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By :

Fadhillah Rahmi (16320045)

Dr. Syamsudin, M.Hum


Thanks giving, we always present the presence of the ruler of all nature that is
none other than nothing, Allah SWT. Because thanks to the abundance of grace,
taufik, hidayah, and inayah, we were able to complete the task of compiling the
English Culture Background Papers with the title Local Wisdom in Indonesia and
England is Constantly Carried Out by The Society.
I as the compiler of the paper, would like to say thank you to Mr. Syam as the
English Culture Background lecturer who has given direction and guidance in the
preparation of this paper, the two parents who are never tired of supporting the
smooth running of my duties, as well as friends who always provide motivation
for the smooth preparation of this paper.
A paper entitled, Local Wisdom in Indonesia and England is Constantly Carried
Out by The Society will discuss about some traditions in Indonesia and England.
There is no ivory that is not cracked, so the existence of this paper is far from
perfect. With all humility, constructive suggestions and criticisms are my hope
from the readers for the improvement and improvement of the quality of the
preparation of papers in the future.
And I hope, hopefully this paper can provide a benefit for me as a compiler and
readers and a reference for the compilers of papers that are similar in the future.

Malang, 14th December 2018


The Advisor,

Dr. Syamsudin, M.Hum

NIP 196911222006041001


FOREWORD ...................................................................................................i
APPROVAL SHEET ...................................................................................... ii
DAFTAR ISI ..................................................................................................iii
1. BACKGROUND .................................................................................. 1
2. PROBLEM FORMULATION .............................................................. 1
3. PURPOSE .............................................................................................. 1
1. TRADITION IN INDONESIA.............................................................2-4
2. TRADITION IN ENGLAND ...............................................................4-8
3. TRADITION IN ISLAMIC VISION ...................................................8-9
1. CONCLUSION .................................................................................... 10
REFERENCE ................................................................................................. 11


A. Background

Tradition is a habit that is passed down in a society. Tradition is a

mechanism that can help to facilitate personal development of community
members, for example in guiding child to maturity. Tradition is also important as
a social guide together in society. W.S. Rendra emphasized the importance of
tradition by saying that without tradition, mutual association would become
chaotic, and human life will become savage. However, if it's tradition starting is
absolute, its value as a guide will decline. If it's tradition starting absolute is no
longer a guide, but rather a barrier to progress. Therefore, the traditions we
receive need us reflect back and we adjust to the times. (Johanes, Mardimin.

Tradition (Latin: traditio, "continued") or habit, deep the simplest

understanding is something that has been done since old and become part of the
life of a community group, usually from a country, culture, time, or the same
religion. The most basic thing from tradition is the information that is passed on
from generation to generation both written or (often) oral, because without this, a
tradition can become extinct. therefore, the author made a paper entitled "A
Unique Tradition between Indonesia and Britain".

B. Problem Formulation
From the above description some problems can be drawn as follows.
1. What are the unique traditions found in Indonesia?
2. What are the unique traditions found in English?
3. How is the tradition in Islamic vision?

C. Purpose
The purpose of this writing is as follows.
1. To find out what traditions are found in indonesia.
2. To find out what traditions exist in england.
3. To khow how is the tradition in Islamic vision.


A. Unique Tradition in Indonesia

Indonesian culture is very diverse and is present in many forms, such as

the diversity characteristics possessed by this nation. According to Mitchel,
culture is a set of core values, beliefs, standards, knowledge, legal morals and
behaviors conveyed by individuals and society that determine how seoseroang act,
feel and look at themselves and others.
Indonesian culture has its own cultural characteristics which are
influenced by various factors, especially geographical, religious, political,
economic and so on. Therefore, the following are five of the many cultures in
Indonesia from several regions that have a peculiarity and uniqueness based on
their ancestors.

