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behavioral and sociocultural

1. A 65 year old man with post-stroke cognitive deficits is referred for an assessment of intelligence. Which test
would give the best indication of his intelligence as it was before he had a stroke?

Luria-Nebraska neuropsychological battery

The National Adult Reading Test
Hayling and Brixton Test
Mini Mental State Examination
Verbal Fluency Test

Correct answer : The National Adult Reading Test

2. Which of the following is not part of the frontal assessment battery?

Asking the patient to draw a clock

Ask the patient how two items are similar and different
Asking the patient to name as many words as possible beginning with a particular letter in one minute
Luria's three step test
The Go-No Go test

Correct answer : Asking the patient to draw a clock

3. Lorenz's theory of aggression is most closely related to the work of which scientist?


Correct answer : Darwin

4. Which of the following described the six basic emotions that he suggested were biologically universal to all

Martin Seligman
Paul Ekman
Carl Rogers
Harry Harlow
Steven Pinker

Correct answer : Paul Ekman

5. According to the OPCS classification, being semi-skilled puts you in which social class?
Social class V
Social class M
Social class SS
Social class IV
Social class II

Correct answer : Social class IV

6. Which of the following is a term used to describe a form of cultural assimilation?

Melting pot

Correct answer : Melting pot

7. Which one of the following tests premorbid intelligence?

Kaufman Brief Intelligence Test

Wechsler Adult Intelligence Scale
Tower Of London test
Raven's Progressive Matrices
National adult reading test

Correct answer : National adult reading test

8. Which of the following factors is least likely to make a person attractive to another?

Being very physically attractive

Sharing the same culture
Being their opposite
Having similar jobs
Growing up in the same place

Correct answer : Being their opposite

9. Which of the following was not a Gestalt psychologist?

Kurt Koffka
Max Wertheimer
Wolfgang Köhler
None of the above
Wilhelm Wundt

Correct answer : Wilhelm Wundt

10. victim of a crime is most likely to receive help from a bystander if

The bystander is male

The situation is percieved as dangerous
Perpetrators are still present at the scene
If the bystanders are strangers
There are a large number of bystanders

Correct answer : The bystander is male

11. In which of the following studies were people knowingly not treated despite effective treatment being available?

Rosenhan experiment
Milgram obedience experiment
Tuskegee experiment
Beecher's study
Stanford prison experiments

Correct answer : Tuskegee experiment

12. A man with a phobia of spiders is made to hold one in his hand. Initially he is extremely frightened but continues
to hold it. After half an hour his anxiety levels has returned to normal. What type of therapeutic approach does
this illustrate?

Exposure and response prevention
Socratic questioning
Free association
Systematic desensitization

Correct answer : Flooding

13. Incentive salience is active in which of the following processes?


Correct answer : Grief

14. The Luria test assess which frontal lobe function?

Set shifting
Problem solving
Decision making

Correct answer : Set shifting

15. The Fraser Guidelines related to which of the following?

Refusal of treatment during pregnancy

Treatability for psychopathic disorder

The provision of contraceptives to people 16 and under

Fitness to plead in a murder conviction

Treating a Jehovah's Witness

Correct answer : The provision of contraceptives to people 16 and under

16. Mirror neurons offer a biological model for the understanding of which of the following?

Eidetic memory
Imitation learning
Anterograde amnesia
Flashbulb memory
Visual auras

Correct answer : Imitation learning

17. Which of the following cases led to the development of the Fraser Guidelines?


Correct answer : Gillick

18. Which of the following is assessed as part of the frontal assessment battery?

Delusional thinking
Abstract reasoning
Visuospatial skills

Correct answer : Abstract reasoning

19. Which of the following is an illusion of movement?

Moon illusion
Müller-Lyer illusion
Hering illusion
Ponzo illusion
Phi phenomenon

Correct answer : Phi phenomenon

20. Which frontal lobe function is tested in the Tower of London test?



Set shifting

Problem solving

Response inhibition

Correct answer: Problem solving

21. Which theory of emotion proposes that emotions result from bodily sensations?

Singer-Schachter theory
Lazarus theory
James-Lange theory
Two factor theory
Cannon-Bard theory

Correct answer : James-Lange theory

22. Which of the following was not one of the six basic emotions described by Ekman?


Correct answer : Relief

23. A manager in a hospital trust orders a junior administrator to falsify statistics to cover up poor standards. The
administrator initially refuses but them agrees once the manager threatens to get them fired. What type of power
has the manager used in this scenario?


Correct answer : Coercive

24. The Sally-Anne test is used to assess which of the following?

Personality characteristics of older adults
Abuse and neglect
Theory of mind
Pre-morbid personality

Correct answer : Theory of mind

25. Two new antidepressants (A and B) are introduced. Both A and B had similar mechanisms of action and similar
efficacy. A shows 50% failure rate. B shows 50% success rate. Drug B captured a much higher market than drug
A. Select the cognitive heuristic in this case.


Correct answer : Framing

26. Which of the following is meant by Bion's psychodynamic term 'containing'?

The ability of a patient to hold onto distressing thoughts and feelings

A function of group psychotherapy that prevents excessive transference
The function of dreams that enables unconscious desires to be suppressed
The importance placed on a therapists ability to resist acting out their countertransference
The ability of a therapist to manage a patients projected anxiety

Correct answer : The ability of a therapist to manage a patients projected anxiety

27. The first written book on medical ethics was authored by which of the following?

Ishaq bin Ali Rahawi
Thomas Percival
Thomas Aquinas

Correct answer : Ishaq bin Ali Rahawi

28. During an outpatient appointment a patient recalls in incredible detail what they were doing when the Twin
Towers were attacked in 2001. This is an example of which of the following?

Semantic memory
Working memory
Eidetic memory
Flashbulb memory
Procedural memory

Correct answer : Flashbulb memory

29. The Tarasoff decision relates to which of the following ethical situations?

Treating patients of different ethnicity by different standards

Providing electroconvulsive therapy to an elderly patient against the wishes of their family
Protecting a failing collegue who is putting their patients at risk
Conducting research on patients with learning disabilities
The failiure to protect the rights of potential victims

Correct answer : The failiure to protect the rights of potential victims

30. Which of the following studies which investigated hepatitis led to major changes in law relating to research

Tuskegee experiment
Stanford prison experiment
Willowbrook State School study
Milgram experiment
Tearoom Trade study

Correct answer : Willowbrook State School study

31. Which of the following aspects best describes one's ethnicity?

Genetic factors
Social activities
Group identification
Financial standing

Correct answer : Group identification

32. Which of the following is an example of an objective personality test?

Sentence completion tests

Rorschach Inkblot
Thematic Apperception Test
Esyenck personality test
Draw-A-Person test

Correct answer : Esyenck personality test

33. Which of the following terms is given to the observation that people tend to exert less effort when working as part
of a group than when working alone?

