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Pathogenesis of plaque and deposit fibrous matrix proteins, and the lesion be-
comes a fibroatheroma.5

atherosclerosis Atherosclerotic plaques can be described in terms of

complexity and stability. Complexity is reflected by the degree
and extent of inflammatory cell infiltration, necrosis, lipid
Tao Wang deposition, calcification and hemorrhage. Complex plaques are
Jagdish Butany unstable and prone to rupture, a process which is characterized
by a structural gap or fissure in the fibrous cap.1 Localized me-
chanical shear stress forces can trigger plaque rupture, but so can
the same mechanisms that lead to plaque complexity, such as
inflammation or hemorrhage. Once a plaque ruptures, the
The pathogenesis of atherosclerosis involves a complex interplay of
endothelial dysfunction, lipid accumulation, inflammation, vascular
exposed pro-thrombogenic atheromatous core induces an acute
superimposed and occlusive thrombus. Clinically, thrombosis
smooth muscle cell proliferation, matrix turnover, and calcification.
presents as unstable angina, myocardial infarction, or sudden
Genomic and epidemiological studies shed some light on the role of
cardiac death. Conversely, stable atherosclerotic lesions progress
genetics in cardiovascular disease. It is appreciated that atheroscle-
slowly and tend to be less complex and more structurally sound.
rotic lesions represent dynamic processes that evolve from fatty
They have well developed, dense fibrous caps often with areas of
streaks to stable or unstable plaques. The clinical consequences of
calcification. The slower growth also allows for the development
atherosclerosis, such as unstable angina, myocardial infarction or
of collateral circulation. Therefore, stable plaques are less prone
stroke, are a significant source of morbidity and mortality throughout
to rupture and their occlusion is less life threatening (Figure 1).5
the world. An understanding of the pathogenesis of atherosclerosis
Atherosclerosis is a complex chronic process that involves
is important for understanding disease progression, the development
cellular, metabolic, and inflammatory factors. This review will
of new therapeutics and ultimately the improvement of patient
explore our current understanding of the roles of endothelial
dysfunction, lipid metabolism, inflammation, vascular smooth
Keywords atherosclerosis; cardiovascular disease; endothelium; muscle cells, matrix remodeling, and genetics in the pathogenesis
of atherosclerosis.

Introduction Endothelial dysfunction

Atherosclerosis is a complex, chronic disease which is tradi- Normal endothelium helps maintain vascular homeostasis,
tionally thought of as the accumulation of fibrofatty deposits in secreting vasodilatory nitric oxide (NO) as well as vasoconstric-
the intima of medium and large muscular arteries. For many tors such as endothelin and angiotensin II.1 The secretion of NO,
years, this was assumed to be a passive process and an inevitable in particular, inhibits inflammation, proliferation and throm-
aspect of aging. We now appreciate that it is in fact a complex bosis. Animal models that inhibit the production or secretion of
interplay of lipid metabolism, active cellular interactions, NO led to vasoconstriction and hypertension, but also displayed
inflammation, and matrix remodeling.1,2 Atherosclerosis is the abnormalities in leukocyte and platelet interactions.7 Alterations
pathological basis of peripheral vascular, coronary and cerebro- in NO secretion and vasoconstrictive/vasodilatory response are
vascular diseases, all major causes of mortality and morbidity among the earliest pathologies noted in vascular disease, often
throughout the world.2 Despite the development of effective preceding the formation of atherosclerotic lesions.7
cholesterol reducing agents and lifestyle modification initiatives, Perturbations in hemodynamics play a major role in endo-
only modest decreases in rates of atherosclerosis and its clinical thelial dysfunction, and cardiovascular risk factors such as
sequelae are seen. smoking, hypertension, diabetes, obesity, and hypercholester-
The disease-causing lesions are believed to originate from olemia contribute to these perturbations.1,6,7 The role of hemo-
benign-looking, non-occlusive, lipid-laden plaques in childhood dynamics can be demonstrated by the non-random distribution
known as fatty streaks.3,4 These coalesce to form atheromas, of atherosclerotic lesions, which have a strong predilection for
which are enlarged plaques characterized by neointimal lipids, regions of turbulent, high pressure flow, such as the branch
foam cells, debris, connective tissue and an overlying fibrous points of the aorta (Figure 2).1,2,5e7 Endothelial cells are believed
cap.1,5 The disrupted microenvironment leads to endothelial to alter their gene expression in response to shear stress. Laminar
dysfunction, which in turn encourages further lipoprotein flow upregulates the production of nitric oxide and COX-2.6
migration.1,6 Smooth muscle cells progressively migrate to the Kruppel-like factor 2 (KLF2) is a transcription factor which is
highly expressed under laminar flow conditions and appears to
exert protective effects against atherosclerosis by downregulating
inflammation.2,6,7 Conversely, endothelial cells exposed to tur-
Tao Wang MD MSc Department of Laboratory Medicine and bulent flow induce activation of the pro-inflammatory NF-kB
Pathobiology, University of Toronto, Toronto, Ontario, Canada. pathway and undergo reorganization of cytoskeletal proteins.6
Conflicts of interest: none. The evaluation of endothelial dysfunction is clinically rele-
Jagdish Butany MBBS MS FRCPC Department of Pathology, University vant, and is historically achieved by measuring endothelial cell
Health Network, Toronto, Ontario, Canada. Conflicts of interest: dependent vasodilation during coronary angiography.7 Less
none. invasive methods include the measuring of brachial artery