1. Tabuik – Sumatra Barat

Tabuik is Arabic which has the meaning “ark or parading”. Tabuik itself is
taken from the Arabic 'ark' which means wooden box. This tradition is carried out
by the people on the West Coast, West Sumatra, which are held in descending
ways. This tabuik ceremony is held every day Ashura which falls on the 10th of
Muharram. This traditional ceremony is a symbol and a form of expression of
deep sorrow and respect for Muslims in Pariaman regarding the grandson of the
Prophet Muhammad.
The tabuik tradition in Pariaman consists of seven stages of tabuik ritual,
which are taking land, cutting down banana stems, parading fingers, parading
turban, tabuik riding pangkek, hoyak tabuik, and throwing tabuik into the sea.
Every year the peak of the tabuik event is always witnessed by tens of thousands
of visitors who come from various corners of West Sumatra. Not only local
people, this festival also gets the attention of many foreign tourists who make it a
big event that is eagerly awaited every year.1

2. Kebo – Keboan – Banyuwangi

Kebo-Keboan is one of the ceremonies held by the people of Banyuwangi.
In the beginning, the ceremony was held to beg for the rain to fall during the long
dry season and as a repellent. In this ceremony there are several interesting
attractions to see and become the annual tourist event of the city of Banyuwangi.
A person chosen to become a buffalo man in this ceremony must be dressed like a


buffalo (Kebo), which is given horns and black throughout the body. It
symbolizes that buffaloes are strong animals and become the foundation of the
community who earn a living as farmers.2

3. Adu Betis – Sulawesi Selatan

Adu Betis or Mallanca is usually carried out by the people of South
Sulawesi in Moncongloe District, Maros Regency. This tradition is a symbolize of
gratitude to God Almighty for the success of the harvest. Based on its traditional
name, every man in Maros shows strength by kicking each other's calves.
Mallanca is played in groups. By forming a large circle, the calf is carried out
inside the circle. Adu Betis not a race. There is no winner in the calf tradition
because this tradition is only to show the strength of the participants. After the
calf fight is complete, there are often participants who have broken bones. Even
so, this tradition is still waiting for its presence every year by the Maros

4. Dugderan – Semarang
Dugderan contains carnivals which are followed by red and white troops,
drumbands, traditional clothing forces of various regions, gun, warak ngendok,
and various arts in Semarang which will be held one day before the fasting month.
Dugderan is a tradition since 1881. At that time, RMT Aryo Purbaningrat first
rang drums and cannons at the Semarang Grand Mosque to notify the beginning
of Ramadan. The event was finally preserved as a tradition before the month of
Ramadan and added a carnival to entertain the citizens of Semarang City. At this
carnival there is one thing that is considered unique, namely the existence of
Warak Ngendok. That is an imaginary creature that can only be found in the
Dugderan Carnival. Warak Ngendhog is upheld in dance as a symbol of harmony
among Semarang City residents consisting of various races. The dragon-shaped
Warak head symbolizes Chinese descent, the Buroq body symbolizes Arab
descent, and the goat's foot symbolizes Javanese native people.4

5. Makepung – Bali
Makepung is a tradition on the island of Bali where it is located in the city
of Jembrana. Makepung means chases where buffaloes will compete to race in the
conditions of rice fields. This tradition was initially only used as a game for
farmers, but in the past few years Makepung was used for learning activities in
plowing fields. Not only displaying buffalo racing, but in the process of the race
accompanied by musicians from a special jegog or gamelan made from bamboo.
In terms of the appearance of buffalo, it should also be decorated as attractive as

(Banyuwangi Tourism, n.d.)
(Digdo, 2017)
(BALIPOST, 2017)

possible so that it can attract the judges, while the size of the track length or "U"
shaped track with 1-2km length.5

B. The Unique Tradition in English

England is a country known for its panoramic beauty. Aside from the
various beauty of interesting tourist attractions to visit, there are not a few unique
effects of English people that you should know and must watch it directly if you
are traveling or studying there. Talk about tradition, not only Indonesia has a
unique tradition in the eyes of foreigners. It is fitting for our beloved Indonesia to
emulate the United Kingdom in terms of maintaining our original traditions and
culture. Obviously, because the British state, which is a country which has many
colonies, apparently also has some strange and unique traditions that are still
maintained and carried out until now.