Social loafing
Group think
Bystander effect

Correct answer : Social loafing

34. The Sally-Anne test is used to assess which of the following?

Object permanence
Attachment behaviour
Theory of mind

Correct answer : Theory of mind

35. Which of the following psychological tests investigates theory of mind?

Tower of London Test

Ammons Quick Test
Tell-me-a-story Test
Rorschach Test
Sally Ann Test

Correct answer : Sally Ann Test

36. The 'Thurstone', and 'Semantic differential' scales are used primarily to assess for which of the following?


Correct answer : Attitude

37. Which of the following is not a key component of the stigma model proposed by Link and Phelan?

Status loss

Correct answer : Scapegoating

38. Which of the following wrote the book 'Asylums'?


Correct answer : Goffman

39. An elderly woman attends an outpatient clinic for an assessment. Her GP believes her to be depressed an in need
of treatment. She is accompanied by her daughter as she is unable to speak any English. From her daughter you
learn that she moved to England from China twenty years ago. She has had little to no contact with English
speaking people and socializes only with a small community of Chinese immigrants who all speak her native
language Mandarin. She eats only Chinese food and wears only Chinese clothes. Which approach to
acculturation is implied?


Correct answer : Separation

40. The term reciprocal determinism comes from which of the following theories?

Social learning theory

Operant conditioning theory
Classical conditioning theory
Psychodynamic theory
Contiguity theory

Correct answer : Social learning theory

41. You are lying in bed at night. You hear a noise downstairs you think a burglar has got into the house. You heart
begins to beat fast, your breathing deepens and at the same time you experience fear. Which emotional theory
best explains this experience?

Singer-Schachter theory
Lazarus theory
Cannon-Bard theory
James-Lange theory
Two factor theory

Correct answer : Lazarus theory

42. Which of the following correctly describes fundamental attribution error?

Refusing to accept one's own errors

Attributing one's own mistakes to one's character and personality
Attributing others mistakes to their personal dispositions
Denying the fundamental flaws behind one's own negative behaviour
Attributing others mistakes to the context in which the mistakes occur

Corerect answer : Attributing others mistakes to their personal dispositions

43. Which of the following operates on primary process thinking?

Preconscious system
Super ego

Correct answer : Id

44. Which of the following best describes the term 'flashbulb memory'?

Memories of events occurring in illuminated conditions are recalled in greater accuracy

Extensive recall of visual memory also termed 'photographic memory'
Detailed recollections of the context in which people first heard about an important event
Instances of knowing something that cannot immediately be recalled
Rapid recollection of information that cannot be processed further

Correct answer : Detailed recollections of the context in which people first heard about an important event

45. The Tarasoff case is related to which of the following?


Correct answer : Confidentiality

46. A local council meeting hears the view of a disgruntled local man who complains about the emergence of an area
of the local town which he describes as being 'taken over by the Poles'. A council member explains that this
development of a collection of Polish shops and restaurants has occurred naturally. Which approach to
multiculturalism is described?


Correct answer : Laissez-faire

47. Which of the following is the psychodynamic system that reflects the internalisation of cultural rules mainly
learned from parents?


Correct answer : Superego

48. Which famous psychiatrist often associated with the antipsychiatry movement is remembered for saying 'Insanity
sometimes is the sane response to a mad society'?


Correct answer : Laing

49. Which type of memory is preserved if a person is able to read a number from a phone book and without writing it
down then dial it successfully?


Correct answer : Working

50. Which of the following declarations sets out specific factors required for the optimal development and wellbeing
of children?

Declaration of Tokyo
Declaration of Helsinki
Declaration of Malta
Declaration of Geneva
Declaration of Ottawa

Correct answer : Declaration of Ottawa

51. Which of the following is not associated with supporting the anti-psychiatry movement?


Correct answer : Spitzer

52. Which of the following best tests abstract thinking?

Boston Naming Test

Rorschach Projective Technique
Goldstein-Scheerer Test
Rey-Osterrieth Complex Figure Test
Sentence Completion tasks

Correct answer : Goldstein-Scheerer Test

Whenever a particular trainee gets good feedback from a consultant they assume that it was because they performed well
and to a high standard. When the same trainee gets bad feedback, they conclude that the consultant must have been in a
bad mood or does not like them. Their reactions are an example of which of the following?

Fundamental attributional error

An ambivalent locus of control
Dunning-Kruger effect
Self-serving bias
An existential approach

Correct answer : Self-serving bias

53. Which of the following is not a theory of emotion?

Maslow's theory
Two factor theory
Singer-Schachter theory
Cannon-Bard theory
Lazarus theory

Correct answer : Maslow's theory

54. Which theory is also known as the two factor theory?

Singer-Schachter theory
Lazarus theory
James-Lange theory
Attributional theory
Cannon-Bard theory

Correct answer : Singer-Schachter theory

55. Whose law of effect states that the tendency of an action to occur depends on the effect it has on the


Correct answer : Thorndike's

56. The 'cocktail party effect' refers to which psychological process?

Sustained attention resulting from indirect stimulation

Hearing your own name in busy room
Empathic interpretation in social settings
Concentration in fatigued states
Focussed attention in presence of multiple stimuli

Correct answer : Focussed attention in presence of multiple stimuli

57. The tendency to view peoples behaviour as a result of personality factors rather than situational factors is known
as what?

Flawed deduction
Lateralist thinking
Jenson's conceptual flaw
Concrete thinking
Fundamental attributional error

Correct answer : Fundamental attributional error

58. Which of the following studies involved men who engaged in sex in public toilets?

Tearoom study
Milgrams' Study
Tuskegee Study
Beecher's Study
Stanford Study

Correct answer : Tearoom study

59. The 'phonological similarity effect' is a phenomenon associated with which of the following?

Semantic memory
Implicit memory
Remote memory
Procedural memory
Working memory

Correct answer : Working memory

60. Which of the following is focused on the individual and their aim of well being?


Correct answer : Eudaimonism

61. An approach to ethics which is concerned with balancing judgements about benefit and harm is said to be


Correct answer : Utilitarian

62. A mental health nurse makes an assumption that her patient is lazy based on the fact that they are overweight.
This is an example of which of the following?

Framing effect
Halo effect
Hawthorne effect
Stroop effect
Barnum effect

Correct answer : Halo effect

63. Which of the following declarations is an international statement regarding the rights of patients?

Declaration of Tokyo
Declaration of Helsinki
Declaration of Geneva
Declaration of Lisbon
Declaration of Ottawa

Correct answer : Declaration of Lisbon

64. Two new antidepressants (A and B) are introduced. Both A and B had similar mechanisms of action and similar
efficacy. A shows 50% failure rate. B shows 50% success rate. Drug B captured a much higher market than drug
A. Select the cognitive heuristic in this case.


Correct answer : Framing

65. Which of the following is true of consequentialist theories?

The term 'consequentialism' was coined by Ross

Outcomes in consequentialism are always measured by pleasure
The focus is on the character of the decision maker
The rightness or wrongness of an act depends upon why it was done
The moral status of an act is determined by its outcomes

Correct answer : The moral status of an act is determined by its outcomes

66. The reduction in anxiety experienced in flooding therapy is referred to as which of the following?

Diminished fear response

Correct answer : Habituation

67. The father of a young man, admitted to the ward on which you work, approaches you to express concern. The
father was born in Pakistan and then move to the UK. He explains that all the family are 'good Muslims'. He says
that his son has rejected the Islam and has started drinking alcohol and taking drugs. He says his son has
dropped out of school ad appears to have no regard for the law. Which of the following is implied?


