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January 29th, 2019

Dr. Barbara L Inman, Vice-President

Hampton University
100 East Queen St
Hampton, VA 23668

Dear Dr. Inman and the Board of Direction,

First, I would like to say thank you for giving me the privilege of attending the illustrious
Hampton University. My name is Zaire Josiah Yancy Elleby. I am a junior, Cybersecurity major
with a business minor from the Bronx, NY. During my time on campus I’ve have the pleasure of
meeting new associates, join various extracurricular clubs and organizations, and have
maintained a 4.0 GPA. Due to my hard work, I was encouraged to make time for leisure
activities such as attending a party in the Hampton Harbor apartment complex. During that
night, I not only consumed an excessive amount of alcohol, but I did so underage and
unfortunately had to be taken to the hospital

The person that night drinking is not who I am and is not the type of student that Hampton
university accepts. My actions that night is strictly against the Hampton University Code of
Conduct and I understand the severity of my actions that night.

I love Hampton University and everything it has to offer. The experience that I’ve had here has
changed my life in countless ways. I’ve met friends that became family, made connections that
will assist with my future and learned valuable tools and skills that will serve me well for the rest
of my life. Since my dismissal from the University, I have been involved in numerous community
service projects and even performed presentations on Excessive Drinking.
I understand my mistake and I ask you and the Board of Directors to allow me to return to
complete my studies.

I sincerely hope that this appeal shows that I am dedicated to being a successful student here at
Hampton University. I ask that you do not use my past as a barometer for my success in the
future. There have been many steps done over the last year to ensure my success going
forward and I firmly believe that I am truly deserving of the lifting of my academic dismissal.


Zaire Elleby

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