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Figure 1 (a) H&E of a normal coronary artery (b) Movat stain demonstrating the internal elastic lamina (black) (c) Coronary artery with stable
calcified atherosclerotic plaque and thick fibrous cap (d) An unstable ruptured atherosclerotic plaque with acute and chronic thrombus formation
and significant lipid infiltration.

diameter by ultrasound.7 Ideally, the use of biomarkers would Cholesterol and phospholipids within these early accumulations
supplant these more subjective, invasive or labor-intensive pro- are susceptible to oxidation by enzymes such as myeloperox-
cedures. The search for biomarkers of endothelial dysfunction idases, lipoxygenases, NADPH oxidases, and nitric oxide syn-
and atherosclerosis has led to the evaluation of various cytokines thases.4 Oxidized low density lipoproteins (LDLs) and reactive
and inflammatory markers, such as hsCRP.7 However while oxygen species (ROS) that result are toxic and induce endothelial
single markers often have good sensitivity, they lack the neces- dysfunction, inflammation and increased vascular permeability.4
sary specificity for use in individual patients. The concept of There is subsequent upregulation of leukocyte adhesion mole-
panel based biomarker testing via proteomics or metabolomics is cules by the endothelium, further inciting migration of lympho-
emerging, but is still in its infancy.7 cytes and macrophages. Macrophages take up LDLs via
endocytosis and then transport them to lysosomes to be
Lipid metabolism degraded, but oxLDL are less susceptible to degradation. Thus a
macrophage transitions into a foam cell when it becomes inun-
Hyperlipidemia is a major risk factor for atherosclerosis, and
dated with cholesterol faster than it can be degraded.4
abnormal lipid metabolism is an important component of
MicroRNAs (miRNA) are now known to play a significant role
atherosclerosis. It has been known for some time that high
in the homeostasis of lipid metabolism, partly through altering the
plasma levels of low density lipoproteins (LDL) are atherogenic,
balance between LDL and high density lipoproteins (HDL).
while high density lipoproteins (HDL) appear to be atheropro-
miRNA-122 was identified as being highly expressed in the liver
tective.4 This is due to the function of HDLs in reverse cholesterol
and appears to regulate both HDL and LDL through indirect tar-
transport, which brings cholesterol from the periphery to the
geting of various genes involved in cholesterol synthesis,
liver for degradation. Statins function through the lowering of
including HMGCR, SREBP-1 and FAS.8 Other miRNA such as miR-
LDL by inhibition of HMG-CoA reductase, an enzyme involved in
148a, miR-128-1, miR-130b and miR-301b appear to antagonize
the synthesis of cholesterol.4 Statins, diet and exercise can also
LDL receptor (LDLR), which is important for hepatic uptake and
lead to a desirable increase in the plasma levels of HDL.4
clearance of LDL. Thus inhibition of these miRNAs led to lower
Fatty streaks result from increased circulating lipid concen-
levels of plasma LDL in mouse models.8 Beyond lipid metabolism,
trations and lipid insudation of the intima, particularly from LDL.