Correct answer : Marginalization

68. Which of the following is not a Gestalt law?


Correct answer : Approximation

69. The Id, ego, and super ego comprise the basic parts of which model of the mind?


Correct answer : Structural

70. Which of the following is not a human right?

The right to marry and to start a family

The right not to be subjected to the death penalty
Freedom of expression
The right to life
The right to work

Correct answer : The right to work

71. Which of the following ethical codes was the first to state that in research 'the voluntary consent of the human
subject is absolutely essential'?
The Brandenburg code
The Attlee code
The General medical council code
The Nuremberg code
The code of the World Health Organisation

Correct answer : The Nuremberg code

72. Which of the following devised the bobo doll experiment which is used to support his social learning theory?


Correct answer : Bandura

73. Which of the following places produced a declaration which provides ethical principles for research on human


Correct answer : Helsinki

74. Which of the following first proposed the term 'stigma'?

Emile Durkheim
Charles Cooley
Erving Goffman
William Chambliss
George Mead

Correct answer : Erving Goffman

75. Which of the following terms used by 'Yalom' is used to describe the force that binds member of group
psychotherapy together?

Corrective recapitulation
Correct answer : Cohesiveness

76. Which of the following is true regarding flashbulb memory?

It is restricted to people with high functioning autism

It is synonymous with photographic memory
It occurs at times of increased emotional arousal
It is usually a semantic memory
It refers to the first 2 seconds of working memory

Correct answer : It occurs at times of increased emotional arousal

77. An Asian immigrant in England is observed to practice his religion and cultural traditions at home but adapts well
especially at work with good degree of fluency in both English and his native language. This type of approach is


Correct answer : Integration

78. Lorenz's work with birds led him to formulate ideas focusing on which area of human behaviour?


Correct answer : Aggression

79. In the case of Tarasoff which of the following occured and led to the death of a young woman?

The principle of non-maleficence outweighed the principle of justice

The principle of beneficence outweighed the principle of non-maleficence
The principle of non-maleficence outweighed the principle of autonomy
The principle of beneficence outweighed the principle of autonomy
The principle of justice outweighed the principle of autonomy

Correct answer : The principle of beneficence outweighed the principle of non-maleficence

80. Which of the following is a cognitive heuristic?

Logical assumption
Belief perseverance
Confirmation bias
Functional fixedness

Correct answer : Availability

81. Which of the following is a projective personality test?

Sixteen Personality Factor Questionnaire

NEO Personality Inventory
Thematic Apperception Test
Minnesota Multiphasic Personality Inventory
Esyenck personality test (EPQ)

Correct answer : Thematic Apperception Test

82. According to Freud the conscience resides within which of the following?

Super ego
Collective unconscious

Correct answer : Super ego

83. Lorenz's theory of aggression was developed from the study of which group?

Schizophrenic males
Male prisoners
Orphaned children

Correct answer : Birds

84. Which of the following is suggested by the bystander effect theory?

Females are most likely to intervene in a crisis

A small number of witnesses predicts a higher chance of intervention
Females tend to help more in a crisis situation
A person is most likely to help in a crisis situation if there are a large number of people present to provide support
People of the same race are more likely to help each other than those of different races

Correct answer : A small number of witnesses predicts a higher chance of intervention

85. A psychiatrist passes the MRCPsych exam having based their revision solely on previous exam MCQs.
Alternatively, another psychiatrist who has based their revision on text books fails the same exam despite having
gained vast knowledge. This is an example of which of the following?

Hawthorne effect
Interloper effect
Practice effect
Halo effect
Forer effect

Correct answer : Practice effect

86. Which study involved the intentional administration of hepatitis to children with learning disabilities?

Willowbrook Study
Stanford prison experiment
Milgram experiment
Tearoom Trade study
Tuskegee Studies

Correct answer : Willowbrook Study

87. Which of the following is true regarding the structural model of the mind?

The ego is completely conscious

The Id operates on the reality principle
The super ego contains the ego ideal
It was suggested by Carl Jung
The super ego is fully formed at birth

Correct answer : The super ego contains the ego ideal

88. According to Freud, which of the following is true regarding the Id?

It is ruled by the reality principle

It has no sense of time
Together with the ego they comprise the conscience
It operates on secondary process thinking
It suppresses the desires of the ego
Correct answer : It has no sense of time

89. Which of the following types of group are most prone to groupthink?


Correct answer : Homogeneous

90. Which of the following is not a core component of language?


Correct answer : Subversion

91. A patient is prescribed an antidepressant by her psychiatrist. 6 weeks later they feel better and conclude that
depression must have a biological cause. Which of the following is illustrated by this scenario?

Confirmation bias
Intervention-causation fallacy
Butterfly effect
Fundamental attribution error
Biopsychosocial model

Correct answer : Intervention-causation fallacy

92. Which of the following declarations provides guidence for doctors treating people on hunger strike?

Declaration of Malta
Declaration of Helsinki
Declaration of Geneva
Declaration of Tokyo
Declaration of Ottawa

Correct answer : Declaration of Malta

93. Which of the following is used to test the frontal lobe function of abstraction?

Verbal fluency
Wisconsin card sorting test
Cognitive estimates
Alternating sequences
Stroop test

Correct answer : Cognitive estimates

94. The central feature of virtue theory is

The nature of life

The consequences to society
The beliefs of an individual
The benefit to society
The character of the person

Correct answer : The character of the person

95. A man is walking down a dark ally. He hears footsteps, his heart starts to beat faster, and his breathing deepens.
At the same time as experiencing theses physiological changes he experiences fear. Which emotional theory is
this consistent with?

Attributional theory
Singer-Schachter theory
Lazarus theory
Cannon-Bard theory
James-Lange theory

Correct answer : Cannon-Bard theory

96. Which of the following is credited with the introduction of trait theory?


Correct answer : Allport

97. Premack's principle states that

Anxiety about a situation is directly linked to perceived lack of ability to control it

High frequency behaviours can be used to reinforce low frequency behaviour
Learning takes place by the observation of others
The more people observe a person in need of help the less likely it is anyone will actually offer the help
People have a natural tendency to assume that others mistakes result from personality flaws rather than circumstances

Correct answer : High frequency behaviours can be used to reinforce low frequency behaviour
98. The move away from institutionalised care for people with learning disability towards a life that consists of a more
normal experience is referred to as what.

Community focussed care

Empathy based management
The reduced stigma model

Correct answer : Normalisation

99. In which of the following studies investigated obedience and authority and help to explain the actions of people in
Nazi Germany?