1. Morris Dance
Morris dance, also spelled Moresgue, Morrice, Morisque, or Morrisk,
ritual folk dance performed in rural England by groups of specially chosen and
trained men; less specifically, a variety of related customs, such as mumming, as
well as some popular entertainments derived from them. Similar customs are
widespread throughout Europe and extend to the Middle East, India, and parts of
Central and South America. Notable examples are the Perchten dancer-
masqueraders of Austria, the ritual dances such as the moriscas (or moriscos),
santiagos, and matachinas of the Mediterranean and Latin America, and the
călușari of Romania. The wide distribution of such dances suggests an ancient
Indo-European origin. A common feature of many of them is that of a group of
dancing men attendant on a pagan god who celebrates his revival after death.
Often the dancers wear white clothes and dance with bells fastened to the legs or
body. A feeling that the dances have magic power or bring luck persists wherever
they are traditionally performed.
The central figure of the dances, usually an animal-man, varies
considerably in importance. In some cases, he may dominate the rite; in others—
as in many English Morris dances—the young men in the corps d’élite may
dominate, with the animal-man and other dramatic characters either relegated to
the subsidiary role of comics or omitted. The name Morris is also associated with
the horn dance held each year at Abbots Bromley, Staffordshire, Eng. This dance
procession includes six animal-men bearing deer antlers, three white and three
black sets; a man-woman, or Maid Marian, and a fool, both carrying phallic
symbols; a hobby horse; and a youth with a crossbow who shoots at the leading
“stags” whenever possible.

(Budindofo, 2016)

A comparable surviving animal custom is the May Day procession of a
man-horse, notably at Padstow, Cornwall. There, the central figure, “Oss Oss,” is
a witch doctor disguised as a horse and wearing a medicine mask. The dancers are
attendants who sing the May Day song, beat drums, and in turn act the horse or
dance in attendance. The name Morris is also associated with groups of mummers
who act, rather than dance, the death-and-survival rite at the turn of the year.
Throughout history, the Morris seems to have been common. It was
imported from village festivities into popular entertainment after the invention of
the court masque by Henry VIII. The word Morris apparently derived from
“morisco,” meaning “Moorish.” Cecil Sharp, whose collecting of Morris dances
preserved many from extinction, suggested that it might have arisen from the
dancers’ blacking their faces as part of the necessary ritual disguise.
Among specific Morris dances are Bean Setting, Leap Frog, and Laudnum
Bunches. The few solo Morris dances are called Morris jigs; an example is the
Shepherds’ Hey. The name Morris dance is sometimes loosely applied to sword
dances in which a group of men weave their swords into intricate patterns.
Compare sword dance.

2. Charming Worms
Charming worms or fishing for earthworms, initially was one of the odd
activities in the Annual Summer Festival. Even the games belonging to the
outdoor arventur category have championships. The game in America is called a
grunting worm or the gruntin worm is said to originate from the traditions of the
surrounding community who like to collect and sell earthworms as bait.
How to play this charming worm is very simple. Here you only need a
piece of land, which is divided into several small plots. In it, children must lure as
many earthworms as possible to rise to the surface in the allotted time. The person
who collects the most earthworms from the plot will be declared the winner.
Rule of the game :




a) Plot
 The foundation for fishing for earthworms in America and the United
Kingdom agreed that the plot was ideal for carrying out a charming
3x3 meter worm.
 This box-shaped plot is marked by using threads or it can be by
sticking a small stick in each corner of the plot.

b) Participants
 Participants consist of several teams, where one team will usually be
filled by one or two people, where one of them is assigned as a
collector, and one of them is an angler.
 Participants are required to wear unique clothing or traditional
 Participants are allowed to use various techniques to collect as many
earthworms as possible. But it is better to use traditional methods.
c) Earthworms
 To get earthworms, participants must be able to fish to the surface.
Participants are also prohibited from digging or using methods that
could endanger other ecosystems.
 All earthworms that have been successfully fishing will be collected in
a bucket or cup containing moist compost. Until now, the record for
catching earthworms is more than 500 birds.

