devote his greatest
efforts to protect the greatest good, but to that other purpose that has
been imposed, without realizing it. In the cases related to the etiology,
different examples of life purposes appear.

A purpose of life is a project of life, to which the person devotes all their
attention, but that their realization may also depend on another person
and when the fact that constitutes the purpose of life is carried out, by
the person himself or by someone else, the content of the unconscious
level of the mind considers that this person has been left without a life
purpose, he has nothing else to devote his efforts to, to which to assign
his affections, but also has been devoid of affection, since all their
affections were destined to fulfill the purpose that has already been
carried out.

As the person destined all his affections to the realization of his life
purpose, when carried out he is deprived of affection, is empty, a
situation that is incompatible with life, because in the person coexist the

two drives, the libidinous or vital and the tanática or mortal, then when
the vital energy is completely consumed, only the deadly or mortal
remains, that acts without opposition and produces the death of the
individual. In nature we find numerous examples of death of living
beings, when performing a reproductive function they are emptied of
libidinous or vital energy and then the tantalic drive acts without
opposition producing the death of the individual. We mention the
examples of the drone that dies when fertilizing the queen bee and also
the salmon that dies after spawning.

In addition, the unconscious level is deprived of a mission to carry out,

there is nothing left for it to do in this world, it has concluded its journey
through this planet, it has no more trade in this world and therefore can
not assign any affection to no other project or purpose; and the main
commitment that every living being has with its own existence, had
already been dethroned from the first place among the purposes of life,
the unconscious level now ignores the person himself and proceeds
without scruple against himself.

When this situation has been generated, cancer appears as a means to

end life, in a completely controlled manner from the mind and the brain.
To generate the tumor in the tissues, the brain starts up mechanisms
supported in its architecture. The information arises from the memory
deposits in the areas of association, from where they are activated by
the motivational system stored in the frontal lobe; based on the
proposal of Mountcastle, perfected with the methodology of the New
Clinical Applied Research, the communication between the cortical areas
is carried out through channels with divergent and convergent
connections, which are the hardware generated by the brain to
introduce qualitative changes in the information and thereby give order
to the cells that make up the tissues that make up the organs, to
change their behavior.

As it is known, the human body is renewed in an integral and permanent

way, for which the cells that make up the tissues are permanently
divided through the process of mitosis and for this renewal they fulfill
the stages of division, maturation and desquamation; this process
reverses the direction in which it advances and the cells, when dividing
instead of generating cells that are the same as themselves, generate
embryonic cells, it is the process of anaplasia, which migrate towards
the thickness of the tissue and invade it in disorderly form, make up the
tumor that does not have innervation, so the vitality of these cells is
compromised and thus the central region of the tumor begins to become

In short, a cancerous tumor arises when the purpose of life has been
carried out and without realizing the person remains empty of affection,
is left without more trade in this world; a mental informative content is
covered by the tantalic drive, which initiates the destruction of the
person, has the power and has the means to carry it out. All this process
takes place at the unconscious level of the mind, so that the person at
no time notices what is happening, despite having been a part of herself
the architect of the whole event.

At this point it is pertinent to add that this part of the mind of the
person who generates cancer is now dominant and suggests at the
conscious level, all sorts of arguments to reject therapeutic interventions
in which he warns of a possibility of cure. Often patients carry out
elaborate reasoning according to the logic of the conscious level,
sticking to the logic they usually use, which leads them to interrupt the
treatment; but then we show them how their reasoning, carried out
correctly, leads them to make a decision completely against themselves,
which amazes many and they begin to act in favor of themselves.

Neurophysiological Stage.-For the mind to act on the body requires

the interface of the brain, in which the mental information is stored in
terms of binary codes, generated by the neural impulses in each
synaptic station, so that the divergent and convergent pathways of
connections that transport information are constituted by functional
units, that is, of basic functional circuits constituted by three neurons.

A basic functional circuit is constituted, as said, by three neurons

appropriately located with respect to each other, in such a way that two
neurons innervate a third one; an excitatory neuron that sends its axon
directly to the third one and that bifurcates its axon to incorporate on
the way an inhibitory neuron, which also sends its axon to the third.
With this arrangement it is achieved that at first the innervated neuron
receives an excitatory impulse and an instant later receives an inhibitory
impulse, so first it is turned on and immediately after it is turned off,
phenomena that constitute the binary code, physical event of the
universe to contain information of digital character, which is the way the
brain deals with information. See graph Nº 1.

