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Sandro Aldy
Department of Agroindustrial Technology
Faculty of Agricultural Technology
IPB University

Journal Identity
Title : Analisis Kuantitatif Mikrobiologi Serbuk Minuman Fungsional Lintah Laut
(Discodoris sp.) pada Suhu yang Berbeda Selama Penyimpanan
Author : Putri RMWS, Nurjanah, Tarman K
Vol : 35
No :3
Page : 124-130
Year : 2018

People are more likely to want all needs including hands in a practical and easy form.
Discodoris sp. is one of the diversified processing of fishery products that is made from raw
extracts of sea leech meat and uses additional ingredients such as red ginger extract, curcuma
extract, lemon, keraginan, maltodextrin, and sucrose. The total microbes contained in a food
product can be used as indicators of the level of safety and damage to the product.
Quantitative microbiological analysis of food ingredients is important to determine the
quality of these foods.
The method used is counting plates at different temperatures (30OC, 35OC, and 45OC).
Stage of powder formulation Discodoris sp. drink
Sea leeches are taken from Cirebon waters alive, prepared, washed with fresh water, and
removed from their innards. The meat is blended for 10-30 minutes and cooked at 90oC for
6-10 minutes. Then given auxiliary ingredients such as ginger extract (40%) to remove fishy
odor, curcuma extract (15-20%), then lemon (20%). This functional powder drink is
packaged using a vacuum sealer. Selection of three different storage temperatures based on
the storage temperature of powdered drinks. The frequency of observations is done every 7
days at each temperature for 60 days.
Microbiology Testing
a. Test the total number of bacteria
1ml of sample is put in 9ml of diluent solution, shaken until homogeneous, dilution to 10-2.
From each dilution, it is piped aseptically 1ml into a cup in duplicate and 15-20 ml of sterile
PCA media is added. Then incubated in reverse position at 37oc incubator for 2x24 hours.
Calculation using the SPC method.
b. Test fungi / yeast
1ml of sample is put in 9ml of diluent solution, shaken until homogeneous, dilution to 10 -2.
From each dilution, it is piped aseptically 1ml into the cup in duplicate. Then the liquid PDA
is added and incubated in the inverted position on the 30oc temperature incubator for 2x24
c. Measurement of pH value
The pH meter is standardized using a pH 4 buffer standard and pH 7.

Results and Discussion

Storage of products at 30oc has a higher number of microbes when compared to 45oc.
Calculation of the number of TPC showed a significant increase on day 42 for formula 1 and
on day 49 for formula 2 storage temperature of 30oc. The increase in the number of TPC at
35oc on both formulas did not show a significant change until the 56th day. The increase in the
number of TPC at 45oc temperature storage did not show significant results. This is caused by
the type and nature of bacteria. Based on temperature, bacteria can be grouped into 3 types:
psychrophilic bacteria that live at <15oc, mesophyll bacteria that live at optimum 30oc-35oc
temperatures, and thermophilic bacteria that live at temperatures> 45oc.
Increasing the number of molds at a storage temperature of 30oC did not show a very
significant addition until the end of the observation the number of molds ranged from 5-100
colonies. At 35oc, an increase in the number of molds in these two powder drink formulas
ranged from 10 to 80 colonies. The number of molds at 45oc is significant until the end of the
observation, 10-300 colonies. The growth of the number of molds at 45oc temperature storage
is higher when compared to 30oc and 35oc temperature storage. This might be caused during
the handling and processing of the product has been contaminated with the type of mold that
is heat resistant.
PH value based on testing of marine leech functional powder for 60 days at 30 oc, 35oc, and
45oc temperatures ranged from 3.45 to 3.91 including the acidic food / beverage group.
Molds have an optimum pH of 5-7 but the same as yeast, molds can still live at pH 3-8,5.

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