How to Fishing Landworms To Increase

As we know, earthworms are very sensitive to sound vibrations. Usually
they will rise to the surface when they hear special sounds or vibrations. This is
what makes the participants often have their own techniques to be able to help
lure earthworms to the surface. Even some of them have to hit and even pound the
ground so that the worms rise to the surface.
One of the most popular traditional methods is to plug a gardening fork and hit the
handle using wood so that the fork teeth vibrate underground and produce a high

3. Gurning (Folding Face)

The Egremont Crab Fair is one of the strangest and unique events in the
UK. Its name is also very simple wild apples (crabapple). This celebration has
been carried out since the 13th century. It was rumored that Lord of the Manor
distributed the apples to the residents. And until now this celebration is still held
by British society. Even in the event of throwing apples, parades, in this Egremont
event a competition was held. Like sugar, riding oily poles, smoking contests and
the most eagerly awaited is the gurning contest.
In English, 'Gurn' which can also be called 'grin' has a grinning meaning.
This gurning tradition or grinning tradition is carried out on the outskirts of
England with participants showing ridiculous and ugly facial expressions. It is
estimated, the tradition of Gurning has been going on from 1267. It was rumored
that Lord of the Manor distributed the apples to the residents. And until now this
celebration is still held by British society. Unmitigated, even in addition to the
event of throwing apples, parades, in this Egremont event there was also a

Like sugar, riding oily poles, smoking contests and the most eagerly
awaited is the gurning contest. The gurning contest always attracts a lot of
attention. Because besides being funny is also fun. How not, Gurning is a
competition that requires participants to fold their faces. This is what makes the
gurning contest attract a lot of attention. In this case it does not require special
skills or regular training. However, it only requires high self-esteem and many
teeth are dated. Therefore, this contest was attended by many elderly people.
There is even a championship called "World Gurning Championship" which was
held in Egremont, England. Usually, participants must wear a horse strap and then
display their faces as silly as possible.
The gurning contest always attracts a lot of attention. Because besides
being funny is also fun. How not, Gurning is a competition that requires
participants to fold their faces. This is what makes the gurning contest attract a lot
of attention. No need any specialty or daily exercise. But it requires high self-
esteem and many teeth that are dated. Because of that, this contest was followed
by many elderly people.

4. Guy Fawkes or Bonfire Night

It was the night to commemorate the night in 1605, when Catholic youth
Guy Fawkes and his colleagues planned to blast the house of lord, Westminster
Palace with gunpowder to kill the king of England. They were arrested on time.
And at that moment they lit a bonfire to celebrate that King James had survived
the planned murder. Read here more clearly, the way they tortured Guy Fawkes
and his prison location.
Shortly thereafter, the day was made a national holiday. One tradition that
emerged was by burning a statue of a man similar to Guy Fawkes on a bonfire
after nightfall. Before being burned, children parade around the village and ask for
a penny (coin) for the statue. However, this tradition has mostly been lost and now
more lit fireworks and bonfires at night every November 5. The Guy Fawkes
torture scene is also available at London's Madame Tussauds Museum.

5. Pearly Kings and Queens

Pearly Kings and Queen, also known as Pearlies, is a charity event
commonly held by the working class people and workers. And it has become a
middle-class culture of the City of London. The Pearly Kings and Queens
participants wear sparkling clothes that come from pearl buttons made in the 19th
century. The event was first held by a street sweeper, Henry Croft, who collected
money to donate. Furthermore, because it was felt to have great value and
benefits, in 1911 it was made a pearlies organization in the City of Finchley, north