In the described phenomenon it is necessary to include the information

related to the neurotransmitters, which are the substances that
generate the binary code, so the excitatory neuron releases glutamic
acid, which opens channels in the membrane of the innervated neuron
for the entrance of sodium ions, which they carry positive
electromagnetic fields, which decreases the negative charge of the

intracellular field, which depolarizes the neuron and enables it to
generate a nervous impulse; the inhibitory neuron releases gamma
amino butyric acid, which opens channels in the membrane of the
neuron innervated for the entry of chlorine ions, which carry negative
electromagnetic fields, which increases the negativity of the intracellular
field, with which said neuron is inhibited, turned off, disabled to
generate any momentum for a millisecond.

Figure Nº 1.- Graph that shows the way in which the functional units are constituted
that in turn constitute the pathways that transport information in the brain. It is a
microcircuit of three neurons, one excitatory and one inhibitory that innervate a third,
which contacts the peripheral tissue. With this provision, the generation of the binary
code is ensured, the neuron switched on and off, an essential event to contain digital

In the described way the binary code is generated by a functional unit of

the brain, but to contain a thought, a fascicle consisting of millions of
functional units is required. The fascicles that transport information in
the brain have a divergent or convergent disposition, which ensures that
a quantitative change occurs at each station of the pathway, which is
added to that of the preceding stations and thus added all the
quantitative changes that have taken place successively in a nerve
pathway, they generate at the end a qualitative change in the
information transported, thus the order is given to a determined tissue
to change its behavior. (see figure No. 2).

Figure No. 2.- Graph showing how the functional units (CFB) are arranged, forming
divergent connections to decode the information contained in a memory storage, in
association area, so that it reaches the somatosensory cortex, area 1 of Brodman and
Sarkisov, where the whole organism is represented, the ordered alteration coming
from the mind, is produced there and then by convergent connections, the order of
changing behavior is given to the chosen peripheral tissue.

The brain is in constant communication with peripheral organs and

tissues, for which it has numerous organs of the internal senses and
afferent pathways, with which it maintains the image of the entire
organism, permanently captures the physicochemical changes of the
blood and blood pressure, for example; according to the received
information it regulates the trophic state of the tissues, by means of the
efferent innervation. The communication of the brain with peripheral
organs and tissues is not one-way, the afferent, but also the efferent
pathway that works permanently, through which regulates the vitality
and functioning of them.

To regulate the renewal that happens permanently in the organism, the

brain uses the efferent innervation, with which it maintains the behavior
of the epithelial tissues, for example, whose cells divide and migrate
towards maturation and desquamation, but the brain changes this
behavior, in such a way that now cells dividing produce other cells, that
do not follow the evolution towards maturation, but that follow an
evolution towards immature, embryonic cells, anaplasia phenomenon,
that invade the underlying conjunctive tissues forming tumors. This

change is a qualitative change in the behavior of tissues and to generate
that qualitative change the brain has a hardware that are divergent and
convergent connections, with which it introduces qualitative changes to
the information it delivers to tissues. This mechanism for qualitative
changes in information, is not unique to the human brain, but is a
mechanism of nature, which uses it for example in the generation of
new species in phylogenetic history.

Figure No. 3.- Graph showing the so-called Homunculus of Penfield in which the image
of the body area 1 of the map of Brodman and Sarkisov is represented. It is the body
engram where all the components of the human body are represented in an integral
and meticulous way in terms of binary codes; every pathology of the person starts with
an alteration in the impulses that generate the binary code there in the body engram,
this alteration is generated before any symptom or sign appears in the body.

The information is extracted or activated from an association area where

it is stored, in order of a drive stored in the frontal lobe, orders that are
conveyed by divergent connections that transport information from the
tanks where it is compressed, decompress it and deliver it
decompressed to the somatosensory cortex, areas 1, 3 and 2, which
contain the image of the body and place it in a structure of the body
that is appropriate to express a symbolic message. (See Figure No. 3).

Now the tissues that constitute the chosen organ, begin to change
behavior, the cells to divide produce embryonic cells, which instead of
flake infiltrate and invade the underlying connective tissue, accumulate

and form a tumor that lacks innervation and irrigation blood, so it
becomes independent of the government of the brain. (See figure No.
4). With this change the mind generates a message that wants to
express at least three facts, first, that the person has fulfilled his
purpose of life and therefore has nothing left to do in this world and that
he must put an end to the existence; second, that the purpose of life in
which he deposited all his libido was fulfilled and therefore the person is
emptied of libidinous energy, without which life has to cease, therefore a
disease that destroys life begins; third, the mind locates the tumor in a
part of the body with whose location it expresses a symbolism, for some
reason the mind locates the tumor in one part of the body and not in

Figure Nº 4.- Graph that schematizes the change of behavior of the tissue of the wall
of an organ to generate a tumor, which becomes independent, no longer receives
innervation from the brain.

