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5/5/2019 Your Results for "Multiple choice questions"

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Site Title: Essentials of Organisational Behaviour, third edition Summary of Results

Book Title: Essentials of Organisational Behaviour, third edition
20% Correct of 15 Scored items:
Book Author: Mullins 3 Correct: 20%
Location on Site: Student Resources > Chapter 4: Perception and Communication > Multiple 12 Incorrect: 80%
choice questions More information about scoring
Date/Time Submitted: May 5, 2019 at 4:30 PM (UTC/GMT)

1. The first stage in the perception process involves:

Your Answer: Stimulus and response

Correct Answer: Selection and attention

2. Which of the following will influence an individual’s perceptions?

Your Answer: Individual needs

Correct Answer: All of the above

3. A person’s _______________ comprises internal factors, such as ability, intelligence and personality, and will determine how an
individual responds to certain stimuli.

Your Answer: Cognitive set

Correct Answer: Perceptual set

4. The psychological or internal factors affecting perceptual selection are ______ _______ and ____?

Your Answer: Motives, personality, mental processes

Correct Answer: Personality, learning, motives 1/4
5/5/2019 Your Results for "Multiple choice questions"

5. We tend to pay more attention to environmental stimuli which are:

Your Answer: All the above

6. The Gestalt School produced a series of principles. Some of the most significant principles include ____________?

Your Answer: Figure and ground; grouping; closure

7. The tendency to complete an incomplete figure to (mentally) fill in the gaps and to perceive them as whole is called

Your Answer: All of the above

Correct Answer: Closure

8. The perception process demonstrates the integration of our:

Your Answer: Conscious self, unconscious self and physiology

9. Neuro-Linguistic Programming as an approach to communication was developed by:

Your Answer: Honey and Mumford

Correct Answer: Bandler and Grinder

10. Berne insists it is possible to identify the ego state from the ______, _________, _______ and ____________ of the person

Your Answer: (blank)

11. 2/4
5/5/2019 Your Results for "Multiple choice questions"
What best describes the Parent ego state?

Your Answer: In this state we may be objective, rational, reasonable, seeking information and receiving facts.
Correct Answer: It refers to feelings about right and wrong and how to care for other people

12. Non-verbal signals seem to account for about _________ % of the message we perceive in face-to-face communications.

Your Answer: 60
Correct Answer: 80

13. Which nationality tends to show their feelings through intense body language?

Your Answer: Japanese

Correct Answer: Italians and South Americans

14. Which of the following is not an example of common stereotyping?

Your Answer: Social

Correct Answer: Perceptual

15. The process by which the perception of a person is formulated on the basis of a single favourable or unfavourable trait or impression,
where other relevant characteristics of that person are dismissed is called:

Your Answer: clouded judgment

Correct Answer: the halo effect

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