Rosenhan experiment
Milgrams' experiment
Tuskegee experiment
Beecher's study
Stanford prison experiments

Correct answer : Milgrams' experiment

100. Pragnanz is the central law of which of the following braches of psychology?

Gestalt psychology
Psychodynamic psychotherapy
Social psychology

Correct answer : Gestalt psychology

101. Which of the following is associated with the anti-psychiatry movement?


Correct answer : Szasz

102. Which of the following is suggested by the catharsis hypothesis?

That inducing vomiting can help reduce feelings of anxiety

That providing therapy to an angry patient can induce feelings of aggression in the therapist
That engaging in violent fantasies can cause a person to become violent
That watching violent films can result in an increase of aggressive impulses in the observer
That participating in violent sports such as boxing can provide a means if discharging feelings of anger

Correct answer : That participating in violent sports such as boxing can provide a means if discharging feelings of anger

103. Which of the following is used to assess a persons ability to think abstractly?
Rey-Osterrieth Complex Figure Test
Sach's sentence completion test
Clock Drawing test
Goldstein-Scheerer Object Sort Test
Rorschach ink blot test

Correct answer : Goldstein-Scheerer Object Sort Test

104. Which of the following describes the code of ethical recommendations used currently to guide clinical research

Helsinki declaration
Mt Sinai declaration
Nuremburg Code
Tuskegee code
GMC guidance

Correct answer : Helsinki declaration

105. Consequentialism is another term for which of the following?

Virtue ethics

Correct answer : Teleology

106. Which of the following terms is used in classical rather than operant conditioning?

Fixed-ratio schedule

Correct answer : Stimulus

107. In Pavlov's conditioning experiments, which of the following was represented by the conditioned stimulus?
The presentation of food
The dog's salivation
The ringing of the bell
The dog's approach at the sight of the bell
The consumption of the food

Correct answer : The ringing of the bell

108. The Hayling and Brixton tests are used to look for deficits in which of the following areas?

Spatial orientation
Executive function
Visual recognition
Procedural memory

Correct answer : Executive function

109. Which of the following significantly influenced the development of the understanding of suicide?


Correct answer : Durkheim

110. A consultant psychiatrist attends the ward for an interview with a new patient. The patients had been very chaotic
until she arrived but settled down immediately in fear that she might suspend their leave. The consultant
incorrectly concluded that the patients were settled throughout the day. This is an example of which of the

Interloper effect
Hawthorne effect
Halo effect
Forer effect
Practice effect

Correct answer : Hawthorne effect

111. Which of the following suggests a nightmare rather than a night terror?

Occurs early in sleep

Significant associated autonomic arousal
Occurs in REM sleep
Occurs in children
Complete amnesia following it
Correct answer : Occurs in REM sleep

112. Behavioural activation is primarily aimed at treating which of the following?

Sexual fetishism

Correct answer : Depression

113. Cognitive dissonance refers to information that is

Difficult to retain
Hard to believe
In more than one sensory formats
Vital to survival
Contradictory to an individual's beliefs

Correct answer : Contradictory to an individual's beliefs

114. Which of the following ethnic groups has been consistently been found to have the highest rate of detention
(compulsory admission) in the UK?


Correct answer : Black

115. Which of the following is defined as a sign of disgrace or discredit that sets a person apart from others?


Correct answer : Stigma

116. Which of the following argued against the idea that intelligence could be measured by a single factor and
suggested there were seven independent primary abilities?


Correct answer : Thurstone

117. In classical conditioning, an unlearned, inborn reaction to an unconditioned stimulus is called

A conditioned response
An unconditioned response
An unconditioned stimulus
A conditioned stimulus
None of the above

Correct answer : An unconditioned response

118. Which of the following gave the most significant contribution to the area of stigma?


Correct answer : Goffman

119. A patient with dementia struggles to recall the details of his wedding. Which of the following areas of his memory
is affected?


Correct answer : Episodic

120. Which of the following is not one of the big five personality traits?


Correct answer : Generosity

121. The Rey-Osterrieth Complex Figure test is used to assess which of the following?


Correct answer : Memory

122. A man attends his GP seeking advice on stopping smoking. The GP suggests that every time he lights a cigarette
that he look at a picture of lung cancer. What form of conditioning does this represent?

Trace conditioning
Higher Order Conditioning
Aversive conditioning
Counter conditioning
Second-order conditioning

Correct answer : Aversive conditioning

123. Which of the following introduced the concept of the 'the sick role'?


Correct answer : Parson's

124. Which of the following is one of Bion's basic group assumptions?

Core beliefs

Correct answer : Pairing

125. A woman with agoraphobia improves with repeated exposure to crowds. Which one of the following is the
essential psychological process involved?

Instrumental conditioning
Massed practice
Selective abstraction
Correct answer : Extinction

126. The four principles of medical ethics are

Consent, Beneficence, Non-maleficence and Justice

Autonomy, Beneficence, Non-maleficence and Justice
Amicability, Beneficence, Non-maleficence and Justice
Autonomy, Beneficence, Confidentiality and Justice
Autonomy, Beneficence, Non-maleficence and Legality

Correct answer : Autonomy, Beneficence, Non-maleficence and Justice

127. Which of the following is a secondary reinforcer?


Correct answer : Money

128. According to Bion, which of the following is not a basic assumption group?

Dynamic shift
None of the above

Correct answer : Dynamic shift

129. Which of the following is true regarding the 'sick role'?

It assumes that the the sick person will avoid seeking competent technical help
Sick persons are not considered responsible for their illnesses
Society does not support the sick person to be exempt from the normal social roles during the course of the illness
The term is synonymous with malingering
The sick person is not expected by society to try to get well

Correct answer : Sick persons are not considered responsible for their illnesses

130. Factual information and general knowledge about the world is stored in which of the following?

Episodic memory
Procedural memory
Semantic memory
Iconic memory
Haptic memory

Correct answer : Semantic memory

131. Which of the following correctly defines the concept of social capital?

The resources that society invests into maintaining the health of the general population
The resources available to an individual within a population from which they can draw support during periods of mental
An individuals ability to overcome difficulties based on their position in the hierarchy of society
Features of social life, networks, norms, and trust that enable participants to act together more effectively to pursue shared
Aspects of an individual that result in them being considered as an attractive addition to a social group

Correct answer : Features of social life, networks, norms, and trust that enable participants to act together more effectively to
pursue shared objectives

132. Cognitive dissonance can result in a change in which of the following?

Group behaviour

Correct answer : Attitude

133. 'The Psychopathology of everyday life' was written by which of the following?

Ronald Laing
Sigmund Freud
Erving Goffman
Carl Jung
Anna Freud

Correct answer : Sigmund Freud

134. When a neutral stimulus becomes associated with an unconditioned stimulus it becomes

A conditioned response
A reinforcer
A conditioned stimulus
An unconditioned response
A phobia

Correct answer : A conditioned stimulus

135. According to the classification system of Kubler-Ross, which of the following is not a stage of grief?


Correct answer : Rejection

136. Which of the following conditions is also known as pavor nocturnus?

Chronic insomnia
Night terrors
Nocturnal epilepsy
Night blindness

Correct answer : Night terrors

137. The book, 'Social origins of depression', was co-authored by which of the following?

George Brown
Tom Main
Thomas Szasz
Michael Foucault
Jerome Frank

Correct answer : George Brown

138. Which of the following is an example of a primary reinforcer?

Good grades

Correct answer : Food

139. Which of the following is not a characteristic feature of narcolepsy?

Hypnagogic hallucinations
Excessive daytime sleepiness
Automatic behaviour
Hypnopompic hallucinations
Correct answer : Anosognosia

140. 'The Myth of Mental Illness' was written by which of the following?


