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“This list is life”. This was the line of Itzhak Stern, Schindler’s accountant.

The line that best represents the entire movie. Schindler’s list contained
thousands of peoples’ names and saved thousands of Jews. And because of this
list, The Jews were not completely annihilated despite the danger and threat
from the Nazis.

The film is a powerful reminder of the evils of the Holocaust and of the good one
person ‘s act amid the worse circumstances. It captured the unbearable sufferings the
people had endured under the great power of the German Party during WWII. People
were lead to having even the slightest hopes, only to be crushed. They were stripped off
their possessions and were treated with cruelty. And by the cruel treatment, they were
violently abused by the solviet army.

The Holocaust was indeed a horrific party of history. This was the biggest
genocide in history, and it killed more or less 6 million people. This film, though it
does not entirely explained the holocaust, showed how cruel and horrifying
humans can get. Gun shots can be heard and can be seen anywhere. Lives were
unexceptionally and brutally taken in concentration camps and extermination
camps. Living their days with dread and anxiety because they were already
living in a state without any set of rules to live by. And, were only given the
choice of oppression, live by obeying those in command. Living every second
facing death and enormous danger.

One more from the film is that human lives were never given importance as
one’s life can be taken regardless of the reason. The Jews and the others targeted
by The German Party were deemed useless and unnecessary. The Jews were
forced into labor without any choice and were treated as slaves regardless of the
age. Families were separated, and for most cases, had never seen their loved one
again. One scene that had great impact was the children gathered to be
transported in gas chambers, not knowing what their fates were. Children were
the most vulnerable during the Holocaust as they were weak and powerless.

The one thing that the German party had was Power. As showed in the film,
can grant people to do whatever as they wish. One example can be Amon Goeth,
the commander in-charged in Krakow, who takes pleasure in murdering and
tormenting prisoners. But, He was never punished for his killing spree because
he was under the rule of a tyrant. The person who rules and permits the soldiers
to oppress those inferior, Adolf Hitler.

But, the greatest conclusion derived from this film is the enormous danger of
discrimination. Hatred and discrimination ruled the society which millions of
people died. Anyone reckoned unworthy of living were executed with prejudice.
There were scenes where some of the Jews were executed for not doing their job
properly. Merely being unable to clean a bath tub will result to death. The
manner in which these murders were committed depicts the lack of sympathy
and concern of The Nazi officials toward Jewish Lives.

Extreme totalitarianism can turn humans into monsters. This happened

under the tyranny of Adolf Hitler. Moreover, chauvinism, and xenophobia
intensified the horrid and vicious actions of the German party. And, these are
what drove the Nazis into persecuting the Jews. With the power they held, they
were able to do the most gruesome actions.

The existence of the Holocaust and the its great impact in history should remain a
powerful reminder of the importance of taking a stand against evil and preserving
humanity. And, the horrors and atrocities committed against the victims of WWII
should not be forgotten

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