Metastasis.- It consists of the appearance of tumors in a place away

from that where it originated and initially diagnosed, which is attributed
to the migration of cells belonging to the "primary", which nest in that
other distant place. But there are tumors in which neither the
pathologist nor the clinician can find the primary.
A possible explanation of this behavior may be that the destructive
impulse, which encompasses the whole mind, the whole individual,
increases its intensity and although at the beginning it chose a location
to send a symbolic message, it now expresses all the tantric drive that

attempts to destroy the individual; It is already a holistically more
expressive message.

A behavior that is observed in the clinic, which consists of the

appearance of an extended carcinomatosis, as when the postoperative
field of a total mamectomy is irradiated by carcinoma in the right breast,
and tumors appear throughout the involved hemitorax, then this is
attributed extension to irradiation, but as it remains limited to the same
committed side, then it was considered an expression of the same
symbolism. The drive wants to destroy “all the rights”, all the organs
located in his right side, of the individual, which was confirmed by
personal history, obtained with psychoanalysis technique.


The treatment of cancer is the subject that challenges and defeats the
most outstanding intelligences in the 20th and 21st centuries, despite
the efforts and the large amounts of resources invested, the community
is helpless before the scourge of malignant tumors and the prevailing
mentality according to which the disease concerns only the body and not
the human person integrally considered, prevents access to the
understanding of the matter in its true terms.

To address the issue, we have considered the disease as a process that

involves not only the body of the person, but also his mind and his
brain, for this reason it was required to accumulate all the information
related to the mind through psychoanalysis and brain through the
neurosciences, resources that act in the body and resources that act on
the mind, that is, a medicine and a psychotherapy.

Here cancer is considered as a disease that although obeys external

stimuli, they act on the mind, which triggers the brain to express a
message in the body with symbolic language, therefore it is a question
of elaborating the mental information contents, to return the vitality to
the person; It is not a destructive combat, but rather a work to restore
the vitality of the whole person, which involutes the tumor, does not
reproduce in the same place, nor appears in other parts of the body.

Medicamentous Therapy.- The drug is composed by the cofferments

that stimulate the synthesis of the two main neurotransmitter pairs in
the same classes of neurons, excitatory glutamic acid, which pairs with
inhibitory gamma aminobutyric acid and aspartic acid, excitatory, which
is coupled with inhibitory glycine. These cofferments are: the vitamin
B6, the vitamin B9 and the ions magnesium, but sufficient doses are

required to impregnate the brain, so that if not all at least the majority
of the neurons receive the effect of simultaneous way, at the same time,
with what the neurons that are inhibited and those that are excited,
begin to receive impulses of opposite effect, that is to say, those that
are inhibited begin to receive excitatory impulses and those that are
excited begin to receive inhibitory impulses, with what it is modified the
balance between them in the Brain, which balance supports the
pathological state and as the increase in the dynamics of the
neurotransmitters leads to the balance in opposite values, it also
reverses the pathological state to a healthy state; here it is also
confirmed how the mind and the brain can do one thing and also the
opposite, that is, they have a dialectical behavior.

The B6 cofferment, pyridoxine, which is a pteridine, is combined with a

molecule of phosphoric acid from those circulating in the cytosol of the
neuron, transports it to the terminal of the enzymatic molecule and
liberates it there to generate a quantum of heat, necessary to bind an
NH2 in the pyruvic acid molecule, from which glutamic acid results. That
same quantum of heat is required to produce a molecule of gamma
amino butyric acid, aspartic acid and glycine; the increased presence of
pyridoxine in the cytosol of the neuron accelerates the synthesis of the
two main neurotransmitter pairs and this is the case with the other two

The B9 cofferment, folic acid, has a molecule formed by a pteridine, an

amino acid for benzoic acid and a glutamic acid, whose mission is to
transport carboxyl (CH2OH), formyl CHO and methyl (CH3) functions,
therefore it intervenes in the formation of the molecules of glutamic
acid, gamma amino butyric acid and aspartic acid, but does not seem to
intervene in the formation of a glycine molecule. Magnesium ions are
positively charged cells, which serve to mobilize molecules of pyruvic
acid and NH2. As you can see, these are completely friendly active
ingredients, which already belong to the daily diet, with all their
biological value, so no tests on animals are required.