Correct answer : Szasz

141. Ribot's law refers to which of the following?

Reduplicative paramnesia
Object permanence
Retrograde amnesia
Bystander intervention

Correct answer : Retrograde amnesia

142. Which of the following is true regarding night terrors?

Amnesia following a night terror is normal

They are more common in adults than children
They occur in REM sleep
They are a severe type of nightmare
They are more common in females

Correct answer : Amnesia following a night terror is normal

143. Semantic memory is memory for which of the following?

Events in a previous life

Tasks such as washing and dressing
Event's occurring in one's life
Visuospatial orientation
Language and knowledge

Correct answer : Language and knowledge

144. The term 'double agentry' refers to conflicts of interests between which of the following?

Young patients and their parents

Patient care and the demands of hospital managers
A patient and a potential victim
A patient and their extended family
All of the above

Correct answer : All of the above

145. Which of the following is one of the big five personality traits?

Physical agility

Correct answer : Neuroticism

146. A man develops chest pain whilst at work. He is taken to hospital where he receives blood tests and an ECG. He
is then prescribed medication and signed off work for a month by doctor. Which of the following terms best
describes this chain of events?

Illness behaviour
Sick role
Abnormal illness behaviour
Primary gain

Correct answer : Sick role

147. Which of the following is true regarding night terrors?

They are more common in adults than children

They are associated with complete amnesia for the episode
They occur in REM sleep
They occur several hours following the onset of sleep
A typical episode lasts 2-3 hours

Correct answer : They are associated with complete amnesia for the episode

148. Whilst booking a new patient into clinic, a nurse obtains some background details and asks a patient where they
went to school. What type of memory is required for the retrieval of this information?


Correct answer : Episodic

149. A young man is seen in clinic along with his mother. The mother expresses concern about her sons use of
cannabis as he is smoking it every night. Her son does not think that he has any problems with cannabis and
thinks that his mother is overly protective. According to the stages of change model which stage is he currently


Correct answer : Pre-contemplation

150. Which of the following is true regarding amnesia?

In anterograde amnesia, long-term memories before the amnesia remain intact

Source amnesia is the loss of memory about one specific event
Anterograde and retrograde amnesia rarely occur together
Retrograde amnesia can be successfully treated with cholinesterase inhibitors
Retrograde amnesia predominately affects procedural memory

Correct answer : In anterograde amnesia, long-term memories before the amnesia remain intact

151. Which of the following suggests a night terror rather than a nightmare?

Associated with significant autonomic arousal

Occurs in stage 2 sleep
Occurs several hours after falling asleep
Associated with enuresis
There is partial recall after it

Correct answer : Associated with significant autonomic arousal

152. A cat comes into the kitchen expecting food every time a noise is made that is similar to the noise of the can
opener used to open its cans of cat food. This is an example of.

Higher order conditioning
Stimulus generalization

Correct answer : Stimulus generalization

153. Which of the following is true regarding Bion's theory of group dynamics?

Groups use basic assumptions to protect individuals from painful anxiety

A group can hold several basic assumptions simultaneously
A group that is functioning well is referred to as a basic assumption group
An unconscious process operates within groups
All group are basic assumption groups
Correct answer : An unconscious process operates within groups

154. A man develops a very severe toothache. He is prescribed a medication by his dentist. When he takes the
medication the pain goes away. He carries the medication with him everywhere he goes and takes the medication
as soon as the pain begins. The taking of the medication illustrates which of the following?

Avoidance conditioning
Stimulus preparedness
Reciprocal inhibition
Escape conditioning

Correct answer : Escape conditioning

155. The Stroop test is used to detect which of the following?

Visual memory
Verbal memory
Abnormalities of abstraction

Correct answer : Perseveration

156. Which of the following is true regarding stigma?

Courtesy stigma results from people being overly sympathetic to people with mental illness
Psychiatrists are unlikely to stigmatise their patients
Knowing someone with a mental illness is associated with a reduced tendency to stigmatize those with psychiatric
Psychiatrists should avoid asking patients about stigma
Psychiatric patients rarely complain about the effects of stigma on their lives

Correct answer : Psychiatric patients rarely complain about the effects of stigma on their lives

157. According to the Rechtschaffen and Kales classification of sleep, night terrors occur in which stage of sleep?

Stage 3
Stage 1
Stage 4
Stage 2

Correct answer : Stage 4

158. A reduction in a conditioned response when a conditioned stimulus is repeatedly presented in the absence of the
unconditioned stimulus with which it has been previously paired is referred to as.
Positive punishment
Negative punishment
Negative reinforcement

Correct answer : Extinction

159. Utilitarianism is an example of which of the following?

Virtue ethics

Correct answer : Teleology

160. Which of the following is not a domain covered by the Addenbrooke's cognitive exam?

Attention and orientation

Correct answer : Calculation

161. In which of the following attitude scales is a panel of judges used to assess each statement to ascertain whether
its degree of favourability towards the concept?

Thurstone scale
Guttman Scale
Likert Scale
Semantic Differential Scale
Q Sort technique

Correct answer : Thurstone scale

162. Which of the following is a quantitative personality test?

Rorschach Inkblot
Minnesota Multiphasic Personality Inventory
Thematic Apperception Test
Sentence completion tests
Draw-A-Person test

Correct answer : Minnesota Multiphasic Personality Inventory

163. The Hawthorne effect refers to which of the following?

The reluctance on the part of clinicians to diagnose psychotic illnesses in patients with personality disorders
The tendency for people to emulate the behaviour of superiors
The propensity to violence of patients with learning disabilities when there are rapid shifts in environmental lighting
Alterations in behaviour due to subjective awareness of being observed
The observation that negative memories are more vividly recalled than positive ones

Correct answer : Alterations in behaviour due to subjective awareness of being observed

164. A doctor assesses a patient with alcohol-induced amnesia. They ask the patient "what did you have for breakfast
this morning?". What type of information is being assessed with this question?


Correct answer : Episodic

165. Which of the following is most consistent with the views of Thomas Szasz?

Suicide should be considered a criminal offence

People with schizophrenia should be incarcerated
Mental illness is primarily a disease of the brain
Mainstream psychiatric practice is anti-coercive in nature
Mental illness is not a disease

Correct answer : Mental illness is not a disease

166. Autonomy, beneficence, non-maleficence, and justice are based on which of the following ethical theory?


Correct answer : Principlism

167. An 8 year-old girl started avoiding going to the kitchen after she burned her hand in cooker. What type of
conditioning is illustrated by this example.

Operant conditioning
Classical conditioning
Aversive conditioning
Higher Order Conditioning
Stimulus Generalisation
Correct answer : Classical conditioning

168. A patient is unable to describe the function of a microwave despite having used one many times in the past.
Which area of memory do you suspect is dysfunctional?


Correct answer : semantic

169. Identify the stage of behaviour change defined by Prochaska and DiClemente (1993) when a patient is willing to
accept positive advice for change, to make planned behaviour change, to set goals and to assess past successes
and failures.


Correct answer : Preparation

170. Identify the stage of behaviour change defined by Prochaska and DiClemente (1993) when a patient is willing to
accept positive advice for change, to make planned behaviour change, to set goals and to assess past successes
and failures.


Correct answer :

171. A university lecturer wants to collect evidence of her students' satisfaction with her teaching sessions. She gives
each student a form after the teaching session and asks them to complete it.The form consists of just one
question which reads 'how would you rate the teaching you have received today?'. Underneath the statement is a
list of options to select from which reads 'very good' good' 'average', 'poor', 'very poor'. What type of scale has
the lecturer used?

Guttman Scales
Likert Scale
Semantic Differential Scale
Thurstone scale
Multi Dimensional Scaling
Correct answer : Likert Scale

172. A teacher puts a child in detention for talking in class, the child never talks in class again. The change in
behaviour results from which of the following?