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Figure 2 (a) Aorta with fatty streaks, a precursor of atherosclerotic plaques. (b) Severe atherosclerosis with calcifications and large areas of plaque
formation. The atherosclerotic lesions form first in areas adjacent to vascular branching. (c) Ulcerated plaques with adjacent early aortic aneurysm

miRNAs also regulates endothelial function and inflammatory 1), IL-6, IL-12, and MCP-1.2,9,10 The IL-1 family of cytokines
response, and are thus increasingly recognized as an important upregulates CAM expression and regulates the activation of
regulator of atherosclerosis-related pathways.8 The modulation of macrophages and lymphocytes.10 IL-6 has been implicated in
miRNAs has largely remained experimental at this time, but there angiogenesis, re-vascularization, and induction of C-reactive
is a possibility of translation into human therapeutics. protein (CRP) and vascular endothelial growth factor (VEGF)
expression.9 IL-12 has been implicated in the activation of T
Inflammation and macrophages cells.10 Macrophages also produce matrix metalloproteinases,
which can remodel the extracellular matrix and potentially
Endothelial dysfunction and abnormal lipid metabolism lead to
weaken plaque stability.2 The localization of macrophages near
the release of many pro-inflammatory molecules. The upregula-
sites of plaque rupture supports the notion that macrophages are
tion of several cell adhesion molecules (CAMs), such as ICAM1,
involved in matrix degradation and plaque instability.9
VCAM1 and P-selectin leads to increased binding of inflamma-
T lymphocytes comprise a significant portion of inflammatory
tory cells. Circulating monocytes and leukocytes initially bind
cells in atherosclerotic plaques. T cells are a significant producer
CAMs on the endothelial surface, but chemokines are required
of IFN-g and tumor necrosis factor alpha (TNF-a). These factors
for recruitment into the subendothelial space. Among the most
promote atherosclerosis by increasing macrophage activation
commonly expressed chemokines in these atherosclerotic lesions
and uptake of oxLDL. They can also induce macrophage
are monocyte chemoattractant protein-1 (MCP-1), macrophage
apoptosis, which contributes to the necrotic core and reduces
colony-stimulating factor (MCSF) and interferon-g (IFN-g). MCP-
plaque stability. Administration of exogenous IFN-g and upre-
1 activates leukocyte integrin, resulting in firm initial monocyte
gulation of TNF-a have both been shown to promote athero-
attachment.9 MCSF promotes scavenger receptor protein syn-
sclerosis.10 TNF-a also upregulates CAM expression and
thesis and differentiation of monocytes into macrophages. IFN-g
stimulates vascular smooth muscle cell (VSMC) migration.9 Thus
promotes plaque development and foam cell formation.9
a variety of inflammatory cells and cytokines are involved at all
Once monocytes enter the subendothelial space, they may
stages of atherosclerosis.
mature into macrophages and take up oxidized LDL (oxLDL) to
turn into foam cells. However, macrophages are not merely pas-
Vascular smooth muscle cells
sive storage “vessels” for LDL. They actively promote inflamma-
tion, T lymphocyte activation, and additional macrophage Vascular smooth muscle cells, similar to endothelial cells, can
migration through the secretion of cytokines like interleukin 1 (IL- become “activated” to play a role in atherosclerosis. Quiescent