This is how we accelerate the synthesis of the four main

neurotransmitters in a simultaneous way, which are the ones used by
the brain to produce the domain of some informative content about
others, through the sustained, long-lasting inhibition or permanent over-
excitation of the neurons of a one pathway station. By imposing a
greater stimulation on all the neurons that manufacture these four
neurotransmitters, we move those that are inhibiting the cessation of
this inhibition and those that are over exciting to stop the excitation,
with which we move the whole set to a state of equilibrium.

In this way the impulses that convey the negative trophic messages,
which are directed to the tissues to change their behavior, are
eliminated, so they recover their healthy behavior producing cells that
mature and peel, that is, they return to the normal renewal that It
happens throughout the body. With it the tumor ceases to grow at first
and then tends to disappear; the latter depends on the amount of
innervation that the tumor tissue has conserved, since we can only act
on a tissue that has innervation, but the rest of the tumor without
innervation is completely inactive and can become an inert foreign body,
which can now be enucleated without risk and with minimal surgical
procedures that do not produce extensive mutilation of the body.

To generate the tumor, the information is conveyed by divergent and

convergent ways of disposition, which are those used by the brain to
introduce qualitative changes in the information, to induce changes in
the behavior of the cells that make up the tissues, these pathways are
constituted by functional units, that is, basic functional circuits of three
neurons that generate binary code, an event that is necessary to contain
information of a digital nature.

The treatment scheme that has been used is the combination of oral and
intravenous route. Orally, we administer a dose of two grams of
pyridoxine, 10 mg of folic acid and 200 mg of magnesium carbonate; an
hour later we administered one gram of pyridoxine intravenously, every
day for 10 days. The intravenous route is suspended and the oral route
is maintained for an additional 20 days, after which the patient's
condition is evaluated clinically, in order to establish a new series of
injectables. That is, we repeat this scheme every month until the
objective tests for cancer, become negative, such as radiological
studies, ultrasounds, biopsies and blood tests, depending on the type of

The response of patients to this scheme is variable, in some we achieve

negative tests for cancer in shorter terms than in others, which is hardly
reasonable, since each person has different behavior, according to the
affective coating that has been assigned by him to the purpose of life
that has been fulfilled. But in 90% of cases, cancer is absent within a
As it is about restoring the vitality of the patient, this treatment does
not generate side effects of any kind and improves the quality of life of
patients since the initiation of treatment.

Psychological Therapy.- The psychotherapy of cancer is carried out
with the science of psychoanalysis, which is the only one that allows
studying and knowing the unconscious level of the mind, which is the
information that governs the existence of people, decides the duration of
the life of the people, governs the affections and contains the forces of
the two instincts, that is, the libidinous energy and the tanatic energy.
The information stored in the unconscious level of the mind is that which
contains the history of the person, is that which lasts throughout life and
is governed by a fragment of logic different from that which governs the
conscious level; if medical science aspires to cure cancer, it has to have
this knowledge, it can not be achieved without it.

The psychotherapy is carried out through an interrogation according to

the technique of psychoanalysis, to recognize the history of the person
from his childhood, often decisive information is obtained with 3 or 4
interrogation sessions, sometimes the task is more laborious, but in one
hundred percent of the cases dealt with so far, it has been possible to
find the precise cause of the tumor in each case, that is, by this way we
always find the cause of cancer, a matter of great importance to which
humanity has devoted a great deal resources, both human and
economic without success.

It is an adequate clinical history to understand the person, it is not the

same clinical history to which we are accustomed, to which the medical
profession has been teaching for centuries, which refers only to the body
of people, which has insufficient result to address the pathology, cancer
and the rest. This need is due to the fact that, as shown, the pathology
is not only of the body, but of the person in an integral way, it is not
right to divide it by separating the body from the mind and the brain,
but above all because that approach leads to certain failure of our
therapeutic intervention.

During the study of the history of the person we find the moment or
process by which the patient was choosing a fact, a mandate or a
teaching person with authority for him, as a life purpose, as a paradigm
of life, which will cover of affection and will devote all its efforts so that
it takes place. Sometimes that purpose of life is chosen and adopted
from childhood, but on other occasions it is adopted during adulthood.
This can be seen in the examples presented for the purpose of studying
etiology. The adoption of the purpose of life is carried out through
imagination, it is something that we imagine must be done or must
happen and we consider it desirable, the most important.

When the purpose of life is fulfilled, by itself or by a third person, the
unconscious level considers the mission of that person fulfilled in this
world and then initiates "the farewell" through the generation of a
tumor; as mentioned before, also at that moment the affective reserve
is considered consumed, since all the affects were placed in the
fulfillment of the purpose, the person is left empty of affections and at
the mercy of the tanatic impulse that now acts without restriction, with
this they are given the conditions for the cessation of life.