Positive reinforcement
Negative reinforcement
Classical conditioning

Correct answer : Punishment

173. Which of the following is not one of the big five personality traits?

Openness to experience

Correct answer : Carefulness

174. Which of the following is defined as a belief in a negative stereotype about a group to which one belongs and the
application of those beliefs to oneself?

Tribal stigma
Social stigma
Courtesy stigma
Public stigma

Correct answer : Social stigma

175. A taxi driver chooses not to stop at a red traffic light as they are late to pick up a client. An unmarked police car
observes this and pulls the man over and gives him a fine. For many months after this incident the taxi driver
ensures that he stops at red traffic lights to avoid any additional fines. Which of the following best describes the
taxi driver's new behaviour at traffic lights.

Stimulus generalisation
Stimulus preparedness
Avoidance conditioning
Escape conditioning
Correct answer : Avoidance conditioning

176. Which of the following is true regarding ethnic variation seen in psychiatry in the UK?

People from Pakistani minorities have higher rates of compulsory detention than people from Black minorities
People from Black minorities have higher than average rates of self-harm
People from Black minorities have the highest rate of mental illness in UK
Higher than average rates of seclusion are seen in Chinese groups when compared to Black minority groups
Black minority groups have lower rates of admission than the White British group

Correct answer : People from Black minorities have the highest rate of mental illness in UK

177. A man, whose father died in car accident 4 months ago, complains that his mood is low, he is avoiding riding in
cars, and he sees his father in his house at night although he understands that this experience is not real. What
type of grief is suggested?

Disorganised grief
Inhibited grief
Chronic grief
Delayed grief
Normal grief

Correct answer : Normal grief

178. A mother is keen to teach her young child better table manners. She begins by simply giving the child praise just
for sitting at the table. She then gives praise when the child sits on the chair and picks up the spoon. She then
waits until the child is sat on the chair, picks up the spoon and puts some food on it and issues more praise. How
is the mothers approach best described?

Positive punishment
Reciprocal inhibition

Correct answer : Shaping

179. Which of the following is a qualitative personality test?

Esyenck personality test (EPQ)

Sixteen Personality Factor Questionnaire (16PF)
Thematic Apperception Test
NEO Personality Inventory
Minnesota Multiphasic Personality Inventory

Correct answer : Thematic Apperception Test

180. Which of the following help us understand why human do not tend to develop phobias of cars despite them being
of considerable danger?

Stimulus preparedness
Counter conditioning
Aversive conditioning
Higher order conditioning

Correct answer : Stimulus preparedness

181. Excessive daytime sleepiness and hypnagogic hallucinations are seen in which of the following?

Sleep apnoea syndrome

Correct answer : Narcolepsy

182. Which of the following coined the term 'institutional neurosis'?


Correct answer : Barton

183. The daughter of a lady with Alzheimer's disease has noticed that her mother tends to forget things that she has
done recently but can recall events from the past with great detail. Whose law makes this same observation?

Tuke's Law
Ribot's Law
Pinel's Law
Meyer's Law
Pavlov's Law

Correct answer : Ribot's Law

184. What is the final stage of change according to the model of behaviour change proposed by Prochaska and


Correct answer : Maintenance

185. Which of the following needs ranks most highly on Maslow's hierarchy?


Correct answer : Self-actualisation

186. The process of reinforcing successively closer approximations to a desired behaviour is called.


Correct answer : Shaping

187. A person described as having referent power would be expected to be which of the following?

Unusually strong
Hold a position of seniority
Knowledgeable in their field

Correct answer : Charismatic

188. Who is credited with the introduction of the term cognitive dissonance?


Correct answer : Festinger

189. Behavioural activation in depression involves which of the following?

Beliefs about the self, world and the future

Types and degree of avoidance
Understanding a detailed developmental history and the causes of depression
Ignoring the context of interpersonal relationships

Correct answer : Types and degree of avoidance

190. Which of the following is focussed on the consequences of a decision rather than the actions behind them?

Virtue ethics

Correct answer : Teleology

191. The 'Hayling test' involves assessment of which of the following?

Verbal memory
Visual-spatial capacity
Visual memory
Sentence completion

Correct answer : Sentence completion

192. A swimming teacher divides a stroke into separate parts and teaches them individually before asking the
students to put them all together. What is this style of teaching called?


Correct answer : Chaining

193. Which of the following would be considered most important in order to successfully navigate through a city with
a map?

Phonological Loop
Visuospatial Sketch Pad
Episodic buffer
Central executive
Procedural memory

Correct answer : Visuospatial Sketch Pad

194. Which of the following is not one of the primary abilities suggested by Thurstone?

Number facility
Perceptual speed
Associative memory
Working memory
Word fluency

Correct answer : Working memory

195. Which of the following is one of the primary abilities suggested by Thurstone?

Block design
Processing speed
Working memory
Matrix reasoning
Word fluency

Correct answer : Word fluency

196. A patient who has experienced a head injury can no longer tie his shoelaces despite normal motor function.
Which type of memory is affected?


Correct answer : Procedural

197. A child has his train set taken of him for hitting his friend. Which of the following terms describes this style of

Negative punishing
Negative reinforcement
Positive punishing
Positive extinction
Positive chaining

Correct answer : Negative punishing

198. Discrimination is another term used to describe which of the following types of stigma?

Internal stigma
Enacted stigma
Discredited stigma
Courtesy stigma

Correct answer : Enacted stigma

199. A nurse is reprimanded for telling a patient that they are overweight. The nurse argues that they did this as they
considered it wrong to lie regardless of the consequences. From what position is the nurse arguing?

Virtue based

Correct answer : Deontological

200. Which of the following is a cognitive component of social capital?


Correct answer : Values

201. Which of the following scales used to assess attitudes generally uses a seven point scale and lists of bipolar
options such as 'strong' or 'weak'?

Guttman Scale
Likert Scale
Multi Dimensional Scaling
Semantic Differential Scale
Thurstone scale

Correct answer : Semantic Differential Scale

202. A boy is very scared of a neighbours new dog. Every time he sees the dog he cries. His mother wants to put an
end to this and arranges with the neighbour to bring the dog round once she has settled her son on her lap with
an ice cream. She repeats this process and gradually the boy stops crying at the sight of the dog and gets
comfortable with it being near to him. Which of the following theories explains this observation?