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VSMCs maintain a contractile phenotype, with expression of are a major producer of these enzymes. Several MMPs are pur-
smooth muscle actin alpha (ACTA2) and smooth muscle myosin ported to promote atherosclerosis, including MMP-2, MMP-8,
heavy chain (MYH11).2 Normally there are only rare smooth and MMP-12.13,14 The mechanisms are unclear, but they appear
muscle cells in the intima, but in atherosclerotic plaques they can to promote the accumulation of macrophages, possibly through
be plentiful (Figure 3). Activated VSMCs downregulate these the liberation of matrix entrapped growth factors and cyto-
markers and enter a synthetic state, where they proliferate and kines.13 Not surprisingly, MMPs have been implicated in plaque
produce extracellular matrix (ECM) proteins. This increases the destabilization, with MMP-1, MMP-9, MMP-12 showing locali-
size of plaque lesion, but conversely also helps provide structural zation in the fibrous cap and shoulder of plaques. Increased
stability.2,11,12 levels of these enzymes have been associated with thinning of
There is evidence that both VSMCs and macrophages can take fibrous caps.13 Therefore, MMPs have the potential to be thera-
up lipids and form foam cells in the atherosclerotic plaque. peutic targets.
Cholesterol loading of cultured VSMCs suppresses the contractile It is well known atherosclerotic plaques undergo intimal
phenotype and induces expression of macrophage markers. mineralization as they increase in complexity. This process is
However, VSMC derived foam cells appear to have less phago- regulated by the same set of enzymes that control both physio-
cytic capacity compared to true macrophages.11,12 Conversely, logical and pathological mineralization. Bone morphogenetic
there is also evidence that at least a portion of smooth muscle proteins (BMP) are part of the transforming growth factor beta
marker expressing cells within plaques are derived from myeloid superfamily and play a key role in activating osteogenic differ-
lineage. Mesenchymal stem cells, both locally and bone marrow entiation and calcification. BMP-2 and BMP-4 are both detected
derived, are likely contributing at least a portion of these cells in arterial walls in both the endothelium and the media.15 These
and may partially explain the observed phenotypic plasticity.12 proteins are in turn regulated by inhibitors as such matrix Gla
Various cytokines and growth factors, both autocrine and para- protein (MGP). Genetically engineered mouse models which lack
crine, promote the proliferation and activation of VSMCs. These MGP have been shown to exhibit extensive arterial calcifica-
include platelet derived growth factor (PDGF), transforming tion.15,16 Not surprisingly, phosphate signaling is also an
growth factor-b (TGF-b), IFNg, TNFa, and basic fibroblastic important regulator of mineralization. Hyperphosphatemia, such
growth factor (bFGF).2,12 as from renal failure, is a stimulator of vascular calcification.15
Apoptosis and necrosis of VSMCs can contribute both to the The nucleotide pyrophosphatase/phosphodiesterase 1 (NPP1)
necrotic core and also detract from the structural stability of the gene is known to synthesize inorganic pyrophosphate, which is a
plaque. Areas of rupture often show reduced VSMCs and key inhibitor of calcification.15 Last but not least, the RANK/
increased macrophages. Dying VSMC also upregulate inflam- RANKL signaling pathway which regulates osteoclast activity, is
matory factors such as IL-1, which further promotes inflamma- also a factor in vascular calcification. Within this pathway,
tion and endothelial dysfunction.12 Even viable VSMCs show osteoprotegerin is believed to inhibit vascular calcification.15
signs of premature aging, expressing senescence associated b- Calcification and matrix remodeling in atherosclerotic plaques
galactosidase activity and upregulating their secretion of pro- may have both protective and pathological qualities. For
inflammatory IL-6 and MCP-1.12 instance, while calcification decreases arterial elasticity and
contributes to stenosis, it can also help strengthen the plaque and
Extracellular matrix and calcification reduce the risk of rupture.15,16 Large areas of plaque calcification,
particularly in the cap area, can be associated with better stability
The cellular components of atherosclerotic plaques interact with
(Figure 4).16 Depending on the stage of the plaque, the benefits
and actively modify their extracellular matrix (ECM). Matrix
may outweigh the risks or vice versa. However, extensive
metalloproteinases (MMPs) are a family of zinc-dependent en-
vascular calcification is still a marker of cardiovascular risk,
dopeptidases that function to degrade the ECM.13 Macrophages
possibly as a surrogate for overall atherosclerotic disease