C. The Tradition in Islamic Vision

Tradition is something that has been carried out for a long time and it is
part of the life of a group or society, usually from a country, culture, time, or the
same religion. As we know, our world has many traditions from each country.
This tradition is called local wisdom. In terms of looking at local wisdom, it is
actually not a new item in Islam. The Islamic world of Fiqh we know ‘urf, which
is tells about a ma’ruf tradition in a place, which is unique, and is related to local
benefit. However, now we need ‘urf study in a different touch. Adopting ‘urf is
one problem, while respecting the existence of ‘urf is another matter.
1. Tradition according to the Qur'an
Islam goes down not in an empty space of culture. Islamic power is in
its ability to adapt to previous cultures, and harmonize it with Islamic values.
In Islam, we know the term “syar’un man qoblana” (al-Jasiyah: 16 – 18) is
Islamic shari'a which originates from the adaptation of the Shari'a of the
people before Islam. The essence of this world is that there is no culture that
is not God's creation. So that in dealing with every local wisdom, there are
two general rules:
(a) which can be absorbed without damaging the creed, absorb it
(b) which is contrary to the creed, attitude wisely (an-Nahl: 125).

ُ‫ع ظَ ِةُ ب ِ ا ل ْ ِح كْ َم ِةُ َر ب ِ كَُ سَ ب ِ ي ِلُ إ ِ ل َ ىُ ا ْد ع‬

ِ ‫يُ ب ِ ا ل َّ ت ِ ي َو َج ا ِد لْ ه ْمُ ُۖ ا لْ َح س َ ن َ ِةُ َو ا لْ َم ْو‬
َ ِ‫ه‬
ُ‫ض لَُّ ب ِ َم ْنُ أ َعْ ل َ مُ ه َوُ َر ب َّ كَُ إ ِ نَُّ ُۖ أ َ ْح سَ ن‬ َ ُ‫ب ِ ا لْ م ْه ت َ ِد ي نَُ أ َعْ ل َ مُ َو ه َوُ ُۖ سَ ب ِ ي ل ِ ِهُ ع َ ْن‬
The meaning is: “Invite to the way of your Lord with wisdom and good
instruction, and argue with them in a way that is best. Indeed, your Lord is
most knowing of who has strayed from His way, and He is most knowing of
who is [rightly] guided”

2. Tradition according to the Sunnah.

In many traditions, often contained noble values of manners, and Islam
came to perfect it. Islam is also very tolerant of tradition. In another hadith

َ ْ‫سى أَبِي‬
ْ‫عن‬ ْ ‫ل عنه هللا رضي األَشعَ ِر‬
َ ‫ي ِ ُمو‬ َْ ‫ى النَّبِيْ َكانَْ قَا‬
َّْ ‫صل‬
َ ُ‫هللا‬ َ ‫سلَّ َْم‬
ْ ‫علَي ِْه‬ َ َ‫أ َ َحدًا بَع‬
َ ‫ثََْ إِ َذا َو‬
ْ‫ض فِيْ أَََ ص َحابِ ِْه ِمن‬ْ ِ ‫ أَم ِرِْه بَع‬، ‫ل‬
َْ ‫ قَا‬: «‫بشروا‬ ِ ، ‫ تُن َِف ُروا وال‬، ‫ويسروا‬ ِ ‫»تُعَ ِسروا وال‬.
‫مسلم رواه‬.
“Abu Musa al-Asy’ari radhiyallahu ‘anhu berkata: “If the Prophet
sallallaahu ‘alaihi wasallam sent someone from his best friend about an
affair, he would advise:" Convey good news, and do not make them hate (to
religion). Make it easy and don't make it difficult.” (HR. Muslim [1732])

The hadist above tells us that Islam is a religion that gives good news,
and does not make others hate it, makes it easy and does not make it difficult,
among others by accepting a system from outside Islam that invites goodness.

As understood, a society is very hard to abandon long-standing traditions.
Refusing their traditions means making it difficult for their Islam.


1. Conclusion
Tradition is a custom or habit passed down from the ancestors still run
in the community. Each country also has a tradition to commemorate an event,
death, and so on. not only Indonesia has a variety of unique traditions that
continue to be empowered and need to be preserved.

Johanes, Mardimin. Jangan Tangisi Tradisi. Hal 12-13. 1994. Yogyakarta:
Tradisi Menurut Al-Qur'an, As-Sunnah, Sahabat dan Ulama . (2015, May 04).
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