Operant conditioning
Trace conditioning
Aversive conditioning
Reciprocal inhibition
Higher order conditioning
Correct answer : Reciprocal inhibition

203. Which area of the brain is principally involved in 'Working memory'?

Prefrontal cortex
Pineal gland

Correct answer : Prefrontal cortex

204. Whilst enquiring into the medical history of a man with schizophrenia he tells you that he had a serious head
injury two years ago that resulted in a hospital admission lasting three days. He is unable to recall any of the
details of the hospital admission. No other abnormalities are found in his memory. Which of the following is

Anterograde amnesia
Dissociative amnesia
Retrograde amnesia
Episodic memory loss

Correct answer : Anterograde amnesia

205. Durkheim proposed models of suicide that were based on which of the following?

The influence of childhood trauma

The influence of the relationship between and individual and the society
The influence of mental illness such as schizophrenia
The influence of psychodynamic issues such as the death instinct
The influence of stressful life events such as divorce

Correct answer : The influence of the relationship between and individual and the society

206. Goffman was associated with which of the following terms?

Double bind
Womb envy
Good enough mother
Total institution

Correct answer : Total institution

207. Which of the following is true regarding information processing?

The short term memory is said to hold 15 items

The phonological loop describes the structure of long term memory
The visuospatial sketchpad is a model of working memory
When given a list to remember, people tend to best remember the items in the middle
Working memory and short term memory are the same

Correct answer : The visuospatial sketchpad is a model of working memory

208. A man is keen to stop drinking alcohol but does not want to try antabuse. He is encouraged to imagine a scene in
his head every time he wants a drink in which he is drinking alone in his house and crying as his family have all
left him due to his alcoholism. This technique is referred to as

Avoidance conditioning
Escape conditioning
Covert sensitization

Correct answer : Covert sensitization

209. Which of the following is true regarding the working memory?

It does not deal with auditory information

The central executive does not the temporal lobe
The 'episodic buffer' is not longer considered to be a component of the working memory
The 'phonological store' holds information in speech-based form for 10-20 seconds
It was proposed as a model by Baddeley

Correct answer : It was proposed as a model by Baddeley

210. What does the utilitarian reject the existence of?

Moral objectivity

Correct answer : Rights

211. It is a recognised fact that psychiatrists are stigmatised due to the fact that they are associated with people with
mental health problems. Which term is used to describe this form of stigma?

Carer stigma
Stigma by proxy
Courtesy stigma
Professional stigma
Linked stigma

Correct answer : Courtesy stigma

212. A psychiatry trainee, who believes they are very intelligent and capable, has failed their college exams over 10
times. He thinks that the exams are poor and that they fail to differentiate between good and bad psychiatrists.
Which psychological process has he used to justify his experience?

Attitude-discrepant behaviour
Cognitive dissonance
Hierarchy of needs
Need for achievement
Hawthorne effect

Correct answer : Cognitive dissonance

213. Which of the following type of power is held by a consultant over a trainee psychiatrist simply by their position of
seniority within the organisation?

Referent power
Legitimate power
Expert power
Reward power
Coercive power

Correct answer : Legitimate power

214. Which of the following is credited with the Law of forgetting


Correct answer : Jost

215. A rat has learnt that pressing a lever results in a food pellet. When the pellets run out the rat presses the lever
several times without getting any pellets and then stops pressing it. Which of the following best describes this

Unconditioned response
Positive punishment
Negative reinforcement

Correct answer : Extinction

216. A patient with schizophrenia informs you that a neuropsychologist told him he was impaired on the Hayling Test.
He asks you what that means. In which of the following functions would you suggest a deficit?

Tendency to jump to conclusions

Response inhibition
Visuo-spatial sequencing
Tendency to black and white thinking
Verbal fluency

Correct answer : Response inhibition

217. A man who is speeding through a built up area nearly crashes into a lady and her children who are crossing the
road. When he pulls over the lady approaches the car and shouts at him. He is embarrassed by the ladys shouting
which serves to remind him to control his speed when driving in future. This is an example of which form of
operant conditioning?

Negative chaining
Positive punishment
Negative reinforcement
Negative punishment
Positive shaping

Correct answer : Positive punishment

218. A car salesman is paid exclusively by commission on each car he manages to sell. He does not manage to sell a
car to every customer he sees. Which type of reinforcement schedule does his pay follow?

Fixed interval
Variable interval
Fixed ratio
Variable ratio

Correct answer : Variable ratio

219. Which of the following is true regarding 'working memory'?

It is a form of implicit memory

It is another term used for procedural memory
It increases with age during childhood
It has a fixed capacity that does not vary between individuals
It is fixed and cannot be improved with training

Correct answer : It increases with age during childhood

220. Which of the following is true of Maslow's hierarchy of needs?

Physiological needs are at the top of the hierarchy

Safety needs are higher than esteem needs
Self actualisation involves the highest form of needs
Safety needs must be addressed before physiological needs can be dealt with
Self actualisation needs include the needs for financial security
Correct answer : Self actualisation involves the highest form of needs

221. Which of the following developed the theory of prima facie duties that was influential in determining the four
principles of medical ethics?


Correct answer : Ross

222. A young man addicted to cannabis visits his GP. His GP advises him to stop using cannabis and the man replies
that he really likes smoking it as it makes him feel relaxed. He does however accept that it makes it difficult for
him to revise for exams which has been bothering him. According to the stages of change model which stage is
he currently at?


Correct answer : Contemplation

223. Goffman is most associated with the following terms?

Total Institutions
Foundation matrix

Correct answer : Total Institutions

224. A man has a favourite song that reminds him of an old girlfriend. A colleague in his office often sings the song
and the man finds himself liking that colleague. This is an example of which of the following?

Negative punishment
Higher order conditioning
Positive reinforcement
Stimulus generalisation

Correct answer : Higher order conditioning

225. The Stroop test is designed to identify problems with which of the following?
Learning ability
Anterograde amnesia

Correct answer : Attention

226. Which type of memory is stored without reference to place or time?

Episodic memory
Haptic memory
Semantic memory
Nondeclarative memory
Explicit memory

Correct answer : Nondeclarative memory

Theme: Differential diagnosis of dementia

A. Vascular dementia
B. Huntington's disease
C. Lewy body dementia
D. Parkinson's disease
E. Pseudodementia
F. Alzheimer's dementia
G. Creutzfeldt-Jakob dementia
H. Progressive supranuclear palsy
I. Picks's disease

Select the diagnosis to match the case description

2. A 35 year old man attends clinic with memory loss. His wife has noticed strange writhing movements in his head
and arms. His father had similar problems and died very early
Correct answer : Huntington's disease

3. A 60 year old woman attends memory clinic. She performs poorly on the MMSE, looks low, and often answers
'don't know' to questions. She lost her husband 6 months ago
Correct answer : Pseudodementia

4. A 70 year old man present with a stepwise loss of memory. He is a smoker with high blood pressure.
Correct answer : Vascular dementia

Theme: Sleep disorders

A. Narcolepsy
B. Sleep starts
C. Restless leg syndrome
D. Shift work sleep disorder
E. Sleep terror
F. Nocturnal leg cramp
G. Somnambulism
H. Rhythmic movement disorder
I. Periodic limb movement disorder
J. Bruxism

Select the sleep disorder described in each of the following

16. A concerned parent tells you that their 2 year old son has started to bang his head against the cot as he is going
to sleep.
Correct answer : Rhythmic movement disorder

17. A factory worker who has started working nights tells you that his wife has noticed him getting up during sleep
and urinating in strange places such as his wardrobe. He claims to have no recollection of this when he wakes up. Other
than this he feels normal and thinks he has adjusted well to the irregular work patterns.
Correct answer : Somnambulism

18. An elderly man complains that he has started waking up regular in the night. He recalls some vague episodes of
pain in the night and finds that he has pain in his calf muscle the next day.
Correct answer : Nocturnal leg cramp

Theme: Reinforcement

A. Variable ratio reinforcement

B. Secondary reinforcement
C. Higher-order reinforcement
D. Variable interval reinforcement
E. Alternative reinforcement
F. Positive reinforcement
G. Fixed interval reinforcement
H. Negative reinforcement
I. Fixed ratio reinforcement
J. Continuous reinforcement

Select the type of reinforcement described in each scenario.