The traditional clinical risk factors for atherosclerosis and car-
diovascular disease, such as male gender, age, dyslipidemia,
diabetes, smoking, and hypertension remain relevant today.
Most of these risk factors are predictive of atherosclerosis and are
often co-existent. While not traditionally regarded as a genetic
disease, an understanding of the genetic factors of atherosclerosis
is beginning to take shape. As with many diseases, rare heredi-
tary conditions often teach us about the pathology of the non-
hereditary analog. When it comes to atherosclerosis, high
plasma LDL has long been identified as a clinical risk factor.
There are several monogenic conditions associated with familial
hypercholesterolemia. These include aberrations in LDLR,
apolipoprotein B (APOB), and PCSK9; the latter encodes a pro-
Figure 3 Immunohistochemistry for smooth muscle actin showing tein that degrades LDL receptor.17 Since LDLR interacts with
vascular smooth muscle cells present in the intimal plaque.

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Figure 4 (a) Fatty streak with dysfunctional endothelial cells, lipid insudation and the macrophage transformation into foam cells. (b) Stable plaque
with extensive calcification and thick fibrous cap overlying foam cells and necrotic core. (c) Acutely ruptured unstable plaque, with a collection of
fibrin and platelets forming a thrombus over the disrupted thin fibrous cap.

apoB, loss of function mutations in either can disrupt this associated with lipid metabolism.17 Nonetheless, these methods
interaction and prevent the uptake and breakdown of LDL by the have uncovered dozens to hundreds of potentially relevant
liver. Conversely, gain of function mutations in PCSK9 can lead genes, involved in processes ranging from lipid metabolism to
to the excess degradation of LDLR, with the same net result of regulation of endothelial or smooth muscle cell phenotype.18 As
increased plasma LDL.17 Consequently, these patients have a our understanding of the genetics of atherosclerosis progresses,
markedly higher incidence of cardiovascular disease. genetic factors may find a place on risk nomograms and thus
However, the majority of people who suffer from atheroscle- influence clinical decision making in the future.19
rosis do not have a clearly defined monogenetic abnormality.
Population based genetics studies have relied extensively on Conclusion
genome-wide association studies (GWAS) to help identify single
The pathogenesis of atherosclerosis involves the complex inter-
nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) that may serve as genetic
action of endothelium, lipid, macrophages, smooth muscle cells,
markers for increased cardiovascular disease risk. Typically,
inflammation, extracellular matrix, and genetic factors. These
these studies use a caseecontrol format, whereby researchers
interactions explain the dynamic and continuously evolving na-
look for statistically relevant associations of SNPs with cardio-
ture of atherosclerotic lesions from early fatty streaks to ather-
vascular disease.18 The observational nature of GWAS studies
omas and eventually stable or vulnerable plaques. There have
limits the ability to draw causal conclusions. However, for genes
been many recent developments in our understanding of these
with a known relationship to a biomarker of interest (i.e. LDL
processes. The application of new genetic and pathological
levels), epidemiologists can use the method of Mendelian
knowledge towards translational and clinical research will be key
randomization to infer causality in a manner akin to a random-
towards progress in the therapeutics for atherosclerosis. A
ized control trial.18 Mendelian randomization relies on the fact
that any one allele has a 50% chance of being allocated by a
parent to its offspring regardless of traditional confounding fac- REFERENCES
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genetic variant only influences outcome via a single biomarker in of atherogenesis. Am J Med 2017; 130(3): 268e82.
question, which is not always true when it comes to genes

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