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F ,tDailv
I_Shltn;3 H*ff?r;?Fu^,n

lmpeach leni for'Bikoy'

' .= :::_.rdent (VP) Leni Robredo is sweating name on his Facelr -. actount from Filmore Rull to sedition, under Article 142 of the Revised Pe:
L-.:. o:- :he arrest of Aodel Jal'ne, the web t0 an alias "l{oryh.;. -t nalla. " which can no longer Code, by his publication online of scufiilous lib
,:i-: ::: : -rnnected with the 'Bikoy, videos. be accessed as ,:,: :L:'r;. against the Republic ofthe Philippines or any of t
S"..:- .: -:.$aphs have surfaced online showing R.po" c that sp\ pra I duly c0nstituted authorities thereof, of c0ntenr rl
j - :i. Robredo and other Liberal parby (Lp)
.-. -- 5t Freri:nq- have bepn called tend to instigate others to meet together for
-i.:.:. l!:n nOtably, Ja)ryne has a ph0t0 in front of While the amonq the Lp and Ors' pu|poses or incite people against lawfirl authoriri
'--. r-- rirhe Of{ice of the Vice President (O\ry), connection ha.t Dircts, (:anp since the Hon'ercq his willingness t0 become state ryitness ?
.:' : :,:.9 his proximity to Robredo, and how Yel to bP f rml| i1r-p<1 0l .la\mp and u|ders bp f|om prosecution, wiJJ surell cowince
:: :.: :: iast met with her and her Ofrice's staff. eslablished. va can
g)\on ro rheir ro,"ial media "b.olved
peem t0 d0 the same, for the sake of political surrir
li-- - :- eridence is far from being conclusive, scnsp the arL.rieta in ;tra,.k dogs lo rcmppl.down Labor Undersecretary Jacinto "Jing" Paras cal
--:. the Robrd,' camp. ','pir ponring\. It will be a
--.:.:igation is at its initial stages and the it "The 1'ellofiards are behind aI these. This
:- i . :: r:s are not done with Jaj'ne, This week, we mane: ,: ::::. :id.l another dissatisfied LP supporter entirely political in nature and a dtect attempt
turr-r -i..-..-f tl considedng the slim
chr.::! : Jn! ofthe qtso Diretso
ca:.:: ia:.: ro Ilin in the 13 May
:=q';::.g t-,f the end of YP Robredo. po;-. Bi.ler to suuender now
,l,t the onset, we must tha., :' e impending defeat in
dr be reminded that the VP may tha.lections.
l: till be be removed from office via Ja] me was charged
a --tatr oJ impeachment, as proyided for in .;'ith the crime of inciting
ttn+ u,ntil the 1987 Constitution. Section 2.
ar,::\tr Article XI thereof provides: .The
d,t+:atisfi,ed. President, the Vice presidenr,
lI *"/pport4r the Members of the Supreme
fir'T Court, the Members of the
h.*-:;lf in. Consliturional Comm issions.

'c:-:::,. graft
and conuption, other high cdmes,

ir.,-- i 'j,:;,a:-:: : the illegal, seditious

i : -.:arce. rhr :--:-. :;es recoveled from
,r;1 . , iacebook \le:si:-!:: atcount showed
c: -:ri r.:iilns Fith id€lri:ii: Lp and Otso
,; -.:, . ::pporter, tr{aru \gx.rei. ;- Fhich the
la::i: :,- i rhat a certain .Filmore- _: \ta"sdalo.
F- "pproach Jay'rne, A simpii sF=tch of her
n;- , -- show that Maru Nguyen took a ph.lrt for
tL: .'. :: rok Page of Atty. Romy Macalintal. lasr
I ll,: - while in the campaign trail at panar-.
H=: . : :
have also ctopped up showing her in
a al -. -:h Mar Roxas and Drin Taflada.
r;.-.:::.s haye done further
i:.1 i:: . i::ion and ideniified
'i...::.' as Filmore Rull, an
c-::: - ::.e \lagdalo group, close
ti :: ---::: qsa Dtretso membe\
!,:: :,'. =:jano of the lfagdalo
!:=-: j::.:nshots can be seen
:_-.t :i ':-_::..:e- changing his

" P4g<: '5 "

t0 sedition, under Afticle of the Revjsed penal
142 these people to retun to power,, identirying
Code, by his publication online of scurrilous Robredc
libels and Sen. A.ntonio ltillanes as the main pe0ple
againsr thp Rcpublic ofthp philippirer or behind
any ofrhe the "Bikoy" videos. paras said that he is preparing
duly con,,ljtutcd authoritics thereof. of contenl
that his. criminal complaint against those responsiblel
tend t0 instigate others to meet together for unla\aful
and would file in his capaciff as a concerned
p_urposes or incite people citizen.
against lar{ul authorities, Wirh ali rhis pressure mountjng againsr rhe
Ilowever, his $illhgness t0 become state witness
and opp0srtron and ils supponerq. lovaltips shall
be absolved fi orn prosecution, will suely conyince be
his brushed.aside and pe0plc \\ ill end upjLUnping jh;p
pe"r. ro do rhc same, for the sake of political r0
suvival. Lhe adminislrarion. $fuch i. enjolug irr fugh^sr riusr
Labur Undersecrel,ary Jacinro "Jiflg" paras called
ii - "The yetlowrards arp bphjnd a lhese. This
ratings to dale. Ja},me is rhe first of many, and
is enough more credible evidence and testimonies
entirely p0litical in narure and a djrect attempt will
by be gathe*red tomuster up an impeachment
against Robredo. As the second highest 0fficial;fthe
land, the \,ice President is held t0 a high
standard, eyen higher than a Chief
Justice. Robredo,s endgame
may be sooner thall the
resolution of the poJl
protest against her,
after all.

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