20. A dog trainer wishes to use a technique that will produce a behaviour that is very resistant to extinction.
Correct answer : Variable ratio reinforcement

21. A farmer pays his staff a set amount for every kilogram of strawberries that they pick.
Correct answer : Fixed ratio reinforcement

22. A teacher makes sure that her students study continuously by having surprise quizzes that occur randomly
throughout the year.
Correct answer : Variable interval reinforcement
Theme: Conditioning

A. Delay conditioning
B. Variable interval schedule
C. Continuous reinforcement
D. Punishment
E. Avoidance conditioning
F. Reciprocal inhibition
G. Shaping
H. Escape conditioning
I. Trace conditioning
J. Chaining

Select the term which best describes each of the following scenario

23. A dog trainer is trying to link a bell (conditioned stimulus) with food (unconditioned stimulus). They ring the bell
and then wait 30 seconds before presenting the food.
Correct answer : Trace conditioning

24. A father wants to teach his child to eat with a spoon. He begins by praising the child as it moves its hand to the
spoon, he then waits for it to pick it up and praises it again. He then waits for it to put it in the food and again offers praise.
Correct answer : Shaping

25. A frustrated dog owner hits the dog on the nose each time it urinates on the carpet. As a result the dog does this
less often.
Correct answer : Punishment

Theme: Frontal lobe testing

A. Stroop test
B. Alternating sequences
C. Verbal fluency
D. Tower of London test
E. Cognitive estimates
F. Wisconsin card sorting test
G. Interpretation of proverbs
H. Go-no-go test
I. Luria motor test
J. Digit span

Select the aspect of frontal lobe testing described in each of the following.

38. In order to examine a patients ability to inhibit responses, an examiner presents cards with different names of
colours written on in different colours. The patient is asked to read out the colour it is written in rather than the word they
Correct answer : Stroop test

39. As part of a frontal assessment of abstraction, an examiner asks a patient what is meant by the phrase 'a bird in
the hand is worth two in the bush'.
Correct answer : Interpretation of proverbs

40. An examiner demonstrates a three stage hand sequence and asks the patient to copy it.
Correct answer : Luria motor test

Theme: Sleep disorders

A. Narcolepsy
B. Sleep starts
C. Restless leg syndrome
D. Insomnia
E. Sleep terror
F. Nocturnal leg cramp
G. Nightmare
H. Obstructive sleep apnea
I. Periodic limb movement disorder
J. Bruxism

Select the sleep disorder described in each of the following

67. A concerned mother brings her 5 year old child to clinic. The child has started waking in the night frightened.
They wake within two hours of falling asleep and remember nothing of it the next day.
Correct answer : Sleep terror

68. A male patient complains that his legs tend to suddenly kick out as he is falling asleep. He adds that at the same
time it's often associated with the sensation of falling.
Correct answer : Sleep starts

69. An elderly woman is anxious about a problem she has had for years which occurs at bedtime. She experiences an
uncomfortable itching sensation in her legs which only goes when she moves them.
Correct answer : Restless leg syndrome

Theme: Sleep disorders

A. Nocturnal leg cramp

B. Central sleep apnea
C. Periodic limb movement disorder
D. Delayed sleep phase syndrome
E. Insomnia
F. Sleep terror
G. Narcolepsy
H. Obstructive sleep apnea
I. Restless leg syndrome
J. Bruxism

Select the sleep disorder described in each of the following scenarios, each option may be used more than once.
77. A 50 year old obese man who lives alone visits his GP troubled by the fact that he is exhausted throughout the
day. He admits to drinking one bottle of red wine on most evenings.
Correct answer : Obstructive sleep apnea

78. A 19 year old lady attends her GP complaining that she has started falling asleep at work despite sleeping well
during the night. She has also had odd experiences where she wakes in the morning but is unable to move for several
Correct answer : Narcolepsy

79. A 22 year old woman who has never been able to get to sleep before 3am presents seeking help as she is fiding it
difficult to get up in the morning and get to work. She has tried sleeping tablets which just made the situation worse.
Correct answer : Delayed sleep phase syndrome

Theme: Emotion

A. Peter Goldie
B. Richard Davidson
C. Richard Lazarus
D. Jesse Prinz
E. Paul Ekman
F. Jesse Prinz
G. James Papez
H. John Cacioppo
I. Herbert Simon
J. Nico Frijda

Select the individual that matches the following description

82. Described the six basic emotions that are believed to be biologically universal.
Correct answer : Paul Ekman

83. Described a theory of emotion that stated that a thought must precede an emotion.
Correct answer : Richard Lazarus

84. Described a neural pathway believed to involved in the cortical control of emotion
Correct answer : James Papez

Theme: Conditioning

A. Delay conditioning
B. Variable interval schedule
C. Continuous reinforcement
D. Punishment
E. Avoidance conditioning
F. Reciprocal inhibition
G. Shaping
H. Escape conditioning
I. Trace conditioning
J. Chaining

Select the term which best describes each of the following scenario

89. A woman finds her husbands moods very distressing. She learns that she can get him out of a bad mood by
feeding him.
Correct answer : Escape conditioning

90. A therapist suggests to a patient that each time they begin to feel anxious they should breathe deeply and
imagine a relaxing place.
Correct answer : Reciprocal inhibition

91. A nurse teaches a patient how to use an inhaler by breaking the procedure down into separate steps.
Correct answer : Chaining

Theme: Memory

A. Procedural memory
B. Semantic memory
C. Visuospatial sketchpad
D. Episodic memory
E. Echoic memory
F. Primacy effect
G. Recency effect
H. Eidetic memory
I. Haptic memory
J. Iconic memory

Select the term being described in each scenario

106. Following electroconvulsive therapy a patient complains that they are unable to remember the details of their
wedding day. Their wife says this is a new problem.
Correct answer : Episodic memory

107. A child with autism demonstrates an ability to recall an image in near perfect detail.
Correct answer : Eidetic memory

108. Your consultant gives you a long list of things to do. After he is finished and you walk away you realise that you
can only recall the last few things he said.
Correct answer : Recency effect

Theme: Power

A. Referent power
B. Outcome power
C. Legitimate power
D. Social power
E. Expert power
F. Coercive power
G. Counter power
H. Reward power

Select the type of power decribed in each of the following

117. The power of a senior lawyer who is highly respected due to their knowledge and ability
Correct answer : Expert power
118. The power held by an individual who is popular and is admired by their classmates
Correct answer : Referent power

119. The power used by a senior manager of a company who gives a member of staff a promotion following good
Correct answer : Reward power

performance on a project
Correct answer :

Theme: Theories of emotion

A. James-Lange theory
B. Arnold-Machin theory
C. Cannon-Bard theory
D. Lazarus theory
E. Laing-Skinner theory
F. Singer-Schachter theory
G. Lowesby theory
H. Mathew-Perry theory

Select the person(s) responsible for each of the following theories of emotion described below.

132. According to this theory, an event causes physiological arousal first. You must then identify a reason for this
arousal and then you are able to experience and label the emotion.
Correct answer : Singer-Schachter theory

133. This theory states that a thought must come before any emotion or physiological arousal. In other words, you
must first think about your situation before you can experience an emotion.
Correct answer : Lazarus theory

134. This theory proposed that when an event happens, one feels an emotion at the same time as physiological
Correct answer : Cannon-Bard theory

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