When we have found the information, in that moment we make sure

that the patient can tolerate revealing the cause of his illness, we reveal
his purpose of life and we invite him to detach himself affectively from
him, through communication with the unconscious level with
Neurolinguistic Programming Technique. (NLP); this process has to be
given enough time, so that it can be carried out sufficiently and as this
work is carried out, the patient will be able to work on his own and
collaborate in his healing, by learning the communication technique with
the unconscious level of his mind.

The NLP technique of communication with the unconscious level is very

simple, it consists of sitting comfortably seated or recumbent so that
there is a minimum of muscular contraction, eyes closed and now try to
perceive oneself, perceive one's own body, to perceive its own body, to
perceive some sensation that can be located in the place of the tumor or
anywhere else and mentally speak to that part of their own person, to
propose changes in some of the information contents of their
unconscious level, especially those related to the purpose of life. When
you go to the unconscious level you must do it with all your affections,
with love, with much love, which is the only way to reach the
unconscious level, the flat words do not listen to them, usually we have
to insist on this point, because if the affection is absent, this treatment
resource diminishes its effect.

Communication is required to be with affection, because everything that

we have stored at the unconscious level has been stored because we
have affection, that is the normal way of functioning, we put affection
on everything; and the purpose of life acquired such strength and power
because we put all the affection. Here we must consider two errors of
functioning of the person, one is the excess of affection located in the
purpose of life and another is the alteration in the hierarchy of the
paradigms of every person, consisting of having located as the most
important the purpose that it has been fulfilled, instead of reserving the

greatest affections for the purpose of preserving the greatest good,
which is life, health and well-being, which should be the main paradigm,
which is in the first place, before any other commitment.

As these are two errors, we must amend these errors, committed by an

imaginary process, so we must accept that mistakes were made and
corrected also by imaginary process, that is, we must imagine the
correction of errors and to speak to the unconscious level, we must use
an adequate discourse that includes the reference to the mistakes
made, that is, the wrong choice and the excess of affection. If these
conditions are met the unconscious level accepts the proposed change,
eliminates the belief or thought which includes the erroneous purpose
and displaces the affections that had been destined for him into another
unconscious instance, which may be the unconscious part of the self,
with which it is strengthened.

During psychological work we use the patient's dreams as a source of

information, since the dream is one of the languages of the unconscious
level, which is expressed by symbols that have been studied
exhaustively; it constitutes totally reliable information, the dream never
lies, it is totally reliable. What dreams tell us is useful to evaluate
progress and possible treatment stagnation, interruptions may occur for
practical reasons, with setbacks in the progress of treatment, the
message contained in dreams helps us to guide and take corrective
measures .

With these two resources, medication based on the coferments that

dynamize the synthesis of the two main neurotransmitter pairs and
psychotherapy with psychoanalysis and NLP technique, carried out with
a minimum of conditions, we can guarantee the results, that is, we can
guarantee the cure of cancer, we can guarantee that it does not
reproduce in the same place and that it does not appear in any other
part of the body, nor recurrences, nor metastasis. As it is a matter of
friendly substances for the organism, there are no undesirable side
effects, nor does it have contraindications.

When we talk about psychoanalysis, we think of prolonged periods of

time, of many years, but in this case we do not carry out a
psychoanalysis of the patient with cancer, but we use the science and
the technique for an accurate diagnosis and also for the treatment using
the affections; no other medical resource takes into account the
affections, but remember that we are treating people. In addition,
communication with the unconscious level of the mind is a powerful
accelerator of the treatment.

The first patient treated and cured suffered from right breast cancer,
that is 9 years after starting treatment (treated in 2009), she was not
submitted to surgery, radiotherapy or chemotherapy, she keeps her
breast, the tumor has not been reproduced in the same breast, nor has
a new tumor appeared in no other part of his body; she maintains her
increased vitality that allows her to continue performing her position as
an educator, in a district school, for which she gets up daily at 4 a.m.
and fulfills her day.

Patients with tumors from different locations such as breast, biliary

tract, prostate, leukemia, thyroid and bone metastasis among others
have been treated. In all patients who have maintained the treatment
has been successful, because there were some who left the treatment
for different personal circumstances, but none for treatment reasons.
Through voice to voice communication the clientele continues to

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13. OMS Página Web Actualizada. ISBN 9789243547404

Bogotá, mayo del 2018


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